Psych ch5development-jeopardy

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Development Jeopardy

Transcript of Psych ch5development-jeopardy

Jeopardypeople kids Piaget parenting yomamma

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Jeopardy


This is the personal assessment of your own self-worth?




He’s famous for his psychosocial stages of development and studying development over the entire lifespan.

$200Erik Erikson


Lawrence Kohlberg is famous for his stages of ______ development.


Moral development


He experimented on monkeys and contact comfort.


Harry Harlow


Piaget was famous for his stages of _____ development



Because of the ____ reflex, infants will turn their head towards your finger when you touch their cheek.

$100Rooting reflex


•An emotional tie with another person; shown in young children by their seeking closeness to the caregiver and showing distress in separation.

$200 attachment


A particular time when we must learn something or we (almost) never will is called a _________ period. (For example, language, walking, attachment to parent)

$300critical period

Konrad Lorenz


When an unborn child is exposed to any _______________ they can experience birth defects.



This term describes how teens may feel like their feelings are completely unique and they are invincible. (I think Justin Beiber is experiencing this)

$500personal fable


This boy lacks _______.

Which is


$100conservation of mass/liquids

200A child is ___________ if they cannot see things from others’ perspective.



A baby thinks a ball disappears forever when it rolls under the couch. The baby lacks ___ ___.


Object permanence


This is the earliest stage of Piaget’s cognitive development.




This is the final stage of Piaget’s cognitive development

$500 formal operations


Teens experiencing role confusion due to a lack of identity are more susceptible to give in to what?


Peer pressure


Being extremely self-conscious, especially about other’s opinions of you, and sometimes believing that attention is focused on you, is called:


Imaginary audience


According to the “strange situation” studies of Mary Ainsworth, what happens when mom Leaves the room with a securely attached child.

300 crying


According to the “strange situation” studies of Mary Ainsworth, what happens when mom leaves the room with a child that has an insecure-avoidant attachment style?

$400cool response/ambivalent


The paternal deprivation experienced by many young children with divorced or unmarried parents is likely to put them at increased risk for ___________ attachment.


Insecure attachment


Harry Harlow studied the role of _____ in attachment (in monkeys).


Contact comfort


This is the first stage of Erikson’s psychosocial stages.

$200 Trust vs. mistrust


This is Erikson’s stage for teenagers.

$300Identity vs. role confusion


The midlife crisis would most likely happen in this psychosocial stage.

$400generativity vs stagnation


A person follows the rules simply so s/he doesn’t get caught is in this stage of Kohlberg’s morality development.

$500 Preconventional morality




Final JeopardyIn developmental psychology sometimes researchers chose to study one group over a long period of time. For example, to test the effects of breastfeeding or formula on intelligence they may study the participants for over twenty years. These studies take longer and are more expensive to complete. What type of research design is it?

Final Jeopardy Answer

Longitudinal design