Prophetic Class 2 - · Prophetic Class 2 Week 6 - Dreams, ... your old men will dream...

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Transcript of Prophetic Class 2 - · Prophetic Class 2 Week 6 - Dreams, ... your old men will dream...

Prophetic Class 2

Week 6 - Dreams, Visions and TrancesBy Micah Turnbo

Week 6 - Dreams, Visions and Trances

This Session will Cover

● Purpose of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Three Sources of Revelation

● Testing the Spirits/Revelation

● Different Kinds of Dreams, Visions and Trances

Micah Turnbo


Acts 2:17, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

The day is here, get ready to see His glory. Visions and Dreams are an invitation for us to

enter into declaring His name across the earth.

In these days of His coming glory, God is pouring out vision all over the earth. All of His children must live with their eyes open.

Purpose of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Brings us into the revelation of Jesus

Christ. What did you see? Please, tell

me about this man you saw?

● One service at church the spirit realm

opened to me and I saw angels coming

down into the room with fire coming

out of their heads. In the center of the

angels chest was an eye wide opened

containing God’s glory. This angel

coming down had the head of a man

with six wings! He was awesome!

Other angels joined in with the heads

of eagles and they too had an eye on

their chest. The angel shouted, “Open

your eyes. Behold the glory of God.” I

could see the angels hanging banners

among the ceiling that said, “Ephesians


● Read - Ephesians 1:17-19

Purpose of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Notice the symbols in the above

encounter. The eye on the chest is a

reference to what paul is praying in

the above passage.

● Visions and Dreams bring us into our

identity with Christ. ○ Who Christ is in you.

● We must be people of understanding

and revelation.○ Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no

vision my people perish….”○ All people need vision to sustain them

in life.○ Revelation allows us to see Him as He

truly is, without seeing God, we will perish quickly. Beholding Him releases life into us...there cannot be any other source.

Three Sources of Revelation

● Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21)

● Human Spirit (Ezekiel 13:1-6)○ Warning!!! You can prophesy out of

your own imagination! Be cautious!○ Do not follow your own spirit! That is


● Evil Spirits ( demons/fallen angels)

○ Angels of light (fallen angels)

○ They will always speak lies even if

they are accurate about knowledge.

○ Demons cannot speak truth because

they serve the Father of Lies. We must know the Word of God!

○ Read - Acts 16:16-19

○ Don’t mess around with demons!!

Three Sources of Revelation

1 Thessalonians 5:21, “but test them all; hold on to what is good,”

● Check Yourself!

● Are you being a good steward of the

place of revelation? These five building

blocks must be in place before we

start to test the spirits.

1. Am I regularly studying the Scriptures?

2. Am I maintaining a life of prayer?

3. Am I seeking purity, cleansing, and

holiness in my life?

4. Am I a worshipful member of a local

Christian congregation?

5. Am I committed to a few peer

relationships that can speak into my


Testing the Spirits/Revelation

● The Self Test

○ Is there any evidence of influence

other than the Spirit of God in my life?

○ What is the essence of the vision or

revelation? (How is it comparing with God’s written word?)

○ Was I under Holy Spirit's control?

(Very good for discerning trances)

○ Have I given my life to Jesus Christ?

○ Am I being enlightened with His


○ Am I yielding my life to the praises of

God or to critical speech?

● Scripture Test○ Does the revelation edify, exhort, or

console? (1 Cor 14:3)○ Is it in agreement with God’s Word?

(2 Tim 3:16)○ Does it exalt Jesus Christ? (John 16:14)○ Does it have good fruit? (Matt 7:15-16)○ Does it produce liberty or bondage?

(Rom 8:15)○ Does it produce life or death? (2 Cor 3:6)○ Does Holy Spirit bear witness that it is

true? (1 John 2:27)

Testing the Spirits/Revelation

● When testing the spirits we need

proper discernment in the Body of


● No matter what type of revelation it is

or how it comes, if it is not glorifying


● Demons will not worship Jesus!!!! It

burns their skin! His very name causes

them to tremble.

● Visions, Dreams, Trances and other

supernatural manifestations must focus

on Jesus! Is the revelation you are

bringing presenting Jesus?

● Remember accuracy has nothing to do

with real truth! Demons can be accurate

but still be a liar! Knowledge must not

substitute truth!

● Beware of Spirits that fly by. There is a

difference between a good spirit and His


Different Kinds of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Dreams○ Godly Dreams: The giver is the Holy

Spirit.○ Pickle Dreams: Dreams where your

mind is processing.○ Demonic Dreams: Nightmares, night

terrors, the flesh is glorified and demons present themselves.

○ Dreams of Intercession: The source is Holy Spirit but will often present ideas of where there needs to be prayer.

○ Warning Dreams: ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! These dream require action and also careful application!

● The purpose of dreams is to create

hunger in you to know more! Search

out the meaning! In searching out the

meaning, you will find God’s heart.

● Read Daniel 2:19-23

Different Kinds of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Visions○ Spiritual Perception: This is more of

the realm of knowing. Not literal seeing. (John 8:38) Jesus speaks what he has seen with His Father.

○ Pictorial Vision: Image revealed in your imagination. It's a snap shot. May include symbols or not.Panoramic Vision: It is a vision in the mind but it contains motion. It's not just a snap shot.

○ Audible Messages: Visions will sometimes include a voice speaking to you. This can be internal or external.

○ An Appearance: A being manifest itself to you! Angels, or the Lord Jesus himself! Sometimes the devil! I have had the devil appear before me several times.

○ Open Heavens: The heavens are open to you. Portals in the sky! Or over your home or ceiling. You will see visions and other sights during this time.

○ Out of Body Experiences: (Ezekiel 8:3). God removes your spirit from your Body. Very biblical. God may take you to different places in the spirit realm! This is how I most often go to heaven! I leave my body! (2 Corinthians 12:2-4).

○ Translations or Teleportations: (Acts 8:39) God physically removes you from one location to another.

Different Kinds of Dreams, Visions and Trances

● Trances (This belongs to God! Not the New

Age movement.)○ The most common story of a trance in

scripture is Simon Peter's story (Act 10:9-16).

○ Trance is a detachment from your natural reality and completely suspended in the spirit world.

○ It could be concluded that the term Deep Sleep is referenced as a trance (Gen 15:12).

○ The Apostle Paul is another example of revelation he received while in a trance (Acts 22:17-21).


Walking in revelation is a wild exciting ride, but we must have wisdom! These places

of revelation, are for His kingdom; for His glory only! They are not for us to puff

ourselves up or build sand castles with (your own fame). Dreams, visions, and trances

are to bring us deeper into the revelation of Jesus Christ!


Assigned Reading


Write down and interact with the symbols used in the visitation. (Example: Notice the different kind of birds. Why would the white eagle reference them? What do they mean?) There are so many symbols in this article so do not expect to get all of them! The purpose of this assignment is to get you thinking deeper when it come to prophetic revelation!


Notice the significance of the The White Eagle’s nest. In your time with the Lord, Ask Him to draw you into His nest...note any pictures, feelings words you may receive. Feel free to be creative in this portion of the

exercise. Discuss this with Holy Spirit.


Who is the White Eagle? Reflect on your answer then write it down!