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Mohanram et al. Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013, 1:15

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Novel perspectives for evolving enzyme cocktailsfor lignocellulose hydrolysis in biorefineriesSaritha Mohanram, Dolamani Amat, Jairam Choudhary, Anju Arora* and Lata Nain


The unstable and uncertain availability of petroleum sources as well as rising cost of fuels have shifted global effortsto utilize renewable resources for the production of greener energy and a replacement which can also meet thehigh energy demand of the world. Bioenergy routes suggest that atmospheric carbon can be cycled throughbiofuels in carefully designed systems for sustainability. Significant potential exists for bioconversion of biomass, themost abundant and also the most renewable biomaterial on our planet. However, the requirements of enzymecomplexes which act synergistically to unlock and saccharify polysaccharides from the lignocellulose complex tofermentable sugars incur major costs in the overall process and present a great challenge. Currently availablecellulase preparations are subject to tight induction and regulation systems and also suffer inhibition from variousend products. Therefore, more potent and efficient enzyme preparations need to be developed for the enzymaticsaccharification process to be more economical. Approaches like enzyme engineering, reconstitution of enzymemixtures and bioprospecting for superior enzymes are gaining importance. The current scenario, however, alsowarrants the need for research and development of integrated biomass production and conversion systems.

Keywords: Lignocellulose, Bioethanol, Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Bioprospecting, Enzymatic saccharification

IntroductionIncreased public and scientific attention towards alterna-tive energy sources is driven by forces like spiralling oilprices, the need for obtaining sustainability in energysupplies and increased energy security and above allconcern over climate change due to high emissions fromfossil fuels. It is extremely important that the new sus-tainable energy sources developed reduce our relianceon fossil fuels for our major energy needs. The transpor-tation sector depends almost entirely on liquid fuels andconsumes a major portion of the petroleum based fuels.Policy interventions, in the form of subsidies and man-dated blending of biofuels with fossil fuels are drivingthe rush to liquid biofuels [1], which include biodiesel,bioethanol and biobutanol. Bioenergy, in the form ofbiofuels, can contribute to economic development andto the environment through climate change mitigationas biofuels offer C neutral alternative. According to theUS Environmental Protection Agency, use of ethanolblended gasoline can cut down CO2 emissions by 25–30%.

* Correspondence: anjudev@yahoo.comDivision of Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi110 012, India

© 2013 Mohanram et al.; licensee Chemistry CCreative Commons Attribution License (http:/distribution, and reproduction in any medium

Investment into biofuels production capacity exceeded$4 billion worldwide in 2007 and is growing. Biofuelsprovided 1.8% of the world’s transport fuel in 2008 [2].India has a pressing need for renewable transportationfuels and mandates use of 5% bioethanol blending inmotor gasoline in several states [3]. The blending tar-gets for ethanol and biodiesel in gasoline and petroleumdiesel, respectively, were proposed at 10% and 20% by2011–2012 [4]. Hence, biofuels have to be produced inmuch higher volume in order to meet this demand.Biofuels are solid, liquid or gaseous fuels obtained rela-

tively from recently dead biological material and are dis-tinguished from fossil fuels, which are derived from longdead biological material. Biofuels employ recycling of agri-cultural byproducts and dedicated energy crops, whichoffer opportunities for mitigation of greenhouse gasemission as growing these leads to C sequestration throughphotosynthesis. Various plants and plant-derived materialsare used for biofuels manufacturing including grains (1stgeneration) and lignocellulosic biomass (2nd generation).The ‘second generation’ of biofuels is more important asthey are based on the cheap and abundant lignocellulosic

entral Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the/, which permits unrestricted use,, provided the original work is properly cited.

Mohanram et al. Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013, 1:15 Page 2 of 12

biomass and do not compete with food crops. Whengreenhouse gas emission from production and use ofbiofuels is taken into account, the first generation biofuelsfrequently approach those of traditional fossil fuels. Onthe other hand, second generation biofuels can help solvethe problem of GHG emission and can contribute to alarger proportion of our fuel supply sustainably, afford-ably and with greater environmental benefits. The era ofadvanced biofuels – cellulosic ethanol, biomass-baseddiesel, biobutanol, bio-oil, green gasoline and bio-basedjet fuel – is also drawing nearer and nearer. Accordingto the International Energy Agency, biofuels have thepotential to meet more than a quarter of world demandfor transportation fuels by 2050. Bioethanol is by far themost widely used biofuel for transportation worldwide.However, technological and economical hurdles impede

the development and commercialization of biofuels. Ana-lyses indicate that with the exception of bioethanol fromsugarcane in Brazil, biofuels are generally not economic-ally competitive with fossil fuels without subsidies [1]. Thecost and success of the biomass to bioethanol processdepend largely on the inherent recalcitrance of biomassand the repertoire of enzymes involved in depolymerizationof the constituent polysaccharides. With massive invest-ments and government initiative in green infrastructureand renewable energy expected to take place, interest inbiomass conversion technologies is on the rise.For production of second generation cellulosic etha-

nol, polysaccharides present in lignocellulosic materials(such as agro and forestry residues, herbaceous grassesand woody plants), including cellulose and hemicelluloseare of great interest as feedstocks. The technologicaloutline developed for the production of fuel from ligno-cellulose involves the following steps. First, the celluloseand hemicellulose portions of the biomass must be brokendown into sugars and a variety of pretreatments arerequired to carry out this saccharification step in anefficient and low-cost manner. Second, these sugars whichare a complex mixture of 5-carbon and 6-carbon sugarsmust be fermented to make bioethanol. Low efficiencydue to the natural recalcitrance of lignocellulose to de-construction and high cost of enzymatic conversion,therefore, form the major bottlenecks in this technol-ogy. Significant research, therefore, have to be directedtowards the identification of efficient cellulase systemsand process conditions, besides those aimed at the bio-chemical and genetic improvement of existing organismsutilized in the process.

