Proserpine State School eNewsletter · PDF file . ... • trying to find the matching...

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Transcript of Proserpine State School eNewsletter · PDF file . ... • trying to find the matching...

33 Renwick RoadProserpine QLD 4800Subscribe:Subscribe:

Email:Email: Principal@proserpiness.eq.eduPhone:Phone: 07 4940 6333

15 March 201715 March 2017

Date Claimers

TERM 1 Date What's On Information

Week 8

Year 2 Swimming - 2AW, 2JP, 2MF and 2TB

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday


Thursday 16.03.17 P & C FeteMeeting @6:00pm

P & C Meeting @6:30pm


Crazy Hair Day –Student Council

Gold CoinDonation

Friday 17.03.17

Weekly Assembly 2:15pm MPC

Week 9

Sunday 19.03.17 Compulsory ChoirRehearsal – ChoralFestival Yr4/5 & 6

2:00pm –5:00pm

20.03.17 Compulsory ChoirRehearsal – ChoralFestival

25th RegionalChoral Festival –MECC

10:30am –2:00pm

7:30pm –9:00pm


20.03.17 Whitsunday Trials– U12s RugbyLeague

ProserpineState School

TERM 1 Date What's On Information

Year 2 Swimming - 2AW, 2JP, 2MF and 2TB

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday 22.03.17 Arts Council – TooCool for Bullies

24.03.17 WhitsundayNetball Trials


24.03.17 Weekly Assembly 2:15pm MPC

Week 10

Newsletter Week

27.03.17 Whitsunday TennisTrials


28.03.17 Final SwimmingLesson for Year 2


28.03.17 School Photos

Friday 31.03.17 Week Assembly 2:15pm MPC

End of Term 1 2017

TERM 2 Date What's On Information

Week 1

Monday 17.04.17 Easter Monday –Public Holiday

Tuesday 18.04.17 Term 2 2017Commences –Welcome Back

Week 2

Newsletter Week
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This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting web content onto paper.

TERM 1 Date What's On Information

Monday 24.04.17 ANZAC DayCeremony

Tuesday 25.04.17 ANZAC Day PublicHoliday

Week 3

Monday 01.05.17 Labour Day PublicHoliday

Principal’s News

2017 Queensland Principals’Conference

At the beginning of March I attended the 2017 Principals’Conference held on the Gold Coast. This year 1,239 StateSchool Principals attended the biennial conference.

Upon reflection after attending the Principals’ Conference thefollowing words sum up how I feel about our improvementagenda at Proserpine State School.

Affirmed, Supported, Motivated

Affirmed – that our improvement agenda of implementingexplicit instruction as our teaching framework is improvingstudent learning and is research validated.

Supported - due to the recognition from the Department ofEducation and Training Director General Dr Jim Watterston whoshowcased our Explicit Instruction Handbook as best practiceof school improvement.

Motivated – to making a difference - to provide every studentwith learning opportunities that will significantly impact on theirfuture – this is our moral obligation.

Director General Dr Jim Watterston showcases Proserpine StateSchool Explicit Instruction Handbook as best practice at the 2017Principals’ Conference.

My School Website

Last week the My School website released the 2016 NAPLANdata. I encourage our school community to review ourperformance as we are very proud of our improved studentlearning outcomes. Our priority focus over the last two yearshas been reading.

The My School data clearly shows significant improvementsin reading in Years 3 and 5. Proserpine State School, with96% percent of students participating in NAPLAN, is the most

improved school in Reading in the Whitsunday Cluster andNorth Queensland Region.

Rob TempletonPrincipal

Deputy Principal's News

Student Attendance – Everyday Counts

Thank you to those families who always inform the school of achild’s absence. However we are still having incidences wherethis is not happening. All schools are expected by EducationQueensland to monitor student absences and have a target forattendance in their Annual Operation Plan. Ours is to have 95%attendance for the year.

All unexplained absences are followed up at our school bysending via ID Attend Absence Notifications through textmessages. If this happens parents are then required to replyexplaining why the student is absent. We also send out formsrequiring a reason attached to absence dates. These forms areto be filled in and returned to the school office where they arethen recorded as explained absences.

We have noted that there has been an improvement in thejunior school attendance since the start of this year and wouldlike to now see an improvement in the upper school. Our weeklyattendance award on assembly is highly valued by students andteachers.

I have included a link to a parent fact sheet on attendanceprovided by Education Queensland, as well as a document thathighlights the impact of student absences on a child’s years ofeducation.

If you would like any further information on student attendanceplease don’t hesitate to contact me.

Visit below for more information on student attendancerequirements.

TLC day

Last week students in years 1-6 participated in this term’sTLC, technology day. Each year level had a design brief todesign, create, test and evaluate an item they made. Some ofthe objects created were pyramids, paper planes, dioramas,costumes from newspaper and slushies.

Students demonstrated great enthusiasm and creativity! Enjoythe photos.


Arts Council

On Wednesday March 22 we have our Arts Councilperformance, Too Cool For Bullies, presenting at our school.

All students who have up to date Student Resource Schemepayments will be attending. We chose this presentation toreinforce our school messages around bullying and to furthersupport National Action Day Against Bullying messages.

Throughout the show there will be a focus on the following twoacronyms which both use the word STAMP. The use of thisword will be familiar to all Student Councillors who attended theGRIP Leadership Conference in Mackay as it was also referredto during activities.

For Prep to year 2:

S – Stay Away

T – Tell Someone

A – Always Help

M – Make Friends

P – Play Nicely

For years 3-6:

S – Stop. Tell the bully to Stop.

T – Tell Someone

A – Always Help

M – Make Yourself Bully Proof

P – Persistence. Keep going till the bullying stops.

School photos

Please see below for an information email for parents fromAdvanced Life, our school photography company. There aremany benefits of online ordering - no lost envelopes, creatingan order trail that reduces post shoot enquiries - and benefitsthe school by reducing cash on the premises.

PROSERPINE STATE SCHOOLSchool Photography Date:28/03/2017



Dear Parents

School photography day is coming up very soon. Group andportrait photographs can be purchased by following the linkabove or by using the envelope.

Important Information:

Advancedlife would like to express our appreciation toPROSERPINE STATE SCHOOL for placing your trust in us.Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee onour products to ensure your peace of mind. We would alsolove to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you mayexperience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. Ifyou have any questions, comments or feedback relating toyour advancedlife experience please contact us

Have a great two weeks everyone

Alison BradfordDeputy Principal

Curriculum Matters

Improving Student Outcomes – Writing

As Mr Templeton has communicated in the previous newsletter,improving our students’ writing is a primary goal for us thisyear. Over the past four weeks, the whole school has beenlearning to write using 2A Sentences i.e. each sentence has twoadjectives before a first noun, followed by two adjectives beforethe second noun.

Our next whole school sentence we arelearning is a Simile Sentence, using words‘like a…’ or ‘as…a…’ to create a vividpicture in the readers’ minds, and compareone object to another. This is occasionallydifficult for kids as they choose animprobably comparison. For example, He

smelled like a ruler. (Don’t laugh…this is a real life example!)

It would be excellent if, at home, you too could use simileswhen talking with your family. The possibilities are endless…

• School photos purchased online DO NOT requireenvelopes returned to school

• Late fees/additional charges will be applied forpurchases after photo day

• Photos will be returned to your school for distributionapproximately six weeks after photos are taken

• Past years’ photographs including sports,co-curricular and representative groups available atschool’s advancedlife & your advancedyou photosites (follow the link above)

• at the dinner table: “I’m not enjoying this steak. It’s astough as old leather.”

• getting ready to go out: “You look as fresh as adaisy.”

• when you wake up: “I slept like a log.”


2017 Middle Leaders’ State Conference

Last weekend, Mrs Tricia Botta (Master Teacher) and I hadthe privilege of attending the Middle Leaders’ State Conferencein Brisbane. Professor Douglas Fisher ‘Making Literacy Visible’had some extremely interesting information for us which alignedwith our school goal of improving students’ writing. Below arethree examples of students who read outside of the school day:

Clearly, students who read more widely and frequently, acquirea greater vocabulary, which will help them to become betterwriters. The research undoubtedly shows that reading “keepsthem moving and achieving more.” Professor Fisher alsoquoted John Hattie and emphasised that “every studentdeserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design.” Thisis why, at our school, professional learning and coaching arepractices both supported, and expected, of all our teachers bythe administration. We seek to become ‘by design’ the bestteachers we can possibly be for our students.


Dean Forsyth in Year 4 is SO excited abouthis narrative writing that he has beenindependently writing his own stories athome in a special book. Dean then brings itto school seeking feedback to improve.What a motivated learner!

Have fun with your similes!

Lee-Anne DoughertyHead of Curriculum

SWPBS (Schoolwide Positive BehaviourSupport)

This Friday is National Day of Action againstBullying and Violence and although wemust be conscious of bullying every day ofthe year, this day is used to highlight toeveryone the very real presence of bullying. Not only does itoccur in schools but also in workplaces and in public so it iseveryone’s business.

Every child in the school will receive a wristband with the ‘Takea Stand’ message on it and a variety of activities will take placein classrooms and on assembly.

In our school we use a process of STOP WALK TALK toempower students to stand up to bullies.

If a student does not like what another student is doing theyare encouraged to ask the person to STOP the behaviour in amanner that is firm and assertive.

If the other student persists we encourage students to WALKaway - again if the perpetrator persists they are encouraged toTALK by reporting to a teacher or administrator. We also askstudents to be proactive bystanders and to report any bullyingbehaviour that they are witness to.

Parents and students are encouraged to log onto the BullyingNo Way website for information and strategies in dealing withbullying.

On this site there are a couple of great animations to explainbullying and how to deal with it and also how to respond as abystander.

Ann Gardel – Behaviour Support Teacher


Just to reiterate

Here are three educational reasons why music is amust in every child’s life.

• trying to find the matching Tupperware lid: “It’s likelooking for a needle in a haystack.”

1. Music encourages confidence and self esteem.

2. Music improves co-ordination and reflexes.


“Tell me, I forget; Show me, I remember; Involve me, Iunderstand”- Carl Orff

There is always something wonderful happening in Musicclasses.


The children are starting to become excited at the prospectof singing at the Mackay Entertainment Centre on Monday 20March when all their hard work will be showcased. We have asmall choir of 22 students attending but they have a confident,full sound which is lovely to hear.

A final note will be given to the students on Thursday to remindeveryone of the details for both Sunday and Monday.

Audience tickets are available to purchase from the MackayEntertainment Centre at a cost of $24.50 / $12.00 concession.These tickets sell out fast.

Being part of a massed choir in the Choral Festival is awonderful experience and a joy for an audience to listen to.


This choir for Years 2 & 3 will start after Easter and ANZACceremonies in Term 2.

Yours in song,

Elspeth ScotfordMusic Teacher



Well done to our students that went to the Proserpine DistrictTennis Trials last week.

Sebastian Trenerry, Kai Collins, Zach Blazely and Brin DalbySebastian Trenerry, Kai Collins, Zach Blazely and Brin Dalby

Congratulations to Kai and Zach for being selected forProserpine District team to play in Bowen on 27 March at theWhitsunday trials.

Swimming Lessons

Year 2

Year 2 Swimming Term 1 for 2017WEEKS 7 – 10

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays2AW, 2JP, 2MF and 2TB

Student Resource Agreement Forms and payment MUSTbe made prior to commencement of swimming lessons

Trevor NosworthySports

Student of the Week

Week 6 Week 7

Class Name Class Name

PNC Imogen Howard PNC Alisara White

PKE Alex Valmadre PKE Ethan Davies

PCD Beau Peterson PCD Keirra-RoseBaird

1DB RheubenRichardson

1DB Luke Dwyer

1JB Ellie King 1JB SethHinschen

1MV Daley Cooper 1MV JacobBatman

1SS Emily Horsford 1SS VanessaCarter

2AW Charli Young 2AW Sarah Day

2JP MackenzieCantamessa

Pania Corowa

2JP Ella Wells

2MF Abby Peck 2MF Seth Haack

2TB Dylan Reynolds 2TB Riley Snow

3CH Lillian Kelly 3CH Danni Muller

3MM Klair McDermott 3MM JacobMcDonald

3SL Jordyn Mackay 3SL AliviaFaltinsky

4/5LT Tavion Dennis 4/5LT Fyn Gunn

4BK Peter Simpson 4BK LahniLinneweber

4TC Rylan McDonald 4TC Thalia Foster

3. Music helps your child with organisational skills andself discipline.


Week 6 Week 7

5KP Evan Walker 5KP CharlieEmmerson

5MW Emily Lee 5MW Will Turner

5SC Lilly-Anna Eather 5SC JosephO’Leary

6HM Holly Smith 6HM Lara Moss

6JW Zachary Blazely 6JW Harry Brandt

6RG Luke Pini 6RG LeahBorghardt





What’s Happening & General

Crazy Hair Day – this Friday!

Update from the Student Council

This week the Student Council will host the first of theircommunity fundraising events for the year. The decision wasmade to hold a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ to support the LeukaemiaFoundation’s yearly Worlds Greatest Shave fundraising day.

Thank you to Telecia Tame for putting the proposal forwardwhich was supported by the rest of the Student Council whowere willing to do something to help the fight against cancer.

