Proposed Ecma TC46Proposed Ecma TC46 – XML Paper Specification … Paper Specification/tc4… ·...

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Transcript of Proposed Ecma TC46Proposed Ecma TC46 – XML Paper Specification … Paper Specification/tc4… ·...

Ecma/TC46/2007/002Ecma/GA/2007/100Ecma General Assembly – Prien – 28th June, 2007

Proposed Ecma TC46Proposed Ecma TC46 –XML Paper Specification (XPS)

Martin Bailey – Global Graphics, Proposed TC46 Chairy p , pTakashi Hashizume – Fuji Xerox, Proposed TC46 Vice Chair


Why XML Paper Specification, and why now?Why XML Paper Specification, and why now?



P d TC46 T f R fP d TC46 T f R fProposed TC46 Terms of ReferenceProposed TC46 Terms of Reference

Ecma International, Key to successEcma International, Key to success

Approval for Ecma TC46 and Terms of Approval for Ecma TC46 and Terms of Reference?Reference?

Our lives revolve around ‘paperwork’

We all read many documents every dayy y y

We each create, comment on, contribute to, update or complete many documents everyupdate or complete many documents every month

Document workflows increasingly crossDocument workflows increasingly cross boundaries between physical and electronic paperpaper

Geographic separation of collaborators or of document creators and consumers is increasingly irrelevant

The number of collaborators on any single project is stable or growing

Deadlines and response times are continually shortening; we live in the “internet age”

Document peripherals (scanners, printers, etc) are more sophisticated and more tightlyare more sophisticated and more tightly integrated with PCs and applications

As a result the documents we interact with are increasingly created, collaborated on, transmitted, read and stored electronically, rather than printed or written on paper

But the paperless office has not yet arrived, necessitating standards that enable interoperability between document peripherals

fand software applications

As the TC45 introduction said:

• Fortunately – The Information Technology Age enabled the creation of documents simply and massively

• Unfortunately – It is difficult to share, exchange, preserve information Billions of documents in binarypreserve information – Billions of documents in binary formats

Using XML for file formatsUsing XML for file formats …

Simplifies low-level file creation and reading• A wide variety of tool sets are available• A wide variety of tool-sets are available• Increases choice of applications because of lower cost of entry for


Increases robustness• Easy schema validation allows more frequent and more

complete testing of created files• Improves creator quality

All di i f f lt i d t kfl• Allows easy diagnosis of faults in document workflows• Schema validation enhanced by grammar-specific test tools

Enables cross-application functionalityXML i id l d i i f ti t f• XML is now widely used in information transfer

• XSL-T (and other tools) can be used to translate between different grammars

• Data can therefore be extracted or inserted into XML documents

Standardised XMLStandardised XML

Standardising XML grammars moves innovation to user-visible issues

• Broadens the reach of many products, increasing competition

• Differentiation no longer focused on file format h dli b t l b fit i li tihandling, but on real user benefits in application functionality

• In some cases whole new application categories• In some cases whole new application categories become economically viable

International support for XML-based standards

Agreement across US states on


underlying requirements




The document life cycleThe document life cycle





A lApprovals

OutputReview p&



Different document requirementsDifferent document requirements

Authoring document formats• Information content is the primary value• Information content is the primary value• Full editability and round-trip capability must be retained• Document format intimately tied to document usage to maximise

retention of semantics• Often advantageous to allow re-flow for reading devices with different

form factors, e.g. computer screens, mobile devices and printed output

Distribution document formatsI f ti t t d b th l bl• Information content and appearance are both valuable

• Appearance must often be guaranteed between screen and printed views

• Confidence in fidelity is more important than editabilityy p y• Document format not tied to semantics, allowing broader application in

more use cases• Format should be self-contained

Authoring & distribution stagesAuthoring & distribution stages




Design Editing

A l





Either or both




Archiving intentArchiving intent

XPS: based on standardsXPS: based on standards

XPS is based on a number of other standard (de facto or de jure) technologies alongside XML :

Open Packaging Conventions & Markup Compatibility (ECMA-376)• ZIP (Physical Package as defined in OPC)

– Simplifies aggregation of XML and binary content

Packaging XML in ZIP is becoming common practice– Packaging XML in ZIP is becoming common practice

OpenType• Standardised cross-platform typeface storage

International Color Consortium (ICC) colour profiles( ) p• Standardised colour profile storage