Biomass to ethanol bioconversion processWith an impressive annual production estimated at1x1010 MT worldwide, lignocellulosic biomass is, con-sidered as the only foreseeable, feasible and sustainableresource for renewable energy and value added chemicals [5].

Lignocellulosic complex is the most abundant biopolymeron the earth and comprises about 50% of world biomass[6]. Lignocellulose feedstocks, such as agricultural and for-est residues, industrial and municipal wastes, and dedi-cated energy crops, by virtue of their high carbohydratecontent, hold tremendous potential for large-scale bioethanol production [7]. Lignocellulosic biomass mainlycontains cellulose, a homopolymer of glucose, in boundform along with hemicelluloses and lignin and typically,lignocellulosic biomass contains about 40-60% cellulose,20-40% hemicelluloses, and 10-25% lignin [8]. The cellwall polysaccharides can be hydrolysed into monomericsugars which are used for biorefining to produce a rangeof bio-materials. Fermentation, chemical catalysis, or otherprocesses may then be used to create novel productssuch as ethanol or other valuable chemical intermedi-ates that can be used as chemical feedstocks in manu-facturing processes.Ethanol from biomass is obtained by fermentation of

carbohydrates present in biomass. In case of first generationbiofuels this carbohydrate is usually sucrose or starch whichis relatively easier to convert into simpler fermentablesugars. However, in case of second generation ethanol,the complex lignin-cellulose-hemicelluloses matrix ofthe biomass has to be disintegrated and the carbohydratepolymers need to undergo hydrolysis to yield fermentablesugars. This hydrolysis step is typically catalyzed by cock-tails of enzymes including cellulases, hemicellulases andother accessory enzymes that target and degrade spe-cific constituents of cell wall. Enzymatic hydrolysis hasrenewed and increased the focus on several aspects ofcellulases as they play a key role in determining theeconomics of operation. The impediments, which in-clude development of robust biocatalysts and cost ofcellulases, have to be overcome for successful commer-cialization of biofuels. A cost effective enzyme technologyto degrade polysaccharides into fermentable sugars isimperative for economically viable biofuels. This includesearch for hyper-cellulase producing organisms, devel-oping superior cellulases with improved characteristicssuch as higher efficiencies, increased stability at elevatedtemperatures, and higher tolerance to end product in-hibition and also inhibition by pretreatment byproducts,using advanced biotechnologies [9].

Enzymatic saccharification of cellulose and hemicelluloseMajority of plant biomass is locked up in 5- and 6-carbon sugars, comprised of mainly cellulose (a glucosehomopolymer); less so, hemicelluloses (a sugar hetero-polymer); and least of all lignin (a complex aromaticpolymer). The major component cellulose, which is or-ganized into microfibrils, each containing up to 36 glu-can chains having thousands of glucose residues linkedby β-(1,4) glycosidic bonds, is largely responsible for the

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plant cell wall’s mechanical strength [10]. Hemicellulosesare built up by pentoses (D-xylose, D-arabinose), hexoses(D-mannose, D-glucose, D-galactose) and sugar acids.These include β-glucan, xylan, xyloglucan, arabinoxylan,mannan, galactomannan, arabinan etc. Hardwood con-tains mainly xylans, while in softwood glucomannansare most common. Both the cellulose and hemicellulosecan be broken down enzymatically into the componentsugars which may be then fermented to ethanol [8,11].The first attempt at commercialization of a process for

ethanol from wood was done in Germany in 1898. Itinvolved use of dilute acid to hydrolyse cellulose toglucose and produced 7.6 L ethanol per 100 Kg of woodwaste [12]. This process soon found its way to othercountries and the acid hydrolysis gradually got replacedby enzymatic hydrolysis as the acids and high temper-ature employed to degrade polysaccharides generatedundesirable byproducts. The application of enzymes forhydrolysis of wood in an ethanol process is called separatehydrolysis and fermentation [13]. A more cost-effectiveprocess alternative is simultaneous saccharification andfermentation (SSF) in which the two steps of enzymatichydrolysis and fermentation are carried out together in avessel. As suggested by Das et al., [14] SSF processesutilizing recombinant enzymes have the potential tominimize the production costs and maximizing thevolumetric productivity in the bio-ethanol industry. Utilitycost of enzymatic hydrolysis is low compared to acid oralkaline hydrolysis because enzyme hydrolysis is usuallyconducted at mild conditions (pH 4.8 and temperature45–50°C) and does not have a corrosion problem [15].The classical model for degradation of cellulose to

