Progressive National Baptist Convention,...

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Transcript of Progressive National Baptist Convention,...

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

PNBC Resolutions 2014

Resolution on the Bombing and killings of women and children in Gaza

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and civil Rights of all people especially those of color, and Whereas Martin Luther King broke the silence concerning the senseless killings of innocent civilians in Vietnam, and demanded an end to America’s involvement in the war; and Whereas the religious community rose up, broke the silence concerning the repressive white minority regime in South Africa and its senseless killings of innocent peaceful protesters of youth in the Soweto uprising, and whereas the current situation in Gaza resembles the government of apartheid South Africa, which has occupied, surrounded, and displaced almost two million Palestinians from their original homes, denied citizenship rights in Israel while kept stateless by the State of Israel for 65 years, and Whereas Archbishop Desmond Tutu defended Secretary of State John Kerry’s use of the term “apartheid” to describe Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians, mirroring systemic discrimination, the pass book system, the blockade, ,administrative detentions, house raids, and the continued murder of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and Nelson Mandela expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people, and

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Whereas in apartheid South Africa, any resistance to the apartheid policies of the State of Israel is met with extreme violence in order to maintain so-called “law and order” at all costs, and Whereas the Health Ministry, in Gaza, said in a press statement that Israel’s 17 day large scale offensives on the Gaza strip left more than 1,500 innocent Palestinians dead, mainly women, children, and men, and more than thousands of others wounded, along with the deliberate bombing of schools designated by the United Nations as safety zones for civilians, and Whereas a special session of the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution to inquire into human rights violations from Israel’s latest military offensive in the Gaza strip, and Whereas the religious community, particularly the Presbyterians and others have called for the implementation of a comprehensive Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel until its government cease its attacks, negotiates in good faith, remove the blockade, end the occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and dismantles the apartheid walls and policies, Therefore, be it resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention recognizes that this is a critical moment in history, a Kairos moment. Thus, we must align ourselves with the world religious community, such as the World Council of Churches, Middle East Council of Churches, Catholic World Relief, the Lutheran World Federation, American Baptist Churches, the Presbyterians, and the Jews and Palestinians For Peace in calling for a cease fire by both Israel and Hamas,

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Furthermore, the PNBC encourage world leaders to take steps to ensure the freedom, self-determination, security, and equal rights for both the Palestinians and Israel, That the PNBC recognize that both Israel and Palestine suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which reinforces fear, anger, hatred, resentment, and pain, making it difficult to imagine reconciliation. We must encourage the healing and trust on both sides. There is a need to advocate non-violence as a way to affirm the sacredness of all life for all. Finally, we call upon the PNBC to lift up its prophetic voices to imagine a better future of peace and reconciliation through the eyes of God. It is important that we oppose all anti-Semitism and accusations that all Jews are racist and violent. There are Jews in Israel, Palestinians, Muslims, and Christians standing together for the sake of peace. Silence is complicity, and we cannot be silent in the face of innocent people being killed. Our God will hold us accountable according to Matthew twenty-five.

Voting Rights Restoration

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc , was

established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil

Rights of all people especially those of color and

Whereas, the Democracy Restoration Act, which would restore Federal

Voting Rights to all individuals when released from incarceration

Be it Resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins

with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support the Civil Rights Voting Restoration Act, which would restore

Federal voting rights of non-violent persons under certain conditions.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be It Further Resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

supports the right to vote is the most basic right of citizenship. Regaining

the right to vote reintegrates individuals with criminal convictions into

free society, helping to enhance public safety and encourage

rehabilitation. The lack of a uniform standard for voting in Federal

elections leads to an unfair disparity and unequal participation in Federal

elections, and state disenfranchisement laws disproportionately impact

racial and ethnic minorities.

Hobby Lobby as a Threat to Women’s Rights

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color and

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention join with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support the Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act,

which would restore the contraceptive coverage requirement

guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act and protect coverage of other

health services from employers who want to impose their beliefs on

their employees by denying benefits.

Whereas, the Supreme Court has put the health of American women at risk while opening the door for private employers who are looking for a reason not to comply with the law

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be It Resolved that Progressive National Baptist Convention cannot allow partisan gridlock to jeopardize the health of millions of women across the country. Congress has an opportunity to restore the rights and protections taken away from American women by the Supreme Court. We have a responsibility to act. The Affordable Care Act guarantees the majority of women coverage for comprehensive preventive health services, including contraception. Imposing additional financial burdens on a woman because the company she works for claims to hold certain beliefs contrary to the law sets a dangerous precedent.”

