Promise of Restoration -  · Web viewI will bring Judah and Israel back from...

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Transcript of Promise of Restoration -  · Web viewI will bring Judah and Israel back from...

Me and GodA personal experience in the fight against cancer

Simone Montez Pinto Monteiro

Flap notes

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.  I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before. ”. Jeremiah 33, 6-8.

“Don’t tell God you’ve got a big problem. Tell your problem you’ve got a great God.”. Unknown author.

“Faith laughs upon impossibilities.”. Unknown author.

“Victory smiles only who don’t stop in the middle of the road.”. Unknown author.

“There’s no way for happiness. Happiness is the way. Be happy today with the life you’ve got.” . Unknown author.

“Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." . Lucas 8, 48.

Back cover

“Me and God” is not directed only at people in cancer treatment.

The aim is to help the ones who are living a difficult moment in life, a medical treatment or the loss of loved ones, a sudden separation, depression or simply some inner emptiness, some sadness which insists on coming without reason…

You’ll find out that it’s possible to cope with this period in a better way: with God beside you.

This book, my friend, is nothing more than a testimony. A testimony of how God saves and heals, provides great inner peace and changes your life forever. For the good.


Simone Montez Pinto Monteiro is carioca, district attorney in Minas Gerais, José Luis’ and Edna’s daughter, married with Dario and Isabella’s and Fellipe’s mother. Though she’s got all these achievements, the greatest of all was finding out herself as a beloved daughter of God.

“The acknowledgment that God exists and is always with you makes our journey smoother.”.


I dedicate this book to Whom has always been beside me even when I thought I was alone: my God.

I also dedicate it to my family, my parents José Luis and Edna for the life experience to be followed; my sister, Ana Claudia, for the faith inspired in me; to Dadá, Renata and Maria Lúcia, who I miss very much, for all her support and prayers. Especially to my husband and partner in life, Dario, for his constant presence and silent love; to my son, Fellipe, for all smiles and ‘I love you’ in front of the school entrance, which gave me strength to move on; to my daughter Isabella, a bless of God in my life, eternal partner.

My thank you to all guardian angels put by God along my journey and who have made it become much more tender through this period of probation. These guardian angels are my friend in faith Lúcia, sister in all good and bad moments; Bruno Ferrari, my doctor, with all his patience, competence and heart for what he does; my friends Gledes and Sirlene, faithful partners of all Tuesdays, with her love and availability to follow my treatment; my friend Mário, part of Oncomed’s nursery staff, with his daily care and generous love; friendly Cláudio, part of Hermes Pardine’s staff, with all his smiles and talent of making me feel special each week; faithful Giovana, with her dedication and concern for my well-being and my family; my beloved friends from work and out of it, virtuals and non-virtuals , who have prayed for me, gone under fasting and made religious promises which I hadn’t had any acknowledgement so far and who have never made me feel lonely.

To all of you who wished my healing, my heart.

My God return you in double.

Kisses, Si.


Hi. I’d like to introduce myself my dear reader, as we’re about to share very intimate moments from now on.

My name is Simone Montez Pinto Monteiro, I’m 39 years old, I’m Brazilian, carioca1 and I live in Nova Lima, Minas Gerais. I’m married with Dario and Isabella’s and Fellipe’s mother; district attorney, adding the most important, daughter of God. As all of us.

Well, my history is common to many other people, lives interrupted by the sad statement ‘you’ve got cancer’.

Sad, for no one wishes it for himself. But despite all fears and suffering we’ve got to cope with as humans, what we propose is to demonstrate that this history may have a happy ending. And do you know why? Because the lead characters of this plot are me and God. But they may be you and God. I’m sure he will do His part allowing you to reach your healing. And you, are you willing to do your part?

This book, my friend, is nothing more than a testimony. A testimony of how God saved me, cured me and much more than that, has changed my life for good. For the good.

