PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2021 - Dr Jonathan David...2021/01/03  · PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2021 ANS Sunday...

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Transcript of PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2021 - Dr Jonathan David...2021/01/03  · PROPHETIC WORD FOR 2021 ANS Sunday...


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David



    This is the Year of Happening!!

    We will hear what God is saying because the frequency in

    that place holds the message down. Like when we worship

    in Spirit and in Truth we find that our spirit becomes

    stronger. Because of the truth that has set us free. The Lord

    is the Spirit and the Spirit is the Lord. Where the Spirit of

    the Lord is there is liberty.

    When the word is going out we just got to take it in. We may

    be in the wilderness but God's word will keep us going

    because it may be the GPS we need.

    God wants us to know that in the midst like these

    frequencies are all the while being challenged. It will be

    challenged because the anointing is for challenge. When

    God gives us the anointing, the assignment, the challenge is


    God is giving us His understanding of the dimensions

    He is building into our lives. He has seen the future; in

    fact, He is the future. We will bring fresh revelations. We

    will never be the same again. Something fresh will bring

    fresh revelation.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    “The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that

    Jesus began to do and teach, until the day when He was taken

    up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to

    the apostles whom He had chosen.”

    Acts 1:1-2 NASB1995

    We need to know what Jesus do and teach. He can tell us

    somethings to prepare us to what is predestined to occur

    within our life. Are we call according to God's purpose? Do

    we love Him? Then we will see the power of God working

    in our life like never before.

    This is the year of happenings! What needs to happen

    will happen because there is a full anointing of the Holy

    Spirit that is coming to accelerated the fulfillment of

    what God has said to our life. But times may be difficult

    but we will have the answer.

    Deception is going to be so acute. Be careful who talk to us

    because what we receive will become our nature. What we

    believe in can become our mental blueprint and

    framework. The hardest thing in leadership is that we move

    to good, to great, to glory leadership. It is not easy to be a

    leader because the qualifications for leader has gone up



    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    When we lift up our hands to the spirit world Joshua will

    prevail. When our hands go weary our sons and daughters

    will rise and make sure that we are strong. Our battle is

    with the Amalekites, and with the Midianites, the Parasites,

    and all the other creatures.

    God is raising us up not to hide in the caves but go to the

    front lines of the battle field. There has been a band of

    leadership like never before. There are no skilled men or

    wise men of Babylon that can lead the people of God.

    Because the people of God learn differently, they learn by

    the Spirit. Many things are not just taught they are caught

    and God want us to be in the flow of what is taking place.

    You can learn to charge the place. We must be ready for


    2021 is the year of happenings because everything that

    God promise me, He will teach me bring it to pass. God

    is sovereign, He has spoken. I am human I take

    responsibility on the earth. We are bringing the future

    forward until all the prophecies and prophetic word be

    fulfilled concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Jesus had been working for the last two thousand years.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    Supernatural miracles will be the order of the day

    because we have no alternative way to go. It is either faith

    or nothing; it is either grace or nothing. God doesn't want

    you to think that it is this easy. A lot of trials and testing that

    we go through is not part even of our lives but God what to

    make me the way I am today. So He make us in a different


    We are leaving the natural and entering into the

    supernatural. The church and Zion begin to merge.

    When we are playing the piano it's beautiful but when we

    are prophesying through the piano, it's another level.

    These supernatural dimensions are going to happen

    because of what is already built into our lives. We

    cannot build until the foundation is laid.

    There is going to be an avalanche of deception but there

    is also going to be a fast flowing mighty river of

    revelation. The reason we need to have progressive

    revelation of Jesus Christ is because He is moving. We see

    Him in ways we have not seen before. Even if we have seen

    Him before He has changed.

    This is a mystery of godliness. We just sum up that God can

    live inside the body of a man. This is the mystery of


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    godliness. The mystery of iniquity is found in Thessalonians

    is different. They don't love the word of God; they don't love

    the life of God; they don't love anything about God. It will

    proclaim themselves as God in the house. You can see how

    God clean that 10 generations up so that He can put in the

    right one.

    Clear indication that are about to take place including

    experience we will have that will take us on the path of


    All that needs to be fulfilled will be fulfilled. God's

    prophetic promise is coming to fulfillment. God wanted

    to fulfill the prophecy of Jeremiah and all the words that

    God has spoken through Jeremiah, the Holy Spirit stirred up

    the spirit of Cyrus.

    The reason we don't see fulfillment in our lives is because

    we focus on the problems. That is why God taught us that in

    the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God

    and the Word was God.