Modernize Workforce Development Programs

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color praise the overwhelmingly bipartisan

passage by the Senate of the Workforce Investment and Innovation Act

that will reinvigorate efforts to educate and train American workers in

high-skilled, in-demand jobs.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention join with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support. This long overdue reauthorization will help Americans to

develop the skills necessary to participate in today’s global economy. To

maintain our position as the world’s economic leader, we need to

educate and train our workers to fill the skilled jobs of the knowledge-

based economy. We need to shift gears to match worker skills with job


Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be It Resolved, the Workforce Investment and Innovation Act transforms

our workforce development system from short-term crisis intervention

to long-term human capital development.

We Further Resolved, the Progressive National Baptist Convention that

the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act will allow us to tailor

services to local needs, creating a stronger system to prepare workers

for the 21st century labor market, helping employers by finding the

skilled labor needed to compete right here in the United States.

How Americans Pay For College Education

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports a change in how Americans

pay for a college education.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support a change in how we repay student loans. Student loan debt has

ballooned to roughly $1 trillion, a sum larger than the amount of credit

card debt held by Americans. At the same time, prices at public four-

year institutions have risen more rapidly from 2012-13 than over either

of the two preceding decades.

Whereas, that almost one-third of all undergraduate students rely on

subsidized, federal Stafford loans. The fact that the United States

Government is making money off of these already overburdened

students is shameful. The federal government is earning an estimated

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

$66 billion in profits from student loans originated between 2007 and

2012. This was never congressional intent, and it makes absolutely no


Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports

any and all efforts against making higher education prohibitively

expensive for most Americans, since we want America to continue to be

a world leader in commerce, security, or any area. We need a new

Higher Education Act that more accurately takes into account the cost to

attend college and give students information they need to get the best


Threats of Climate Change

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color understands, Climate change is real. We

are already seeing its impacts around the world and its effects are going

to get worse.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., joins

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support the start of taking greater measures to adapt and become more

resilient to the future effects of climate change. We are going to see a

more dramatic and more negative effect on our environment, our

infrastructure, our health and our economy if we let the deniers take

root and jeopardize action and innovation that can develop American-

made solutions.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be it Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention urges

the creation of good-paying clean energy jobs to help mitigate the

causes of climate change, increase energy efficiency, reduce our carbon

footprint and better prepare us for the extreme weather.

Be It Further Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

requests that we: (1) green our infrastructure, (2) restore and integrate

natural defenses against sea level rise and destructive storms and (3)

make both human communities and natural ecosystems more resilient

to the destructive effects of climate change. We can change the course

that we are on. For the U.S. to lead globally we must all cooperate and

coordinate plans to reduce the risks to our people, our businesses and

our communities.”

Quality Child Care Investing

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports the reauthorization of the Child

Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG),

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to

support the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act, to strengthen

opportunities for creating a safe environment for children to learn that

also allows parents to work. This pays off for the entire family and our

local communities.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

acknowledges that quality subsidized child care contributes to young

children’s readiness to school, and studies have shown a strong

improvement in school readiness for students who were part of quality

subsidized child care programs before starting kindergarten.

We Further Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

wants families to have the opportunity to move up the economic ladder

and not be a burden on a cash assistance program. Child care costs

represent a very large part of a family’s budget and are increasing faster

than the rate of increases for family income, particularly for low-income

families. Providing quality child care is quite simply a prudent investment

in our future, our children, and our nation’s workforce.

Affordable Rental Housing

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports an effort to strengthen our

economy and increase the supply of affordable rental housing across the


Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state,

local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations urge Mel Watt,

the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), to end the

suspension of contributions to the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF)

and the Capital Magnet Fund (CMF) within all applicable laws, rules, and


Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be it Resolved, the U.S. Senate confirmed Mel Watt to lead FHFA as the

country’s top housing regulator, overseeing more than $5 trillion in

funding for the U.S. mortgage market.

We Further Resolved, the Progressive National Baptist Convention

supports the National Housing Trust Fund and the Capital Magnet Fund

sought to address the shortage of affordable rental housing. However,

neither the National Housing Trust Fund nor the Capital Magnet Fund

has been consistently funded as intended. As the FHFA Director, has the

power to lift the suspension.

Cemetery Desecration

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports a bill to explicitly define the

desecration of cemeteries as a violation of the right to religious


Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state,

local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations in protecting

the freedom of individuals and groups to practice their faith is at the

core of who we are as Americans. Congress passed the International

Religious Freedom Act in 1998 to affirm our national commitment to

religious freedom, enshrined both in the U.S. Constitution and in

numerous international human rights instruments.

