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Transcript of PROFESSOR DR. DOUGLAS J. THOM - Ming Ai...





©2010 Douglas John Thom

I found great insight in the “Meaning of Life” by studying TCM [Traditional Chinese

Medicine] and the concept of Yin & Yang. This is, essentially, what it teaches!

• There is neither pure Black nor pure White. Everything is always a shade of


• In Nature, one cannot find a “pure man” or a “pure woman”. Both genders have

ALL qualities of the other (e.g., as illustrated by the functioning of the

endocrine system). All males and females have the same hormones. The only

thing that differentiates male and female is the quantity of the hormones

applicable to each gender. The profoundness of this statement speaks for itself.

• There is no pure good or pure bad. Every good person has a little bit of bad in

him/her and every bad person has a little bit of good in him/her.

• There is no such thing as “perfect health” nor “absolute sickness”. Every sick

person has some health in him/her (makes for getting better) and every healthy

person has some disease in him/her (makes for getting sick!). The one is just the

reverse side of the coin of the other.

• There is neither pure dark nor pure light. It is always dusk.

• One is never neither absolutely rich, nor absolutely poor.

And so it goes on and on. When one practices (and lives) this philosophy, it

is not hard to find peace and tranquility—simply because one understands the

reverse side of the coin.

In the search for truth human beings take two steps forward and one step back.

…And who knows? Perhaps they will reach the real truth at last. Anton Chekhov, The Duel

Indebtedness to All of the Thoughtful for Their Loyal Assistance



CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION General Meaning Associations, Probabilities, Infinity, and Multidimensions Non-Dualistic Thinking

8 10 11 11

CHAPTER TWO: THE MULTIVERSE WITHIN ENTITIES Introduction Specifically Somewhat Broadly Biology, Medicine, and Similar Things Psychiatry for Within Entities Newer Horizons

13 14 14 14 17 17

CHAPTER THREE: THE MULTIVERSE WITHOUT ENTITIES Introduction The Immediate Multiverse Without Entities The Broader Multiverse Without Newer Horizons

19 19 19 20

CHAPTER FOUR: UNIFYING THE WITHIN AND THE WITHOUT Introduction Brains and Minds Systemizing Knowledge Eternal Before Zero and Eternal Beyond Infinity How Drugs Affect the Human Brain Some Other Significant Human Brain and Mind Phenomena All Brains and Minds in Unification Eternally

22 22 23 27 30

33 33

CHAPTER FIVE: THE FARTHER REACHES OF MINUSCULE AND VAST Artificial Cell (Into Eternal Before Zero) and Higgs Boson (Into Eternal Beyond Infinity) Enter the Humanities (the “Social”) Concepts From Science and Other Fields Concepts From the Humanities

36 37 38 39

CHAPTER SIX: PROSPECTS Showing Off Conspiracy Theories Fundamental Natural Principles Some Observed Trends At Least Two Suggestions Challenging Einstein, Genetic Causation, Over-Thinking, and

Nature and Animal Priorities Final Comments


40 40 46


47 47







Figures 4.1 The Original “Figurative System of Human Knowledge” Tree (in French) 4.2 Ernst Haeckel’s Tree of Life (1879) 4.3 Relationship Among the Various Sciences 4.4 The Calvin Cycle 4.5 A Complex System of Possible Linkages Between Disease Pathogens, Facilitating Variables, and State Capacity 4.6 The Spectrum of the Multiverse 4.7 Laminin—Cells’ Cement 4.8 Christianity and Meaning 4.9 The Function of Neurotransmitters in the Brain 4.10 Personality Types 6.1 Heilkunst (The Healing Art): A. The German Concept of Mensch (Holistic

Human Being); and B. Mensch and its Environmental Interaction

23 24 25 25

26 28

29 30

31 34





The meaning won’t necessarily be revealed in a published article in a peer-referred periodical such as the international Science, Nature, or New England Journal of Medicine.


There are many existences—past, present, and future—and life is an art that is more than

money, happiness, taxes, and death. There is an apparent order to things. Perfection? Perhaps.

In 1895, the American philosopher and psychologist, William James, coined the term

“multiverse (or meta-universe)” that means the entirety of space and time—all forms of matter,

energy, and momentum, and the physical laws and contents that govern them. The term

“Universe” is usually defined as encompassing everything, but it may be used in different

contextual senses, denoting such concepts as the cosmos, galaxies, the world, or nature.

“Multiverse” as defined for this book means everything, before, now, and coming. It is

multidimensional. [The reader must keep in mind that, even though some of discussion in this

book is clearly specified as pertaining to human beings, the discussion can be extrapolated to and

inferred for entities other than humans as well; the general case is not being sacrificed to the

specific case.] The Multiverse is thus thought of as “many universes” or “many existences”. A

black hole (usually associated with the world renowned physicist, Professor Dr. Stephen

Hawking) is a region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape.

To expand the thought, the concept of “Multiverse” is the hypothetical set of multiple

possible universes (including the one unique universe we are pretty sure we consistently inhabit)

that together comprise everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms

of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. The

various universes within the Multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes.


The structure of the Multiverse, the nature of each universe within it, and the relationship

between the various constituent universes, depend on the specific multiverse hypothesis

considered. Multiverses have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, philosophy,

transpersonal psychology and fiction, particularly in science fiction and fantasy. In these contexts,

parallel universes are also called "alternative universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating

dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "alternative realities", and "alternative

timelines", among other things (Wikipedia, ).

The occult and all imaginable are included in everything in the Multiverse. In the same

vein, “The Global Search for Meaning” of this book’s title has several aliases, for example, “the

global search to reveal existence,” “the global search for the secret of the Multiverse,” “the global

search for the source of existence,” and other equivalencies. Search for meaning is similar to

seeking the truth. To express things in question form would be, “What’s it all about?” and “Why

am I here?” or, generally, “What is the truth about how we all came to exist?” (beyond a biological

explanation). The search is across every continent and in every habitat.

Contrary to the implications of Albert Einstein’s comment that the secret to creativity is to

never reveal one’s sources, the author acknowledges that a host of other people’s ideas contribute

to what is here presented. And it is awesome to think of all of the many different languages

worldwide through which the ideas could be expressed!

The author is influenced by the likes of deep thinkers such as Aristotle, Francis Bacon,

Johannes Kepler, Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells, Hermann Hesse, Viktor Frankl, Alfred Kuhn, George

Orwell, Somerset Maugham, Isaiah Berlin, D.H. Lawrence, Alvin Toffler, and—more recently—

Ken Wilber, Stephen Hawking, E.O. Wilson, Thomas Szasz, Craig Venter, and Matt Ridley, as well

as ecologist and futurist, Stewart Brand, and Matthew Taylor of The Royal Society of Arts. From

the author’s formal education in his own professional field of Educational Administration and

Leadership, sociologist Talcott Parsons is an influence and Michael Fullan is a continuing


inspiration. However, the author is his own person/self. True self is so important, as is

contemplated on a t-shirt of the author’s twenty-eight-year-old son (Wesley):

“The Art Gallery What Defines Me Is Not What Defines You. What Drives Me Is Not What Drives You. I Love What You Do Not. I Am Me And You Are You.”

This is not the same as saying, “put yourself first” or “do your own thing.” More, it implies that, if

one is good to oneself, one will then be good to others, a concept that holds truth across all


Edward O. (E.O.) Wilson (1998) argues for the fundamental unity of all knowledge and the

need to search for consilience—the proof that everything is organized in terms of a small number

of fundamental natural laws that comprise the principles underlying every branch of learning. He

claims that the goals of the original Enlightenment are surging back to life.

The Multiverse incorporates many worlds (used in a broad sense) together, which produce

an elegant, spectacular, and mysterious whole. In this book, the author presents his framework of

The Multiverse Within Entities and The Multiverse Without Entities so as to sufficiently and

properly address (do justice to) the global search for meaning. This framework adequately

incorporates freedom to explore, zero, infinity, the eternal, probabilities, dual concepts (i.e.,

positive/negative, good/bad, male/female etc.), structure (definitions, labels, lists etc.) and

generalizations, confusion, uncertainty, and contradictions; the reader must trust the author on

this. [Others might view Within and Without as relating to Inner or Inside Space and Outer or

Outside Space, respectively.]


As Levitt (1991, p. 140) states, “…meaning has the power to reassure, engage, attract, repel,

outrage, disgust, compare, and enlist people into action.” Everyone is searching for how this so


complex thing pertains to them. It is only through keeping an open mind and being cognizant of

the trappings of language that truth will be discovered. The result could be monumental.

An excellent reference to read more about this topic is by W. Reich, “Listen, Little Man,”

Farrar, Straus, & Geroux, 1974, translated from the original German text, “Rede an den

kleinen Mann.”

Associations, Probabilities, Infinity, and Multidimensions

Many persons claim that Mathematics is the most challenging subject for them to learn. Its

laws are absolutely certain and indisputable compared to other sciences. Further, it is this subject

that is deeply rooted in the concepts of associations, probabilities, and infinity that are so crucial

with respect to finding meaning. Through the study of Mathematics, one becomes acutely aware

that associations can be more than linear, that they can be parabolic, quadratic, exponential,

multidimensional etc. They can also be inverse. Multidimensions enter into this book at hand

throughout. Further, probabilities, chance, and luck abound in the Multiverse. Flipping a coin to

get heads or tails is a simple example. Finally, zero and infinity, and eternal—before and beyond,

respectively—are there as well. Granted, a person may learn these things through ways other than

studying Mathematics. Nonetheless, learning them is crucial for the discovery of meaning.

Non-Dualistic Thinking

Generally speaking, the tendency is to think it is terms of “this” or “that”. This is an

example of dualistic thinking. However, just as it is known that it is possible for the mind to

conceptualize different types of associations, probabilities, and infinity, thought can be in a non-

dualistic fashion, and it is within this where true meaning may be discovered. More will be said

about this later.

Do enjoy this book as it overviews the paths, discoveries, and prospects in the search—

worldwide—for meaning!


Chapter Two and Chapter Three elaborate the two parts of the Multiverse framework

initially described on page 10.



THE MULTIVERSE WITHIN ENTITIES If there is a remedy for baldness, Why are so many medical doctors bald?


Within, or inside of, every entity there is Multiverse.

An issue is that all of the knowledge that abounds causes a clutter that can get in the way

of the global search for meaning, its predecessor—wisdom, and its associate—truth. Socialization

has created a “buying into” things (including dualistic thinking) and what is needed is some

deconstruction and building back-up1 of knowledge—some thinking outside of the box and

delving into ideas from counter- and pop culture, if you will. Historically, this occurs over and

over again. Reframing is called for. What happens is that entire industries, including jobs, grow

out of, or are developed around the status quo, and the presence of sound values underlying such

may need confirmation within possible and subsequent proper action for change resulting. In this

Chapter Two, these ideas are kept in mind. “Multiverse” is discussed in various degrees of

specificity and “entities” is broadly defined, including living and dead.

Perhaps, reading more about Ethical & Moral Collapse, e.g., from M.M. Jennings, “The

Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse”, which focuses on moral meltdowns in companies and

society, and how it is affecting all of us, may be of value here. I am not sure where exactly

to enter the information, though. This may be a crucial point to address with the

“Multiverse Within Entities” concept.

1 Somewhat like a “perestroika” of the 1980s in the previous Soviet Union (now the Russian Federation).



Every entity encountered has both unique features and things common to other entities.