    Acts 19 is going to be format because what need to be

    fulfilled will be fulfilled.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    In ours the times of happenings, things that need to

    happen will happen. Stay in your calling is very important.

    We leave the natural for the supernatural.

    For every five that says yes, there are fifty that say no. And

    the fifty does not understand the purpose of doing it. That

    is why there must be coming into an order. Every promise

    that need to fall in time will fall in time.

    When the times of happenings, what will happen will

    happen but we will not be in the time of judgement. If we

    know what it means to live within our territory. To live

    within our jurisdiction. To stay in our calling. To stay in

    what God has spoken to us. That is why we can leave the

    natural and go to the supernatural. We will leave the

    ordinary for the extraordinary.

    If I have the chance to live back my life all over again, I will

    want to find out how to get the Spirit of revelation,

    understanding and wisdom connecting itself with me and

    the word.

    We must have the dimensions inside us to understand.

    We need a human portal to translate what is invisible

    to the visible. If we know the process, we will know the

    process to move faith into action.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    Faith is so powerful; it can swallow up fear. It can be very

    vulnerable because we are not attached to it. When we

    believe what He says, we will believe we have received it

    and God will grant it to us.

    We must be clear that when the word is powerful that is

    exactly what happens in Genesis. In the beginning God

    said….; how else is He going to tell us? You must have the

    dimensions inside you.

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The

    earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the

    surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the

    surface of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and

    there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God

    separated the light from the darkness.”

    Genesis 1:1-4 NASB1995

    We don't understand what has been said, but we want to be

    like Him. God must give us the ability to touch the spirit

    world like that because the fulfillment of God's word is

    going to come to us very quickly. The prophecy and the

    fulfillment of the prophecy are set in the same line.

    God has spoken, people have received, Holy Spirit must

    bring it to fulfillment. Not by might nor by power but by


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    My Spirit. In the same way, the Order of Melchizedek

    operates on the same side. We know that the son is the

    Great High Priest, He intercedes for the house of God and

    for the nations of the world. And we find the Throne of

    Grace to receive grace. So He is not idle.

    Jesus said, "I will return!" What is happening on the day of

    Pentecost until today is that mighty hand of God. For two

    thousand years He has been behind the second veil. That

    work that He is praying is that we may receive what He is

    praying. He will appear continually on your behalf to God.

    Life is still going on in heaven. It is real living.

    In heaven all will know the Lord. Everything hidden will be

    returned and restored in our lives. What Papa is going to do

    and we are going to do for God is going to increase our

    performance so that we can push ourselves into the nations

    of the world.

    A lot of people will pick up faith supernaturally because

    faith, grace and love all come from heaven and that

    dimension build into us will create a certain way of relating,

    a certain culture and so that everyone who is mixing around

    can be equalized. What Papa knows we will know; what he

    can do we can do; how Papa push in the spirit world we can

    push in the Spirit world. When we can get ready on our part,


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    then fulfillment is faster. Until the day our life is change to

    the core, we will not see the fulfillment. The work must be

    complete in our lives.

    God is watching if there is anything happening in the city

    too. It is going to be a year we are going to bring it to

    fulfillment. What prophecy, prediction, revelation, counsel

    that God has spoken to us, we need to know that it must

    happen to us first.

    Take a piece of paper and write down what is the thing,

    scripture, prophecy that God has given to us that is about to

    happen yet not happening. What is going to happen today

    is God is going to help us leave the natural for the

    supernatural. Leave the ordinary for the extraordinary.

    What you think is impossible is possible.

    Papa expect spiritual growth and the manifestation and

    the demonstration of the Christ in us will be two major

    factors that God will continuously be speaking to us about

    in the year 2021. Are you ready to let happenings happen?

    So that you can be the agent of change. For that to happen,

    the Christ in you must grow until the fullness of God can

    dwell in our whole church and network; in ISAAC and

    ANS. These two things are priorities on the Holy Spirit's list

    because God wants us to have a face to face encounter with


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    the Holy Spirit. He is the Spirit that is hidden. He can live

    within our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit so

    that everything He wants to say do will flow your life. Thou

    art the Christ, the Son of the living God. The Son is the

    Christ, He is the Son of the living God. The acceleration in

    our life will get us ready for something.

    Every miracle that needs to be fulfilled; every prophecy that

    needs to be fulfilled; every verse or scripture that has been

    prophetically spoken to be fulfilled.

    The Spirit of acceleration will be coming to mature the

    inner man that is on the inside. God has no problem

    giving us power and give us authority according to our

    position. But God wants those who understand

    accountability. If we are the only one deciding in our family,

    we can decide wrong because we can't see the whole future.