Whereas, freedom of religion requires respect for those practicing their

faith alone as well as in community with others. It also requires

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

protection for those who identify as members of a religious community,

for the symbols of the community, for the houses of worship and other

institutions of the community.

Be It Resolved, the Progressive National Baptist Convention denounces

the defacing or destruction of a cemetery based on an affiliation with a

particular religious or spiritual group should not be tolerated.

Racial Profiling

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color urge Congress to pass the End Racial

Profiling Act.

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state,

local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support the

End the Racial Profiling Act.

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

requests the termination of Racial Profiling. Racial Profiling is simply

wrong. It doesn’t work; it wastes valuable resources and diminishes the

willingness of targeted communities from trusting and working with

police when the need is real.

Be It Further Resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

supports a uniform definition of racial profiling so that law enforcement

can concentrate on investigating real crimes and real leads, and men

and women across the country can feel secure that they are not being

pulled over or harassed by law enforcement solely based on their race,

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

religion, national origin, or ethnicity. Racial profiling is legal in far too

many states and we need to end this bad policy now.

Student Loan Debt

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and civil rights of all

people especially those of color supports the Students Emergency Loan

Refinancing Act, which would allow those with outstanding student loan

debt to refinance at the lower interest rates currently offered to new

borrowers. Student loan debt is the second highest form of consumer

debt, now at a staggering $1.2 trillion, and it is weighing on the economy

– stopping young people and families from buying homes, buying cars

and starting businesses.

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act.

Be It Moreover Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention requests the reduction, if not the total elimination, of these loans. Reducing the burden of these loans is critical to strengthening our economy and ensuring that all Americans have access to the quality, affordable education they need to succeed. Education is the best investment we can make in our children, in ourselves, and in our nation’s future. Yet growing student loan debt is holding back a generation of Americans – hurting our economy and weighing on the lives of millions of young people.

Be It Further Resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention urges the creation of relief efforts for the 40 million borrowers with

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

student loan debt to be refinanced, which is fully funded by enacting the Buffett Rule, and which would limit special tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans that allow millionaires and billionaires to pay lower effective tax rates than middle class families.

Water Infrastructure Upgrades

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports the Investing in water

infrastructure for public health, for our environment and to save energy,

but it also creates jobs. Our water infrastructure provides a foundation

for economic growth in every community across this nation.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to call a

national priority to upgrade water and sewer infrastructure.

Whereas, the nation's drinking water systems face staggering public

investment needs. According to the U.S. conference of Mayors, public

water systems will require an average of more than $100 billion per year

in funding over the next 20 years to upgrade or replace aging water


Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

supports Federal investment in water infrastructure can come from a

variety of means. The recently passed Conference Report on the Water

Resources Development Act (WRDA) included reauthorization of the

Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF), which sets formula funding for

all states wastewater infrastructure. This SRF had not been reauthorized

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

for more than 25 years. However, the Drinking Water State Revolving

Fund still has not been reauthorized since 1996.

Gainful Employment Regulation

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports the proposed regulations

would clarify provisions in the Higher Education Act (HEA) that require

career education programs to “prepare students for gainful employment

in a recognized occupation.”

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention join with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support a strong gainful employment rule to protect students and properly prepare them to enter the workforce, but ensure that taxpayer money for federal student financial aid is being well spent.

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Convention urges the Department of Education to resist the millions of dollars special interests are pouring into this fight and develop a strong rule that will benefit students and protect taxpayer money."

Be It Further Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports the development of a strong rule is critical to protecting the students attending institutions as well as the taxpayers who provide the millions of dollars in federal student aid paid in to these programs. The Department of Education must put in place regulations that will ensure career education programs receiving federal dollars are providing high-quality educational programs that will equip students to compete for the jobs available in their chosen fields.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Initiative for African American Men

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports Presidents Obama’s initiative,

My Brother’s Keeper Initiative.

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state,

local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support a

partnership between government and the private sector intended to

positively impact young African American men.

Whereas, Young African American men have immense potential to be powerful and inspiring leaders in our communities, but they face challenges both economic and systemic that no other demographic in the United States endures. President Obama’s ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ initiative will provide these young men with the right guidance and access to opportunities, so that they are able to shine

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports the ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ initiative in every community. They are bright, enterprising, clever, and imaginative, but the odds they face often destroy the dreams they have. We commend the President for recognizing those odds, and I applaud this new effort to identify strategies that will positively alter these young men’s lives.

Increasing Investment in Rural America

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all people especially those of color supports increasing investment in rural America.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support $10 billion dollar investment fund to promote rural economic development. This fund will continue to grow the rural economy by increasing access to capital for rural infrastructure projects and speeding up the process of rural infrastructure improvements.

