Programm 67. AOTrauma Symposium Besonderheiten in der ... · 6 67. AOTrauma Symposium Dienstag, 7....

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Transcript of Programm 67. AOTrauma Symposium Besonderheiten in der ... · 6 67. AOTrauma Symposium Dienstag, 7....


67. AOTrauma Symposium Besonderheiten in der Frakturversorgung. Wie gut sind wir wirklich?7. – 8. Januar 2020 Aigen im Ennstal

Home to Trauma & Orthopaedics





2 67. AOTrauma Symposium

Value statement

AOTrauma is committed to improve patient care outcomes through the highest quality education.We strive to combine the right knowledge and surgical skills that empower the orthopaedic and trauma surgeons to put theory into practice and to improve fracture management for the benefit of the patient.

The AO Principles of fracture management

Fracture reduction and fixation to restore

anatomical relationships.

Preservation of the blood supply to soft tissues and bone by gentle reduction techniques and careful handling.

Fracture fixation providing absolute or relative stability, as required by the “personality” of the fracture, the patient and the injury.

Early and safe mobilization and rehabilitation of the

injured part and the patient as a whole.

67. AOTrauma Symposium 3

WelcomeDear AOTrauma course participant,

We are honored to welcome you to the 67. AOTrauma Symposium. We hope you will enjoy your event and the entire experience.

What is AOTrauma? We are a “clinical division” – a community for trauma and orthopedics within the AO Foundation. As a clinical division we aim to integrate and align applied and clini-cal research, education, and community development functions into one direction – AOTrauma for the benefit of our members, stakeholders, and patients.

How can AOTrauma benefit you? By working as a single team we focus and leverage our resources, expertise, and skills to create and deliver new and greater value to our members.

What does this mean in education? AOTrauma is committed to providing you the best possible educational experience by continuously embracing and introducing new educational tech-niques to help you learn and more effectively implement your knowledge for the benefit of your patients.

Why join AOTrauma? Joining AOTrauma means you are part of the trauma and orthopedic com-munity within the AO. AOTrauma will help you develop lifelong friendships and relationships. We will help you access our “knowledge network” and take part in new opportunities that advance trauma care.

Yours sincerely,

Wa’el Taha Kodi KojimaChairperson AOTrauma Chairperson AOTrauma Education Commission International Board

PS: Your experiences with us will result in the realization of new and meaningful knowledge, skills, and understanding that we hope will translate into improved patient care.

4 67. AOTrauma Symposium

Inhalt 2 Value statement 2 The AO principles 3 Welcome 4 Ziel des Kurses 4 Zielgruppe 4 Lernziele 5 Wissenschaftl. u. organisatorische Leitung 5 Regionale Referenten 5 Nationale Referenten

6 Programm 9 Event organization 9 Event information and logistics 9 General Information 10 Event venue 10 Event registration 11 Principles of AO Educational Events 12 Upcoming events

Ziel des KursesIn diesem Symposium werden die Themen und Fragestellungen in Vorträgen, Übersichtsrefera-ten, Diskussionen und Falldiskussionen behandelt. Ziel ist es, das Wissen und das Verständnis für operative Frakturbehandlung zu erweitern und insbesondere die Grenzfälle der operativen und konservativen Therapieoptionen darzustellen.

ZielgruppeDieses AOTrauma Symposium richtet sich an alle an der operativen und konservativen Therapie interessierten Kolleginnen und Kollegen.

