Profesionālā maģistra studiju programma · Web viewseptembrī. Education-line < (2008. gada 18....

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Transcript of Profesionālā maģistra studiju programma · Web viewseptembrī. Education-line < (2008. gada 18....

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia

Department of Tertiary Education

Centre for evaluation of quality of tertiary education


Name of the Higher education institution – School of Business Administration TuribaLegal address and telephone of the Higher education institution – Graudu iela 68, Riga, LV-1058, tel.: 67622551 Registration No. of the Higher education institution – 3343800213Name of the study programme – Doctoral study programme “Communication Management”Study programme code – 51321Enrolment requirements – Academic or Professional Master’s degree in humanitarian or social sciencesScope of the programme – 144 CP (216 ECTS)Duration of the programme – 3.6 yearsForm of studies – Full–time studiesFinal examination – Defence of doctoral thesisDegree and professional qualification awarded – social science doctor (Dr. sc. soc.) in communication sciencePlace of implementation of the programme– School of Business Administration Turiba, Graudu iela 68, Riga, LatviaPerson authorized for completing accreditation formalities – Assoc. Prof. Ainārs Dimants, Director of the study programme

A. Dimants (signature)

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Resolution of the Senate of School of Business Administration Turiba (28.03.2007) on approval of the study programme

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Study programme under accreditation

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Copy of licence (issued on 05.06.2007) for the School of Business Administration Turiba’s doctoral study programme “Communication Management” (51321)

Resolution of the Senate of School of Business Administration Turiba (29.04.2009) on approval of the self-evaluation report on the study programme and the person authorized for accreditation of the study programme

Self-evaluation report on the study programme

Approved by School of Business Administration Turiba

Sitting of the Senate 29.04.2009,Minutes No. 4

School of Business Administration Turiba

Faculty of Public Relations

Self-evaluation report

Doctoral study programme "Communication


Academic year 2008/2009

Director of the programmeAinārs Dimants, Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil.


1. EVALUATION OF STUDY PROGRAMME PROSPECTS................................................32. ANNOTATION AND ORGANISATION OF THE STUDY PROGRAMME.......................11

2.1. Study programme goals and tasks........................................................................112.2. Study programme tasks:........................................................................................112.3. Enrolment requirements........................................................................................122.4. Study programme content (mandatory and elective part)......................................122.5. Study programme organisation, study programme plan compliance to structural unit’s goals and tasks..........................................................................................................12

3. PRACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STUDY PROGRAMME..............................143.1. Forms of Study......................................................................................................143.2. Evaluation system..................................................................................................143.3. Examination forms and procedure.........................................................................153.4. Form of examinations............................................................................................173.5. Quality management..............................................................................................17

4. ACADEMIC PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME........................................................................................................................21

4.1. Scientific activity and research work of academic personnel.................................245. SOURCES OF FINANCE AND PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE..........................36

5.1. Structural units involved in the implementation of the programme.........................365.2. Support personnel involved in the implementation of the programme...................365.3. Financial condition.................................................................................................375.4. Material technical base..........................................................................................385.5. Library....................................................................................................................38

6. EXTERNAL COOPERATION.........................................................................................437. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT PLAN.........................................................................45

7.1. Strengths:..............................................................................................................457.2. Weaknesses:.........................................................................................................467.3. Opportunities:........................................................................................................467.4. Threats:.................................................................................................................467.5. Development tasks:...............................................................................................47

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School’s of Business Administration Turiba (SBAT) Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" concepts arise as answers to the questions on which kind of doctoral studies best correspond to SBAT and in particular the Faculty of Public Relations, where programmes are implemented to meet the profile and strategy, potentials, academic research needs, labour market demands, scientific field and education classification.

The core content of SBAT, Faculty of Public Relations implemented Bachelor's programme and Postgraduate Programme in PR (for the respective professional qualifications of PR managers and Head of PR Structural Unit) that are accredited for a maximum term (six years) is mutual integration of PR/communication and management, where communication is understood as a key management function, the role and significance of which is growing in modern-day business and society and consequently needs to integrated in all organisations and societies at all levels. Unfortunately the opposite is true in practice to a great extent – there is a structural detachment that leads to disfunctionality between management and communication and in academic research to artificial restrictions that hinder the introduction of novelty i.e. new research horizons in practice. It is no wonder that in international practice Postgraduate Programmes in Communication Management exist in prestigious establishments such as Munich Technical University Germany), and Baltic Film and Media School, Tallinn (Estonia).

The main innovative profile and basic idea of Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is to implement a productive interdisciplinary approach and combine Communication Science studies, first of all with Management Science studies. This approach has been highly evaluated by independent experts proven by the written references received during the design stage of the programme from Dzintris Kolāts, executive director of Latvian Association of Press Publishers, Dr. phil. Aija Priedīte, director of State Agency for Latvian language learning, Georgij Počepcov, Professor in Communication Science, Head of Marketing Department of International Solomon University (Ukraine, Kiev) and Andris Straumanis, lecturer at Department of Journalism of the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, USA.

The employment opportunities for alumni of the programme have been highly evaluated and the accreditation of the programme has been strongly supported in written references from Latvian Association of PR Professionals, Latvian Advertising Association, Oskars Zīds, Rector of University of Liepaja, and Dace Jamonte, Chairperson of regional radio station Kurzemes Radio.

Doctoral study programmes in Communication Science worldwide have an interdisciplinary approach especially in connection with social sciences integrating sociology, economics psychology, political science and law in the programmes. SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is focused or narrowly specialised in Management Science at the same time basic emphasis is on Communication Science which carries 50% of the total credit points awarded in the study programme for study courses as well as the design of doctoral thesis in Communication Science

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Consequently, a wide and in-depth acquisition of basic knowledge in Communication Science is achieved in accordance to the Latvian Science Council approved Scientific degree standards, i.e. Sociology or Social science PhD. (Dr. sc. soc.) in Communication Science with significant acquisition of knowledge in the relative field of Management Science, which make the programme different and distinct in Latvia as the Doctoral study programme "Communication Science" implemented by the University of Latvia has a comparatively larger emphasis on library sciences.

Communication Science consists of two sub branches in the list of Latvian Science branches and sub branches approved by the Latvian Science Council: library science and mass communication theory. Annotation: “Mass Communication Theory is a branch of science that researches problems of formation, transmission and perception of content in different mass communication forms (journalism, advertising, relations with the society etc.).” On the other hand business administration, social management, education management are sub branches of Management Science according to the list. In accordance to the Ministry of Education and Science approved classification of education: 321 – journalism and communication, which is under 32 – information and communication science, 345 – management and administration, which is under 34 – commerce and administration, both however are listed under 3 – social sciences, commerce and law.

It is to be stressed that this situation in fact does not just reflect a formal problem. The most important problem is that Communication Science and Management Science are not sufficiently mutually integrated in present doctoral study programmes, although demand for such integration is dictated by commerce and consequently economic development trends worldwide. On the one hand Communication Managers clearly understand that success in business and economic issues in communication is not possible without profound in depth knowledge of commercial activity and economics. On the other hand other executives increasingly understand that successful organisational management is not possible without professional internal and external communication. Therefore, an interdisciplinary approach has to be implemented not just in multilevel studies but also in the research field, which is undoubtedly the task of a doctoral student.

Therefore, the programme is based on agreements (as of 5 th March 2007) of cooperation with Riga Stradins University (refer appendix) on the implementation of the programme. This cooperation foresees the involvement of academic personnel of the PhD level in Communication Science in Latvia, apart from those involved in the University of Latvia doctoral study programme, and also foresees the formation of a joint promotional (doctoral theses) council. The confirmation of the existing and planned cooperation by the Vice Rector for Research of Riga Stradins University Iveta Ozolanta can be seen in the appendix. The programme inbvolves also internationally recognised doctors and professors from Finland and Switzerland in the field of Communication Science, taking into consideration the lack of Communication Science doctors in Latvia, both as full time as well as part time staff.

In order to strengthen the academic capacity of the study programme Dr. Jaakko Lehtonen (refer SBAT Personnel department report in the appendix), Professor emeritus in Organisational Communication and Public Relations from University of Jyväskylä (Finland), has been elected as

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Communication Theory Professor at the department of Communication Science of SBAT alongside the director of the programme, Associate Professor in Mass Communication Theory, Ainārs Dimants. Dr. Jaakko Lehtonen will give the programme all his experience in developing and organising the Doctoral study programme in Communication Science at his previous university and he has also been elected as a member of programme council in accordance to SBAT doctoral study regulations (together with programme director Ainārs Dimants and Dean of the Faculty of Public Relations Andris Pētersons).

The programme academic staff consists of an ever increasingly proportion of academic personnel elected at SBAT and thereby reflects the academic progress of the institution. The study course “Strategic Issues Management and Communication Management Models” designed and started by visiting professor Gundar J. King (Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings) shall be taught by assistant professors from SBAT Ieva Kalve and Andris Pētersons during the second year of implementation of this doctoral studies programme. On the other hand the study course “Foreign Languages” shall be taught by assistant professor Dr. Ineta Luka who was recently awarded her doctoral degree and therefore all the academic personnel involved in the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" have a doctoral degree (refer Table 2).

7 students were enrolled in the first year of studies in the academic year (2007/2008) out of which 4 have without sabbaticals gone on to the second year of studies. In the second academic year 2008/2009 3 students altogether were enrolled during intakes in both semesters. The total number of students in the programme is 10. The average mark of students for both study years is – 8.5.

The doctoral theses topics and scientific advisors for the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" (approved by Department of Communication Science sitting on 09.01.2008, 15.01.2008, 17.09.2008 and 14.04.2009.):

Lelde Caune – “Communication models in Latvian enterprises and their relation to work effectivity” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. sc. inf. Sergejs Kruks)

Renāte Cāne – “Tramsformation of communicative functions of Latvian cinema” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil. Ainārs Dimants)

Jolanta Derkevica-Pilskunga – “Juridical aspects in the communication on the Latvian organizations risk and crisis processes” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. phil. Jaakko Lehtonen)

Indra Kaniņa-Šlitke – “Communication as a state administration instrument in EU member state

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convergence processes” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. sc. soc. Brigita Zepa)

Dace Mence – “Corporate citizenship in Latvia – marketing communication instrument or participation of the enterprise in citizenship development” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. phil. Ivars Bērziņš)

Kārlis Miezis – “Effectiveness of social marketing communication in Latvia” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. art. Deniss Hanovs)

Inga Pūre – “Public Relations as a higher education institution’s competitiveness factor in Latvia” (scientific advisor: Assoc. Prof., Dr. oec. Jānis Ēriks Niedrītis)

Valdis Tilgalis – “Consumer approved interactive advertising messages” (scientific advisor: Prof., Dr. phil. Jaakko Lehtonen)

As mentioned the SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is compared to University of Latvia Doctoral study programme "Communication Science" and the Doctoral study programme of the University of Jyväskylä (Finland), in particular, in the branch of Organisational Communication and Public Relations. The director of the programme, Dr. Ainārs Dimants, while on a Fulbright scholarship visit to the University of Georgia, USA during the 1st semester of the academic year 2008/2009 studied the doctoral study programme in mass communication of the university, in particular, in the branch of Public Relations, and the widely known Annual Surveys of Doctoral Programs in Communications on all US doctoral study programmes in Communication Science, done by the University of Georgia.

The SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" has been compared in depth with Doctoral study programme in Communication Science of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland), and Doctoral study programme in Mass Communication of Indiana University – Bloomington (USA) and Doctoral study programme in Media and Communication of the University of Tartu (Estonia), as they are higher education programmes similar in content implemented by leading communication study institutions of prestigious universities (refer Table 1).

Table 1. Comparison of study programmes of the same level implemented in other countriesUniversità della

Svizzera italiana in Lugano

Indiana University – Bloomington

University of Tartu

Programme Communication Science

Mass Communication

Media and Communication

Degree awarded PhD. in Communication

Philosophy Doctor in Mass

Philosophy Doctor in Media and

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Science (Dr. com. sc.)

Communication Communications

Enrolment requirements

1) Master’s Degree in Communication Science or Communication Science related humanitarian, economic, social or technical branch;2) Italian and English language proficiency;3) Must submit doctoral thesis topic and written consent of scientific advisor

1) Master’s Degree from an accredited institution;2) Excellent marks in core subjects;3) High Scores in Graduate Record Examination General Test (not earlier than 5 years)

1) Master’s Degree in Journalism or other related social or humanitarian sciences2) Estonian and English Language proficiency

Programme goals 1) educate highly competent researchers in different Communication Science fields;2) provide valuable education also to communication practitioners who do not wish to pursue a academic career;3) programme core is doctoral thesis in compliance with internationally recognised academic research standards

1) provide strong basics for teaching and academic career;2) implement interdisciplinary studies;3) study the Foundation Core in media studies, communication theory, teaching and research methodology

Form and Duration of studies

Full time studies – usually 3 years but it is possible to finish studies earlier or later

Full time studies – no definite study duration

Full-time studies – usually 4 years

Credit Points acquired

1) not defined;2) knowledge in Communication Science basics can be extended in master level courses or individual courses during the first study year according to the scientific advisor’s recommendations

90 US credit points out of which 30 CP can be transferred from post graduate programmes

160 CP (240 ECTS)

Individual Research and Doctoral theses

1) application for individual scientific research theme drafted during the first year of studies;2) doctoral study courses for research and oriented towards research plan design are obligatory;3) the last year of

1) doctoral thesis is not more than 15 CP;2) oral final exam mainly defence of the dissertation;3) obligatory to study 5 mass communication methods and scientific research methodology courses

Doctoral thesis 120 CP (180 ECTS)

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studies is fully dedicated to the doctoral thesis

(15 CP)

Acquisition of pedagogical skills

Not foreseen Obligatory to undergo study courses on Mass Communication teaching at college level (3 CP)

Pedagogical practice in lower level higher education Communication Study programmes may give 8 CP (12 ECTS)

Comparison of study courses with SBAT

1) similar proportion of obligatory research preparatory courses and doctoral thesis in the programme that includes regular and obligatory theoretical seminars with scientific advisor and participation of management in discussing advising and supervising the doctoral thesis;2) similar stress on interdisciplinary studies and development of different Communication Science branches;3) Difference is the absence of Communication Science and Management Science basic courses in the obligatory part

1) similar study courses that are similar in content both in the mandatory part (communication research and teaching), as well as elective part (communication and culture; media rights; political communication; media professionalism etc.);2) similar stress on interdisciplinary studies and development of different Communication Science branches related to business, sociology, psychology, law, international relations etc.;3) Difference is that programme focuses, in particular, in the elective part on different mass media communication aspects (media ethics, media history etc.), and not on public relations as a management function

1) similar proportion of mandatory and elective courses in the programme;2) similar proportion and scope of obligatory Communication Science and research methodology (8 CP) courses and doctoral thesis in the programme, that includes obligatory and regular attendance of theoretical seminars(together with exam 14 CP);3) similar orientation towards interdisciplinary social scientific research and participation in implementation of lower level Communication Science programmes;4) Difference is larger sociological and media proportion in the programme content compared to Management Science and public relations in SBAT programme

Distribution of study courses in blocks

1) expansion of basic knowledge in the first year in Communication Science and drafting of application for individual scientific research theme;2) Parallel obligatory preparatory courses

1) mandatory part (18 – 24 CP);2) restricted elective part (focus on 2 study disciplines, 21 – 27 CP each);3) elective part (12 CP)

1) obligatory lectures and seminars (12 CP);2) elective courses (10 CP)

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in research and design of individual research work;3) compilation of doctoral thesis during the third year

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in Communication Science of the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland) it can be concluded that in accordance to continental European traditions, e.g. German university traditions, Lugano university’s programme is fully orientated towards qualitative individual doctoral thesis as the final result of doctoral studies. For example no acquisition of pedagogical skills are foreseen and Communication Science basic courses are not included in the mandatory part and are to be mastered at the master’s level and the scope of the programme in credit points is not clearly defined. However the interdisciplinary approach of both programmes, its duration, goal of providing valuable education also to Communication practitioners who do not wish to pursue academic careers, requirements for doctoral students to prepare and carry out research work incl. knowledge of English as well as forms of control and management, in particular, regular attendance of theoretical seminars with the participation of scientific advisor and programme management is very similar.

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in “Mass Communication” of Indiana University – Bloomington (USA) it can be concluded that in accordance to American university traditions the drafting of doctoral thesis plays a relatively small role and greater emphasis is laid on the acquisition of research methodologies and different forms of study control for example qualification exams before the defence of the doctoral thesis (similar to promotion examination). However, the distribution of the study courses in the programme in the mandatory and elective part and the orientation towards interdisciplinary studies, which in case of Indiana University is towards journalism and not towards public relations and related fields as their programme is specially designed for acquisition of mass communication, pedagogical skills and languages, is considerably similar.

Analysing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" and Doctoral study programme in “Media and Communication” of the University of Tartu (Estonia), it can be concluded that this programme in terms of structure and duration is the most similar among all those reviewed. Both are similar in the amount of credit acquired for compilation of doctoral thesis and both are orientated towards interdisciplinary approach with acquisition of social science research and pedagogical skills. The precondition of English as a second language is also common. However SBAT has allocated twice the amount of credit points for study courses, which makes it similar to American doctoral studies model towards which most of continental European universities are orienting nowadays. There is also a difference that along with doctoral theoretical seminars, the University of Tartu has doctoral exam as a form of control before the defence of doctoral thesis. The programme is oriented more towards the acquisition of sociology as well as media because the programme is mainly in media and communication. BAT

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programme in contrast has additional focus or specialisation in Management Science and such study courses are included in the mandatory part as well as offered in the wide choice of elective study courses.

Summary:1. The SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"

is in accordance with internationally and Latvian recognised scientific branches and education classification. At the same time it is an innovative Communication Science study programme that with its Management Science specialisation corresponds to the understanding of public relations/communication as a management function and with its strong academic potential can attain a distinct profile in the research field and labour market.

2. Comparing SBAT Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" with similar programmes in Latvian, European, European Union and US universities it can be concluded that the scope and method of implementation of the programmes are similar. Therefore SBAT programme provides equal education and research level compared to Latvian, European, European Union and US universities.

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Under circumstances of globalisation organisations and the society in Latvia are involved in often more complex international relations where proactive information and communication play an increasing significant role in providing organisations and the society orientation and transparency. Transparent professional communication is a necessary precondition for a responsible organisation or the management of any organisation. As communication and management in particular strategic management are closely connected it is necessary to combine them in research as well as all level of studies including the doctoral study level.

2.1. Study programme goals and tasks

The Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" is designed to as precisely possible meet the goals and tasks of School of Business Administration Turiba and Faculty of Public Relations. Doctoral studies are an important component of the goal oriented academic personnel renewal and development programme of SBAT. The involvement of two lecturers of the department of Communication Science (Renāte Cāne and Valdis Tilgalis) in studies in this programme is proof of the fact.

The strategic goal of the study programme – development of academic potential in Communication Science, in close connection with management practice needs of the organisation and society thereby achieving international competitiveness in this branch of Latvian science as well as have a significant influence on the improvement of communication management of organisations and the society.

Study programme’s general goals:Educating students for independent scientific research work.Acquisition of Communication Theory, Communication Management

and research work methods and skills.Training of academic personnel and development of research

environment for improvement of Bachelor's programmes and Postgraduate Programmes in Public Relations at SABT.

2.2. Study programme tasks:

Train academically educated social science specialists able to independently apply the theoretically obtained knowledge and research methods in solving definite problems.

Further competitiveness of communication specialists in the national and European labour market and ensure that the competitiveness is based on sound theoretical knowledge and high level of skill in communication, media, public relations, management and marketing fields.

Implement acquisition of contemporary knowledge in communication theories and social research methods paying attention to new theoretical approaches in the research and resolution topical Communication Management problems especially in Europe, Northern America and Latvia.

Promote interest in topical Latvian and European social issues and their solutions by involving leading researchers from Latvia and abroad in their

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implementation of the programme as well as SBAT doctoral students from the Department of Communication Science in the researches being carried out.

Develop creative critical thinking, skills in expressing well grounded opinions and defending them, thereby enriching discussions on Communication Management issues in different branches.

The key issues that are emphasised to achieve the goals are focussed on the provision of quality of the study programme.

This is achieved by:Assessment of the academic personnel. There is a possibility of

expressing one’s opinion on the topicality of the study course, teaching methodology and teacher’s qualification at the conclusion of each study course.