Classifications and sub-classifications galore exist, but each entity does have some sort of

periphery (even if a minuscule unit or cell), many systems within its periphery, and some kind of

brain/mind that operates the systems, including the reproductive system that engages DNA

(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)—the hereditary material in entities. A host of ideas come to bear—

genes, chromosomes, and processes, such as DNA replication, mitosis, and cytokinesis, to name a


Somewhat Broadly

All entities, including the likes of tables and chairs—drawing from a Philosophy of Mind

perspective—have common genetic systems. Further, their brains and minds link to the guiding

brain and mind of that that is “the boss” of the Multiverse. It is all one big system,2 with each

entity’s individual brain and mind being a crucial part of the Grand Plan or Design. This will be

elaborated later in Chapter Three.

It may be appropriate to also refer to/or read P. Stokes, “Philosophy: 100 Essential

Thinkers” and the core thoughts expressed in this volume. Very refreshing, I might add! I

was thinking about the publications of Heraclitus, Socrates, Epicurus, St. Augustine of

Hippo, John Dewey, Kurt Gödel, and others in a similar vein. At least, the book may

provide one with the stimulus for further research in this domain.

Biology, Medicine, and Similar Things

Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy, and the like, e.g., Veterinarian Medicine and Health

Sciences generally, represent agents that help entities to survive or to stay healthy enough to

2 The idea of “earth as one big organism” has been resurrected from Johannes Kepler in the form of the

Gaia Hypothesis. It is also an idea that Stewart Brand promotes.


function. They do this by revealing to the Multiverse how entities are structured within and how

they function using this structure. Medications are developed to manage and cure diseases or

ailments or to repair unhealthy tissue in entities, e.g., diseased organ tissue. Another way to look

at this is that the belief is that, within entities, there is disease or unwellness that can be positively

addressed with medications that are comprised of chemicals. A fact is that entities including

organisms defined as living begin to decline from a very young age, particularly, in the case of

humans, when the pituitary gland stops causing growth around age twelve. Also, the toxins to

which entities are continually subjected cause steady decline; exhaust fumes and corrosive

chemicals are examples.

The true progression of disease (not dis-ease) is quite admirably described in the volume

by H.H. Reckeweg, in “Homotoxicology: Illness & Healing Through Anti-Homotoxic

Therapy,” Aurelia-Verlag, 1989. Again, I’m not sure where this fits into the gestalt of this

book, but it governs the entire approach to the “Art of Healing” and how one approaches

the problem of true disease. A good read is also A. Pischinger, “The Extracellular Matrix

and Ground Regulation,” North Atlantic Books, 2004, translated from the original German

text, “Das System der Grundregulation” published by Karl F. Verlag, Stuttgart. The Table

below illustrates this approach, where progression of disease moves from left to right and

regression (healing) is from bottom right to top left. This is in Independent Bitmap



Another fact is that the mechanisms of medications (how they work in organisms in

distress), especially their side-effects and interaction effects with respect to other medications,

chemicals, and additional things that exist in entities, are not clearly understood. Opting is thus

sometimes for use of natural substances such as Stevia or Neem to heal or for “natural” therapies

such as acupuncture, acupressure, or chiropractic methods (including laser technology therapy).

As a result, “learning to live with ailments” does not always necessarily have to be the case.

Basically, the search for meaning through Science by the likes of Molecular and Cell

Biology scientists is about within entities and findings are not communicated broadly. To discover

more about how Oxygen (O), Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Nitrogen (N), Sulphur (S), and

Potassium (P), and other elements come into play, and more specifics on how medications attach

to bone, for example, directed by things such as anions and how cells attract like cells to them etc.

is interesting. In the prestigious research centres much more is known, than is the case for smaller

centres3. Findings are not widely shared. Thus, who benefits from the findings and with what far-

3 For example, the U.S. Military are doing very advanced work regarding Regenerative Medicine limb

transplants, but many smaller centres do not report such since they are not informed.


reaching ethical and moral implications? Some might say that this search from the

biological/medical perspective is over—that the zygote is the beginning of life. However, search

paths into the invisible infinite led to the discovery of the artificial cell or synthetic genome.

Psychiatry for Within Entities

Medications and therapy generally are quite successful in remedying strictly physical

upsets for entities. However, much continues along the lines of searching for remedying diseases

of the brain and mind when disease symptoms (and that is all that they are—symptoms, not a

disease; maybe a “dis ease” but not a real illness) present themselves. More on the brain and mind

is discussed in Chapter Four. There are psychiatric drugs—legal/prescribed and illegal/street—

and useful therapies such as psychotherapy (best combined with medications) to eradicate mental

illnesses. [Dr. Thomas Szasz calls mental illness “a myth”, but that’s a whole other story.]

Psychiatry and the search for increasingly subatomic entities such as particles is part and parcel of

the within heretofore being discussed.

Newer Horizons

Promise lies in all of searching for increasingly sub-atomic entities, learning more about

the Chemistry of medications used alongside natural substances, including mineral salts, and

stem cell research involving freezing (blood) umbilical cords. Discovery of the artificial cell

(synthetic genome) provides prospects of possible creation of the likes of biofuels, vaccines,

pharmaceuticals, clean water, and food products (Woollacott, 2010, May 21).

In all of the medications’ exploration, attention must be paid to rejection (e.g., concerning

heart valves, bone marrow, organs, etc.), allergies, concentration of substances, and


administration routes for substances being utilized. Ultimately, ethical and moral issues

(including whether subjects should be sacrificed in death in clinical trials in the cause of serving

the public interest), or “for the greater good”, arise. Some people sum up the conclusion regarding

all biological/medical approaches to the global search for meaning as “eat a balanced diet

(reducing sodium and sugar intake, especially as one ages) and exercise regularly.” But, there is

much more to consider, as Chapter Three begins to describe.

A good description is given by Huisemann & Wolff in “The Anthroposophical Approach to

Medicine,” 1982, Chapter 9, “The Fundamentals of Biochemistry and Pathophysiology,”

where he describes the various aspects, like nutrition, the Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract,

dietary considerations, carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes mellitus, fat metabolism etc.

I’m not too sure where this fits in, but the information is pertinent throughout the book.




...time slows down the faster you go…and time stops at the speed of light. The catch is that nothing with mass can ever go that speed; therefore time has to exist for anything that has mass. It’s hard to understand how pure energy (light) with no time can exist in the same realm as mass objects with time. That and the fact that all physical objects are something like 99.9999999% empty space, meaning that the entire universe barely exists.

Jeremy Thom, July 2010


As well as there being multiverse within every entity (as discussed in Chapter Two), there

is also multiverse on the outside (without) every entity.

Chapter Two got a start on this chapter at hand through its section under “Somewhat Broadly” on

page 9. The concept of within and without entities that characterizes the author’s framework

underlying this book finds origin in his having been a Science (Mathematics and Chemistry,

major and minor, respectively) undergraduate student at Carleton University, Ottawa, in the

1960s. The within/without notion in the author’s mind springs from a similar thing in Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) when doing statistical analysis (i.e., variance within and between groups) and

it involves degrees of freedom that relates to sample size. Some significance of degrees of freedom

is discussed in Chapter Five.

The Immediate Multiverse Without Entities

The first wave of the without is society with all of its diversity. The second wave pertains

to the search to discover and find meaning in the realm of the eternal with respect to outer space.

The Broader Multiverse Without

Beyond the infinite is an entire great beyond into the eternal, with the mysteries of string

theory and black holes and, as yet, undiscovered phenomena and entities. This forms the broader


realm of the multiverse without entities which, together with the immediate realm, constitutes

the total Multiverse Without Entities.

Newer Horizons

Promise lies in discovering more about the space beyond. The research at the Fermi

National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Illinois and with the $10 billion Large Hadron

Collider, built near Geneva by the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is to find the

Higgs boson (or “the God particle” or “the champagne bottle boson”4), a hypothetical massive

scalar elementary particle that scientists theorize gives mass to other particles and, thus, to other

objects and creatures. Finding it has tremendous implications, including for just how subatomic

things can get (the atom was once thought to be the smallest unit of matter), Einstein’s E=mc² (a

formula apparently not well understood by many), and the Higgs particle giving mass to massless

particles and thereby disguising the true symmetry of things (Lederman, p. 367). If the Higgs

boson exists, it is an integral and pervasive component of the material world. Global warming, a

phenomenon much exaggerated as to its degree, pales relative to things such as the boson.

To illustrate the complexity of understanding this physics, scientist-turned-journalist

Dennis Overbye writes in the New York Times:

“According to the basic precepts of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics,

equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been created in the Big Bang

and then immediately annihilated each other in a blaze of lethal energy, leaving a

big fat goose egg with which to make stars, galaxies and us. And yet we exist, and

physicists (among others) would dearly like to know why.”

4 Dr. Leon Lederman coined the former alternative name and a jury of physicists, disliking the

supremacy of the particle implied by “God”, the latter.


And from Canadian syndicated columnist Harry Bruce: “What’s a muon? Forget it, and don’t

bother trying to figure out the properties and relationships among protons, photons, positrons,

electrons, neutrons, nucleons, hadrons, gluons, bosons and fermions.”

There are also quarks, quasars, and neutrinos.

As mentioned on page 17, the discovery of the artificial cell/synthetic genome provides

many interesting prospects. Similarly, already discovered are the largest known molecules to exist

in space—soccer-ball shaped molecules called “buckyballs” (named for their resemblance to the

geodesic dames of famed American architect Buckminster Fuller). Their unique strengths and

incredible chemical and physical properties could be applied to things like armour, drug delivery,

and superconducting technologies.

The common ground with respect to the Multiverse Within Entities and the Multiverse

Without Entities lies with brains and minds in their unifying Eternal Before Zero and Eternal

Beyond Infinity, to which Chapter Four pertains.




It’s Up to You One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream, One tree can start a forest, One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship, and One handclasp lifts a soul; in Chinese:One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation, One sunbeam lights a room, One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer, One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom, One heart can know what’s true, One life can make the difference, You see, IT’S UP TO YOU.

- Anonymous


The within and without of entities are brought together by the brain and mind and the

fact that they represent two different paths to the same end of discovering meaning and truth.

One could say that the within plus without create a completeness or a fullness. Yet it cannot be

claimed that there is nothing beyond this as there are still things yet to be discovered.

Brains and Minds

Much is being discovered about brains and mind, including the brain’s being elastic—

thus capable of change (Doidge, 2007; Nussbaum, 2010). There is controversy as to whether they

are one and the same, and so be it. Peck says yes and Dyer says no, suggesting that the two are

separate in that the mind experiences and the brain records. Maté (2009) claims that a brain's


activity generates most of what is understood as mind, and he explains that traditional Buddhist

psychology recognizes that. Once mind structures are in place, they determine perceptions,

behaviours, and experiences (p. 345).

From the tiniest entity to the largest dynamic system imaginable, there is some kind of

brain/mind entity that monitors energy, keeps things functioning, and does “thinking” for

survival. Ultimately, cooperation and coalition among all entities is necessary. Matthew Taylor,

building on neuroscientific research into prosocial behaviour, calls for “a new politics of human

nature” with collective engagement and cooperation at its heart. In this book, brains and minds

are considered in totality across the Multiverse, thus pertaining to all entities, alive and dead.