Whereas, rural America should always be included in economic development

Be It Resolved, the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports ongoing efforts to promote investment in rural America, strengthen the nation’s infrastructure, and grow the U.S. economy.

Minimum Wage

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all people especially those of color supports the raising of the minimum wage. Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support raising the minimum wage nationwide which would benefit 28 million workers across the country, and lift nearly a million people out of poverty. Whereas, minimum wage increases, puts more money in the pockets of working Americans means more spending at local businesses.

Be It Resolved, the Progressive National Baptist Convention urges business owners to raise the minimum wages for their employees,

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

because they know that workers who feel valued are more productive and less likely to leave their jobs. Higher wages are good for workers and business, and are key to a stronger economy that creates opportunity for all Americans.


Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all people especially those of color supports immigration reform. Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations to support the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. An important step in the effort to return balance and fairness to the U.S. immigration system, and essential to our economic growth and security. Whereas, Immigration Reform is long overdue, but it must be fair. No matter what side of this debate you are on, most of us agree that America’s immigration system is badly broken. Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports border protection and, therefore, urges Congress to support Immigration Reform. Border protection alone will not fix all the challenges facing our immigration system. Immigrants should come legally through a door, not over or under a fence.

Criminal Justice Reform

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

people especially those of color supports a call to build a fairer and more equitable criminal justice system. Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations reaffirming the Fair Sentencing Act, which reduces the disparity in the amounts of powder cocaine and crack cocaine required to trigger certain penalties in the federal system, including imposition of mandatory minimum sentences. For years, this arbitrary discrepancy had an unfair and a disproportionate impact on racial minorities. Whereas, the body continues to support funding for drug courts, which give first-time, non-violent offenders a chance to serve their sentence, if appropriate, in drug rehabilitation programs that have proven to work better than prison terms in changing behavior.

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention seeks to reduce recidivism and to improve strategies that allow formerly incarcerated individuals to rejoin society successfully.

HBCU Initiative

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all people especially those of color supports the White House Initiative for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations supporting

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

historically Black institutions of higher learning to increase both the number of Black graduates and help to sustain the livelihood of these institutions. Whereas, for over 150 years, HBCUs have provided primarily African-American student bodies with educational opportunities, invaluable networking opportunities and critical support as students and alumni. Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention supports Promoting Excellence, Innovation, and Sustainability at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Voting Rights Act

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all people especially those of color supports the Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act prohibited discrimination in voting, and together with the Civil Rights Act enshrines the principles upon which our nation was founded. These laws serve as a testament to all who sacrificed to work towards ending segregation and discrimination.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations supporting the Voting Rights Act which has stood as a central pillar in the protection of fair voting practices. Our nation now faces the greatest threat to Voting Rights since Reconstruction.

Whereas, the Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder severely undermines the effectiveness of the Voting Rights Act. Shelby County has allowed more than a dozen states with histories of voter

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

discrimination to implement new restrictions on voting. When it comes time for voting, voter suppression is far too prevalent throughout our country.

Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention acknowledges that we face an unsettling reality. Shelby County, one of many recent decisions by the Supreme Court that has disenfranchised American voters, made it easier for minorities to be discriminated against at the polls. Instead of finding new ways to limit voting, we should be working day and night to ensure that every American has the opportunity to vote in person or through absentee ballot.

Violence against Women Reauthorization Act

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established

to give a voice and platform to social, political and Civil Rights of all

people especially those of color supports the reauthorization of a long-

standing law to stop violence against women and extend protections to

other groups.

Whereas, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention joins with

state, local, and national Civil and Human Rights organizations

supporting the Violence against Women Reauthorization Act, often

referred to as VAWA. This act will provide important legal, civil,

economic and social safeguards for victims of domestic violence,

particularly women.

Whereas, VAWA has not only transformed our criminal justice system,

but it also has inspired many state and local governments to enact

similar legislation, helping to ensure greater implementation of this law.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Be It Further Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention

supports the reauthorization will provide more resources to reduce

domestic homicides and sexual assaults, strengthen housing protections

for domestic violence victims and focus more attention on the high rates

of violence among teens and young adults.