Our Crazy Hair Day will be held this Friday, March 17 and thosestudents who give a gold coin donation can either come toschool with a crazy hair design that can include colour, or havetheir hair coloured by teachers using child friendly hair spraysupplied by the Leukaemia Foundation at morning tea time,11:15am to 11:40am on the oval.

Parents are also welcome to share in this event as well.

Gold coin donations are to be passed to classroom teachers.We are sure our assembly this week will be a colourful event.

Preppies - Playground Fun

Preps are well and truly settled and into the swing of learningtheir letter sounds and numbers. They have fantastic fun in theiroutdoor play four days each week. They have various activitiesoutside each week focusing on their fine and gross motor skillsalongside working together, cooperation , sharing, taking turnsand being friendly.

Teachers and teacher aides supervise and support children intheir learning outside after morning tea every Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. After lunch they have quiet time,reading books, puzzles and yoga.


Rookies 2 Red

A few more photos of our students have a great time with theRookies 2 Red during their lunch times.

OSHC – Outside School Hours Care

For further information or register your child:

Phone: 1300 105 343Email:

or go to our website below

Student Resource Scheme

We would like to thank those parents who have returned theirStudent Resource Participation Agreement and payment to theoffice by the due date.

We would like to advise if you have not returned your StudentResource Participation Agreement and payment, this is nowoverdue. Your child/ren WILL NOT be able to attend any extracurriculum activities until payment / payment arrangement ismade.

We are asking parents/carers to complete the StudentResource Participation Agreement Form (which indicates yourparticipation or non-participation in the scheme). Familieschoosing not to participate in the program will be requiredto supply resources accordingly.

The provision of curriculum resources by parents will be aprerequisite before invitations are extended to students toparticipate in extra curricular activities such as District/RegionalSport, Choir, and Eisteddfods etc.

Preferred Payment option is via BPOINT. Information has beensent home regarding how to use BPoint.

Other payment options are by Cash, Cheque, Credit Card orCentrepay. You can also pay via our QParents App.

Families experiencing financial difficulties/hardship in meetingthis payment are welcome to negotiate a payment schedulewith the Business Services Manager.


Access your child’s student information online and stayconnected with your school.Access to report cards, attendance records, invoice andpayment details, online payments.

Visit below to register online

Contact the school’s office if you require further information

Facebook Page

For the latest news and any important school alerts please LIKEthe Proserpine State School Facebook page.

It is a key point of information regarding changes to schoolroutine, upcoming events, good news stories etc.

To visit the page click here:

2017 P & CP & C Fete Meeting – Thursday 16th March 2017 @ 6:00pm

P & C Meeting - Thursday 16th March, 2017 @ 6:30pmResource Centre

All Welcome – The P & C committee love seeing newfaces.

TuckshopThe winner of our Lunch Raffle will be drawn on Parade thisFriday 17th of March. So if you want to be in it, this week is yourlast chance to get your tickets, either from the Student Councilor from the Tuckshop.

Another idea is to put an extra 50c or $1.00 in your child’sTuckshop bag with a message stating that the extra money isfor raffle tickets. Obviously this isn’t possible to do through ourflexischool service.

Cheers to all from the ladies at “The Little Boots Café”

For easy online ordering just register below or contactflexischools on 1300 361 769.

Alternatively, you can collect further information from theladies at the tuckshop.

Uniform Shop

Opening hours for 2017

Monday 8:30am – 9:15amThursday 2:45pm – 3:15pm

If you can’t make the opening hours, order forms are availablefrom the office or you can download an order form from the linkbelow.

Thank you for the donations of pre-loved clothing. Moredonations would be greatly appreciated.

We sell on a CASH ONLY basis to keep the cost of uniformsdown. Thank you for your support.


Lost / FoundWe have had a wedding ring handed into our office, which wasfound in the Prep area of our school. If you have lost a ring orknow of anyone that has, please ask them to contact the office.

Community Notices

Whitsunday Transit

Coastcare School Holiday Program

Conway Fun Day


Free Community Event

Proserpine Junior Soccer

Mackay Fostering

Total Life Chiropractic

The Pathfinders National Aboriginal BirthCertificate Program

Pathfinder is a not for profit organisation funded by theDepartment of Prime Minister and Cabinet to provide free birthcertificates for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peopleaged between 0 to 21.

An estimated 300,000 Australians have not had their birthsregistered and 500,000 do not have a birth certificate. As aconsequence, many people struggle to fully participate inAustralian society without this simple but vital document. Theyexperience difficulty enrolling in schools and in accessingmainstream services, such as opening bank accounts, joiningsporting clubs, voting, and applying for a job, a driver’s licenceor a passport.