
Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Psalms19

Go in God’s Glory!

Psalm 19 Rudy Klimes, PhD

Orangevale Church November 1, 2014

C.S. Lewis

"I take this [Psalm 19] to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world."

Psalm 19

Boy David marveled at: the night sky, the Bible joy, the power of prayer.

Connect with God and Others

•His Glory

•His Grace

•Our Prayer: Grace

Hymn of David: Ps 19

•1-6 World Creator

•7-11 Word Giver

•12-14 Way Guide via Prayer for Forgiveness.

A. The Heavens v1

Declare the glory of God!

•3,000 stars can be seen

•200 Billion in our galaxy

•200 Billion galaxies

God is Glorified in 1611

Glory Glory Hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.

1 Sun= 1,300,000 Earths

1 Betelgeuse= 600 Suns

24 Hours/7 days: v2

The sun by day and the moon and stars by night constantly declare that “our God is glorious”

Cathedral - Sun

David represents the universe as a cathedralin which the SUN is the preacher bearing witness to the glory of God.

John 11:40…Jesus said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” 41 So they took away the stone...

Q 1 v 1

How have you experiencedGod’s glory?____

A1 His Glory is…

In His size+-, power, wisdom, regularity, love, skills, helps, movements…

B. The Law v 7-11

Perfect (converter of souls), sure (wisdom for simple), right (joy in heart), pure pure(enlightening), true (everlasting).

Celebrate the Bible

•Spiritual Bread

• Immeasurable Value

•Moral Compass


The Law is…v 10,11

•Better than gold

•Sweeter than honey

•Warning of danger

•Great Reward

Simply Wise…

•Building school desks

•Painting dorm rooms

•Cleaning bathrooms

•Picking up trash

Joseph went from…

•Prison to palace

•Weakness to wealth

• Slavery to majesty

•Nothing in me, all in God.

Q2 v 8

The Law is difficult! How can it be joy and glorious? _____

A2 v 8

•Based on God’s character

• Shows God’s Plan

• Fits together

• Empowers us

Who can know himself?

O Lord, Clean Me Up!

C. The Prayer v12

Know yourself!

• He best knows himself who best knows the Word, …but even such an one will be in a maze of wonder ... as to what he does not know.

• The Treasury of David

Let the Words of my Mouth

• And the meditations of my heart

• Be acceptable in your sight, O Lord

• My strength and my redeemer.

Ps 19:14

Dry Grass into Gold

•Weak men with a great God.

•Nothing too great or small.

•We fear nothing but sin.

• Heroes are shadows of Christ.

Psalm 72:18

Blessed be the Lord God who only does wondrous things. Blessed be His gloriousname. The whole earth be filled with His glory.

Q3 v 12

Who can understand his errors? ______ How do you know yourself?__God?__

A3 v 12

When you know God’s Glory and yourself (your sins), you ask for forgiveness.

Go in Glory

• Stop and smell God’s roses.

• The Word keeps us and we keep the Word.

• Scripture reveals our weakness and God’s glory.