Project Weyland

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Transcript of Project Weyland

  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Weyland Industries employs over 800 million citizens. As such, our products and electronics

    are the most advanced, most ecient and most highly intelligent on the market. Our bio-

    sensors can detect trace amounts o toxic contaminants, making workplaces saer. Our

    FTT devices and holographic controls make scientic research easier. And our micron-

    sized platinum-doped laser position sensors make everything rom terraorming equipment

    to weapons-tech smaller, lighter and aster. Our innovations are working harder in every

    home and every industry sector to make your world better.

    Developed by Weylands world-class materials scientists and electrical engineers on

    Gliese 581, all innovations undergo rigorous testing at the New Products Testbed acilities

    at Henri Gaston. We use only the most advanced rare materials extracted rom mines

    across the galaxy, and our nobel-prize winning physicists and materials engineers hold

    the leading number o patents in the elds o lasers, nanotechnology and microabrication.

    Many products using this technology will soon be making history as part o the highly-

    anticipated Prometheus mission.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    This next-generation device, used by Weyland geologists and engineers, surveys unknownplanetary terrain in the pre-terraorming process. An omni-directional laser live-maps 3Dtopography and sends the detailed scanned images to the viewing platorm. A new hyper-

    conducting spherical shell allows smooth, sel-propelled fight in any atmosphere. Polymerlm bio-sensors can detect airborne toxins and lie orms down to 500 nanometers.

    Invented in 2024. Perected in 2073. The Weyland Modular Computing Device (WMCD)can provide audio, visual and kinesthetic enhancement to any room, anywhere. The WMCDpicks up live video eeds rom a remote receiver and lls any space with the sights and

    sounds o that environment in real-time. The WMCD can also recreate a ull-surroundenvironment o a specic location rom any point in time or academic study or personalentertainment.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Weylands energy sector products power billions o homes, schools and businesses

    on Earth and its 63 colonies. We build better power plants, better engines and better

    batteries. In 2014, Weyland introduced The Solstice, the worlds rst truly renewable,

    uninterrupted energy supply powered by the sun. Then in 2029, Weyland introduced a new

    highly ecient usion reaction. Weyland scientists dubbed it raw lambda usion, owing

    to its similarities to traditional cold usion with the addition o unique raw energy releasing

    properties. The invention o RLF changed the entire landscape o energy production and

    storage, propelling Weyland Industries to the top o the eld.

    Across multiple business sectors, the advent o RL usion precipitated aster-than-light

    travel, ueled next-generation Atmosphere Processors and was responsible or a 27%

    overall uptick in Weyland workorce hirings in the e ld o energy. In recent years, Weyland has

    perected this technology on a mass scale, creating next-generation Pulse Power RL usion

    generators or world-building applications with exceptional power requirements. Using aseries o 50m diameter ceramic nanocomposite turbines built rom silicon compounds

    mined in the Outer Veil, these innovations continue the legacy o the Weyland Industrial Age.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Once Weylands rst enterprise as a fedgling corporation. Today, the Solstice is abest-selling product meeting over hal the energy needs o colonies galaxy-wide. Fully-articulating, in-orbit solar arrays deliver uninterrupted, constantly renewable power. Our

    solar sensors are composed o thin lm polymer with polycrystalline silicon distribution.The Solstice is the rst and only orbiting solar array used today by the governments o theUS, UK, Germany, Russia and their colonies, largely serving military power needs due its

    unique fexibility in power delivery.

    Composed o traditional lithium with rare metal cathodes and nano-layered silicon anodes,Weylands newest models o Lithium Ion Batteries have ultra-low internal resistance andzero memory loss. Zero-loss LIBs are used in everything rom Hypersleep Chamber backup

    systems on deep space missions to classroom HoloTabs in Mumbai. The zero-loss batterysystem can be deposited on a single-layer graphene substrate, making portable poweressentially invisible.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    One rst-generation RL usion generator can power 23 million households or 15 millionbusinesses at an aordable price point with limited maintenance. Best suited or civilianpower grids due to their size, Weyland RL usion reactors generate steady Terawatt

    levels o power, without pulse, making power delivery more replete and ecient. Systemspowered by Weyland RLF have blackout percentages a t less than 0.01%.