Assessment of the level of student satisfaction.Regular comparison of similar study programmes and drawing

conclusions for the enhancement of this programme.The main issue that is addressed systematically during the whole year

is the provision of competitiveness of the programme. The competitiveness of the programme is assessed by comparing the programme structure, study methods and their compatibility to the needs of doctoral students. The advantage of a higher education establishment founded by a legal entity is its ability to organise the study process, design a study programme that meets labour market and research demands and educate the specialists necessary for the state to promote the development of Latvian national economy at a short notice.

2.3. Enrolment requirements

Students enrolled in the study programme should have an academic or professional master’s degree in social or humanitarian sciences. Candidates for studies have to submit a paper on the chosen field of research, which is assessed by the Department of Communication Science in accordance to the SBAT Doctoral study regulations and on the basis of which a decision regarding the enrolment of the student is taken. All candidates have to undergo an interview with the study programme director on the chosen field of research and the potential scientific advisor.

2.4. Study programme content (mandatory and elective part)

The programme is designed so that the mandatory part provides the theoretical knowledge, research and pedagogical skills and abilities necessary for carrying out a fully independent scientific research in the field of Communication Science and Management.

The programmes elective part offers students the choice of wider and in depth studies in the student’s field of scientific interest.

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2.5. Study programme organisation, study programme plan compliance to structural unit’s goals and tasks

The study process organisation is based on various principles – succession and coherence, comprehensiveness, balance of mandatory and elective courses, connection between theory and practice.

Along with methodological and profile study courses and foreign language courses the programme plan for doctoral studies in accordance with the study programme’s specific goals and tasks includes theoretical seminars of doctoral students, individual scientific research work, participation in the implementation of bachelor and postgraduate studies and compilation of doctoral thesis.

The study programme in accordance with the above mentioned specific goals and tasks is implemented by the programme director at the SBAT Faculty of Public Relations and by SBAT Department of Communication Science (KZK), excluding the study courses “Foreign language” implemented by the Department of Languages (VK) and “Commercial law and communication law” implemented by the Department of Private Law (PrTK). Study programme general goals and tasks are in compliance with goals and tasks of the individual structural units.

The scope of the mandatory and elective part of the programme and the time allocated for acquisition can be seen in the study programme plan that is attached to introductory part of the accreditation application and the annotations of the theoretical study courses can be seen in the appendices. The study programme has been designed in such a manner that the mandatory part provides basic and in depth knowledge not only in Communication Science but also in Management Science, the fields of their interaction as well as research and pedagogical skills necessary, in particular, communication research methods, qualitative and quantitative methods including statistics and correlations. On the other hand elective part includes specialised courses.

SBAT has concluded a cooperation agreement with Riga Stradins University for stable and successful implementation of the programme, that foresees doctoral students the opportunity of defending their doctoral theses in the latter if the theme corresponds the competence of the university’s promotional council.

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The study programme is implemented in compliance with all existing normative enactments of the Republic of Latvia that regulate the legality of study processes. Great emphasis is laid on the provision of methodological materials for the study courses and addition of latest and most relevant scientific literature in communication science and international scientific journal data bases to SBAT library resources. The academic staff of the programme have prepared two teaching books to be published by SBAT publishing house for the programme: Journalsim by Ainārs Dimants and Stephan Russ-Mohl and Risk and Crisis Communication by Jaakko Lehtonen. At present most of the study courses are sufficiently provided for with different methodological materials that are accessible to students in print form at the department (refer for example: These materials are constantly updated.

In accordance to programmes implemented by SBAT, the publishing house regularly publishes books including communications and management science literature. The authors are SBAT academic personnel and invited specialists including academic personnel involved in doctoral study programme "Communication Management". The SBAT library procures sufficient literature for study courses so as to ensure that each and every study is provided for with basic literature necessary for the course.

Practical lessons in particular case studies are used in the implementation of the study programme.

3.1. Forms of Study

Studies are planned as:

Full–time studies 3.6 years,With lectures on weekday evenings.

The form of studies have been approved in conformity with labour market demands allowing doctoral students to combine work with studies.

3.2. Evaluation system

The main indicators of the system:

1. Social, economic, demographic context.Number of working students

2. Resources, costsStudent tuition fee.Scholarship, finance received from the state budget.Number of academic personnel, including those:

With degree;professors, associate professors;Permanent staff;Full-time staff.

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Academic staff involved in international exchange programmes.Administration and other pedagogical personnel.Support personnel.Student teacher ratio.Rooms.Computers.Accessibility to information (library).

3. Study processNumber of students.Breakdown of students by gender.Students’ age.Full-time, part-time, full intensity, part intensity students.Student assessment of studies, academic staff, administration,

support personnel (average mark in questionnaires).Number of students involved in international student exchange.

4. Results.Alumni.

Ratio of alumni to beginners (doctors).Average marks in exams, final examination

Labour Market.Number of unemployed.People working in other specialities.Working abroad.Income levels.

The implementation of the Study programme is evaluated in accordance to the above criteria at the end of each study year and the results of the research are included in the self evaluation report.

3.3. Examination forms and procedure

The student’s knowledge, skills and abilities that are determined in the programme are assessed in the examination.

Examinations are divided into regular tests, exams at the conclusion of study courses and final examinations.

1. Regular tests

Regular test are test organised during the study course. Regular tests are organised and conducted by the academic personnel teaching the study course. The number of regular tests is determined in the study course programme. Regular tests are marked on a 10 point system and the marks are registered in the journal. The different types of regular tests are:

* written tests,* reports in seminars or conferences,* study papers that promote the qualitative acquisition of study course.

2. Exams at the conclusion of study courses

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Exams at the conclusion of study courses mark the conclusion of course. A concluding exam is foreseen for every course and its place and time are planned in the consultation and examination schedule. The mark for the concluding examination is registered on the mark sheet and in the study journal.The types of concluding exams are:

* exam,* test.

Exam is a type of assessment where students knowledge, skills and abilities are assessed on a 10 point grading system and the student has passed the exam if he/she has acquired at least 4 points (almost average). Exams are conducted by the academic staff teaching the study course or any teacher appointed by the head of the department.

Test is a type of assessment that is based on the results of the regular tests and access whether the student has successfully completed or failed the study course. The final assessment is a pass or fail with the mark given in brackets in a 10 point system. Tests are conducted by the academic staff teaching the study course or any teacher appointed by the head of the department.

The participation of doctoral students in theoretical seminars that are conducted together with scientific advisors and programme director, individual scientific research work, as well as participation in the implementation of SBAT public relations Bachelor's programme and Postgraduate Programme (mainly supervising bachelor theses) is assessed in the form of a test. All doctoral students together with their advisors and other teachers of the department of Communication Science participate in theoretical seminars. The progress of doctoral student in research work is discussed and analysed in theoretical seminars in conformity with SBAT doctoral study regulations (previously – Regulations on studies in doctoral study programmes that describe the requirements put forward to doctoral students and are still in force; both regulations can be seen in the appendix).

On the other hand the form of assessment at the end of all study courses is an exam.

3. Final examinations

Final examination is a type of assessment at the end of the study programme and upon successful conclusion of which the student receives the education certifying document. The form of final exam is:

* Promotion examination

Promotion examination in a study programme is carried out in accordance with the SBAT Doctoral study regulations. The programme foresees two promotion exams: one in branch of science (Communication Theory) and one in foreign language (English or German).

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* Defence of doctoral thesis

The acquisition of the study programme is concluded with a state examination. The procedure for defence of doctoral thesis is regulated by the promotion Council in that particular field.

3.4. Form of examinations

The different forms of examination are as follows:

* written exams,* oral exams.

A written examination shall mean an examination, during which stu-dents answer examination questions or carry out examination tasks in a writ-ten form on paper or computer. Examination papers submitted in written form shall be assessed and graded in the absence of the student. For purposes of the assessment of student’s papers, the teaching staff shall be permitted to ask any questions necessary to clarify the tasks carried out or answers given in a written form.

An oral examination shall mean an examination, during which the teaching staff assesses the oral answers and explanations of a student. An oral examination may also include a task to be carried out in written form ei-ther on paper or computer.

The form of the concluding examinations of a study course shall be de-termined by the department, subject to the approval of the Studies Depart-ment.

3.5. Quality management

A quality management system has been designed at SBAT for quality assurance that provides for the documentary regulation of the whole study process and regularly updates the documentary regulations. An internal audit system that foresees annual audit of all structural units exists in SBAT that ensures the effective implementation and management of study processes.

Heads of department and programme directors make regular hospitality visits to lectures to ensure the continuous control of study content quality. The observations made during the hospitality visits are then discussed with the lecturer.

A written student questionnaire was carried out during the 2nd semester of the academic year 2008/2009 involving 2 students from the 1st study year and 3 from the 2nd study year. The main results are as follows:

Why did you choose to study this particular programme?

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Assessment of academic staff (10 point system):

average – 8.5

Are you satisfied with the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"?

Fully satisfied– 1

Mostly satisfied– 4

Are you satisfied with lectures on weekday evenings?

Fully satisfied – 2

Mostly satisfied – 3

Are you satisfied with the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars conducted by visiting lecturers?

Fully satisfied – 4

Mostly satisfied – 1

Are you satisfied with the opportunity to present your research results and participate in conferences?

Fully satisfied – 4

Mostly satisfied – 1

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Are you satisfied with the opportunity to publish your research results in proceeding?

Fully satisfied – 2

Mostly satisfied – 3

Are you satisfied with the cooperation with scientific advisor?

Fully satisfied – 4

Mostly unsatisfied – 1

Are you satisfied with the accessibility to literature necessary for studies at SBAT library and access to databases?

Fully satisfied – 3

Mostly satisfied – 2

Evaluate on whole satisfaction with the choice of study programme:

Fully satisfied – 2

Mostly satisfied – 1

Can’t tell – 2

Is it difficult to combine studies with work?

No difficulties – 1

Almost easy – 1

Difficult to tell – 2

Difficult – 1

How many hours per week do you spend on independent studies for research?

More than 20 hrs – 2

9 – 3 hrs – 2

Less than 3hrs – 1

Will you finish the doctoral thesis within the duration of the study programme?

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Definitely – 3

Maybe – 1

No – 1

It should be concluded that the doctoral students are satisfied with the study programme and its organisation. The study programme profile is the strong point whereas cooperation with scientific advisor and compilation of doctoral theses is a weak point where student progress is inconsistent. The ESF scholarships (European Social Fund project “Doctoral study support at SBAT”) will hopefully help solve the problem with the best doctoral students receiving scholarships allowing them to successfully complete studies and defend their doctoral theses.

A survey among all SBAT staff is carried out annually where the personnel can express their opinion on various processes at SBAT, on professionalism of management, one’s wishes regarding work organisation and development of motivation system, recommendations for increasing efficiency of SBAT etc. The results of the survey are available at the Personnel department.

SBAT regularly monitors the satisfaction level of students and staff and is ready to introduce the latest quality management system principles. SBAT was awarded the Latvian quality award for small and medium sized enterprises in 2002.

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The academic personnel of School of Business Administration Turiba has been formed since 1994. With the growth of SBAT there has been considerable staff turnover, however the situation has stabilised and 73% of the academic workload is carried out by permanent personnel elected at SBAT.

The academic personnel at SBAT are elected by the Senate in accordance to SBAT regulations and Academic personnel election regulations. SBAT publicly announces the position before the election. The Senate sitting on election of academic personnel is open and the results are fixed in the minutes. The academic personnel conclude an employment contract with SBAT upon election.

SBAT pays considerable attention to the further qualification and professional development of its academic personnel. SBAT has designed and implemented an academic personnel further education system. The academic personnel further qualification and lifelong learning system includes:

Discussions and consultations during department meetings and in everyday meetings;

Interdepartmental methodological seminars; Courses and seminars in the particular branch; Professional further development courses; Studies in postgraduate and doctoral programmes.

The further qualification of permanent academic personnel is financed by SBAT and studies in postgraduate and doctoral programmes are financed by loans. The loans are repaid by the respective SBAT academic personnel working a number of years at SBAT. This opportunity is being availed by the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" students. Academic personnel regularly participate with reports at conferences; attend courses and seminars on topical issues in the given branch that strengthen the link between theory and practice. With the activation of international cooperation academic personnel conduct visiting lectures abroad. Academic personnel practitioners enhance their pedagogical skills and knowledge at departmental meetings and interdepartmental methodological seminars. The lectures conducted by academic personnel are regularly observed during hospitality visits and the observations are discussed later with the respective personnel. Regular student surveys are carried out at SBAT on the performance of academic personnel that are taken into account while enhancing professional development.

Altogether 21 academic personnel are involved in the implementation of the programme (refer Table 2).

Table 2. Academic personnel involved in the programmeNo. Name, Surname Degree,

Permanent or visiting lecturer

Study course (the respective mandatory (A) or elective part (C) is shown in brackets)

1. Jaakko Lehtonen Dr. phil., Prof., permanent staff member

Integrated marketing communication (A), Risk and crisis communication (C), Scientific research methodology

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and research methods (A)

2. Gundar J. King (Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings)

PhD, Dr. hab. oec., Prof., visiting lecturer

Strategic issues management and communication management models (A)

3. Ieva Kalve Dr. oec., Assist. Prof., permanent staff member

Strategic issues management and communication management models (A)

4. Andris Pētersons Dr. sc. soc., Assist. Prof., permanent staff member

Strategic issues management and communication management models (A)

5. Jānis Načisčionis Dr. iur., Prof., permanent staff member

Public administration and government communication (A), Commercial law and communication law (C)

6. Stephan Russ-Mohl Dr. rer. soc., Prof., visiting lecturer

Economic analysis of interaction of public relations and journalism (C)

7. Mārtiņš Boiko Dr. phil., Dr. filol., Prof., visiting lecturer

Scientific research methodology and research methods (A)

8. Ainārs Dimants Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof., permanent staff member

Contemporary mass communication theories (A), Communication Science and journalism (C)

9. Deniss Hanovs Dr. art., Assoc. Prof., visiting lecturer

Public administration and government communication (A), Advertising and brand management (C)

10. Sergejs Kruks Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof., visiting lecturer

Contemporary mass communication theories (A), Business communication culture (A)

11. Marlis Prinzing Dr. rer.pol., visiting lecturer

Business communication culture (A)

12. Aldis Baumanis Dr. paed., Assoc. Prof., permanent staff member

Higher education pedagogy and management (A)

13. Valdis Blūzma Dr. hist., Prof., permanent staff member

International politics and communication (C)

14. Jānis Broks Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof., permanent staff member

Contemporary social processes and social management (C), Scientific research methodology and research methods (A )

15. Guntis Zemītis Dr. hist., Assoc. Prof., permanent staff member

International politics and communication (C)

16. Vilis Daberts Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof., visiting lecturer

Scientific research methodology and research methods (A)

17. Sandra Mihailova Dr. psych., Assoc. Prof., visiting lecturer

Higher education pedagogy and management (A)

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18. Anna Ābeltiņa Dr. oec., Assoc. Prof., permanent staff member

Knowledge and innovation management (A)

19. Daina Škuškovnika Dr. psych., Assist. Prof., permanent staff member

Management and communication psychology (A)

20. Ineta Lūka Dr. paed., Assist. Prof., permanent staff member

Foreign language (A)

21. Aija Poikāne-Daumke Dr. phil., visiting lecturer

Foreign language (A)

The academic personnel involved in the implementation of the programme are as follows (refer SBAT Personnel department report in appendix):

- Academic personnel with PhD degrees – 21;- Academic personnel, permanent staff members – 12;- Academic personnel involved in implementation of mandatory part of

the programme, permanent staff members – 10 (out of 17);- Communication Science professors and associate professors – 5

Jaakko Lehtonen, Stephan Russ-Mohl, Ainārs Dimants, Deniss Hanovs, Sergejs Kruks;

- Communication Science professors and associate professors, permanent staff members – 2 (Jaakko Lehtonen, Ainārs Dimants);

- Professors and associate professors, permanent staff members – 8 (Valdis Blūzma, Jaakko Lehtonen, Jānis Načisčionis, Anna Ābeltiņa, Aldis Baumanis, Jānis Broks, Ainārs Dimants, Guntis Zemītis);

- Assistant professors, permanent staff members – 4 (Ieva Kalve, Ineta Lūka, Andris Pētersons, Daina Škuškovnika).The main directions of academic personnel selection renewal, training and development policy over the next 6 years are as follows:

- Develop methodological work with scientific advisors of doctoral theses, including those working in related fields and programmes by activating not only their participation in doctoral theoretical seminars but also in the further development of the programme and the interdisciplinary profile of the academic personnel with a focus on Communication Science;

- To unite the academic personnel involved in the programme from various SBAT departments in joint communication research projects thereby developing productive synergy, competence and expertise in Communication Management as well as providing doctoral students the opportunity of participating in such projects (e.g., compilation of Latvian Communication terminology dictionary);

- Involve young teaching staff with PhD in Communication Science, who are able to lecture in Latvian language as academic personnel for the programme (e.g., on going negotiations with Baiba Pētersone who obtained PhD in public relations from the University of Georgia (USA) in 2009;

- Further the implementation of cooperation programme with Riga Stradins University, incl. those with young doctors who have defended their theses in communication topics (e.g., Anda Rožukalne, who has

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lectured at SBAT Department of Communication Science on a temporary basis);

- Develop the cooperation with other Latvian higher education academic personnel in particular with scientific advisors for doctoral theses (e.g., Sandra Veinberga, senior researcher in Communication Science at University of Liepāja).

4.1. Scientific activity and research work of academic personnel

The SBAT academic personnel are actively involved in scientific and research work. SBAT organises an annual international scientific conference to promote scientific research work at SBAT and in Latvia.

The research work of academic personnel is promoted and supported. The research work of academic personnel is presented annually at SBAT international scientific conference as well as in other conferences in Latvia and abroad. Participation of academic personnel in such conferences are financed by SBAT. Each year a scientific research work plan for SBAT is approved by the decree of the Rector.

SBAT also has an internal scientific research grant scheme. The scientific research work and innovations of the academic

personnel involved in Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" can be seen together with their previous activity. The scientific publications of academic personnel over the past 6 years can be seen in Table 3. And full information regarding each academic personnel can be seen in the CVs appended to this accreditation application.