1 Born in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


Chapter 1 The hardest part: the news

Chapter 2 Our growth

Chapter 3 My first embrace

Chapter 4 God as a personal experience

Chapter 5 How to develop a personal experience with God

Chapter 6 God in the first place

Chapter 7 Dealing with our limitations – be a positive person

Chapter 8 All Christian is happy

Chapter 9 Time to persevere

Chapter 10 Rest in God

Chapter 11 How God manifests Himself among us

Chapter 12 The gifts of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 13 Watch and pray – God’s armor

Chapter 14 Jesus – the son of God

Chapter 1

The hardest part: the news

It was May 22, 2006. Saint Rita of the Impossible’s Day, who I’m devoted to since I was a kid and to whom my house was consecrated. This devotion was inherited from my father and his steel icon on the nightstand in his bedroom.

But it wasn’t an ordinary May 22, when I constantly would go to the church and thank Your powerful intercession towards God for my life and my family’s life.

It was a decisive day for me, when my first appointment with Dr. Bruno Ferrari, oncologist, was scheduled. It was Monday and I’ll never forget how the next weekend, Mother’s Day, was long.

For a being comprehension of my history, I’ll back in time a little bit. In the beginning of the month I wasn’t feeling well, having the first nausea. I decided to see Dr. Marcos Martins, a very competent and trustful friend, who have asked few exams.

That’s when a new level had started in my life. I felt fear, pain and anxiety, but on the other hand it provided me growth, exercise of faith and the opportunity of knowing personally this magnificent God who Is all love.

Life is exactly like this, my dear: pure duality. When you think that you’re about to live the worst in life, it’s offered the possibility of experiencing the greatest happiness that one can have: be close and a friend of Whom is unique and mighty, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Chapter 2

Our growth

I’ve always heard that “you can only grow in pain” or “you can only truly know Jesus in hard moments”. Although I agree with this statement, I used to find it rather heavy to deal with.

Nowadays, I may state that it is the pure truth. We only grow as individuals when we suffer. Of course, there are always exceptions, but they are few.

And why are facts like this? Is it a trick of God to make us closer to Him? Or is it some sort of Lord’s vanity to humiliate us?

No, no and no! It has nothing to do with Him. It has to do with ourselves.

God has his arms always open to embrace us. That’s us who don’t have time for the Father, as we’ve got so many things to do. Hardly we can manage to go to the church on Sundays.

But when there’s a serious sickness, everything changes. We find out how fragile and dependent on Him we are. That’s when we forget pride, we cry , we pray and He comes with a smile on the .lips, that affectionate embrace and gives us shelter in His arms. Yes, you may be sure of it!

Chapter 3

My first embrace

My friend, God has embraced me many times and keeps on doing it so far, taking care of me tenderly. I know that it will be like that until the end of my life. But the first embrace we never forget: it was the night I learned I had cancer. The diagnosis hadn’t been assured yet, but I knew by the doctors’ expression, it was something very bad.

I’ve got into my room rather desperate, totally confused, seeing my life crumble into dust that moment. As I’ve always had faith, I turned my eyes to the sky, got the Bible, cried and asked: ‘Why me, Jesus? Have you abandoned me? Where are you, God?’ IN that moment of confusion, I asked Him to talk to me and opened the book in Jeremiah 33.

Now I see that I didn’t open the Bible, but Jeremiah’s word was sent to me. Do you know what is written? No? I didn’t know at the time either. Actually, I think I hadn’t read anything by Jeremiah so far. What ‘cheat’ He’s given me!!! A tender embrace with foot massage and lullaby. I’ll transcript parts of the text for you, for I was touched by the Holy Spirit’s words:

Promise of Restoration

 While Jeremiah was still confined in the courtyard of the guard, the word of the LORD came to him a second time: “This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name:  ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’  For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says about the houses in this city and the royal palaces of Judah that have been torn down to be used against the siege ramps and the sword  in the fight with the Babylonians: ‘They will be filled with the dead bodies of the people I will slay in my anger and wrath. I will hide my face from this city because of all its wickedness.

 “‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.  I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before.  I will cleanse them from all the sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against me.  Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.’

  “This is what the LORD says: ‘You say about this place, “It is a desolate waste, without people or animals.” Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are deserted, inhabited by neither people nor animals, there will be heard once more  the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying,

   “Give thanks to the LORD Almighty,  for the LORD is good;  his love endures forever.”

I held these Words. God had spoken to me in the moment of my greatest anxiety. Even better: He said He would heal me and provide ‘abundance of joy and safety’. What else would I ask for more?