    While still in the prototype stages, these 18-story turbines, constructed o rare iridium-silicon matrix interspersed with nanocomposite tougheners, have been shown to produceanti-3rd curvature leverage in the testing environment. This amount o power has never

    been seen beore, and Weyland aeronautics engineers are researching a way to enhanceSEV space travel perormance and in-fight design, possibly eliminating the need orhypersleep in the uture o FTL space travel.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Advances in medical science have improved billions o lives over the past 50 years - and

    over 90% o those advances come rom the renowned Weyland health sector. Since 2022

    and the inception o its rst medical science programs, Weyland Industries has become

    an unrivaled champion or better health, lie-saving cures and surgical intervention. In that

    hal a century, Weylands pharmaceutical and genetic advancements have improved lie-expectancy on Earth by 16% and by an astonishing 21% or Weyland employees.

    In 2034, Weyland Health issued $500 billion in academic grants to PhDs in the eld o

    genetic engineering. Funding or those acilitated the discovery o the genetic selection

    process, a vital part o world reproductive health today. In biotech, Weyland pharmaceuticals

    are used in more hospitals, o-world clinics and medic units than any other brand. In

    minimally invasive technology, our newest line o surgical suite equipment is even more

    upgraded, automated and diagnostically ecient.

    Weyland has also expanded our line o products to innovations or your home andworkplace. Mobile External Diagnostic Centers (or MEDiCs) can be ound in most

    every home, classroom, warehouse and transportation depot across the galaxy.

    Since the discovery o the cure or the most commonly occurring cancers, Weyland has

    vigorously pursued the vision o a disease-ree population through better technology and

    investments in medical research. In short, achieving a better world through better health.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    This year, Weyland Industries introduced the FDA-approved MedPod 720i - our mostadvanced unit to date - which can diagnose, treat and perorm a range o surgicalprocedures with ultra-ne laser incisions guided by 3D anatomical scanning. Procedures

    include everything rom diagnosis and treatment o inection through concentratedantibiotic injections, basic wound repair, appendectomy, laparoscopic ablation andCesarean section. At present, a dozen units have been manuactured and deployed in the

    eld by Weyland Industries or practical testing.

    MEDiCs are a critical tool or any publicly occupied space or civilian home environment.MEDiCs provide peace o mind like never beore. Simply open the wall-mounted case andremove the diagnostic vest. Once placed over the patient, M EDiC will determine the extent

    o all external damage, analyze blood samples, i present, and return results within minutes.Emergency personnel responding can immediately access the patients inormation romMEDiC and relay it to nearby clinical acilities. MEDiCs can be administered by any adult

    citizen and have saved millions o lives.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Anti-Gravity Recovery Chambers are a highly sophisticated technology used in hospitalsand rehabilitation centers. Research has shown that patients in anti-gravity conditionsexhibit a 70% aster recovery rate rom traumatic injury or disease. Weyland scientists

    designed a room-sized acility that simulates anti-gravity on a particulate level. Patientscan receive the benets o anti-gravity treatment while remaining comortably in bed. Thisproduct is currently under limited release exclusively in major metropolitan areas on earth.

    Another remarkable technological eat rom Weyland scientists, the Synapse Reestablisher,through precise, minute electrical innervation, awakens dormant neurons in the brain tissueo deceased or dying patients. This delicate technology is highly sensitive and restricted to

    a select group o doctors and scientists. The 9 existing Reestablishers have been in useor the past 2 years in medical schools and biotech research centers or experimental useonly, pending FDA investigation.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    For private, commercial and government enterprises, Weyland is No. 1 in security and

    deense. Thanks to Weyland products, marines have more repower, ships have more

    advanced emergency systems and the average citizen has more peace o mind.

    Weyland dominates the market in the design and manuacture o small arms weaponry,armorization and tactical support devices. The classic Weyland Storm Rife has been part

    o over

    7,000 colonial peace-keeping missions since its initial deployment in 2024. At muzzle

    velocities o 800 meters per second, the Storm is the choice or o-world security. Our

    deense design specialists hold over 3,000 patents in rifing technology alone.