Systemizing Knowledge

Historically, certain deep thinkers have devised grand frameworks for knowledge. For

instance, the “figurative system of human knowledge”, sometimes known as the tree of Diderot

and d’Alembert, was a tree diagram developed to represent the structure of knowledge itself,

produced for the Encyclopédie by Jean le Rond d’Alembert and Denis Diderot. The original

version, in French, is as follows:

Figure 4.1

The Original “Figurative System of Human Knowledge” Tree (in French) From a Google search of the Internet


This tree was a taxonomy of human knowledge, inspired by Francis Bacon’s The Advancement of

Learning. The three main branches of knowledge in the tree are: 1) “Memory”/History; 2)

“Reason”/Philosophy, and 3) “Imagination”/Poetry. Notable is the fact that theology is ordered

under ‘Philosophy’. The historian Robert Darnton has argued that this categorization of religion

as being subject to human reason, and not a source of knowledge in and of itself (revelation), was

a significant factor in the controversy surrounding the work.

Historically, many “trees of life” have been developed. Ernst Haeckel developed his Tree of

Life in 1879:

Figure 4.2

Ernst Haeckel’s Tree of Life (1879)

From a Google search of the Internet

Advanced trees of life contain genetic representations.

Both Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2, though obscured, are included for illustrative purposes.

Readers, if they wish, can personally research more concerning these depictions.


Adrian Dupuis (1985, p. 254) presents the following relationship among the sciences:

Figure 4.3

Relationship Among the Various Sciences From Philosophy of Education in Historical Perspective by Adrian M. Dupuis, 1985, p. 254.

Frameworks abound. The following is one, “The Calvin Cycle” (once popular was “The Carbon

Cycle”) from the field of Biology:

Note: Plants use energy from the Sun, electrons from H₂O, and carbon from CO₂ to

make sugars. The energy and sugars will ultimately be the electrons that are captured

in cellular respiration to make ATPs. Therefore, the energy from the Sun, through the

processes of photosynthesis and respiration, will be used to run cells.

From Molecular & Cell Biology for Dummies by Rene F. Kratz, 2009, p.198.



Figure 4.4

The Calvin Cycle

Price-Smith (1998), building from E.O. Wilson’s concept of consilience (see p. 10), tackles

the interesting challenge of linking two very diverse knowledge fields – Medicine and Politics:

Figure 4.5

A Complex System of Possible Linkages Between Disease Pathogens, Facilitating Variables, and State Capacity.


“Being sought were the answers to several questions: (1) Does infectious disease

negatively affect state capacity—generating political, economic and social

instability? (2) If so, how does infectious disease contribute to political instability

and underdevelopment? (3) Is knowledge of this relationship useful to the

discipline of political science? This study tests the hypothesis that increasing

values for Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease (the independent

variable, ERID) impairs State Capacity (the dependent variable, SC) and thus

diminishes prospects for state prosperity and stability (p. 5).”

Price-Smith goes on to say:

“An explanation of the causal relations detailed in the above chart is

appropriate at this point. Pathogenic microbes exist independently

throughout the earth’s biosphere with the vast majority of them present in

the zoonotic pool and outside of the human ecology. In a very real way

these pathogens are independent variables and are exogenous to the state

as they are truly global phenomena (existing at the system level). These

pathogens may cross over from the zoonotic reservoir into the human

ecology at any time with emergence being largely governed by the

principles of chaos.”

Increasingly, figurative systems of knowledge are appearing from across the Multiverse, all

in integrative connective linkages.

Eternal Before Zero and Eternal Beyond Infinity

The within and the without under discussion in this book are unified through brains and minds of all entities across the Multiverse. The Multiverse is illustrated as follows:


Figure 4.6

The Spectrum of the Multiverse

This represents the spectrum of total knowledge and it is multidimensional (in all directions).

Mathematics confirms brains and minds ability to conceive, whereby Eternal Before Zero (0) are

negative numbers moving from right to left, and Eternal Beyond Infinity (∞ = ¹⁄₀) are numbers

moving from left to right. Pi (π) is an infinite decimal, i.e., 22/7 = 3.14159…that is used in

calculating such things as areas and circumferences. One way to visualize the essence of Eternal is

to think of an entity (mathematically, a number)—in any direction, some only imaginable—and

then to add one more. One more can always be added. Brains and minds have the capacity to

embrace the Eternal Before Zero domain and the Eternal Beyond Infinity domain at the opposite

extremities/ends of the Spectrum of the Multiverse. They can imagine/visualize increasingly

subatomic entities, be they called particles or whatever, and also increasingly hypervast entities,

be they called black holes or the like. Brains and minds are extremely powerful. Their unification

role in the Multiverse is shown in Figure 4.6, a role that involves paths forged multidimensionally

(with the associated Geometry, Algebra, Calculus, Physics, and the like) at both extremities to the

same truth. To fathom more than three dimensions of multidimensionality1 (e.g., beyond a three-

1 Multidimensionality relates to the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify each point

within a particular dimension; a line, a square, and a ball illustrate one, two, and three dimensions,

respectively, with one coordinate needed to specify a point within (on) the first, two coordinates needed for


dimensional ball) requires directed thought, will, imagination, and, above all, intuition and faith

that there is such. Further, Mathematics knowledge helps. Time is considered the fourth

dimension and, beyond that, it is an interesting issue as to whether there actually are higher-

numbered dimensions, or just theoretical mathematical equations that suggest that there could

be. Hawking, as well as String Theory, states that, indeed, higher-numbered dimensions exist.

Religious people claim that they have discovered laminin, a substance that holds cells

together and looks as follows:

Figure 4.7

Laminin—Cells’ Cement

It has the shape of a cross that holds one cell to another. It may explain particles at the one end of

the multiverse spectrum and holes at the other end, as well as what is eternally the truth after

particles and holes.

the second, and three coordinates needed for the third (so as to appear to “come out of” the paper on which

it were to be drawn).


Overall, Christianity’s perspective on meaning (“the big picture”) is usually capsulated in

the following:

Figure 4.8

Christianity and Meaning

Again, artificial cells and black holes and the Higgs boson (the God particle)—oh, the

wonder of Physics’ Quantum Theory!—can be embraced by brains and minds concomitantly. So

can what is beyond these two “cutting edge” areas of interest.

It is important to realize that brain and mind know no borders—of focus can be any

“objet” (from the French, meaning “thing”), of any age, alive (animate) or dead (inanimate).

How Drugs Affect the Human Brain

Molecules give energy. With respect to humans, food gives energy and this food is a

combination of small and large molecules (that have many atoms). A variety of food chains are

involved in entities such as human beings and animals getting energy. The carbohydrates made

by plants, algae, and bacteria serve as food for all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is the process in

green plants and certain other entities, e.g., organisms, by which sunlight, water, and carbon

dioxide are combined to produce oxygen and sugar (energy). In food chains, carbohydrates are

eaten by entities that in turn eat other entities to get their energy.

When a drug is taken into a person’s body, orally, intravenously, or otherwise, it enters the

person’s bloodstream so that it can interact with that person’s brain. In eating, the drug enters the

bloodstream through the normal process of digestion via the stomach and intestine. Synapses are


important. The brain is a very complicated collection of cells known as neurons or (less

technically) nerves. When one thinks about something, senses something, or does something,

what happens at the level of the brain is that various neurons send to each other information

concerning what one is thinking, sensing, or doing. It is at the level of this inter-neuron

communication that most drugs have their effects.

Several chemicals in the brain function as neurotransmitters, summarized as follows:

Neurotransmitter What it does What drugs affect it

Dopamine Involved in regulation of movement, reward and punishment, pleasure, energy

Every drug that affects feelings of pleasure, including Cocaine, Amphetamine, opiates, marijuana, heroin and PCP

Epinephrine (also called Adrenaline)

Excitatory neurotransmitter involved in arousal and alertness

Norepinephrine (also called Noradrenaline)

Involved in arousal and alertness, energy and feelings of pleasure


Serotonin Involved in regulation of mood and impulsivity

Alcohol, Hallucinogens, Stimulants, Anti-depressants

Acetylcholine Inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in movement, memory function, motivation and sleep

PCP and hallucinogens, Marijuana, Stimulants

GABA (Gamma Aminobutyric Acid)

Inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in arousal, judgment and impulsiveness

Depressant drugs, Marijuana

Glutamate Excitatory neurotransmitter

Endorphins Substances involved in pain relief and reward/punishment

Opioids, Depressants

Figure 4.9

The Functions of Neurotransmitters in the Brain

Opioid drugs bind to special endorphin receptors in the brain. Other drugs such as

Prozac, that has a very long half-life, fix to bone. The prescribed medication, Fosamax, has a half-


life2 of ten years, fixing to and deforming/destabilizing human bone (apparently quite contrary to

what the drug companies and medical doctors intended). Proton Pump Inhibitors inhibit HCL

(Hydrogen Chloride) production in the stomach, thereby preventing the chemical transformation

from say CaCO3 (an insoluble base) to CaCl2 (a soluble salt, useable by the body)—critics claim

that this accounts for its devastating effect on bone formation, and more often than not leads to

osteoperia and ultimately to osteoporosis. There are a host of drugs, and it is often an anion that

leads the drug to its intended site of action, while a cation exerts the intended action (good or

bad). Cholesterol medications such as Lipitor and Crestor contain statins that are controversial as

to their toxicity; some cholesterol (HDL) is necessary and good; other cholesterol (LDL) is

deemed bad.

LDL is not bad. It is a crucial component for the endocrine system to function properly and

to produce essential hormones among many other functions, e.g., testosterone, estrogen,

thyroid, insulin etc. LDL is therefore the one cholesterol type that is NOT the culprit

(although LDL is implicated in arterial plaque, and whether it is good or bad is

immaterial). There is no relation to the amount of LDL-cholesterol and the severity of the

plaque. Plaque is nature’s Band Aid to the damaged inner layer of the artery

(endothelium). This is precisely what the medical profession should be attending to,

instead of pharmaceutical company rhetoric “(that) cholesterol is bad for one”. {See S.

Ellison, “Health Myths Exposed,” 2nd ed., pp. 89–127.

2 The half-life of a drug is the period of time required for the amount of drug in the body to be reduced

by one-half.


Some Other Significant Human Brain and Mind Phenomena

Besides activity pertaining to drugs (prescribed or illegal) that get into the body, the

human brain and mind have much to do with the specific phenomenon of rejection and allergies.

The brain and mind know when to object to what is occurring within. With respect to

transplants/implants, all efforts are made to assure that the thing (e.g., organ) being put into a

body will be accepted. This is done by cleaning the thing being inserted—stripping it of donor

blood, fats, lipids, and bone marrow if necessary—in the case of limb transplants for instance.

Implants that are made of a human-made biodegradable polymer attract calcium cells that in turn

attract living bone and blood vessels.

Goldberg (2006) in his book, The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind can Grow Stronger as

Your Brain Grows Older, describes some other important brain and mind phenomena that are

known for human beings.

Perhaps insert something about the placebo effect, e.g., D. Evans, “Placebo: Mind Over

Matter in Modern Medicine,” which is turning Modern/Evidenced Based Medicine, on its


All Brains and Minds in Unification

Human brains and minds are just some of the many brains and minds in the total of the

Multiverse. For instance, there are also brains and minds of inanimate entities, including dead

ones that once lived. Philosophy of mind explains that entities such as tables and chairs have

atomic-like particles deep within, acknowledged and utilized by all other brains and minds.

Science fiction writings capture this imagination, one that could entertain brain and mind

phenomema with respect to other than humans.


Things have come a long way from phrenology, the pseudoscience of determining a

person’s personality and character by examining bumps on that person’s head, with the

assumption that the brain is the organ of the mind.