Resolution on Freedom of Religion or Belief in Vietnam

WHEREAS, there continue to be reports of restrictions on and violations

against the right to freedom of religion or belief for various religious

minorities in Vietnam, including Christians; AND

WHEREAS, a recent visit to Vietnam by the UN Special Rapporteur for

freedom of religion or belief in July 2014 led him to conclude that

serious violations against this right are a reality in the country; AND

WHEREAS, those speaking out about religious freedom violations and

other injustices and human rights abuses have also been subject to

detention and imprisonment; AND

WHEREAS, there have been improvements in some areas, nevertheless,

much more could and should be done to ensure the complete

protection of the right to freedom of religion or belief for all religious

minorities in the country.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Progressive National Baptist

Convention: (1) prayerfully support Vietnamese churches and

organizations in the U.S. seeking to raise awareness of religious freedom

violations in Vietnam; (2) call on President Obama and Secretary of State

Kerry to raise religious freedom as a priority with the Vietnamese

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

government, and to raise specific cases when necessary; and (3)

encourage the U.S. Department of State to carefully consider the

observations made by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion

or belief, and to continue to monitor the situation in Vietnam.

Freedom of Religion or Belief in CHINA

WHEREAS, there continue to be reports of restrictions on the peaceful

religious activities of various religious minorities in China, including

Christians; AND

WHEREAS, in 2014 a Protestant pastor was sentenced to 12 years in

prison after church members petitioned a higher authority about a land

dispute involving the church; AND

WHEREAS, since early 2014 Catholic and Protestant churches in Zhejiang

Province have been subject to forced closure, removal of religious

symbols including crosses, and demolition; AND

WHEREAS, there has been some improvement in the level of religious

freedom for churches in some parts of the country, some of the time,

the situation is far from consistent as demonstrated by the above cases:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Progressive National Baptist

Convention: (1) prayerfully supports Chinese churches and organizations

in the U.S. seeking to raise awareness of religious freedom violations in

China and (2) call on President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry to

raise religious freedom as a priority with the Chinese government and to

raise specific cases when necessary.

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Crimes against Humanity in NORTH KOREA

WHEREAS, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), hereafter

referred to as North Korea, is widely regarded as the world’s most

closed nation, with the worst record for freedom of religion or belief in

the world, and one of the worst human rights crises in the world; AND

WHEREAS, more than 100,000 people are incarcerated in prison camps

in North Korea, subjected to horrific torture, slave labour, starvation and

dire living conditions; AND

WHEREAS, there is no freedom of expression or freedom of thought,

conscience or religion. Christians worship in secret and in fear, and many

Christians face long periods of imprisonment in prison camps, extreme

torture, cruel conditions and in some cases execution simply for their

faith; AND

WHEREAS, the Government of the People’s Republic of China has a

policy of forcibly repatriating North Korean escapees, returning them to

a dire fate including certain detention, torture and possible death in

North Korea, in violation of international norms of “non-refoulement”;


WHEREAS, the United Nations Human Rights Council established a

Commission of Inquiry to investigate North Korea’s Human Rights record

in March 2013, and the Commission of Inquiry concluded in its report

released in 2014 that the Human Rights violations in North Korea

amount to a wide array of crimes against humanity, arising from

“policies established at the highest level of State”, including

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

“extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape,

forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political,

religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations,

the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of

knowingly causing prolonged starvation”; AND

WHEREAS, the UN Commission of Inquiry concludes that “the gravity,

scale and nature” of the violations of human rights in North Korea

“reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary

world”; AND

WHEREAS, the UN Commission of Inquiry recommends that a case be

brought to the International Criminal Court or other appropriate

international justice mechanisms, to end impunity and hold the

perpetrators of crimes against humanity accountable; AND

WHEREAS, in its resolution in March 2014, the U.N. Human Rights

Council endorses the Commission of Inquiry’s findings and

recommendations, including encouraging the possible referral of North

Korea to an "appropriate international criminal justice mechanism", and

"condemns in the strongest terms the ongoing and systematic,

widespread and gross human rights violations" in North Korea and

acknowledges that "the body of testimony and information received

provides reasonable grounds to believe that crimes against humanity

have been committed"; AND

WHEREAS, the U.N. Security Council held an informal discussion of North

Korea’s Human Rights situation and the Commission of Inquiry report in

an Arria Formula meeting on 17 April, 2014; AND

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

WHEREAS, the chair of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry, Justice Michael

Kirby, has compared the suffering of the people of North Korea with the


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Progressive National Baptist

Convention: (1) calls on all churches around the world to pray for

peaceful change in North Korea, for an end to the desperate suffering of

the people of North Korea, and for freedom and justice for North Korea;

(2) calls on President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry to urge the