My friend, you may be sure that there are no coincidences in the spiritual world. I was not a mere coincidence I had opened the book In Jeremiah 33. It was the LORD speaking to me. I’ve always taken His word with me during the treatment and I’m sure I’ll always have Him in my heart, until the end of my life. Actually, I read these words every day, as I’m still in chemotherapeutic treatment and I know it will come true when the LORD says so.

What about you? Have you given your problems to God and longed for His embrace yet?

Chapter 4

God as personal experience

So many times we felt so undignified of God’s presence that we may think that we don’t deserve to be with Him, as we’re not dedicated to the LORD. ‘This for Ana who prays a lot. Or for Rodrigo, who communes every day. Not for me, who have a distant life from God”. Right?

Wrong! It’s not necessary for you to be a saint or perfect for God reveals Himself to you.

My friend, God reveals Himself to all who invoke Him with a pure heart. You must know that none of us, human beings, full of flaws, are dignified to receive the Glory of the LORD. Its manifestation occurs by His mercy and goodness.

Fortunately, I’ve always had personal experiences with God and still have. Experiences in which He reveals Himself not as a distant God, but as a close God, friend and supernatural. Supernatural because all of us have been raised believing in some God Who was good, who had made many miracles through Jesus, but hasn’t made anymore. It’s this God I introduce you, my dear, a God Who works miracles today. He’s a God Who heals today – you can feel His strong presence, even His heat and breeze.

Here are some reports of His tenderness towards me, which could have been towards you. Be with Him.

First Report

It’s true that I had been feeling ill and sick but, as I stated previously, I didn’t have time to go to the doctor and imagined that it was some bullshit. After ten days, I decided to go to the doctor, but it was not my priority. One day I went to the shower and looked at the spot which was bothering on my belly. Suddenly, my belly moved. Moved strongly. It was like some hand inside had tried to pull it out. It molded in a shape of an egg, that disappeared totally in a questions of seconds. It looked like some cartoon, like Popeye. Couldn’t figure it out. I found it rather strange, then I went to the doctor next day. Eventually, the sickness was diagnosed.

Now I know that the “pulled belly” was no cartoon. It was the hand of the LORD showing that I had to go to the doctor.

If you’re not buying it, dear reader, I’ll understand. If I read something like this years ago perhaps I would have doubted. Why? I believed in God. Our LORD is a

supernatural God, my dear. It’s a God who gives sign, works miracles and speaks to us through people and through the Bible.

Think carefully. If God had made many miracles in ancient times – and the Bible has many records of them, why would He be different today? If God is unique and eternal, why wouldn’t He work miracles in me or in you? God works in some supernatural way even today, my friend. But what has changed then? We’ve changed, unfortunately. We’ve had less and less time for God. We’ve got a heart that resists believing in miracles. We don’t believe that God is God and CAN everything.

Dear friend, you may be certain that God hasn’t changed. He keeps on manifesting His supernatural power due to His mercy and love towards us. He keeps with His arms open waiting for you to call Him, to enter your heart. Be aware that He never breaks into any doors. He waits to be invited. He waits that the front door of your heart be open by you, from the inside. God only expects one thing: some heart that truly wants to know Him.

Second Report

I was doing a novena2 for Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. It was said that who had the medal on the chest on the sixth day would have many graces come true. That’s when I thought ‘too bad I don’t have one’.

Exact two days later, my daughter’s godmother called saying that her employee, Vania, had dreamt with me and that she would like to give me a present: an Our Lady medal. My friend, I would like you to learn something for good, there are NO coincidences in Kingdom of God. There is providence. Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!

Third Report

It was April 11, 2007. My husband was uneasy, nervous, and anxious. We had a conversation and he vented a secret that he had been keeping in the deep of his heart for almost a year. The doctors had given me three months of life by the time of my diagnosis. I noticed that my situation was serious by the doctors’ expression then, but not that serious.

When he told me, I started to cry. But it was not a cry of pain or fear. It was a cry of thankfulness. Now, everything was clear. I couldn’t understand Jeremiah 33 in following the passage:

2 Series of prayers lasting nine days.

  “This is what the LORD says: ‘You say about this place, “It is a desolate waste, without people or animals.” Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are deserted, inhabited by neither people nor animals, there will be heard once more  the sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the LORD, saying,

   “Give thanks to the LORD Almighty,  for the LORD is good;  his love endures forever.”