glucose involves the cooperative action of endocellulases(EC, exocellulases (cellobiohydrolases, CBH,EC; glucanohydrolases, EC, and beta-glucosidases (EC Endocellulases hydrolyze in-ternal glycosidic linkages in a random fashion, whichresults in a rapid decrease in polymer length and agradual increase in the reducing sugar concentration.Exocellulases hydrolyze cellulose chains by removingmainly cellobiose either from the reducing or the non-reducing ends, which lead to a rapid release of reducingsugars but little change in polymer length. Endocellulasesand exocellulases act synergistically on cellulose to pro-duce cello oligosaccharides and cellobiose, which are thencleaved by beta-glucosidase to glucose [16]. Hydrolysisof hemicelluloses involve enzymes like glycoside hydro-lases, carbohydrate esterases, polysaccharide lyases, endo-hemicellulases and others, the concerted action of whichhydrolyze glycosidic bonds, ester bonds and removethe chain’s substituents or side chains [17]. These in-clude endo-1, 4-β-xylanase, β,-xylosidase, β-mannanase,β mannosidase α-glucuronidase, α- L-arabino furanosidase,acetylxylan esterase and other enzymes.

Microbial sources of cell wall degrading enzymesTrichoderma reesei was one of the first cellulolytic organ-isms isolated in 1950s. By 1976, an impressive collectionof more than 14,000 fungi which were active against cel-lulose and other insoluble fibres were collected [18].However, industrial cellulases are almost all producedfrom aerobic cellulolytic fungi, such as Hypocrea jecorina(T. reesei) or Humicola insolens [19]. This is due to theability of engineered strains of these organisms to produceextremely large amounts of crude cellulase (over 100 gper liter) with a relatively high specific activity on crys-talline cellulose and the ability to genetically modify thesestrains to tailor the set of enzymes they produce, so asto give optimal activity for specific uses [20]. Both fungiand bacteria have been heavily exploited for their abilitiesto produce a wide variety of cellulases and hemicellulasesfor the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials [21]. Mostemphasis has been placed on the use of fungi becauseof their capability to produce copious amounts of cellu-lases and hemicellulases which are secreted to the mediumfor easy extraction and purification. Apart from the cellu-lolytic fungus T. reesei, many other fungi produce cellu-lases and degrade treated cellulosic material or solublecellulose derivatives such as carboxymethylcellulose. How-ever, they are not very effective on crystalline cellulosicsubstrates. Mesophilic strains producing cellulases likeFusarium oxysporium, Piptoporus betulinus, Penicilliumechinulatum, P. purpurogenum, Aspergillus niger andA. fumigatus have also been reported [22-24]. The cellu-lases from Aspergillus usually have high β-glucosidaseactivity but lower endoglucanase levels, whereas,Trichodermahas high endo and exoglucanase components with lowerβ-glucosidase levels, and hence has limited efficiency incellulose hydrolysis. Thermophillic microorganisms suchas Sporotrichum thermophile, Scytalidium thermophillum,Clostridium straminisolvens and Thermomonospora curvataalso produce the cellulase complex and can degrade nativecellulose [25,26]. Such thermophilic organisms may bevaluable sources of thermostable cellulases.To date, the majority of enzymes developed and being

tested for lignocellulose degradation are from fungi. Areasonable question is how much additional progress ispossible with fungal-based enzymes or whether the wayforward will require new prokaryotic paradigms [27].The isolation and characterization of novel glycosidehydrolases from Eubacteria are now becoming widelyexploited. There are several reasons for these shifts, forone, bacteria often have a higher growth rate than fungiallowing for higher recombinant production of enzymes.Secondly, bacterial glycoside hydrolases are often morecomplex and are often expressed in multi-enzyme com-plexes providing increased function and synergy. Mostimportantly, bacteria inhabit a wide variety of environ-mental and industrial niches, which produce cellulolytic

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strains that are extremely resistant to environmentalstresses. These include strains that are thermophilic orpsychrophilic, alkaliphilic or acidiophilic, and, strainsthat are halophilic. Not only can these strains survivethe harsh conditions found in the bioconversion process,but also they can produce enzymes that are stable underextreme conditions which may be present in the biocon-version process and this may increase rates of enzymatichydrolysis, fermentation, and, product recovery [28].Bacteria belonging to Clostridium, Ruminococcus,

Bacteriodes, Erwinia, Acetovibrio, Microbispora andStreptomyces can produce cellulases [29]. Cellulomonasfimi and Thermomonospora fusca have been extensivelystudied for cellulase production. Similarly, other bacter-ial strains have the ability to produce cellulase com-plexes aerobically as well as anaerobically. Cellulaseproducing bacterial strains of Rhodospirillum rubrum,Cellulomonas fimi, Clostridium stercorarium, Bacilluspolymyxa, Pyrococcus furiosus, Acidothermus cellulolyticus,and Saccharophagus degradans have been extensivelyreviewed [16,25,30,31]. An extracellular alkaline carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase) from Bacillus subtilis strainAS3 has been purified and characterized by Deka et al.[32] for utilization of cellulosic biomass. Although manycellulolytic bacteria, particularly the cellulolytic anaer-obes such as Clostridium thermocellum and Bacteroidescellulosolvens produce cellulases with high specific ac-tivity, they do not produce high enzyme titres [33].Bacterial enzymes involved in degradation of hemi-