Lernziele • Vermittlung von AO-Konzepten in der Frakturversorgung

• Vermittlung der AO-Prinzipien für die Behandlung von Verletzungen des Bewegungs apparates

• Darstellung sogenannter Standardbehandlungen und alternativer Möglichkeiten – anhand von Literatur und Evidenz

• Pro- und Kontradiskussionen der Grenzfälle operativer und konservativer Therapieoptionen

67. AOTrauma Symposium 5

Wissenschaftliche und organisatorische Leitung

Grechenig WolfgangUniv. Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie, Graz, Österreich

Regionale ReferentenGänsslen Axel Klinikum der Stadt Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Deutschland

Müller Michael Klinikum Bayreuth, Unfallchirurgie, Bayreuth, Deutschland

Nerlich Michael Regensburg, Deutschland

Zellner Johannes Caritas Krankenhaus St. Josef, Unfallchirurgie, Regensburg, Deutschland

Nationale ReferentenClement Hans Univ. Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie Graz, Österreich

Grechenig Stephan UKH Klagenfurt, Trauma/Orthopädie, Klagenfurt, Österreich

Hartl Christoph Allg. öff. Landeskrankenhaus Steyr, Österreich

Kwasny Oskar Kepler Universitätsklinikum, Klinik für Unfallchirurgie und Sporttraumatologie, Linz, Österreich

Matzi Veronika LKH Hochsteiermark, Leoben, Österreich

Orthner Ernst Allg. Krankenhaus Wels und Privatklinik Althofen, Wels und Klagenfurt, Österreich

Pachucki Andreas Klinikum Mostviertel Amstetten, Österreich

Rois Johannes Traumazentrum Wien Meidling, Unfallchirurgie, Wien, Österreich

Seibert Franz Univ. Klinik für Orthopädie und Traumatologie Graz, Österreich

Schett Benjamin UKH Meidling, Unfallchirurgie, Wien, Österreich

Weiss Maria Landesgericht für ZRS, Graz, Österreich

6 67. AOTrauma Symposium

Dienstag, 7. Jänner 2020


09:00 – 09:10 Opening remarks: Welcome

09:10 – 10:10 Übersichten W. Grechenig

09:10 – 09:30 Offene Frakturen – State of the Art Gänsslen

09:30 – 09:50 Fehler / Fehlermanagement Nerlich

09:50 – 10:10 AOTrauma Prinzipien Seibert

10:10 – 11:10 Typische Komplikationen vermeiden I Nerlich

10:10 – 10:30 Proximale Humerusfraktur Pachucki, Schett

10:30 – 10:50 N. radialis Kwasny

10:50 – 11:10 Unhappy Triad Verletzungen Ellbogen Rois

11:10 – 11:40 KAFFEEPAUSE

11:40 – 13:00 Fallbesprechungen I (Obere Extremität)

12:00 – 12:20 Diskussion: What went well: die schwierige Versorgung und eine gute Lösung

Gänsslen, Nerlich

12:20 – 13:00 Diskussion: What went wrong: Probleme / Fehler bei der einfachen Fraktur

Gänsslen, Müller

13:00 – 14:00 MITTAGSPAUSE

67. AOTrauma Symposium 7

Dienstag, 7. Jänner 2020


14:00 – 15:20 Typische Komplikationen vermeiden II

14:00 – 14:20 SHT – orale Antikoagulation Kwasny

14:20 – 14:40 pertrochantäre Fraktur – Rotationsfehler Clement

14:40 – 15:00 Schaftfraktur – nichtanatomische Achsen S. Grechenig

15:00 – 15:20 Wieviel Fehlstellung verträgt die Tibiakopffraktur? Zellner

15:20 – 17:00 Fallbesprechungen II (Untere Extremitäten / Becken)

15:20 – 16:00 Diskussion: What went well – die schwierige Versorgung und eine gute Lösung

Gänsslen, Müller, Nerlich

16:00 – 16:40 Diskussion: What went wrong – Probleme / Fehler bei der einfachen Fraktur

Gänsslen, Orthner

16:40 – 17:00 Q & A

8 67. AOTrauma Symposium

Mittwoch, 8. Jänner 2020


09:00 – 12:00 Operieren wir zuviel? Kwasny

09:00 – 09:30 Fragwürdige Operationen Knie Zellner

09:30 – 10:00 Fragwürdige Operationen OSG/FB Orthner

10:00 – 10:30 Fragwürdige Operationen Becken Gänsslen

10:30 – 11:00 Fragwürdige Operationen Radius Rois

11:00 – 11:30 Fragwürdige Operationen proximaler Humerus Pachucki

11:30 – 12:00 Fragwürdige Operationen Clavicula/AC-Gelenk S. Grechenig

12:00 – 12:30 KAFFEEPAUSE

12:30 – 15:30 Fallbesprechungen III Fragwürdige Operationen, Metallentfernung

W. Grechenig

12:30 – 13:30 Diskussion: Der interessante Fall – Metallentfernung Gänsslen, Nerlich, Orthner