Since the day the word of Jeremiah was given to me, I had the feeling that Judah and Jerusalem were the lungs and the liver, parts which the sickness had reached. That moment, while my husband was talking to me, I learned that my case could have been fatal. “Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are deserted, inhabited by neither people nor animals”, such as my body at the time, dead. But God, He saved me! If you keep a closer look, God’s word doesn’t state that it IS a desert, for it clarifies in “there will be heard once more the sounds of joy and gladness”.

It was not God who said. It was man. God has always promised me life: in peace and “sounds of joy and gladness”.

After what my husband had told me, I stayed in my room, giving thanks to the LORD for my salvation. I prayed, asked for His word, opened the Bible and found the Chant 65 – “Recognition for great victory”. While I was reading it, my son Fellipe, five years old at the time, walked into the room and gave me a red rose, saying ‘Mom, dad asked me to give it to you’. Then, I cried of joy for God’s affection towards me. Why? Days before, Lucia, who was a great friend and missionary, who devoted all her life to the LORD, told me that she had dreamt that God gave me a red rose. So, there was no doubt that it was the rose that God had sent to me as a present, in such delicate time in my life. My friend, the grace of God was so great that I wasn’t sad nor afraid of the news I received. I got happy, rewarded and thankful to the LORD.

Clarifying: my husband hadn’t bought any red rose or asked anyone to give to me a red rose. My daughter was the one who had received it for no specific reason and had left it on the kitchen counter. My son, seeing the rose, got it and gave it to me. He was the messenger, I’m sure about it. My son didn’t lie: it was really ‘dad’ who had sent the rose. Father in Heaven. That night, a mystery took place. A mystery of God.

Fourth Report

This miracle happened while I was writing this book.

The almost weekly chemotherapeutic treatment has last a year so far. Though I had been quite well, my feet were swelling. Not only my feet, but all my body, and it was worrying me a lot. My friend Lucia proposed doing a week of prayers late at night and morning fasting for at least an hour, focusing on the swelling. It was me and her. And there were we, waking up and praying during the night. And fasting as possible.

In the eve of completing an week, I went to the doctor. When I weighed, I had lost a kilo and a half. Actually, I hadn’t lost weighed, but my body had stopped swelling and was coming back to normal. The doctor noticed it and was very surprised by my body improvement.

Nevertheless, I said to God that there had been  many months that he wouldn’t send me the word of Jeremiah and that I wanted this attention. Next day, late at night, right when we were concluding the days of prayers and fasting, I opened the Bible exactly in Jeremiah 33. God is awesome! Glory for you, my LORD!

Chapter 5

How to develop a personal experience with God

Dear reader, every experience with God is unique and personal. You have to find out what brings you closer to God. The way, the time, the place, you are the one who is going to find it out.

However, there are three attitudes that may help it: prayer, praise and communion. Let’s analyze each on e of them.


First step: find a quiet place, where you can make yourself comfortable, during a quiet period of the day. Relax and try to unplug yourself from the things of the day. Take a deep breath and feel your heart become calmer. Then, get the Bible and open your heart to God. To the God of peace. In Mathew 6, 6, Jesus tells us that ‘when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.’

Second step: now, talk to Jesus as if He were a great friend and were there right before you, listening (be sure He is your best friend and is listening to you in fact). Talk about your fears, difficulties, solitude. Also, talk about joy, about a good night sleep, about your friends’ and family’s affection. Reveal your heart.

Third step: after telling him about all your fears and doubts, ask Him to make you strong. Ask the Holy Spirit the gift of endurance and faith. Ask Him the gift of wisdom and discernment. Ask for the joy of living. Trust that these gifts exist for years and worked for many since ancient times. Paul wrote to the Corinthians about the gift of the Holy Spirit and the many ways of His charisma centuries ago (1 Corinthians 12, 4 -11).

Fourth Step: Now, ask for His word. Pray with your heart, ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word of awareness and open the Bible. Read it attentively. In case of not understanding it, ask God to clarify it to you.