    For 50 years, Weyland has been leading the way toward a more peaceul galaxy. Werenumber one because our priority is the saety and well-being o our customers and





  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Exclusively designed or FTL crats o a suitable size, this emergency sustaining podis an embedded saety module comprised o 7 luxury-appointed rooms, complete withindependent navigation and piloting controls. Reclaiming decontamination system allows

    one occupant 50 years o breathable air with or without hypersleep.

    Used in exploration, reconnaissance and or tactical maneuverability in the eld. Nano-reinorced composite helmet allows a 320 rotational eld o vision with ino display o vitalstats, environmental conditions, communications systems and data analysis. Cadmium

    exoskeleton provides saety and stability over rough terrain. Iridium-coated, laser resistantlight armor optional.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Since introduction, the power loader has improved workplace saety by 300% in o-worldapplications. Its low alloy steel exoskeleton is designed to withstand maximum compressionstress, keeping the driver sae rom external blows. Hydraulically stabilized legs give 3 tons

    o load liting ability.

    Fabricated rom heat-resistant micro-perorated titanium, the Storm weighs 1.3kgs (emptyo ammunition). With unrivaled technology like satellite-guided target detection, the Stormcan track and assess a threat at over 300 miles away. At close range, it res 5.56 mm

    uranium carbide spin-stabilized rounds, through auto-adjusting crosshairs.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Terraorming is the second largest sec tor o Weyland Industries, and continues to earn the

    greatest prot margin as our most consistently well-perorming division.

    We explore each new planet discovered in the habitable zone o distant stars. Thousands

    o Weyland engineers and scientists are then dispatched to the newly discovered solarsystem. Ater setting up a temporary base, the planetary engineers spend months

    exhaustively testing the seismic stability, core layer densities and the soundness o the

    planets ionosphere, noting weather patterns and pressure fuctuations.

    I the conditions are avorable in most respects, Weyland employees claim a new territory

    in the name o the company, and only then begin constructing an Atmosphere Processor

    to initiate terraorming. The total process can take anywhere rom 5 to 20 years depending

    on conditions.

    Over the years, our ew competitors have made attempts to install alternative versions o

    an atmospheric processing design only to return negative results, while Weyland colonies

    continue to grow and thrive throughout the galaxy.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    This proprietary system creates a localized environment in the lowest atmosphericstrata by mining the surrounding air and delivering electrostatic charge to correct thechemical composition o the planetary atmosphere. The system does this by converting

    toxic compounds into a breathable air ratio o approximately 1:3.1 oxygen-to-nitrogenratio, depending on a colonys oxygen needs. Once stable equilibrium is achieved, theAP continually monitors environmental gas compositions and corrects imbalances. By-

    products can oten be isolated and condensed or use as uel sources, industrial cleaningsupplies or raw materials or manuacturing.

    The IM 80 (Igneous/Metamorphic) Rock Processor is designed to improve the quality o lieon o-world colonies with adverse indigenous terrain. Through high-powered mechanicaldisturbance and the introduction o proprietary enzymes, the IM 80 transorms inhospitable

    terra into ertile soil or use in agriculture and bio-replication. It can be operated by a4-person crew o Weyland planetary engineers or trained civilian contractors. A prototypeis currently undergoing practical tria ls on KOI-854.01 outside the heavy ore mining colony

    o Luther City.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    This remarkable device was introduced in 2058 or use by Weyland planetary engineers.However, recent advancements have made bio-replicator pods available to o-worldcivilians or home use. Each pod has a database o over 40 million seed varieties and plant

    DNAs. With the push o a button, it can replicate the requested sample. Growth rates arecurrently at about 55%, not actoring unsuitable planetary conditions or a given species.

    At 1 cubic oot in size, an array o thousands o bio-replicator pods can be outtted to anyseeder or industrial use. For household use, it is recommended to store bio-replicatorpods outside the home.

    Sold exclusively in conjunction with Weyland Atmosphere Processors, the AtmosphericPressurizer can create a locally adapted micro-pressurized environment to prevent injury,illness or discomort on o-world colonies with either marginal or oppressive stratospheric

    hold. On most planets, a standard atmospheric pressure o approximately 1.0 atmosphereat sea level can be achieved, reducing the need or decompression treatments and

    additional medical personnel in the early stages o terraorming.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Last year, Weyland vehicles shipped nearly 1.7 billion gigatonnes o reight and transported over 8 million citizens o-world. This year, our transportation sector plans to continue that rate

    o aggressive growth. Weyland has invested 15% o total revenue into developing newer and better cargo crat, SEVs and personnel transports. We are ocused on 3 key areas.