13:30 – 14:00 Wirbelsäule Hartl

14:00 – 14:30 Osteosynthese Thoraxwand Matzi

14:30 – 15:00 Rechtliche Aufklärung wann / wie? Weiss

15:00 – 15:30 Q & A

67. AOTrauma Symposium 9

Event organizationAOTrauma InternationalAO FoundationFelix AlonsoProject Manager AOTrauma Education EuropeClavadelerstraße 8CH-7270 Davos PlatzOffice +41 81 414 2611Mobile +41 79 548 3602E-Mail

AO funding sourcesUnrestricted educational grants from different sources are collected and pooled together cen-trally by the AO Foundation. All events are planned and scheduled by local and regional AO surgeon groups based on local needs assessments. We rely on industrial/commercial partners for in-kind support to run simulations/skills training if educationally needed.

Event information and logisticsAO Courses AustriaSylvia ReischlPhone +43 664 925 3869E-Mail

Event organization complianceIn certain countries where AO has no office but offers educational events, the AO cooperates with third party companies to conduct local organization and logistics, as well as to communi-cate with participants in the local language. In these cases the AO has put rules and guidelines in place (Letter of Secondment, AO Foundation – Principles of AO Educational Events) to ensure that this cooperation has no impact on the curricula, scientific program, or faculty selection.

General informationCME Accreditation An Application for CME accreditation of this event has been made to the Medical Chamber of Austria.

Evaluation guidelinesAll AOTrauma events apply the same evaluation process, either audience response system (ARS) or paper and pencil questionnaires. This helps AOTrauma to ensure that we continue to meet your training needs.

Intellectual propertyEvent materials, presentations, and case studies are the intellectual property of the event faculty. All rights are reserved. Check hazards and legal restrictions on

10 67. AOTrauma Symposium

Recording, photographing, or copying of lectures, practical exercises, case discussions, or any course materials is absolutely forbidden.

The AO Foundation reserves the right to film, photograph, and audio record during their events. Participants must understand that in this context they may appear in these recorded materials. The AO Foundation assumes participants agree that these recorded materials may be used for AO marketing and other purposes, and made available to the public.

SecurityThere will be a security check at the entrance of the building. Wearing of a name tag is com-pulsory during lectures, workshops, and group discussions.

No insuranceThe event organization does not take out insurance to cover any individual against accidents, theft, or other risks.

Mobile phone useMobile phone use is not allowed in the lecture halls and in other rooms during educational activities. Please be considerate of others by turning off your mobile phone.

Dress code: Casual Event language: Deutsch

Veranstaltungsort & HotelVeranstaltungsort & HotelHotel Schloss PichlarnZur Linde 1A-8943 Aigen im EnnstalTel: +43 (0)3682 24440 - 547Fax +43 (0)3682 24440 - 6E-Mail reservation@schlosspichlarn.atWebsite

Registrierung & KursgebührenRegistrierung:

Teilnahmegebührbei Anmeldung und Bezahlung bis spätestens 15. 12. 2019: € 400,–ab 16. 12. 2019: € 500,–

Discount für AOTrauma Mitglieder: 10%

Anmeldeschluss: 1. 1. 2020

67. AOTrauma Symposium 11

AO Foundation – Principles of AO Educational Events1. Academic independenceDevelopment of all curricula, design of scientific event programs, and selection of faculty are the sole responsibilities of volunteer surgeons from the AO network. All education is planned based on needs assessment data, designed and evaluated using concepts and evidence from the most current medical education research, and involving the expertise of the AO Education Institute ( Industry participation is not allowed during the entire curriculum development and planning process to ensure academic independence and to keep content free from bias.