People’s Republic of China to end its policy of forcible repatriation of

North Korean escapees and provide such escapees with safe passage to

a third country; and (3) call on President Obama and Secretary of State

Kerry to support the recommendations of the UN Commission of Inquiry

and seek ways to end impunity and hold the North Korean regime

accountable for crimes against humanity through international justice


Religious Intolerance In INDONESIA

WHEREAS, the Progressive National Baptist Convention recognizes with

appreciation the long tradition of religious pluralism, freedom of religion

or belief and inter-religious harmony in Indonesia, enshrined in the

country’s guiding philosophy, the ‘Pancasila’; AND

WHEREAS, the efforts of a significant number of religious organizations

in Indonesia, particularly the two largest Islamic organizations, Nahdlatul

Ulama and Muhammadiyah, to defend and promote pluralism are

welcomed and encouraged; AND

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

WHEREAS, a significant number of civil society organizations in

Indonesia, including Muslim institutions such as the Wahid Institute, the

Maarif Institute and the Liberal Islam Network, as well as secular

organizations such as the Setara Institute, and networks such as the

Indonesian Committee for Religions for Peace, are engaged in excellent

work to counter intolerance and extremism and promote freedom of

religion or belief and other human rights; AND

WHEREAS, the election of Joko Widodo as President of Indonesia in

August 2014 is to be welcomed, given his commitment to protecting

religious freedom and pluralism;

WHEREAS, numerous reports indicate that religious intolerance in

Indonesia is rising, with a serious impact on all communities; AND

WHEREAS, Christian Solidarity Worldwide published a detailed and

comprehensive report in February 2014, Indonesia: Pluralism in Peril –

The rise of religious intolerance across the archipelago; AND

WHEREAS, the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Indonesia is coming

under increasing persecution, with violent attacks such as the incidents

in Lombok between 2005 and 2010, Cikeusik in 2011, Tasikmalaya in

2013 and many other similar acts of violence, the closure of many

Ahmadi mosques including the sealing of the mosque in Bekasi in 2013,

the implementation of the 2008 Joint Ministerial Decree prohibiting the

propagation of Ahmadi teachings, similar regional and local laws

restricting Ahmadi activities; AND

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

WHEREAS, Shia Muslim community in Indonesia is facing increasing

persecution, notably the displacement of Shia from their village in

Sampang, Madura Island, East Jave after a violent attack in 2012; AND

WHEREAS, a Shia cleric, Tajul Muluk, is in prison on charges of

blasphemy; AND

WHEREAS, an atheist, Alexander Aaan, was imprisoned for two years on

for declaring himself an atheist; AND

WHEREAS, an increasing number of Christian churches are facing threats

of forced closure, or violent attack, including churches which are legally

registered and licensed; AND

WHEREAS, the cases of GKI Yasmin church in Bogor, West Java, and

HKBP Filadelfia church in Bekasi, West Java, in which the courts ruled

that the churches should be permitted to open but the local Mayor in

both cases refuses to allow them to open, in defiance of court rulings,

illustrate that there is now a concern over the implementation of the

rule of law; AND

WHEREAS, the outgoing President and the Government of Indonesia

have not taken action to protect vulnerable communities from violence,

harassment, intimidation or discrimination, and several national,

regional and local laws and regulations, such as the Blasphemy Law and

the 2008 Joint Ministerial Decree regarding the Ahmadiyya, violate

international principles of freedom of religion or belief.

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist

Convention: (1) urges President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry to

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

prioritize the promotion of freedom of religion or belief and religious

tolerance in the United States’ relations with Indonesia and to actively

support the following recommendations; (2) urges the new President

and the Government of Indonesia to repeal all discriminatory legislation,

particularly the Blasphemy Law and the 2008 Joint Ministerial Decree

regarding the Ahmadiyya; (3) urges the new President and Government

of Indonesia to ensure that the perpetrators of violence against religious

minorities are brought to justice; (4) urges the new President and

Government of Indonesia to ensure that vulnerable communities are

protected from violent attacks; (5) urges the new President and

Government of Indonesia to ensure that places of worship which are

already licensed should be permitted to open and function; and (6)

urges the new President and Government of Indonesia to protect and

promote freedom of religion or belief for all.

Religious Intolerance In BURMA

WHEREAS, the Progressive National Baptist Convention recognizes with

appreciation the political reforms introduced by President Thein Sein in

Burma over the past three years; AND

WHEREAS, the release of most political prisoners, the engagement with

and election to Parliament of democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

and the National League for Democracy, increased space for civil society,

media and political actors, and preliminary ceasefires with most ethnic

armed resistance organizations are welcome steps towards a transition

to peace and democracy in Burma; AND

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

WHEREAS, a small number of political prisoners in Burma remain in jail;