The following provides a humourous perspective (from Frank and Earnest):

Figure 4.10

Personality Types

Ultimately, global brain incorporates all brains and minds (some might call this

“multiverse intelligence”) in the global search for meaning, with all discoveries along the way

being a piece of the overall grand puzzle. To reiterate and emphasize, in effect, this global search

is taking place through paths into the eternal at both ends of the multiverse spectrum; the first

pertains to within entities, the second to without entities. But to achieve completeness, the

Humanities, nonscientific and affective-/feelings-oriented, must be considered. Chapter Five


Forcing honest research results into pre-defined paradigms. Therefore, burying the Truth

is easier and more convenient, as the Researcher might just get ridiculed and

excommunicated if he /she dares to expose what he /she knows is Truth. The “Global

Search for Meaning” is admirably applicable here:


And then, as for obtaining Research Funding: “He who has the gold pays the Piper,

and the Piper calls the tune!” Sad but true.




It is by looking to the Heavens that it is appreciated how tiny an entity one is in the big picture.

Artificial Cell (Into Eternal Before Zero) and Higgs Boson (Into Eternal Beyond Infinity)

Thus, Eternal Before Zero and Eternal Beyond Infinity, metaphorically, represent the same

thing—the eternal—just in different directions on the multiverse spectrum of knowledge

(depicted on page 22). Every field of knowledge has intelligence, creativity, and imagination and

Mathematics is particularly demonstrative regarding these in its incorporation of all entities of

the Multiverse3. “Zero” and “Infinite” are signposts or markers that brains and minds recognize as

the entrance to truth. The artificial cell/human genome and the hypothesized Higgs boson are

just a beginning.

Historically, most things that are previously just imagined, and then become reality,

experience considerable opposition, particularly in the imagined phase. Automobiles, television,

and computers are examples. The discovery of the artificial cell (from searching into the Eternal

Before Zero realm) drew an immediate response from theological quarters that “only God can

create life”; the discovery, with its “watermarks” (inserted into the genome, in science fiction style

these encode a new DNA code for writing words, sentences, and numbers) opens up the

possibility of things that are imagined—even genetic engineering of a Frankenstein—becoming

real. However, a very important note is that Craig Venter’s discovery team says, “We look forward

to continued review and dialogue about the important applications of this work to ensure that it is

used for the benefit of all” (italics is the author’s). Some scientists view Venter as an opportunist,

3 Complex numbers (within the field of Mathematics), with “the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra”,

alone demonstrate this—a merging of simple and complicated.


business entrepreneur; others (less skeptical and jealous, perhaps) regard him as one passionately

advancing the frontiers of knowledge.

The Higgs boson situation is different in that it is hypothesized/imagined, but not yet

discovered, as the artificial cell is. Again, the detection of this boson would help to explain the

origin of mass in the universe (and perhaps in the Multiverse). The continuing search for it into

the Eternal Beyond Infinity realm will either lead to nothing or to something phenomenal. Star

Trek? Who knows?

Enter the Humanities (the “Social”)

Ideally, unencumbered brains and minds—free of addictions—are best. In fact, ideally all

bodies, minds, and souls should be unencumbered. However, as entities age, things good and bad

naturally happen. For one, oxidative stress applies to all entities, producing an aging. On the

positive side, the landscapes of brains and minds tend to change, modify, and broaden with time.

There is Science and Non-Science (defined in this book as realms “social,” including all

aspects of multiverse community). Both are prevalent in the search for meaning and truth. It has

already been mentioned as a concern that the artificial cell be applied for the benefit of all. Also,

this may be said concerning the Higgs boson and the field of Physics in which it lies. Albert

Einstein, when he formulated E=mc², made his feelings clear that he wished his discovery to be

used to help humanity, so he was disappointed when it was used to create the Atom Bomb that

killed so many. Also, he linked Physics to Theology, but he appears to be a man whose work was

incomplete. To be complete, advances in science and technology find meaning through the

humanities and social sciences.

Feelings and emotions always come into play and, indeed, they must. Certainly, a

considerable amount of the objectivity and emotional detachment that characterizes scientific

research is necessary but these alone will not lead to meaning. The social responsibility aspect of

all discoveries is a necessity. To ignore it invites serious problems. Reality is reflected in


the following, taken from an insurance brochure that is distributed by a typical, modern-day


“Remember when you never had to worry about…

• becoming critically ill?

• ensuring your loved ones are looked after?

• covering your funeral costs?

• an accident causing death?

• unexpected costs due to hospitalization?”

Such things as worry, anxiety, and fear characterize many persons’ existence. The positive aspect

is that these very same things of feeling can also exalt the imagination regarding brains and


To conclude this chapter, following is a list4 of, first, concepts (random terms and

processes) from Science and other fields and, second, specifically from the Humanities. The

reader is asked to consider these, drawing from his/her own background and experience, in

preparation for his/her reaction to the ideas that are presented in Chapter Six.

Concepts From Science and Other Fields

The classical elements in philosophies and worldviews [e.g., Aristotle and the Greeks’

Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Anther (the personification of the “upper sky” space, and heaven, in

Greek mythology)]; Hippocrates’ Theory of the Four Humours, i.e., liquids within the body—

blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile; Galen; the Seven Chakras; a “learning curve”;

leveraging; “benchmark”; portal; responsibility; accountability; freedom; character; solid state

LTD lighting, nitride semiconductors, Nitrogen (N) toxic-free; free enterprise; The Milky Way; the

Boreal Forest; acid rain; the Greenhouse Effect; the Amazon Rain Forest; probabilities; frustration;

4 Lists, categories, labels and such reflect desirable rationality and order.


adaptation; survival; matrices; partitioning; the Krebs Cycle; chance; hybrids; biodegradable into

water (H₂O), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and biomass; imagination; resourcefulness; politics;

objectivity; courage; intelligence; value-free.

Concepts From the Humanities

Dignity, compassion, honesty, integrity, love, hope; adaptation/survival; the Cold War/the

Hot Peace; responsibility; accountability; freedom; forgiveness; free enterprise; chance;

uncertainty; vested interests; frustration; imagination; resourcefulness; character; ownership;

consensus; safety; politics; subjectivity; courage; intelligence; value-laden.

Notice that there are some items that are common to both categories of lists above.

Farther reaches—onwards and upwards!




Wisdom Seeks Knowledge

Showing Off

In the Dutch language, the word “opschepper” means “braggart” or “show-off”. The author

feels that for the meaning of things to be discovered, opschepper cannot enter into the search in a

significant sense. Admittedly, some showing off is required else confidence in a search would be

inadequate and no search would be carried out. Authentic modesty (not “false” modesty) and

moderation and balance in all affairs are the guidelines.

Conspiracy Theories

In all walks of multiverse, there can be conspiracy theories with their spin doctors. Some

people term the claim that the HIV virus leads to AIDS a conspiracy theory spun by a group of

medical and health sciences people. Let it be said that conspiracy theories should not hinder the

global search for meaning. It is up to the searchers to make wise relevant decisions, being vigilant

with respect to malingering, doctoring, inculpating, fabricating, sheltering, cheating, and lying.1

Fundamental Natural Principles

Historically, many deep thinkers have sought fundamental natural principles or laws that

underlie all learning, with E.O. Wilson being such a person of late. In 1965, Jerald Hage presented

an axiomatic theory of organizations along these lines.

Indeed, there are such principles. Somewhat ironically, the first Principle is that, when

people are made aware of such principles, it is the reaction of these people to them that

determines whether these principles are accepted or not. [Understandably, the reader may have

1 Some persons believe that the Large Hadron Collider may blow a huge hole in the Multiverse; this may

be viewed as a conspiracy theory in that the Collider doesn’t do anything that the Sun does not already do.


to think about this for awhile before it becomes clear!] Following are Fundamental Natural

Principles, with the first generalizing what has just been said:

1. First and foremost significant is how true meaning is reacted to when it is found or

discovered through a search;

2. White light is important—being present and surrounding all entities. Einstein knew this—

so did the likes of Aristotle, and so do many persons now;

3. Desirable are the four principles that underlie Rotary International (RI)’s The Four-Way

Test of the things we think, say or do: Is it the truth?; Is it fair to all concerned?; Will it

build goodwill and better friendships?; and Will it be beneficial to all concerned?; these

principles date back to Socrates (469–399 BC) who expressed them in a different form;

4. Desirable are the principles that underlie the goals for the Royal Society of Arts (RSA),

stated as:

The RSA combines thought leadership with social innovation to further

human progress. Building on our 250 year history as a beacon for

enlightenment values, we undertake influential and varied research

projects and host the UK’s most ambitious free lecture series. Our work

is supported by 27,000 Fellows, an international network of influencers

and innovators from every field and background.

Both the RI and RSA principles are lofty and global. It is through application of lofty and global

principles that the following type of free exchange, no sugar coating, of ideas takes place:

Email Message - Your Opinion Sought

“Good afternoon Doug

Thx for the info.

Enclosed are two diagrams to explain how we (as Natural Practitioners)

view the “Holistic Human Being” (or the German concept of “Mensch”)


and its interaction with the environment. This is also what I teach my


I think I’ve sent you previously a short version of the Interaction

Matrix. However, these diagrams are more explicit.

Together they are known as “Heilkunst” (or loosely translated as “[the]

Healing Art” – which is what we base our entire Healing System on.

Unfortunately, the stem words are in German [which are infinitely

more rich and descriptive than their English (translated) equivalents].

Therefore, please forgive any errors in translation (as English is not my

first language, so I don’t have the interpretational fluidity with the


The circles should be true Venn diagrams, but due to its complexity,

they are presented as partially overlapping instead of all completely

overlapping each other. The concept of “Mensch” may be loosely

translated as the “Holistic Human Being” with all of its manifestations.

The concept of “Mensch” is the “Gestalt” of basically all of its elements.

I think that now you will understand why I (and my peers) cannot

accept the current medical (including the pharmaceutical) paradigm.

To us it simply doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. From there the

“Evidence of Harm” caused by the Medical System, instead of “Evidence

of Health” as practiced by us.

If you find this too controversial for publication please ignore this







Figure 6.1

Heilkunst (The Healing Art): A. The German Concept of Mensch (Holistic Human Being); B. Mensch and Its Environmental Interactions


The contents of this email illustrate honesty and “calling a spade a spade”, and prompts

fundamental natural Principle 5.

5. Be honest and speak the truth.

6. Avoid all or nothing;

7. Retreat and cut losses when victory is not possible; when one does act, go in hard and fully

as one can always draw back;

8. Be nice, rather than right;

9. Things are never perfect;

10. More is gained with sweet honey than sour vinegar;

11. Oftentimes, an other-than-straight stick is required to get to a desired goal; associations

are not always linear and cause and effect can be direct or indirect through intervening

variables; the Mensch example of Principle 4. above displays that interactions of entities is

dependent upon the number of variables involved; the concept of degrees of freedom is

here relevant—a bowling ball can cause a “Strike!” (knocking down all of the pins) by

travelling erratically (i.e., displaying all kinds of degrees of freedom) down the bowling

lane. Also, to accomplish the goal of cleaning the hair out of a typical electric razor’s heads

requires considerable freedom of movement/degrees of freedom by one’s hand holding

the brush.

12. Be extremely patient and understanding.

Things are, at the same time, simple and complex. And as the reader sees from these

principles just presented, concepts from the Humanities, social aspects, generally always enter in,

sitting there inscrutably in the middle of every search for meaning, frustrating all efforts to go

around them. Especially ethics:


There certainly are always many variables to consider…and ethics is certainly one

of them. It’s like the invention of the phone…great idea for effective

communication …but never intended to be used to promote fraudulent or

destructive behaviour.

We take the good with the bad! I believe…at least as long as people are

allowed to make choices!