TIFF, PNG, JPEG• Widely used image formats, supporting a variety of colour spaces,

bit depths and compression algorithms (lossless and lossy)bit depths and compression algorithms (lossless and lossy)

HD Photo• Provides extended color support with lossless and lossy compression

• Public commitment to submit HD Photo to formal standards organization

Availability of tool setsAvailability of tool sets

Rich and mature open-source tool sets, including open source, are available for:are available for:



• OpenType (rendering)

• ICC-based colour management


Mostly written in C, C++ and/or Java• Minimal cross-platform portability issues

T l f OPC idl iTools for OPC rapidly emerging • Developers supporting ECMA-376

TC45/TC46 work comparisonTC45/TC46 work comparison

TC45• Office Open XMLOffice Open XML

• Authoring document format

• Retains semantics and dynamic metadata including styling and template information and support for complex document authoring capabilities

• Designed to support office productivity applications• Designed to support office productivity applications– Word processing, presentations, spreadsheets

Proposed TC46• XML Paper Specification

• Distribution document format

• Emphasises exact fidelity of document appearance

• Retention of document semantics limited to those sufficient for accessibility

• Exclusion of programmatic capabilities to ensure fidelity & enable trustworthy documentsExclusion of programmatic capabilities to ensure fidelity & enable trustworthy documents

• Designed to support electronic paper scenarios and print environments

Other distribution document formatsOther distribution document formats

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

Widespread implementation, rich tool set


• Not based on XML• Not based on XML

– Format-specific object & content stream formats

– Does not meet common requirements from government and other organizationsorganizations

• Requires PDF-specific tool set, cannot be built with standards-based, open-source SDKs

Cannot be stream consumed (important for some use cases)• Cannot be stream-consumed (important for some use-cases)

• Addresses areas beyond electronic paper (sounds, movies etc) so not always suited for direct consumption by document peripherals

Why standardise XPS?Why standardise XPS?

Remove any barriers to adoption, allowing usage in any scenario on any platform

Collaborative effort with interested parties will ensure that documentation meets widespread needs of developers and the industry

Community-based development of future versions can lead to functionality closely aligned with broad base of user requirements withoutwith broad-base of user requirements, without being limited by a single vendor’s goals

Why standardise XPS now?Why standardise XPS now?

There has been rapid adoption of the XPS format from users, developers and device manufacturers

The launch of a new page description language is a rare occurrence especially with a significant user base virtuallyoccurrence, especially with a significant user base virtually from day one

XPS breaks new ground in applicability to both documentXPS breaks new ground in applicability to both document sharing and all printing requirements, from home inkjets to conventional professional print devices

This is combined with an XML base, as widely demanded by diverse organizations in government and business

Why is XPS standardisation so exciting?Why is XPS standardisation so exciting?

Most file formats are either developed entirely by standards organizations, or by a single vendory g

• File formats developed entirely by standards groups usually take a very long time to reach maturity and widespread acceptance

• File formats owned and maintained by a single vendor may not achieve a breadth of functionality required by usersy q y

Microsoft has developed a solid first version of XPS, and delivered tool sets to their user base; several tens of million users already have these tools

Multiple vendors have already delivered or announced independent i l t tiimplementations

Enabling the standards community to take ownership of XPS will allow even broader input and discussion of new functional requirements in up-coming versions

Rapid design and implementation driven by a single, large vendor, followed by an early opportunity for further community-based development and standardization promotes innovation

XPS co-sponsorsXPS co sponsors

Autodesk, Inc† Microsoft Corporation

Brother Industries, Ltd†

Canon, Inc

FUJIFILM Corporation

QualityLogic Inc‡

Ricoh Company, Ltd

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltdp

Global Graphics Software Ltd*

Hewlett Packard Company


Software Imaging Ltd‡

TOSHIBA Corporation

Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc*

Lexmark International, Inc*

Xerox Corporation*

Zoran Corporation†

* Joining as Ordinary member † Joining as Associate member‡ Joining as SME member‡ Joining as SME member

Proposed Ecma TC46

XML Paper Specification

Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference

Terms of reference for proposed TC46Terms of reference for proposed TC46

Scope:Th l f th T h i l C itt i t d f l t d d f• The goal of the Technical Committee is to produce a formal standard for an XML-based electronic paper format and XML-based page description language which is consistent with existing implementations of the format called the XML Paper Specification (XPS).

