Professional Certificate in Supervisory - ACBC in Supervisory Management...¡ Passed SPM with three...

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Professional Certificate in Supervisory


Learning Partner

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT

Performance Driven Consulting ︎SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT

Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia

About the program

¡  The Pro fess ional Cer t i f icate in Superv i sory Management teaches the essential knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviours to enhance supervisory and management competencies. Participants will learn principles which may be applied in both public and private sector organizations and across all industry sectors.

¡  Accredited by the Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia, the program provides good practical reference and offers a knowledge base that covers cr i t ical competencies in superv isory management.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Learning Snapshot ¡  Duration: (5) 1-day Seminars

¡  Location: Client Premises / Partners/ Selected Hotels

¡  Dates: TBD

¡  Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm

¡  Accreditation bodies: ¡  Professional Certificate in Supervisory Management By ACBC leading to the

Association of Certified Business Consultants Associate Membership.

¡  Certificate of Achievement for completing individual seminar topic from Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia

¡  Professional Certificate Cost: RM 2,500 / SGD 1,250

¡  Individual Seminar Cost: RM 500 / SGD 250

¡  In-house Program Cost: RM 25,000/ SGD 10,000 (Max of 25 participants)

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Learning Methodology

The program will provide the participants with: ¡  Practical supervisory education delivered by industry experts and

senior academics

¡  Provide real life diagnostic and issues

¡  Highlighted summaries rather than detailed theory and text

¡  Proven leadership and management tools that can be applied almost immediately after each seminar

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Course Objectives ¡  Skills and techniques to become an effective supervisor and

confident decision maker

¡  Increased functional knowledge in planning, problem-solving, and time management to improve performance and proficiently adapt to organizational change.

¡  Performance coaching techniques and communication tools to maximize workplace relationships, improve employee self-efficacy, and increase productivity.

¡  Skills in labour relations, employee discipline, and conflict management to improve morale and reduce absenteeism and turnover.

¡  An understanding of the impacts of working with employees from different generations.

¡  Learn best practices to bring to the organization for an improved work environment.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Who will Benefits The program is designed to strengthen supervisory and management competencies and enhance personal performance making it relevant for employees of small companies, large corporations, government, and not-for-profit organizations.

¡  New managers and supervisors who want to learn the essential skills of supervision and management

¡  Experienced managers and supervisors who want to hone their skills and develop a deeper understanding of the topic area

¡  High potential professionals who see supervision or management as the next step in their career development

Program participants come from a broad range of industries, backgrounds and education levels. The diversity in the classroom adds significantly to the richness of the learning experience.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Program Duration

¡  The Professional Certificate in Supervisory Management is a five seminar course and can be completed within 2 months.

¡ Classes are conducted on weekend (8 hours seminar)

¡  The program is a modular seminar/ workshop based

¡  The program can be conducted as in-house program in a combination of 3 days plus 2 days.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Curriculum Seminar Title Duration


1 Essential of Supervisory - Building and Maximizing Workplace Relationships


2 Building High-Performing Teams & Performance Coaching


3 Organizational Communications and Meeting Management


4 The Critical Thinking Approach for Better Problem Solving


5 Managing Workloads & Self Management


SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT



SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT

¡  Passed SPM with three (3) credits and a PASS in Bahasa Melayu, OR attained 3 GCSE ‘O’ Levels with a PASS in English and ¡  Must be at least 21 years old on the date of


¡  Three (3) years of relevant business / working experiences.


Why ACBC ?

This Professional Certificate is awarded by Association of Certified Business Consultants, Malaysia.

The program has been developed in line with ACBC’s vision and mission to continuously promote and encourage leadership talent and producing global business leaders.

The Association's mission is to represent and promote the business and management consulting profession, set and maintain internationally recognised standards and develop our members and the business leaders through a comprehensive continuous professional development programs.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia

Program Management

¡  The program is marketed and managed by SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT for potential market within Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Indo-China.

¡  Graduates of the program will be accepted as Associate Members of the Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia. *terms and conditions applies.

¡  The program will be claimable under HRDF Malaysia *terms and condition applies

¡  SCS can customize the program to address the specific needs of your organization. The modules within the program can be tailored to include real examples and discussions to help your staff develop solutions for the specific challenges facing your organization.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


Association of Certified Business Consultants Malaysia

Market Opportunity

¡  To fill the formal supervisory education gap among managers, supervisors and students.

¡  To act as a bridge for professional gap for non academics qualification holders who is now managing people, business or starts up.

¡  To provide competency enhancement for existing supervisors and managers to be more effective leaders.

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


SCS Professional Programs

SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT


• Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UniRazak)

Professional Diploma

• Leadership and People Management

• Business Consulting • Entrepreneurs Advisory and

Development • Manpower Audit and Planning

Professional Certificates

Malaysia & Brunei




•  SCS is a regional boutique management consultancies and strategic business advisory practice group.

•  Supported by over 40 consultants, coaches and trainers region-wide

•  Associate companies in The Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei.

•  Specializing in Strategic Planning, Performance Management, Executive Education and Leadership Development

•  Provider of eCornell eLearning programs in Malaysia and Brunei

About Us

Performance Driven Consulting ︎SCS Strategic Consulting Services PLT

Strategic Business Partners

Independent Analytic Experts

Principal Learning Facilitators

Shairul Cobley

A certified business consultant with 24 years of international work experience in South East Asia, specializing in talent m a n a g e m e n t , p e r f o r m a n c e management and organizat ional corporate learning in industries such as telecommunications, financial services, real estate, operations, services, as well as the federal, state government and non-profit sectors.

Prof. Dr. Mohar Yusof

20 years entrepreneurial and managerial experience gained in start-ups and growing businesses coupled with his scholarly and professional work in the academic fields of family business, entrepreneurship, strategy and financial planning, he has developed the aptitude and competencies as a business strategist, advisor, consultant, coach and trainer.

Principal Learning Facilitators

Dr. Leilani Mohd Nor

Expert on family businesses' decision making process in venture creation and portfolio entrepreneurship and family entrepreneurial orientation not only in Malaysia but also in the Asia Pacific. She have more than 15 years managerial exper ience in large companies and launching several business ventures contribute to her capabilities and competencies as a business advisor, consultant, coach and trainer.

Mohammad Rizal Maarif

Rizal is a certified NLP practitioner with hands on experience in implementing t h e w h o l e c o n c e p t o f Ta l e n t Management in a major oil and gas company with Inspiration to develop local talent. He is also extremely passionate in Coaching and Mentoring with application to business formation a n d d e v e l o p m e n t , I n d i v i d u a l performance & motivation.

Principal Learning Facilitators

Prof. Dr Hj. Ibrahim Zahari

Dr. Ibrahim has vast working experience in multinational corporations. He has worked with Matsushita Malaysia (now known as Panasonic Malaysia). Dr. Ibrahim work for both in Malaysia and Japan as a Chief Executive Officer/Director and Member of the Board of Matsushita Malaysia and Japan. Dr. Ibrahim equipped with 35 years of working experience with British and Japanese multinational corporations.

Haji Faisal Malik (CA) M

An Award winning strategic business speaker and business builder with 13 years of financial consulting, training, strategic planning ranging from corporate executives to corporations. He served various financial position in Fortune 100s such as Shell, UMWT as well as Sime Darby group prior his business venture in financial services which makes up total of 19 years in industry.

Reach Us

Shairul Cobley

+60 11 5913 8025 , +673 831 0687