Post on 22-Oct-2021

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Project Name:

Provision of Consulting Services for IBF Business Process Transformation and Enterprise Architecture


The Institute of Banking & Finance 10 Shenton Way

#13-07/08 MAS Building Singapore 079117

Tel: 62208566 Email:

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1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3

2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................... 3

3. PROJECT VISION ..................................................................................................... 3

4. OBJECTIVES AND KEY RESULTS (OKRs) .................................................................... 4

5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 5

6. PROJECT SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................. 7

7. PROJECT DELIVERABLES & SCHEDULE ..................................................................... 9

8. EVALUATION CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 12

9. SUBMISSION DETAILS ........................................................................................... 12

10. BRIEFING ............................................................................................................. 13

11. RIGHTS TO THE PROJECT DELIVERABLES ............................................................... 13

12. EXPENSES ............................................................................................................ 13

13. PAYMENT ............................................................................................................ 13

14. CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................................ 14

15. SECURITY CLEARANCE .......................................................................................... 14

16. INDEMNITY AGAINST A THIRD PARTY .................................................................... 15

17. ACCEPTANCE OR NON-ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL .............................................. 15

18. NOTIFICATION OF UNSUCCESSFUL BID ................................................................. 15

19. ENQUIRIES ........................................................................................................... 15

ANNEX 1: PROPOSAL TEMPLATE ........................................................................................ 16

ANNEX 2: STAKEHOLDER AWARENESS, CURRENT APPLICATION SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE AND CURRENT .......................................................................................................................... 30


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1.1 The Institute of Banking and Finance (“IBF”) is issuing this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) to identify suitable

entity(ies) (hereinafter referred to as the “Vendor”) to submit proposals for Consulting Services for IBF

Business Process Transformation and Enterprise Architecture (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”).


2.1 IBF was established in 1974 as a not-for-profit industry association to foster and develop the professional

competencies of the financial industry. IBF represents the interests of over 200 financial institutions (FIs)

including banks, insurance companies, securities brokerages and asset management firms. In partnership

with the financial industry, government agencies, training providers and the trade unions, IBF is

committed to equip practitioners with capabilities to support the growth of Singapore’s financial industry.

2.2 IBF is the national accreditation and certification agency for financial industry competency in Singapore

under the Skills Framework for Financial Services, which was developed in partnership with the industry.

Individuals who complete the IBF-accredited skills training programmes against the Skills Framework for

Financial Services and meet the relevant criteria may apply for IBF Certification.

2.3 Since 2018, IBF is the appointed programme manager for the administration of professional conversion

programmes for the financial industry under Workforce Singapore. As programme manager, IBF will

partner financial institutions to re-skill employees for expanded roles and opportunities in growth areas.

2.4 IBF also provides personalised career advisory to Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents

exploring a new role in, or career switch into the financial industry, under IBF Careers Connect. Since mid-

October 2020, IBF has been appointed by the National Jobs Council as the Jobs Development Partner for

the financial industry.


3.1 IBF’s vision for this project is to embark on Business Process Transformation and establish an Enterprise

Architecture Framework that would serve as an enabler and guide to IBF’s aspiration to delight our

external customers and increase employee satisfaction. We hope to be agile and responsive to new and

evolving stakeholder requirements, design customer journeys for our target segments, which includes

individuals, financial institutions and training providers, using a combination of custom built, off-the-shelf

or hybrid solutions.

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4.1 The objective is to embark on Business Process Transformation and develop an Enterprise Architecture

Framework for IBF that yields the following outcomes:


• Seamless and delightful Service Delivery and Customer Experience

• Access to new digital business products and services


• Proactive engagement of key partners at financial institutions, industry professionals, IBF Fellows and

Workgroups as part of community-driven and collaboration efforts

• Sustainable development in light of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) and not just Cost



• Business process and Operating model transformation aligned to industry’s best practices

• Streamlined business processes with Digital-at-its-Core


• Improvements in staff productivity through new tools and system capabilities while maintaining

optimal manpower composition


• Resilient and Agile Ops-Tech Systems in preparation for future-readiness

• Data aggregation and analytics for actionable insights and new service discovery

• Security by Design

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5.1 Project Background

a. To examine and evaluate IBF’s current service delivery strategy and recommend best practices and

benchmarks that can lead to increased productivity gains and improved customer and employee


b. To conduct a holistic review of all the processes and systems in IBF through the lens of Service Journey maps and, redesign an integrated user journey so that IBF’s internal and external stakeholders can enjoy a frictionless, personalised user experience within a ‘single window’ when navigating the diverse systems, processes and tasks.