Read a Psalm afterwards. The Psalm 22 is my favorite. Be sure that God is listening to your prayers and as frequent they were more intimate you’ll be to God. Your dialog with God will be easier.

In case you don’t feel comfortable doing it in the first time, do not quit, persist. Even me, I got to be vigilant about myself sometimes. Otherwise, your valuable closeness with God will disappear, with all daily tasks and hustle-and-bustle. God is anxious to

talk to you. He wants to speak to you, inform you, give you wisdom. You only have to stay there and listen. Give priority to you time with God. This is my friendly advice.


Praise brings you closer to God. That’s the finding. And why? Praise is nothing more than our recognition of God’s work. The recognition that if you’re now here, reading this book, it’s by His mercy. Therefore, sing a praising song, put a praising cd and sing along. I like very much songs sung by Alda Célia, ALine Barros, Priest Marcleo Rossi, Adriana e Eyshila.

What’s more, my friend, “ let heaven’s light shine in/ open the doors to your heart/ and let heaven’s light shine in”.

If it’s true that ‘the one who sings keep away the threats’ it’s even righter to say ‘who praises, pray twice’.

Cheer your heart!


Communion: is there higher mystery? It’s Jesus in bread and wine. It’s a living Jesus, resurrected.

Communion is a shield against all evil. It protects you and edifies your faith.

Blessed be the ones who practice daily communion. Mine is weekly, but it shall be daily. That the time when I go to His house and receive His bless.

Friend, I’ve introduced you to three attitudes that will bring you closer to God, for sure. However, they’ll only provide closeness with God if you keep your heart open, able to acknowledge Jesus.

Embrace the good habit of praying, praising and communing, always following God, Who will be your best friend for sure. Go ahead, it only depends on you!

Chapter VI

God in the first place

Do you know what time of the day is my favorite, my dear reader? It’s when I’m alone in my bedroom, praying and talking to God. The silent house, a peaceful heart and God present. Is there anything better?

Some peace that literally is not from this world involves me. There’s no will of going out, of doing anything… but being there, contemplating God, all calm in His presence, reloading my spirits with His blesses and love. Sometimes I want to speak as Peter talked to God. ‘Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. ‘ (Lucas 9,33). But it’s not possible, we ‘ve got to get back to life’s challenges.

Opening your heart to God, giving yourself to Him, let Him take you by the hand and take you, this is something possible and one of the good things in life. I mean, it’s the best.

Friend, do you know which words of the day are?

- Give yourself- Trust- Believe

God wants to be with you always. He wants to be in the place that belongs to Him. Nothing less than the first place.

Don’t think it’s easy, but also don’t think it’s impossible.

Putting God in the first place in life is a hard task. It’s a daily conquest, continuous, that demands from you to give yourself entirely, dedication and perseveration. Even though, if you neglect God only a little bit, the hustle-in-bustle of life takes you away from Him, I speak from experience. But you may be sure that the restless chase for God compensates, for it’s very rewarding being in God’s arms. And do you know why? Due to the fact that God is perfect. He will never let you down. Even though people love Him, they are as fallible as you are, they make mistakes that may hurt. That’s the limitation that involves all of us.

I’ve already told you, my friend, that it wasn’t easy to put God in the first place. Or even better, to finally see that the first place has always been His place in my life, for I’ve have always loved my husband and children very much.

I still love them immensely , but I’m sure that the only one who is always with me and that will never let me down is the Lord, Jesus.

I want Him to be, for ever and ever, the number one in my life. Not only for the fact that I’m alive due to Him, but for Him to be always with His arms open to accept me the way I am. Full of flaws.

My family doesn’t run with God the pole position in the rally of my life. My family is the fruit of His kindness and mercy. My family is fantastic, but who can be compared to God? Lord, I just can answer you call saying ‘So you will be my people,    and I will be your God.’ (Jeremiah 30,22).

Chapter 7

Dealing with our limitations – be a positive person

Dear friend, how many times you had the impression that you could do anything, that the world was yours, that you were the one, that you were indispensable and irreplaceable? So there was ingrown toenail and a toothache to take you off the pedestal?

Believe, human beings are very vulnerable creatures.

