Project Valuation Billing Form Package 1

Post on 30-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Project Valuation Billing Form Package 1


P1 BILL NO-1 PrelimBREAKDOWN OF ACCOMPLISHMENTVALUATION NO. 21ItemDescriptionWORKS ACCORDING TO BOQQtyUnitRate QrAmount Qr Dhs0.00%BILL NO. 1/1PRELIMINARIES.Contract Particulars.Allow for all obligations and liabilities in accordance with the following clause of the General and particular conditions of contractAClause 1 Definitions.ItemBClause 2 Duties and Powers of Engineers RepresentativeItemCClause 3 Assignment.ItemDClause 4 Sub-Letting.ItemEClause 5 Extent of Contract.ItemFClause 6 Language etc.ItemGClause 7 Custody of Drawings, etc.ItemHClause 8 Further Drawings and Instructions.ItemJClause 9 Contract Agreement.ItemKClause 10 Performance Bond.1Item1,100,000.00LClause 11 Inspection of Site.ItemMClause 12 Sufficiency of Tender, etc.ItemNClause 13 Work to be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.ItemPage 1/1/1 To CollectionQR1,100,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Contract Particulars (Contd)AClause 14 Programme to be Furnished.1Item10,000.00BClause 15 Contractors Superintendence.1Item1,300,000.00CClause 16 Contractors Employees.ItemDClause 17 Setting-out.1Item20,000.00EClause 18 Boreholes and Exploratory Excavation.ItemFClause 19 Watching and Lighting.ItemGClause 20 Care of Works.ItemHClause 21 Insurance of Works, etc.1Item500,000.00JClause 22 Damage to Persons and Property.ItemKClause 23 Third party Insurance.ItemLClause 24 Accident or Injury to Workmen.ItemMClause 25 Remedy on Contractors Failure to Insure.ItemNClause 26 Compliance with Statutes, Regulations etc.ItemPClause 27 Fossils, etc.ItemQClause 28 Patent Rights and Royalties.ItemRClause 29 Interference with Traffic and Adjoining PropertiesItemSClause 30 Extraordinary Traffic, etcItemPage 1/1/2 To CollectionQR1,830,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Contract Particulars (Contd)AClause 31 Opportunities for other Contractors.ItemBClause 32 Supply of Plant, Materials and Labour.ItemCClause 33 Site to be Kept Clear of Obstruction, etc.ItemDClause 34 Conditions of Employment, etc.ItemEClause 35 Returns of Labour, etc.ItemFClause 36 Quality of Materials and Workmanship and Test, etcItemGClause 37 Access to Site.ItemHClause 38 Examination of Work, etc.ItemJClause 39 Removal of Improper Work, etc.ItemKClause 40 Suspension of Work, etc.ItemLClause 41 Commencement of Works.ItemMClause 42 Possession of Site, Wayleaves, etc.ItemNClause 43 Time for completion.ItemPClause 44 Extension of Time for completion.ItemQClause 45 No Night or Friday Work.ItemRClause 46 Rate of Progress.ItemSClause 47 Liquidated Damages for Delay, etc.ItemPage 1/1/3 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Contract Particulars (Contd)AClause 48 Certificate of Completion of Works.ItemBClause 49 Definition of Period of Maintenance, etc.ItemCClause 50 Contractor to Search.ItemDClause 51 Variations, etc.ItemEClause 52 Claims.ItemFClause 53 Plant Definitions, etc.ItemGClause 54 Approval of Materials, etc. not implied.ItemHClause 55 Quantities.ItemJClause 56 Variations, etc. to be Measured.ItemKClause 57 Method of Measurement, etc.ItemLClause 58 Provisional Sums, Prime Cost Items, etc.ItemMClause 59 Nominated Sub-contractors.ItemNClause 60 Monthly Statements, etc.ItemPClause 61 Approval only by Maintenance Certificate.ItemQClause 62 Maintenance Certificate.ItemRClause 63 Forfeiture, etc.ItemPage 1/1/4 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Contract Particulars (Contd)AClause 64 Urgent Repairs.ItemBClause 65 War Clauses.ItemCClause 66 Termination of the Contract by the GovernmentItemDClause 67 Settlement of Disputes.ItemEClause 68 Services of Notices.ItemFClause 69 Default of Government.ItemGClause 70 No Escalation of pricesItemHClause 71 Taxation, Customs Duty, etc.ItemJClause 72 Constructional Plant, Temporary Works,etcItemKClause 73 Details to be Confidential.ItemLClause 74 Bribery and Corruption.ItemMClause 75 Boycott of Israel.ItemNClause 76 Law to Apply.ItemPClause 77 Air and Sea Transport to and from Doha.ItemQClause 78 Materials and equipment from Qatar or other CCASG countriesItemPage 1/1/5 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).SPECIFICATIONSThe Specification is the Qatar Construction Specification (QCS) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Public Works, State of Qatar and as extended or amended herein.Allow for compliance with all obligations and liabilities in accordance with the following General Clauses of Section 1 QCSAScope.ItemBCompliance with QCS.ItemCMaterials and Components.ItemDNational Standards.ItemEProprietary Articles and Systems.ItemFMaterials from AGCC Countries.ItemGOrdering Materials.ItemHDimensions.ItemJSamples and Sample Panels.ItemKTests.Item20,000.00LDelivery and Storage of Materials.ItemMHandling.ItemPage 1/1/6 To CollectionQR20,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)AProtection.ItemBPlant, Tools.ItemCTemporary Works and Equipment.ItemDSafety, Health and Welfare of Work People.ItemEAccidents.ItemFContractors Supervision.ItemGSkilled Craftsmen.ItemHWatching and Lighting.ItemJTrespass and Nuisance.ItemKTemporary Roads.ItemLMaintenance of Roads.ItemMPolice Regulations.ItemNLighting and Power.ItemPWater Supply.ItemQContractors Temporary Buildings.Item350,000.00RProject Dossier and other documents required by QREIC/QP on Formats/ Standards to be submitted as per Engineer's Site InstructionsItem20,000.00Page 1/1/7 To CollectionQR370,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)AFire Precautions.ItemBMeasuring and recording equipmentItemCTemporary Bench-Marks.ItemDTemporary Site Hoardings, Fans, Screens, etc.Item30,000.00EName Boards and Advertising.Item6,000.00FNotices and Fees.ItemGNotices to Service Ministries and Departments.ItemHUse of English Language.ItemJAll Communications to be in Writing.ItemKSite Diary.Item5,000.00LContractors Progress Report.Item14,000.00MProgramme.ItemNOther Contractors Access.ItemPUse of the Site.ItemQCleaning the Works.ItemRExisting ServicesItemSTraffic Management System.Item20,000.00Page 1/1/8 To CollectionQR75,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)Allow for compliance with all obligations and liabilities in accordance with the following Clauses of Section 6 (Roadworks) of the QCSA1.01 DefinitionItemB1.02 Special Requirements of Government AuthoritiesItemC1.03 Testing and facilitiesItemD1.04 Earth works by othersItemE1.05 Fill materials supplies by othersItemF1.06 Inclement weatherItemG1.07 Traffic ControlItemH1.08 Temporary Diversion WaysItemJ1.09 Protection of Existing Road SurfacesItemK1.10 Access to PropertiesItemL1.11 Traffic SafetyItemPage 1/1/9 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)Allow for compliance with all obligations and liabilities in accordance with the following Clauses of Section 20 (Sewerage) of the QCSA1.01 GeneralItemB1.02 Standard, Codes and RegulationsItemC1.03 ClimatesItemD1.04 Contractors Detailed DrawingsItemE1.05 Record DrawingItemF1.06 Site PhotographsItemG1.07 Positions of WorksItemH1.08 Site InformationItemJ1.09 Co-ordination at siteItemK1.10 AttendenceItemL1.11 Facilities for other contractorsItemM1.12 Method of workingItemN1.13 Compensation for Damage to PropertyItemP1.14 Inspection of worksItemQ1.15 Site for Additional AccommodationItemPage 1/1/10 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)A1.16 Site in private LandsItemB1.17 Site in RoadsItemC1.18 Closing of RoadsItemD1.19 Working in SewersItemE1.20 Protection of Finishes and EquipmentItemF1.21 Test for Water Tightness of theItemG1.22 Materials GenerallyItemH1.23 Engineers RepresentativeItemAllow for compliance with all further obligations and liabilities in accordance with the following revised and/or additional clauses of the Project SpecificationJ1.01 Location and description of siteItemK1.02 Description of worksItemL1.03 DrawingsItemM1.04 Works reasonably inferredItemN1.05 Provision of items for use by the Engineer or Engineers RepresentativeItem40,000.00P1.06 Material from AGCC StatesItemPage 1/1/11 To CollectionQR40,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)A1.07 As-built Record and Survey DrawingsItemB1.08 National StanderdsItemC1.09 Sample and Sample PanelsItemD1.10 Temporary RoadsItemE1.11 Delivery and Storage of MaterialsItemF1.12 ProtectionItemG1.13 Contractors Temporary BuildingsItemH1.18 Measuring and Recording EquipmentItemJ1.19 Temporary Site Hoardings, Fans, Screen etc.ItemK1.20 Name boards and advertisingItemL1.21 Contractors Progress ReportItemM1.22 Programme and ComputerItemN1.24 Cleaning the worksItemP1.25 Drawing to be provided by the ContractorItemQ1.26 Site AdministrationItem20,000.00Page 1/1/12 To CollectionQR20,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)A1.27 Statutory and other ObligationItemB1.28 Protection of Properties and ServicesItemC1.29 Setting out and AccuracyItemD1.30 Defective WorksItemE1.31 Concurrent worksItemF1.32 CompletionItemG1.33 health and SafetyItemH1.34 Operation and Maintenance ManualsItemJ1.35 Contractor designed elements of the worksItemIn addition to the foregoing thee Contractor shall allow foor compliance with all obligations andd liabilities in accordance with amendments to the Qatar Construction Specifications as indicated in the Project SpecificationHProgress and site photographs including Aerial photographsItem25,000.00JAs-built record and survey drawings and survey data in accordance with the project SpecificationItem20,000.00KAllow for compliance with all other obligations and liabilities in accordance with the Project SpecificationItemLAllow for Co-ordination with Government, Service, Utility Departments, Kahramaa etc.ItemMRoad Closures and Traffic DiversionItemPage 1/1/13 To CollectionQR45,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)ASite Specific Geo-technical RequirementsItemBAs Built DrawingItemCDigital DataItemDData DeliveryItemETesting of MaterialItemFWelfare of WorkmenItemENGINEERS SITE FACILITIESAllow for following Engineers Site Facilities for the duration of the Contract ass detailed in Clause 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.23 etc. of the Project SpecificationGOffice Type 2 for the Engineers as described in Clause 1.15 (A, B, C, D, E & F)Item300,000.00HProvision for Telephone and fax as described in Clause 1.16 (A, B & C)Item70,000.00JProvision for Vehicles as described in Clause 1.17Item70,000.00KProvision for office stationaries and consumableItem30,000.00LProvision for Computers, Laser Printer, Softwear, UPS Back up Power supply; all as described in Clause 1.23 and to the approval of the EngineerItem70,000.00Page 1/1/14 To CollectionQR540,000.00PRELIMINARIES (Contd).CLEANING THE WORKSRemove rubbish and debris from time to time as it accumulates and at completion or as may be directed and keep the site clean and tidy at all timesItemClean both internally and externally the whole of the works, Immediately prior to handling over suitable for occupancyItemOTHER TERMSAllow for the all other items indispensably necessary for the complition of the works, for which special provision is required and which are not covered elsewhere in the documents whether arising from the class of work, Specification or Condition of Contrac or any other matter whatsoever. Anything not so seperately described to be included in the prices inserted in the Bill of QuantitiesItemPage 1/1/15 To CollectionQR0.0PRELIMINARIES (Contd).Specification (Contd)AThe Contractor shall describe and price below the items necessary for the full and proper Completion of the Works as described in the Specifications or shown on the Drawings and for which either expressed or implied provision is required and which are not covered by either the items or the rates in the Bills of Quantities and whether arising from the class of work, Conditions of Contract or any other matter whatsoever. Anything not so separately described shall be deemed to be covered in the items and rates inserted in the Bills of Quantities.(i)Item(ii)Item(iii)Item(iv)Item(v)ItemPage 1/1/16 To CollectionQR0.0Page No. 1/1/11,100,000.000.0Page No. 1/1/21,830,000.000.0Page No. 1/1/30.0Page No. 1/1/40.0Page No. 1/1/50.0Page No. 1/1/620,000.00Page No. 1/1/7370,000.00Page No. 1/1/875,000.00Page No. 1/1/90.0Page No. 1/1/100.0Page No. 1/1/1140,000.00Page No. 1/1/1220,000.00Page No. 1/1/1345,000.00Page No. 1/1/14540,000.00Page No. 1/1/150.0Page No. 1/1/160.0Page 1/1/17 TOTAL FOR PRELIMINARIES4,040,000.00