Table 3. Scientific publications of academic personnel (past 6 years)Name, Surname Year Scientific publication

Jaakko Lehtonen 2009 Riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet [Fundamentals of risk and crisis communication]. Helsinki: Finnish Advertisers’ Association

2008 Kyberavaruus ja organisaatiotiedottamisen haasteet [Cyberspace and the challenges of organizational communication]. Aula, Pekka (toim.). Kivi vai katedraali: Organisaatioviestintä teoriasta käytäntöön. Helsinki: Infor, 138-150

2008 Risks and crises in virtual publicity – can publicity crises be prevented by public relations in cyberspace. Zerfass, A.; van Ruler, B.; Shiramesh, K. (eds.). Public Relations Research: European and International Perspectives and Innovations. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 305-312

2007 The drug scandal in Lahti and its consequences for the Finnish winter sports [in Bulgarian]. Zlateva, Minka; Petkova, Diana (eds.). Communication, sport and culture. Sofia: St. Kliment Ohridski University, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media, 171-176

2007 Country image and Consumer Nationalism: Case Arla and the Mohammed Cartoons Episode. Schmidt, Christopher; Neuendorff, Dagmar (Hrsg.). Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen: Bedingungsgrössen für die Kommunikationsgestaltung in der Wirtschaft. Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, 11.  Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, 127-138

2007 Rohkem kui sõnad. Metslang, Helle; Langemets, Margit; Sepper, Maria-Maren (toim.). Eesti rakenduslingvistika

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ühingu aastaraamat 2007. Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 211-220

2006 Risks of Publicity [in Bulgarian]2006 Country Image, Reputation, Fame: Does it matter?:

Finnish Cuisine, Berlusconi and Chirac. Aalto, Nancy; Reuter, Ewald (eds.).  Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue: Theory, Research, Applications. Köln: Saxa Verlag, 321-330

2005 Petkova, Diana; Lehtonen, Jaakko. National Identities and Images: Bulgarian-Finnish Attitudes and Perceptions. Publications of the Department of Communication, 28. University of Jyväskylä

2005 Petkova, Diana; Lehtonen, Jaakko (eds.). Cultural Identity in an Intercultural Context. Publications of the Department of Communication, 27. University of Jyväskylä

2005 Stereotypes and collective identification. Pp. 67-94 in: Petkova, Diana; Lehtonen, Jaakko (eds.). Cultural Identity in an Intercultural Context. Publication of the Department of Communication, 27. University of Jyväskylä

2004 Kriisiviestintää vai riskien hallintaa? [Crisis communication or risk management?]. Economic Trends, 1, 46-48

2004 Finland. van Ruler, Betteke; Vercic, Dejan (eds.). Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter, 107-119

2004 Kulturelle Rahmenbedingungen in der europäischen Diskussion über Unternehmensreputation und soziale Verantwortung. Janich, Nina (Hrsg.). Unternehmenskultur in der Diskussion: Beiträge zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, 6. Wiesbaden, 6-13

2004 Rámkové kulturni podminky v evropské diskuzi o reputaci podniku a sociální odpovednosti. Mit interkulturellem Wissen zum Unternehmenserfolg. Unternehmenskultur & Unternehmenserfolg, 2. Goethe-Institut Prag; Wirtschaftsuniversität VSE Prag, 133-141

2004 Yhteiskuntavastuu ja vastuun viestit. Harjula, Liisa (toim.). Jyväskylän yliopiston maisteri- ja tohtoripromootio 22.5.2004. Jyväskylän yliopisto, 9-19

2004 Beyond Civil Society. Barthel, Henner; Carragee, Kevin M. (eds.). Communication and Political Change. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 145-161

2004 The Bulgarians as Democrats or Bulgarian-Finnish Reading of Albert Hämäläinen’s Article “In the land of the absolute democracy”. Lehtonen, Jaakko; Petkova, Diana. Annuaire de l´universite de Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski. Tome 10. Sofia: Presses universitaires St. Kliment Ohridski, 73-81

2003 Yritysviestinnän kriisi? Maine, 1, 17-18Gundar J. King

(Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings)

2005 Finnie, Bruce W.; Gibson, Linda K.; King, Gundar J. Freedom, Market Economies and Social Responsibility. EBS Review, 2/20

2004 Saimnieciskie apsvērumi Latvijas tālākai izaugsmei. Rīga: Biznesa partneri

2004 King, Gundar J.; Vanags, Edvīns; Vilka, Inga; McNabb, David. Local Government Reforms in Latvia: 1990 - 2003: Transition to a Democratic Society. Public Administration: An International Quarterly [Blackwell], 82/4, 932-950

2004 King, Gundar J.; Finnie, Bruce W. Corruption and Economic Development on the Baltic Littoral: Focus on

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Latvia. Journal of Baltic Studies, 35/4, 329-3452003 King, Gundar J.; Barnowe, J. Thad. Competition and

Cooperation: Managerial Values and Social Capital on the Baltic Rim. Lituanus: Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences, 49/3

Jānis Načisčionis 2007 Lestrade, E.; Načisčionis, J. The Developing Securitization Market in the Baltics and Central and Eastern Europe. European Newsletter [Sweet and Maxwell], 10

2007 Competence of the Competition Council of the Republic of Latvia. Mykolas Romeris universitetas: Jurisprudencija, 6 (96)

2006 Administratīvo tiesību avoti. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2004 Speciālie termini, to piemērošana administratīvās tiesībās. Rīga: Latvijas Policijas akadēmija

2004 Πублично-правовые договора. Закон и жизнь: Международный научно-практический правовой журнал [Молдова], cентябрь

2004 Kompetences teorētiskie un tiesiskie aspekti. Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija, 3/4

2003 Administratīvās tiesības: Papildinātais izdevums. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis

2003 Publisko tiesību līgums. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Augstskola2003 Publiskās pārvaldes pilnveide. Rīga: Latvijas Policijas

akadēmija2003 Par konstitucionālās un administratīvās tiesvedības

robežām: Kāds ir vērtējums no tiesiskuma viedokļa. Jurista Vārds, Nr. 41

Stephan Russ-Mohl 2009 Dimants, Ainārs; Russ-Mols, Stefans. Žurnālistika: Mācību un rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2005 Fengler, Susanne; Russ-Mohl, Stephan. Der Journalist als “Homo oeconomicus”. Konstanz: UVK

2003 Journalismus: Das Lehr- und Handbuch. Frankfurt: F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-, Markt- und Medieninformationen

Mārtiņš Boiko 2006 Latviešu muzikoloģija/mūzikas zinātne. Vēsture un problēmas. Meklējumi un atradumi 2006. Rīga: Zinātne, 7-29

2005 Totenoffizium, Jesuiten und heidnische Seelenspeisungen in Südostlettland. Müns, Heike (Hrsg.). Musik und Migration in Ostmitteleuropa. Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa, 23. München: R. Oldenburg Verlag, 61-79

2004 Garīgās vārsmas: Piezīmes par kāda vecticībnieku tradicionālās mūzikas žanra vēsturi un tagadni. Meklējumi un atradumi 2004. Rīga: Zinātne, 9-20

2003 Latviešu teikto dziesmu melodiskā veidojuma tehnikas. Rīga: LU Litratūras, folkloras un mākslas institūts; Musica Baltica

Ainārs Dimants 2009 Dimants, Ainārs; Russ-Mols, Stefans. Žurnālistika: Mācību un rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2008 The role of Scandinavian investments for the re-integration of Latvian media in the North/Central European model of media system. Vilnius University: Informacijos mokslai, Vol. 47, 37-43

2008 Redakcionālā autonomija kā korporatīvā sociālā atbildība mediju uzņēmējdarbībā. Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Nr. 45, 36-39

2008 The Latvian Public Service Broadcasting on the Way of Differentiation from the Political to the Media System.

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Abstracts: Media and Global Divides (IAMCR World Congress, Stockholm, 20 - 25 July 2008). Stockholm: Organizing Committee for the IAMCR Congress 2008, 461

2007 Nenotikusī atgriešanās Eiropā. Latvija Eiropas Savienībā, Nr. 8, 30-31

2007 Kas notiek ziņu žurnālistikā. Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Nr. 44, 113-114

2007 Transparenz im Mediensektor: Erfahrung in Lettland und im Europa. Reetz, Axel (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Probleme postsozialistischer Länder: Das Beispiel Lettland. Wittenbach-SG : Wilhelm Surbir, 129-133

2007 Latvia’s Russian-language Newspapers and its Readers. Die Baltische Region zwischen Deutschland und Russland : Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / The Baltic Region between Germany and Russia : Dependence and Independence in Past and Present (7th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg, Germany 8 - 10 June 2007). Lüneburg, 40

2006 Augsts lidojums un sapīšanās uz zemes [Recenzija par Sandras Veinbergas grāmatu „Masmediji: Prese, radio un televīzija” (Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 358 lpp.)] Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Nr. 43, 113-115

2006 Mediju īpašumu caurskatāmība: pieredze Latvijā un Eiropā. In: Biznesa augstskola Turība (rīk.): Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas: 7. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference (Rīga, 2006. gada 2. jūnijs): Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 231-234

2006 Mediju sabiedriskā atbildība – ko tas nozīmē Latvijā. Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Nr. 42, 63-67

2005 Vilis Lācis – preses karaļa pavalstnieks vai nedemokrātisku režīmu balsts. Gūtmane, Margita (sast.): 100 gadu kopā ar Vili Lāci: konferences materiāli (2004. gada 25. maijs, Rīga). Rīga: Zinātne, 18-23

2005 Editorial Censorship in the Baltic and Norwegian Newspapers. Bærug, Richard (ed.). The Baltic Media World. Rīga, 121-144

2004 Pašcenzūra pret paškontroli Latvijas presē: Mediju pētījuma atklājumi. Valmiera: Vidzemes Augstskola

2004 The Future of Latvia’s Mass Media in Enlarged Europe. In: Jundzis, Tālavs (ed.). Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future: Collection of Articles. Riga: Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 334-352

2004 Latvijas masu mediju nākotne paplašinātajā Eiropā. Jundzis, Tālavs (red.). Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: LZA Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 295-312

2003 Die Entwicklung der Massenmedien in Lettland nach der zweiten Unabhängigkeit [Dissertation, Freie Universität Berlin]

Deniss Hanovs 2008 Globalizācijas kritiskie diskursi: neomarksistiskais, konservatīvais un estētiskais antiglobālisms. Daugavpils Universitātes reģionālais ziņojums, 3.

2008 Cita zeme: Latgales reģions K. Ulmaņa autoritārā režīma diskursā par tautas vienotību. Latgale kā kultūras pierobeža. Daugavpils Universitāte, Komparatīvistikas institūts, Akadēmiskais apgāds “Saule”, 181-190

2007 Citādais – Svešais – Ienaidnieks. Filozofija, vēsture:

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Rēzeknes Augstskolas rakstu krājums, 4. Rēzekne2007 Subkultūra vai kontrkultūra?: Pārdomas par protesta

kultūrām. Hanovs, D. (red.) Ceļojums uz Citādo: Subkultūras pilsētas vidē. Rīga: Dialogi, 9-24

2006 Patērētāju kopiena un tās robežas Latvijā – everyone is invited? Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities / Robežu paplašināšana: identitātes un kopienas: Proceedings of the International Conference (Riga, November 9-11, 2005) / Starptautiskās konferences ziņojumi (Rīga, 2005. gada 9. - 12. novembris). Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 148-162

2006 Hanovs, Deniss; Vinnika, Irina. Krievvalodīgie Latvijā: diasporas kultūras atmiņas saturs un veidošanas tehnoloģijas. Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities / Robežu paplašināšana: identitātes un kopienas: Proceedings of the International Conference (Riga, November 9-11, 2005) / Starptautiskās konferences ziņojumi (Rīga, 2005. gada 9. - 12. novembris). Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 185-208

2006 “Cēlais ienaidnieks” – musulmaņu kultūras tēli Rietumu mediju diskursā. Tēraudkalns, V.; Skulte, I.; Hanovs, D. (red.). Antisemītisms un islamofobija Latvijā – pagātne, aktuālā situācija, risinājumi. Rīga, 39-52

2005 Hanovs, Deniss (red.). Izglītības, dialoga un līdzdalības loma sabiedrības integrācijas procesa veicināšanā, 2. Rīga, 17-21, 26-46, 48-56, 72-76

2004 Das bürgerliche Riga: Die Rezeption der baltischen Metropole in der lettischen bürgerlichen Presse am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts und zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Riga im Prozess der Modernisierung. Marburg: Verlag Herder-Institut, 124-136

2004 Garlieb Helwig Merkel: National Heroes and Rituals. Kultūru Krustpunkti, 1. Rīga: Latvijas Kultūras akadēmija, 9-29

2004 National movement in Latvia in the 19th century – the nation as a quasi religion. Religion and political Change in Europe. Pisa: Universita di Pisa, 131-145

2004 Globalizācija un publiskās informācijas telpa Latvijā: atbilžu varianti. Bībele: raksti, teksts, kultūrvide, 3. Rīga, 126-145

2004 Pilsonības nācija: „Baltijas Vēstnesis” 1868. - 1906. Rīga: ELPA

Sergejs Kruks 2006 Šulmane, Ilze; Kruks, Sergejs. Neiecietības izpausmes un iecietības veicināšana Latvijā: Laikrakstu publikāciju un publiskā diskursa analīze (2004./2005. gads). Rīga: ĪUMSILS

2005 Radiožurnālistika. Rīga: Valters un Rapa.2005 Television across Europe: regulation, policy and

independence. Latvia. Monitoring television across Europe. Budapest: Open Society Institute

2005 Televīzija Eiropā: likumdošana, politika un neatkarība. Latvija. Televīzija Eiropā: likumdošana, politika un neatkarība. Budapest: Open Society Institute, 179-236

2005 Kruks, Sergejs; Šulmane, Ilze. Mass media in democracy. Rozenvalds, J. (ed.). How democratic is Latvia: Audit of Democracy. Riga: University of Latvia

2005 Kruks, Sergejs; Šulmane, Ilze. Plašsaziņas līdzekļi demokrātiskā sabiedrībā. Rozenvalds, J. (red.). Cik demokrātiska ir Latvija: Demokrātijas audits. Rīga: Latvijas

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Universitāte, 139-1512005 Identitātes nepārtrauktības un realitātes mainīguma

reprezentācijas dilemma: pagātnes un tagadnes interdiskursīvā mijiedarbība. Letonika, Nr. 13, 5-15

2005 „Latvians” and „Latvia’s residents”: Representation of National identity in Public and private Discourses. Acta Universitatis Latviensis (Political Science), 680, 101-110

2005 Information Flow In the Soviet Union: Synergetic Approach. Ozoliņa, Ž. (ed.). Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. Riga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 89-98

2004 The Latvian Epic Lāčplēsis: Pass-partout ideology, Traumatic Imagination of Community. Journal of Folklore Research, 41 (1), 1-32

Aldis Baumanis 2008 Factors influencing the number of teachers and the possibilities of forecasting them. 10th International Conference on Education. 26 - 29 May 2008, Athens, Greece. Athens Institute for Education and Reseaerch

2008 Skolotāju skaitu ietekmējošo faktoru kopums. Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2005 The Tendencies and Regularities in Private Higher Education in the Transition Economy. Private Higher Education Establishments in Europe – The present condition and prospects of development. Bialystok, 155-164

2005 Izdevumi izglītībai un to nozīme sociāli ekonomiskajā attīstībā. Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas, problēmas un to risinājumi globalizācijas apstākļos. Rīga, 21-31

2003 The Development of Education: The Latvian Experience. Economic Issues Theory and Application with Reference to Ukraine. Halifax, 59-72

Valdis Blūzma 2008 Nevardarbīgā pretošanās: Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanas ceļš 1945 - 1991. Rīga: LZA [kopā ar līdzautoriem T. Jundzi, J. Riekstiņu, H. Strodu, Dž. Šārpu], 225-376

2008 Konstitucionālo tiesību elementi Senlatvijas teritorijā līdz Livonijas periodam. Latvijas Vēsture, Nr. 1 (69), 67- 76, Nr. 2 (70), 5-12

2008 Grāmata Lisabonas līgums un Eiropas Savienības konstitucionālie pamati. [Recenzija par E.B. Dekšņa grāmatu Lisabonas līgums un Eiropas Savienības konstitucionālie pamati.] Likums un Tiesības, 10. sēj., Nr. 2 (102), 62-63

2008 Latvijas konstitucionālo tiesību vēstures teorētiskās problēmas. Jurista Vārds, Nr. 22 (527), 2-11, Nr. 23 (528), 16-21

2008 Рецензия на новый сборник документов В. Гущина о преступлениях нацистов в Латвии. Русский мир и Латвия: Осознание множественности миров, ХII. Рига, 58-63

2007 Ārvalstu tiesību vēstures avoti. Rīga: Turība [kopā ar līdzautoriem S. Osipovu, G. Zemīti], 5-38, 41- 92, 188-218, 286-303, 341-350

2007 Eiropas tiesības. 2., papild. izd. R.: Juridiskā koledža [kopā ar līdzautoriem A. Buku, K. Jarinovsku, E.B. Deksni, E. Levitu, I. Jundzi, T. Jundzi], 18-25, 114-143, 210-284, 298-322, 344-349, 457-473, 596-609

2006 Latvijas tiesību avoti: Teksti un komentāri. 2. sēj.: Poļu un zviedru laiku tiesību avoti. R.: Juridiskā koledža [kopā ar

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līdzautoriem R. Apsīti, J. Lazdiņu], 7-188, 369-398, 404-408

2006 Role of Informal Non-governmental Organizations at the Initial Stage of the Renewal of Independence of Latvia (during the Third Awakening Period 1986 - 1989). Development of Democracy: Experience in the Baltic States and Taiwan: Proceedings and Materials of the International Conference on 21 - 22 August 2006, Riga, Latvia. Riga, 98-117

2006 Neformālās organizācijas – nevardarbīgās pretošanās aizsācējas Latvijā Atmodas sākumposmā (1986 - 1989). Nevardarbīgā pretošanās: Latvijas pieredze. Rīga: LZA, 49-59

2005 Проблемы конституционого права Латвии в период осуществления правовой реформы. Балтийский юридический журнал, 1 (5), 16-22

2004 Eiropas tiesības. Rīga: Juridiskā koledža [kopā ar līdzautoriem A. Buku, K. Jarinovsku, E. B. Deksni, E. Levitu, T. Jundzi], 53-79, 129-166, 195- 219, 270- 298, 370-381

2004 Konstitucionālo tiesību problēmas Latvijā tiesību reformas laikā (1991 - 2003). Latvija ceļā uz demokrātiju 1987 - 2003: Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Postkomunistiskā transformācija un demokratizācijas process Latvijā 1987. - 2003. gads” 2003. gada 17. - 18.oktobrī. Rīga, 34-39

2004 Fundamentāla starpkaru perioda Latvijas Republikas vēsture. [Recenzija par monogrāfiju 20. gadsimta Latvijas vēsture, 2. sēj. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2003]. Latvijas Vēsture, Nr. 3 (55), 104-112

2004 Konstitucionālo tiesību problēmas Latvijā tiesību reformas laikā (1991 - 2003). Latvija ceļā uz demokrātiju 1987 - 2003. Rīga, 34-39

2003 K вопросу о периодизации истории права. Балтийский юридический журнал, 1/2, 3-9

2003 Seeds of Rule of Law in Latvia in the Context of the European Legal Culture. Politics and Law in the Context of the European Integration: Proceedings of the international conference 14 - 15 February 2003. Riga: Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, 56-65

Jānis Broks 2008 Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. 2., papild. un pilnv. izd. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2008 Darbs kā vērtība mainīgajā pasaulē. Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi: BAT 9. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2008 Kam vajadzīgi aizliegumi? Akadēmiskā Dzīve, Nr. 45, 45-53

2007 Tūrisma produktu antropoģenēze. Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai: BAT 8. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2007 Nihilisma modalitātes tiesībā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. Sēr. 8.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. 12. sēj. Rīga: RTU, 83-95

2006 Brīvības sākotnes un perspektīvas. Boazs, D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas meklējumos. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 6-14

2006 Atstumtības problēma tiesībā. RSU Eiropas studiju

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fakultātes starptautiskās akadēmiskā personāla konferences materiāli. Rīga, 16-17

2006 Īpašuma antropoloģiskās dimensijas. Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas: BAT 7. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference: Rakstu krājums. Rīga, 169-175

2006 Boazs, D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas meklējumos. Rīga: BAT [redaktors, redakcijas piezīmes un paskaidrojumi]

2005 Taisnības un likumības argumenti tiesībā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. Sēr. 8: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 121-132

2005 Klusuma esamība. Klusēšanas un klusuma semantika. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 18. Rīga, 18-20

2005 Cilvēka priekšmetiskošanās un atpriekšmetiskošanās portretā. Lieta portrets. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 17. Rīga, 11-12

2004 Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2004 Ceļošana kā kultūra un kults. Patērēšanas kults un kultūra. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 16. Rīga, 38-40

2004 Notikuma laiks. Notikums dzīves ceļa kontekstā. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 15. Rīga, 46-48

2004 Cilvēka brīvība lietu pasaulē. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 13. Rīga, 28-29

2003 Kas ir tiesība? Latvijas Policijas Akadēmijas Raksti, 10, 27-46

2003 Tiesības kā sociālās normas. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. Sēr. 8: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. 4. sēj. Rīga: RTU, 27-46

2003 Klusēšanas un klusuma hierarhija. Psiholoģisko pētījumu biļetens, 10. Rīga, 38-39

Guntis Zemītis 2004 Ornaments un simbols Latvijas aizvēsturē. Rīga: Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds

2003 Ārvalstu valsts un tiesību vēsture. 2., pap. izd. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2003 Ārvalstu valsts un tiesību vēsture. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

Vilis Daberts 2008 Loģiskais tā saistībā ar īsteno un potenciālo diskursā // RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 119-131

2008 Loģika. Latvijas enciklopēdija. 4. sēj. Rīga, 132. lpp.2007 Daži kontrfaktualitātes momenti mācību un izziņas

procesā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 68-73

2006 Domāšanas funkcionalitāte izziņas un mācību procesā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 78-87

2005 Vispārizglītojošo priekšmetu mācīšanas problēmas augstskolā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 32-43

2005 Loģiskā kultūra: veidi, eksistences apstākļi un attīstības perspektīvas. Medveckis, Arturs (sast.). Sabiedrība un kultūra: Rakstu krājums, VII. Liepāja: LiePA 11-15