c. To document the touch points and pain points of different individual personas of IBF’s employees, customers and partners on the use of the different systems and processes, and re-engineer the processes to proposed solution that could effectively resolve the pain points.

d. To provide an overarching guiding principle for prioritization of pain points and customer value proposition for implementation based on finite resources.

e. To study and map out the various data interfaces and communications with the different systems in IBF such as Integrated System for IBF’s eServices, Examination System, Customer Relationship Management system, Future Skills Accelerator, Workforce Singapore’s Career Coach 4.0 (CC4.0) and Whole-of-Government Training Grants System (TGS) so as to put in place a data fusion mechanism to produce more consistent, accurate and useful information for decision making.

f. To propose appropriate technologies to bring significant value to IBF’s business model and process transformation and develop a technology adoption assessment framework of future decision-making on new technology adoption. This should include Policy-Ops-Tech capabilities for enabling value business streams to IBF’s customers, partners and the finance community-at-large, and business productivity and workforce optimization solutions for IBF as an enterprise.

g. To develop a synopsis of the business and technical requirements for whole of IBF by developing user stories (categorised into ‘must-haves’, ‘should-haves’ and ‘good-to-haves’).

h. To provide the Business, Technology and the Information Systems Architectures that support the

underlying business processes defined in the future state of Service Journey maps, including internal and external functions and their interfaces and data exchanges.

i. To incorporate IBF’s security requirements and industry security best practices in the Technology and

Information Systems Architectures.

j. To identify quick-wins that are feasible to be implementable within six (6) months.

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5.2 Stakeholder Awareness, Current Application Systems Landscape and Current IBF System Architecture

Pls refer to Annex 2 which would be released to Vendor upon mandatory attendance of RFP briefing and

request thereafter.

5.3 Functional Requirements and Pain Points (preliminary)

Pls refer to Annex 3 which would be released to Vendor upon mandatory attendance of RFP briefing and

upon request thereafter.

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6.1 Vendors are invited to quote for the Consulting Services for IBF Business Process Transformation and

Enterprise Architecture and related services to meet IBF needs.

6.2 The Consulting Services shall be conducted as per Para 7. Project Deliverables and Schedule within four

(4) months, and strictly no later than four (4) months.

6.3 The Scope of Works should include but not limited to:

i. The Vendor shall conduct a series of workshops and carry out a detailed study on the following:

a. To examine and evaluate IBF’s current service delivery strategy and recommend best

practices that can lead to increased productivity gains and improved customer and employee


b. To conduct a holistic review of all the processes and systems in IBF including both internal

and external processes, systems and their inter- dependencies through the lens of Service

Journey maps and, redesign an integrated user journey so that IBF’s internal and external

stakeholders can enjoy a frictionless, and easy-to-navigate user experience when interacting

with IBF’s systems for various processes and tasks to achieve the intended outcome.

c. To document the touch points and pain points of different individual personas of IBF’s

employees, customers and partners on the use of the different systems and processes, and

re-engineer the processes to propose solution that could effectively resolve the pain points.

d. To study and map out the various data interfaces and communications with the different

systems in IBF such as Integrated System for IBF’s eServices, Examination System, Customer

Relationship Management system, Future Skills Accelerator, Workforce Singapore’s Career

Coach 4.0 (CC4.0) and Whole-of-Government Training Grants System (TGS) so as to put in

place a data fusion mechanism to produce more consistent, accurate and useful information

for decision making.

ii. The Vendor shall present the findings and recommendations for the development of IBF’s EA,


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a. business process redesign blueprints and service innovation for IBF to deliver an elevated

customer experience, enhanced business efficiency and staff productivity.

b. a synopsis of the business and technical requirements for whole of IBF by developing user

stories (categorised into ‘must-haves’, ‘should-haves’ and ‘good-to-haves’).

c. Business, Technology and the Information Systems Architectures that support the underlying

business processes defined in the future state of Service Journey maps, including internal and

external functions and their interfaces and data exchanges.

d. appropriate technologies to bring significant value to IBF’s business model and process

transformation and a technology adoption assessment framework of future decision-making

on new technology adoption.

e. a coherent strategy to achieve quick-wins to be implemented within six (6) months.

iii. The Vendor shall also propose entire EA based on IBF’s data classification and IT security policies.

iv. In view of the COVID-19 situation, Vendor is to ensure the workshops and focus groups conform to all

guidelines and precautionary measures in accordance with the advisories issued by MOH, MOM, MTI

and other relevant Singapore government agencies. Vendor needs to adopt hybrid format meetings and

discussions where appropriate.

The Vendor is required to submit a proposal with reference to ‘Submission Details’ under Paragraph 7,

and using the template under Annex 1: Proposal Template.