In a moment, man believes that is like God, but in different moments sees the real dimension that he is nothing without God…

I have been working on the task that I need to be a more humble person. With no pride, superb, stop thinking that I’m super smart, super intelligent, super good. I’m sure that we’re here on Earth to be better individuals, in a continuous learning and endlessly helping the other.

By the way, it’s not possible to talk about Jesus. He could have come as a King, but he came as the son of a carpenter. He could have been born in a palace, but he came in a stable with animals. He could have spoken to the powerful, but he spoke to the humble.

What am I trying to tell you?

I’m saying that when we find ourselves way too important that’s exactly the opposite, we are not. When we find ourselves small, imperfect, that’s when we’re great to God. It’s a paradox, but when we learn that we’re limited we are worthy to God., for wisdom comes by the fear of God.

Dear readers, right this moment if you suffer from any physical or emotional limitation, or if you’re in treatment, don’t get desperate. Accept this as something momentary and value all you can do. Don’t fight against your family, live with them the best you can. Respect them and live your life the best you can.

Focus on life and not on your disease!!!

Few days ago, I read a phrase that touched my heart: ‘Don’t tell God you’ve got a great problem, tell the problem you’ve got a great God’. That’s it! Take God’s hand and go! Actually, do it fast, God wants to see you smiling.

Don’t waste your energy trying to figure out why it has happened to you. Focus on the solution, the cure.

State positively every day, prophesize about your own life and tell yourself you’re better and better, with conviction. God is healing you and days of glory are coming. Say it when you wake up and when you go to sleep, sure about it.

And while healing hasn’t come yet?

My brother, my sister, chance upon the day which was priceless given to you. Enjoy your family, roll on the bed with your children, feel the tenderness of your partner, laugh with your friends, and create you closeness with the Father. And be sure that only He can cure you.

Dear friend, don’t think that I’m always good about life. I’ve cried a lot and still cry. I’ve got angry, I’ve been sorry for myself, I thought it was very unfair. But do you know what? It’s pointless. I know what you’ve been through and I want to spare you from unnecessary suffering, shorten sadness and see you enjoying life the best you can.

Remember: God wants to see you happy. After all, he is or is not your Father? Have faith, have faith, have faith on victory and it will come to you. Have faith.

May you and God edify your victory.


Chapter 8

All Christian is happy

Did you know that all Christian is happy, or at least should be? Have you guessed why?

Because every Christian has something that not all people have, which is Jesus in the heart.

It’s a mistake to think that Christians have less problems. It’s like anyone else’s. There are happy and sad moments. By the way, the Word says it in Ecclesiastes 3, 1-14: there’s a time for each thing, for each thing there’s a time beneath heaven. There’s a time to demolish, a time to cry and to laugh, to hold and be apart, to shut and to speak…

The only big difference is that Christians don’t overcome difficult moments alone. They don’t try to overcome the problems alone. They stand by Jesus and are sure, by faith, the God has saved the best for them. They may not understand why things are happening to them that way, that moment, but they trust God.

See my friend, I took part of a workshop entitled ‘Workshops of Prayer and Life’, which took place in the church of Our Lady Queen, in Belvedere, Belo Horizonte3. There, we learn how to pray and be closer to God. One of the exercises of the course was that when we see people we love, a leafy tree, a beautiful landscape, even when we think of that person who is difficult to live with, we must think ‘Father, I love them too.’. For you to remember the immense love God has for us all, without exception. It’s a loving attitude which gets even more satisfying as it is practiced.

So, don’t forget, my sweetheart: all Christian is happy. Other attitude which helped me a lot was keeping the good mood, the positive thinking. And then you can do anything to keep this good tune. I have even sticky notes pasted up on the mirror, written in upper case and in a very visible place for I can read every morning. Don’t laugh! Make up your on phrases, the ones that reach your heart. Here are mine for you can pastewherever you want, if you wish:





3 The city of Belo Horizonte is in Minas Gerais, Brazil.







Therefore, be a happy Christian! Sing, praise, dance, smile, tell jokes, celebrate, enjoy the life which was given to you for free, everyday.

Stop complaining and start having a positive outlook towards life, thank God and be happy with what you’ve got. Cheers, even if with a glass of water!

Chapter 9

Time to persevere

The path which patients with cancer trail is uncertain: there are deserts and there are shiny valleys. It’s a path full of fears and hopes.

