Providing Every Child with Access to a 21st Century ... Department… · Providing Every Child with...

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Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Providing Every Child with Access to a 21st Century Learning Environment

SFPS 2016-2019 Digital Learning Plan


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000




Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

The Santa Fe Public Schools’ Digital Learning Plan sets the vision for technology use in the district. • Quality teaching and

learning in every classroom provides a rigorous, engaging and relevant education, which is the right of every student.

• Innovative technology use supports teaching and learning, and is critical to achieve the results our students need for success in the todays economy.

• It is our collective responsibility to provide teachers and students with the tools and support they need to achieve our District goals.

Equity Equitable access to technology for learning and productivity is the right of all students and staff.

Engaging Learning Technology empowers students to engage in robust and dynamic learning experiences involving exploration, discovery and creation.

Professional Development Ongoing professional development for an educator involving the integration of technology in the classroom strengthens their ability to meet ever-changing student needs, and ensures students graduate ready for college and career.

Differentiation Access to technology allows for targeted differentiation of instruction to personalize learning.



Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Teaching and Learning: Technology shall support instruction continuously by finding ways to engage students in their own rigorous learning and support educators in their own professional growth.

Productivity: Design processes, policies and systems should take advantage of the power of technology to maximize students learning outcomes.

Infrastructure: The creation and maintenance of an advanced, flexible infrastructure will increase and support the use of today’s devices and educational tools while providing significant energy cost savings.

This plan is built on guiding principles that outline how technology supports the Districts strategic framework and enhances great teaching and learning for al students.

Focus on teaching and learning: With this investment, we have an opportunity to:

• More actively engage students as participants in their own learning • Deepen student learning and the complexity of connections among subject matter • Provide students with the technology that will prepare them for higher education and

careers • Teach students the appropriate use of technology in their role as digital citizens • Close the opportunity gap affecting children’s access to technology

Equity: Santa Fe schools are technologically far behind other schools in our state and nation, including the 18 New Mexico school districts that have passed an Educational Technology Note (ETN). There are disparities among our schools in terms of access to technology as a tool for the transformation of instruction. Our students deserve parity with the rest of the nation and among schools. Collaboration: Working with key stakeholders will be critical to the successful implementation of our Digital Learning Plan. The guidance of a Steering Committee with technical expertise and an Advisory Group that includes teachers, parents, and students will ensure fidelity to research-based best practices as well as alignment with the needs of our community. Implementation: To ensure success, the elements of the Digital Learning Plan are phased in over the course of five years to make the technical elements of the implementation manageable and allow for adequate support for educators in their process of transformation.

Goals To Drive This Initiative

Guiding Principles


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

School and District administrators are accountable to the community, not only in how investments in technology are made, but also in how our teachers and children safely and effectively use their modern educational tools. Our focus remains student learning. STEERING COMMITTEE:

• Comprised of the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Director of Special Education, Digital Learning Coordinator, Chief Information and Strategy Officer, Deputy Superintendent of Business Operations, Deputy CIO and the Chief of Staff

• Meets every two weeks

IMPLEMENTATION REVIEW COMMITTEE (AUDIT COMMITTEE): • Monitors current and projected ETN expenditures and procurement • Provides summary minutes of meetings to the Finance Committee of the Board of Education • Meets at least quarterly during the ETN term, conducts meetings in accordance with the New Mexico


• Led by the Digital Learning Coordinator • Comprised of teachers, students, parents and community members • Provides input and guidance on issues related to digital learning resources, including curriculum and

its delivery • Meets monthly

Accountability and Committees

Implementation Review


Steering Committee

Advisory Committee


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Improving technology infrastructure is a major requirement of supporting the Digital Learning Plan. “Infrastructure” primarily refers to District network equipment capability and capacity, Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity between our schools, in-school cabling, servers, routers and switches, connectivity to the Internet and the ability to professionally manage growing system complexity. Over the last decade, the District’s technology infrastructure fell seriously behind the needs of our schools and limited the vision for integrating the use of technology in the classroom. Since 2012, we have made a number of significant changes to re-energize the technology department, establish a strategic vision, set high service standards, invest in needed improvements, attract high-quality partners and build capability and capacity. In parallel, as we invested in replacing aging and unreliable school equipment, established accountabilities for technology use and explored new opportunities for teaching and learning, the expectations for network performance and demands for improvement continued to increase. However, much work remains in developing a robust, flexible infrastructure capable of supporting the varying needs of our schools, students and teachers. Significant steps already taken in improving our technology infrastructure are:

• 16 sites (Cohorts One and Two) have undergone a Gigabit Passive Optic Network (GPON) upgrade. GPON is a fiber optic based network with many long-term benefits – faster, longer service life, less expensive, significant energy savings, decreased network footprint.