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7.1 The Vendor shall complete the project deliverables based on the stipulated timeline:

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Part 1 Professional Services for Project Management

i. Generate Project Initiation/Charter, Workgroup and Timeline

Professional Services to embark on Business Process Transformation for IBF

i. Perform a detailed assessment of the IBF’s AS-IS business

architecture and processes by

a. conducting a service journey and design thinking workshop,

b. focus group discussions and interviews with IBF


ii. Develop a proposal that will include the following components: a. the desired state of business processes that would create

most value for the customer, categorised into “must-haves”,

“should-haves” and “good-to-haves”,

b. the accompanying technology or automation to support the

proposed desired state,

c. develop TO-BE service journey maps, user personas and

user stories that shall include IBF staff and customer (to

produce up to L4 Process swim-lane documentations),

d. review of current Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

and suggesting improvements or overhaul,

e. 2 sets of high-fidelity and low-fidelity prototypes for some of

the key processes identified by IBF that can make a

difference and yield substantial benefits

4 months

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Part 2 Professional Services to derive the EA Framework for IBF

i. EA Architecture Vision, Principles, and Governance and Framework

ii. Information Architecture (includes Level 1 and 2 Data Flow architecture) taking reference from TOGAF

iii. Technical / Network Architecture (includes Service Integration Patterns, User Authentication Patterns, Logical Architecture and Environment Topology to enable new integration and technology components)

iv. IT Security and Compliance, Risk Management in compliance with ISO 27001, Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and IBF's IT security requirements

v. Derive a master EA plan and roadmap for IBF to prioritise projects or deliverables based on “must-haves”, “should-haves” and “good-to-haves”

vi. Document all components of IBF’s AS-IS and TO-BE technology infrastructure

Professional Services to propose an overall implementation strategy with cost estimates, documentations and present findings to IBF

i. Presentations to IBF management of Project Progress and Updates, and Findings of the Study

ii. Propose an overall implementation strategy and timeline in phases, with “quick wins” that IBF can implement immediately for both Business Process Transformation and EA Framework

iii. Provide detailed cost estimates and specifications for the overall implementation, considering the outcomes of Parts 1 and 2

iv. Final Recommendation Report with annexes containing functional and Non-functional Requirements Documentation for the next phase of implementation

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8.1 The following are the criteria and weightage (%) used to evaluate all proposals received by IBF for this


a) Quality of proposal that fulfils IBF’s project objectives and scope of services (50%);

b) Vendor’s as well as specific project team’s experience and track record (20%);

c) Price competitiveness (30%).

8.2 IBF may evaluate based on the proposals submitted by Vendors and any other information provided by

Vendors at the request of IBF, pursuant to the proposal submission.

8.3 As part of the evaluation process, shortlisted Vendors may be required to present their credentials and

proposals to IBF Management.


9.1 The submitted proposal shall comprise:

i. An executive summary of the company’s understanding of IBF’s project objectives and scope of


ii. Details of proposal including project planning, execution and reporting.

iii. Experience and track record:

i. Provide a brief on the qualifications, relevant certifications and experiences of the staff(s)

assigned to the project and describe their respective roles in the project team. Please provide

the curriculum vitae (“CV”) of the assigned staff as supporting documents to the brief.

ii. The assigned staff must be able to communicate fluently in English and be virtually or

physically present in all meetings and workshops in Singapore during the project.

iii. Provide a brief on the company’s demonstrated experience and track record on related

projects to implement both business process transformation and derive a client’s enterprise


iv. Provide two client references for feedback on services delivered for related past projects.

iv. Proposed fees:

i. Provide quotations for fees using the ‘Proposal Template’ under Annex 1.

ii. Fees quoted shall be in Singapore Dollars only and exclude GST. All fees quoted shall be final.

v. Signed ‘Non-Disclosure and Security Awareness Undertaking’ under Annex 1 Part V as confidential

information may be provided by IBF during the RFP process.

9.2 The submitted proposal shall include the reference ‘RFP.CE.2021.0004’ and must be clearly marked as

‘Provision of Consulting Services for IBF Business Process Transformation and Enterprise Architecture’.

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9.3 One (1) soft copy (in PDF format) of the proposal submission shall reach IBF no later than 7 Sept 2021,

5pm. Please send the proposal submission to the following email address:

Attention: IBF Governance


9.4 All proposals submitted will remain confidential. IBF reserves the right not to accept late submissions.

9.5 In the event that IBF seeks clarifications on the proposal, the Vendor shall provide full and comprehensive

responses within one (1) day of notification.