2005 Loģika. II. d. Rīga: LUMA2004 Loģika. I. d. Rīga: LUMA2004 Loģikas priekšmeta problēmas augstskolā. RTU

Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 67-74

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2003 Apraksta un normatīvie izteikumi – vērtības tajos un ap tiem. Latvijas Policijas Akadēmijas Raksti. 10. sēj. Rīga: LPA, 47-5

2003 Vērtības argumentācijas procesā. RTU Zinātniskie Raksti. 8. sēr.: Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes. Rīga: RTU, 97-104

Sandra Mihailova 2009 Austrumu dejas kā latviešu sieviešu pašattieksmes korekcijas elements. II starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference “Psiholoģijas, biznesa un sociālā darba perspektīvas un iespējas mūsdienīgā Eiropā”. Rīga: [b.i.], 42-43

2009 Mārtinsone, K.; Mihailova S.; Mihailovs I.J. Mākslu terapijas terminoloģijas attīstība Latvijā: mākslu terapija, mākslas terapija, mākslas terapeits. 2009. gada zinātniskā konference: Tēzes. Rīga: RSU, 279

2009 Mihailova, S.; Mihailovs, I.J. Sociālais atbalsts bērniem: NVO darbības pieredzes analīze. Zinātniskie Raksti 2008. Ekonomika. Komunikācija. Politika. Socioloģija. Sociālā politika un sociālais darbs. Tiesības. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 68-74

2009 Mārtinsone, K.; Mihailova, S.; Mihailovs, I.J. Mākslu terapijas studiju priekšmeti Latvijas augstskolās. Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība: Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 152-158

2008 Mārtinsone, K.; Jirgena S.; Zakriževska, M.; Mihailovs, I.J. Sociālie priekšstati par mākslas terapiju. Medveckis, A. (sast.). Sabiedrība un kultūra: Rakstu krājums, X. Liepāja: LiePA, 65-72

2008 Mārtinsone, K.; Zakriževska, M.; Mihailovs, I.J.; Mihailova, S. Supervīzoru izglītības modelis Latvijā: vīzija un perspektīvas. Proceedings of 4th International Scientific Conference “New Dimension in the Development of Society”. Jelgava: LLU SZF, 250-256

2008 Mārtinsone, K.; Jirgena, S.; Mihailovs, I.J. Mākslas kontekstu robežu paplašinājums: mākslas terapija. Filosofiskās idejas Latvijā, Eiropas vērtības un latviskā identitāte: Letonikas otrais kongress. Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 156-173

2008 Dreifelde-Gabruševa, I.; Mārtinsone, K.; Mihailova, S.; Paipare, M. Mākslas terapija kreatīvas personības attīstībā. Radošā personība. 6. sēj. Rīga: Kreativitātes zinātniskais institūts, 98-107

2008 Mihailova, S.; Mihailovs, I.J. Par globalizāciju, un ne tikai... Hanovs, D. (sast.). Šeit, visur un tagad...: Globalizācija Latvijā: konteksti, diskursi un dalībnieki. Rīga: Drukātava, 7-11

2008 Sertifikācija mākslu terapijā. Mūsdienu mākslu terapija – teorija un prakse: Tēzes. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 25

2007 Mihailova, S. Art therapy sertification. Contemporary arts therapies – theory and practice: Theses. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 26

2007 Йиргена, C. Черты характера и выбор аддиктивного поведения. Актуальные проблемы психологии, бизнеса и социальной сферы общества: теория и практика. Rīga: Psiholoģijas augstskola, 133-138

2007 Mārtinsone, K.; Zakriževska, M.; Jirgena, S.; Paipare, M. The Crisis Coping of Art Therapy: Theoretical

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Approaches. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “New Dimension in the Development of Society”. Jelgava: LLU SZF, 308-314

2006 Jirgena, S.; Mihailovs, I.J. Jauni izaicinājumi izglītības sistēmai – sociālās atstumtības iespējamie riski. RSU ESF konferences “Atstumtība un nedrošība – riski un risinājumi” materiāli, 46-47

2006 The Crisis Coping of Art Therapy. Proceedings: VII International Baltic Psychology Conference (Riga, June 15 - 17, 2006)

2006 Jirgena, S. Jaunieši un adiktīva uzvedība. Rīga: Drukātava, 2006

2005 Dažādu vidusskolas programmu izvēles psiholoģiskās determinantes. Sabiedrība un kultūra: Zinātniskās konferences 7. rakstu krājums. Liepāja: LiePA

Anna Ābeltiņa 2008 Анализ возможностей и препятствий в развитии предпринимательской деятельности в Латвии. IV международный семинар Развитие Балтийской Европы „Международное и приграничное экономическое сотрудничество в контексте европейской интеграции”. Toruń, 461-470

2008 Маркетинговая стратегия города – роль и значение в современных условиях. 7th International Symposium Economy & Business 2008. Journal Economy & Business – International Scientific Publications. Vol. 2, Part 2. [Bulgaria]: Info Invest, 20-36

2008 The Role of Human Capital in Regional development. 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management 2008: Conference Proceedings. Vilnius, 165-167

2007 The Role of Innovation in Economic Development. Siauliu Univarsitetas: Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektīvos: Mokslo straipsniu rinkinys, 2(9), 5-9

2007 Latvijas inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas globalizācijas apstākļos. RSU Zinātniskie Raksti. Ekonomika, Komunikācija, Politika, Socioloģija, Tiesības. Rīga: RSU, 13-17

2007 Ekonomikas skaidrojošā vārdnīca: Mācību palīglīdzeklis vidusskolām. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2006 Intelektuālais īpašums inovatīvās attīstības laikmetā. Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2005 Mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu vadītāju attieksmes pret inovācijām saistība ar vērtībām un gatavību iesaistīties inovāciju procesā. RSU Zinātniskie Raksti: Starptautiskā konference „Sociālo zinātņu attīstības tendences Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanas kontekstā”. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte

2003 Creation of the national capital in the Baltic states in the process of transformation. Eкoнoмiчний часопис XXI, 5, 2003

2003 Investment in innovation process: the role and importance. Inwestycje w rachunkowosci. Wroclaw: Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wroclawie, 11-20

Daina Škuškovnika 2008 Škuškovnika, D.; Tiltiņa-Kapele, I. Sociālo zinātņu studentu emocionālā inteliģence. [Iesniegts publicēšanai Daugavpils Universitātes 50. zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājumā.]

2007 Škuškovnika, D.; Tiltiņa-Kapele, I. Skolas sociālās vides

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novērtējums un trauksme 10. un 12. klašu skolēniem. [Iesniegts publicēšanai Liepājas Pedagoģijas akadēmijas 1. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Psiholoģijas aktualitātes mūsdienu izglītībā” rakstu krājumā.]

2005 Anxiety in Latvians and Russians residing in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 4(1), p. 7-16

2003 Psychometric properties of the Latvian and Russian Version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (form y). Baltic Journal of Psychology, 4(1), p. 7-16

Ineta Lūka 2008 Profesionālās angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās augstskolā. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība

2008 Students and the educator’s co-operation as a means of development of students’ ESP competence. Raksts starptautiskajā ECER konferencē Gēteborgas universitātē, Zviedrijā, 2008. gada 10. - 12. septembrī. Education-line <> (2008. gada 18. jūlijs). [Cambridge BEI index datu bāze.]

2008 An Evaluation Research for Supporting of Students’ ESP Competence in the Studies of a Higher Educational Establishment. Maslo, I.; Kiegelmann, M.; Huber, G.L. (ed.). Qualitative Psychology Nexus. Vol. 6: Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. Tübingen: Zentrum für Qualitative Psychologie e.V., 167-187 [Thomson DB.]

2008 Development of Students’ ESP Competence and Educators’ Professional Activity in Tertiary Level Tourism Studies. Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching: Reviewed and selected materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 689-697

2007 Some Aspects of the ESP Curriculum Design for Tertiary Institutions. The New Educational Review. Vol. 1, No. 11: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic. 63-74

2007 Development of Students’ Intercultural Competence at the Tertiary Level. University of Wroclaw: Polish Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 5, No. 1, 97-111

2007 Development of Students’ ESP Competence. Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning in the Multicultural Context: Research Papers of International Nordic-Baltic conference of the World Federation of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV). Rīga: SIA „Izglītības soļi”, 329-339

2006 Developing Communicative Competence in Teaching English for Students of Tourism Specialty. Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. 700. sēj.: Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 217-227

2006 Studentu angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās augstskolas studijās. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva V: LPA zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Liepāja: LiePa, 160-167

2005 A Social Constructivist Model for Developing Students’ ESP Competence. Annual book: Spring University: Changing Education in a Changing Society, 2. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University, 128-134

2004 ESP syllabus design for tourism students. European added value in teacher education: The role of teachers as promoters of basic skills acquisition and facilitators of learning: Collection of the selected papers presented at the ATEE 7th Spring University. Tartu: University of Tartu, Department of General Education, 151-156

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The scientific activity of academic personnel shall be supported and promoted in the future too, including cooperation with Business Technology Institute, the scientific institution of SBAT, and involvement of lecturers of the Department of Communication Science in the implementation of Latvian Science Council research grant projects (e.g., No. 09.1133 “Latvian and Russian language mass media market and public”, project manager – programme director Ainārs Dimants; No. 08.2145 “Intercultural Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility in Latvia”, project manager – Silvija Kristapsone, Dr. oec., Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Latvia), which is being implemented for the third year already. The Department of Communication Science is preparing a scientific journal of SBAT “Acta Prosperitas” on communication research topics (2009) and the later issues of this journal. Futher scientific activity of academic personell shall focus on SBAT international scientific conference “Communication Management in an Information Society” organised by the Faculty of Public Relations that is to be held on 28th May 2009 and on international research network conference EUKO (European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication) to be organised by the Faculty of Public Relations during 20th– 22nd September 2010. Doctoral students shall also be involved in the scientific projects, publications and conferences mentioned above.

The publication and other scientific research activity of academic personnel and doctoral students is facilitated by the fact that the programme director Ainārs Dimants as a member of the editorial board of „Central European Journal of Communication” (University of Wroclaw, Poland), chief editor of the journal „Akadēmiskā Dzīve” (Academic Life; University of Latvia) as well as member of Baltic Association for Media Research, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS) and International Association for Media and Communication Research offers them regular up-to-date information.

The main scientific research directions of leading academic personnel involved in the programme:

- Organisational communication, public relations, risk and crisis communication, integrated marketing communication (Jaakko Lehtonen);

- journalism, Latvian mass media development since regaining independence, Latvian and Russian mass media market and audience in Latvia, corporate social responsibility in media business (Ainārs Dimants);

- Latvian and Russian mass media market and audience in Latvia (Jānis Broks, Daina Škuškovnika);

- Corporate social responsibility communication (Andris Pētersons);- Intercultural Communication (Guntis Zemītis).

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Only the financial resources of SBAT are allocated to the implementation of the programme. With the beginning of academic year 2009/2010 the doctoral study programme tuition fee has been reduced to 1500 LVL / year.

5.1. Structural units involved in the implementation of the programme

Different SBAT structural units are involved in the implementation of the programme.The basic education process is carried out by the department and the study programme is coordinated by the programme director.

The following departments are involved in the implementation of the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" (refer. Table 4.)

Table 4. Department involved in the implementation of the programmeDepartment Study disciplines they are responsible forDepartment of Private Law Commercial law and communication lawDepartment of Languages Foreign languageDepartment of Communication Science Higher education pedagogy and

management; Strategic issues management and communication management models; Scientific research methodology and research methods; Doctoral theoretical seminars and individual research work; Participation in implementation of Bachelor and Postgraduate programmes; Contemporary mass communication theories; Integrated marketing communication; Knowledge and innovation management; Business communication culture; Management and communication psychology; Public administration and government communication; Risk and crisis communication; Contemporary social processes and social management; Communication Science and journalism; Economic analysis of interaction of public relations and journalism; International politics and communication; Advertising and brand management; Compilation of doctoral theses

5.2. Support personnel involved in the implementation of the programme

A variety of support personnel are involved in the provision of the study process for the implementation of the programme. The main personnel would comprise the following: - planning of the study process, documentation of marks is carried out by the Department of studies,- issues regarding material technical provisions are handled by the Technical department,

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- information for students and teachers is provided by the Library, Publishing house, Study information centre and the Department of Information Technology.

The aims and objective of the aforementioned structural units and principles of their operation and cooperation are laid out in the regulations on structural units.

5.3. Financial condition

The financial condition of SBAT is very stable. The foundation capital, fixed assets, profit and investments are much bigger than all of the other private higher educational institutions put together. Each and every year since its establishment SBAT has always recorded a profit. The main reason is the successful economic activities of SBAT as well as thoroughly planned and goal orientated activity in the sphere of education. All the profit gained till the year 2000 was reinvested in the development of SBAT (material and intellectual resources), but since 2000 a part of the profit was paid out as dividends to the founders. However the rest of the profit was invested in the development of SBAT.

The financial plan for each year is determined by the SBAT budget. Revenues include tuition fee for higher education, participation fee for seminars, hotel services and other economic activities. Expenditures are planned proportional to the revenue estimated and include mainly remuneration for the staff, social insurance payments, maintenance costs, utility costs, material for the study process, purchase of modern technology as well as reconstruction and repairs of premises.

The annual financial statement of SBAT for the period 01.07.2009 – 30.06.2008 can be seen the appendices of this accreditation application.

The constitution of School of Business Administration Turiba states: “School of Business Administration Turiba guarantees with all its assets that it would provide students the opportunity for continuation of higher studies in a different study programme or the same programme at a different educational institution in case of liquidation of the aforesaid study programme.”

The guarantee should be considered from two aspects - First of all, the stability of the SBAT (quality of the study process, provision of adequate academic personnel financial stability, development prospects and enhancement etc.) and secondly the compatibility of the aforesaid programme with other similar programmes (possibility of continuation of studies in case of liquidation of the programme).

The first aspect forecasts the possibility of a situation wherein the study programme is being liquidated and SBAT has to provide for the continuation of studies.

The second aspect provides a review of the compatibility of the study programme with other study programme if the aforesaid programme is liquidated and whether the subjects mastered and the credit points earned would allow for continuation of studies in a different study programme.

SBAT has been in operation since 1994 (initially as “Business Centre Turiba”) and every following year brought in rapid expansion – new study programmes, accreditation of programmes, different levels of education,

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increase in the number of students and academic personnel, increase in turnover and profit.

The School of Business Administration Turiba is one of the first higher educational institutions in Latvia that was accredited – accreditation No. 002 (accreditation No. 001 was granted to Riga’s Economic School). The number of academic personnel has stabilized over the years and proportion of full time staff has increased. This year 73% of the pedagogical workload is performed by full time teaching staff.

The study contract concluded with the each individual student by the Rector on behalf of SBAT states not only the rights and obligations of SBAT but also its liabilities. SBAT provides the students with the study process for the current study year as well for the whole duration of the programme. The system of monthly payment for studies is also a reasonable guarantee allowing students to pay for studies in instalments (such a possibility exists if studies are commenced at the beginning of the academic year).

Evaluating the financial stability and very high level of work organisation of SBAT it should be concluded the there is no threat of liquidation of SBAT in the near future.

Hence the financial stability of SBAT is a guarantee in case of liquidation of the study programme.

Another additional guarantee is the agreement on cooperation concluded on 5th March 2007 between SBAT and Riga Stradins University that foresees the continuation of studies at the other institution in case of liquidation of the study programme or the institution.

5.4. Material technical base

SBAT is situated on Graudu iela 68 in Riga, on a local territory of 35 372 m2. At the same time SBAT can provide study space for 2756 students.

The building was registered as property of SBAT in the land register on 16th September 1996. In accordance with the law of Republic of Latvia as of 4th November 1995 SBAT was included in the list of educational objects of national scale. There are two blocks of buildings meant for education, students’ hotel, 2 canteens, 2 cafeterias, sports hall, sauna, solarium, hairdressers, dentists, furnace house, car repair service and parking lot on the territory of SBAT.

Students have all the necessary prerequisites for studies – modern conference halls, lecture halls, computer classes, laboratories, and rooms, modern library with a spacious reading hall. The lecture halls have high quality equipment – whiteboards, overhead projectors and screens, multimedia projectors, audio and video equipment. Student can make use of 287 computer workstations. There are 24 stationary multimedia projectors and 3 portative ones.

The existing material technical base fully provides for all the necessary circumstances to successfully master the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management".

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5.5. Library

SBAT library is a member of the Latvian Academic Library Association since March 2000.The library has the status of public library, and the book fund, data base and Internet resources can be used by not only students of SBAT but also by students of other higher educational institutions, Latvian school children or any other person. The library has 8817 subscribers who can take books home for reading. The reading room has 285 seats of which 80 are computerised. The library home page has electronic catalogues and links to catalogues of other higher educational institutions, special libraries as well to nationwide unified scientific library catalogue. Subscribers have access to 2 literature search electronic catalogues that allow subscribers to find the necessary literature. The library resources and databases, Internet resources are open to students of other higher education establishments.

The whole library reading fund is freely accessible – the literature is available to any visitor. In order to facilitate access to literature, books on the bookshelves are arranged in accordance with international university indexing UDK classification. There is also a local electronic catalogue in the library for tracking books. All the library processes are computerised. Students can reserve the necessary literature on the Internet from the Internet catalogue any time day and night.

The library fund is maintained in accordance to the SBAT study programmes. There are 14 525 headings and 107 469 books (refer Table 5). There is access to final student theses of the past 6 years in the reading room. The library subscribes more than 100 periodicals in print form and several 1000 titles in electronic form. The book fund consists mainly of literature in Latvian, Russian, English and German. Audiovisual information materials, CD-ROMS and database are also accessible. The library subscribers can make use of the following full text databases: NAIS, Letonika, Latvijas Vēstnesis, Dienas Bizness, National news agency LETA news archives,,, EBSCO, SpringerLink, EMERALD, Cambridge Journals. Several books have been purchased by the library especially for the Doctoral study programme “Communication Management”.

Table 5.. Information on literature available in the SBAT libraryInformation on legal literature available in the library Section UDK No. of items No. of copiesCivil service 35.08 1 4State public administration 351 38 148Tax application and payment supervision 351.71 26 167Supervision of social security 351.78 44 303Legal problems of environmental protection 349.6 11 127Land, property, residential area planning rights 349.4 6 24Social security rights 349.3 6 14Labour law 349.2 56 1177Law in special branches. Mixed law branches 349 3 4Civil procedural law. Law system 347.9 54 576

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Commercial law and manufacturer rights 347.7 89 675Family law. Inheritance law 347.6 15 923Tort 347.5 1 44Contracts. Agreements and its types 347.44 16 122Contractual Rights 347.4 24 993Personal property 347.3 1 1Real property 347.2 24 769Civil law 347 26 264Criminology. Criminal Science 343.9 17 202Crime against property 343.7 7 69Criminal procedure 343.1 27 317Criminal law. Criminology. Criminal Science 343 99 1828Administrative law 342.9 36 1124Fundamental rights. Human rights. Citizen rights and duties 342.7 30 228State law. State institute systems and functions 342.5 14 50Constitution 342.4 13 101Public law. Constitutional law. Administrative law 342 35 434International civil law 341.9 11 270Diplomatic rights 341.7 2 5International law subjects and objects 341.2 6 75International organisation law 341.1 26 463International law 341 53 372Law sub branches. Forencis 340.6 4 66Comparitive law 340.5 1 3Types of law and forms 340.1 60 1466Law. Legal methods and supplementary branches 340 4 4Law. Juridical Science 34 48 636Total   934 14048

Business AdministrationSection UDK No. of items No. of copiesOrganisational theory and practice. Logistics 65.01 11 140Bookkeeping 651 58 1675Accounting 657 228 3580Revision and audit 657.6 39 1155Enterprise management 658 298 2549Types of enterprises 658.1 66 1405Finance management 658.15 70 702Personnel management 658.3 147 1100Strategic management 658.4 174 1010Production process organisation 658.5 19 290Quality management 658.56 25 127Sales organisation. Goods. Services 658.6 3 27Material and technical procurement 658.7 29 89Marketing 658.8 254 2168Economic science 330 108 338

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Basic concepts and theories of Economic Science 330.1 92 4488History of economic theory, doctrines and dogma 330.8 4 10Labour. Labour economics. Work organisation 331 61 207Cooperation 334 8 222Finance 336 91 2017Budget 336.14 31 323Taxes, duties 336.22 49 878Banks, banking 336.71 77 1026Money, currency 336.74 35 211Share markets. Security trading 336.76 31 169Loans. Lending 336.77 5 35Income from yields 336.78 3 10National economics, economics 338 137 1580Economic policy 338.2 4 9Tourism economics 338.48 261 1958Pricing. Pricing policy 338.5 12 115Sales. International economic relations 339 72 254Market 339.1 16 219External trade. Customs 339.5 21 516International finance 339.7 14 65External economic links 339.9 41 188Total   2594 30855

CommunicationSection UDK No. of items No. of copiesAdvertising 659 81 477Public relations 659.4 161 1431Rhetorics. Oratorship 808.5 39 236History of culture 930.85 20 56Science 001 57 322Culturology 008 12 243Journalism 070 67 344Psychology 159.9 409 3063Business psychology 159.98 49 316Logics 16 17 64Ethics. Morals 17 65 344Professional ethics 174 37 234Statistics 311 58 971Demography 314 14 39Sociology 316 133 488Cultural sociology 316.7 46 183Politics 32 116 1082Political organisation forms. State as a political power 323 46 225National relations 323.1 14 46Elections of state organs 324 6 55International relations. Foreign policy 327 71 244International and intergovernmental organisations 327.7 60 362Political parties and movements 329 3 13Traditions. Behavioural norms 39 10 22Nation’s social life. Life style 394 6 9Etiquette. Behavioural norms 395 56 1030Total   1653 11899

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SBAT has been organising International conferences, seminars each year since 1999. SBAT academic personnel regularly participate in international research scientific conferences and seminars. BAT also organises several international conferences and seminars in close cooperation with its partner institutions and cooperation partners.