—my thoughts (Christine Scheibler, personal communication, May 30,


It can be said that the Christian Bible’s Ten Commandments, and the equivalent in other

religions, have a Humanities basis. From these spring the following principles2:

13. Respect life;

14. Honour significant and inspirational others, including family and friends in particular;

15. Use wholesome, virtuous language;


16. From James 1:19 of the Christian Bible: “…be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath”;

17. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” with emphasis on family and


18. Less is better.

There is a multitude of other principles for action that have been presented over time,

some of them in the fields of philosophy and existentialism. Some take the form of tests of

good (as is the case with Principle 3. and Principle 4. above). The additional Principle 19. and

Principle 20. are presented on page 49 under “Final Comments.”

2 To not lie, deceive, and steal fit under Principle 11.—pertaining to being honest and speaking the



Some Observed Trends

The Multiverse pertaining to developed countries appears to be witnessing several

significant trends:

• A moving away from women and men getting married;

• More and more technology (e.g., cell phone obsession) to a point of human


• An increase in volunteer work and helping others;

• A growing general conservatism among younger generations coupled with a

disturbing attitude of personal entitlement to things across all generations;

• A team approach to medicine and the advent of personalized medicine;

• A dramatic increase in addictions and prescribed medications; and

• A tighter economy.

At Least Two Suggestions (and a considered third on page 60)

One must be acutely aware that observed trends are different in different parts of the

Multiverse. The author feels that some of these observed trends, such as marriage decline

(because it is viewed as a government “grab” of some kind) will be taken care of, or even reversed,

because of some of the other trends (e.g., in the case of the marriage decline, the trend of growing

general conservatism). Entitlement to, as opposed to earning things through sustained, hard

effort, is a harmful attitudinal trend that can fuel materialism and greed.

A closer description of the concept “Existentialism” might be useful too, as described in the

book by R. Solomon, “Existentialism”. Rather in your face, I would say.


Two suggestions:

i. As a practical point, there needs to be more consolidation and streamlining with

respect to various agencies doing similar things. For example, charitable

organizations should partner more to create one front. Also, cancer research

groups worldwide should share findings more in an effort to determine future

steps. Simplification, generally, is the guideline.

ii. There needs to be continual assertion as to the value of formal education. One can

never have enough. Why all of the makeup, remedial programs? Has the education

system failed that badly?

Challenging Einstein, Genetic Causation, Over-Thinking, and Nature and Animal Priorities To move on to discover true meaning, there needs to be a challenge to existing ideas,

particularly those of Albert Einstein, the idea that inherited genes restrict, thinking too much

(including learning other languages), and putting Nature and animals before human interests.

These ideas are very prevalent in the Multiverse, have assumptions behind them that are usually

unquestioned, and they need to be kept in perspective, drawing from them that which is useful.

Reconstruction (Kamuf, 1991) may be necessary. More is said about this later in the Epilogue.

Final Comments

Victor Frankl (1963) suggests that one cause of meaninglessness experienced is the

confusion of values. The author of this book contends that there is confusion because premises

are continually changing; thus, firm personal foundations are called for. In his 1998 book, The Will

to Meaning, Frankl says that the capacity to take a stand toward the features of our character, or

the drives and instincts per se, is what makes us human beings. This reinforces the idea that the

way a person perceives a situation (in stress response terms from McEwen, 1998) or one's reaction

to things, not the thing itself, is key—an idea behind Principle 1. on page 41.


This book acknowledges the discovery, in 2010, of the artificial cell (or the synthetic

genome) in the United States and the ongoing research to find the Higgs boson using the Large

Hadron Collider under the Swiss-French border at Geneva, Switzerland as the furthest (“cutting-

edge”) advancements to date in the global search to find the true meaning of life and existence.

Origins are of important focus in this. Then this book goes beyond cell/genome and Higgs,

revealing how they represent the beginning doorway to meaning on the spectrum of knowledge

across all time, space, mass, and energy—past and present (i.e., The Spectrum of the Multiverse).

The two extremities of the spectrum are given the original names “Eternal Before Zero” and

“Eternal Beyond Infinity)”, respectively, by the author and they pertain to The Multiverse Within

Entities and The Multiverse Without Entities (both of these expressions also original and coined

by the author). Multiverse incorporates all that is alive and dead. The significance of brains and

mind in their capacity to embrace and unify the Multiverse in its inherent multidimensionality is

highlighted, and then discussed is the concept of all search paths into the Eternal Before Zero and

Eternal Beyond Infinity realms (in their multidimensions) being explored—including

scientific/biological/medical and humanities/ sociological ones—ultimately leading to the same


The book ends with the author’s presentation of a total of twenty (20) fundamental

natural principles (Principle 19. and Principle 20. are presented on the next page) that underlie all

worthwhile learning endeavours, linking them to such diverse things as Einstein’s E=mc², guides

to religion (the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, the book of Mormon etc.), the most minuscule of

subatomic entities, the most vast of black holes and farther, and stated goals of Rotary

International (RI) and the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and

Commerce (RSA).


As this book draws to a close, the author is very aware that the continuing global search

for meaning must speak to freedom as being more primary and important than happiness3 and a

belief in free enterprise. From this spring, the final two fundamental natural principles:

19. Persons who have reached the age of majority are expected to behave in a manner

becoming of a mature adult; and

20. Conscience (which may be at odds with self-will, as evidenced by guilt observed) drives

behaviour in mature entities (adapted from the Thom Theorem, Thom, 1993.)

The following indicate the richness and fullness involved in the global search for meaning:

“F J …Jun 5…Reply…

Thank you Doug, for the feedback.

I will order the books you have mentioned and see how they fit in with

our philosophy.

In the passing I might mention that the modern Medical System (as we

see it) does not heal, it never has and it never will. This is fact! And we all

know the truth about this. The best I can do is to palliate through

massive depression of observable symptoms (instead of addressing the

cause) to the detriment of the Mensch [from there the concept of “anti”,

e.g., anti-depressants, anti-arthritis, anti-diarrhea, anti-nauseant, etc.).

For this very reason we accept (and use) the Medical System for its

(immediate) palliative powers, but that is where it ends. From there our

indulgence in “Integrative Medicine” as a global and integrative concept.

3 Of interest, it is controversial as to whether one’s personal capacity for happiness is largely hardwired

by one’s genetic heritage and early childhood experiences (Maté, 2009).


As for healing? We believe firmly that our system is the only one that

truly heals. By “our” system, I include all of the alternative healing

systems taken together, e.g., Heilkunst, Traditional Chinese Medicine

(TCM), Ayurveda, prayer therapy, visualization, and many, many more.

Therefore, we believe that not ONE system alone can cure, but that the

Curative System MUST be adapted to the Mensch at any given point in

time, as is appropriate at the time of application.




Email Message - Your Opinion Sought:

F J to me

“Hello Doug

Thx for your reply.

I’m very aware of the Four Humours Theory. However, it applies more

to conventional medicine as practiced at the time. The application of

this theory (e.g., blood-letting, dosing emetics, etc) was the domain of

the medical profession which led largely to the development of (rather

sophisticated) systems of alternative medicine—having rejected the

Humour Theory and its ruthless application during the middle ages

and up to the late 1800’s. The Humour Theory derived some of its

thinking from the original Asian medicine, particularly TCM (and some

Ayurvedic) and its classification of all things into Yin & Yang from

about 5,000 years ago and recorded in the Nei Ching (by the Yellow

Emperor).” …


“Our System of Medicine (Heilkunst) is partially based on

“Funktionelle Medizin”, as summarized by Helmuth Schimmel, which

(in summary) states that “[Functional Medicine] should be understood

as a meaningful and necessary supplementation to Conventional

Medicine. It is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and

therapeutic gaps. Functional Medicine is NOT an anti-thesis to

Conventional Medicine. On the contrary it offers a needed expansion of

the entire art of healing, which neither Functional, nor Conventional

Medicine alone can master.

The “Global Search for Meaning” is very relevant here, as

illustrated below. Several references were recently published in

the United States, to provide reliable information on Functional

Medicine in English, to literally hundreds of physicians and other

health professionals in the US & Canada who want to practice the

Art. For example, by Editor David S. Jones, “Textbook of

Functional Medicine,” Institute for Functional Medicine, 2005,

and many others. Most European books on the subject are in

German, Dutch, and other languages — but not English.

The second arm of our Healing System is also partially based on

Anthroposophical Medicine, as described in various volumes (by inter

alia Huiseman, Wolff, Leroi, Linden, Magerstadt, Pache, Reuter, Spiess

and others)—from the German “Das Bild des Menschen als Grundlage

der Heilkunst” (first published in 1956) and many other similar

publications. This concept also gave rise to the (modern) Functional


Medicine approach now taking hold in the US…as has been the case for

decades in Europe. Hope this helps to clarify somewhat.



The contents of the above emails also illustrate the controversy, contradictions, and necessary

focus involved. Controversy leads to change. In this book, the email correspondence from

“François” (Jooste) is presented verbatim, as the medical health concerns that it addresses is

where meaning for many persons in the Multiverse lies and ends. In essence, some of the contents

of his e-mails is actually “running commentary” or debatable opinion with respect to his personal

situation (François is a licensed pharmacist). It is true that, without health, one is hampered

[Virgil said, “The greatest wealth is health.”], but meaning goes beyond this.

When the time is right, the story of meaning will be told in total. The seed could very well

originate with an individual such as Dr. Gabriel Dakubo whose book summary reads as follows:

The pivotal role of mitochondrial functions in carcinogenesis is quite well

established. However, the critical role of mitochondrial genome alterations to

cancer development is muted in traditional textbooks. Recent scientific efforts

have provided unequivocal evidence for mitochondrial genome mutations and

content changes in cancer development, progression, and therapy. This pioneering

book is a unique compilation of mitochondrial genome alterations in cancer.

While primarily focused on the emerging role of mitochondrial genome changes,

bioenergetics and signaling pathways, attention is also given to the metabolic

transformations of the cancer cell, as well as the established altered cell death

processes that underlie cancer evolution and treatment resistance;

or it could be planted by Professor Stephen Hawking who “works all the time.” It is

determination, dedication, and superb brains and minds—as characterize the likes of Drs.


Dakubo and Hawking—that most often yield discovery. The computer will never be more

intelligent than humans. Also, the stereotyping aspect of sociology creates divisiveness, not

integration among groups, and this possibly will result in science—in its pure motive aspect—

being the discoverer of meaning. Whatever, steadfast, natural things, such as light, water, fire,

and gravity, and the questions: What?, Why?, and How? will come to bear. Phenomena such as

global warming may provide some preliminary answers. Meanwhile, entire invisible and inferred

domains of minuscule and vast await—copasetic and trajectory. To advance, a key requirement is

for what is already known (even Einstein’s ideas) to be viewed as simply theories and opinions

that could have inaccuracies and need completion. As well, there needs to be established solid

connections between the previously known and the hitherto unknown. There is an essence of

discovery that includes the process of tying together (Selye, 1978). Finally, envisioning in

multidimensions must never cease. This broadens interpretation to such wonderful entities as

orbitals, ellipses, sets, rings, partitions, matrices, cardioids, and differentiation, integration, and

all things of Calculus. What is being sought is a unified theory of all forces and force associates,

including electricity, magnetism, gravity, mass, matter, and energy, as well as the philosophical,

metaphysical, and ethical framework of space and time (dynamic variables) in which we

experience that the interdisciplinary Multiverse unfolds.

As Levitt (1991) supports, people by their nature never leave well enough alone, and this

restlessness applies well to sustaining the global search for meaning . He also points out that,

biblically, The Fall of humans occurred in the Garden of Eden paradise—when all seemed

comfortable. This is something to think about.

Long live search and discovery!



