Props used in trailer

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Props used in trailer

Props used in Trailer


We used a rose in our trailer involving the scene with Shaun at the graveyard. Shaun using a rose to show his love for his mother shows a softer side to his character and brings him back down to earth, making him a relatable character to the audience.


We used beer in a couple of different shots. We used it for when Shaun hits Sam over the head with it to show his violent side. We also used it when Shaun sees his dad drinking it who is an alcoholic, which makes Shaun feel angry and very disappointed.


Shaun uses weights in one scene to show him working out and to show what he gets up to when he is not dealing drugs or getting into trouble. This scene shows how he has a focus in life despite all the trouble he gets into. We had decided to film in the gym but thought doing it in a park would be more suitable of the character.


Flour is used in the scene where Shaun is preparing his cocaine on the table at his home. The flour was the most realistic prop to use in this situation.


We used a photo which was meant to represent Shaun's late mother. The photo suggests he still loves his mum very much and he misses her. The photo makes him realise that his behaviour is not acceptable and his mother wouldn’t be proud.