P1 BILL NO-2 Bldg BlksINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21 (MARCH 2007)Item #DescriptionQtyUnitRateAmountQRBILL NO.2/3EXCAVATIONNote. The Substructure has been measured in accordings with the enigeneers drawings whih show the minimum excavation depth required to reach a safe bearing capacity of 210KN/m2 Should a grater depth of excavation be required to reach a sutable bearing capacity, the deferance is to be made up by using mass concrete and all additional excavation, concrete filling and other accociated costs will be deemed to be included in the rates and prices for substructure workExcavatingBQ2/3/1/APits; not exceeding 1.50m deep129m321.002,709.00BQ2/3/1/BTrenches; not exceeding 1.50m deep31m323.00713.00DisposalBQ2/3/1/CSelected excavated material in backfilling around foundations96m37.00672.00BQ2/3/1/DRemove surplus excavated material from site64m312.00768.00FillingBQ2/3/1/EFilling in layers with imported fill material in make up levels44m320.00880.00Anti termite treatmentBQ2/3/1/FAnti termite treatment as per specifications for slabs on grade,below grade,foundations,service pipe penetrations and vertical faces of foundations374m25.001,870.00EXCAVATION & EARTHWORKTo summary7,612.00BILL NO.2/55 CONCRETE WORKSUBSTRUCTUREINSITU CONCRETEPlain insitu concrete;SRC 15 CONCRETE;Grade 15N/mm2;palin with Gabro aggregateBQ2/5/1/ABlinding bed,75mm thick ; 50 mm thick479m234.0016,286.00insitu concrete,ordinary portaland cement;grade 30N/mm2;reinforced with gabro aggregate and micro silica.BQ2/5/1/BIsolated foundations28m3426.0011,928.00BQ2/5/1/CGround beams14m3426.005,964.00BQ2/5/1/DBeds36m3426.0015,336.00BQ2/5/1/EIsolated columns4m3426.001,704.00REINFORCEMENTHigh yeild steel barsBQ2/5/1/F10mm diameter1,081kg3.003,243.00BQ2/5/1/G12mm diameter289kg3.00867.00BQ2/5/1/H16mm diameter3,696kg3.0011,088.00BQ2/5/1/J20mm diameter170kg3.00510.00To Collection66,926.00Polypropylene fibre micro reinforcement for grade slab concreteBQ2/5/2/AGrade slab54m320.001,080.00FORM WORK FOR INSITU CONCRETETemporary formwork to produce basic finish toBQ2/5/2/BIsolated foundations77m231.002,387.00BQ2/5/2/CGround beams122m231.003,782.00BQ2/5/2/DIsolated columns36m231.001,116.00JOINTS IN INSITU CONCRETEFormed isolation joints;bitumen impregnated fibre board fillerBQ2/5/2/E12mm thick14m214.00196.00Concealed joint sealant(Flexcell);toBQ2/5/2/FIsolation joints;12mm wide142m7.00994.00To Collection9,555.00DAMP-PROOF MEMBRANES AND COATINGSBQ2/5/3ABituthene 8000HC damp proof membrane to horizontal concrete surfaces542m221.0011,382.00BQ2/5/3BBituthene 8000HC damp proof membrane to vertical concrete surfaces373m221.007,833.00BQ2/5/3C3mm "Servi-pack" protection to face of damp proof membrane398m221.008,358.00BQ2/5/3D40mm cement and sand screeded bed laid on horizontal or sloping damp proof membrane447m213.005,811.00BQ2/5/3Eallow for providing necessary proprietary fillet as specified.324m23.00972.00SUNDRIESHollow concrete blocks filled solid with concrete grade SRC 20 and bedded and jointed in class 1 mortar.BQ2/5/3F200mm walls58m252.003,016.00To Collection37,372.00SUPERSTRUCTUREInsitu concrete; OPC concrete grade 30N/mm2;plain with Gabro aggregateBQ2/5/4/APlinth2m3380.00760.00Insitu concrete; OPC grade30N/mm2; reinforced with Gabro aggregateBQ2/5/4/BIsolated columns19m3380.007,220.00BQ2/5/4/CSlabs96m3380.0036,480.00BQ2/5/4/DBeams49m3380.0018,620.00BQ2/5/4/EArches2m3380.00760.00BQ2/5/4/Fstairs6m3380.002,280.00BQ2/5/4/GAdditional concrete quantity for sunken slab and beam(Contractor shall provide detail design)5m3380.001,900.00BQ2/5/4/HAdditional form concrete quantity as specified in the drawing and specification for first floor toilets and kitchen sunken slabs;200mm thick;65m285.005,525.00To Collection73,545.00REINFORCEMENTHigh yield steel barsBQ2/5/5A10mm diameter10,797kg3.0032,391.00BQ2/5/5B12mm diameter1,347kg3.004,041.00BQ2/5/5C16mm diameter3,778kg3.0011,334.00BQ2/5/5D20mm diameter3,153kg3.009,459.00BQ2/5/5EAdditional bars in various diameter(for sunken slabs)450kg3.001,350.00FORM WORK FOR INSITU CONCRETETemporary formwork to produce basic finish toBQ2/5/5FSoffits of slabs649m231.0020,119.00BQ2/5/5GSoffits of slabs;sloping9m231.00279.00BQ2/5/5HSoffits of arch2m231.0062.00BQ2/5/5JEdge of slabs2m231.0062.00BQ2/5/5KSides and soffit of beams502m231.0015,562.00BQ2/5/5LSides of arch10m231.00310.00BQ2/5/5MIsolated columns216m231.006,696.00BQ2/5/5PRisers5m231.00155.00BQ2/5/5QUpstands10m231.00310.00BQ2/5/5REdges of plinths4m231.00124.00To Collection102,254.00PRECAST CONCRETEPrecast concrete, grade 30N/mm2;including moulds; reinforcement & bedding in mortar with Gabro aggregateBQ2/5/6ALintels; 100x200mm196m16.003,136.00BQ2/5/6BLintels; 200x300mm15m48.00720.00BQ2/5/6CLintels; 200x400mm4m64.00256.00BQ2/5/6DSills;200x2000mm91m32.002,912.00REINFORCED PRE CAST CONCRETE GRADE 700PCBQ2/5/6EHollowcore precast suspended slab,150 mm thick overall as specified;including reinforcenet and associated building works as necessary8m2115.00920.00SUNDRIESBQ2/5/6FAllow for additional amount for epoxy coating of all high yeild reinforcent bars used in works both for superstructure.(Provisional)1item4,313.004,313.00To Collection12,257.00COLLECTIONPage BQ2/5/166,926.00Page BQ2/5/29,555.00Page BQ2/5/337,372.00Page BQ2/5/473,545.00Page BQ2/5/5102,254.00Page BQ2/5/6R112,257.00CONCRETE WORKTo Summary301,909.00BILL NO.2/6BLOCK WORKHollow concrete blocks bedded and joined in class 2 mortarBQ2/6/1/A150mm walls59m248.002,832.00BQ2/6/1/B200mm walls723m248.0034,704.00Solid concrete blocks bedded and joined in class2 mortarBQ2/6/1/C100mm walls468m251.0023,868.00BQ2/6/1/D150mm walls135m251.006,885.00PROTECTIONBQ2/6/1/EAllow for protection all the work in this section1item863.00863.00BLOCK WORKTo Summary69,152.00BILL NO.2/7ROOFINGROOF SCREEDSCement-sand screed on con. Roof,laid to falls and cross falls 1:100BQ2/7/1/AAverage 70mm thick360m223.008,280.00BQ2/7/1/B40 x 40 mm cant fillet134m3.00402.00BITUMINOUS ROOF COVERINGSingle layer polymer modified bituminous sheet roofing fully "torch-on" bonded to screed roofBQ2/7/1/CCovering on trowelled beds laid to falls360m224.008,640.00BQ2/7/1/DSkirting 350mm girth;one end dressed over angle fillet,other end dressed into and including25X20 groove sealed with UV resistant approved sealant134m10.001,340.00Single layer polymer modified bituminous sheet roofing fully "torch-on" with mineral finish bonded to screeded roofBQ2/7/1/ESkirting 350mm girth;one end dressed over angle fillet,other end dressed into and including25X20 groove sealed with UV resistant approved sealant134lm10.001,340.00To Collection20,002.00INSULATION AND PROTECTIONExtruded polystyrene closed cell insulation board laid on roof covering with rebated edgesBQ2/7/2/A50mmthick,laid loose with tight,stagered joints on water proofing membrane360m216.005,760.00Permeable filter membrane as specifiedBQ2/7/2/BTo roof laid on insulation360m23.001,080.00Ultra violet protectin :toBQ2/7/2/CRoofs1m210.0010.00precast concrete tile paving,loosely laidBQ2/7/2/D500X500X40 mm,to roofs25m242.001,050.00Protective covering;ballast;toBQ2/7/2/ERoofs;50mm thick345m213.004,485.00BQ2/7/2/FRoofs 100mm thick1m221.0021.00To Collection12,406.00ACCESSORIES & SUNDRY ITEMS FOR COVERINGSAccessories; aluminium alloyBQ2/7/3/AStrainer; 250x250 mm1No50.0050.00Accessories; galvanized steelBQ2/7/3/BReglet, 20x20 mm dovetail section with backing code and sealant1m40.0040.00BQ2/7/3/CRainwater spout; 75mm diameter3No150.00450.00PROTECTIONBQ2/7/3/DAllow for protection all the work in this section1item575.00575.00TESTINGBQ2/7/3/EWater test the work in this section1item575.00575.00To Collection1,690.00COLLECTIONPage BQ2/7/120,002.00Page BQ2/7/212,406.00Page BQ2/7/31,690.00ROOFINGTo Summary34,098.00BILL NO.2/88.CARPENTRY, JOINERY & IRON MONGERYDOORSWood flush doors, 45mm thick,with plywood facings and hardwood lipping for painting;as drg.1129-3059 and specifiedBQ2/8/1AType D1;900x2100 mm18No597.0010,746.00BQ2/8/1BTypeD3;700x2100 mm12No464.005,568.00BQ2/8/1CType D3a;700X2100 mm,with undercut4No497.001,988.00BQ2/8/1DTypeD4;700x2100 mm1No266.00266.00Hardwood panelled doors;45mm thick;finished with clear polyurethene varnish finish incluing bottom brush insertsBQ2/8/1EType D, 1300x2100mm4No1,971.007,884.00Wood flush doors;45mm thick;one hour fire rated;plywood facedand hardwood lipping for paintingBQ2/8/1FType D2;800x21000mm one hour fire rated8No603.004,824.00Shaft access door;including frame,beading,ironmongery complete as deatailed in drawing no;3059-002 and specifiedBQ2/8/1GDoor size;600X1200mm6No778.004,668.00To Collection35,944.00Wood flush doors;30mm thick,with plywood facings and hard wood lipping for painting;aluminium ventilators at top and bottom of leaves(300X300mm) complete withiron mongery.BQ2/8/2/AElectrical cupboard;1500X25301No1,533.001,533.00Doors frames;meranti for clear finish;asBQ2/8/2/BType A;45X230mm22m77.001,694.00Door frames;meranti for painting;as specifiedBQ2/8/2/CType C;45X130mm176m62.0010,912.00Door frames;meranti for fire rated doors;including intumescent strips and softwood subframes;as specifiedBQ2/8/2/DType C;45X130mm40m62.002,480.00Window airconditiner frames;preservative treated softwoodBQ2/8/2/E25X23560m20.001,200.00Architraves;meranti for paintingBQ2/8/2/F20X50442m11.004,862.00Architraves;meranti for clean finishBQ2/8/2/G20X50mm44m11.00484.00To Collection23,165.00SUNDRIESWood furring,6mm plywood fixed to meranti support ,toBQ2/8/3/AClosets7No51.00357.00Perimeter trim to