Dr. Thom gained considerable inspiration to write this book from the article by M. Mann,

“The Human Spirit in Leadership”, that was published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts

[Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA)], 1986, CXXXIV

(5358), 396–407. He was first elected a Fellow of the Society, London, England, while serving as

Director/Lecturer of the University of Hong Kong Advanced Studies in Educational Management

Program (1980–1984). In 2009, his application to rejoin the Fellowship of the RSA was successful.

From his involvement with the Global Conscience Circle (GCC)/Cercle de la Conscience Globale

(CCG), a charitable, international, humanitarian aid organization that he founded in 2000, Dr.

Thom benefits immensely. He gratefully acknowledges the particularly important influence on

this book by the following individuals who, over the years, have been his teacher, student, or

colleague: Lynn Broadbent (MBE and the RSA’s United States Chair), Clare Reilly (an RSA

Networks Manager, London, England), Johann (Joe) C. Vander Wees (FRSA and a friend of

wondrous global experience and knowledge), all members of the Thom family, Jim Scali, Alf Best,

the late Dr. Peter Millman (of the “2904 Millman” and “Millman Martian Crater”), Professor Dr.

Robin Farquhar, the late Professor Dr. William G. Walker, Professor Dr. Lieh Mak, Professor Dr.

Daniel Klassen, Dr. Jerome Harvey, the late Professor Dr. Therese Shak, Claude Morin, Dr. Ryan

Parr (of the Titanic’s “unknown child” genomics project), and Dr. R. Jay Stewart (accomplished

psychiatrist). Finally, thank you to Bev Riley and Francois Jooste, all draft manuscript readers,

Chungwen Li of the Ming-Ai (London) Institute, United Kingdom, publisher Elle Andra-Warner,

and to Paula Ojala for her typing and suggestions.

The very nature of this book compels that no ideas are “off subject”, and the breadth of

this Epilogue at hand reflects this. Further, the reader should understand that everything is about

energy, with slower and faster frequencies (e.g., light, thought, and spirit—the fastest). All

meaning that is sought anywhere is tied to things vibrating to certain frequencies, and any


entities that are interpreted as problems, ultimately are illusions—they only exist in the mind,

perhaps as a figment of imagination. Thus, they are not problems at all. It is in society’s

unlearning of dualistic thinking (i.e., comparing two entities in a competitive manner) in

interpreting, learning, and expressing, and instead practicing a whole-person approach that melds

entities to create fairness and make problems disappear, never to return. This produces a

monumental advance with respect to the likes of leadership, as it becomes part of the calm realm

of the multidimensional eternal past the infinite, construed negatively before zero and positively

beyond infinity.

Historically, a world characterized by “world citizens” who speak one language, possess one

passport accepted by all countries, and use a common worldwide/international monetary system

has been envisioned, proposed and, in some instances, actually tried, with varying degrees of

success [the Romans and Gary Davis, the international language Esperanto (see ), and Eurodollars are some examples]. If these things

were ever to be fully and permanently the situation, it might contribute to a shared worldview

(i.e., Weltanschauung) with respect to the meaning of things, but it would also most likely detract

from the spectacular and rich diversity that the world in fact has. Rest assured, closure in the

global search for meaning will come with a discovery informed by this diversity and such timeless,

proven, virtuous values of cooperation, international under-standing, goodwill, dignity,

reconciliation, peace, and love and laughter to which it speaks. The 2010 summer G8 and G20

meetings in Toronto, Canada, and the security measures surrounding them, is a sample testament

to the world’s justified concern for more than the tangible that science provides. On the stage of

the global theatre is continual, meaningful regard for the welfare and safety of people and their

leaders—a concern of the human heart. A peaceful revolution is possible. Invariably, shared

meaning and truth spring from a face-to-face meeting of minds, in a setting where both worry and

anxiety, along with wise and civil solutions, are present. Predictably and happily, amidst the


global search for meaning, civilization sustains through the encouragement of—indeed the

demand for—democratization at home and peace with neighbours. This is altogether tempered

with the knowledge that life is not always fun and with accommodation of the new generation,

who are the hope for the future. It becomes important to understand the goal and meaning of the

likes of G8 and G20 meetings. For instance, they are economic summits, not summits to do with

aid to needy countries. As worthy as the latter are, international aid is seemingly not of the

highest priority—regulating banks and reducing government deficits are. Free enterprise

business, that lacks caring for workers, can bring an economy down. The leaders of the world’s

countries have behind them hardworking advisers who are the real brains of things and it

sometimes takes unions to bring about “a guided economy” that is the most desirable situation

(Beattie, 2010); the G8 and G20 showcases the leaders and their being elected is the proper

democratic way. Their having been elected means that these leaders represent those who elected

them, not that they are working for them. There is deeper meaning that points to the higher value

accounted for by others behind the scenes…there is more to the story, if you will. There is a saying

that, “opportunity creates thieves.” This cannot be the case if leaders never forget where they

came from. The world needs good, virtuous leaders of integrity who totally understand the milieu

in which they lead and who, over time, never lack fresh ideas.

In some ways, the global search for meaning is a search for common or shared conscience

and the truth about right and wrong that is inherent in such. Desired social conscience is formed

by a profound belief in freedom, shines light, and is a global force for good. History reveals that

many wrongs have been committed, people acting in an abhorring manner toward others. Slavery,

genocide, and corruption are just a few examples, but this must not paralyze moving on. A grand,

surviving intelligence is at work in the Multiverse, and all entities are part of it. From the

beginning, ingrained beliefs build paradigms (or paths) that essentially underlie reconciliation,

peace, and all other virtuous attributes. They teach that truth is reasonable, goodness makes


sense, and to have this guide conscience is rational. These paradigms dictate worldview,

promoting the belief and justifying that good (or bad) is being done. Generally, the flavour of

leading global paradigms is one of gentleness. Leaders, acting with kindness towards those being

led, are the priority. There may be considerable soothing of personal conscience through abiding

by this prevalent paradigm (lest the risk of being outcast), yet, being “in the big picture”, grand

intelligence ultimately leans its weight on the side of sustainability, self-sufficiency, and survival,

oftentimes leaving collective guilt in its wake. Is it not logical and reasonable that full and

complete discovery of meaning will be forthcoming only by following both paradigms that are

founded in virtue, as well as those that are not? How more of a violent-based paradigm can be

conjured up than one that considers a Big Bang vision and the Hadron Collider explosions as

giving meaning. This is not for the faint of heart. As discoveries are made, conscience—individual

or collective—can have the effect of repeatedly bringing such things as ethics, and consideration

of the Humanities generally, to the fore. However, this should be comprehended in the light of

adding richness to complete search and as testament to the diverse, lustrous majesty that

surround the spectacle that existence offers. Similarly, thunderous bangs and explosions should

be put into perspective and not viewed as being devastating, but as simply being an aspect of

sorting out the magnificent, marvelous spectacle. A parallel can be drawn to historical analyst

Paul Johnson’s concept of “the incarnation of light, its growth, spread, and reception, its

extinction, and its miraculous rekindling into an everlasting incandescence.”

Those who search for meaning must remain open to all paradigms—varying lenses, some

irreconcilable, through which to view things. Some frameworks are deductive, structured, and

ordered, and others are inductive, phenomenological, and chaotic, even caustic and vexing. Yet,

they are all legitimate. At the same time, the resolve remains unchanged and the same

dominating purpose of discovering truth is preserved. Language and semantics must not be

allowed to get in the way of discovery. An in-house jargon grows up in every area of inquiry. Its


original purpose is one of clear communication—to facilitate understanding of progress among

searchers. However, this language can turn to become a hindrance, unless it is clearly defined;

it can undesirably reflect “psychobabble” and become associated with hype and “spin”. Brilliant

people can come to believe that things being discussed are “way over their head” and beyond their

understanding, and that others are master of the power denied to their brilliance, whereas this is

not really the case. It is very unfortunate that if, with repeated experience, an intelligent person

ceases to dispute and submits to semantics, even if logic suggests that one should act otherwise.

This is equivalent to being bullied and it is not right. [Kowtow to no one!] For example, in the

search for Higgs boson and verification of such concepts surrounding Planck’s length and mass,

semantics such as “naked singularities”, “cosmic censorship”, and Star Trek-type transporters

enter in. Although persons may grasp these concepts as independent entities, confusion can arise

as to how all of the seemingly independent fragments form a whole to determine meaning. Herein

lays a difficulty. “String Theory” is heralded as promising a unified description of all forces known,

as a theory of everything, and some top physicists do not understand it, with all of its associated

language too (e.g., manifolds, branes, and so on). Yet, could there not be something similar, but

with a different name (i.e., “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”)? For balance,

currently, there needs to be peaceful international cooperation among countries to deal with

space debris and other hazards in space.

The search continues on paths and roads that cover the gamut from the most minuscule

subatomic to the most vast unfathomable—a spectrum of eternity in all distinctions and

directions. Trails of the farther reaches of the spectrum speak to both the marvels of microscopic

ingenuity and of eternal, cosmic beyond. Passion, human spirit, hope, keeping the faith and—

above all—a necessary sense of optimism and encouragement are key motivators. Thinking in

multidimensions is not only involved, but is necessary and sufficient. Many believe that God is the

secret that holds all together (Einstein described ultimate meaning as “To know the mind of


God.”). God may, or may not, encapsulate the multiverse spectrum in all of its magnitude. Really,

who or what is God? Those searching for meaning are limited if they believe that horizons end

with only as far as the eye can see. They are also limited if they give too much reverence to God,

and the likes of Einstein’s ideas about space, time, gravity, speed, and mass affecting time, theory

of relativity—special and general—with the former saying that the speed of light is constant and

that it represents an upper limit on the speed of everything in the Universe, and E=mc². Albert

Einstein lived at a particular time in history. Also, that God orders things is a belief that is widely

held, but that too could limit finding true meaning. Truth may come out of chaos. [A lawyer

applies chaos theory in the courtroom to initially create confusion that is subsequently cleared up

by his/her particular argument that becomes perceived as best reasoned.] Facts surrounding

Einstein and God vary, and Einstein’s relativity theory is said to be famous for being

incomprehensible; to be fair, if people do not understand his ideas, it could mean that he either

was a genius or was very stupid. The work of both Einstein and God can be viewed as still to be

completed. Other great persons have come along since Einstein and have acknowledged his ideas,

and others will continue to come along and contribute to knowledge. For example, others predict

tachyons that may travel faster than the speed of light, but such have not been observed yet.

Energy thought of as vibration, oscillation, and movement, light considered as being made up of

both waves and particles, and travelling at different speeds in different materials, and sound and

light having different speeds, is some of the rethinking that is deemed to be required to discover


Following from this, E=mc² could quite possibly apply to searching into both Eternal

Before Zero and Eternal Beyond Infinity, or The Very Small and The Very Big, if you will. But

imagination and creativity must not stop with this formula (a formula that is not understood

correctly by many people). The point is that knowledge should not end with Albert Einstein! He

was just one human being, and to keep referring to him as the most intelligent person ever (as is


continually done) is unfair to the rest of humanity and something that Einstein himself probably

would dislike. He was just one person, with his biases and weaknesses such as everyone else.

Everyone is searching and it could happen that true meaning is discovered without any

connection to Einstein’s ideas. This true meaning will result only when so much being attributed

to one man, Einstein (including by institutions of higher learning), ends. [In Hawking (2007),

Einstein’s ideas are presented quite clearly.] Further, what may be needed is interpreting God

(and Jesus Christ) in the context of the times, as Johnson (2010) does for modern times.