SBAT has successfully developed cooperation with more than 50 partner higher education establishments. At present SBAT has cooperation agreements with 46 partner higher education establishments overseas (refer Table 6). Cooperation agreements with partners provide the opportunity for organising scientific forums, student exchange and teacher internships overseas on a wider scale e.g. Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas (Lithuania) and private Zeppellin University (Germany). Additionally SBAT Department of Communication Science has developed closer links regarding academic personnel exchange on the Communication and Management Executive MBA programme “Communicate” with Munich Technical University (Germany), as well as with other universities such as Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland), University of Jyväskylä (Finland) and University of Georgia (USA).

Table 6. List of foreign higher education establishments with whom SBAT has cooperation agreements

No. Partner institution Country

1. Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes Germany2. Haute ecole Lucia de Brouckere Belgium3. FH Nordakademie, Private university of applied sciences Germany4. Ecole de management de Normandie France5. Universytet Szczecinski Poland

6. Mykolo Romerio Universitetas Lithuania7. Universidad de Alcala Spain

8. Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu Finland9. Libera universita di lingue e comunicacione IULM Italy

10. Adnan Menderes Universitesi Turkey

11. Anadolu UniversitesiTurkey

12. College of Economics and Tourism and Social Sciences Poland13. Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii i Administracji w Kielcach Poland

14. Hanzehogeschool Groningen Netherlands15. Wyzsza Szkola Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna we Wloclawku Poland16. University of Abertay Dundee Great Britain17. Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft Chur Switzerland18. NOEA Institute of Applied Management Denmark19. Roskilde Handelsskole Denmark20. Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu Finland21. Siauliai University Lithuania22. Groupe ecole superieure de commerce de Troyes France

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23. Americanos College Cyprus24. Technical University of Lodz Poland25. Vitauto Didziojo universitetas Lithuania26. Lycee d`enseignement superieur Tezenas du Montcel France

27. Sacarya University Turkey28. International Business School at Vilnius University Lithuania29. V.A.Graičiūno aukštoji vadybos mokykla Lithuania

30. Hochschule Bremen Germany

31. Gornaslaska wyzsza szkola handlowa im. Wojciecha Korfantego Poland32. Anglia Ruskin University Great Britain33 Karabuk University Turkey34. Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Bulgaria

35. Zeppelin UniversityGermany

36. Berufsakademie Villingen-Schweinningen Germany

37. Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku Poland38. Olympus Szkola Wyzsza im. Romualda Kudlinskiego Poland39. Wroclawska Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki Stosowanej Poland40. Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Administracji w Lublinie Poland41. Uniwesytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej Poland

42. Cag Universitesi Turkey43. Kyng Hee University South Korea44. Ming Chuan University Taiwan45. Academy of Labour and Social Relations Russia46. Tallinna Tehnikaulikool Estonia

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Communication has become one of modern day management’s main functions. Consequently it is necessary to promote the theoretical and empirical research in Communication Management in Latvia too. The introduction of doctoral study programmes provides for such opportunities. Doctoral studies are prerequisite for the education of knowledgeable, innovative highly qualified specialists for the communication labour market by directly increasing the level of professional competence of existing professionals as well as by indirectly developing the competence of academic personnel for lower level programmes. Moreover business higher education institutions are the right place for such Communication Management doctoral programmes as business executives have to be professional communicators and on the other hand communication specialists have to acquire modern management instruments.

The main directions of development of the Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" emerge from the SWOT analysis of the programme.

7.1. Strengths:

- Innovative profile of Communication Science programme in contrast to other doctoral study programmes offered in Latvia with an interdisciplinary social science research orientation and productive link to other SBAT business disciplines, in particular, Management Science;

- Compliance of programme content and academic personnel to modern day Communication Science content and development trends, especially in the field of organisational communication;

- Qualified academic personnel, using and developing SBAT own academic personnel potential as well as by cooperating with other Latvian higher education establishments and especially active cooperation with foreign academic personnel to ensure competence transfer in the field of Communication Science;

- The doctoral students of the programme are mainly experienced practitioners in the field of public relations and advertising with high motivation for research work;

- Modern infrastructure of SBAT that provides the favourable study and research environment;

- Rapid development of library resources and accessibility of latest scientific electronic literature database at the library;

- Opportunities for doctoral students for regular participation in international scientific conferences organised by SBAT and publication of articles and research papers in scientific proceedings and other journals;

- Theoretical seminars for doctoral students and department’s research projects as opportunities for productive interactive academic environment;

- Opportunities for doctoral students to supervise study papers, theses as well as conduct lectures and seminars for Bachelor and

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Postgraduate programmes in Public Relations (according to the needs of the department).

7.2. Weaknesses:

- Absence of strong scientific research tradition at SBAT as well as short experience in the implementation of doctoral studies (the programme under accreditation was the first SBAT doctoral study programme to be licensed in 2007);

- High workload of doctoral students at their place of employment that hinders full-fledged doctoral studies and consequently relatively lesser scientific activity namely, publishing;

- As it is the beginning of the programme a relatively small number of doctoral students that provides not so many opportunities for mutual exchange of academic opinions;

- As master’s degree in Communication Science or Public Relations is not an obligatory enrolment requirement, the lack of basic knowledge in Communication Science partially hinders the implementation;

- Comparatively low level of English language skills of doctoral students that does not allow them to interact freely in discussions with foreign professors and scientific advisors and actively use scientific journals and other latest scientific electronic literature databases;

- Relatively high tuition fees during the first two years of implementation of the programme in connection to other similar programmes;

- Programme does not foresee any state financed scholarship.

7.3. Opportunities:

- Latvian communication management practice receives the recognition of internationally accepted doctoral researches;

- European Social Fund financed project „Support for doctoral studies at SBAT” will stimulate successful doctoral students to complete their doctoral theses within the duration of studies;

- As one can count the number of Communication Science doctors in Latvia by one’s fingers, the programme offers young researchers and scholars opportunities to build their career in this field;

- Potential increase in interest to study in doctoral programmes, especially among public relation postgraduates and increase in the status of doctors;

- With the development of doctoral study programme SBAT is considering different possibilities of promotion council’s formation;

- There is a renewal of academic personnel at SBAT as well as in other bachelor and postgraduate programmes of other higher education establishments;

- The communication science labour market is appended with innovative and creative specialists with doctoral degree who are able to independently carry out systematic and complex tasks.

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7.4. Threats:

- taking into account the particularly professional and practical nature and not academic nature of communication professions and relevant bachelor and postgraduate education as well, relatively high employment and remuneration prospects and entrepreneurship and profit earning possibilities in these profession there is a very slow growth in number of doctoral students and academic environment in this field;

- not sufficient state support for doctoral studies at present;- workers with doctoral degrees do not feel an advantage in the

communication labour market as the higher education level is not duly appreciated with higher salary especially in public administrative institutions;

- difficulties in combining doctoral studies and work and thereby not finishing doctoral studies on time.

7.5. Development tasks:

- actively offer and recommend doctoral students, in particular, those who do not have master’s degree in Communication Science or Public Relations to attend the respective postgraduate courses in the SBAT Public Relations programme free of charge thereby allowing accelerated learning of basics in this fields;

- to acquire certain basic study courses e.g., integrated marketing communication (doctoral students) and marketing communication (postgraduate students) together thereby forming a link between these programmes and achieving greater synergy effect for the development of creative academic environment (discussions, case studies, etc.), at the same time motivating postgraduate students for further studies in doctoral programmes;

- in future foresee award of credit points for acquisition of definite set of literature under the supervision of the respective scientific advisors and not just for passing exams, thereby making study organisation more flexible and promoting independent studies;

- to strengthen the use of review of electronic database resources available in the library as well as the use of other electronic resources especially European and American scientific works in the field of Communication Science (“European Journal of Communication”, “International Journal of Media Management”, “Journal of Media Economics” etc.), in the study course “Scientific research methodology and research methods” paying more attention to scientific research articles in the field;

- to move from a study duration of 7 semesters to 6 semesters for the programme thereby optimising the doctoral student’s expenses, i.e. the tuition fees;

- to carry out the academic personnel selection, renewal, training and development policy for the programme as mentioned above to maintain the high quality of implementation of the programme;

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- the ensure that research work of academic personnel is aimed at development of topical issues in Communication Science and practice and involve the doctoral students in such research starting from the choice of research topics for their doctoral theses;

- to follow development in the field and doctoral students’ interests and in accordance to them the Doctoral programme council shall review the structure of programme annually and if necessary make the necessary changes.

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“School of Business Administration Turība” LTDUniform registration No.40003135880, Riga, Graudu iela 68


In the Senate meeting of 18.02.2009, prot. No.2,of “School of Business Administration Turība”,

the decision of the Board 23.02.2009. No.5

Doctorate study REGULATIONS

1. Used terms: 1.1. Doctorate studies – studies in full and part time Doctorate programmes

financed by individual or legal entities that must be performed with an individual plan in accordance with requirements of the study programme in order to obtain the Doctor’s academic degree.

1.2. Doctorate student – a person matriculated in a programme of Doctorate studies.

1.3. Doctorate programme – scientific and academic activities and the supporting actions in structural units of School of Business Administration Turība (hereinafter in the text – BAT) as well as outside BAT, in order to ensure high quality and effective Doctorate studies.

1.4. Promotion – awarding of the Doctor’s degree.1.5. Promotion examination – an examination, where the knowledge of the

doctorate student on the modern theoretical conclusions of the respective field of science and the subfield and the applicable research methods are examined.

1.6. Applicant – a person, which in accordance with Enrolment Regulations of BAT has submitted an application for studies in a Doctorate study programme.

1.7. Doctorate programme council (hereinafter in the text – DPC) – a collegiate administration institution consisting of not less than three Doctors of Science, which together with the director of the Doctorate study programme supervise implementation of the programme. DPC is established with a dean’s decree.

1.8. Doctoral programmes council (hereinafter in the text – DP) – a collegiate administration institution which supervises implementation of the Doctorate study programmes of the School, it includes rector (chairman of the council), pro-rector in scientific work, pro-rector in academic work, deans of the faculties where Doctorate study programmes are implemented, and Directors of Doctorate study programmes.

2. General rules of Doctorate studies 2.1. The goal of BAT Doctorate studies is to prepare a generation of new scientists

which complies with the international level for scientific research and academic work, as well as scientific and organizing work in state and private institutions.

2.2. The Doctorate programme involves purposeful studies and scientific work so that the new scientists:

2.2.1. could formulate, research and solve problems in accordance with the principles of scientific research work;

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2.2.2. would be competent in general methodology of research and in methodology of research of the specific sphere of science;2.2.3. would acquire vast knowledge in the selected subfield of science and would give personal original contribution in its development;2.2.4. would acquire such scientific research work level to be able to adapt to a wider scientific context in national and international level;2.2.5. would be able to work independently, as well as in project development and in cooperation with other scientists;2.2.6. would acquire pedagogic work experience;2.2.7. would draft and submit the promotion paper for acquisition of the degree of a doctor of science.

2.3. Doctorate studies are a part of BAT academic personnel renewal and development target programme.

2.4. For successful graduation of the Doctorate studies the doctorate student must acquire the theoretical course, must make a scientific work and must prepare a promotion paper.

2.5. Promotion paper is a complete original research whose results have a significant meaning in the respective field of science or subfield.

2.6. Promotion paper may be:2.6.1. a dissertation;2.6.2. a thematically uniform scientific publication set. Publications must be published or accepted for publishing in scientific periodics, which is anonymously reviewed, is internationally available in collections of scientific information and is cited in internationally available databases;2.6.3. monograph – a reviewed scientific book which is dedicated to one theme, is internationally available in collections of scientific information, contains bibliography and summary in a foreign language.

2.7. BAT doctorate programmes studies in one of the study programmes are opened with a resolution of the BAT Senate, based on the recommendations adapted by the board of a faculty on commencement of a doctorate programme studies in the respective field or subfield of science.

2.8. Doctorate programme studies in one of the study programmes are closed with a resolution of BAT Senate, based on an application of a BAT rector.

3. Doctorate study administration3.1. BAT DP, Doctorate study programme directors, DPC, faculty deans and

departments take part in implementation of the Doctorate study programmes.3.2. BAT DP:

3.2.1. drafts and implements BAT Doctorate study concept;3.2.2. evaluates the course of implementation of Doctorate study programmes;3.2.3. organizes promotion paper defending.

3.3. DP meetings are chaired by the chairman of the council or a member of the council assigned by him. The meetings are recorded. The minute keeper is assigned by the head of the meeting. The decisions are made in open voting, observing the principle of consensus.

3.4. Director of a Doctorate study programme is a professor or associated professor of the respective field or subfield of science approved by the Senate, who:

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3.4.1. organizes evaluation of presentations of applicants of Doctorate studies and holds individual negotiations with them, as well as makes decision (as a resolution) on admission to the Doctorate study programme;3.4.2. together with DPC reviews candidacies of heads of promotion papers and proposes to the rector approval of heads of promotion papers;3.4.3. organizes and administrates DPC;3.4.4. together with DPC organizes Doctorate study programme study course programme review and their approval in the department;3.4.5. organizes doctorate student individual plan project and report review in DPC and proposes their approval to the dean; 3.4.6. together with the dean organizes doctorate student creative seminars;3.4.7. drafts Doctorate study programme self-evaluation report and submits it to the dean, who forwards it to the Senate for approval;3.4.8. organizes promotion paper project evaluation in a department specified by the dean together with DPC.

4. Doctorate study programmes4.1. Doctorate studies in BAT take place in licensed and accredited programmes in

accordance with laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, international contracts, – BAT Constitution, these Regulations and the subordinate BAT documents, observing requirements of other documents that regulate BAT studies, as far as it does not contradict with these regulations.

4.2. Doctorate study programmes are made in a field or subfield of science in accordance with the science classificatory of Latvian Council of Science.

4.3. Doctorate study programmes are drafted and proposed by the faculties, they are reviewed by the respective councils and they are approved by the BAT Senate.

4.4. Doctorate study programme establishes:4.4.1. type and duration of studies;4.4.2. the list of compulsory and vocational courses of the studies with the number of credit points which complies with their volume, as well as the department or faculty which is responsible for implementation of the study course;4.4.3. volume of the scientific research work;4.4.4. the necessary prior education for commencement of studies and other provisions of implementation of the programme; 4.4.5. description of content of the studies and implementation thereof.

4.5. Doctorate study programmes foresee passing of two promotion examinations.

5. Matriculation in Doctorate study programme5.1. Enrolment to Doctorate study programmes (matriculation) takes place in

accordance with BAT Enrolment Regulations.5.2. Basis of enrolments is submission of documents which comply with

requirements of BAT Enrolment Regulations as well as negotiations with the applicant and positive evaluation of his presentation.

5.3. When applying for studies, the applicants submit to the Study information centre the documents required in Enrolment regulations and a presentation to the programme director on topicality of the possible promotional paper. The volume of the presentation must be 10 pages.

6. The course and record keeping of the Doctorate studies

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6.1. For drafting of promotion paper of each doctorate student a head of promotion paper is approved, he must possess a Doctor’s degree.

6.2. The head of the promotion consults the doctorate student on issues of drafting of the promotion paper, preparation of scientific publications and controls execution of his individual plan.

6.3. In the first semester after enrolment to the doctorate programme the doctorate student drafts individual Doctorate study plan for the whole period of studies and together with the application of the theme of the promotion paper and conclusion of the selected head of promotion paper submits it to the director of the Doctorate study programme.

6.4. Not later than two weeks before the end of the academic year the doctorate student submits a report on execution of individual plan of the academic year and individual plan for the next academic year.

6.5. During the Doctorate studies the following must be performed:6.5.1. acquisition of the newest research methods of the subfield of the science;6.5.2. acquisition of planning of the newest researches, data processing and presentation;6.5.3. acquisition of advanced theoretical subjects of the field and subfield of science;6.5.4. acquisition of fundamentals of experience of a docent, participating in implementation of Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes; 6.5.5. participation in international scientific conferences or seminars with presentations,6.5.6. independent formalization of scientific results and their submission for publication to scientific publications.

6.6. pedagogic work foreseen in individual plan of the Doctorate student can be performed in BAT or another accredited high school in Latvia or another state. In order to include pedagogic work that has been performed in another high school, the doctorate student must submit to the director of the Doctorate study programme a reference on pedagogic practice, indicating the type of work, its volume and indicating the programme.

6.7. A BAT doctorate student is transferred to the next academic year with a decree of the rector.

6.8. BAT Doctorate studies, keeping their academic and administrative supervision, can be also implemented outside BAT.

7. Passing of examinations7.1. A Doctorate student during studies in the doctorate programme must take

examinations and tests in accordance with the study plan. 7.2. Taking of examinations as well as tests is organized by the dean. 7.3. All doctorate programme examinations, except in the subject of foreign

language, must be passed in writing. 7.4. In the examination of foreign language the ability of a student to present and

keep discussion about the topic of his promotion paper is examined. The examination must be taken verbally.

7.5. For assessing of the promotion examinations the dean, upon coordination with the director of the Doctorate study programme, approves a committee of three persons, where at least one of them is a professor or associated professor and the rest – doctors of science.

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7.6. Promotion examination programme drafting is assigned by the dean to the department which is responsible for this study course, or, upon coordination with the director of the Doctorate study programme, organizes a coordination group, including there docents which are doctors of science of the respective sciences.

7.7. Promotion examination programme is approved by the dean.

8. Graduation of the studiesAfter successful acquisition of the programme the results of studies and a research

work of the respective doctorate student are evaluated in a seminar organized by the respective DPC and a decision is made regarding advancement of the promotion paper for defending.

9. Awarding of the degree of doctor of science 9.1. Persons who have successfully graduated an accredited Doctorate study

programme or whose academic activities, which have been performed outside this programme, is equaled, observing the order foreseen in this programme and in accordance with criteria established by the Cabinet of Ministers, and who have successfully passed promotion examinations in the respective field or subfield of the science have the rights to defend promotion paper.

9.2. Scientific degree is awarded for an individually drafted and publicly defended promotion paper.

9.3. When claiming a second degree in another field of science the promotion paper can be drafted also without the head of the promotion paper, using consultations of the leading specialists of the field (consultants). The main results of the promotion paper must be published in scientific publications.

9.4. Promotion paper is accepted for public defending if it complies with the following criteria:

9.4.1. the author of the promotion paper has motivated selection of the theme, has defined the goal and tasks of the research, has characterized the scientific achievements in research of the theme and the used methods, has outlined as well as discussed the results and statements gained in the work, summarizing them in conclusions and the thesis to be forwarded in defending;9.4.2. the volume of the scientific work is sufficient in accordance with requirements set forth in the Regulations of the respective promotion council in respect to defending of promotion papers;9.4.3. if modern analysis and data processing methods have been used in the work;9.4.4. if work results are published in scientific publications or if the intellectual property associated therewith is patented;9.4.5. if the results of the work have been presented in international conferences or seminars;9.4.6. if the work is not fraud or plagiarism or if other violation of scientific activity has not been committed.