cellulases have also been the focus of several studies.Many bacterial strains like Bacillus circulans, Bacillusamyloliquefaciens, Clostridium thermocellum,Thermobacillusxylanolyticus, Bacillus subtilis, Dictyoglomus thermophillus,and Streptomyces halstedi are found to be sources ofhemicellulases [28]. A glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43)from Clostridium thermocellum showing hemicellulaseactivity, along with its further use in simultaneous sac-charification and fermentation process has been described[32]. Commercial development of hemicellulases for en-zymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosics is not as advancedas cellulases because current commercial preparationshave been primarily on dilute acid pretreated biomasswhere hemicellulose is removed before saccharification[34]. However, if the pretreatment is non-acidic, wherethe hemicellulose fraction remains intact, hemicellulasesare required. Current cellulases tend to have weak hemi-cellulase activity and are not adequate for the completeconversion of hemicellulose fraction of lignocellulosics.Development of low cost, commercial hemicellulases thatwork synergistically with cellulases is one of the goals ofthe current research activities.Researchers are now focusing on utilizing and improv-

ing cellulases and hemicellulases enzymes for use in thebiofuel and bioproduct industries. The search for potential

sources of cellulolytic enzymes is continuing in the inter-est of successful bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass.Although various microorganisms of bacterial as well asfungal origin have been evaluated for their ability todegrade cellulosic substrates into glucose monomers,relatively few microorganisms have been screened fortheir cellulase production potential [35]. There are definitereports that xylanase supplementation in combinationwith pretreatment or cellulases during saccharificationenhance the yields of sugars [36,37].

Limitations of enzymatic saccharificationDuring bioconversion, polysaccharides undergo hydroly-sis by an array of cell wall degrading enzymes. However,a major bottleneck in making these processes efficient isthat plant cell walls have evolved to resist microbial andenzymatic deconstruction - a factor collectively knownas “biomass recalcitrance”. Thus, rate-limiting steps inthe bioconversion of lignocelluloses are the crystallinerecalcitrance of cellulose and the limited number of cel-lulases i.e. all cellulolytic strains identified are low in oneor more type of glycoside hydrolases (GH) required forefficient cellulose hydrolysis (endo-/exo-glucanases, β-glucanases). In attempts to improve the feasibility of thebioconversion of lignocellulose to biofuel, enzymes musthave high adsorption capabilities, high catalytic efficien-cies, high thermal stability and low end-product inhibition[28]. In addition, some microorganisms secrete eitherendoglucanase or β-glucosidase (components of cellu-lase complex). Only those organisms, which produceappropriate levels of endoglucanase, exoglucanase andβ-glucosidase, would effectively be capable of degradingnative lignocellulose. Trichoderma and Aspergillus havebeen the organisms of choice for industrial productionof cellulases but they are subjected to tight induction –regulation mechanisms. Moreover, there are several lim-itations in achieving higher saccharification yields usingthese enzymes because of different types of inhibitionsexperienced. Therefore, there is motivation and need todevelop better cellulase preparations which have charac-teristics, better suited for use in biorefineries, like highcatalytic efficiency on insoluble substrate, increased sta-bility at higher temperature, pH and higher tolerance toend-product inhibition.Thus far, enzymatic saccharification remains one of

the most costly steps in conversion of cellulosic biomassto ethanol and cellulase preparations dedicated forbioethanol industry are hardly available. It has been esti-mated that the greatest returns in cost savings will berealized by improving conversions of biomass to sugars,increasing hydrolysis yields, reducing enzyme loadings,eliminating or reducing pretreatment [38]. A broadersuite of enzymes is required for hydrolysis of celluloseand hemicelluloses to fermentable sugars [39]. Thus,

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enzymatic hydrolysis can be effectively carried out if amixture of different cellulolytic and accessory enzymesis used.

Recent developments in understanding enzymatic actionand enzyme designEnzyme technology is generally considered the mostsustainable technology for saccharification. Enzymatichydrolysis of cellulose consists of three steps: adsorptionof cellulase enzymes onto the surface of the cellulose,the biodegradation of cellulose to fermentable sugars,and desorption of cellulase [21]. The polysaccharidechains, being tightly packed, require additional factorsthat would make the substrate more accessible, as hasbeen suggested since the 1950s [40]. In addition to en-zymes that act directly on polysaccharides, lignocellu-lose degrading microorganisms are also found to secreteseveral proteins, which modify cellulose and enhance itshydrolysis by cellulase. These include the non-enzymaticproteins such as ‘expansins’ and their fungal and bacterialhomologs, the ‘swollenins’ expressed by T. reesei withsequence homology to plant expansins and the similar‘loosenins’ produced by Bjerkandera adusta. These interactwith cellulosic substrates resulting in expansion, slippage,or lengthening of the components, thereby facilitating theaccess of glycosyl hydrolases [17,27]. Recently, celluloseinduced proteins (CIP1 and CIP2) have been found in atranscriptional analysis of T. reesei, with some synergisticactivity with both GH61 and swollenin and are thoughtto play a role in the cleavage of hemicellulose-lignincrosslinks [17,41]. Table 1 represents the various hydrolyticenzymes and proteins produced by fungi and bacteria,which help to facilitate the lignocellulose bioconversionprocess.Anaerobic biomass degrading microbes breakdown bio-