Besides the challenging of Einstein (and the ideas of many other post-scientists), so too do

such prominent ideas as genetic causation, over-thinking (including learning other languages),

and letting Nature and animals dominate need to be challenged. [Some, such as Ferris (2010),

suggest that, also, the ideas of the likes of Darwin—related to genetics and nature in the general

sense—need serious challenging.] Maté references that we are not certain that anything is

inherited. To attribute things to genetics is narrow in that it would ignore all kinds of concepts,

such as the long-term effects of prenatal stress and the dominant influence of the environment

(particularly on brain development following birth), and the possibilities of "tabula rasa" (a person

being born with a blank mind), the curious psychological development of infants' minds, and the

idea that, over one's lifetime, one educates one's conscience. To blame genetics is an easy way to

avoid responsibility, something that abounds in the Multiverse. Concerning the idea that there

can be too much thinking, there are several issues. Generally, there can never be too much

thinking. For example, learning numerous other languages has been determined by brain

specialists to enhance intelligence. In Chapter Six, page 45, two suggestions are made. A third

could be that a common global, multiverse language [not necessarily Esperanto or Klavarskribo

(Klavar), “the universal music language” (see )] should

be developed and embraced, in the interest of finding true meaning. Currently, Latin facilitates

communication amongst the likes of medical doctors, lawyers, and clergy, globally. Regarding any


claim that over-thinking inevitably results in a brain aneurysm, what real evidence of this is

there? Finally, Nature and animal interests being given priority is a compelling issue; the

Christian Bible, Book of Genesis, declaring that humans are to have dominion over Nature and

animals provides one viewpoint.

Things can occur anywhere at any time, transfiguring history and geography. A wonderful

sense of the absurd is useful. No one knows the true beginning and end of things. Age needs be

transcended in the quest. Mysterious, subtle, contrasting—experience indicates that all

approaches that seek to find truth involve assumptions, and they may be questionable. Such

approaches invariably are designed to incorporate controversial issues of the era in which they are

used, and to give meaning to these issues as something encompassed and acceptable. [Gender,

marriage, economics, and politics are recurrent, key issues that can take different forms as one era

gives way to another.] The point is that assumptions must not negate the open mind that is

required for discovery. Buying into dualistic thinking (i.e., mind and matter, good and evil,

argument and counterargument) leads nowhere. It is believed that everything can be figured out

and that there is a great knowledge where, in reality, little is known. If there was knowledge,

natural catastrophes (or “Acts of God”) could be handled much better. The left brain does not

have the answer; the full, whole person does. In this sense, leadership could be much improved

with an unlearning of dualistic thinking that, in essence, fuels competition. Living under illusion

and delusion is common and will change only with a general tying together of loose ends in

society—an admitting that global cooperation and coalition are the appropriate way of the future.

Witness the lack of innocence in business—using others’ money to get rich. Guilt can paralyze, at

best, rendering inactivity and introspection and, at worst, chaos and confusion. Fear explains

unusual behaviour.

These are particularly dangerous times, not only in leadership but in education

generally—so many formally-educated people, but apparent ignorance all around. Being literate


with technology is not true literacy. Some believe that only a return to God and faith brings calm

and order to the continuing chaos. Definitely, hope, courage, enlightenment, and renewed vitality

are called for. What is eventually found—true meaning—promises to be either nothing or

something absolutely phenomenal! It may be discovered through Science, and

multidimensionality [incorporating time, the infinite-dimensional function space of quantum

mechanics, and abstract spaces of intuition (String Theory delves into ten or eleven dimensions)],

but its fabric must undoubtedly incorporate the totality of all knowledge, for all time,

philosophies, and realities, including the Humanities/social, and aspects of love (Maté, 2009), for

it to have true meaning. [Beattie (2010) and Ferris (2010) lend great support to such.] This is

characteristic of any attempt that has ever come close to discovering the grand design of true


No one knows anything much. A significant lack of control over things needs to be

accepted. What totally constitutes the Multiverse? Minuscule Corpuscle and Vast Passel. Finite

and yet Unbounded. Space and Time. Gravity, Motion, Magnetism, Mass, Light, Dark Matter, and

Energy. Symmetry. Quantum. Photons. Manifolds and Branes etc. and Singularities With Layers

Beyond. Parallels. M-theory as the theory of everything in The Grand Design. The meaning has

yet to be determined. Be ready!



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(narrated by Kenneth J. Hammond) [CDs]. Chantilly, VA: The Teaching Company.

Thom, D.J. (1993). Educational management and Leadership: Word, spirit, and deed for a

just society. Calgary, AB: Detselig. (contains Thom’s “Educational Leadership with

Conscience” (TELC) Model, p.164 with the associated “Thom Theorem,” p. 168.)


Thom, D.J. (2001, May). Education, society, and Christianity: A logical perspective. Invited

seminar address at Middlesex University, Trent Park Campus, London, England.

(Available through )

Thom, D.J. (2003). Education leadership and ethics in the 21st Century (K.K. Ho, Ed.).

Hong Kong , China: Hong Kong Council for Educational Administration (HKCEA).

[published in both English and Chinese.]

Thom, D.J. (2005). Leading education in an integrating world [DVD—TWO DISCS].

Thunder Bay, Canada: Christiansen Videography.

Thom, D.J., et al. (2005-2006). Article on Rotary International (RI) planting a seed for

world peace. Posted on the Port Arthur Rotary Club (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)

website and distributed globally.

Thom, D.J. (2007). Thom’s Eternal Leadership With Conscience Principle. London:

Ming-Ai (London) Institute.

Thom, D.J. (2010). Revealing existence: A statement on the confirmation of good.

London, England: Ming-Ai (London) Institute.

Time. (2008). Your body: A user’s guide. New York: Time Books, Time Inc.

Toffler, A. (1990). Powershift: Knowledge, wealth, and violence at the edge of the 21st

Century. New York: Bantam Books.

Vanier, J. (1998). Becoming human. Toronto: House of Anasi Press.

Weber, M. (1958). The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism (T. Parsons, Trans.).

New York: Scribner’s.

Weick, K.E. (1976, March). Educational organizations as loosely coupled systems.

Administrative Science Quarterly, 21(1), 1–19.


Wilber, K. (2007). A brief history of everything. Boston: Shambhale.

Wilson, E.O. (1998). Consilience: The unity of knowledge. New York: Knopf.

Wolfe, B.D. (1980). Three who made a revolution. Boston: Beacon Press.

Woollacott, E. (2010, May 21). Venter team creates first synthetic living cell. TG Daily

[Worldwide Internet on-line]. Retrieved at

Yau, S.T., & Nadis, S. (2010). The shape of inner space: String Theory and the Geometry of

the Universe’s hidden dimensions. New York: Basic Books.

All details regarding citations in this book can be obtained by keying the citation into one

of the standard search engines, such as Google (, on the worldwide

Internet. Also, other works of the authors cited can be accessed in this manner. Dr.

Thom’s scholarly works can be found on the Internet in various forms.



What is Not New in This Book?

A focus on systemic energy;

Incorporation of origin, multidimensionality, and structure of things;

Incorporation of movement faster than the speed of light (c);


What Would Seem to be New and Fresh in This Book?

. Unconventional perspectives on the implications of time not existing;

A “thinking outside of the box” with respect to reconciling contradictions;

An inclusion of Science and Nonscience, uniquely defined using social/humanity

knowledge—encompassed are inductive and deductive, experimental and

phenomenological (experiential), and order and chaos;

An inclusion of input of dead and inanimate entities as well as of those living,

particularly neurotransmitter brain capacity, in totaling systemic energy;

A forging of a particular integrative coalition of science and religion worldviews,

transcending both a religion of fear and of ethics;

Incorporation of the many different languages, races, and cultures worldwide;

A general transcending of restrictions to truth caused by overly defined boundaries for

fields of knowledge and action;

Incorporation of both binary and analog technology;

Incorporation of willpower.


Key Ideas for Dr. D. J. Thom’s Future Contribution to Explain Meaning (Detailing His Theory/Practice Further)

It is said that the Multiverse is just one of many universes that appeared spontaneously

out of nothing, each with different laws of nature. I have been developing a model for the

Multiverse—one that ranges from "Eternal Before Zero" [a Within realm] to "Eternal

Beyond Infinity" [a Without realm]. The former realm pertains to DNA and the very

small/subatomic, and the latter realm to the very large/vast. Overall, or in the Macro

sense, my model is set in a systemic context of multidimensionality (of interest, it is said

that String Theory currently entails up to some twenty-one imaginable dimensions , or

planes of existence in the Hinduism sense). The total system is such that any changes to

our universe affect the homeostasis/balance of any entire system of universes (or parallel

universes)—the Multiverse.

A key point that keeps recurring in my work is that, in the Multiverse, types of mass

need accounting for, with the hopeful discovery of Higgs boson [pertaining to my model's

"Eternal Beyond Infinity" realm] felt to be key.

Several people have gone beyond Albert Einstein's E = mc² [i.e., Energy = mass X (i.e.,

multiplied by) the speed of light squared]. Perhaps this formula needs reinterpretation for

these times in which we live—times of highspeed digital and analog technology—drawing

on sound knowledge regarding the total energy of body, mind, and soul (alive and dead

or inanimate), past, present, and future. For example, perhaps in some revised form the

formula applies to both "the very small" and "the very big," as they evolve. Or perhaps

there is something entirely different that is required to explain meaning. What truly is

awesome is how entities survive, e.g., how after a winter, a flower—with sun, rain, and


soil etc. —will bloom again. This phenomenon is a part of a total multiverse energy.

Einstein’s work was incomplete.

In the Multiverse, it would appear that there is a total energy (physical and mental,

with mental energy being infinite). Do former theories of gravity need revision as Einstein

did in his revising those of Newton? Movement can be faster than the speed of light. The

special and general theories of relativity are challenged. They apply differently to entities

speeding toward than away from each other. The current work with the Large Hadron

Collider in Geneva, Switzerland would seem to be one of many exciting endeavours that

have implications. I certainly do not have all of the answers. The fact that recently two

asteroids buzzed the Earth and one is predicted to destroy the Earth in some 172 years is a

motivation to keep looking into these things. This has caused a stir, particularly from

British and Soviet quarters, though 172 years is quite far off and there are projected

intervention strategies to alter the asteroid's course away for the Earth. Further, normally

an asteroid burns up in the atmosphere before it would hit the Earth; of interest, the

planet Jupiter—with its larger gravity—is said to continually protect the Earth from

destruction by pulling the likes of asteroids into its atmosphere.

Albert Einstein made unique contributions of curvature and multidimensionality.

[Both the world and space can be thought of as flat in the sense of “flat” meaning

“connected”; the entire role of asymmetry needs more understanding.] He summarized

and integrated a vast amount of science that was known up to his time. Whether he was

a genius or not is debatable. He did not believe Quantum Theory, in more than four

dimensions, or that there exists more than the universe (Hawking, 2007; Einstein, 2009).


Certainly, his name and ideas became synonymous with high standard intelligence, but

not so as to harm scientific progress.