9.5. The rights to award the degree of doctor of science are given to BAT in accordance with Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1000 dated 27.12.2005 “Regulations on delegation of the rights to award the degree of doctor of science (promotion) to high schools”.

9.6. Defending of a promotion paper is also possible after the end of the time established in the Doctorate study programme. If the promotion paper is defended by a person, which has already been excluded, then for the time of

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defending it is temporarily matriculated in accordance with normative documents of BAT.

Pro-rector in academic work J.Ē.Niedrītis

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SIA “School of Business Administration Turiba”Registration. No. 40003135880, Graudu iela 68, Riga, LV-1058

APPROVED bySIA “School of Business Administration Turiba”Minutes of the Senate sitting No.14 (27.06.2007)

Board Decree No.28 (29.06.2007)

Regulation on studies in doctoral study programmes

1. General provisions1.1. These regulations define the doctoral study programme candidate’s

evaluation criteria, procedure and prerequisites for fulfilment of requirements of the study programme.

1.2. Terms used in the regulations:1.2.1. SBAT – SIA “School of Business Administration Turiba”.1.2.2. Candidate – person who in accordance with the enrolment

requirements of SBAT has submitted application for studies in doctoral study programme.

1.2.3. Programme – Doctoral study programme implemented at SBAT.

2. Evaluation criteria for doctoral study programme candidates.2.1. Persons, who conform to the enrolment requirements for studies in the

doctoral studies programme, shall submit together with application for studies a paper on the chosen field of study or research field accentuating the problem under research.

2.2. The paper shall correspond to the scope of 40 000 characters, 12 point Times New Roman font style with 1.5 line spacing.

2.3. The title page of the paper shall indicate the name of the author, the theme, research field and if possible the name of scientific advisor. If the scientific advisor indicated is not involved in the implementation of the programme then the paper the advisor’s Curriculum Vitae and recommendation should be enclosed.

2.4. Upon submission of the paper, a definite time no later than 2 weeks after submission of application for studies is arranged for an interview with the programme director.

2.5. The paper submitted is reviewed by the department responsible for implementation of the programme within two weeks of its submission and taking into account the interview and results of evaluation of paper the decision on whether or not to recommend the candidate for enrolment is taken by the department.

3. Conditions for fulfilment of doctoral studies programme.3.1. Participation in implementation of bachelor and postgraduate study

programmes: 3.1.1. the participation in implementation of bachelor and postgraduate study

programmes foreseen in the Programme is carried out by the doctoral student at SBAT in the respective department;

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3.1.2. the doctoral student shall submit a report to the respective department at the end of each semester in accordance to the study plan regarding participation in implementation of bachelor and postgraduate study programmes;

3.1.3. the department responsible shall evaluate the report mentioned above in clause 3.1.2. and shall decide upon accreditation of study course credit points.

3.2. Compilation of doctoral thesis:3.2.1. the doctoral student shall by the end of the first semester submit the

theme for doctoral thesis to the department responsible for the Programme for approval indicating the name of the scientific advisor and doctoral thesis compilation plan;

3.2.2. the doctoral student shall by the end of the second semester have at least one internationally recognised publication or present a paper at an international conference on a topic that conforms to the problem under research in his doctoral thesis;

3.2.3. the doctoral student shall by the end of the fourth semester have at least his second internationally recognised publication or present a second paper at an international conference on a topic that conforms to the problem under research in his doctoral thesis;

3.2.4. the doctoral student shall by the end of last semester submit a draft of his doctoral thesis to the respective department;

3.2.5. if the doctoral student has passed all the final examinations foreseen i the Programme the respective department shall organise the preliminary defence of the draft mentioned in the clause 3.2.4;

3.2.6. if the doctoral student receives a satisfactory mark at the preliminary defence the department shall submit a recommendation to the senate of SBAT to issue the doctoral student a document certifying the successful completion of theoretical part with the right to defend his doctoral thesis;

3.2.7. The doctoral student shall report his progress regarding the plans mentioned in clause 3.2.1. and activities mentioned in clauses 3.2.2. and 3.2.3. at doctoral seminars that are conducted not less twice during a study semester. The doctoral seminars are organised by the respective department.

3.3. The non-fulfilment of provisions of clause 3.2. shall be deemed as academic debt and shall deny the accreditation of respective credit points foreseen for the compilation of doctoral thesis, participation in the implementation of bachelor or postgraduate programmes or participation in doctoral seminars.

Vice Rector for study development and international cooperation I. Bergs

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Lehtonen, Jaakko Pekka Juhani * 22-01-1941


Mobile telephone +358400251890

Academic qualifications

M.A. 1966, University of Jyväskylä

Licenciate of philosophy 1968, University of Helsinki

Ph.D. 1970 University of Jyväskylä

Reader (Docent), University of Tampere 1973-2009

Reader (Docent), University of Turku 1975-2009

Judged to be qualified for the professorship of phonetics, University of Helsinki

Academic appointments

Assistant and senior lecturer of phonetics 1966-68, Univ. of Jyväskylä

Associate professor of phonetics 1969-1970

Senior research associate 1.1.-31.12.1976 and 1.1.-31.8.1983, Academy of Finland

Visiting professor (psycholinguistics), University of Kassel 1985

Professor of applied linguistics and speech communication research 1983-1996, University of Jyväskylä

Tempus-Phare Individual mobility grant for the academic year 1996-97: visiting professor (organizational communication and PR) at the faculty of social sciences, University of Tartu

Professor of Organizational Communication & Public Relations (1996-98 acting; 1998 appointed; Emeritus 2007 – )

Other affiliations at the university

Examiner of the MA main subject degree (laudatur) in speech communication, Univ. Jyväskylä 1981-87

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Examiner of the secondary subject degree (cum laude) in educational drama, Faculty of education, Univ. Jyväskylä 1991-94

Programme manager (drama) at the Continuing Education Centre, U. Jyväskylä (partly full-time position)

Examiner and responsible director of the Qualifying program of speech teachers and Qualifying program of teachers of educational drama 1987-91, Ministry of Education

Foreign languages: German (DAAD examination), English (self-assessment: good),

Estonian (self-assessment: satisfactory), Swedish (self-assessment: good)

International experiences:

Short visits (< 10 days) in several U.S. universities; agreement on cooperation with the University of San Jose

Visiting professor at the University of Kassel WS 1985

Visiting professor (part time) at the University of Tartu, winter term 1996-7

Special distinctions:

Promotor of the masters’ and doctors’ festive promotion [legitime constitutus promotor] of all faculties of the University of Jyväskylä 22.5.2004. The promotor’s speech “Social responsibility and communication on responsibility”

Scientific activity 2003-2009

Memberships in specialist committees:

2008 November 7-8: Accreditation committee of the communication program (doctoral degree) of the University of Latvia

2008 March 30 – 6 April: Accreditation committee of the communication programs of Tartu and Tallinn universities

2007 Accreditation committee of the communication program of the Turiba Business School

2007 Accreditation committee of the Helia Polytech communication program, Helsinki

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Riski- ja kriisiviestinnän perusteet [Fundamentals of risk and crisis communication]. Finnish Advertisers’ Association 2009.

Estonian edition: Fundamentals of risk and crisis communication (Jaakko Lehtonen & Kaja Tampere). In print: Äripäev publisher

Latvian edition: Fundamentals of risk and crisis communication. In translation process: Turiba Business School Publisher

Risks of Publicity. Published in Bulgarian. 2006.

National Identities and Images. Bulgarian-Finnish Attitudes and Perceptions. Petkova, Diana & Jaakko Lehtonen. Publications of the Department of Communication 28. University of Jyväskylä. 2005.

Cultural Identity in an Intercultural Context. Petkova, Diana & Jaakko Lehtonen (eds.). Publications of the Department of Communication 27. University of Jyväskylä. 2005.

Julkisuuden riskit (90 s.). Helsinki: Mainostajien Liitto 2002.

Samspel och kommunikation (148 s.). Jyväskylä universitet. Institutionen för kommunikation, publikationer 24. 2002.

Pesonen, Hanna-Leena & Jaakko Lehtonen & Antero Toskala. Asiakaspalvelu vuorovaikutuksena (195 s.). Jyväskylä: PS kustannus 2002.

Kriisiviestintä (Mainostajien liitto 1999; ISBN 952-5262-02-2)

Ihminen ja kulttuuri (Alho-Lehtonen-Raunio-Virtanen. FINTRA. 4. painos 1996; ISBN 951-833-455-2)

Neuvotellen tulokseen (yhdessä Sirkka Kortetjärvi-Nurmen kanssa.Weilin-Göös. 2.painos 1996; ISBN 951-35-5618-2)

Kontakte über Kulturgrenzen (Jyväskylän yliopisto 1995)

Kulttuurien kohtaaminen (toim. Jaakko Lehtonen. Jyväskylän yliopisto 1993; ISBN 951-680-942-1)

Scientific articles in monographs

Kyberavaruus ja organisaatiotiedottamisen haasteet. [Cyberspace and the challenges of organizational communication] S. 138-150 teoksessa  Aula, Pekka, toim. Kivi vai katedraali. Organisaatioviestintä teoriasta käytäntöön. Helsinki: Infor. 2008

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Risks and crises in virtual publicity – can publicity crises be prevented by public relations in cyberspace.  Pp. 305-312 in: Zerfass, A. & B. vanRuler & K. Shiramesh, eds. Public Relations Research. European and International Perspectives and Innovations. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. 2008

The drug scandal in Lahti and its consequences for the Finnish winter sports. [in Bulgarian] P. 171-176 in: Communication, sport and culture, eds. Minka Zlateva & Diana Petkova.  Sofia: St.Kliment Ohridski University, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media. 2007.

Country image and Consumer Nationalism. Case Arla and the Mohammed Cartoons Episode. P. 127-138 in: Christopher Schmidt & Dagmar Neuendorff (Hrsg.) , Sprache, Kultur und Zielgruppen. Bedingungsgrössen für die Kommunikationsgestaltung in der Wirtschaft. Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation, Band 11.  Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag 2007.

Rohkem kui sõnad. P. 211-220 in: Eesti rakenduslingvistika ühingu aastaraamat 2007.  Helle Metslang & Margit Langemets & Maria-Maren Sepper, (toim.),  Eesti Keele Sihtasutus   2007.

Country Image, Reputation, Fame. Does it matter? Finnish Cuisine, Berlusconi and Chirac. P. 321-330 in:  Nancy Aalto & Ewald Reuter, (eds.),  Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue. Theory, Research, Applications. Köln: Saxa Verlag 2006

Stereotypes and collective identification. Pp. 67-94 in: Petkova & Lehtonen (eds.), Cultural Identity in an Intercultural Context. University of Jyväskylä. Publication of the Department of Communication. 2005.

The Bulgarians as Democrats or Bulgarian-Finnish Reading of Albert Hämäläinen’s Article “In the land of the absolute democracy”. Jaakko Lehtonen & Diana Petkova. P. 73-81 in: Annuaire de l´universite de Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski. Tome 10. Sofia: Presses universitaires St. Kliment Ohridski. 2004.

Kriisiviestintää vai riskien hallintaa? Economic Trends 1/2004: 46-48.

Finland. P. 107-119 in: Betteke van Ruler and Dejan Verdic (eds.), Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe. The Hague: Mouton de Gruyter. 2004.

Kulturelle Rahmenbindungen in der europäischen Diskussion über Unternehmensreputation und soziale Verantwortung. S. 6-13 in: Nina Janich (Hrsg.), Unternehmenskultur in der Diskussion. Beiträge zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Wiesbaden: Europäische Kulturen in der Wirtschaftskommunikation 6. 2004.

Rámkové kulturni podminky v evropské diskuzi o reputaci podniku a sociální odpovednosti. Pp. 133-141 in: Mit interkulturellem Wissen zum Unternehmenserfolg. Unternehmenskultur & Unternehmenserfolg Band 2. Goethe-Institut Prag. Wirtschaftsuniversität VSE Prag. 2004.

Yhteiskuntavastuu ja vastuun viestit. S. 9-19 teoksessa Liisa Harjula (toim.) Jyväskylän yliopiston maisteri- ja tohtoripromootio 22.5.2004. Jyväskylän yliopisto.

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Beyond Civil Society. Pp. 145-161 in: Henner Barthel and Kevin M. Carragee (eds.), Communication and Political Change. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag. 2004.

Yritysviestinnän kriisi? Maine 1/2003: 17-18.

Europäische Perspektiven zur Globalisierung, interkulturellen Kommunikation und zur Postmoderne. S. 11-22 in: Schmidt, Christopher, Hrsg. Wirtschaftsalltag und Interkulturalität. Fachkommunikation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag 2002.

Corporate Reputation and the Stakeholder Approach – Overlapping Perspectives? Pp. 28-39 in: Petev, T. & M. Zlateva, eds. Media and Public Relations. Sofia University Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication publications, 2002.

Consequences of the New Communication Environment on Organizational Communication and Public Trelations (in Bulgarian language) p.28-35 in: T. Petev & M. Zlateva, eds. Public Relations and the New Media (in Bulgarian language). Sofia 2002.

Quo vadis? What does the future look like for Public Relations in this Millennium? P. 8-12 in: Eskelinen, S. & al., eds. Spanning the Boundaries of Communication. University of Jyväskylä. Department of Communication publications 24. 2002.

Vahinko ei tule kello kaulassa – kriisi tulee. Kemia-Kemi 2001, 8,4:250-253

Der schweigende Finne – Mythos oder Wirklichkeit (Ahti Jäntti & Marion Holtkamp & Annemarie Vogt, Hrsg., Schweigen in Kommunikation und Kunst. Berlin Verlag Arno Spitz 2001. S. 28-48)

Museo myytävänä. Lähtökohtia ja strategioita museopalveluiden markkinointiin (Janne Vilkuna toim. Näkökulmia museoihin ja museologiaan. Ethnos 10. 2000. s. 93 - 104)

Yrityksen kasvot – menestyksen symbolit. s. 61-66 teoksessa Pitkänen, Kati Pauliina, Yrityskuva ja maine menestystekijöinä. Helsinki: Edita.

Kriisi, viestintä ja sosiaalinen pääoma. (Hallinto 3, 1999. s. 20-22.)

Gibt es eine europäische Wirtschafts(kommunikations)ethik. Wirtschaftskommunikation in Europa. Attikon Verlag 1999.

Mera än ord. Tema Nord 1998:525.

Minäkuva, vieraskuva ja kansallinen identiteetti. (Viron Suomen-instit. 1998)

Yhteisöt ja julkisuus. (Viestinnän jäljillä. WSOY 1998)

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Hyvän ja pahan kierrätystä. Viestinnän etiikan perusteita. Kaarle Nordenstreng ja Jaakko Lehtonen (Viestinnän jäjillä. WSOY 1998)

- - -

Reviewer of articles for Journal of Pragmatics

I Participation in scientific conferences (the papers read are listed in part 1) and visits in universities abroad 2003-2008:

2003 May 12-17: Annual Sofia conference on communication

2003 November 6-8: Conference of EUPRERA, Regensburg

2004, September 23-27: University of Leipzig

2004, November 26-27: Conference of the Nordic Network of Intercultural Communication (NIC). Kristiansand

2005 April 14-16: International conference on silence & 18-19 seminar on globalization. Riga

2005 November 24-26: University Hohenheim, Erasmus lectures, no publication

2005 November 11-13: Euprera Conference, Lissabon

2005 December 2-3: NIC conference, Tampere

2005 December 7-9: Erasmus lectures, Bulgarian New University, Sofia.

2006, March 21-23: Conference on applied linguistics (rakenduslingvistiik), Tallinn

2006 March 15-18: Lecturing at the Vidzeme University College in Valmiera (no publication)

2006, July23-28: International Colloquium of Communication, Erfurt

2006, December, 2-6: Erasmus visit at the Department of Communication, Univ. Vienna (no publication)

2006 December 16-17, Europäische Wirtschaftskommunikation (EUKO) conference, Turku

2006 October 21-25: Erasmus visit at the University of Hohenheim (no publication)

2007 December 2-6: Erasmus lectures. University of Vienna. No publication

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2008 April 11-12: Symposium on communication, Leipzig

2008 April 24-26: Lecturing at the Riga Stradins University (no publication)

2008 May 31-1 June: PR summer camp Jelgava. Presentation: ‘How to beat off an attack in virtual environment. Internet as a challenge for Public Relations’

2008 September 8-11 & 28-30: Lecturing at Turiba Business School (no publication)

2008 November 24-26: Lecturing at MACOM, Tallinn university (no publication)

Number of Master’s theses supervised and graded 2002-2006: 37

Doctoral students officially appointed to my supervision for year 2009:

Abelniece, Baiba (U. Jyväskylä)

Ihanainen, Outi (U. Jyväskylä)

Derkevica-Pilskunga, Jolanta (Turiba Business School)


II PhD theses supervised, reviewed, or opposed 2001-2008

2008 reviewer: Catani, Johanna, Yritystapahtuma kontekstina ja kulttuurisena kokemuksena

2008 supervisor and custodian: VALENTINI, Chiara: Promoting the European Union - Comparative analysis of EU communication strategies in Finland and in Italy.

2007 second supervisor: KANTANEN, Helena: Stakeholder Dialogue and Regional Engagement in the Context of Higher Education. 2007

2007 second supervisor: Kasila, Kirsi, Schoolchildren’s oral health counselling within the organisational context of public oral health care

2006 supervisor and custodian:JOENSUU, Sanna: Kaksi kuvaa työntekijästä. Sisäisen viestinnän opit ja postmoderni näkökulma. 2006

2006 faculty opponent: Maija-Leena UIMONEN, Suomalaisten yritysten vapaaehtoinen sosiaalinen vastuu

2005 second supervisor: LUOMA-AHO, Vilma: Faith-Holders as Social Capital of Finnish Public Organisations.

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2003 supervisor and custodian: TAMPERE, Kaja: Public relations in a transition society 1989-2002 : using a stakeholder approach in organisational communications and relations analyses.

2002 supervisor and custodian: KORHONEN, Kaisu: Intercultural Competence as Part of Professional Qualifications. A Training Experiment with Bachelor of Engineering Students.

2002 supervisor and custodian: SUVANTO, Mari: Images of Japan and the Japanese.

2001 supervisor: LI, Zhenyi: Cultural Impact on International Branding. A Case of Marketing Finnish Mobile Phones in China. 2001

2001 supervisor and custodian: VAAHTERIKKO-MEJÍA, Päivi: Cultural differences in Ibero-Nordic communications perceptions about Finnish and Colombian negotiators. 2001

Lecturing MA level courses

Each year several 12…24 h MA level courses at various Finnish universities (Jyväskylä, Vaasa, Tampere) and shorter visiting lectures (1…4 h) on intercultural communication, communication management, persuasion and propaganda, crisis communication, brands and images, country images, corporate identity and integrated communication.


Jaakko Lehtonen, Ph.D. prof, emer.

Jyväskylä, Finland , 28 February 2009

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Was born in Riga in 1926 on 19th April. His father is a Latvian educator, writer and Latvian statesman Atis Kenins. His mother is a history teacher, poet and translator Austra Dale Kenina.Kenins acquired his first education at home but later completed Riga’s French primary school and Riga’s first (classical) comprehensive school. He studied humanitarian sciences in University of J.V. fon Goethe, Frankfurt im Maine. He immigrated to the United States in 1950.He served in the US armed forces in the Korean conflict and later in 1956 completed University of Oregon with a Bachelor’s degree and in 1958 acquired a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Stanford University. He obtained a doctor’s degree in philosophy in the business administration field in 1963 that was recognized as Doctor of economics by the Latvian Science Council in 1994. He is an honorary doctor at Riga Technical University and an overseas member of The Latvian Academy of Science. Since 1960 he has been a teacher, professor and long-term Dean of the business administration school of the Pacific Lutheran University. He became an honorary dean emeritus in 1991. He has worked as visiting professor (US) in the Naval War College Monterey, California, Riga Technical University as well as the School of Business Administration Turiba.Professor has been advisor to the US government, Washington State, and to numerous higher education institutions and businesses in America, one of the founders and executives of “Amber Investments” group. He is an expert on economic issues concerning organization procurements, finance, sales and enterprise management.He has published 7 books and several articles on development of Latvian enterprises and Latvian economic development.Has been awarded the LSCS award for best doctoral thesis, Spidola award, AABS Vitola award, PBLA Culture Foundation certificate. He has been awarded the Latvian Three Star Order – Officer. A more expanded biography is published in “Who’s Who in America” and “Who’s who in the World”.Address P.O.Box 4401, Tacoma, Washington 98448, U.S.A. (

1st May 2009 Gundar Julian King

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Curriculum vitae

IEVA KALVEName Surname

Sigulda 181266-11305Place of birth Personal Latvian ID number

December 18th 1966 LatvianDate of birth Nationality

School of Business Administration “Turība” ………Institution of employment and position

Work address Home address:Graudu 68, Riga, LV-1058, Latvia Kadaga 8-9, Adazu novads

Rigas rajons, LV-2103, LatviaPhone: Phone: +371 29462627Fax: E-mail: ieva.kalve@turiba.lvE-mail:


Basic studies, Master’s studies, Doctor’s studies. Educational institution, country Period Speciality Qualification

awardedRiga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Latvia 1995-1999 Teacher of

Economics Bac.paed.