WHEREAS, in recent months journalists and civil society activists have

been arrested and jailed and there is evidence of a tightening up on

media and civil society freedom; AND

WHEREAS, the Constitution, introduced in 2008, disqualifies Daw Aung

San Suu Kyi from contesting the Presidency, due to a clause which

prohibits anyone who has a foreign spouse or foreign dependents from

becoming President, and efforts to amend or reform the Constitution

have so far not made progress; AND

WHEREAS, preliminary ceasefires agreed with ethnic armed resistance

organizations remain fragile and have been violated by the Burma Army;


WHEREAS, since the Burma Army broke the ceasefire with the Kachin

Independence Organization (KIO) in June 2011 and launched a major

new military offensive against the Kachin people, over 100,000 civilians

have been displaced, more than 200 villages burnt and over 66 churches

destroyed or looted in Kachin State; AND

WHEREAS, reports of killing of civilians, arrest of activists, rape, forced

labour and torture in Kachin State continue; AND

WHEREAS, in violence in Rakhine State in June and October 2012, over

13,000 Muslim Rohingya people were displaced and thousands killed;


Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

WHEREAS, the Rohingya people are a stateless and severely persecuted

people, denied citizenship in Burma under the 1982 Citizenship Law

despite living in Burma for generations; AND

WHEREAS, a serious humanitarian crisis is developing for the internally

displaced people in Rakhine State and Kachin State; AND

WHEREAS, the new U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human

Rights in Myanmar (Burma) concluded her visit in July 2014 described

the conditions in which the Rohingya are living as “deplorable”; AND

WHEREAS, anti-Muslim violence in other parts of Burma broke out in

2013, in locations including Meikhtila, Oakkan and Lashio, and again in

Mandalay in June 2014; AND

WHEREAS, security forces did not act to prevent acts of violence against

Muslims, including killings, and looting and destruction of Muslim

property; AND

WHEREAS, the religious hatred spread by the prominent militant

Buddhist monk U Wirathu and the “969” militant Buddhist movement

continues; AND

WHEREAS, religious discrimination and persecution of the predominantly

Christian Chin people continues, as reported by the Chin Human Rights

Organization, including reports of Chin Christian children forcibly

converted to Buddhism in military-run monastic schools; AND

WHEREAS, the Government of Burma has drafted legislation which

restricts religious conversions and inter-religious marriage;

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist

Convention: (1) calls upon President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry

to ensure that measureable progress in the area of human rights is key

to any continuing improvement in the United States’ relations with

Burma; (2) calls upon President Obama and the United States Congress

to make any military aid or training to the Burma military contingent

upon the protection and promotion of human rights; (3) calls upon

President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry to urge the Government

of Burma to implement the following; (4) urges the President and the

Government of Burma to release all remaining political prisoners; (5)

urges the President and Government of Burma to establish a nationwide

peace process with the ethnic nationalities, involving a political dialogue

in pursuit of a political solution to end decades of civil war; (6) urges the

President and Government of Burma to allow unhindered access for

international humanitarian and Human Rights organizations to all parts

of Burma, including to displaced peoples in Kachin and Rakhine States;

(7) urges the President and Government of Burma to ensure that

security forces provide protection to vulnerable communities and take

effective action to ensure no further violence against religious

minorities; (8) calls for inter-faith dialogue and efforts to bring

reconciliation and peace among the different religious communities in

Burma; (9) urges the President and Government of Burma to amend or

repeal the 1982 Citizenship Law to ensure that Burma’s citizenship rules

are in accordance with international Human Rights norms; (10) urges the

President and Government of Burma to condemn the propaganda of U

Wirathu and “969”; (11) urges the President and Government of Burma

to abandon the proposed bills regulating and restricting religious

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

conversions and inter-religious marriage; and (12) urges the President

and Government of Burma to protect and promote freedom of religion

or belief for all.

Firing of the Founders of Certus Bank

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and civil Rights of all people especially those of color; AND Whereas, the founders of Certus Bank were four African Americans with prestigious careers in Banking at very large Banks. In total they had more than 100 years banking experience and were able to raise $500 million in capital commitments in less than 5 months; AND Whereas, the Board of Certus Bank fired the founders without a thorough investigation and destroyed the largest bank founded and run by African Americans in U.S. history; AND Whereas, the founders of Certus Bank bought and integrated 9 companies in less than 3 years into a $1.8 billion full- service Financial Services Company which included five full-service banks with 35 branches which were purchased from the F.D.I.C. after failing and contained problem loan portfolios; AND Whereas, these mortgage companies that were combined with existing mortgage capabilities to create a mortgage company that originated $1 billion in mortgages and an SBA origination company that became the 17th largest in America and the largest originator of SBA loans in South Carolina; AND