Suddenly, you face the fugacity of life. How ephemeral it is! Things that only happens to others now just happened to you…

How to get stronger to hold on the journey, overcome obstacles, trailing up and down the mountains until you’re taken to the “refreshing waters” (Psalm 22)?

There’s only one answer: trust Him. Trust, trust, trust. And when you’re afraid, trust even more. You may cry, but never stop trusting. Give Him your hand and let Him take you. It’s like closing the eyes and knowing where He is taking you. And be sure it’s a beautiful place. It’s like getting on the boat and knowing that the more dangerous the tide is, the helmsman is Jesus and no evil will happen to you.

Feel that you are with your Father, that Father that sacrificed His beloved son to save us. Would you give the life of a son to save anyone? No? That’s it, neither would I. Therefore, you may size how much God loves us. He loves us and wants to heal us., you just have to trust. This belief you may call faith.

So, dear, have faith, persevere, believe, now is the time. You’ll be rewarded.

It may be hard many time, for the time of God may not be ours. I talk from experience, as I’m under chemo for more than a year. I thought, though, the chemo sessions would last six months, tops. I have even prayed for a miracle to happen and make me sound from night to day. But it’s not how it works. If God wants so, He heals us suddenly. If God wants so, it may take longer. It doesn’t matter, what matters is trusting Him, giving yourself to Him and knowing that he always does the best for you.

That simple, isn’t it? No, it’s not.

Pray to the Holy Spirit for the gift of fortress and faith and live each day. That’s all we’ve got. One day at a time. Persevere with your faith and this time will pass. Even better, it’s passing now.

Chapter 10

Rest in God

We’ve just seen the importance of perseverance: struggling and never quit. But wisdom reveals us that there’s a time to struggle and a time to rest.

Have you ever wanted to rest in God? To let Him take you in His arms and, literally, let Him take you this way? Have you ever wanted to let life pass and let yourself live with no anxiety, not expecting much from anything at all?

That’s right, my friend, it’s so good to have Jesus beside us…

But be careful! Resting in God is totally different from quitting.

When one desists, sinks in discouragement and feels defeated. When you rest in God, it’s like a pit stop of race cars. It’s the time to wind down, take a deep breath in a safe spot and get back to the race, tank full and feeling yourself the winner.

Therefore, my dear, if the burden is heavy, share it with Jesus. Relax, enjoy the good moments of life, being aware that God is on control.

Chapter 11

How God manifests Himself among us

Some people keep on waiting that God comes out from a cloud during the sunset and speak to them through some thick beam and deep voice. And they don’t believe in God unless it happens. Dear reader, you may agree that this encounter is pretty hard to happen. We’re not in a movie.

God speaks to us through the Word, dreams and people.

We must ask the Holy Spirit to give us the gifts of wisdom and discernment for we can understand the messages of the Lord.

Sometimes, it’s not a person, but the chant of a bird or a beautiful landscape that will make you notice the presence of God.

My dear reader, I‘ve learned how to introduce all my most important decisions in life to God. Then, I pay attention to His signs, for I can see what His answer is.

Trust Him and be sure that God has already sent many “angels” to take car eof you, although you haven’t notice them yet.

Who or what are the “angels” that God has sent yo u, my friend? Think and be thankful.

Be aware to the signs of God.

Chapter 12

The gifts of the Holy Spirit

You know, my dear reader, I’ve always cherished God in a special way in my life. But in this transitory moment but not less hard, I had the happiness to be introduced to two great friends and protectors: Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Of course I knew the Holy Trinity and prayed to them. But only now I actually met them. I got closer to them.

Towards my experience with Jesus, I’ll spare it to chapter XIV.

Now, I’ll talk about my friend, my brother, my partner, my love, my dear, my shelter, the mighty and pure God’s Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Father, for introducing me to this eternal protector and friend. The one I love with my pure heart and who makes me drop tears of intense feelings while I’m writing.

How did I get this closeness? It was one of those things which don’t happen by chance. My sister Ana Cláudia, who has always supported me since the beginning of the chemo treatment, lent me a book that would change all my knowledge about the Holy Spirit. The name is “Good Morning, Holy Spirit”, by Benny Hinn.

I was introduced to a very living Holy Spirit and present among us.