9.6 IBF reserves the right to cancel or modify in any form, this RFP for any reason, without any liability to IBF.


10.1 Companies that are interested to bid for this project will be invited to attend a briefing session which is

mandatory to attend. Pls kindly note that non-attendance would result in disqualification of the RFP

submission. Please email to indicate interest no later than 18 Aug 2021, 5pm.

The interested Vendor may submit a list of questions for clarification during the briefing.

10.2 The briefing session will be held on 20 Aug 2021 at 2pm via a virtual briefing conducted over MS-Teams

or WebEx. Vendors shall indicate the number of people attending the virtual briefing, their names,

designations and contact details.


11.1 Materials, findings, studies and reports arising from work on the various tasks in this project are strictly

and solely the properties and rights of IBF. Reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of these materials,

findings, studies and reports by the successful Vendor, its associates, representatives or any third party

deemed to be connected to the successful bid, in any context is strictly prohibited and liable to legal action

by IBF.


12.1 The Vendor shall bear all out-of-pocket expenses incurred.

12.2 Withholding tax or taxes of any nature, if any, shall be borne by the successful Vendor.


13.1 The appointed Vendor shall comply with the following payment schedule outlined by IBF:

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a) Upon delivery and satisfactory acceptance of

Project Initiation/Charter, Workgroup and Timeline as stated in Part 1 of RFP Section 7 - Project Deliverables & Schedule


b) Upon delivery and satisfactory acceptance of

the remaining proposed services as stated in Part

1 of RFP Section 7 - Project Deliverables &



c) Upon delivery and satisfactory acceptance of

the proposed services as stated in Part 2 of RFP

Section 7 - Project Deliverables & Schedule but

excludes the Final Recommendation Report and

Functional and Non-functional Requirements



d) Upon delivery and satisfactory acceptance of

the Final Recommendation Report and Functional

and Non-functional Requirements Documentation

stated in Part 2 of RFP Section 7 - Project

Deliverables & Schedule



14.1 The Vendor shall ensure the absolute confidentiality of the data and information provided by IBF or any

other organisation identified by IBF for this project and shall not, under any circumstances, release or

communicate through any means, in whole or in part, any information to any third parties. All

correspondence and communication with all external parties, pertaining to matters relating to this project,

shall be made only through IBF. The Vendor will be required to sign a ‘Non-Disclosure and Security

Awareness Undertaking’ under Annex 1 Part V.

14.2 IBF may require an unsuccessful Vendor to return all materials that IBF provided during the period from

the issue of this RFP to the acceptance of the successful proposal.


15.1 The Vendor shall subject all their personnel who will be involved in the performance of the Services to

security clearance by IBF before commencing their work. IBF reserves the right to reject any of the

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Vendor’s personnel and the Vendor is responsible for finding replacements immediately and at the

Vendor's own expense.

15.2 The Vendor shall observe the secure usage and handling of all IBF’s information. All the Vendor’s

personnel shall sign an Undertaking to Safeguard Official Information to protect IBF’s information against

unauthorised disclosures by the Vendor’s personnel during the course of their work. The Vendor shall

ensure that all its personnel and subcontractors are informed that failure to comply with the undertaking

would be a criminal offence.

15.3 All the Vendor’s personnel shall fully comply with any written instructions from IBF regarding security



16.1 The Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless IBF and its partners and employees from and against any

foreseeable loss, expense, damage or liabilities (or actions that may be asserted by any third party) that

may result from any third party, claims arising out of or in connection with the project or any use by the

Vendor of any deliverable item under this project and will reimburse IBF for all costs and expenses

(including legal fees) reasonably incurred by IBF in connection with any such action or claim.


17.1 IBF shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any proposal received. It generally does not

correspond with any Vendor regarding the reasons for non-acceptance of a proposal.

17.2 IBF reserves the right to award the contract in parts or in full.

17.3 The issue of a Letter of Acceptance by IBF accepting the proposal or part of the proposal submitted by a

Vendor shall create a binding contract on the part of the Vendor to supply the specified deliverables in

the proposal to IBF.


18.1 Notification will be sent to unsuccessful Vendors.


19.1 All enquiries about this RFP may be addressed to:

Gunalan M., Senior Manager, Communications and Engagement


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Project Name:

Provision of Consulting Services for IBF Business Process Transformation and Enterprise Architecture


Name of Corporate Entity:


For Internal (IBF) Use only

Date Received:


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(A) Submission of Proposal

To assist us in reviewing your proposal in the shortest time possible, please provide the requested information completely and accurately. If the space provided is insufficient, a separate sheet may be used. Where information is not yet available or not applicable, please indicate accordingly.