mass with the use of cell-surface linked discrete multi-enzyme complexes, called cellulosomes. These are arraysof multiple cellulase and hemicellulase proteins, assem-bled by specific interactions between ‘dockerin’ domainson the enzyme and ‘cohesins’ bound to structuralscaffoldins on microbial surface [16,17]. Designing ofoptimized cellulosomes by synthesizing hybrid scaffoldinmolecules that contain cohesins with different bindingspecificity from different organisms is another recentapproach to develop more active cellulose degrading en-zymes [20]. Synergies between purified cellulases andxylanases from the thermophilic bacterium, Thermobifidafusca displayed on designer cellulosomes were found topossess higher activity on wheat straw than the corre-sponding free enzymes [42].In addition to the catalytic core, many of the enzymes

also possess non-catalytic domains including carbohydratebinding modules (CBM) and dockerins which, respect-ively, anchor the enzyme to targeted substrate or onto

scaffoldin to assemble a cellulosome and disrupt thecrystalline cellulose microfibrils [17]. Recently, new typeof bacterial proteins currently classified as CBM33(family 33 CBM) in the Carbohydrate Active Enzymes(CAZy) database and fungal proteins classified as GH61(family 61glycoside hydrolases) that catalyze oxidativecleavage of polysaccharides have been discovered [17,40].These copper dependent monooxygenases act on thesurfaces of insoluble substrates where they introducechain breaks in the polysaccharide chains thereby in-creasing substrate accessibility and potentiating hydro-lytic enzymes [40].

Strategies for cellulase improvementCellulases are currently the third largest industrial enzymeworldwide, because of their use in cotton processing,paper recycling, as detergent enzymes, in juice extraction,and as animal feed additives. However, cellulases will be-come the largest volume of industrial enzyme, if ethanol,butanol, or some other fermentation product of sugars,produced from biomass by enzymes, becomes a majortransportation fuel. For this application reconstructionof cellulase cocktails with higher activity on insolublesubstrates with high hydrolysis rate and yields is re-quired. Commercial cellulase preparations will need tobe tailored to fit both feedstock source and feedstockpretreatment. The various routes to cellulase improve-ment have been presented in the Figure 1. These includebioprospecting to uncover organisms potentially usefulas sources of superior key enzymes, mining plant patho-gens for lignocellulosic cell wall degrading enzymes andenzyme engineering to improve the natural diversity ofenzymes. Enzyme mixtures of the future comprisingaccessory enzymes that act on the less abundant link-ages found in plant cell walls need to be customized foressential lignocellulolytic activities and their optimumratios [27]. Enhancement of T. reesei cellulases withcrude enzyme preparations from other fungi has beendocumented and may lead to the identification of novelaccessory enzymes for biomass hydrolysis [43]. Accessoryenzymes that facilitate more complete utilization of plantbiomass could be used to develop less energetically andchemically intensive processing and allow for greaterfermentable sugar recovery [43].

Enzyme engineeringThe natural diversity of enzymes could provide a largereservoir that can be further improved by engineeringenzymes and strains for increased performance [43]. Anumber of designer enzymes called glycosynthases,including cellulases and hemicellulases, have beenengineered by replacing nucleophilic residues resulting inhigher yields of different oligosaccharides [16]. In proteinengineering, the three-dimensional structure of an enzyme

Table 1 Novel hydrolytic enzymes and proteins involved in polysaccharide modification and hydrolysis

Fungi Bacteria Enzyme Function


Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Anaeromyces,Pestalotiopsis, Phanerochaete, Fusarium,Orpinomyces, Piromyces

Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Ruminococcus, Fibrobacter,Clostrdium, Halomonas, Streptomyces, Cellulomonas,Mycobacterium

Endo −1,4 β-D-glucanglucanohydrolase(E. C. 3. 2. 1.4)

Hydrolysis o e internal glycosidic linkages in a random fashion,generating o saccharides of varying lengths

Trichoderma, Penicillium, Aspergillus,Chaetomium, Fusarium, Pestalotiopsis,Orpinomyces, Piromyces, Rhizopus

Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Clostridium, Paenibacillus,Thermobifida, Cellulomonas, Mycobacterium,Ralstonia

Exoglucanase or 1,4-β-D-glucancellobiohydrolase (E.C.

Hydrolysis of a-D-glucosidic linkages by releasing mainly cellobioseeither from t educing or non-reducing ends of the chains

Aspergillus, Monilia, Phanerochaete,Sclerotium, Saccharomyces,Kluyveromyces

Clostridium, Cellulomonas, Aerobacter,Leuconostoc

β - glucosidases or β-D-glucosidegluco-hydrolase (E.C.

Hydrolysis o minal, non-reducing β-D-glucosyl residues withrelease of β- lucose

Clostridium, Cellvibrio Cellodextrin phosphorylase or(1→ 4)-β-D-glucan:phosphateα-D-glucosyltransferase (E.C.

Catalysis of reversible phosphorolytic cleavage of cellodextrinsranging from llotriose to cellohexoses

Fomes annosus Cellulomonas, Clostridium, Ruminococcus,Thermotoga, Cellvibrio

Cellobiose phosphorylase or cellobiose:phosphate alpha-D-glucosyltransferase(E.C.