I found out that the Holy Spirit is God among us. He loves us very much and guides us in the most difficult moments of our lives.

The Holy Spirit is always beside us. He is the true author of this book. He inspired me.

Now, let’s make an experience. Close your eyes, open your heart and let He speak to you. Talk to Him, but feel Him present. The Holy Spirit talks to you, through your heart. Have you ever heard the expression “sixth sense”, “mother’s intuition”? SO, I don’t believe in such things. This is the Holy Spirit. You may be sure of it.

That’s when we ask ourselves: how can I know that my “intuition” is God speaking to me or our own will? Be calm, for all that comes from God is reaffirmed by other means: through the Word or a person or a sign. You’ll have the answer in your heart.

Friend, trust, our God is a supernatural God. He is a God of miracles. The biggest proof of all is me writing this book, when my prognostic was three months of life.

Our God, via The Holy Spirit, is a God:

- who is present: He is with you 24 hours a day;

- of love: He wants to love you and show you this love. You just have to open your heart.

- that vivifies: though the problems, you may feel even stronger in His presence. Sometimes you may think that you’re getting crazy, but how can you feel happy now? This is our God;

- that heals: Trust, He cures. Jesus has healed many people when He came to this world and is healing so far. You just have to believe. In many passages of the Bible, after Jesus healed a person, He used to say: ‘Your faith has saved you.’(Lucas 7,50;8,48;18,42).

So, what are you waiting for, my friend? Give yourself to the Holy Spirit, to Jesus, to Father in Heaven and believe that He heals. Not only you’ll be cures, but you’ll receive a very special present which many hear about but few enjoy it: His presence.

Chapter 13

Watch and pray – God’s armor

Praying is not enough. It’s necessary to pray and be vigilant. Even better, as it’s said in the Gospel of Mark (14,38), it’s necessary to watch and pray.

This is a prayer that should be prayed everyday for your family protection and yours. This is a heavenly protection, and therefore, necessary.

Besides praying it every day, I also pray to the Holy Spirit for the gifts of fortress, faith, wisdom and discernment, for we can have the strength to struggle against the tribulations.

With this cloak of protection you’ll be protected and anointed against all evil, envy or bad feelings once directed to you and your family. It’s in Ephesians (6, 10-16):

“The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”

So, remember: it’s necessary to watch and pray, ever! That’s when we feel lazy, discouraged, tired and weak that we must pray deeply, so “The Armor of God” will enter our hearts.

You’ll feel protected and invincible, in this closeness of spiritual battle, for the commander in this battle is Jesus.

All that I have written in this book, the greatest legacy for you is this prayer. Be in peace.

Chapter 14

Jesus – the son of God

I have already told you, my dear reader, that I don’t believe in coincidences. When you give yourself to God, everything happens according to His will. That’s exactly why I conclude this tiny book with an unexpected chapter, but absolutely indispensable to be complete.

While I was writing this book, I met Jesus, this wonderful creature, full of mercy and love in his heart. The one who cried for his friend Lazarus and resurrected him. The one who healed a great number of people and told them that it had been their faith which had cured them. Jesus, who was tempted by the devil for 40 days and 40 nights and resisted bravely, defeating the devil. The one who reprehended the apostles for not letting the children come to Him. The one who can be and must be your best friend, your Master. Meeting Him is the only way to get to the Father. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. “ ( John, 14,6).

I always say “ in the name of Jesus” in my prayers to the Lord, as He is my means, my intermediate.

A book which has brought me closer to Jesus was “Simply Like Jesus”, by Max Lucado4, where you learn that God loves you the way you are , but refuses to let you the way you are. He wants you to become like Jesus.

Friend, I would like to end this book with the words from Whom died for us and wish you faith, love, peace and health. Know that you’ll never be alone, God is with you!

Kisses and lots of love, from the deep of my heart, from your trustful friend Simone Montez Pinto Monteiro.

4 “Simplesmente Como Jesus”, by Max Lucado.

Blessings and Woes (Lucas, 6 , 20-45)

Looking at his disciples, he said:

“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.

Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.

“Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets.

“But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.

Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.

Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.

“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running

over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

He also told them this parable: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit? 40 The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42 How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

“No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44 Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers.

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.