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Whereas, the founders of Certus bank made investments in communities by making contributions to charitable organizations and other providers of community care and services to improve the quality of life in Certus Bank markets to build the Certus Bank brand; AND Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist churches as well as many other churches and community organizations in the African American community benefited from the support and the involvement of Certus Bank in their communities. Whereas, the bank has new European American leadership at Certus and its branches in South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida. Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention condemns the action of Board of Certus Bank by firing its four founders without justification of notice, and sees the action of the Board as a racist act without regard to due process. Therefore Be It Finally Resolved, that the Progressive National Baptist Convention: (1) calls on its member churches to support the efforts of the churches and the NAACP in Greenville, South Carolina, as well as in Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, to demand justice for the four founders of Certus Bank and more sensitivity to the needs of the communities in which they serve; (2) encourages its membership to better understand the racism inherent in the banking business and work toward more equity and accountability from financial institutions in our communities; and (3) recommit ourselves to the economic empowerment of our communities by uniting with other African American Denominations to develop our own banks and banking network that are more sensitive, compassionate and just and controlling

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

of our own financial resources to empower our communities to be self-reliant and self-sufficient.

Resolution on saving Morehouse School of Religion and The Interdenominational Theological Center

Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and civil Rights of all people especially those of color, and Whereas at its founding meeting it pledged its financial, moral and spiritual support to Morehouse School of Religion and other African American Theological schools, colleges and universities, and Whereas, The Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC)is the only Ecumenical Consortium in the world that provides excellent theological education with four historic African American denominations and two European American denominations, including Morehouse School of Religion, (MSR) and Whereas many Progressive National Baptist Convention pastors have graduated from this great ecumenical school with distinction, under the banner of the Morehouse School of Religion, which has the largest student body in the ITC consortium, and Whereas Morehouse School of Religion and the interdenominational Center are in jeopardy of losing their accreditation from two of its accrediting agencies if ITC does not meet its 1.2 million dollar deficit obligation by December 31,2014, and

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Whereas the ITC Board of Trustees has requested that the Denominations, Alumni, and friends of each of the six Theological Schools that are members of the Consortium to contribute $200.000 each to relieve this outstanding deficit. Be it resolved that the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. calls on its member Churches to support the fundraising effort of the Morehouse School of Religion to raise $200.000 by December 31, 2014; Be it further resolved that the Progressive national Baptist Convention will also assist in supporting the alleviation of this outstanding debt of ITC which will Insure that MSR’s and ITC’s accreditation is approved, and; that the ITC consortium will continue to provide the excellent quality of theological education to all of those in the African Diaspora. RESOLUTION ON PROVIDING A SAFE HAVEN FOR THE CHILDREN ON OUR


Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., was established to give a voice and platform to social, political and civil rights of all people especially those of color, and Whereas, the humanitarian crisis at our border is both a civil and human rights issue as a result of almost to 60,000 children crossing the United States borders to escape violence and extreme poverty in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Whereas, the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., has been an advocate for children throughout its history, and

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

Whereas, our member churches have been called upon to responding to the deep concern for children and their rights from the Children’s Defense Fund who has heard from tireless leaders like Bishop Minerva Carcaño of the United Methodist Church in Los Angeles, who personally visited the Port Hueneme Naval Base in Oxnard, California where hundreds of unaccompanied migrant children are being temporarily held, and Kent Wong, director of the UCLA Labor Center, who just returned from Honduras. Whereas, according to the Children’s Defense Fund, Bishop Caracano and Kent Wong emphasized the importance of bearing witness for the children and requested that sufficient resources be provided by the United States government and faith and other community organizations so these vulnerable children will find safe families and receive the counsel and due process hearing guaranteed them by law. Whereas there is almost common agreement by those who understand the social, economic and political situation in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras that deportations of these children are not the answer. Whereas almost 50,000 thousand of these children have been reported released to sponsors or family members living in the United States, however, thousands of unaccompanied children are still being kept in detention in horrible living quarters which presents men and women of conscience with deep concern for morality and justice. Therefore be it resolved, that the Progressive national Baptist convention call on the Congress of the United States of America to pass

Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. “Securing Our Future”

Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Reverend Kip Bernard Banks, Sr., Interim General Secretary

601 – 50th Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20019

(202) 396-0558 ~ 1-800-876-7622 ~ Fax (202) 398-4998 Website:

legislation that will give the President adequate resources ensure these children are treated humanely and placed in decent homes. Be it further resolved that that the Progressive National Baptist convention call on its member churches to work with the Children’s Defense Fund, Church World Services, Ecumenical and Interfaith organizations and agencies to develop a strategy for advocacy and action for to protect and provide a safe haven for the children on our borders.