• Wireless Upgrade: 8 sites gigabit wireless, 8 sites 1:1 wireless upgrade.

It has become clear that additional funding is needed to support the significant investment in network, in-school cabling, professional services and support staff required for highly-reliable technology use in 30 schools by over 900 teachers. We have / will continue to optimize the use of several funding sources to support improvements in our technology infrastructure. Existing Funding Sources: E-Rate - supports about 82% of the costs for our Wide Area Network (connectivity between schools to our two data centers), Internet access and communications, including smart phones Mill Levy - supports the majority of current network equipment and services costs GO Bond - supports construction-related, in-school cabling Operational - an additional funding source to support the growing needs of a technologically advanced school


Enabling Funding Source: ETN - will support the additional infrastructure costs for our central and in-school networks over-and-above what can be currently funded with existing resources at a pace which, after a five-year implementation, will result in the District having a global-best-practice network including a GPON in every school and wireless capability for every classroom; will also support access to an age-appropriate computing device for each child, and support every teacher to improve teaching and learning.



Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

In order for SFPS to continue implementation of its vision for technology integration in our classrooms, we must put the right tools into the hands of teachers and students. Choosing these tools will require ongoing input from stakeholders as well as continued research in this ever-evolving realm. Curriculum and its most effective methods of delivery will drive decisions about the tools needed in the classroom. Based on current research and feedback from staff, the information below provides information regarding current classroom technologies in use. Current Classroom Suite:

• Teachers will have a laptop and access to a student device • Document camera • Interactive white board with speakers built into the projection unit • Classroom Desktop

Schools: • Computer labs – All schools will have at least one general use lab for teachers and student use to

support learning. • Computer labs - Middle and high schools will have content specific labs for curriculum such as

Computer Coding & Simulation, Digital Design Lab, Arts and Production lab, CAD lab, etc. • Libraries - Continue to serve as a resource for students and teachers. Libraries will add additional

digital resources and be fitted to serve as collaboration and learning hubs for students in the school.

Student Devices: Based on best practice, current student use and stakeholder input, student devices will be integrated as follows:

• Grades K-5 will have classroom carts available at a ratio of one cart per 3 classrooms. This will allow classes to share carts, and will result in each K-5 student having a device available about 1.5 hours per school day.

• Grade 6 classrooms will each have a cart, allowing sixth grade students to have access to a device for the full school day

• Grades 7+ will be a full 1:1 environment, allowing students to have access to a secure and monitored device at school and from home. This model creates increased opportunity for learning - beyond the four walls of a school.


K-5 students have about 1.5 hours of access per day at school only.

Sixth grade students have access all day during school.

Students grade 7+ will have access to a laptop during school, as well as away

from school.


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Digital Learning Coordinator: 1.0 FTE Position – This position will work with the Advisory Committee, cross-functional teams and site bases Digital Learning Committees. This position will coordinate efforts in the research and implementation of professional development and training. The Digital Learning Coordinator will be the primary administrator of the Digital Learning Plan (planning, budgeting, implementation and program sustainability). Digital Learning Coaches (DLCs): DLCs will be embedded in schools to support teacher and student training. The ratio of coaches will be based on school population, with approximately one coach per 800 students. DLCs will work closely with teachers to develop the relationships necessary to work collaboratively toward the goal of impactful technology integration for increased student engagement and learning. Building Leaders in Technology: Teachers will have the opportunity to participate in a Building Leaders in Technology program. Selected Teachers will serve as technology champions among their peers. Participants will have the ability to attend advanced technology training, lead school-based technology professional development, and are encouraged to serve on site-based technology digital learning committees. The purpose of this group is to build training capacity across the District and to ensure program sustainability. Ongoing Professional Development: SFPS is committed to providing strategic and intentional professional development relating to the technical and pedagogical aspects of technology integration. Each Cohort will be involved in four formal days of technology professional development during the school year of their classroom technology upgrade. Ongoing training will be provided at various levels to ensure meaningfulness to educators at their current level of technology ability. Training will gradually move along a continuum from foundational learning (how to use technology) to application (how to more effectively teach using technology).

Support and Professional Development


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

The schedule for deliverables related to the 2016 – 2019 Digital Learning Plan is outlined in the chart below. In addition to infrastructure and Equipment, Support and Professional Development will continue to scale with the Digital Learning Plan.

2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019

Infrastructure PON Wireless

El Camino Real Nina Otero Atalaya Pinon Kearny Ortiz RTE Mandela Engage

Capshaw De Vargas Capital HS Salazar Nava Cesar

Santa Fe HS Tesuque Acequia Madre EJ Martinez Wood Gurley Chaparral Aspen, Gonzales El Dorado Sweeney Carlos Gilbert Amy Biehl


Equipment Interactive WB Desktops (1:class) Teacher Laptop Teacher Tablet Document Camera School Shared Carts School Labs

El Camino Real Nina Otero Atalaya Pinon Kearny Ortiz RTE Mandela Engage

Capshaw De Vargas Capital HS Salazar Nava Cesar Academy

SFHS Tesuque Wood Gormley Acequia Madre EJ Martinez Chaparral Include C4 schools with laptops and tablets

Aspen El Dorado Gonzales Carlos Gilbert Amy Biehl Sweeney RTE 1:1 refresh Capital computer refresh

ALL SCHOOLS COMPLETE BEGIN EQUIPMENT and 1:1 REFRESH at: El Camino Real Nina Otero Atalaya, Pinon Kearny, Ortiz RTE, Mandela Engage

Student Devices K-5 shared carts (1:3) Grades 6+ 1:1 Grade 7+ take-home 1:1

RTE Mandela Engage

El Camino Real Nina Otero Atalaya Pinon Kearny Ortiz

Capital De Vargas Capshaw Salazar Nava Cesar

SFHS Tesuque Wood Gormley Acequia Madre EJ Martinez Chaparral

Aspen El Dorado Gonzales Carlos Gilbert Amy Biehl Sweeney

Phasing and Timelines


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

The SAMR model of technology integration was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura as a guide for teachers to gauge their use of technology in the classroom. The model allows teachers to reflect on their practices, placing each technology integration practice on a continuum ranging from Substitution (the technology practice only replaces another classroom practice) to Redefinition (technology allows the teacher and students to engage in learning otherwise not possible without the technology). SFPS will help teachers to understand and use the SAMR model as a reflective tool. It remains paramount for teachers to understand their practices will not always fall into the top two categories. The goal is not to get to the ‘top’ of the model, rather the goal is to build an understanding of how technology is impacting your instruction (thereby student learning) so teachers can make informed decisions to positively impact student learning.

The progress of the implementation and the success of the Digital Learning Plan will be measured through a series of metrics, which may include:

• Capacity of Infrastructure to support a tech-advanced learning environment • Survey of staff comfort/use of technology to improve classroom learning • Frequency of technology use in classrooms by students / teachers • Growth over time in advanced uses of technology within classrooms • Ability of Technology Support Staff to quickly and effectively resolve technical

issues • Impact on student engagement over time (attendance, homework completion,


The SAMR Model



Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Embedded are two analyses regarding the 2016 - 2019 budget projections for the Digital Learning Plan. The first provides a current school technology status as of January 2016, documenting the current state of each school relating to technology. The second is the 2016 - 2019 Digital Learning Plan budget. This budget shows historical data for ETN One, a current budget for ETN Two, and budget projections for the next three years of the Digital Learning Plan (ETN Three). Implementation remains subject to change based on input from the Advisory and Steering Committees as well as input from all stakeholders. Past, current and future DLP budgets demonstrate the following:

• Optimization of the use of E-rate, Mill levy, G.O. Bond and Operational funds remain important to the ETN in helping to support the goals and objectives of the Digital Learning Plan.

• Equity among students and stakeholder input remain a critical piece of the Digital Learning Plan. • Embedding professional development and ongoing support for schools and teachers is a

fundamental priority within the allocation of resources in the financial plan, which is estimated at approximately 25% of the total ETN funding.

In addition to the ETN resources allocated in the financial plan, it is important to note that additional resources in the operational budget will be needed to support the Teaching and Learning department’s oversight, guidance, and management of the Digital Learning Plan. Other professional development resources may be considered from available federal funds. These needs will be discussed annually during the District Operating Budget process.

Digital Learning Plan Budget Overview


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

School Grades Interactive

White Board

Student Desktops

PON Wireless Upgrade

Student Devices

CAT6 & CAT 5

or below


NYE Pre K NA Atalaya Elem Kearny Elem Pinon Elem Ramirez Thomas Elem NOCS K-8 El Camino K-8 Ortiz Mid Mandela 7-12 Cesar Chavez Elem 2016 Nava Elem 2016 Salazar Elem 2016 Capshaw Mid 2016 DeVargas Mid 2016 Capital High 2016 SFHS High 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 X Chaparral Elem 2016 2017 2017 2017 X EJ Martinez Elem 2016 2017 2017 2017 X Tesuque Elem 2016 2017 2017 2017 X Acequia Madre Elem 2016 2017 2017 2017 X Wood Gormley Elem 2016 2017 2017 2017 X

Aspen K-8 2017 2017 2017 2018 X Sweeney Elem 2017 2017 2017 2018 X Carlos Gilbert Elem 2017 2017 2017 2018 X Amy Biehl Elem 2017 2017 2017 2018 X

El Dorado K-8 2017 2017 2017 2018 X Gonzales K-8 2017 2017 2017 2018 X Engage High NA Academy Altern. NA NA NA NA X

SFPS Technology Status as of 01/ 2016


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Dollars in Thousands

ETN 1 ETN 2 ETN 3 14/15 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19

Actual Current Yr. Budget Budget Budget Estimated ETN Proceeds $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 Less Charter Allocation $569 $1,210 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 ADD GO Bond to Support PON $3,351 Less Bond Issuance Cost $53 $53

$103 $53 $53

Net SFPS District Proceeds $10,378 $13,088 $9,597 $9,647 $9,647 Infrastructure Costs (avg. 29%) Network equipment $725 $1,295 $500 $500 $500 Network Services Contract $608 $250 $250 $250 $250 School PARCC wireless upgrade $42 $0 $0 $0 $0 School 1:1 Wireless Upgrade $362 $237 $350 $466 $0 School GPON (Group 1) $1,256 $0 $0 $0 $0 School GPON Groups 2-4 $0 $3,351 $1,968 $3,020 $0 Subtotal $2,993 $5,133 $3,068 $4,236 $750 School Equipment Costs (avg. 37%) SMART Boards $806 $1,072 $659 $0 $0 School Equipment - basic suite $3,002 $1,543 $1,088 $868 $0 School Equipment - replacement $27 $1,121 $0 $0 $1,356 PARCC equipment $809 $0 $0 $0 $0 School 1:1 equipment $848 $592 $1,295 $1,218 $1,034 School 1:1 - replacement $0 $437

$103 $439 $1,477

Subtotal $5,492 $4,765 $3,145 $2,525 $3,867 Support Costs (avg. 31%) Basic PD $258 $347 $360 $425 $425 Curriculum-based PD $0 $160 $0 $0 $0 Embedded partner contract $345 $0 $0 $0 $0 Digital Learning Coaches $0 $846 $1,100 $1,470 $1,560 Advanced training for DLC's $0 $25 $75 $75 $75 Teaching Learning + Tech Support $994 $1,558 $1,650 $1,750 $2,000 Ed Tech Apps $44 $75

$100 $100 $100

Subtotal $1,641 $3,011 $3,285 $3,820 $4,160 Total Costs $10,126 $12,909

$9,498 $10,581 $8,777

Revenue Minus Costs $252 $179 $35

Note: All numbers are estimates rounded to the nearest thousand

Digital Learning Plan Budget


Santa Fe Public Schools, 610 Alta Vista, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505 505 – 467 – 2000

Santa Fe Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following department has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Santa Fe Public Schools Human Capital Management 610 Alta Vista Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 Phone Number: 505-467-2008 For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit contactus.cfm for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.

Dr. Joel Boyd, Superintendent of School

World Class City. World Class Schools.

Santa Fe Public School

610 Alta Vista Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505

Phone: 505-467-2000


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