suspended ceilings;meranti for painting;plugged and screwed to block workBQ2/8/3/B10X30mm144m10.001,440.00IRON MONGERYIronmongery;from an approved manufacture,fixed in accordance with manufacture's recommendation;all as specified and to the approval of the EngineerBQ2/8/3/CDoor lock sets complete47No383.0018,001.00BQ2/8/3/DHinges153No22.003,366.00BQ2/8/3/EFlush bolts4No55.00220.00BQ2/8/3/FDoor closer,non hold open12No164.001,968.00BQ2/8/3/GEye hole niewer4No27.00108.00BQ2/8/3/HFlat No;etched brass shet with QO logo;size 250X120X30mm4No164.00656.00BQ2/8/3/JDoor stops52No22.001,144.00BQ2/8/3/KLever action flush bolt with dust excluding sockets4No164.00656.00BQ2/8/3/LCoat hooks48No33.001,584.00BQ2/8/3/MMaster key schedule1item274.00274.00To Collection29,774.00Red meranti hardwood profiled railing fixed to metal balustrades complete including clear varnish finishBQ2/8/4A80X50mm Railing11m66.00726.00CLOSETSClosets; comprising 19mm thick painted plywood base and soffit lining on softwood battens,and 19mm thick flush doors;complete with all ironmongery,drawers and adjustable shelves as specifiedBQ2/8/4B1290X3100X600 mm deep8No2,190.0017,520.00BQ2/8/4C1800X3100X600mm deep4No2,957.0011,828.00Woodenpelmet with 2 No.aluminiumcurtain rail made of 18mm thick ply with 4mm thick teak veneer including hardwood lipping,stained varnish finish,fixing and nylon string with roller and wall bracketBQ2/8/4D150X150X130mm long46No219.0010,074.00BQ2/8/4E150X150X1900mm long6No241.001,446.00BQ2/8/4F150X150X3200mm long2No274.00548.00PROTECTIONBQ2/8/4GAllow for protecting all the work in this section1Item274.00274.00To Collection42,416.00COLLECTIONPage BQ2/8/135,944.00Page BQ2/8/223,165.00Page BQ2/8/329,774.00Page BQ2/8/442,416.00CARPENTRY,JOINERY & IRONMONGERYTo Summary131,299.00BILL NO.2/10METAL WORKWINDOWS, DOORS & THE LIKEAluminium alloy windows;(matt, powder coated finish); includinf fixing, bedding, pointing,glazing gaskets and beads and ironmongery and sliding fly screen on inner face (excluding glass, measured in GLAZING); as Drg 1129-3059BQ2/10/1AWindow Type W1; horizontally sliding sashes; 900 x 1200 mm29No1,314.0038,106.00BQ2/10/1Bwindow/Ventilator Type V1; bottom projected hung ; 800 x 800 mm4No717.002,868.00BQ2/10/1CWindow/ Ventilator Type V1a; bottom projected hung window with translucent glass ; 800 x 800 mm8No717.005,736.00Alluminium alloy screens and doors; matt, powder coated finish; including fixings, bedding, pointing, glazing gaskets and beads and ironmongery, (excluding glass, measured in GLAZING); as Drg 1129-3059BQ2/10/1DType AD1, 3250 x 2630 mm;with pair of floor closer pivoted swing/ hold open with and fixed side and top panels, weather sealed with aluminium floor threshold and bottom brush insert and 2no. Vinyl film warning decals.1No6,688.006,688.00BQ2/10/1EType AD2,2200 x 1525 mm double door with sand trap louvers4No5,016.0020,064.00To Collection73,462.00HANDRAILS AND BALUSTRADESSteel tubular balustrade and wooden railing measured elsewhere as Drg. 1129-3063BQ2/10/2/ABalustrade 1085 mm high, level5m288.001,440.00BQ2/10/2/BBalustrade 1085 mm high, raking7m316.002,212.00LADDERSSteel access ladders; including fixing brackets; as specifiedBQ2/10/2/C400 mm wide, 7000 mm high1No1,610.001,610.00BQ2/10/2/D400 mm wide, 2400 mm high1No575.00575.00KITCHEN & LAUNDRY CABINET UNITS19mm thick blockboard with plastic laminate finish on both faces, drawers on metal slides, adjustable shelves and 20mm thick granite top with granite back splash, ironmongery complete, to dimensions and details indicated on drawingsBQ2/10/2/ECounter cabinets 3000 x 900 high4No4,005.0016,020.00BQ2/10/2/FCounter cabinets 1300 x 900 high4No2,015.008,060.00BQ2/10/2/GCounter cabinets 1600 long x 900 high4No2,045.008,180.00BQ2/10/2/HCounter cabinets 500 long x 2150 high4No1,205.004,820.00BQ2/10/2/JCounter cabinets 2000 long x 600 high4No1,510.006,040.00BQ2/10/2/KCounter cabinets open type 350 long x 800 high4No462.001,848.00BQ2/10/2/LCounter cabinets open type 480 longx 900 high4No840.003,360.00To Collection54,165.00Prefabricated kitchen counters, comprising 19mm thick blockboard with plastic laminate finish on both faces, drawers on metal slides, adjustable shelves and 20mm thick granite back splash, ironmonrery complete, to dimensions and details indicated on drawing-(Cont'd)BQ2/10/3AWall cabinets open type(corner)700x800 high4No515.002,060.00BQ2/10/3Bwall cabinet 900 long x 800 high4No730.002,920.00BQ2/10/3CWall cabinet 2400 long x 800 high4No1,925.007,700.00BQ2/10/3DCounter cabinets 1900 x 900 high(laundry)4No2,645.0010,580.00SINAGEBQ2/10/3ESinage at the entrance of building block number, 300 x 200 mm x 3mm thick stainless steel plate finished with embossed marking Engineer aproval1No300.00300.00To Collection23,560.00COLLECTIONPage 2/10/173,462.00Page 2/10/254,165.00Page 2/10/323,560.00METAL WORKTo Summary151,187.00BILL NO. 2/11PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE11.14 PUMPSHorizontal,in-line centrifugal pump,304 stainleaa steel casing,stainless steel impeller,stainless steel shaft,carbon shaft seal and T.E.F.C electric motor and controlls complete with suction and delivery manifolds,expansion vessel,gauges and factory wired controll panel;connection to cold water suction and delivery pipeworkBQ2/11/1/ALift pump;duty 1.00 LPSA at 2.50 bar head4No4,200.0016,800.0011:2 WASTE DISPOSAL AND DRAINAGE11:21 SANITARY DRAINAGE AND VENT SYSTEMuPVC pipes and fittings to BS 5255 with solvent welded joints;including fittings;nominal boreBQ2/11/1/B32mm20m22.00440.00BQ2/11/1/C50mm56m30.001,680.00uPVC pipes and fittings to BS 4514 for above ground pipes with elastomeric sealing rings;nominal boreBQ2/11/1/D75mm15m35.00525.00BQ2/11/1/E110mm105m39.004,095.00BQ2/11/1/FExtra for bend10No35.00350.00BQ2/11/1/GExtra for junction22No54.001,188.00To Collection25,078.00uPVC pipes and fittings to BS 4514 for above ground pipes with elastomeric sealing rings;nominal bore-(Cont'd)BQ2/11/2AExtra for connection to floor gully10No65.00650.00BQ2/11/2BExtra for connection to WC and bidet8No70.00560.00uPVC pipes and fittings to BS 4660 for below ground pipes ;nominal boreBQ2/11/2C75mm12m35.00420.00BQ2/11/2DExtra for bend2No36.0072.00BQ2/11/2E110mm204m39.007,956.00BQ2/11/2FExtra for bend16No35.00560.00BQ2/11/2GExtra for junction20No54.001,080.00BQ2/11/2HExtra for connection to floor gully11No65.00715.00BQ2/11/2JExtra for connection to floor clean out6No70.00420.00BQ2/11/2KExtra for connection to Wc and bidet8No70.00560.00Floor drains uPVC body with integral seepage pan,clamping collar and adjustable head strainer bodyBQ2/11/2Ltype FG21No325.006,825.00Floor clean out on PVC pipes with 178mmX178mm square frame with anchor lugs and cover plateBQ2/11/2MType FCO;110mm6No425.002,550.00Cast iron grease interceptor complete with heavy duty cover,galvanized steel sediment bucket,baffles,connection vent etc.BQ2/11/2NGrease interceptor ,size 600X600mm2No2,500.005,000.00To Collection27,368.00Rodding eye as specifiedBQ2/11/3/AType RE;to 110mm pipe4No425.001,700.00Vent cowls,uPVC type slotted cap for solvent welding;key terrain 150 or approved equal,nominal boreBQ2/11/3/B75mm2No45.0090.00BQ2/11/3/C110mm10No50.00500.0011.22 RAIN WATER DRAINAGEuPVC pipes and fittings to BS 4514 for above ground pipes with elestomeric sealing rings;nominal boreBQ2/11/3/D75mm25m35.00875.00BQ2/11/3/EExtra for bends3No36.00108.00Roof drains,uPVC large sump,elevated domeBQ2/11/3/FType RD-1 nominal bore 80mm3No375.001,125.0011.24 PLUMBING FIXTURESSanitary fittings as specified complete with all traps and waste fittings and water mixers;include for connections to water and waste services;sealing all around with solicone mastic.BQ2/11/3/GWash basins size 680;ref.SW18No836.006,688.00BQ2/11/3/HWash basins size 680;Ref SW24No627.002,508.00To Collection13,594.00Sanitary fittings as specified complete with all traps and waste fittings and water mixers;include for connections to water and waste services;sealing all around with solicone mastic.BQ2/11/4AWater closets;Ref.SW312No831.009,972.00BQ2/11/4BBidets;ref.SW48No575.004,600.00BQ2/11/4CViterous china shelf;Ref SWA112No78.00936.00BQ2/11/4DViterous china recessed soap holder size-150mm;Ref.SWA312No63.00756.00BQ2/11/4EViterous china recessed soap holder size-300mm;Ref.SWA48No105.00840.00BQ2/11/4FViterous china towel rail brackets with acrylic rail;Ref.SWA516No63.001,008.00BQ2/11/4GTooth brush holder with shelf;Ref.SWA68No63.00504.00BQ2/11/4HTowel ring ;Ref SWA74No52.00208.00BQ2/11/4JToilet roll holder with shelf;Ref.SWA812No63.00756.00BQ2/11/4KPernial spary trigger type;Ref.SWA912No131.001,572.00BQ2/11/4LCurtail rail with shower curtain8No209.001,672.00BQ2/11/4MBath tubs with shower (4 way mixer);ref.SW58No941.007,528.00BQ2/11/4NKitchen sinks with swivel nozzle mixer4No523.002,092.00Plumbing Fixtures-(Cont'd)BQ2/11/4PLaundry sinks;ref.SW64No941.003,764.00To Collection36,208.00Miscellaneuos fixtures and fittingsBQ2/11/5A15mm diameter X300mm long inlet pipe;chrome plated with chrome plated escutcheon plate;for W.C cistern12No125.001,500.0011.3 LIQUIDS SUPPLY11.31 DOMESTIC AND POTABLE COLD WATERDomestic cold water half hard drawn copper pipe and fittings to Bs 2871 Table X or approved equal including alla fittings and accessories,nominal bore fixed to concrete masonryBQ2/11/5B15mm195m30.005,850.00BQ2/11/5C22mm38m35.001,330.00BQ2/11/5D28mm99m45.004,455.00Domestic cold water half hard drawn copper pipe and fittings to Bs 2871 Table X or approved equal including all fittings and accessories,nominal bore fixed to concrete masonryBQ2/11/5E35mm45m59.002,655.00BQ2/11/5F42mm53m95.005,035.00BQ2/11/5G54mm29m125.003,625.00To Collection24,450.00Domestic cold water half hard drawn copper pipe and fittings to Bs 2871 Table X or approved equal including all fittings and accessories,nominal boreBQ2/11/6A28mm28m55.001,540.00Cross link polyethelene(XLPE) pipe-in-pipe system to DIN 16892/93 as manufactured by JRG gunzenhauser,Germany or similar aproved;embedded in concrete/screded floor or concealed in wallsBQ2/11/6B16mm diamter pipes including fittings257m38.009,766.00Cold water system istribution boxes complete with access doors and frames as detailed on drawings 1129-1002-001; concealed fixing to walls including all associated builers worksBQ2/11/6CDistribution box suitable for 4 No.branch connections4No375.001,500.00BQ2/11/6DDitto suitable for 3 No. branch connections8No325.002,600.00BQ2/11/6EDitto suitable for 2 No. branch connections8No275.002,200.00To Collection17,606.00GRP cold water storage tanks as specified complete with hinged access cover;including low/high level interlock swiches and associated cabling including connections to local outlets;complete with air vent with insect guard,combained drain/overflow witrh insect guard as specified;allow foe connections to cold water supply and dischrge pipe work;installed on prepared basesBQ2/11/7ARoof water storage tanks;450 US gallons4No1,800.007,200.00BQ2/11/7BGround water storage tank;4000 US gallons1No12,000.0012,000.00Gate valve