Joint project – Latvia University of Agriculture and Agricultural University of Norway 1999-2001 Economist Mag.oec.

University of Latvia, Latvia 2003-2008 Education Management Dr.oec.

Work experience

2001 - present Initially lecturer, now assistant professor, School of Business Administration “Turiba”

2003 – present Riga Stradins University, Department of European Study, acting lecturer2003 - present Zygon Baltic Consulting - consultant

Scientific activities and publications

Promotion Paper Management Education in modern day society. Defended on May 23, 2008 Encouraging innovations and creativity in organizations (in Latvian language). Submitted to be published in the proceedings and presented in the 10th international conference Communications management in the information society, School of Business administration Turiba, May 28, 2009Challenges on Management Education for Sustainable Development in Public Administration. Published in the proceedings and presented in the 6th international JTET conference, Anadolu University, Turkey, June 4-7, 2008Readiness for knowledge management in Latvian organizations (in Latvian language). Published in the proceedings and presented in the 9th international international conference Communications management in the information society, School of Business administration Turiba, May 30Person in an organisation - how employees evaluate management methods at their workplace. Published in the collection of articles "Results of Statistical research 2008", issued by Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 2008. Latvia`s Employed Business Management Students` Readiness for Life and Work in Circumstances of Sustainable Development (co-author S.Vāne). Published in

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the compilation of scientific publications Education and Sustainable Development: First Steps Toward Changes, Volume 2, 2007, p.114.-123. Assessment of the personnel structure for enhancement of the motivation process (co-author A.Sala, in Latvian language). Published in the proceedings and presented in the 8th international international conference, School of Business administration TuribaTurība”, 01.06.2007The role of higher educational institutions of business administration in the provision of sustainable economic development, Presented and published in the proceedings of the 2nd international conference Sustainable Development, Culture, Education, Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical University”, 2004

Other publications

4 books in Latvian language, topic Management, published by School of Business administration Turiba:

To ride the winds of change. Strategic and change management (in original – Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus. Stratēģiskā un pārmaiņu vadība) monograph, 2005


Presentations in conferences:

Encouraging innovations and creativity in organizations (in Latvian language). Submitted to be published in the proceedings and planned to be presented in the 10th international conference Communications management in the information society, School of Business administration Turiba, May 28, 2009Challenges on Management Education for Sustainable Development in Public Administration. Published in the proceedings and presented in the 6th international JTET conference, Anadolu University, Turkey, June 4-7, 2008Readiness for knowledge management in Latvian organizations (in Latvian language). Published in the proceedings and presented in the 9th international international conference Communications management in the information society, School of Business administration Turiba, May 30, 2008Assessment of the personnel structure for enhancement of the motivation process (co-author A.Sala, in Latvian language). Published in the proceedings and presented in the 8th international international conference, School of Business administration TuribaTurība”, 01.06.2007The role of higher educational institutions of business administration in the provision of sustain-nable economic development, Presented and published in the proceedings of the 2nd international con-ference Sustainable Development, Culture, Education, Tallinn: Tallinn Pedagogical University”, 2004.

Pedagogic activity at School of business administration “Turība”

Consulted Master thesis – about 20, some examples of the themes: Analysis of the fire security industry and design of optimal development model of the

enterprise SIA SALNA AV Balanced Management Scorecard as an tool in the strategic management process of State SIA

„Sertifikācijas un testēšanas centrs”

- 66 -

Cinema show market in Latvia in the context of development of SIA "Baltic Cinema" Comparison of centralised and decentralised model of service enterprise Description of evaluation of corporate identity of Vilhelma Ķuzes in the context of modern Description of evaluation of corporate identity of Vilhelma Ķuzes in the context of modern

day business theory and practiceday business theory and practice Development prospects strategy of private pension funds in Latvia based on the experience of

A/S "Pirmais Slēgtais Pensiju Fonds" Ethical aspects in pharmaceutical business Evaluation of corporate strategy of VAS "Latvijas valsts meži" in the context of Latvian

forestry industry and its national programmes Evaluation of possibility of development and introduction of balanced management scorecard

in the enterprise SIA „Balta” Possibility of application of balanced management scorecard for personnel management

strategy of the State Revenue ServiceConsulted diploma papers – about 20, some examples of the themes:

Analysis of activities of Ogres Central library and recommendations for its sustainable development

Application of balanced management scorecard for development of effective management system for SIA "Neste Latvia"

Application of balanced management scorecard for provision of effective and sustainable operations of A/S "Rīgas Piena kombināts"

Comparison of change management at A/S Laima and A/S Rīgas Miesnieks Development of change management model necessary for an enterprise Development prospects of classical music industry in Latvia Development prospects of Latvian film industry Evaluation and introduction of production strategy for the bread and confectionery producing

company SIA "Kviteks" Evaluation of strategic actions of A/S "Rīgas Piena kombināts" during its first year in the

Russian market Franchise as a means of survival for trading companies under circumstances of increasing

pressure from supermarket chains Future prospects of independent pharmacies Link between enterprise strategy and organisational structure model in a publishing house Management of enterprise "Dzega" in crisis situations Strategic alliance as a prerequisite for successful development of SIA "Eva-Serviss"

Leading study courses in school year 2008/2009: Organizational Theory – master level – Latvian language Strategic and Change Management – master level – Latvian language Strategic management – master level – English and Latvian language Management – bachelor level – Latvian language

Organisational activities: N/A

Official consultant of governmental, municipal or other enterprises: N/A

Professional, scientific and business activities in the period of last 3-5 years

Time period, year

Theme / topic Sector / name of company / institution

Please mark the relevant answer

Consultations for companies

2004 -2009

Management, Strategic, Change and Crisis Management, Balanced Score Card

Public: Lauku atbalsta dienests, Latvijas valsts ceļi. Latvijas valsts televīzijas un radio centrs, Tiesnešu mācību centrs, Valsts augu aizsardzības dienests, Veselības inspekcija,

Paid service - mostly

Free of charge (NewRosme)

x Other

- 67 -

Zemkopības ministrija, Zāļu valsts aģentūra, Zvērinātu notāru padomePrivate: Grindex, Klondaika, Lāču ledus, New Rosme, Signum, Sinhro, Silja, Spilva, Sportland

Received grant for research

Aug 26, 2007 - Apr 29, 2008

The possibilities of the use of the modern management princip-les (Learning Organi-zation, Balanced Score Card and Be-havioural Econo-mics) for the deve-lopment of national economy of Latvia

Fulbright research scholar in the Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, Wa)

Work in business company (except education institutions)


Management Private - Zygon Baltic Consulting - consultant

Language skills Reading Writing Speaking Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average





16/02/2009Date Signature


Personal DetailsName SurnameIdentity No.TelephoneE-mail address

Andris Pētersons090766 -

- 68 -

Education2007 – šobrīd2006 – 2008 1998 – 20001996 – 19971995 – 19961989 – 1994

Professional Experience2004 – present2004 – present

2004 – present

2004 – present2004 – 20071998 – 200420021999 – 20021998 – 19991997 – 199819971995 – 19971995 – 19971995 – 19961994 – 1995

Additional skills, courses, conferences2009

2008 – present











Jiveskiles University, Finland, Doctoral Studies in Communication ScienceWork and Social Responsibility Academy ,Russia, Faculty of economics and management, Master’s degree in social sciencesLU Faculty of history and philosophy, Master’s degree in historyLU International relations Institute, Qualification - Head of external relations LU Faculty of history and philosophy, historian, pedagogue

School of Business Administration Turiba, Dean of faculty of public relations Director of Programme“International Communication Management” and “Public Relations” School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of communication science, lecturer.Study courses: Marketing communication, Introduction to profession, Public Relations Ethics and Social ResponsibilityConsultant and lecturer at training company “Komunikāciju akadēmija” Creative editor of concern “Hansa media” Magazine “Kapitāls” editorAdvertising Agency “Labvakar” editorA/s “Rīgas Centrāltirgus” press secretaryState civil rights bureau press secretaryLatvian Banks Assistant manager of publications department“Neatkarīgās Rīta Avīzes” executive directorMagazine “Biznesa Partneri” editorMagazine “Klubs” journalist“Neatkarīgās Rīta Avīzes” Head of business sectionLaikraksta “Labrīt” head of economics and business section correspondent

Project implementor, Latvian Science Council Fundemental Research “Intercultural aspects of Corporate Social responsibility communication”NATO CIMIC LMT teacher for unit troops on mission to Kosovu. Topics: Negotiations,mass media relationsVisiting professor at Aidīnas University (Turkey). Topics: Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication of Corporate Social ResponsibilityInternship in International business consulting Company “Hauska&Partners”, Austria, ERASMUS programme International Conference “PR Challenge”, Riga, moderatorSeminars – discussions in Riga, Liepāja, Daugavpils, Cēsīs, Jelgava on CSR and enterprises, media NGO’s and social cooperation under CSR projects International conference “PR Challenge”, Riga, Latvia. Member of the juryInternational conference on Corporate Social Responsibility “Bizness: Peļņa&Atbildība II”, organizerPresented a paper at International conference “PR days in Ukraine”, Kiev, UkrainePacific Lutheram University, USA, research. Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility, Public relationsInternational conference on Corporate Social Responsibility “Bizness: Peļņa&Atbildība I”, organizerPresented a paper at International conference “Īpašums, tā apgrūtinajumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas”, Riga, Latvia International conference “Sabiedriskās attiecības:Kvalitāte, ieguvumi, riski”, Rīga, Latvija, organizerInternational Conference “Development of economy: theory and practice”, Vilnius, LithuaniaKauņas Faculty of humanitarian sciences Business ethics centre project

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Monographies and scientific publications20092008









Extra curricular activity

Language skills





“Economics Humanisation”Information analysis courses Orhūsas UniversityBusiness administration courses, School of Business Administration Turiba Management courses Latvian BankBusiness journalism courses Glasgow University

CSR in Latvia//Journal of Baltic Studies 1Project “Sociāli atbildīga organizācija Baltijā” Latvijan experience //9th International Scientific Conference. Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība.Pieskārieni. – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. - 192 lpp.“Razvitjije korporativnoi kuljturi kak povisjitjelj konkuretnosposobnostji njegosudarstvennogo vuza”, Darba un sociālo attiecību akadēmijas rakstu krājums.Korporativnaja kuljtura negosudarstvennogo vuza kak faktor obespecjenjija ustoicjivogo razvitjija, Trud I socialjnija otnosjenija, 3.Communications in Corporate Social Responsibility//International Conference “PR Days in Ukraine”. Proceedings. Kiev.Uzņēmējdarbības principu attīstība Latvijas uzņēmējdarbības vidē// 7th International Scientific Conference “Īpašums, tā apgrūtinajumi”. Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība.Korporatīvā sociālā atbildība kā praktisks biznesa instruments// International Scientific Conference “Sabiedriskās attiecības:Kvalitāte, ieguvumi, riski”, Rakstu krajums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība.Korporativnaja socialjnaja otvetstvennostj v otrasljax socialjnogo riska// Rakstu krājums: Probljemi teorii i metodologii buxgaltjernogo dela, kontrolj i analiz.

Pētersons A., Pavāre L. Korporatīvā sociālā atbildība. Jauns veids, kā pelnīt vairāk. - Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. – 192 lpp.

Economical Development and Corruption Growth in Baltic States// Estonian Business Review.

Member of Consultative board for communication with the society of History Institute of University of LatviaMember of Latvian Association of public relation professionalsExternal advisor to the president of Latvian Auto cargo forwarders associationMember of Student Corporation Talavija

Latvian, Russian, English

LR Ministry of Education and Science annual award and honourary diploma fo significant contribution in pedagogical activityMemorial badge of honour as barricade participant





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School of Business Administration Turiba, Faculty of law, Dean, ProfessorPLACE OF EMPLOYMENT,POSITION

ADDRESS:Graudu 68, Riga, Latvia


Telephone No. +37167606105Fax: +37167619152



Basic education, post graduate studies, Phd. Educational

institution, state

Study period

Speciality Qualification

University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, part –time studies

University of Latvia. Part time post graduate studies

1971 – 1977

1986 -1989


State Law




Scientific council, institution, state

Year Speciality Degree Diploma No..

Science Council, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, USSR

Recognition and Promotion Council, University of Latvia, Republic of Latvia





Law Candidate

Phd. In Law

ЮР Nr.00456615.08.1990.

C-D Nr. 00103717.11.1992.

Professional Experience 2008 - SIA BAT Turība professor 2005 - 2008 SIA BAT Turība professor 2002 - 2005 LPA professor 1998 - 2002 LPA assistant professor 1995 - 1998 LPA lecturer 1993 - 1995 LU lecturer 1991 - 1992 RMI lecturer 1983 - 1991 RMI senior teacher

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1978 - 1983 RMI assistant

Scientific Activity, projects, grants, scientific advisor for masters’ theses, doctoral theses

Scientific activity connected to development of Administrative law and Administrative procedural law

Participation in the project: The Network of European Studies (SENT) project - Jean Monnet Study Centre grant. A project group member (WG4) – Law (2007-2010).

Participation in Northern Ireland and Scottish Police college project 2003/004-979-07-02 “Police training” Twinning contract No.LV/2003IB/JH-03A. 06.08.2004. – 14.08.2004.

Participation in state financed project “Radikālisma un ekstrēmisma izpausmju juridiskais definējums un šādu darbību tiesiskā regulēšana”. 27.08.2002.

Participation in the project: Tempus Phare S JEP – 12396-97 mobility grant, cooperation with Finnish HEI on scientific research (Personnel selection and recruitment criteria) manager of first subgroup. 11.12.2000.

Participation in the project TEMPUS - PHARE S – JEP 12396 – 97.– training and experience exchange on study course content, study programme design and study process organisation, Finland, Helsinki University, 04.10.1999 – 17.10.1999.

Participation in the project TEMPUS – PHARE S – JEP 112396 – 97 Finland, Helsinki University – research and experience exchange on study process organisation and student and teacher activity in the library using database “HELKA”. Training and experience exchange on study process organisation, Finland, Helsinki University, Lifelong learning Centre, 12.11.1998. – 15.11.1998.

Managed State commissioned scientific research project “Vēsturiski salīdzinošā pašvaldību reformu procesu izpēte un praktisku rekomendāciju sagatavošana pašvaldību demokratizācijas attīstībai”, 1996.

5 master theses (2007./2008), 3 master theses (2008./2009.) 1 doctoral thesis – state law science, LPA, Department of state law science 1 doctoral thesis – management science, LU, Department of Public

Administration 5 doctoral theses – Law Science, School of Business Administration Turiba ,

Department of Public law Participation in conferences, organisation committees, editorial panels, chairing conferences and sections 2008.30.05. Riga, School of Business Administration Turiba . Participation in editorial panel, IX International Scientific Conference„Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi”, 3. sekcijas „Darba tiesisko attiecību regulējums,

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problēmas, risinājumi, nākotnes tendences” darba vadīšana. 2008.22.05. Riga, School of Business Administration Turiba . Participation in Conference „Online Distance Learning Module in EU Basic Law Education”, nolasot referātu „Legal Aspects of Business Activities”. 2006.10.-11.11. Vilnius (Lithuania) Participation in Mykolas Romieris Universitātes International Scientific Conference, with paper on “Competence of Competition Council”; 2006.02.06. Riga. ,School of Business Administration Turiba 7th International Scientific Conference, Chairing Public Law Section and Paper on “Administratīvo tiesību avoti”; 2004. 01.11. – 04.11. Riga, Latvian Police Academy, Conducting CEPOL course “Līderis un vadīšana mainīgā pasaulē”; 2003.27.-28.11. Participation in International Scientific Practical Conference, Chairing plenary session and paper on “Speciālie termini, to piemērošana administratīvās tiesībās”, Latvian Police Academy; 2003.31.10-01.11. Paper “Par konstitucionālās un administratīvās tiesvedības robežām” Kāds ir vērtējums no tiesiskuma viedokļa” for seminar on “Konstitucionālā un administratīvā tiesvedība: kompetences robežas un savstarpējā mijiedarbība”; 2003. 23.08. Participation in International Scientific Practical Conference, Chairing the conference and paper on “Publiskās pārvaldes pilnveide” Latvian Police Academy. 2003. 27.02. -28.02. Participation in International Scientific Conference, paper on “Publisko tiesību līgums” Rezekne Higher School . 2002.12.04. Participation in International Scientific Conference, Paper on “Uzņēmuma reģistra kompetences tiesiskā regulējuma pilnveide” School of Business Administration Turiba . 2002.28.02.-02.03. Participation in International Scientific Conference Rezekne Higher School, paper on ”Administratīvās iestādes kompetences tiesiskā regulējuma pilnveide”. 1998. 13.-16.05. Participation in International Scientific Conference –Lithuanian Law Academy, paper on “Creation of the National Administrative and Administrative procedure law system and compliance with the European law”.

Participation in Scientific Conferences: 2003. 20.03. Participation in Latvian Police Academy conference, paper on “Kāpēc Administratīvo sodu procesa likumprojekts”? 2002. 28.01. Participation in seminar organised by Secretariat of Special Ministry for State reform, Saeima’ s State Administration and Municipality committee “Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likumprojekts”. 2001.09. 11. Participation in International seminar organised by LR Constitutional Court and German Fond for international cooperation “Pamattiesību aizsardzība Konstitucionālā tiesā”.

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2001.06.10. Participation in conference organised by Robert Šūmaņ Institute in Latvia “Informētas sabiedrības nepieciešamība integrējoties Eiropas Savienībā”, Participation in debate on the significance of administrative law principles in public administration. 2001. 06.03. Participation in seminar organised by LR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Council’s Human Rights general directorate on “Eiropas Cilvēktiesību konvencija un tās tiesu prakse: piemērošana nacionālajās tiesu instancēs un valsts pārvaldē”. 1999.23.04. Participation in conference “Ombudsmen in Latvia – democratic addition”.

Study courses (subjects)Lectures and seminars conductedAdministrative Law (4 credit points), Professional Bachelor's programme Administrative Law and procedure (5 credit points), Professional Postgraduate Programme ,Administrative procedural Law (3 credit points), Professional Bachelor's programme Administrative law problems (5 credit points), Doctoral Programme in Law Science,Commercial Law and Communication Law (2 credit points), Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" State Administration and Government Communication (4 credit points), Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Design of study course programmes:Administrative Law. Programme, Thematic plan, Study paper topics, Seminar plan, Questions, tasks for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2005.

European Union State Administrative Law. Study course description. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2006.

Administrative Law un administrative procedure. Programme. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

State Administration and Public Relations. Programme. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

Administrative Law Problems. Programme. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

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Commercial law and communication law. Programme. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

State administration and government communication. Programme. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

Legal aspects of Business activities. Programme. Language of instruction: English. Erasmus. School of Business Administration Turiba 2008.

Methodological activity

Administrative Law. Tasks and case studies for independent studies. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2005.

European Union State Administrative Law. Tasks and case studies for independent studies. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2006.

Administrative Law and administrative procedure. Tasks and case studies for independent studies. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

Administrative law problems. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

Commercial law and communication law. Tasks and case studies for independent studies. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba . 2007.

State administration and government communication. PowerPoint slides for independent studies. School of Business Administration Turiba 2007.

Legal aspects of Business activities. PowerPoint.

Comments on State administrative mechanism law. Methodological materials for study course on Administrative Law.

PublicationsTeaching books and aids compiled and published:

Monograph J.Načisčionis Administratīvās tiesības. P&K . 2002. 11.8 a/l

Monograph J.Načisčionis Administratīvās tiesības. Latvijas

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vēstnesis . 2003. 14.7 a/l

Contract concluded with School of Business Administration Turiba for 3rd

and revised monograph on Administrative Law (manuscript submitted).