(B) Structure of the Quotation

The complete proposal consists of 5 parts:

Part I – Company Data

Part II – Details of Proposed Project

Part III – Project Costs & Fees

Part IV – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Part V – Non-disclosure and Security Awareness Undertaking (Third Parties)

(C) IBF reserves the right to conduct interviews and on-site visits during the review of the proposal.

(D) The Company in submitting this proposal undertakes not to divulge or communicate to any person or party any confidential information, including but not limited to any documents that may be forwarded from IBF to you subsequently, without having first obtained the written consent of IBF.



(a) Company Name: ___________________________________

(b) Mailing Address: _____________________________________________

2. OWNERSHIP: Information on Paid-Up Share Capital & Shareholders


Please provide a list of your company’s key clients.


Please indicate significant achievements, awards and certifications received by company or staff.

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• A copy of the latest updated ACRA search.

• Full set of the latest audited financial / management report for the last 1 year.

• Any other relevant reports or information available.


1. Project Approach

[Describe your overall approach to the following task areas. Your response to this form should not exceed three pages.]

• How would you go about gathering requirement?

• How would you go about gathering information from us?

• How would you approach this project?

• What would be the major things you would do in this project?

2. Project Schedule and Workplan

Provide a detailed project implementation plan that includes:

• A Gantt chart showing beginning and end dates of all tasks (the actual project start date will be determined during contract negotiations)

• A table listing vendor staff assignments and proposed labour hours for all tasks

• A brief description of each task and its work products

• A description of each proposed deliverable Insert pages as needed to allow space for your Gantt chart and workplan. [TEXT WITHIN THESE BRACKETS IS TO BE DELETED IN YOUR RESPONSE.]

3. Key Project Staff Members

[Complete the following table for each of the key project staff members. Use your word processor’s copy and paste commands to create additional copies of this table as necessary. Please allow one page for each table. At a minimum, key staff must include your proposed project manager and key contributors to this project.

Staff member name

Position in the company

Length of time in position


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Previous work experience

Technical skills and qualifications for the project position

4. Vendor's experience and track record

Summarise your firm’s qualifications and how your firm is uniquely qualified to undertake this project. Your proposal summary is not to exceed two pages. You are also allowed to provide one work sample showing substantially similar work to demonstrate your credentials for this work.

5. Client Reference

Please list 2 contactable clients for whom you have provided services relevant to this RFP.

Client name

Reference name


Phone number

Email addresses

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6. Scope of Services

S/No Proposal Details Able to Deliver?


If yes, please provide brief description and cite the relevant section of your

proposal here

If no, please provide reasons

1 Ability to provide a proposal that fulfils IBF’s project objectives and scope of services for Business Process Transformation and EA Framework

A Proposal demonstrates understanding of IBF's project objectives and scope of services

B Generate Project Initiation/Charter, Workgroup and Timeline

C Perform a detailed assessment of the IBF’s

AS-IS business architecture and processes by:

1. conducting a service journey and design

thinking workshop,

2. focus group discussions and interviews

with IBF stakeholders

D Develop a proposal that will include the following components:

1. the desired state of business processes

that would create most value for the

customer, categorised into “must-haves”,

“should-haves” and “good-to-haves”,

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S/No Proposal Details Able to Deliver?


If yes, please provide brief description and cite the relevant section of your

proposal here

If no, please provide reasons

2. the accompanying technology or

automation to support the proposed

desired state,

3. develop TO-BE service journey maps,

user personas and user stories that shall

include IBF staff and customer (to

produce up to L4 Process swim-lane


4. review of current Standard Operating

Procedures (SOPs) and suggesting

improvements or overhaul,

5. 2 sets of high-fidelity and low-fidelity

prototypes for some of the key processes

identified by IBF that can make a

difference and yield substantial benefits,

Note: In view of the COVID-19 situation, vendor to ensure the workshops and focus groups conform to all guidelines and precautionary measures in accordance with the advisories issued by MOH, MOM, MTI and other relevant Singapore government agencies.

E Derive the EA Framework for IBF:

1. EA Architecture Vision, Principles, and Governance and Framework

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S/No Proposal Details Able to Deliver?


If yes, please provide brief description and cite the relevant section of your

proposal here

If no, please provide reasons

2. Information Architecture (includes Level 1 and 2 Data Flow architecture) taking reference from TOGAF

3. Technical / Network Architecture (includes Service Integration Patterns, User Authentication Patterns, Logical Architecture and Environment Topology to enable new integration and technology components)

4. IT Security and Compliance, Risk Management in compliance with ISO 27001, Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and IBF's IT security requirements

5. document all components of IBF’s AS-IS and TO-BE technology infrastructure

6. derive a master EA plan and roadmap for IBF to prioritise projects or deliverables based on “must-haves”, “should-haves” and “good-to-haves”

F Propose implementation strategy and provide cost estimates:

1. propose an overall implementation strategy and timeline in phases, with “quick wins” that IBF can implement immediately for both Business Process Transformation and EA Framework

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S/No Proposal Details Able to Deliver?


If yes, please provide brief description and cite the relevant section of your

proposal here

If no, please provide reasons

2. provide detailed cost estimates for the overall implementation in phases

G Presentations to IBF management of Project Progress and Updates, and Findings of the Study

H Final Recommendation Report

I Functional and Non-functional Requirements Documentation for the next phase of implementation

J On-demand Professional Services (Mandatory to quote, option to award)

To provide on-demand consultation to IBF on

time and material basis.

2 Vendor's experience and track record

A Credentials of project team members

B Company’s demonstrated experience and track record on business process transformation and EA Projects

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S/No Proposal Details Able to Deliver?


If yes, please provide brief description and cite the relevant section of your

proposal here

If no, please provide reasons

C Feedback provided by references on services delivered for past business process transformation and EA projects: i) Please provide two client references with the contact numbers and email addresses of the referees cited

3 Ability to meet project timeline

A Ability to meet project timeline as stated in RFP Section 7 - Project Deliverables & Schedule

Part III – Project Costs & Fees

1 Professional Services Pricing (to quote in Singapore Dollars only and exclude GST)

A Professional Services for Business Process Transformation and EA Framework Note: Please provide break-down of the proposed services as stated in RFP Section 7 - Project Deliverables & Schedule

2 Professional Services (Mandatory to quote, optional for IBF to purchase) Pricing (to quote in Singapore Dollars only and exclude GST)

A Man-day rate for professional services to provide on-demand consultation to IBF based on time and material basis.

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Part IV – Acceptance of Terms and Conditions Should your firm require any exceptions to any specifications, terms, or conditions of this RFP or offer substitutions, please explicitly state the exception(s), reasons(s), and language substitute(s) (if any) in this section of the proposal response. Failure to take exception(s) shall mean that the proposer accepts the conditions, terms, and specifications of the RFP. If your firm takes no exception to the specifications, terms, and conditions of this RFP, please indicate so. Signed By: _______________________ Name: _______________________ Title: _______________________ Date: _______________________

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Part V – Non-Disclosure and Security Awareness Undertaking (Third Parties)


1. The Institute of Banking and Finance (“the Organisation”) is legally required to comply with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act (No. 26 of 2012) (“the Act”). Failure to comply with the Act may result in penalties being issued against the Organisation.

2. To ensure compliance with the Organisation’s internal policies in relation to the Act, all third party contractors and/or service providers are required to sign this Undertaking.

3. This Undertaking shall be signed before the commencement of work and/or services for the



1. Name of Contractor /

Service Provider’s

Company (“Service


2. Company UEN No:

3. Contact Number:

4. Address:

5. Email Address:

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6. Nature of Work / Service

provided to Organisation



1. Access to Personal Data, non-public and sensitive information (“Confidential Information”) may be required in the performance of the Service Provider’s Purpose. “Personal Data” shall have the meaning given to it in the Act, and refers to information about an identified or identifiable individual, where the individual refers to a natural person, whether living or deceased. It covers all forms of personal data, whether in electronic or non-electronic form. 2. Should the Service Provider have access to such Confidential Information, the Service Provider undertakes that it shall not under any circumstances, release or disclose such Confidential Information to any third party or third party organisation. The Service Provider shall protect such Confidential Information and will employ all reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of such Confidential Information.

3. The Service Provider shall implement such security measures as are reasonably necessary to protect the Confidential Information against unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or any other form of processing (as defined under the Act). 4. The Service Provider shall immediately notify the Organisation of any suspected or confirmed unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or any other form of processing (as defined under the Act) and/or misuse of Confidential Information. Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies that the Organisation may have, the Service Provider shall at its own expense render all necessary assistance to the Organisation to investigate, remedy and/or otherwise respond to such unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or any other form of processing (as defined under the Act). 5. The Service Provider shall immediately inform the Organisation if any Confidential Information is lost or destroyed or becomes damaged, corrupted or unusable. Without prejudice to any other rights and remedies that the Organisation may have, the Service Provider shall restore such Confidential Information at its own expense. 6. Before the Service Provider discloses Personal Data of any third party individuals to the Organisation, the Service Provider undertakes to obtain all necessary consents required under the Act for the Organisation to collect, use and/or disclose such personal data.

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7. The Service Provider undertakes to comply with any and all obligations that apply to it under the Act and all subsidiary regulations that may be enacted from time to time under the Act. C. CONSEQUENCES OF BREACH OF UNDERTAKING

The Service Provider acknowledges that:

1. In the event of any breach or neglect of its obligations under this Undertaking, the Organisation may exercise its right to refuse the Service Provider access to the Organisation’s premises and facilities. 2. If the Service Provider should breach any provisions of this Undertaking, the Organisation may suffer immediate and irrevocable harm for which damages may not be an adequate remedy. Hence, in addition to any other remedy that may be available in law, the Organisation is entitled to injunctive relief to prevent a breach of this Undertaking. 3. Without prejudice to any other clause(s) in this Undertaking, the Service Provider shall bear all liability and shall fully indemnify the Organisation against any and all actions, claims, proceedings (including proceedings before the Personal Data Protection Commission (“PDPC”)), costs (including costs of complying with any remedial directions and/or financial penalties that may be imposed by the PDPC on the Organisation), damages, legal costs and/or other expenses incurred by the Organisation or for which the Organisation may become liable due to any failure by the Service Provider or its employees or agents to comply with any of its obligations under this Undertaking. 4. Even after the Service Provider ceases its Purpose at the Organisation, it agrees that the obligations herein shall continue.

Name of Service Provider: _________________________________

Service Provider’s Company Stamp:


Name of Representative of Service Provider:


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Signature of Representative of Service Provider: _________________________________



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Stakeholder Awareness

IBF has about 80-85 staff, with 9 business units performing their respective business functions as provided below. IBF supports up to 3000 licensed

Financial Institutions (FIs), including FinTech companies, 1000 Financial Training Providers (FTPs) and 170,000 finance professionals.

a. External Stakeholders

i. Financial Institutions (FIs) & Fintechs

- They include banks, insurance companies, asset management companies and FinTech companies, etc.

ii. Financial Training Providers

- They include training providers who provides training on financial-related courses.

iii. Financial Professionals

- They include individuals, IBF fellows or practitioners and adjunct coaches.

v. Strategic Partners

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- They include Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), Workforce Singapore (WSG), SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and other government


b. Internal Stakeholders

i. Examinations

- Examinations conducts regulatory and industry examinations for the financial sector in Singapore.

ii. Career Advisory (CA)

- CA helps jobseekers in Singapore find their place and role in Singapore’s financial services industry.

iii. Employability Skills Development (ESD)

- ESD supports Financial Institutions (FIs) in Singapore in their workforce transformation efforts, to ensure the continued employability of the

Singaporean workforce by leveraging on the following initiatives:

1. Professional Conversion Program (PCP) – is a scheme supported by WSG which provides mid-career PMETs with the opportunity to be re-

skilled and take on new careers in growth areas. IBF, as the appointed programme manager of WSG, works with FIs to systematically and

proactively identify and re-skill mid-career new hires, or existing employees who are currently in jobs that are undergoing transformation,

for new or enhanced jobs. The PCP plan comprising of structured training and on-the-job training (OJT) will be designed to facilitate the

transition of these individuals. To support FIs’ efforts in the conversion of these individuals, salary and course fees funding for the duration

of the PCP will be provided.

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2. Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP)

The Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP) is a Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) supported by WSG. The

Programme aims to re-skill mid-career individuals into key technology roles within the Financial Services Industry. IBF is the appointed

Programme Manager to administer TFIP.

TFIP operates under the Attach-and-Train mode of Professional Conversion Programme and trainees will acquire competencies of the key

technology job roles through rigorous structured training and on-the-job training (OJT) with the host company for up to 18 months.

3. Future Skills Accelerator (FSA) – FSA is an AI-enabled platform that automates the matching of jobs based on skills, identifies skills gaps

and recommend training programmes. This significantly reduces the time required in performing manual matching and minimises human

biases in the matching process for the FIs.

This is achieved through the integration of relevant Skills Frameworks, the Financial Services Sector Manpower Study, and databases of accredited training programmes. Taking inputs of job descriptions of current roles and job descriptions of new roles and combining these with FIs hiring requirements, the FSA will provide the following outputs for FI users:

● Job adjacency analysis ● Skills gap analysis ● Training recommendations ● Industry trends on jobs and skills ● as recommended internal training programmes

iv. Standards, Accreditation and Certification (SAC)

- SAC accredit training programmes and certify individuals according to the Skills Framework for Financial Services, to ensure the finance

professionals in Singapore achieve the highest skills proficiency with the following functions:

1. Organization and Course Recognition

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2. IBF Certification

3. CPD Reporting

4. Communications with Training Providers (including maintaining contact details)

5. Controls and Surveillance (including Feedback / Complaints Management)

v. Communications and Engagement (CE)

- CE is IBF’s storytellers, managing its different communication platforms including its website, marketing collaterals, social media and events

with the following functions:

1.Customer Relationship Management and Digital Content Marketing

2.Individual and Corporate Membership Campaigns

vi. Finance and Funding

- Finance and Funding ensures the smooth financing operations of IBF, and also administers the funding for all the various training and

upskilling programmes under IBF.

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vii. Risk and Governance

- Risk and Governance Team ensures that IBF is aligned to the latest risk and governance practices, so that IBF can continue to operate efficiently and effectively in a risk-managed environment.

viii. HR and Corporate Services

- HR and Corporate Services looks after the people of IBF, from developing their skills, to ensuring that office environment is conducive and optimised for work.

ix. IT

- IT manages all the technological needs for IBF, from the hardware to the software, as well as IBF’s cybersecurity defences.

- IBF Office (corporate office network and endpoints for e-mail, Intranet, VPN and supporting applications)

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Current Application Systems Landscape

a. Operational Systems

i. IBF Corporate Website;

ii. IBF Web Portal with the following eServices:

iii. Learn@IBF mobile app;

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The mobile app is currently used by corporate FI individuals to learn about new developments impacting the finance industry shared

by industry leaders. They could swipe between bite-size and engaging contents to bring through their learning journey. It is also

currently accessed by IBF staff and soon to be opened to any FI professionals or individuals from the public.

iv. SalesForce Customer Relationship Management System;

The SalesForce CRM software runs on-cloud that helps IBF to keep track of its customers and partners and provides a 360 degree view

of their engagements. It comes with its own set of collaboration tools for digital content marketing and membership campaigns and

provides some actionable analytics.

v. Future Skills Accelerator (FSA);

The Future Skills Accelerator (FSA) is a cloud-based, AI-enabled platform that was developed to enable upskilling and reskilling for

the sector at scale with the following features:

1. Faster and scalable reskilling Leveraging AI, job and training matches can be done at a faster pace and at scale to facilitate reskilling and upskilling for the financial services workforce.

2. Cost-effective reskilling By accurately matching job and training programmes for displaced and augmented roles, FIs are able to reduce severance and recruitment costs.

3. Less labour intensive The FSA automates part of the workforce transformation process, freeing up time for the HR professionals to perform higher value work.

4. Recommendations tailored for the Singapore FS sector The FSA’s algorithm has been contextualised to the Singapore market, takes into consideration the Skills Frameworks; and scrapes the market for open job roles and training programmes to ensure data is current.

5. Fair and inclusive development Matching is done with minimal bias (e.g. age, race) to ensure that individuals are fairly assessed, allowing for fair and inclusive development within the financial institutions.

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6. Matching aligned to individuals’ unique skills and interests 7. The FSA considers individuals’ skill sets when matching them to future roles, giving tailored matches which may not be easily

identified if done manually.

vi. SARAS Examination System;

The SARAS Examination System delivers IBF administered examinations for FI professionals. The system provides examination

authoring, examination administration, examination analysis and examination testing functionalities.

vii. RecruiterPal;

The RecruiterPal is a cloud-based software-as-a-service – Applicant Tracking System for managing our TFIP applications.

b. Corporate Systems

i. Automation Anywhere (RPA, used for TFIP processing and administration, funding and Finance AR);

ii. ApprovalMax (for personal transport claims processing, and procurement approval workflows);

iii. Xero (used by Finance for recording of monthly transactions, GL, AR and AP);

iv. HRIS (Alt Worklife) (for hiring, leave management, medical and transport claims submissions and learning management);

v. Payday! HRMS (for payroll processing);

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vi. Tableau (for data aggregation, analytics and reporting) ;

c. External Systems and Interfaces

i. ICMS (to be replaced with CC4.0) is an external case management system from WSG for IBF to manage cases that are routed to IBF’s

Careers Connect, or were referred from e2i or WSG Career Centres;

ii. Job Skills Similarity Recommender (JSSR) is an external system from SSG used for skill adjacency study (mapping to Skills Framework) that

could identify skills top-up required for displaced individuals for cross-sector jobs conversion.

iii. Training Grants System (TGS) from SSG;

iv. G2C portal for PCP and TFIP applications from WSG;

v. DBS (used for interfacing staff wage payment)

vi. DBS Host-to-Host (Electronic Fund Transfer)

vii. eNets (used for receiving/refunding payments e.g. membership from an FTP)

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Current IBF System Architecture

*Data flows 2 and 3 are independent of 1 and 4

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