    We see in bits and pieces and portions.

    Papa had a dream of having a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. He

    saw Mom has another half of that jigsaw. Then he walked

    down to the nations and different ones has different grace

    and different position in the spirit world and they can do

    differently. When we bring all the pieces from all the

    nations of the world it forms a mighty relational strength

    among the network.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    We must get ready for anything and everything that God

    promise us to come to pass. Don't stand in the way, get out!

    Let the Holy Spirit lead us. The Spirit of sonship will come

    upon our hearts when we mature in our lives.

    We must get ready with the dimensions in our own life so

    that when God does something we don't have to reverse

    back. There are various dimensions that are made plain in

    Acts chapter 1. If you don't get chapter 1 right, you are going

    to get chapter 2 wrong. How God was preparing them for

    the upper room experience.

    We can only prepare with what we know. Who will prepare

    us for the future that is about to break open? We must open

    it for our children. We must open it for our family. We don't

    know what we don't know. We know in part, we just

    faithfully follow that part, another part of the puzzle comes

    in and we feel ourselves fitting in. But we cannot be

    equalized if we are going through our own inner struggles.

    The inward spiritual growth is the most important thing is

    what God is going to look for.

    All scriptures are inspired by God and is profitable for

    teaching, for reproof, for correction and training in

    righteousness so that the man of God may be adequate,

    equipped for every good work.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    Those of us who are taking up leadership be prepared for

    what is about to happen. The succession factor is very

    important. God is good to us and is preparing us for what is

    about to happen. He wants us to get ready to leave the

    natural for the supernatural. What is impossible will be

    possible. There must be the important happening that must

    take place.

    Stop doing the natural things, just reading the Bible and

    underlining it but dig deeper, pray and fast.

    We must know what we are living and what we are

    following! God told Abraham not to settle down until He

    told him so. If He wants to bring us in and settle us in,

    nobody can stop it. Our thought pattern must change if we

    are want to leave the natural. Every victory in our life is

    supernatural victory. The walls of Jericho coming down is

    supernatural. Joshua asking God to hold back the earth

    from revolving arms und the sun. Scientists now agree that

    that there is one missing hour that is unexplainable.

    How would we like to live the supernatural? That is the only

    way to create influence, demonstration. Not just talk but



    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    Miracles, spiritual signs and wonders will start happening

    in the church again. Supernatural signs and wonders and

    healing are going to take place. There is going to be an

    acceleration of the miraculous and aggressive kind of

    faith will begin to manifest.

    Money will drop from the heavens. Papa saw money drop

    from the sky. Some collected it and kept it under the pillow,

    some collected it and put it in their wardrobe. What shock

    Papa was the way they treat money coming down from

    heaven. Pulling down dollar notes from heaven. God is

    going to bless them according to His riches in glory. That

    was on Papa's side but they will also receive their own

    portion. They will also release their own honor because

    they know how to use money to make connections with


    In every religion we want to find some way to please God

    because God is always seen as a judge. He is never seen as a

    Father. When the resources begin to flow us must be careful

    that our experience with wealth that is coming down from

    heaven is not that we love money, but that we are ready to

    be blessed with money so that we can be part of the

    priesthood that can change thousands and thousands of

    lives. The radical change that is happening in the church the


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    lives of the people outside will meaningfully wonderfully


    God says that He can do the signs and wonders in a

    single moment. Because we have broken the power of

    poverty and every kind of greediness. The spirit of

    poverty, greediness and covetousness make us feel like we

    have not seen money before. But God is going to do an

    amazing work on our hearts. He will transfer wealth to

    the righteous and wisdom to the builders.

    Write down these four things:-

    1. Miracles signs wonders and healing at an accelerated


    2. An aggressive faith lay hold of miracles.

    3. Cash notes in people's wardrobes in the house,

    sometimes in an envelope, sometimes in the letter box,

    sometimes you find it on the road. All the miracles we

    seen before, gold teeth, gold dust...

    4. Warring angels descending into Muar.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    We must embrace this mandate that we are to stir the spirit

    world and shut it down. The warring angels and their

    angels, they start war. They break every attack on the body

    of Christ. So we have the warring angels descending.

    Papa can stir up the Spirit in the atmosphere but we have

    to stir it up on the inside so that the fountains of the great

    deep will burst open and the floodgates of the heaven will

    burst open.

