Props and costume

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Props and costume

Props and Costume

NB: Images above are not related directly to coursework, just setting theme for props and costume.

1st Sequence Props and Costume

The 1st sequence was incredibly useful in terms of props and costume. This is because since it was real and public street footage, I didn’t have to plan or construct props and costume, what I filmed became the props and costume. Portobello market has a lot of interesting stalls, and various wares being sold. The photos above are screenshots from the 1st sequence of the short film on Portobello road. Reason why I included Portobello is because that is the part of the first sequence that has the most objects going on on screen.

2nd Sequence Props and Costume

The 2nd sequence was definitely more challenging for props and costume. The main effect of props and costume in the second half was to emphasize to the audience that the time being shown in the morning. As you can see above I have used various breakfast symbols such as coffee and eggs. I have used morning routine symbols such as brushing teeth.And in terms of costume I have my character Chris in pajamas and my character Amelia in a dressing gown to make it clear it’s the morning.

Overall Analysis of Props and Costume

Props and Costume aspects for my short film were certainly not the most difficult.However they are undeniably important for setting the tone and feel for my short film and just because they weren’t the hardest part of the coursework process, it does not mean they are less important.Without props and costume my short film could be very confusing, so in other words they help to solidify my ideas.