    HOSTILE TERRAIN TRANSPORTAs Weylands planetary engineers delve deeper into the

    galaxy to create new colonies and Better Worlds, our

    employees meet more unexpected obstacles. Our small

    personnel transports are more advanced than ever, able

    to negotiate vertical barriers and traverse semi-molten


    FTLWeyland was the rst to practically apply aster-than-light

    theory to its feet o SEVs. We continue to outshine our

    competitors, making FTL ships that are saer, stronger and

    more maneuverable than any on the market.

    FREIGHTShipping is one o Weylands most lucrative business sectors.

    Our employees can move more cargo with less energy,

    making our shipping and towing vessels more ecient and

    necessitating a smaller interstellar crew. Transporting the

    ore, materials and equipment that help us thrive makes our

    reight division a vitally important part o our feet.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    Two-person transport vehicle with 4-tread, track-belted wheels able to negotiatenear-vertical terrain carrying small payload. With the NR6, Weyland planetaryengineers are able to survey previously inaccessible areas o newly discoveredproto-colonies. Vehicles reach top speeds o 88 mph in standard atmosphericpressure and gravitational pull. Variable-riction axes or ront and rear wheelsprovide micro-torque gear adjustments or maximum saety and mobility acrossany oreign surace.

    The only product on the market capable o suspending the bodys autonomicunctions while maintaining the health o each individual cell during stasis. AHolographic display communicates with ships mainrame to monitor metabolicconditions to suspend cell unction. The Hypersleep Chambers can beprogrammed to initiate, maintain and terminate hypersleep stasis o human crewdepending on length o mission and percent FTL travel. Zero-loss lithium ionbatteries in a tertiary backup system support the chambers unction or up to 100years in case o emergency.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    One o our most popular and best-selling products. The RT Series Group Transportsshape-memory alloy wheel system has nano-reinorced hard-composite treads that resisttemps up to 2000F. Its ceramic gas turbine engine has .4 million pounds o thrust making

    its cargo weight virtually unlimited. With an 5.7 meter wheelbase, the personnel bay ts upto 20 occupants.

    As the rst-ever FTL space exploration vehicle, Heliades revolutionized the known galaxy.Dual FTL engines are driven by a 2.1 terrawatt RL usion reactor. The ability to providemolecularly stable transport or ship components and human crew over light-years o

    space gives Weyland explorers, scientists and planetary engineers access to regions neverbeore imagined. ICC-certied and compliant, our newest fagship model has a payload

    capacity o up to 9 megatonnes and a redesigned airrame and eatures a medical bay, labacilities, and over a dozen HES-compatible chambers.




  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    He has been reimagined, reengineered and brought to lie with better technological,

    intellectual, physical and emotional perormance than ever beore. Welcome to the eighth

    generation o cybernetic advancement. Brought to you by Weyland Industries. With his

    new 99% emotional sensitivity level, David 8 can enter seamlessly into any environment

    and carry out an authentic human interaction. David 8 can understand and respondappropriately to even the most intricate emotional cues or subtly stated verbal commands.

    David 8 has valuable skills in manuacturing, nance, earth sciences and medicine, and he

    can become instantly competent in almost any other eld.

    He is polished, practiced, and ecient, by ar the most advanced and human-like cybernetic

    individual on the market today. David 8 is guaranteed to surprise you. He is extremely

    versatile, endlessly useul and his database o unique unctionality is limitless. Unlike human

    counterparts, David 8 is willing to perorm any task that he is assigned, without question or

    resistance. He will not finch at even the most disturbing or seemingly irregular assignment,and he will dutiully persevere until reaching his nal objective.

    Discover, explore and Build Better Worlds with the new David 8.


    DAVID 8

    DAVID 8

  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland



    DAVID 8


    David 8 is a perect confuence

    o technologies. His advanced

    cybernetic vision has been urther

    improved to include ocus-adjust

    in low light conditions. And a new

    global location mapping algorithm

    identies David 8s coordinates

    and returns him to a pre-

    programmed rendezvous point.

