Psadmin Activities

Post on 12-Oct-2015

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Psadmin Activities

Transcript of Psadmin Activities

PSADMIN Activities1) Migration --------- Cover the migrations during the window and attend to emergency migration requests to support sprint drops2) Refresh activities ------------------ Psadmin shuts down the servers. Oracle DBA takes the backup of existing db. Coordinates with prod team and exports prod data and initiates the import. Psadmin completes the post refresh activities and opens the enviroments for users. 3) Applying Bundles/MPs -------------------- Download Bundles/MPs/POCs from Oracle metalink Apply to Demo, compare with Dev and coordinate with dev team for coming up with a plan to preserve customizations. After testing in Demo, go ahead with applying to further environments. 4) Supporting peoplesoft Dev team ------------------------------- a) Access issues User doesn't have access. Id might not exist, even though PAR has been approved User id is locked / user has forgotten password No access to some tables - if dev, tell the user to sign in as SYSADM proxy, if others check grants (Use dba_tab_privs or user_tab_privs views ) b) STAT support No access to STAT - user id creation/password reset Pull the workflow to rework Execute backout instructions Not able to drop down the individual names in the work queues c) DDLs in DIT Create/Alter records in DIT envrionments Execute grant scripts Execute GIS scripts d) Trace files Provide the trace files on request e) Input files Place the input files in /peoplesoft_out/IN on request f) Requests to create objects in Database example: dblink g) Query performance - if dev team reports that a query is running slow Need to check plan to see if we can avoid full table scans Need to check if stats of table in question is correct, if not need to update it.last_analyzed from dba_tables h) Compare reports Sometimes dev team needs to validate a compare report between DIT and SIT/UAT to confirm that the code changes are in place.5) Troubleshooting ----------------- a) Process scheduler Processes going to 'No Success' or 'Not Posted' Admin can help with issues like - space crunch in appserver machine, webserver machine b) Changed code doesnt reflect - Clear appserver cache c) Changed appengine still refers old code - Clear process scheduler cache d) New menu doesn't appear on PIA - Run portal sync process and clear cache e) Table lock issues Frequently dev team members ping for this - "ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired" This happens if a session holds a lock on the same record that the user is trying to update/delete Most of the times, this is due to rollback in progress on a previous dml insert/update/delete - we can only wait Some times, another user would've forgotten to commit a dml - we can tell the user to release the lock f) Integration broker issues Messages not flowing - stuck in new, initiated etc. 6) CITRIX Issues -------------- a) Some developers will face issues with their citrix id Error message - Could not create Shared Cache Check configuration manager once, if everything is found okay, advise them to raise a remedy ticket to CITRIX-PROD-L1 group. Citrix admin will clean up all the stray/old sessions of the user in citrix server and that helps. b) If they get the error invalid user id password - check PEOPLE id in config manager and also check the other tabs to see everything is fine. 7) OBIEE Database support ---------------------- a) Account/Access issues b) Schema refreshes c) Query tuning d) executing DDLS in UAT 8) Space issues --------------- It's good to check the space in our boxes regularly for space and clear old logs/trace files.