Proposed Investment Plan Details for 2016-2017-3

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Proposed Investment Plan Details for 2016-2017-3

  • 8/17/2019 Proposed Investment Plan Details for 2016-2017-3


    4/21/2016 Proposed Investment Plan Details for 2016-2017 1/1

    Proposed Investment Details for Financial Year 2016-2017

    NOTE : First you have to add each plan then at last save all plan...

    NOTE : Once you save and exit from this form, you can not change your plan...

    User Name: BIJAY KUMAR JENA Department: ( ARICENT )

    Emp Code: 420072   Contact No:   9437011699   * PAN No:   AHGPJ6171L 

    Email ID:  

    Fields * with are mandatory

    Plan Heading:   586--->Deductions u/s 80 C

    Select Plan:   Section 80C - 5 year time deposit under the Post Office Time Deposit Rules 1981

    *Amount(Per Anum)


    Check Required Document 



    Total : 344500

    PlanId Plan Name Amount

    32 HRA (House Rent Allowance) 8000

    9 9 P ay men t made f or h ea lt h ch eck u p of sel f, spou se ,depe nden t ch il dren or pare nt s 3 60 00

    87 Addtional investment in National Pension Scheme - section 80CCD 36000

    81 Mediclaim Insr Premium (Non-Senior Ctz) 8500

    83 Mediclaim Insr Premiu m(Paymen t on behalf of parents non-senior Ctz) 5000

    1 Payment towards Life Insurance Policy 67000

    7 Contribution to Public Provident Fund 60000

    24 Tuition fee - child 1 24000

    2 7 S ect ion 8 0C - 5 y ear t ime deposi t u nde r t he P ost Of fi ce Ti me D eposi t Ru les 1 98 1 1 00 00 0