    David 8s Pursuance Protocol

    ensures quality perormance: given

    a project to complete, David 8 will

    see it done.

    With a fuid intelligence on the

    order o 1012 neurons or 200

    petafops, David 8 exhibits twice

    the neural net capacity o humans.

    The new sensory-data processor in

    David 8 combines perect human

    reasoning with the most advanced

    cybernetic computing power.

    Owing to such technology, David

    8 can unction autonomously in

    any human environment, displaying

    complex human intellectual traits

    such as curiosity and sel-motivation

    towards a nal objective.

    An advanced polyurethane coating

    replicates the biological properties

    o human skin to exact texture,

    pliability and tensile strength. With a

    cadmium alloy endoskeleton, David

    8s rame can withstand over 1,000

    pounds o compression orce. Micro-

    distributed accelerometers provide

    ultra-keen kinesthetic awareness.

    And as a new design eature, David

    8 has been programmed in several

    common sports modes; he now

    enjoys basketball, cycling, gol and


    For David 8, Weylands emotional

    encoding sotware has been

    redesigned to include recognition o

    thousands more acial expressions

    than previous models. Proprietary

    expression mapping sensors allow

    David 8 to interpret critical human

    emotional states. The evaluation

    process happens at synaptic

    speed, instantly sending thousands

    o micro-acial movements into

    eect, giving David 8 a remarkably

    natural, human response.

  • 7/31/2019 Project Weyland


    DAVID 8


    David 8s unlimited memory

    capacity makes storing data rom

    even the most complex models

    such as the one pictured possible.

    Additionally, with double the neural

    net capacity o humans, David 8

    can memorize, store and retrieve

    data aster than ever beore.

    The David 8 model was crated with

    the most intricate attention to detail,

    down to silicone tearlike lubricant

    that enables David 8 to ully express

    his emotions in any temperature or


    Most remarkable is David 8s

    increased emotional capacity,

    which allows him to seamlessly

    adapt to any human encounter.

    Weyland has also ne-tuned David

    8s expression mapping sensors,

    engendering a strong sense o trust

    in 96% o users.


    Height : 1.87 meters

    Weight : 86 kgSize : David 8 wears WI standard uniorm (accepts model sizes 6-8)

    Frame and Design

    David 8 uses a micro-pressurized hydraulic actuator system along with rictionless joints to achievemaximum refexive mobility. His cadmium endoskeleton is guaranteed or the lie o the product.

    Additional feature specs:

    Multi-d egree range of motion greater than human capacity Micro-distributed accelerometers 30x visual magnica tion with increased depth of eld Low-ligh t auto-adapting feature (with assisted low-light focusing) Non-reac tive Polyurethane coating 700-lb lifting capacity Polymer-enc ased brain stem component


    David 8 is fuent in all known languages through a dialectic implant and can iner the linguistic components

    o entirely new languages i encountered. Communication between humans and David 8 should eel entirelyfuid and natural. He instantly recognizes the tone and timbre o a new voice and will register it with hisdatabase.


    David 8 is easy to operate and enters seamlessly into human environments. Just speak a command in yournormal tone o voice. Customizable vocational or goal-objective programming is available on some models.

    Mind and Memory

    Fluid intellig ence equivalent of 1012 neurons (200 petaops) 3D kinematics guidance center Fear center safety program (can be disabled) Advance d emotional encoding Facial recognition via proprietary expression mapping Unlimited memory

    Heart and Soul

    David 8 can record, process, understand and express many complex emotions, but he will never know

    true human eelings such as love, grie and compassion.


    Unlike previous models, David 8 can conduct all o his own maintenance procedures. He constantlymonitors the degradation o his high-turbidity hydraulic fuid and will replenish at regular intervals (bi-monthly approximate or most mixed-use applications). His zero-loss lithium ion cells are guaranteedor the lie o the product.

    Major repairs or physical damage must be addressed through an authorized Weyland Cyberneticsacility.

    The Weyland-stamped ngerprint

    lets you know that each David 8

    cybernetic individual comes rom

    The Company you know and trust.

    D A V I D 8 S P E C I F I C A T I O N