Catalysis of reversible phosphorolytic cleavage of cellobiose


Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Thermomyces,Fusarium, Anaeromyces, Neocallimastix

Bacillus, Thermoanaerobacterium, Ruminococcus,Geobacillus, Thermopolyspora, Cellulomonas,Streptomyces

Endo-1,4-beta-D-xylanase or 1,4-beta-xylanxylanohydrolase (EC

Endohydroly of (1→ 4)-beta-D-xylosidic linkages in xylans torelease xylos

Aspergillus, Fusarium, Talaromyces,Trichoderma

Bacillus, Thermoanaerobacterium, Geobacillus, Xylan β-1,4-xylosidase (EC Hydrolysis of 4)-beta-D-xylans, to remove successive D-xyloseresidues from e non-reducing termini

Aspergillus, Trichoderma Cellulomonas, Bacillus, Clostridium, Rhodothermus Mannan endo-1,4-beta-mannosidase(EC

Random hyd sis of (1→ 4)-beta-D-mannosidic linkagesin mannans, actomannans and glucomannans

Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium,Trichoderma

Bifidobacterium, Thermobacillus, Bacillus,Clostridium, Streptomyces

Alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (EC Hydrolysis o minal non-reducing alpha-L-arabinofuranosideresidues in a a-L-arabinosides

Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma,Phanerochaete, Chrysosporium,

Bacillus, Clostridium, Streptomyces, Fibrobacter,Pseudomonas, Thermoanaerobacterium

Acetyl (xylan) esterase (EC Hydrolysis o ter linkages of the acetyl groups in position 2and/or 3 of xylose moieties of natural acetylated xylan

Fusarium, Beauveria, Penicillium,Trichoderma, Neurospora, Aspergillus

Thermotoga, Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus,Bacillus, Cellulomonas, Clostridium

Alpha-L-fucoside fucohydrolase oralpha-L-fucosidase (EC

Hydrolysis o glycosyl bond in xyloglucan to releasel-fucose resi s

Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Thermoascus Thermotoga, Cellvibrio, Bacteroides, Bacillus Alpha-D-glucosiduronate glucuronohydrolaseor α-glucuronidase (EC

Hydrolysis of lycosyl bond to release 4-O-methylglucuronicacid from xy

Novel proteins

Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Neosartorya,Humicola, Fusarium, Penicillium,Neurospora, Gliocladium, Candida,Pichia, Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces

Bacillus, Cellulomonas, Clostridium, Myceliophthora,Thermomonospora, Streptomyces, Fibrobacter

Swollenins Homologous plant expansins which rapidly induce extensionof plant cell w by weakening the noncovalent interactions;Contain an N minal carbohydrate-binding module family 1domain (CBD ith cellulose-binding function and a C-terminalexpansin-like ain.








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Table 1 Novel hydrolytic enzymes and proteins involved in polysaccharide modification and hydrolysis (Continued)

Bjerkandera adusta Loosenins A novel expansin-type protein with part of the sequence similarto the DPBB (double psi beta barrel) domain present in plantexpansins, and fungal β-1,4-endoglucanase family 45; Bindtightly to polysaccharides and show loosening activity whichpermits sugar release

Trichoderma, Schizophyllum,Pyrenophora

Streptomyces coelicolor Cellulose induced proteins (CIP1 andCIP2)

Contain a carbohydrate-binding module (CBM); Hydrolysisof the ester linkage between 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acidof glucuronoxylan and lignin alcohols








Strategies for cellulase improvement

Enzyme engineering

Bioprospecting for superior key enzymes

Mining plant pathogens for hydrolytic enzymes

Rational design Multifunctional chimeras

Target gene

Random mutagenesis (epPCR/DNA shuffling)

Diversity generation


Improved variant

Directed evolution

Protein structure (X-ray crystallography/NMR)

Site-directed mutagenesis

Transformation and expression

Mutant characterization

Construction, cloning and sequencing of

chimeric gene

Expression and purification of chimeric


Figure 1 Routes to advancement in cellulase enzyme technology.

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guides the identification and modification of amino acidresidues, through rational design and directed evolution,which affect some property such as specific activity orthermal stability [27,44].

Rational designThe process of rational design was introduced after thedevelopment of recombinant DNA methods and site-directed mutagenesis and is still widely used. The approachinvolves the choice of a suitable enzyme, crystallographicstudies to identify the amino acid sites to be changedand characterization of the mutants [44]. Rational de-sign demands a very deep understanding of the catalyticmechanism and additional information on protein struc-ture and functionality. Computational techniques arerequired to visualize the protein structure and its activesite. Amino acid residues can be identified that are im-portant for the docking of the substrate molecule to theactive site or for the overall protein stability and site-directed mutagenesis at these sites is a straightforwardway to manipulate enzyme performance [45]. Engineer-ing of enzymes for better thermostability is an area ofgreat interest as it broadens their industrial applica-tions. Structure-based rational design to improve thermo-stability and specific activity of truncated Fibrobactersuccinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase, which is used as afeed additive, was carried out by Huang et al. [46]. Out ofthe eleven mutants constructed, the crude protein ofV18Y mutant showed a 2°C increment of Tm and W203Yshowed ∼ 30% increment of the specific activity. The

double mutant V18Y/W203Y showed the same incre-ments of Tm and specific activity as the single mutantsdid [46]. Recently, Novozymes have developed a versa-tile enzyme cocktail with increased catalytic activity andthermostability by introduction into a T. reesei cellulasemixture, cellobiohydrolase II and beta-glucosidase whichhave been improved by using consensus sequence analysisand structural modeling [47].