2. Compliance to accreditation and industry codesAll planning, organization, and execution of educational activities follow existing codes for accreditation of high-quality education: • Accreditation Criteria of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, USA (

• ACCME Standards for Commercial Support: Standards to Ensure Independence in CME Activities (

• Criteria for Accreditation of Live Educational Events of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (

Events that receive direct or indirect unrestricted educational grants or in-kind support from industry also follow the ethical codes of the medical industry, such as: • Eucomed Guidelines on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals ( • AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals ( • Mecomed Guidelines on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals (

3. Branding and advertisingNo industry logos or advertising (with the exception of the AO Foundation and AO Clinical Division) are permitted in the area where educational activities take place.Sponsors providing financial or in-kind support are allowed to have a promotional booth or run activities outside the educational area with approval from the event chairperson.

4. Use of technologies and products in simulationsIf case simulations are chosen as an educational method to educate skills, we only use techn ology approved by the AOTK System (AOTK)—a large independent group of volunteer surgeons developing and peer-reviewing new technology (more information about AOTK, its development and approval process can be found on the AO Foundation website:

5. PersonnelIndustry staff is not allowed to interfere with the educational content or engage in educational activities during the event.

AOVETAOVET Kurs—Frakturversorgung beim Kleintier – Fokus Komplikationen

16. 04. 20 – 18. 04. 20 Salzburg

AOSpine Prinzipienkurs—Trauma und Degenerative Wirbelsäule

24. 04. 20 – 25. 04. 20 Anthering b. Salzburg

AOSpine Advanced Level Specimen Course—Anterior Spine Surgery and Approaches

10. 09. 20 – 11. 09. 20 Salzburg

67. AOTrauma Symposium—Besonderheiten in der Frakturversorgung: Wie gut sind wir wirklich?

07. 01. 20 – 08. 01. 20 Aigen im Ennstal

55. AOTrauma Kurs—Zugangswege & Osteosynthesen mit Praktischen Übungen an Anatomischen Präparaten

09. 02. 20 – 15. 02. 20 Graz

AOTrauma Masterkurs—Challenges in Paediatric Trauma treatment 30. 03. 20 – 31. 03. 20 Vienna

AOTrauma Symposium—68. Damage Control und chirurgisches Management beim Polytrauma Patienten

08. 05. 20 – 08. 05. 20 Vienna

AOTrauma Masterkurs—Ellbogen mit Praktischen Übungen an Anatomischen Präparaten

25. 05. 20 – 26. 05. 20 Innsbruck

AOTrauma Masters Course—Foot & Ankle Reconstruction 04. 09. 20 – 07. 09. 20 Graz

AOTrauma Course—Advanced Principles Approaches & Osteosynthesis

06. 09. 20 – 11. 09. 20 Graz

AOTrauma Course—Management of Fractures of the Hand and Wrist 08.09.20 – 11.09.20 Graz

AOTrauma Course—Acetabular and Pelvic Fracture Management 12.09.20 – 15.09.20 Graz

56. AOTrauma Kurs—Prinzipien der operativen Frakturbehandlung 21.09.20 – 23.09.20 Salzburg

Austria Education 2020

For full course listings, course information and online registration visit

67. AOTrauma Symposium 13


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67. AOTrauma Symposium 15


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Driving excellence and empowering the next generation!AOTrauma membershipDiscover the advantages of joining the leading global traumaand orthopedic community, providing its members with education,research and networking opportunities worldwide.

Apply for membership at

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Join us and share your passion!

AOTrauma Clavadelerstrasse 8, 7270 Davos, SwitzerlandPhone +41 81 414 21 11, Fax +41 81 414 22 83,

AOTrauma Europe Stettbachstrasse 6, 8600 Dübendorf, SwitzerlandT +41 44 200 24 20, F +41 44 200 24 21,

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