The following are key ideas to be addressed in my future writings (questions keep


for my Model, “The Multiverse Spectrum,” Zero (0) is thought of in terms of “Ground

Zero”—the physical border of an individual entity; the entity is the point of reference;

also, more than a mathematical explanation is required; there are “Individual Ground

Zero” and “Collective Ground Zero”;

globally, ongoing is a search for meaning generally; this search ranges from the aspect

of seeking an artificial cell to trying to determine what exists in the Multiverse beyond

the Earth and Solar System, corresponding to the “Eternity Before Zero” and the

“Eternity Beyond Infinity” realms of my model, respectively; on all fronts, the focus

tends to be on searching for “life’s meaning”); the habitable or “Goldilocks zone for

life” is not too hot, not too cold—just right for other life in the Multiverse; in essence,

both direct aspects of the search involve seeking something unitary—a single cell, in

the case of the former [i.e., at the one (lower) end of my spectrum model] and a

particle, in the case of the latter [i.e., at the other (higher) end]; the Hadron Collider

activity represents trying to improve “bang” knowledge in Physics so as to better

search for life beyond the Earth; in the main (though this is altering), a physical,

Science approach is being taken to the search at both ends—DNA science and beyond,

at the one end, and E = mc² science and beyond at the other; Chemistry figures

significantly into the one end and Physics into the other, all considered within an

interesting, subtly unobserved, Nonscience context; also, some might say that a


microscope figures significantly into the former end and a telescope into the other; of

interest is that “m” is common to both formulas E = mc² and F = ma (i.e., Force = mass

X acceleration) and just what the implications of this are; establishing truth may

involve replacing mathematical explanations and treating them (including E = mc²) as

exceptions and/or partitions;

the search for meaning generally has several philosophical faces and thus can be

expected to involve some things more of Nonscience (compared to the Science

referred to above) applied to the search at both ends; examples of such things are

ethics, will, modesty (shyness), humility, religion, politics (with its many faces,

including inherent aspects of economics, finance, and law), and gender;

music as the universal language latently figures into the one end of my model and

Jupiter, the Earth’s protector from destruction, into the other;

a broad framework for meaning (e.g., time, space, mass, speed, heat, gravity, energy,

within and without, eternal before ground zero and eternal beyond infinity,

multidimensions, unification, natural principles, logic etc.) continues to be developed

and the challenge is to harness the best features of this; revising this broad framework

as the multitude of Science and Nonscience is fit into it, everything from relativity to

an individual’s personal mood, is the future direction; the host of related Science ideas

(many mathematical) that immediately and randomly come to mind include

electromagnetism, Planck constant (h), thermodynamics, entropy, inertia, probability,

uncertainty, homeostasis, linear, binary, analog, evolution, intelligent design, the Big

Bang Theory, trigonometry, geometry, algebra, exponents, powers, quadratic


equations, parabolas, theorems, corollaries, polynomials, tangents, sets, rings,

partitions, sine and cosine curves, correlation, regression, Factor Analysis, Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA), robustness, matrices, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, Boolean Algebra,

Galois Theory, calculus, integration, differential equations, Pearson’s chi-squared test,

Latin Squares, and volume, various symbols and formulas (including E= mc² and F=

ma), and names such as Newton, Faraday, Bohr, and Hawking. A major Nonscience

idea that comes to mind is spirituality—encompassing both lower order (e.g., food,

money, fun, and sex) and higher order concepts (e.g., autonomy, freedom, sensitivity,

responsible self-actualization, creation, wonder, order, chaos, honesty/integrity,

humility, modesty, hope, faith, charity, love, family, intelligence, caring, intuition,

religion, civility, and impartiality); these concepts are defined in the sense of a blend

of the traditional and more contemporary/postmodern, recognizing that they have

become reinterpreted in terms of technology (Ripple, 1986); conscience is of utmost

importance, with the mind-body (psychosomatic) relationship known to exist but not

known as to exactly how it works; one theory is that calming, tranquillizer-type

endorphins are released in entities’ brains through enjoyable actions;

the future is not something to be predicted but to be achieved;

time does not exist in that there is a continuum from what was to what will be; this

applies to all entities; reference is to the Eternities that involve imagining many planes

of existence; time slows down the faster one goes;

if time (a fourth dimension) does not exist, then the many dimensions (above three

dimensions) in String Theory could be encompassed into non-existence; Principal


Component Analysis (PCA) is used in studying multidimensionality to suggest what is

statistically important;

DNA research has not helped to cure cancer (or other conditions such as autism and

Alzheimer’s disease); researching the DNA of entities from ancient times (i.e.,

Egyptian mummies) would seem to be potentially fruitful with respect to disease

among classes of people (e.g., some Pharaohs had long life spans); ancestral entities

(e.g., humans) began a continuum of willful choice that carries on a legacy into the

Eternities; they had virtuous hopes for the current generation, as does it for the future

generations; entities such as fish, rocks etc. contribute to a global brain and

intelligence; ultimately, perhaps humans are animals that act from instinct and

intuition and whose minds and brains trick them into believing that they are more;

a testable model for creation is emerging (Ross, 2009); the Second Law of

Thermodynamics (incorporating entropy), the essence of which is that “when left

alone, things naturally tend toward disorder,” is a significant rationale in this in that it

implies that evolution must be directed, thus confirming the compatibility of science

and religion within a creation rubric; yet, Nature tends to sustain itself;

in every language, there are clever techniques of expression so as to convince people;

among them are logical fallacies, hypothetical cases, masterful use of the general and

specific (as with Einstein), “subsidization” arguments, and the use of infamous

peculiar problems, dilemmas, paradoxes, or allegories (e.g., Plato’s Cave allegory); add

to this a presenter’s expressing false modesty, and the result is an obscuring of reality

and truth; the discovery of meaning involves transcending such human cleverness to

grasp true reality; bringing order to the chaos and disorganization that characterizes


actual reality is the tall order.; everyone has his/her belief as to “how things work,” but

there is a truth; sometimes it is necessary to break an undesirable (i.e., disorganized)

existing situation—such as the world situation—in order to begin to repair it for the

better; the concepts of “divide and conquer” and that things once broken heal

stronger than before pertain here;

multidimensionality can be conceptualized through holography;

revelation of truth usually comes through a child;

. multiversal peace (i.e., peace throughout the Multiverse) is the ultimate goal.


SELECTED INDEX (tailored for usefulness) A Alexander, K. 63 Alexander, S. 63 Andra-Warner, E. 54 Antidepressants 49

Aristotle 9, 38, 41 B

Bacon, Francis 9, 24, 63

Beattie, A. 56, 62–63

Big Bang Theory 20, 57, 76

Black holes 19, 28, 30, 48 Booth, K. 63

Brain neurotransmitters 31 Broadbent, L. 54 Brooks, M. 63

Buckyballs 21 C Calculus 53

Calvin Cycle 25

Cancer 47, 52, 63, 78 Chaos 78 Chekhov, A. 4, 63

Chinese medicine 50 Chown, M. 63

Christianity 30, 70 Chua, A. 63 Complex numbers 36

Conspiracy theories 40 Cox, M. 63 D

Dakubo, G.D. 52, 63

Darwin, Charles 60, 63, 65 Derrida, J. 66


14, 36, 64, 73, 75, 78 Disorganization 78

Doidge, N. 22, 64 Dunne, T. 63 E Easton, David 64

Einstein, Albert 9, 20, 37, 41, 47–48,

53, 58–60, 64–65, 73–74

Esperanto 55, 60 Eternities 68, 77–78 F Fawcett, J. 64 Ferrell, K. 64

Ferris, T. 60, 62, 64 Fisk, R. 65

Four Humours Theory 50 Frankl, Viktor E. 9, 47, 65 Frye, N. 65 Fukuyama, F. 65

Fundamental natural principles 40 Fundamental Theorem of Algebra 36 Fullan, M. 9, 65

Functional medicine 51 G

Gaia hypothesis 14

Genetic causation 47, 60

God particle 20 Goldberg, E. 33, 65 Grand design 62, 66 Greeks 38 Greene, B. 65



Hadron Collider 20, 48, 57, 74

Half -life of a drug 32

Hawking, Stephen 8–9, 52–53, 60, 65–66, 74, 77

Higgs boson 20, 30, 36–37, 48, 58, 73 Hofstede, G. 66 I ICR (Institute for Collaborative Research) Discoveries Laboratory 66 Integrative medicine 49 J

Johnson, P. 57, 60, 66

Jooste, F. 52, 54 Jupiter 76 K Kepler, Johannes 9 Klassen, D. 54 Kuhn, A. 9, 66 L

Laminin 29 Language, 9, 78

Lederman, L. 20, 67 Levitt, T. 53, 67 Lindblom, C. 67

Living, dead, and inanimate entities 72 M

M-theory 62

Maté, G. 22, 60, 62, 67 McLuhan, Marshall 67 Meadows, D. H. 67 Meadows, D.L. 67

Medications 15–17, 32, 46

Mensch 41–44, 49–51

Mill, J.A. 67 Millman, P. 54 Mlodinow, L. 66 Mortenson, G. 67

Multidimensionality, 28, 79 N Nadis, S. 71

Nature and animal priorities 47, 60–61 Nussbaum, P.D. 22, 68 O Ojala, P. 54

Opschepper 40

Over-Thinking 47, 60–61 P Parr, R. 54, 66

Parsons, Talcott 9, 68, 70 Parthasarathy, A. 68

Peck, M.S. 22, 68

Perestroika 13 Placebo Effect 33 Planck constant 76 Plato’s Cave allegory 78 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 77

Psychiatry 17 R Randers, J. 67 Reilly, C. 54 Ridley, M. 9, 68 Riley, B. 54 Romans, the 55 Ross, H. 68, 78

Rotary International (RI) 41, 48 Russell, B. 68 Russell, P. 68


S Sagan, C. 69 Schuessler, W.H. 69 Star Trek 37, 58 Stewart, R. J. 54

String Theory 19, 29, 58, 62, 71, 73, 77

Szasz, T. 9, 17, 69 T Takemura, M. 69 The Multiverse Spectrum 34, 36, 59, 75

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) 9, 41, 48, 54, 69 The Teaching Company 69

Thom, D.J. 49, 54, 69–71, 73 Thom, J. 19


Vander Wees, J. “Joe” C. 54 Vedanta Treatise 68

Venn diagrams 42

Venter, Craig 9, 36, 71 W Walker, W.G. 54

Weick, K. 70 Wells, H.G. 9, 64 Weltanschauung 55

Wilber, K. 9, 71 Willpower 72

Wilson, E.O. 9–10, 26, 40, 71 Wilson’s Bridge 68 Wisdom Paradox 33, 65 World citizens 55 Y

Yau, S.T. 71



Active Professor Dr. Douglas J. Thom, BSc, BEd, MA, PhD, FRSA, Honorary Associate of the

University of New England (Australia), International Patron of the National Youth Award Scheme of

Sierra Leone, West Africa; award-winning PhD dissertation; Active Full Professor of Educational

Administration/Leadership; over 130 diverse scholarly works (including 40 books and diaries)

together formally housed in the Ming-Ai (London) Institute in London, England (www.ming- [associated with the Ming-Ai (Lourdes) Centre in Lourdes, France], and in the Northern

Studies Resource Centre and the Archives Department on the fifth floor of the Main (Paterson)

Library of Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada (; Dr. Thom’s

works are throughout the world, including at Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, Hong Kong (China),

and Toronto universities, and in institutions in France, Italy, Turkey, Africa, India, Mongolia, Brunei,

and Australia; member of the Executive Committee of the Editorial Board of the international, peer-

reviewed journal New Horizons in Education; 26-year member of Rotary International (RI); some

medical studies; and founder of Global Conscience Circle (GCC)/Cercle de la Conscience Globale

(CCG) that aids needy countries/nations worldwide [established in 2000, with a lively website at—Dr. Thom reports regularly on "The Wall"]; working together with his RSA and

RI colleagues and his students and university colleagues, he feels honoured to help humanity.

Professor Dr. Thom believes that a successful future depends on the provision of high quality

education, the pursuit of knowledge and truth, and the creation of ideas.

Phone: (807)767-9046 E-Mail: