Psychological Effects of Smoking and How e

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Transcript of Psychological Effects of Smoking and How e

Sean Amiel S. MonteverdeSY1142Psychological Effects Of Smoking and How e-Cigarettes Can HelpBy Raymond Polidori March 2, 2013

Most people dont have a clue as to what theyre getting themselves into when they decide to start smoking, so lets start off with addressing the way the tobacco industry and our governments approach it.Weve all seen the anti-smoking advertisement campaigns where they try to show you that smoking tobacco cigarettes can be harmful to your health but they tend to omit thepsychological effects of smoking tobacco cigarettes.Youre probably asking, What does this have to do with e-cigs? No worries, well get to thatThe Psychological Effects Of Smoking Tobacco Cigarettes Do Matter!When you smoke a tobacco cigarette, you get a high. Some people may try to debate this, but its true. From the moment that you pick up a cigarette and inhale the toxic ingredients that are within it you are very likely to become hooked. This is just what the tobacco industry wants.Why?They are looking for repetitive consumption where you are coming back for more. but this is just one of the psychological side effects of smoking tobacco. The other side effects are a bit more in-depth psychological matters that can often lead to a disorder of some sort. Weve outlined them below: Addiction Tobacco is often described as addictive. However it is reallyonly the nicotinewithin tobacco that is addictive. Nicotine is a very addictive substance. After repeated use it can start to affect your brain to the point where you become dependent on it. Nicotine has been proven to cause certain alterations in normal functioning where you can start to feel like you cant function without it. Hence, you cant quit or will experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Anxiety-There are people that swear up and down that smoking helps to calm their nerves and anxiety. Case studies have shown this to be true and theresultsalso show that anybody with an existing anxiety disorder will find it significantly more difficult to quit. Once you light up a traditional cigarette you will often find that the anxiety subsides, ifonly for a few minutes.Once the high from the nicotine starts to diminish its time to light up again.For the highly stressed smoker this can actually be very harmful to their health; especially if they are constantly finding themselves experiencing stressful situations. If youre experiencing stress and anxiety on a regular basis, youre going to be smoking more often, which means youll not only be increasing your nicotine tolerance but also how many cigarettes you smoke. As an added bonus, you will also be increasing the costs associated with your habit. Plus, do we have to mention that your government, the same government that mandates cigarettes are OK to sell (although they will tell you at the same time that they are dangerous for your health) likes to constantly increase the prices associated with tobacco.Just remember: there are 4,000 + ingredients in every cigarette you light up, many of which are toxic to a balanced and vibrantbio-ecosystem. Okay, so we made that word up but it gets the point across. Pleasure -The pleasure of lighting up a tobacco cigarette is often described as enlightening. Its a relief for people to pick up a cigarette and lighter and say to themselves this is going to make everything okay, then prepare for lift off to a world of happy feelings and calmness. This process of making yourself believe that the cigarette is the end to all of your anxiety and stress creates a self realization that your happiness can then only be achieved through the act of smoking, thus the actions of smoking like hand to mouth and seeing the visual presence of the smoke play an enormous part in your overall satisfaction. Without these satisfaction triggers, many (if not all) people say that they cant experience the overall pleasure that smoking provides them.