Directed evolutionDirected evolution or irrational design, contrary to ra-tional design, is an approach to non informational proteinengineering which utilizes the power of natural selectionto evolve proteins and select for those with desired traits.It requires the use of DNA techniques such as error-prone PCR (epPCR) and DNA shuffling to randomlygenerate a large library of gene variants. Improved vari-ants are identified in a screen (or selection) that accuratelyreflects the properties of interest [28]. This approach hasbecome popular to generate tailor-made enzymes. Di-rected evolution of a thermophilic endoglucanase (Cel5A)from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4, displayingan optimal temperature range between 75 and 80°C, withthree rounds of error-prone PCR and screening of 4700mutants, led to identification of five variants of Cel5Awith improved activities [48]. The best variants 3 F6 andC3-13 displayed 135 ± 6% and 193 ± 8% of the wild typespecific activity for the substrate, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) [48]. Cellulase improvement strategies based ondirected evolution using screening on soluble substrates

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have been only moderately successful [44]. Heterogen-eity of insoluble cellulose, unclear dynamic interactionsbetween insoluble substrate and cellulase components,and the complex relationship among cellulase compo-nents limit strategies depending on activity screeningapproaches [44]. Use of insoluble cellulosic substratescould be a powerful selection tool for enriching benefi-cial cellulase mutants from the large library displayedon the cell surface [44]. Directed evolution of cellulaseswith improved activity on crystalline cellulose involvesthe random exchange of either some or even all of theamino acids in a protein and screening of all the arisingmutants [49]. By coupling the generation of large vari-ant libraries of genes with the high-throughput screen-ing techniques that select for specific properties of anenzyme, biocatalysts can be optimized for specific appli-cations [50-52].

Multifunctional cellulase chimerasMicrobial cellulase systems exist in nature in form offree enzymes, cellulosomes or as a newly emerged para-digm, the multifunctional enzymes. The presence of morethan one catalytic site and CBM indicate the enforcedproximity of multifunctional enzymes that account for anenhanced concerted action on cellulosic substrates [53].The four different types of multifunctional enzymes thathave been described till date include cellulase-cellulase,hemicellulase-hemicellulase, hemicellulase-cellulase andhemicellulase-carbohydrate esterase systems [54]. Usingsynthetic biology approaches, Moraϊs et al. [53] convertedtwo different cellulases from the free enzymatic system ofThermobifida fusca (a family 5 endoglucanase and a family48 exoglucanase) into bifunctional enzymes, in a singlepolypeptide chain, with different modular architectures.The combined synergistic action of the two selected cellu-lases, Cel5A and Cel4bA, was found to mimic the naturalmultifunctional cellulase-cellulase system [53]. Engineer-ing multifunctional enzymes need continued researchefforts and cooperative action of the different enzymaticparadigms to enhance the overall efficiency of plant cellwall degradation.

BioprospectingMany of the cellular traits and biosynthetic characteris-tics that are sought after in an ideal biofuel-producingmicroorganism; abilities to degrade lignocellulosic mate-rials, resistance for inhibition by substrates and productscan be found in isolated native organisms which maybiosynthesize specific biofuels with high yield. The innatepower of natural organisms should not be underestimated[55]. Bioprospecting activities can tap two vast sources ofmicrobes: the existing culture collections and a biopros-pecting survey of extreme habitats. Bioprospecting forsuperior key enzymes can be more or less random, or

can be guided by evolutionary or ecological principles[27]. It can take the form of isolating microbes thatgrow better on biomass substrates, mining databases ofsequenced genomes, cloning variants of known enzymegenes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), or findingnew genes by metagenomics [27]. Microbial degradationof lignocellulose involves synergistic catalytic activitieson a variety of soluble and insoluble substrates. Naturaldegradation of lignocellulosic biomass by consortium ofmicroorganisms from gut of termites, leaf litter or forestfloor involve unique metabolic pathways, cellular toler-ances to toxic chemicals and interesting array of enzymes[55]. Many bacterial and fungal plant pathogens areknown to produce arsenal of plant cell wall degradingenzymes which can be more potent. Therefore, enzymeprospecting research continues to identify opportunitiesto enhance enzyme preparations from Trichoderma bysupplementing with enzymes from other organisms [43].One way to optimize conversion is to develop enzymecocktails to augment the large quantities of commercialenzymes currently used. Recent studies have shownenhanced hydrolysis by supplementing cellulases withaccessory enzymes [56].Several species of actinomycetes are reported to produce

cellulases which are more thermostable. Thermomonosporafusca produces a family of cellulases including cello-biohydrolase [57]. Streptomyces sp. has been reported toproduce cellulase and also beta glucosidase [58]. Thermo-stable cellulases produced by Streptomyces transformantT3-1 has been used for various applications in food indus-try and cellulose conversion [59]. Over the years, cellulaseproducing, culturable bacteria have been isolated from var-iety of habitats including composting heaps, decaying plantmaterial, feaces of ruminants, soil and extreme environ-ments. Amongst the novel cellulase producing bacteria arestrains of Paenibacillus campinasensis, Bacillus subtilis andBrevibacillus etc. [28]. These are reported to have proper-ties valuable for bioconversion of lignocellulosics. Rationalbioprospecting may uncover organisms potentially usefulfor exploitation in biorefineries.