• The Technical Committee will use the format called the XML Paper• The Technical Committee will use the format called the XML Paper Specification (XPS) as a starting point with the aim to provide a standard, secure, and highly trustworthy format that enables a wide set of applications, devices, tools and platforms to implement compatible paginated-document workflows.

• An additional goal will be to enable the interoperability of independently created software and hardware systems that produce, consume or otherwise process XPS content.

• The Technical Committee will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance andThe Technical Committee will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance and evolution of the standard.

Terms of reference for proposed TC46Terms of reference for proposed TC46

The objective of full compatibility with the existing XPS Format is adopted to:• Guarantee continuous use of the existing base of XPS documents without losing

any of the functionality and minimizing disruption caused by market confusion between versions of the same specification

• Maximize the benefits of implementing the standard both to vendors and toMaximize the benefits of implementing the standard, both to vendors and to users

• Ensure interoperability with document peripheral devices already on the market

• Guarantee interoperability by enabling standard-based tools for XML 1 0 ZIP etcGuarantee interoperability by enabling standard based tools for XML 1.0, ZIP etc to create, read and write files conforming to the standardized file format

• Support the needs of governments and businesses to submit, distribute, archive and preserve documents using an Open Standardized Format

• Enable standard transformations using W3C XSLT (or similar techniques) to extract or repurpose information from the file format

• Support integration of custom defined schemas

Terms of reference for proposed TC46Terms of reference for proposed TC46

Program of work:1. Produce a formal standard for an XML-based electronic

paper format and XML-based page description language which is consistent with existing implementations of the format called the XML Paper p pSpecification, including:

– Produce a fully documented and unambiguous standard for an XML-based electronic paper format and page description language.description language.

– Produce appropriate W3C XML Schemas to enable automatic verification of files written to the standard.

– Enable interoperability between existing industry p y g yimplementations of applications, devices, tools and platforms.


Terms of reference for proposed TC46Terms of reference for proposed TC46

Program of work (cont):2 A ibilit f th i i t d l ti f2. Assume responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and evolution of

this Ecma International standard

3. Support backwards compatibility with implementations targeted to prior versions of the standard

4. Evaluate and consider proposal for complementary or related additional technologies

5. Establish and maintain liaison with other Ecma TCs and with other Standards Setting Organizations (SSOs) as appropriate to facilitateStandards Setting Organizations (SSOs) as appropriate to facilitate and promulgate the work of the TC

6. Evaluate and consider contributing the Ecma standard to an ISO and/or IEC TC for approval and adoption*

* The original submission suggested ISO/IEC JTC 1, discussions in the CC led to a desire not to restrict the choice of partner at this stage

Why Ecma International?Why Ecma International?

Excellent industry experience and track record

Longevity, credibility, broad acceptance

Efficient and effective organization and processes

R t d i t ti lRespected international presence

Rapid development of consensus-based standards

Successful partnership with ISOSuccessful partnership with ISO

• submission of ISO approved initiatives & standards

• ISO standard addresses end user requirement

• FAST Track program

• Provision of guidance and direction for submission to ISO/IEC

Proposed 1st TC46 meetingProposed 1st TC46 meeting

Planned for July 23rd in Cambridge, UK

Agenda includes administrative planning:Agenda includes administrative planning:• Discussion of proposed work items to support the TC charter

• Agreement on target date for completion of TC activities

• Determination of TC working processes and provision of supporting infrastructure– Discussions on the methodology to use the current XPS documentation as a base document starting point

– Agreement on the appointment of a technical editor to support the TC

• TC Meeting planning– Frequency of TC meetings (face-to-face and conference call)

– Availability of phone conference infrastructure

– Proposed dates & location for next face-to-face meeting

– Request for hosts for later meetings

• Discussion of interactions with HD Photo standardization

• Public accessibility of meeting minutes, drafts and other documents

• Initial discussion around ISO/IEC submission processes.

• Initial collation & discussion of any expected issues

We respectfully request that the Ecma I t ti l G l A bl f llInternational General Assembly formally approve the creation of TC46 to work on standardization of the XML Paper Specificationp p

Martin Bailey Global Graphics Software LtdMartin Bailey, Global Graphics Software, Ltd• Proposed as Ecma TC46 Chair

• Email :

Phone: +44 1954 283100• Phone: +44 1954 283100

Takashi Hashizume, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd• Proposed as Ecma TC46 Vice-Chair

E il T k hi H hi @f ji j• Email :

• Phone: +81-46-235-9971