to BS 5154,nominal boreBQ2/11/7C28mm6No56.00336.00Calibrated water meter to Kahra maa approval,with cabinet as specified,connecting to pipeworksBQ2/11/7DMeter ;connecting to the disribution line of ach individual flat4No1,825.007,300.00Isolating valve and the like complete as specified with screwed ends; jointing to copper pipeworksBQ2/11/7R1E15mm12No36.00432.00BQ2/11/7R1F22mm31No54.001,674.00BQ2/11/7R1G28mm10No60.00600.00BQ2/11/7R1H35mm9No70.00630.00BQ2/11/7R1J42m6No105.00630.00To Collection30,802.00Isolating valve and the like complete as specified with screwed ends;jointing to copper pipe worksBQ2/11/8A54mm5No165.00825.00BQ2/11/8B22mm non-return valve2No40.0080.00BQ2/11/8C28mm non-return valve4No60.00240.00BQ2/11/8D16mm valve installed in distribution boxes52No48.002,496.00Flexible connections;seemless bronze tubing with annular corrugations coverd with high tensile bronze braid suitable for 1030 Kpa cold water working pressureBQ2/11/8EFlexible connections to 28mm pipe works4No175.00700.00Stainers;Y-type ,bronze body,1030Kpa steam working pressure rating ,with 20 mesh steel screen,screwed cap and 15mm diameter tappe dhole for blowdown valveBQ2/11/8FStainers;screed to 28mm diameter4No90.00360.00PIPEWORKS INSULATIONPreformed rigid sectional glass fibre insulation (density 96 Kg/m3) fixed with approved adhesive and joints sealed as specified;wrapped with canvas cloth(density 200g/m2) and sealed with two voats of weathrproof compound to external pipe works.BQ2/11/8G50mm thick insulation to 42 mm diameter pipework53m60.003,180.00To Collection7,881.00Preformed rigid sectional glass fibre insulation (density 96 Kg/m3) fixed with approved adhesive and joints sealed as specified;wrapped with canvas cloth(density 200g/m2) and sealed with two voats of weathrproof compound to external pipe works.BQ2/11/9ADitto;to 35mm diameter pipework.46m42.001,932.00BQ2/11/9BDitto;to 28mm diameter pipework.123m30.003,690.00BQ2/11/9CDitto;to 28 mm diameter pipework.34m27.00918.00BQ2/11/9DDitto;to 15 mm diameter pipework.28m25.00700.00KITCHEN WATER FILTERSBQ2/11/9EUndersink type including dedicated tap/faucet outlet,fixing brackets,flexible tubing and connections to 15 mm diameter water supply pipe4No910.003,640.0011.32 DOMESTIC HOT WATERHalf hard drawn copper pipe and fitting to BS 2871 table X or approved equal including all fittings and accessories nominal boreBQ2/11/9F15mm178m30.005,340.00BQ2/11/9G22mm35m35.001,225.00BQ2/11/9H28mm40m45.001,800.00BQ2/11/9J35mm28m59.001,652.00To Collection20,897.00Cross link polyethelene(XLPE) pipe-in-pipe system to DIN 16892/93 as manufactured by JRG gunzenhauser,Germany or similar aproved;embedded in concrete/screded floor or concealed in wallsBQ2/11/10A16mm diameter pipes including fittings203m38.007,714.00Hot water system distribution boxes comete with access doors and frames as deatailed on drawing 1129-1002-001 ;concealed fixing to walls including all associated builders worksBQ2/11/10BDistribution box suitable for 3 No branch connections8No325.002,600.00BQ2/11/10CDitto suitable for 2 No branch connections4No275.001,100.00BQ2/11/10DDitto suitable for 1 No branch connections8No110.00880.00Isolating valve and the like complete as specified with screwed ends;jointing to copper pipeworksBQ2/11/10E15mm2No36.0072.00BQ2/11/10F22mm10No54.00540.00BQ2/11/10G35mm4No70.00280.00BQ2/11/10H16mm valve installed in distribution boxes(measured seperately)40No48.001,920.00To Collection15,106.00PIPEWORKS INSULATIONPerformed rigid section glass fiber insulation(density 96 Kg/m3) fixed with aproved adhesive and joints sealed as specified;wraped with two coats of weatherproof compound; clad with 0.60 mm thick aluminium sheets to hot water pipeworks.BQ2/11/11A25mm Thick insulation to 35 mm diameter pipework.28m42.001,176.00BQ2/11/11BDitto; to 28 mm Diameter pipework40m30.001,200.00BQ2/11/11CDitto; to 22 mm Diameter pipework35m27.00945.00BQ2/11/11DDitto; to 15 mm Diameter pipework178m25.004,450.00Electric water heater, thermal storage,high preassure,horizondal type,floor mounted,cylindrical type with inlet and outlet connections and comprising inner water container, outer casing and end covers,thermostat, electric immersion heater and ceiling mounting bracketsBQ2/11/11EWater heater; 200 liters, 6.00 KW4No4,000.0016,000.00Single booster pump set comprising 1 No pump,integral preasure vessel,valves,gauges factory wired control panels and preasure switches etc;BQ2/11/11FBooster pump;duty 1.5 L/S @ 2 bar4No4,500.0018,000.00To Collection41,771.00Horizontal, in-line centrifugel pump.(duty/standby); 304 stainless steel casing,stainless steel impeller,stainless steel shaft, carbon shaft seal and T.E.F.C electric motor and controls complete with suction and delivery manifolds,gauges and factory wired control panel; connection to hot water suction and delivery pipework.BQ2/11/12AH.W Recirulating pump ; duty 0.10 LPS at 2.00 bar head4Set5,000.0020,000.0011.41 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENTBQ2/11/12BPortable fire extinguishers, Type FE-14No375.001,500.00BQ2/11/12CFire blankets, Type FB4No295.001,180.00SANITARY DRAINAGE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING (WITHIN THE PLOT CARTILEDGE)Excavating trenches for pipes not exceeding 200 mm diameter and not exceeding 1.50 m total depth including grading bottom, earth work suports, part backfilling with selected fill material,compacting and removal of surplus excavated material from siteBQ2/11/12DTrenches,average 750 mm deep57m29.001,653.00Granular material as specified.BQ2/11/12R1/EBeds and surrounds ; 150 mm thick to 1 No.160 mm diameter pipe.57m14.00798.00uPVC pipes and fittings to BS 4660 for bellow ground pipes; nominal boreBQ2/11/12F160 mm Diameter pipes.57m46.002,622.00To Collection27,753.00MANHOLES, SOAKWAYS AND THE LIKE FOR SEWER DRAINAGE SYSTEMManhole Type A installed complete with SRC 25 insitu concrete base and block wall as shown on drawings, including blinding, waterproofing, benching,channels and prepared openings for pipe connections; allow for excavation, disposal etc. and builder's works.BQ2/11/13AManholes with medium duty double seal recessed type ductile iron covers and frames to BS 497 ; internal size 750 x 600 mm and upto 250 - 500 mm depth to invert level2No1,500.003,000.00BQ2/11/13BManholes with medium duty double seal recessed type ductile iron covers and frames to BS 497 ; internal size 750 x 600 mm and upto 500 -750 mm depth to invert level3No1,600.004,800.00BQ2/11/13CManholes with medium duty double seal recessed type ductile iron covers and frames to BS 497 ; internal size 1500 x 600 mm and upto 250 -500 mm depth to invert level1No2,500.002,500.00To Collection10,300.0011:9 OTHER WORK IN CONNECTION WITH PLUMBING11:9 BUILDERS WORKIn connection with plumbing installations include for the followingBQ2/11/14AHoles and chases in walls and floors for pipes and making good finishes and scaling water proofing etc. arround pipes1Item1,150.001,150.00BQ2/11/14BBuilding in brackets and the like and making good finish1Item1,150.001,150.00BQ2/11/14CBases, suports, timber trim, sleeves and recesses in the structure for all equipment, including making good finishes, covering bases with waterproof roof sheeting where applicable and providing flashings and sealing.1Item1,150.001,150.0011.92 ELECTRICAL WORKBQ2/11/14DInclude all electrical work in connection with plumbing installation1Item1,150.001,150.00SUNDRIES TO PLUMBING ANDAllow for the followingBQ2/11/14ETesting and commissioning1Item2,300.002,300.00PROTECTIONBQ2/11/14FAllow for protecting all the work in this section1item1,150.001,150.00To Collection8,050.00COLLECTIONPage 2/11/125,078.00page 2/11/227,368.00page 2/11/313,594.00page 2/11/436,208.00page 2/11/524,450.00page 2/11/617,606.00page 2/11/730,802.00page 2/11/87,881.00page 2/11/920,897.00page 2/11/1015,106.00page 2/11/1141,771.00page 2/11/1227,753.00page 2/11/13R110,300.00page 2/11/14R18,050.00page 2/11/15PLUMBING AND DRAINAGETo Summary306,864.00BILL NO.5/12VENTILATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING12:12 PIPE WORKCondensate pipe work PVC pipes and fittings to BS 5255 with solvent welded joints; normal boreBQ2/12/1A25 mm240M26.006,240.0012:21 DUCT WORKGalvanized steel ductwork to ASTM A526-71 minimum zinc coated 351 g/m2, jointed and suported as detailed on Drawings and as specifiedLow velocityBQ2/12/1B250 x 125 mm20M105.002,100.00To Collection8,340.0012:43 AIR HANDLING EQUIPMENT12:43.1 EXHAUST FANSCabinet fan, centifugal blower wheel in an accoustically insulated blower housing, ceiling or duct mounted complete with permenently lubricated motor, removable decorative grille, ceiling diffusers,flexible ducts and vibration eliminatorBQ2/122AType EF-01, 77 lps, 0.50 KW16No1,307.0020,912.00BQ2/122BType EF-02, 1253 lps, 0.20 KW4No2,614.0010,456.0012:43.2 AIR-CONDITIONING UNITSWindow Type through-the-wall airconditioning unit comprising expansion cooling, condensor,compressor,evaporator,condenser fan,washable filters etc. ; mounted on robust chasingBQ2/122CType AC-01, nominal cooling capacity 5.30 KW, air flow 215 lps24No1,150.0027,600.00BQ2/122DType AC-02, nominal cooling capacity 7.04 KW, air flow 300 lps2No1,307.002,614.0012:91 BUILDER'S WORKBQ2/122EInclude for builder's work all work in connection with Ventilation work such as holes, openinings for window A/C units, chases in walls and floors for pipes and making good finishes and sealing waterproofing, etc.1Item2,091.002,091.00To Collection63,673.0012:92 ELECTRICAL WORKBQ2/12/3AInclude all electrical work in connection with Ventilation works from electrical outlet to the equipment1Item523.00523.00SUNDRIES TO VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONINGAllow for the following:BQ2/12/3BTesting and commissioning1Item261.00261.00PROTECTIONBQ2/12/3CAllow for protecting all the work in this section1Item261.00261.00To Collection1,045.00COLLECTIONpage 2/12/18,340.00page 2/12/263,673.00page 2/12/31,045.00VENTILATION AND AIRCONDITIONINGTo Summary73,058.00BILL NO.2/1313. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION13.16 DISTIBUTION, SUBDISTRIBUTION AND FINAL BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELDisribution Panels in dust and vermin proof enclosure, including busbars, main incoming and outgoing moulded case interupter/circuit breakers, instrumentation, earthing, fixing bracket and all nessecery provisions for incoming and outgoing cable terminationsBQ2/13/1/ASub-main switch board, 6-way TP & N MCCB type including 400 amp TP & N busbars 400 amp TP incoming MCCB, 4 No. TP 80 amp, 1 No. SP 40 A outgoing MCCB with 1-no. 80 amp TP and 2 nos. 40 amp SP spare breakers1No10,500.0010,500.00Lighting/power panelboards in dust and vermin proof enclosure, complete with busbars, incoming MCCB with outgoing MCB's, ELCB's and spare MCB's as shown on Drwg.1129-4053 sheet 001, including connection, fixing accessories, earthing etc.BQ2/13/1/B10 ways TPN Distibution Board, Ref.DB-1& 22No4,360.008,720.00BQ2/13/1/C12 ways SPN Distibution Board, Ref.DB-C1No2,800.002,800.00BQ2/13/1/D10 ways TPN Distibution Board, Ref.DB-1& 3 &42No4,360.008,720.00To Collection30,740.0013.17 WIRES,FEEDERS AND RELATED ACCESSORIES600/1000 volts, cooper conductors, XLPE/SWA/PVC single wires armoured, installed in metal trunking or on cablle tray and clipped to wall or in PVC duct incoming fixing, termination, sleeves, conduits etc (cable tray & trunking excluded)BQ2/13/2/A4c x 25 mm 2 XLPE/SWA/PVC + 1 X 16 mm 2 PVC/ECC cables serving DB-1,2,3 &4 from SMB1Item2,400.002,400.00BQ2/13/2/B2c x 10 mm 2 XLPE/SWA/PVC + 1 X 16 mm 2 PVC/ECC cables serving DB-1,2,3 &4 from SMB1Item250.00250.0013.18 CONDUITS, WIRES, SUPPORTING SYSTEMS AND RELATED ACCESSORIESGalvanized steel trunking complete including bends,tees and all other accessoriesBQ2/13/2/C150 mm x 150 mm8m50.00400.00BONDINGBQ2/13/2/DComplete bonding to trunking, water heaters & pumps to earth1Item500.00500.0013.19 EARTHING SYSTEM (EXTERNAL)Earthing system(TN-S) ,completely installed including earth electrodes,earth pits,excavation,test links,clips,conduits,fittings,builers work in connection and all related accessoriesBQ2/13/2/EComplete earthing system1item2,500.002,500.00To Collection6,050.0013.31 GENERAL LIGHTINGINSTALLATIONFluorescent lighting fixtures as described in Drwg.1129-4054,completely installed,including lamps and ballasts ,feeding circuit,conduits and wirng accessories from panelboards to fixtures and between fixtures.BQ2/13/3AType A;2X36W fluoroscent luminaire,protected to IP-4066No280.0018,480.00BQ2/13/3BType B;2X36W fluoroscent luminaire,protected to IP-654No300.001,200.00BQ2/13/3CType C;2X36W fluoroscent luminaire,protected to IP-658No1,160.009,280.00BQ2/13/3DType D;1X18W fluoroscent luminaire,protected to IP-4412No280.003,360.00BQ2/13/3EType F;1X70W bulheaded wall mounted luminaire1No440.00440.00BQ2/13/3FType H;2X26W WTC-D lamp G24 d3 cap recesses circular luminaire20No300.006,000.00Supply to a designated store packed spare materialBQ2/13/3G5% of total lighting fixture quantity minimum one no.for each lighting type(provisional)1item1,750.001,750.00Calibrated electric meter to Kahra maa approval inKW/HR rating;fixed to wooden backing on concrete/blockwall complete with all connections,wiring,conduiting,trunking specifiedBQ2/13/3HMeter;suited for individuals flat and common area5No450.002,250.00To Collection42,760.00BQ2/13/4AAllow for obtaining white card from Kahra maa,including liason with Kahra maa,including any statuatory fee.1Item17,640.0017,640.0013.41 WIRING DEVICES, DISCONNECTORS AND LV DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERLighting switches,completely installed including boxes,plates conduits,conduit boxes and wirng to lighting fixtures/exhaust fan,or from switch(S20) to panel boards,earthings ,fixings and accessoriesBQ2/13/4BGeneral lighting switch,one way ,one gang22No20.00440.00BQ2/13/4CGeneral lighting switch,one way ,two gang4No25.00100.00BQ2/13/4DGeneral lighting switch,one way ,three gang12No32.00384.00BQ2/13/4EGeneral lighting switch,two way ,one gang10No22.00220.00BQ2/13/4FGeneral lighting switch,two way ,two gang24No28.00672.00BQ2/13/4GGeneral lighting switch,two way ,three gang1No36.0036.00Socket outlet completely installed,including boxes,plates ,conduits,conduit boxes,feeding circuits from panel boards to outlets and between outlets,earthing ,fixings and accessories.BQ2/13/4H13 amp switched socket outlet-twin36No130.004,680.00BQ2/13/4J13 amp switched socket outlet-single73No110.008,030.00BQ2/13/4KDitto;weathrproof1No200.00200.00To Collection32,402.00Switch and outlets pertaining to equipments and controll gear,completely installed,including conduits,wiring from outlets to the swich or to the outlets to t panelboards and between outlets,earthing,fixing and accessories.BQ2/13/5/A45 amp flex outlets for A/C units26No45.001,170.00BQ2/13/5/CDitto;for handwashr dryer4No45.00180.00BQ2/13/5/DDitto;washing machine4No45.00180.00BQ2/13/5/E20amp DP switch for A/C units26No35.00910.00BQ2/13/5/FDitto;for dish washer4No35.00140.00BQ2/13/5/G45 amp cooker controll unit complete with DP switch and flex outlet4No210.00840.00BQ2/13/5/H13 amp/5 amp switched spur unit8No120.00960.00BQ2/13/5/J13 amp/5 amp unswitched spur unit4No120.00480.00Isolator,complete as specified including supportBQ2/13/5/K15 amp DP isolators,weatherproof for TV,swiched box1No200.00200.00BQ2/13/5/L20 amp DP isolators,weathrproof for pumps16No225.003,600.00BQ2/13/5/M32 amp DP isolators,weathrproof for central water heater4No300.001,200.00To Collection9,860.00Single phase circuits to feed exhaust fans including wiring,conduiting from exhaust fan to the nearest lighting fitting of the lighting circuit,earth and related accessoriesBQ2/13/6A205 mm2 in bathroom16No110.001,760.00Single phase circuits to feed exhaust fans including wiring,conduiting from exhaust fan to the nearest outlet of the RM-socket circuit,earth and related accessories.BQ2/13/6B4.0 mm2 in kitchen4No140.00560.00Door entrance system,including door bell push button and chimeBQ2/13/6CChime;including conduits,power supply,fittings,fixings ,wiring,earthing and termination accessories.4No250.001,000.00BQ2/13/6DDoor push-button including conduit,conduit box,wiring to chime,fixings and termination accessories4No40.00160.0013.61 TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONTelephone outlet boxes and junction boxes including conduits and draw wires(as shown on drawings)BQ2/13/6ERecess mounted service box 300X300mm including termination module1No350.00350.00BQ2/13/6FMain telephone junction box 400X400X100mm-TJB/M-G including termination module1No450.00450.00BQ2/13/6GSecondary telephone junction box 300X300X100mm-TJB/G1 and G2 including termination module2No350.00700.00To Collection4,980.00Telephone outlet boxes and junction boxes including conduits and draw wires(as shown on drawing)BQ2/13/7ADitto; 150X150X100mm -TJB/M-F1 and F2 including termination module2No250.00500.00BQ2/13/7BOutlet boxes including cover plate matching with other electrical wiring accessories18No125.002,250.00Telephone wiringBQ2/13/7C4 pair/CAT5e telephone cable through 25mm dia.Rigid PVC conduits1Item4,500.004,500.0013.84 TELEVISION SYSTEMTV outlets boxes including cover plate to match wiring accessories and junction boxes,conduits and draw wires from TV outlets to TV junction boxes(as shown on drawings)BQ2/13/7DTV control boxes;300X300X100mm including splitter4No250.001,000.00BQ2/13/7ETV switcher box with weatherproof enclosure,protected to IP-541No275.00275.00BQ2/13/7FTV outlet box including cover plate matching with other electrical wiring accessories18No125.002,250.00BQ2/13/7GCoaxial cable through 25mm dia rigid PVC conduits1Item4,500.004,500.00FIRE ALARM SYSTEMBQ2/13/7HStand alone smoke detector8No250.002,000.00BQ2/13/7JStand alone heat detector4No250.001,000.00To Collection18,275.00SUNDRIES IN CONNECTION WITH ALL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONBQ2/13/8AAllow for testing and commissioning the installations as work proceeds and on completion as detailed in specification1Item500.00500.00BQ2/13/8BAllow for providing and submitting the required number of copies of maintenance and operation manuals as detailed in the specification.1Item200.00200.00BQ2/13/8CAllow for preparing shop and construction drawings and providing the required number of copies of "as built"drawings a detailed in the specification.1Item200.00200.00BQ2/13/8DAllow for marking the position and cutting or forming holes,mortises chases and the like in any surface and making good all work disturbed1Item300.00300.0013.91 BUILDER'S WORKCable duct bank at 600mm deep with heavy gauge PVC conduit and concrete encasement forBQ2/13/8E1X50 mm diameter PVC duct(for telephone incoming cable)8m75.00600.00BQ2/13/8F1X150mm diameter PVC duct(for power incoming cable)8m75.00600.00To Collection2,400.00Cutting away for and making good after the electrical worksBQ2/13/9ALighting point including lighting switch point1Item345.00345.00BQ2/13/9BSocket outlet point1Item345.00345.00BQ2/13/9Coutlet point1Item345.00345.00BQ2/13/9DEquipment and control gear point1Item345.00345.00PROTECTIONBQ2/13/9EAllow for protecting all the work in this section1Item345.00345.00To Collection1,725.00COLLECTIONPage BQ 2/13/130,740.00Page BQ 2/13/26,050.00Page BQ 2/13/342,760.00Page BQ 2/13/432,402.00Page BQ 2/13/59,860.00Page BQ 2/13/64,980.00Page BQ 2/13/718,275.00Page BQ 2/13/82,400.00Page BQ 2/13/91,725.00ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONTo Summary149,192.00BILL NO.2/14FINISHINGSPLASTER AND RENDERINGCement sand plaster,including all stainless steel accessories and polypropylene fibre micro reinforcement finish in two coats with steel trowelBQ2/14/1/AWalls & Columns, 15mm thick, internal1,547m226.0040,222.00BQ2/14/1/BWalls & Columns, 20mm thick, external845m226.0021,970.00BQ2/14/1/CCeilings;15mm thick;internal518m213.006,734.00BQ2/14/1/DCeilings;15mm thick;sloping;internal12m213.00156.00Cement-sand plaster;to receive wall tiles;toBQ2/14/1/EWalls, 15mm thick344m226.008,944.00Cement-sand plaster above false ceiling;toBQ2/14/1/FCeilings;15mm thick;internal79m213.001,027.00BQ2/14/1/GWalls95m213.001,235.00SCREEDS AND FLOOR TOPPINGSCement-sand screeds,to receive grid finishes, toBQ2/14/1/HFloors, 40mm thick10m210.00100.00BQ2/14/1/JFloors, 50mm thick44m213.00572.00BQ2/14/1/KFloors, 63mm thick465m216.007,440.00BQ2/14/1/LFloors, 75mm thick65m219.001,235.00To Collection89,635.00Cement-sand screeds,to receive grid finishesBQ2/14/2ATreads, 20mm thick7m28.0056.00BQ2/14/2BRisers, 40mm thick5m210.0050.00RIGID TILE AND SLAB FINSIHESGranite fixed with mortar including grouting joints with approved sealant toBQ2/14/2CTo floors, 20mm thick44m2189.008,316.00BQ2/14/2DLandings;30mm thick5m2236.001,180.00BQ2/14/2ESkirtings, 100 mm high,20mm thick46m52.002,392.00BQ2/14/2FSkirtings 80 mm high,20mm thick29m52.001,508.00BQ2/14/2GStair treads,330X30mm,with projecting front edge and non-slip nosing;as specified49m167.008,183.00BQ2/14/2HRisers;115X20mm thick49m58.002,842.00BQ2/14/2JStrings;100mm average high;20mm thick;to profile of treads and risers;raking skirting 80mm highX20mm thick18m81.001,458.00BQ2/14/2KSaddle;Type A,130X30mm24m115.002,760.00BQ2/14/2LSaddle;Type A,230X30mm for door AD14m196.00784.00Supply to a designated store neatly packed spare materialBQ2/14/2M5% of total tile quantity (for wall&floor) for each type (provisional)1item1,610.001,610.00BQ2/14/2N5% of total quantity of natural stone of each type (provisional)1Item920.00920.00BQ2/14/2P5% of total false ceiling tiles quantity for each type(provisional)1Item575.00575.00To Collection32,634.00Precast terrazo tiles in white portaland cement with marble chipsBQ2/14/3AFloor tiles, 200X200X30mm thick10m239.00390.00BQ2/14/3BSkirtings, 100mm high12m14.00168.00200X200X8mm non-slip ceramic tiles laid with adhesive on screeded bed(measured elsewhere);grouting joints with waterproof groutBQ2/14/3BTo floors137m271.009,727.00400X400X8mm non-slip Porcelain tiles laid with adhesive on