Mining plant pathogens for cellulolytic and xylanolyticenzymesCurrently available commercial cellulases and xylanaseshave been sourced mostly from saprophytic organisms.It is well established that plant pathogens produce arrayof diverse extracellular hydrolytic and cell wall degradingenzymes which serve as important key virulence factorsand help plant pathogens in invading the plant tissuesand play an important role in pathogenesis. Recently,King et al., [43] screened and identified 348 unique iso-lates representing 156 species of plant pathogenic fungiwith hydrolytic profile more active than Trichoderma.There is genomic evidence of lignocellulosic cell wall

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degrading enzymes in plant pathogens and full genomesequencing of a number of plant pathogens has revealedoften large complex and redundant enzyme systems fordegradation of cell walls.Recent surveys have revealed that plant pathogenic

fungi are highly competent producers of lignocellulolyticenzymes and their enzyme activity patterns reflect hostspecificity. Plant pathogens have gained competitive edgeover saprobes by earlier access to plant tissues and longphases of survival and reproduction than a saprobe onplant residues [56]. Thus, hydrolytic enzymes from plantpathogens promise to be more potent. Also, followinginfection, plants produce proteins as counter defence toinhibit cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) and thisinteraction drives plant pathogens to evolve more potentunique hydrolytic enzymes [60]. A number of plantpathogenic fungi (Fusarium oxysporum, Phoma betae,Collectotrichium gloeosporioides etc.) have been reportedto elaborate high levels of cellulases [61]. The capabilityof the plant pathogenic fungus Myrothecium verrucari toproduce extracellular enzymes in submerged culture hasbeen reported [62].The pathogenicity of a large number of gram negative

bacteria (Xanthomonas, Erwinia and Pseudomonas) re-lies on their ability to secrete extracellular depolymerisingenzymes, such as cellulases, xylanases, proteases andpectinases [63]. Extracellular enzymes directly or indir-ectly affect the bacterial population and symptoms inthe host, and even determine whether or not the in-fection will be successful. Several researchers have stud-ied the structure/secretion relationship of cellulase inXanthomonas and Erwinia because of role of this highpotency enzyme in pathogenicity/infection [64-66]. Al-though role of depolymerising enzymes in necrosis andpathogenicity is well documented, the studies on com-mercial production of cellulases from other plant patho-gens including Xanthomonas are almost lacking. Thus,phytopathogens represent sources of promising enzym-atic diversity to complement and improve existing cellu-lase cocktails from Trichoderma.Plant pathogenic organisms expressing a diverse array

of cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs), therefore, havegreater capabilities of attacking and thriving on plantlignocellulosic biomass and may possess unique set ofenzymes or individual cocktails which may complementcommercial cellulases for faster and more complete sac-charification of biomass carbohydrates. The enzymeselaborated by the plant pathogenic organisms may bemore suitable for biochemical conversion of biomass inbiorefineries as their host species include potential lig-nocellulosic feedstocks for biofuel production. Plantpathogens are competent producers of lignocellulolyticenzymes and serve as diverse sources of accessory en-zymes for more efficient conversion of lignocellulose

into fermentable sugars. Thus, to achieve full potentialof biorefineries, there is a pressing need to discovernovel and unexploited microbes and their enzyme arse-nals. A comprehensive study of cellulases expressed byplant pathogenic bacteria may yield promising enzymecandidates for application in bioethanol industry.

ConclusionGiven the current robust forces driving sustainable bio-products production, biomass-based routes are expected tomake a significant impact on the production of bulkchemicals in the next decade, and a huge impact in nearfuture. Therefore, technology for conversion of biomasspolysaccharides to fermentable sugars has to be optimizedand made cost effective. Enzyme cocktails for wide range ofbiomass feedstocks have to be made available at reducedcosts. Having a diverse library of cellulases and other com-plementary enzymes will enable tailoring such cocktails.Tailoring of cellulase mixtures for improvements in overallperformance depends strongly on residual lignocellulosicproperties after pretreatment. What has been lacking, how-ever, is a systematic evaluation of the scope of CWDEs inplant pathogens and what particular enzymes might poten-tially contribute to optimized lignocellulose digestion. Rapidscreening of hydrolase and transferase functions will berequired to screen for activity (e.g. endo-, exo-, beta-glucosidase). With the advent of liquid handling auto-mation, miniaturization of enzyme assays, and highthroughput screening methodologies, large enzyme li-braries from diverse organisms can be evaluated fortheir ability to produce CWDEs [56]. To implementprotein engineering for improvement of enzyme per-formance on biomass robust high throughput methodsare being devised. Despite extensive research on cellu-lases, there are major gaps in our understanding of theactual mechanism involved in the hydrolysis of crys-talline cellulose, mediated by the synergistic action ofvarious constituents of the cellulase enzyme complexincluding the accessory enzymes.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsSM and DA wrote most of the manuscript. JC contributed to parts of themanuscript. AA and LN conceptualized and critically reviewed themanuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Received: 10 May 2013 Accepted: 17 July 2013Published: 9 September 2013

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doi:10.1186/2043-7129-1-15Cite this article as: Mohanram et al.: Novel perspectives for evolvingenzyme cocktails for lignocellulose hydrolysis in biorefineries.Sustainable Chemical Processes 2013 1:15.

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