    The guardian angels which are our angels, there are

    ministering angels that do for us more work than what we

    have received from the Holy Spirit. Then we have the

    cherubim that are at the Arc of the Lord. Seraphim has six

    wings; Cherubim has two; then we have Arc Angels and

    Watchers. These are the good ones. If we become part and

    parcel of Zion we will see the city of God, we will walk into

    the city of God.

    The vision is important. All these is about the war in heaven.

    Because we have settled down, we are not sharp anymore,

    we think it is people. No weapon formed; formed means

    specifically made to kill us. God wants us and Papa to be

    strong so that all the happenings will be facilitated, we help

    the Holy Ghost.


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    Even Jesus had to learn obedience. Abraham had to learn.

    Isaac had to learn the same lessons. The second generation

    could pass because they need to know what to do. Like

    Abraham, we must be changed to the core. Just before the

    baby was born, God changed the name of Abram to

    Abraham, Sarai to Sarah. Because when he start to call,

    "Abraham!", the connections are made in the spirit world.

    Papa don't want us to be confused with angels. They have

    their work cut out for them. God who knows the future have

    predestined stop points to stay and get ministered to.

    Before we deal with them, let's deal with ourselves first. But

    they are here in case we want to know.

    Watchers are those who watch over us day and night

    because God told them a specific event will happen, so the

    angels are watching, waiting for instructions. Drones are

    like watchers, its give us sight where we cannot see to make

    our life a victorious life. By guiding and guarding we can get

    things done without many casualties. That acceleration

    must happen inside our heart.

    God is waiting for us! God has great plans! We are staying

    true to what we believe! We are staying true to what we

    receive is from heaven! Though it may tarry we will wait for

    it until it come to passed. The generation that is raised up


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    in this generation age will be victorious and overcomers.

    We don't want to be the 30% company, 60% company but

    we want to be the 100% company.

    God is sending the Holy Spirit across the world to give

    revelation, understanding and wisdom because the

    knowledge of heaven is going to be use on earth. Some kind

    of medicine in the garden of Eden may be found somewhere

    and the leaves are for the healing of nations. The Spirt of

    sonship will come upon us by which we cry Abba Father by

    which we bear witness that we are children of God.

    God is protecting us right now because we are of God Most

    High. We are part of the Order of Melchizedek, we are part

    of that dimension of the Holy Spirit.

    Papa prophecy to us: the Spirit of acceleration is going to

    come and is going to mature us quickly. The nature of

    Christ will multiply within us and we will know the set

    time set by God the Father so that we can hear His voice

    and know His timing. Because a child even though he

    the owner of everything he cannot have it until he is of

    age 18 or set by the government.

    There are things waiting for us. There are things that

    pursue our lives, other things we have to pursue for our


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    lives. God give us relationship in the house because He

    wants us to start well. Give us good people around our

    life because He wants us to start strong.

    Don't take this Muar, All Nations Sanctuary as another

    Charismatic matter. In the year of happenings there must

    be something that will unlock things that will happen faster.

    We dedicate the whole month of January, that if we can take

    one meal a day, pushing in the spirit world. Papa going to

    get there to find his own seat to reign, we will have to find

    our way up because God is bringing the whole church up

    the next level so that what Papa has sown into our lives in

    the last forty years will begin to stay strong and begin to

    multiply and duplicate itself in a powerful way.

    There will be money on the table, there will be money in the

    cupboard, money in the kitchen; sometimes you go out

    there you find money on the road, money in the car park.

    Everywhere you go there is a flow of cash. This miracle will

    show us that God has defeated Satan and the spirit of

    poverty from our household.

    God will begin to give us right laborers, good workers. He is

    going to make us a good laborer too. A new thing that Papa

    will ask from us is that we will keep our spirit strong and


    ANS Sunday Message 20210103 by Dr. Jonathan David


    our mind empty because Papa will show us great and

    exceeding way by the Spirit that will rise onto our mind so

    that what is immaterial will pass through our life and

    become material.

    The process of Mary is important, how the Holy Spirit

    overshadowed her and the Seed in her womb was holy.

    Papa pray that God will be able to operate through our lives

    though you may be new and fresh. God will take us to the

    next level.

    Papa saw people who had hurt themselves and are finding

    no answer everywhere are going to congregate in this place

    because the balm of Gilead and healing will flow in this

    place in an ordinary basis. Wheel chairs are being stacked

    up, canes being left behind. Wheelchairs discarded, walking

    sticks everywhere. Supernatural of the Holy Spirit is going

    to come.

    Get our heart excited. We will see not only angels but

    miracles, signs and wonders. Pray that God will choose us

    to become the agent of change we are talking about. A

    strategic man that create significant moves.

    This is the year we make things happen!