screeded bed(measured elsewhere);grouting joints with waterproof groutBQ2/14/3CTo floors448m283.0037,184.00200X200X6mm glazed ceramic tiles laid with adhesive on rendered surface (measured elsewhere);grouting joints with waterproof groutBQ2/14/3R2/DTo walls476m266.0031,416.00BQ2/14/3E100mm high coved porcelain skirting to match floor tiles404m46.0018,584.00Allow for followingBQ2/14/3FAllow for 200mm wide decorative floor tile and all around living room wall length and 1.2mX1.2m decorative tile pattern at centre1item1,725.001,725.00To Collection99,194.00SUSPENDED CEILINGSSuspended ceiling as specified;600X600mm &aluminium tiles with acoustic inlay,including edge trims laid in proprietary adjustable suspension system;allow for additional supports and hangers to accommodate services and associated fittings.BQ2/14/4AHorizontal ceilings137m2115.0015,755.00GRC DECORATIVE SCREENSGRC decorative screens;including 2mm thick painted galvanized steel sheet drainboard with 25mm dia PVC pipe connected to nearest floor gully on all floor levels&fixing as per drawings(PVC pipe covered elsewhere)BQ2/14/4AFlat screens;size 2090X2760 overall1No2,614.002,614.00BQ2/14/4BProjected screens;size 2090X1070 overall,605 projection; including bottom screen12No1,516.0018,192.00SUNDRY ITEMS FOR FINISHES4mm think proprietary waterproof membrane torched to surface under floor finish and flashing;toBQ2/14/4Cto grade slab at ground floors75m216.001,200.00BQ2/14/4Dto slabs at first floor75m216.001,200.00Neoprene pads,as specifiedBQ2/14/4E120mm width,25mm thick5m219.0095.00PROTECTIONBQ2/14/4FAllow for protecting all the work in this1Item863.00863.00To Collection39,919.00COLLECTIONPage BQ2/14/189,635.00Page BQ2/14/232,634.00Page BQ2/14/399,194.00Page BQ2/14/439,919.00FINISHINGSTo Summary261,382.00BILL NO.2/1515. GLAZINGGENERAL GLAZINGDouble glaze unit overall 24mm thick comprising of 6mm thick clear float glass on inner face and 6mm solar reflective glass on outer face and 12mm airspace in betweenBQ2/151/AGlazing to metal38m2Double glaze unit overall 24mm thick comprising of 6mm thick clear float glass on inner face and 6mm solar reflective glass on outer face and 12mm airspace in betweenBQ2/151/BGlazing to metal4m2Single 8mm thick georgian wire reinforced glassBQ2/151/CGlazing to metal6m2MIRRORS6mm polished plate glass silvered and copper backed mirrors,with 3mm chamfered edges;including fixing clips and hardboard packingBQ2/151/DMirror size 400X600 mm16No98.001,568.00PROTECTIONBQ2/151/EAllow for protecting all the work in this sectionitemIncludedGLAZINGTo Summary1,568.00BILL NO.2/1616. PAINTING & DECORATINGPAINTINGSealer and two coats acrylic/alkyd emulsion paint on plastered surfaceBQ2/16/1/AWalls1,550m29.0013,950.00BQ2/16/1/BCeilings469m29.004,221.00Sealer and two coats alkyd oil paint on plastered surfaceBQ2/16/1/CWalls200m210.002,000.00BQ2/16/1/DSealer and two coat oil paint above false ceiling95m210.00950.00BQ2/16/1/Eceilings44m210.00440.00BQ2/16/1/FSoffit of slabs above false ceiling79m210.00790.00Two undercoats and one coat gloss finish alkyd oil paint on ready primed metal surfaceBQ2/16/1/GSurfaces of ladder,400mm wide,7000mm high1No173.00173.00BQ2/16/1/HSurfaces of ladder,400mm wide,2400mm high1No115.00115.00BQ2/16/1/JGeneral metal surfaces20m232.00640.00BQ2/16/1/KSurfaces of balustrade;1085 high15m21.00315.00To Collection23,594.00Primer,two undercoats and one coat gloss alkyd oil paint on primed wood surfacesBQ2/16/2/AGeneral wood surfaces183m235.006,405.00Three coats clear polyurethene varnish on wood surfacesBQ2/16/2/BGeneral surfaces22m235.00770.00Textured surface coatings;to plasterBQ2/16/2/CWalls845m218.0015,210.00PROTECTIONBQ2/16/2/DAllow for protecting all the work in this section1Item575.00575.00To Collection22,960.00COLLECTIONPage BQ2/16/123,594.00Page BQ2/16/222,960.00PAINTING & DECORATINGTo Summary46,554.00BILL NO.2/17GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRBQ2/17/1/AAllow for QR.25000.00(Qr.twenty five thousand only) for general repair and maintenance .This sum shall be used at discretion of Engineer(Provisional)1Item25,000.0025,000.00GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRTo Summary25,000.00BILL NO 2SUMMARYBQ2/3/EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORKS7,612.00BQ2/5/CONCRETE WORKS301,909.00BQ2/6/BLOCK WORK69,152.00BQ2/7/ROOFING34,098.00BQ2/8/CARPENTRY,JOINERY & IRON MONGERY131,299.00BQ2/10/METAL WORK151,187.00BQ2/11/PLUMBING306,864.00BQ2/12/VENTILATING & AIR CONDITIONING73,058.00BQ2/13/ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION149,192.00BQ2/14/FINISHINGS261,382.00BQ2/15/GLAZING1,568.00BQ2/16/PAINTING AND DECORATING46,554.00BQ2/17/GENERAL MAINTENANCE25,000.00TOTAL BILL NO.2BUILDING BLOCKS1,558,875.00TO GENERAL SUMMARYTOTAL FOR 46 BUILDING BLOCKS71,708,250.00



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P1 BILL NO-3 CarparkDUKHAN HOUSING PROJECT PHASE V, PACKAGE -1BILL NO- 03BREAKDOWN OF ACCOMPLISHMENTINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21ItemDescriptionWORKS ACCORDING TO BOQQtyUnitRateAmount Qr DhsBILL NO.3/1SHADED CARPARKINGParking shades complete from an approved manufacturer as specified and indicatred on Drawing No. 1129-3019 Sheet 001 and the project specification, comprising structural steel support foundation frame furnish with one stripe coat prismatic on edges, corners and angels and one full coat prismatic and two coats of hardtop from 'JOTUN' or equal approved, and 0.05mm thick zinccalume pre painted corrugated sheet finshed on and including purlins, 2mm thick facia all around and 50mm thick 400mm hight countinous GRC band all aroun, and all associated builders including concrete formASingle parking shades overall size 17000 x 6200 x 3000 mm height16No36,363.00581,808.00BSingle parking shades overall size 11400 x 6200 x 3000 mm height18No24,385.00438,930.00CSingle parking shades overall size 5800 x 6200 x 3000 mm height8No12,406.0099,248.00Page 3/1/1R1 To CollectionQR1,119,986.00

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P1 BILL NO-4 Water tankINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21 (MARCH 2007)Item #DescriptionQtyUnitRateAmount QRBILL NO.4/1EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORKSExcavate foundation pitBQ4/1/1/ANot exceeding 1.50m deep9m321.00189.00BQ4/1/1/BTrenches not exceeding 1.5 m deep2m321.0042.00FillingBQ4/1/1/Cbackfilling around foundations with selected excavated material;laid in layers of 150 mm thickness,watered ,rolled and compacted to procter value compaction4m37.0028.00BQ4/1/1/DApproved imported fill material in making up levels;in layers of 150 mm thickness ,watered,rolled and compacted to procter value compaction3m320.0060.00DisposalBQ4/1/1/ERemove surplus excavated material from site7m312.0084.00TERMITE CONTROLEmulsive concrete termiticide consists of chloropyris or linden chemical eliments,diluted and apply as per the manufacturer recommendations with soil treatment solutions as specifiedBQ4/1/1/FAntitermite treatment;to all the places as specified in the project specifications1Item230.00230.00EXCAVATION AND EARTHWORKSTO SUMMARY633.00BILL NO.4/2CONCRETE WORKIN SITU CONCRETEPlain in-situ concrete grade 20 OPC;grade 20N/mm2;plain with Gabro and microsilicaBQ4/2/1/A50 mm blinding47m228.001,316.00BQ4/2/1/B75 mm blinding6m234.00204.00Plain in situ concrete grade 30 OPC;grade 30N/mm2;plain with Gabro and micro silicaBQ4/2/1/Cisolated foundations2m3426.00852.00BQ4/2/1/Dplinth3m3426.001,278.00BQ4/2/1/EPedestal1m3426.00426.00BQ4/2/1/FPlinth beam2m3426.00852.00BQ4/2/1/GGrade slab3m3426.001,278.00Re-inforced in situ concrete grade 30 OPCBQ4/2/1/HBeams2m3380.00760.00BQ4/2/1/JColumns2m3380.00760.00REINFORCEMENTHigh yield steel bar reinforcement as specifiedBQ4/2/1/KBar reinforcement in various diameter900kg3.002,700.00Polypropylene fibre micro reinforcement for grade slabBQ4/2/1/LGrade slab6m320.00120.00To Collection10,546.00FORMWORKSawn formworkBQ4/2/2/ATo Vertical sides of pad foundations5m231.00155.00BQ4/2/2/BTo vertical sides of plinth beams16m231.00496.00BQ4/2/2/CTo vertical sides of columns(pedestals)4m231.00124.00BQ4/2/2/DTo vertical sides of columns9m231.00279.00BQ4/2/2/ETo sides and soffits of beams16m231.00496.00PRECAST/INSITU CONCRETEPrecast reinforced concrete grade 30 OPC units,including reinforcement,bedded and jointed in mortarBQ4/2/2/FLintel;overall size 200X200 mm2m32.0064.00SUNDRIESBituthene 8000 HC or equal and approved as specifiedBQ4/2/2/GTo surfaces of concrete (Horizontal)58m221.001,218.00BQ4/2/2/HTo surfaces of concrete (Vertical)20m221.00420.003 mm thick Servipack"protection board or similar approvedBQ4/2/2/JSet vertically20m221.00420.00BQ4/2/2/KSet horizontally4m221.0084.00To Collection3,756.00Expansion Joints12 mm thick compressible and bituthene impregnated board as" SERVIPACK H C" or equal and approved,130 mm high,set vertically between concrete membersBQ4/2/3/A12mm "Korpak"filler set vertically in3m286.00258.00BQ4/2/3/B12X10mm Polysulphide sealant26m7.00182.00Cement and sand screed as specifiedBQ4/2/3/Cprotective screeded bed;40mm thick47m213.00611.00Proprietary fillet as specifiedBQ4/2/3/DFillet;champer edge 25 mm46m3.00138.00Construction joints as specifiedBQ4/2/3/Econstruction joints1Item288.00288.00To collection1,477.00Collectionpage 4/2/110,546.00page 4/2/23,756.00page 4/2/31,477.00CONCRETE WORKTO SUMMARY15,779.00BILL NO.4/3BLOCKWORKHollow concrete blockwork laid on cement sand mortarBQ4/3/1/A20 mm wall40m247.001,880.00BQ4/3/1/Bextra for filling voids solid with concrete1Item173.00173.00Solid concrete blockwork laid on cement sand mortarBQ4/3/1/C200 mm wall6m252.00312.00BQ4/3/1/BLOCKWORKTO SUMMARY2,365.00BILL NO.4/4METAL WORKHollow metal door with frame type-D,pull handles,3 no ball bearing ,hinges,locking facility,6 pin cylinder with escutucheon and gloss ironmongery as specified;fixing frames to concrete or blockwork and sealing all around with approved sealantBQ4/4/1/ADoor Type;MD1-size 1000X2200 mm1No3,036.003,036.0050 mm rain water galavanized spout outlets as specified in drawing 1129-3036BQ4/4/1/BWater spouts2No115.00230.00METALWORKSTO SUMMARY3,266.00BILL NO 4/5FINISHINGSIN-SITU FINISHINGS20 mm cement and sand render(external quality)with steel trowelld finish including stainless stell accessories and fibresBQ4/5/1/ATo concrete or blockwork walls159m226.004,134.00100 mm thick cement and sand (1:4) screed mixed with floor hardner and dust proof compound from fosroc or equal approved and finished with approved epoxy paint to the approval of QP ENGINEERBQ4/5/1/BTo floors;100 mm overall thickness;laid on concrete base19m2100.001,900.00BQ4/5/1/CTo skirting;100 mm overall high26m212.00312.00ProtectionBQ4/5/1/DAllow for protection in this section1Item230.00230.00FINISHESTO SUMMARY6,576.00BILL NO.4/6PAINTING AND DECORATINGPrepare and apply acrylic emulsion paint system comprising one coat of primer sealer,two under coats and two finishings coats of solacrylic gloss(acrylic emulsion paint) paint by Hempel or similar approved as specifiedBQ4/6/1/ATo rendered walls(external)159m216.002,544.00PAINTING AND DECORATINGTO SUMMARY2,544.00SUMMARY4/1/1EXCAVATION AND EARTH WORKS633.004/2/4CONCRETE WORK15,779.004/3/1BLOCKWORK2,365.004/4/1METAL WORK3,266.004/5/1FINISHES6,576.004/6/1PAINTING AND DECORATING2,544.00TOTAL BILL NO.4WATER TANK YARD31,163.00TOTAL FOR 23 WATER TANK YARD716,749.00


P1 BILL NO-5 HardscapeDUKHAN HOUSING PROJECT PHASE V, PACKAGE -1BILL NO- 05BREAKDOWN OF ACCOMPLISHMENTINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21ItemDescriptionWORKS ACCORDING TO BOQQntyUnitRateAmount Qr DhsBILL NO.5/1HARDSCAPING AND FEATURESAAllow for additional imported filling,compaction in layers to finished level of all areas in accordance with ground modelling layout as details on Drawing No.1129-9010 sheet 0017,900m323.00181,700.00CONCRETE PAVIOURS200X100X60 mm coloured interlocking type precast concrete paviours set to patterns as shown on drawings and/or specified in specifications;laid on and including 100mm thick sand bed and 150mm thick over calss-B sub-base;grout with cement -sand mortar and compactedBPavement(interlock+sand bed+sub-base);laid on compacted fill12,078m281.00978,318.00Page 5/1/1 To CollectionQR1,160,018.00In-situ concrete grade with surface hardner and dust proof compound as detailed in Section-12,Drawing No.1129-3547 sheet-002,complete with reinforcement,concrete protection sheet and all associated civil works etc complete;all as specified and to the approval of the EngineerAGrade slab for Volleyball Court;laid on 75mm thick screed over compacted fill424m2173.0073,352.00BPoles and sleeves for Volleyball Courts as specified1No5,750.005,750.00CExtra for ground marking in reflective paint1Item805.00805.00DExtra for flexcel and construction joints as specified1Item575.00575.00Hydraulically pressed precast concrete Grade SRC20 Garden Kerb as detail 1,Drawing No.1129-3547 sheet 001;bedding and jointing in Class 1 cement mortar bed on including mass concrete foundation;haunched both sides with dowel bars;including for blinding,waterproofing,excavation,disposal of surplus excavated materials from site etc.EKerbs;75X250 mm high;straight and8,140m58.00472,120.00Page 5/1/2 To CollectionQR552,602.00LANDSCAPE,FURNITURE AND FEATURESSeating bench,Type 1 as shown on drawing No.1129-3563 sheet 001;consists of profiled red meranti wooden slats out of 75X75 mm section fixed to 50X50X8mm rectangular hollow ection mild steel framing and supports ,including finishes to the steel and wooden surfaces as specified,base plate,fixing accessories,concrete foundation,waterproofing,formwork,excavation,disposal etc.;all as specified and to the approval of the EngineerAseating bench;size overall 1800X600X790mm high from finished level16no3,726.0059,616.00BDitto;Curved8no4,140.0033,120.00Page 5/1/3 To CollectionQR92,736.00Shade structure as shown on Drawing No.1129-3561 sheet 001; consists of tensile fabric shade fixed to steel framing and supported by steel columns,complete with finishes to the steel surfaces as specified,200X100X60mm coloured interlocking type concrete paviours laid on sand bed on and included concrete grade slab below shade;all as specified and to the approval of the EngineerATensile shade structure,circular in plan;overall size 15000mm diameterX 7800mm high1No132,308.00132,308.00BTensile shade structure,rectangular in plan;overall size 14000mmX 14000mmX7800mm high1No146,510.00146,510.00Wooden pergola as shown on drawing No.1129-3553 sheet 001;complete profiled wooden slats out of 120X500 mm thick section fixed to 50X50X8mm polyester powder coated mild stell framing supported on 150X150mm wooden posts,include for fixing accessories,finishes to the wooden surfaces,concrete foundation,excavation,earthwork,protection etc;all as specified and to the approval of the EngineerCWooden pergola;octagonal type;overall size 6000X6000X3732mm high1No44,160.0044,160.00Page 5/1/4R1 To CollectionQR322,978.00CAR WASHCar washing area comprising of grade slab,anti splash walls with porcelain tiles,epoxy paint finish,grating and drain as specified in drawing No.3569-001;including all associated builders work etc;completeACar wash;size-9450X10360X1200mm high2No255,175.00510,350.00CHAINLINK FENCING AND GATESPVC coated chain link fencing as drawings;include for gates,steel posts,cornors,starter and end posts,bracings,associated supports and line wires;include for paint finishing to steel surface as specified;allow for all accessories and associated builder's work including excavation,concrete work,protection work etc.BFencing;3000 mm height above finished ground level49m575.0028,175.00CHILDREN'S PLAY AREAExcavate pits including disposal of excavated material and preparation of formation to receive washed sand mediumCExcavation;400mm deep892m212.0010,704.00DFilling the excavated pits with washed and well seived sand357m3108.0038,556.00Page 5/1/5R1 To Collection587,785.00COLLECTIONPage 5/1/11,160,018.00Page 5/1/2552,602.00Page 5/1/392,736.00Page 5/1/4322,978.00Page 5/1/5587,785.00HARDLANDSCAPINGPage 5/1/6 To General Summary2,716,119.00

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P1 BILL NO-6 SoftscapeDUKHAN HOUSING PROJECT PHASE V, PACKAGE -1BILL NO- 06BREAKDOWN OF ACCOMPLISHMENTINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21ItemDescriptionWORKS ACCORDING TO BOQQtyUnitRate QrAmount Qr DhsBILL NO.6/1SOFTLANDSCAPINGGENERAL EARTHWORKNote; General Excavation, Disposal, filling, compaction in layers to formation level of all softlandscaping areas in accordance with ground modelling layout are measured in Bill No-5EXCAVATIONExcavate pits including disposal of excavated material and preparation of formation levels to receive planting mediumAFor large trees;1200X1200X1200mm deep531No115.0061,065.00BFor palm;2000X2000X2000 mm deep15No345.005,175.00CFor lage shrubs;800X800X800 mm deep minimum424No46.0019,504.00DFor medium shrubs;600X600X600mm deep minimum1,002No40.0040,080.00EFor small shrubs-ground covers,shrubs-climbers,suculents/bulbs/liliacae and grassing areas;300mm deep1,512m212.0018,144.00FFor grass areas;minimum 300deep8,032m212.0096,384.00Page 6/1/1R2 To CollectionQR240,352.00PLANTING MEDIUMAgricultural sweet soil mixed with industrial compost as specified;laid on compacted formation levelAFor large trees;1200X1200X1200 mm deep minimum531No99.0052,569.00BFor palm;2000X2000X2000 mm deep minimum15No460.006,900.00CFor large shrubs;800X800X800mm deep minimum424No48.0020,352.00DFor medium shrubs;600X600X600mm deep minimum1,002No33.0033,066.00EFor small shrubs-ground covers,shrubs-climbers,succulents/bulbs/liliacae and grassing areas;(300mm deep)454m360.0027,240.00FFor grass areas(minimum 300deep)2,410m360.00144,600.00Page 6/1/2R1 To CollectionQR284,727.00TREES,PLANTS AND GROUND COVERSSupply and plant following large trees as specified,complete with supports,drainage layers and filter membrane as necessary including all associated civil worksAConocarpus lancifola253No46.0011,638.00BFicus nitida51No63.003,213.00CDelonix regia59No63.003,717.00DFicus benghalensis20No75.001,500.00EFicus regia50No75.003,750.00FJacarand A acutifolia21No75.001,575.00GMelia azederach32No58.001,856.00HCitrus limon(meyer)36No46.001,656.00JAzediracta indica(Neem)9No63.00567.00Page 6/1/3R1 To CollectionQR29,472.00Supply and plant following palm trees as specified,complete with supports,drainage layers and filter membrane as necessary including all associated civil worksAPhoneix dactylfera15No2,070.0031,050.00Supply and plant following large shrubs as specified,complete with supports,drainage layers and filter membrane as necessary including all associated civil worksBHibiscus rosa sinesis-red83No29.002,407.00CHibiscus rosa sinesis-yellow66No29.001,914.00DNerium oleander-red41No23.00943.00ENerium oleander-white126No23.002,898.00FNerium oleander-pink34No23.00782.00GPlumera obtusa21No29.00609.00HPlumera acutfolia14No29.00406.00JCaselpinia gilliesili-yellow10No23.00230.00Kcaselpinia-red20No23.00460.00LPunica granatum9No23.00207.00Page 6/1/4R1 To CollectionQR41,906.00Supply and plant following medium shrubs as specified,complete with supports,drainage layers and filter membrane as necessary including all associated civil worksADidoniea243No6.001,458.00BCleroendrum inerme276No6.001,656.00CBougainvillea glabra la jollr-red158No9.001,422.00DBougainvillea glabra multicolour24No9.00216.00ELeacuphyllam frutesceus47No14.00658.00FAcalypha wilkensiana81No9.00729.00GTecoma stans150No17.002,550.00HGardenia jasminoides23No17.00391.00Page 6/1/5R1 To CollectionQR9,080.00Supply and plant following small shrubs/ground covers/succulent/liliacae as specifiedAWadelia trilobata384M212.004,608.00BRue lia selosia144M221.003,024.00Calternathere varsicolor330M218.005,940.00DVinca rosea-red409M221.008,589.00EVinca rosea-white205M221.004,305.00FRheo discolour40M221.00840.00Supply and plant following grass as specifiedGpospalam vaginatum8,032M216.00128,512.00MAINTENANCEHAllow for maintening,protecting,watering and replacing plants as necessary during the course of the contract untill end of maintenance period(Supply of water and power measured separately)1Item241,500.00241,500.00JAllow for all temporary works to irrigate, maintane plants including irrigation water (by tankers or other means),power(by generator or other means),during construction period.1Itemincluded upKAllow for supply of irrigation water (by tankers or other means)and power(by generator or other means) for irrigation&maintenance of plants,during maintenance period of 40 days1Itemincluded upPage 6/1/6R2 To CollectionQR397,318.00IRRIGATION INSTALLATIONSADevelop complete set of design and workshop drawings based on performance specification and sample drawing for an automated irrigation system comprising of underground water tank,pumps and pumps enclosure ,filters,zone controllers,solenoid valves,pipenetwork comprising of ring main,lateral,branches,irrigation outlets comprising of bubblers,sprinklers and drip emitters and obtain engineer approval on same1Item11,500.0011,500.00BDesign,supply and installation of underground R.C.C tanks complete with waterproofing membrane 4mm on the outer surface,all connections,accessories etc.Complete for one day storage of irrigation water1Item230,000.00230,000.00CSet of pump(1 duty+1 standby) for the irrigation water including all connections,pump enclosure and all associated civil works complete1Item41,400.0041,400.00DAutomated irrigation system comprising of filters,zone controllers,solenoid valves,control wiring,pipe network comprising of ring main,laterals,branches,bublers,sprinklers and drip emitters complete(Zone controller wiring measured elsewere)1Item207,000.00207,000.00Page 6/1/7 To CollectionQR489,900.00COLLECTIONPage 6/1/1240,352.00Page 6/1/2284,727.00Page 6/1/329,472.00Page 6/1/441,906.00Page 6/1/59,080.00Page 6/1/6397,318.00Page 6/1/7489,900.00SOFTLANDSCAPING and IRRIGATIONPage 6/1/8 To General SummaryQR1,492,755.00

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P1 BILL NO-7 InfraDUKHAN HOUSING PROJECT PHASE V, PACKAGE -1BILL NO- 07BREAKDOWN OF ACCOMPLISHMENTINTERIM VALUATION NO. 21ItemDescriptionWORKS ACCORDING TO BOQQtyUnitRate QrAmount Qr DhsBILL NO.7/1DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATIONNoteBidders are advised to visit site and understand exactscope prior to quoting and required demolition work for understanding the job.In no case extra payment shall be made towards the bidder on the ground thet demolition and rerouting scope is not understood.Contractor attention is drawn to requirement of the availability of access,power,potable water,fire water and telecom services at all times to Dukhan residents,Contractor shall consider additional items, new temporary items if required for demolition works and shall list&price separately for such items if any.Electrical workADemolish the exixting HV cables with manholes,dispose off debris,level the site and handover HV cable to QP370m127.0046,990.00BDemolish the exixting LV cables with manholes,dispose off debris,level the site160m127.0020,320.00CRemove all the substationequipment of 88-SS-860 and handover to QP1Item27,600.0027,600.00DDemolish the existing substation 88-SS-850 and 88-SS-860 dispose off debris and level the site1Item23,000.0023,000.00(Page 7/1/1R1) To CollectionQR117,910.00Electrical work(Cont'd)ACarefully remove existing lighting poles 7 Nos and handover to QP;demolish the plinths and dispose of debris;Contractor shall connect other poles to panel with new LV cable1Item19,550.0019,550.00BProtect existing HV cables(40 m) with pvc ducts to Qp approval1Item8,050.008,050.00CProvide and lay 11 KV, 3 core cables size to match existing cable as item B above200m426.0085,200.00DAllow the joining 11KV,3 core cables including all necessary material and spares2Set2,875.005,750.00Telecommunication workCarefully remove and dismantle existing cable to army antene (approximate length 185m) including ducts,cables,JRC's etc;and reroute wiring existing cable to army antena (120m approximately) including manholes,ducts,cables,JRC's etc.DLength of the existing cable to be demolished90m144.0012,960.00Elength of the new route to be constructed (including excavation of trenches, laying of ducts&cables,installation of JRC manholes etc). Contractor shall consider similar size of ducts ,cables and JRCs as that of the existing route120m207.0024,840.00(Page 7/1/2R1) To CollectionQR156,350.00Sewerage SystemADemolishing existing septic tank,fncing,sewer line after making operational the proposed new sewer and holding tank as per instruction of Engineer1Item23,000.0023,000.00BSewer line250m138.0034,500.00CManhole6No1,725.0010,350.00DDesign and construct new holding tank (25X12X3m high blow invert level) of adequate depth 202mm;including fencing,gates,1.00m wide path way and concrete kerb;to hold the required capacity;for storage of sewage from existing sewer line including 3 no manholes,pipes,requesite connections,chain link fence,access gates(2m wide,2m Nos) all as shown in draing1No431,250.00431,250.00ERaise level of tendered sewer line manholes to proposed level including all associated works as concrete,protection and heavy duty manhole covers etc5No2,875.0014,375.00(Page 7/1/3R1) To CollectionQR513,475.00Demolition of existing water line with its appurtenance with proper care and disposing the unserviceable debris to government authorised dumping ground ;all complete as per direction and instruction of Engineer-in-chargeAwater line(approximate length-1110)1Item97,750.0097,750.00Bdemolish and dispose off existing fire hydrant4No345.001,380.00Road worksCAllow for demolish the existing roads with its appurtenances with proper care and dumping the debris in a government authorised yard etc.all complete as per direction and instruction of Engineer-in-charge1Item20,700.0020,700.00DAllow for demolition of existing survey monument (3 no) and reconstruction of survey monument (3 no) in cordination with Engineer&To approval of ministry of municipal affairs and agriculture1Item13,800.0013,800.00ERemove existing chain link fence(approximate length 820 m) including foundations and dispose off as per Engineers instruction1Item40,250.0040,250.00FAllow for any other works deemed necessary to complete demolition and rerouting of existing services in accordance with contract condition and QP conditions1Item57,500.0057,500.00(Page 7/1/4R1) To CollectionQR231,380.00COLLECTIONPage 7/1/1117,910.00Page 7/1/2156,350.00Page 7/1/3513,475.00Page 7/1/4231,380.00DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION(Page 7/1/5) To SummaryQR1,019,115.00BILL NO.7/2ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISRIBUTION1000 V CABLESSupply and lay 1000 V multicore cables, copper conductor,XLPE insulated,steel wire armoured,PVC oversheathed,complet with jointing and termination kits,directly laid in ground inclusive of trench excavation,backj filling and making good ground and all necessary accessories (Supply of marker tape and protection tiles measured separately)A4cX300 sq mm4,370m334.001,459,580.00B4cX240 sq mm1,440m311.00447,840.00C4cX35 sq mm370m121.0044,770.00D4cX16 sq mm100m81.008,100.00E4cX205 sq mm400m54.0021,600.00EARTH CONDUCTORSSingle core,copper conductor,PVC oversheathed complte with jointing and termination material and all necessary accessoriesF1cX150 sq mm5,810m38.00220,780.00G1cX25 sq mm470m8.003,760.00(Page 7/2/1R1) To CollectionQR2,206,430.00Marker Tape and Protection Tiles for Electric cablesA1000 V cables;4cX300 sq mm4,370m17.0074,290.00B1000 V cables;4cX240 sq mm1,440m17.0024,480.00C1000 V cables;4cX35 sq mm370m17.006,290.00D1000 V cables;4cX16 sq mm100m17.001,700.00E1000 V cables;4cX2.5 sq mm400m17.006,800.00SUB-MAIN BOARD (SMB)Outdoor sub main board(SMB) ,suitable for installation on a concrete base,with all associated civil work,aluminium lockable dorr and complete with 630 Amp TPN busbars,incoming 630 amp MCCB and following outgoing MCCb's as shown on the drawing;inclusive all associated civil works like blockwork slab,slab,plastering,painting and lockable door.F5way SMB with 4 nos 160Amp MCCB and space for 1no 160Amp future MCCB17No17,940.00304,980.00(Page 7/2/2) To CollectionQR418,540.00Note:For all following Bill of Quantities Item are to be included for supply and installationROAD CROSSING DUCTSUPVC pipe ducts for road crossing under carriage way complete inclusive of 150 mm diameter pipes,excavation,laying of pipes,inclusive ofconcrete encasing,backfilling and making goodA12X150mm PVC pipes "type D-5"20m3,036.0060,720.00B12X150mm PVC pipes"type D-3"40m2,358.0094,320.00MANHOLEConstruction of electrical manholes including all civil works,excavation,R.C.C ,concrete protection and heavy duty manhole cover to QP specification;all complete as per Engineer-in -chargeDManhole size;1200X1200X800mm high5No6,670.0033,350.00(Page 7/2/3) To CollectionQR188,390.00COLLECTIONPage 7/2/12,206,430.00Page 7/2/2418,540.00Page 7/2/3188,390.00ELECTRICAL NETWORK(Page 7/2/4) To SummaryQR2,813,360.00BILL NO.7/3TELECOMMUNICATIONDUCTS IN TRENCHESExcavate trench,75mm soft sand bed,install PVCu telephone ducts,backfill with quarry scalpings,disposal of surplus excavated material,including connections to manholes/jointing boxes/service entrance cabinets,markers and making good to Q-TEL standered and details.A4X90mm cunduit (type D54)325m161.0052,325.00B2X90mm conduit (type D54)1,825m124.00226,300.00C1X50mm conduit (type D54)450m105.0047,250.00UNDERGROUND JOINTING/DRAW BOXESJointing/draw boxes complete including all internal accessories,covers and finishes to Q-TEL standareds and detailsDType JRC 14 (Q-TEL drawing no CN 1690-A)4No4,600.0018,400.00Etype JRC 4 (Q-TEL drawing no CN1815)41No2,070.0084,870.00(Page 7/3/1) To CollectionQR429,145.00UNDERGROUND JOINTING/DRAW BOXESJointing/draw boxes complete including all internal accessories,covers and finishes to Q-TEL standards and detailsAManhole20No11,500.00230,000.00TELEPHONE CABLESupply and lay telephone cables and termination boxes,PVC conduits(Q-Tel approved),including termination of cables at both ends;all in accordance with Q-Tel regulations completeB100 pair750m38.0028,500.00C50 pair230m24.005,520.00D20 pair2,200m16.0035,200.00E5 pair3,220m7.0022,540.00FLay telephone cable (supplied by Q-Tel) including termination boxes and termination of cables at both ends all in accordance with Q-Tel regulations complete18,900m13.00245,700.00(Page 7/3/2R1) To CollectionQR567,460.00TELEPHONE CABINETProcure fromQ-Tel and install telephone cabinet suitable for outdoors;terminating 4 nos of 100 pair incoming cables and outgoing cables as specified drawing no;1129-6017Atelephone cabinet1No28,750.0028,750.00Supply and lay telephone cable,termination boxes,PVC conduits(Q-Tel approved)including termination of cables at both ends:all in accordance with Q-Tel regulations complete as directed by EngineerB100 pair(provisional)18,900m51.00963,900.00SUPERVISIONCAllow for supervision by Q-Tel for all telecommunicationwork carried out under this construction packages1Item80,500.0080,500.00(Page 7/3/3R1) To CollectionQR1,073,150.00COLLECTIONPage 7/3/1429,145.00Page 7/3/2567,460.00Page 7/3/31,073,150.00TELECOMMUNICATION(Page 7/3/4) To CollectionQR2,069,755.00BILL NO.7/4SEWERAGE SYSTEMTRENCHESExcavate trench for house connection pipes not exceeding 160mm diameter;including backfillingATrench not exceeding 1.5 m depth to invert463m161.0074,543.00BTrench exceeding 1.5m but not exceeding 3.0 m depth to invert168m322.0054,096.00Excavate trench for pipe exceeding 160mm and not exceeding 300mm diameter including backfillingCTrench not exceeding 1.5m depth to invert948m190.00180,120.00Dtrench exceeding 1.5 m but not exceeding 3.0 m depth to invert539m345.00185,955.00ETrench exceeding 3.0 but not exceeding 5.0 m depth to invert582m702.00408,564.00PIPEWORKSSupply of uPVC pipe including all fittings to be laid in excavated trenchesF200 mm diameter pipe623m155.0096,565.00G250 mm diameter pipe147m293.0043,071.00(Page 7/4/1) To CollectionQR1,042,914.00Supply of ESVC pipe including all fittings to be laid in excavated trenchesA250 mm diameter485m201.0097,485.00B300 mm diameter814m242.00196,988.00supply of Vitrified clay pipe including all fitting and layingC160 mm diameter pipe631m115.0072,565.00DExtra end plug, 150 mm diameter with pipes 1000 mm4No173.00692.00BEDDINGGranular bed and surround as specified and detailed on drawingsETo house connection pipes125m144.0018,000.00FTo main pipes not exceeding 300 mm diameter970m207.00200,790.00Mass concrete SRC 20 including all formwork as concrete surround to pipes including compressible board and concrete blinding as per specification and instruction of Engineer-in-chargeGTo house connection pipes506m224.00113,344.00HTo main pipes not exceeding 300 mm diameter1,099m334.00367,066.00(Page 7/4/2) To CollectionQR1,066,930.00MANHOLESCast insitu lined manholes as detailed on the drawings including excavation, back-filling, disposal of surplus soil, insitu concrete base and surround ,G.R.C lining material, wate