Significant publications1. Načisčionis J. „Administratīvās iestādes kompetences tiesiskā regulējuma pilnveide.” Rēzeknes augstskola .2002.0,77 a/l

2. Načisčionis J. „Uzņēmuma reģistra kompetences tiesiskā regulējuma pilnveide.”Biznesa augstskola “Turība” 2002.0,99 a/l

3. Načisčionis J. „Publisko tiesību līgums.” Ŗēzeknes augstskola. 2003. 0,75 a/l

4. Načisčionis J. „Publiskās pārvaldes pilnveide.” Latvijas Policijas akadēmija.2003. 0,5 a/l

5. Načisčionis J. “Par konstitucionālās un administratīvās tiesvedības robežām”. Kāds ir vērtējums no tiesiskuma viedokļa. Jurista vārds. 2003.Nr. 41 0,5 a/l

6. Načisčionis J. “Speciāllie termini, to piemērošana administratīvās tiesībās” “Administratīvā un kriminālā justīcija” 2004. 0,5 a/l

7. Начисчионис Я. „Публично правовые договора.” Закон и жизнь 09.2004.

8. Načisčionis J. Administratīvo tiesību avoti. Biznesa augstskola “Turība” 2006 . 0,5a/l

9. Načisčionis J. Competence of the Competition Council of the Republic of Latvia. Mykolas Romeris university. Jurisprudencija. 2007. Nr.6 (96) 0,5a/l

10. Lestrade E., Načisčionis J. The Developing Securitization Market in the Baltics and Central and Eastern Europe. European Newsletter (Sweet and Maxwell). 10/2007. 0,3a/l

Further education and professional development

2008. 05.05. -09.05. Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus mobility 8 lecture hours attended at University of Applied Sciences Saarland (Germany). 2008. 31.03.-06.04. Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus mobility

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experience exchange on study process organisation and implementation of exchange programmes at Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (Netherland). 2005. 2. 12 Participation in international seminar on Problems concerning interpretation of Constitutional Court judgement organised by LR Constitutional Court in cooperation with Deutsche Stiftung für internationale rechtliche Zusammenarbeit. 2005.03.10. – 09.10. SOCRATES programme ERASMUS activity 2.2. Conducted lectures at Mykolas Romieris University Vilnius, 8hrs. Lectures for Bachelor's programme students, administrative law teachers , doctoral and Postgraduate Programme students. 2004.08.08. –14.08. participation in bilateral cooperation project “Policijas apmācības sistēmas uzlabošana un policijas apmācības sistēmas sniegumu vadīšanas sistēmas pilnveidošana”. Experience exchange in teaching Northern Ireland and Scottish Police College – Certificate. 2004. 18.04. - 2004. 24.04. Internship abroad - Ukraine National Interior Affairs Academy. Creative, subjective thinking and experience exchange on study process organisation, administrative enactments and in particular administrative liability enhancement measures in Ukraine and Latvia. Conducted lectures on Реформы государственного управления Латвии (Закон об устройстве государственного упраления. Закон об административном процессе Правовое регулирование и практика). 1999. 17.05. - 21.05. Training in Poland (Legionov), EPKA courses - module “Management” - Certificate. 1997. 1 3.-15.04. UCoSDA study quality assessment seminar (SSA Training seminar). 1995. 16.01 – 1995.03. 02 Studies in Denmark (Ronne) Public Administration Reform courses, certificate ; themes: Role of central and local government, “Government in a democratic society” and “Government information”. 1994. - 1996. Represented department of public administration of LR Ministry of Justice in European Council Administrative law working group. Participation in design of manual “Administration and You”. 1991.g. 29. 01. - 02. 02. Participation in International seminar on topical issues regarding medical insurance organised by National Centre of Polish Healthcare Ministry.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected offices and extra curricular social activity

Latvian Professor AssociationLatvian Science Council expert on LawSchool of Business Administration Turiba . Director of the Professional

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Postgraduate Programme „ Law ” School of Business Administration Turiba . Director of the Professional Postgraduate Programme „Public Administration”Chairperson of the Senate, School of Business Administration Turiba Head of the department of Public Law School of Business Administration Turiba from 2005 - 2007 Chairperson of the Council of Faculty of Law, School of Business Administration Turiba School of Business Administration Turiba representative at ELFA (European Law Faculties Association), Member of editorial board for LPA journal „Administratīvā un kriminālā justīcija” from 1999 – 2004Expert on making amendments for legal enactments and draft law projects that are to be submitted to the Saiema.

Awards No state awards

Patents, copyrights, licences -

Language Skills: Reading Writing Speaking excellent, good, average excellent, good, average excellent,

good, average






28.04.2009.(Date) (Signature)

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1. Personal Details

Name Mārtiņš BoikoField of activity Music ScholarAcademic Degree PhD. in Philosophy (Dr. phil.) recognised as Phd. in Philology (Dr. philol.)Academic position Professor, Latvian Music Academy, Riga Stradins University Professor Date and Place of Birth Jurmala 14th July 1960Nationality LatvianChildren daughter Justīne (born in 1985)Marital Status DivorcedAddress Buļļu street 35a - 117, LV-1055 Riga Telephone 9523447

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2. Field of InterestMusic anthropology, ethnomusicology Nonverbal acoustic communication and acoustic ecologyCommunication theories

3. School education1967 – 1974 5th Secondary School, Riga 1974 – 1979 Emīls Dārziņs special music secondary school, music theory section and flute class

4. Education1979 – 84 Jāzeps Vītols Latvian State Conservatory (now Latvian Music

Academy), Muicology section; diploma paper Ponjatie muzykal'noj racional'nosti v muzykal'noj sociologii Maksa Vebera; reviewer Prof. Dr. Jelena Lebedeva, Prof. Dr. Pēteris Laķis; diploma with distinction

1987 – 90 Lithuanian State Conservatory (now Lithuanian Music Academy) part-time doctoral studies. (Studies were interrupted as in 1990 the promotion Council of Lithuanian State Conservatory was closed by a USSR institutional decree)

1992 – 95 doctoral studies at Hamburg University’s Musicology Institute

5. Degrees and Academic positions1995 doctoral thesis from Hamburg University’s Musicology Institute;

specialized in systematic music science; Dr. in Philosophy (Dr.phil.) for thesis Die litauischen Sutartinės. Eine Studie zur baltischen Volksmusik; reviewed by Prof. Dr. Albrehts Šneiders (Hamburg University), Prof.Dr. Helmūts Rēzings (Hamburg University), Prof. Dr. Oskārs Elšeks (Comenius University, Bratislava/Vienna University); marks: excellent (magna cum laude)

2001 Hamburg University Dr.phil. with was recognised Dr. in Philology by promotional council of LU for literature and folklore.

2001 Elected as assistant professor at LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

2004 Elected as professor at Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy.2005 Riga Stradiņa University professor

6. Scholarships1992 – 93 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholarship for studies at

Hamburg University’s Musicology Institute1993 (marts) Iceland Ministry of Culture and Education Scholarship for research

trip to Iceland

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1995 EU TEMPUS programme scholarship for dissertation and studies at Hamburg University’s Musicology Institute

1997 – 99 Research Support Scheme scholarship for research in Latvia1999 – 00 Alexander von Humboldt–Stiftung scholarship for research at

Bamberg University2001 – 04 KKF creative scholarship for project Latvijas vecticībnieku

tradicionālās mūzikas dokumentācija realizācijai2002 Alexander von Humboldt–Stiftung scholarship for research at

Bamberg University

7. Awards1989 Latvian SSR Science Academy presidium’s award for young scholars

for the work in the field of „Ethnic roots of Music Folklore“2001 Annual great folklore award for scientific research2003 Annual great folklore award for scientific research2004 Kariksway International Musicology Prize 2004

8. Professional Experience1981 – 82 teacher at Emīls Dārziņs special music secondary school1982 – 96 lecturer at Latvian Music Academy1987 – 90 Junior Research worker at Latvian Science Academy and literature

institute1989 – 92 Deputy chairperson of Latvian Compositors Union – Chairperson of

Musicology section 1996 – 98 Lecturer at LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology1997 – 98 Lecturer at Latvian Culture Academy2000 – Freelance research worker at RadioBerlin2000 – LU Literature, folklore and art institute, Repository of Latvian folklore2001 LU Literature, folklore and art institute, Head of Repository of Latvian folklore2001 – 04 Assistant professor at Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology2004 – Professor, Latvian Music Academy2005 – Professor, Riga Stradiņa University2005 – Head of Communication Studies Department, Faculty of European

studies, Riga Stradiņa University

9. Participation in Professional Organisations1987 – Member of Latvian Compositors Union1987 – 91 Member of Folklore Committee of USSR Compositors Union1988 – Member of European Seminar in Ethnomusicology1993 – Member of International Council for Traditional Music, UNESCO

representative in Latvia1995 – Member of Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Vergleichende und

Systematische Musikwissenschaft, Hamburg, co-founder2000 – Member of Latvian Anthropology Association

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2000 – Correspondent member of Kommision für Lied–, Musik– und Tanzforschung an der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde e.V.

2001 – Latvian National Committee member of International Music Council, UNESCO

2004 – Member of International Ballad Commission. Kommision für Volksdichtung

10. Participation in editorial boards and working committees etc.1999 – Member of editorial board for proceedings of international conference

Ethnomusicology section, Lithuanian Music Academy2000 – Member of editorial board of traditional music journal The world of

music2001 – 06 Member of Promotional Council of LU Literature, folklore and library2003 – 07 Member of Council of LU Literature, folklore and art institute2004 – 06 Expert on traditional culture committee of State Culture capital Fond 2004 – Member of the Promotional Council of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music

Academy 2005 – Expert in the Latvian Science Council2005 – 08 Member of the Senate of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy2006 – Promotional Council member in Sociology at Riga Stradiņa

University2007 – Chairperson of the promotional Council of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian

Music Academy

11. Field Research1978 – 92 Annual field research in different Latvian regions1979 – 81, 98 Field research in Lithuania in cooperation with Vilnius University

Faculty of Philology, Kaunas department and Vytautas Magnus University

1997 – 99 Documentation of traditional Catholic music in Latgale and Augšzeme2001 – 04 Documentation of Latgales Old testament followers music

12. LanguagesLatvian (native)German, Russian, English (good)Lithuanian (conversational)French, Ukraine (Basic)

13. Publications

3 monographies, ~50 different scientific papers and 43conference and congress reports.

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5th May 2009, Riga Mārtiņš Boiko


Personal DetailsName SurnameIdentity No.TelephoneE-mail

Ainārs Dimants060566 - 12506;

Education1999 – 2003

1995 – 1996

1987 – 1990

1984 – 1987

1976 – 19841973 – 1976

Free University of Berlin, Otto Suhr Political Science Institute, Dr. phil. in Communication and Political Science (magna cum laude)University of Latvia, Faculty of Philology, Mg. sc. soc in Communication ScienceM. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism, Qualification: Newspaper editorial staff (with honours)University of Latvia, Faculty of Philology, speciality – journalismValdemārpils secondary schoolPopervāle primary school

Professional experience2007 -

2005 -


School of Business Administration Turiba, Director of Doctoral programme “Communication Management”School of Business Administration Turiba, Head of the department of communication science, Associate professorFreelance lecturer in Basic and techniques of journalism,

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2004 – 2005

2003 – 2004



1999 – 2007

1998 – 2002

19981997 – 1998

1993 – 1998

1993 -

1992 – 19971990 – 1992

University of DaugavpilsGuest lecturer Vidzeme University College, Communications and Public Relations DepartmentCoordinator and member of the action and programme committee of the V Baltic study conference in EuropeMedia researcher Vidzeme University College – participant of Norwegian Foreign Ministry financed International research project „The Baltic Media World”, Vidzeme University College research project manager “Self-censorship in Latvian Media” Freelance lecturer in journalism basics, Albert College RigaEuropean Movement in Latvia, head of pre referendum information campaignPublic political portal Elections section editorLatvian language training national programme (LVAVP) quarterly issue “Tagad” editorRiga’s Stradins University, Head of Department of Communication Studies Weekly newspaper „Fokuss” Chief editorLatvian Television foreign and international policies discussion programme „Globuss”, director,Deputy editor of newspaper “Lauku Avīze”Freelance lecturer Latvian communication history (1918 - 1940) Latvian University Communication and Journalism DepartmentParticipant of Latvian Television journalist discussion programme „Skats no malas”Newspaper „Diena”, CommentatorNewspaper „Diena”, Correspondent in Moscow

Further Education2009


Speech at Goethe Institute, International congress organised by German Easteuropean research association and Polish Institute in Berlin “Window to freedom: history of hope – end of an illusion?” Berlin, GermanyChairing the panel discussion at Latvian Citezens’ Forum organised by European Parliament information bureau “Vienota Eiropas vēsture?” School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga Baltic Association for Media Research, annual conference, University of Latvia, RigaReport presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research 26th World Congress, University of Stockholm3rd Latvian camp for public relations students „Dynamic Thinking Workshop” JelgavaChairing panel discussion and report presented at 9th International scientific conference „Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi” organised by School of Business

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Administration Turiba Speech in discussion „Rakstnieks un politika 20. gadsimtā” University of Latvia, Faculty of PhilologyChairing panel discussion at School of Business Administration Turiba organised scientific practical conference “Biznesa inteliģence: risinājumi sekmīgai komunikācijai un uzņēmējdarbībai”Baltic Association for Media Research, annual conference, Vytautas Magnus University of KaunasReport on „Latvijas un Krievijas attiecības pēc Krievijas prezidenta vēlēšanām” at international seminar organised by Easteuropean political research centre Riga.Report on biedrības „Laba pārvaldība un labklājība: Eiropas un nacionālā pieredze” at international conference „Sabiedrība citai politikai”, RigaReport at discussion, State Radio and Television Council Participation in discussions on Latvian Telivision development scenarios at State Radio and Television Council Enhancement of IT skills at course organised by School of Business Administration Turiba (6 ECTS)Introduction to IT skills organised by School of Business Administration Turiba (6 ECTS) Participation in panel discussion on Simon Anholt’s report „Konkurētspējīga identitāte Latvijai” at conference organised by Latvian Institute „Zīmolvedības stratēģija Latvijai”, RigaReport at international social science research conference „Baltic Futures” organised by LU Social and Political research Institute and President’s strategic analysis committee, RigaSpeech at 61st conference Zināšanu sabiedrība un tiesiska valsts – priekšnoteikumi ceļā uz patiesu demokrātiju” organised by Latvian Intelligentsia Association, RigaSpeech at Latvian Journalist Union organised conference of professional ethics “Kas kontrolēs kontrolierus?”, RigaTwo reports and speech at conference organised by World Free Latvian Association (PBLA) and University of Latvia “Latvijas masu mediju loma demokrātiskas sabiedrības veidošanā”, Riga Report at 7th Baltic studies conference, Lueneburg 2nd Latvian camp for public relations students „Dynamic Thinking Workshop” RopažiChairing panel discussion at School of Business Administration Turiba organised international scientific practical conference “Bizness: Peļņa & Atbildība II”Baltic Association for Media Research, annual conference, University of Latvia, RigaReport at international media and communication scientific conference „Comparing Media Systems: West Meets East”,

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University of WroclawSpeech at discussion „Kompleksa pieeja politisko partiju finansēšanā un kontrolē”organised by Corruption prevention and Anticorruption bureau (KNAB) and Social political centre „Providus”, RigaLatvian Press publishers association organised conference „Drukāto mediju veiksmes formula. Jaunākie risinājumi un neapgūtās iespējas” RigaChairing panel discussion organised by School of Business Administration Turiba at International scientific conference “Latvijas nekustamo īpašumu tirgus: iespējas un riski”Participation in panel discussion „Partiju priekšvēlēšanu kampaņas un mediji – kurš kura pavadā?” organised by Social political centre „Providus”, Riga Participation in panel discission for media professionals „Latvijas žurnālistika pirms 9. Saeimas vēlēšanām: tendenciozitāte un profesionālisms” Journalist’s house, Riga2nd Baltic media forum „Krievija un Baltijas jūras reģions” Luebeck1st Latvian camp for public relations students „Dynamic Thinking Workshop” PāvilostaLatvian Press publishers association organised conference „Drukāto mediju biznesa krustceles – riskēt vai nogaidīt, līdz piekožas” Saulkrasti Baltic Association for Media Research, annual conference, University of Tartu„Berlitz” certificate: BerlitzEnglish Level 6 (Upper Intermediate) Business II, Level Check Result: Oral 4 (Very Good)Chairing panel discussion with Margot Wallström, Vice President for European Commission and Commissioner for international relations and communication strategy at Saeima and European Commission Representation conference „Latvija Eiropas Savienībā: pieredze, secinājumi, nākotnes vīzija” Chairing discussion „Café d’Europe” organised by EU during the Austrian presidency, Riga„Baltijas foruma”, European Committee representation in Latvia and European Parliament information bureau organised international conference „Turcija Eiropas Savienībā: kas Latvijai sakāms?”Chairing European Committee representation in Latvia, European Parliament information bureau and EU information agency organised international conference „Eiropas Savienības komunikācijas politika: kā stāstīt, lai saprastu, kā klausīties, lai sadzirdētu?”, Riga participation in strategic conference organised by business consulting firm „Booz Allen Hamilton” RigaParticipation in panel discussion „Seminarium hortus humanitatis” on „Latvijas eiropeiskās identifikācijas

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problēma 1993. - 2006. g.”, RigaChairing panel discussion on EU Lisbon strategy in Latvia „Eiropas mājā”, RigaResearch paper on Baltic state development organised by „Kasseler Sparkasse” bank, KasselResearch paper presentation at VII World Congress „Europe – Our Common Home?” organised by International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), Berlin Participation at 6th International scientific conference „Sabiedriskās attiecības: kvalitāte, ieguvumi un riski” organised by School of Business Administration Turiba RigaParticipation in international conference „Activating an Educational Fortune for Europe through Citizens’ Initiatives and Adult Education” organised by “Europahaus Burgenland” Participation in international conference„Ko Latvijai nozīmē Eiropas Konstitūcija?” organised by European Commission representation in Latvia, European Parliament information bureau and EU information agency, RigaOpening the panel discussion „EUROVISIONEN – Kultur plus zehn” Nuhrenberg Research paper presentation at seminar „Eiropas nākotne: ES paplašināšanās uz austrumiem perspektīvas” organised by Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Deutsche Ostkunde im Unterricht in Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. Research paper presentation at international Baltic states and Norwegian media researchers’ seminar „The Baltic Media World” Bīriņi castleResearch paper presentation at Seminar „Žurnālistu, ekspertu un nevalstisko organizāciju loma Latvijas - Krievijas dialogā” Krievijas Ārzemju literatūras bibliotēkā ciklā “Latvija - Krievija: jaunās sadarbības perspektīvas” organised by Embassy of Latvia, Russia, MoscowSpeech at Conference „Discovering Europe 25 – Enlargement – Culture – Citizens”, Vienna University supported by the Austrian Foreign MinistryPanel discussion „Vācijas tēls jaunajās dalībvalstīs” supported by the German Foreign Ministry under the programme „Kulturjahr der Zehn”, Berlin Art AcademyResearch paper presentation Riga Stradiņa university and Donau-Universität Krems forum “Kultūru saziņa: starpkultūru komunikācija jaunajā Eiropā” RigaParticipation with paper at Latvian Writer’s Union conference “Simt gadu kopā ar Vili Lāci” in cooperation with LU Latvian history institute, LU Factulty of philology, Latvian Culture Academy And Latvian Academic Library, RigaChairing panel discussion on EU new member relations at c XXXVI Baltic sea states European Movement conference “North-European Talks”, Riga

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Research paper presentation at panel discussion “Neighbours of Hamburg” organised by General Counsel of Republic of Poland and Hamburg Political education centre, Hamburg City HallParticipation in 2nd International conference “Eiropas paplašināšana: Baltijas jūras valstis – cilvēktiesības un mazākumtautības” organised by Ostseegesellschaft, Lübeck - TravemündeParticipation in conference “Baltic cooperation in the St. Petersburg dimension” organised by St. Petersburg Integrated Research and project centre and journal “Profil’ Severnaja Evropa”, St. PetersburgParticipation in international conference “Masu mediju loma dialoga veicināšanā starp Baltijas valstīm un Krieviju” organised by LATO, St. Petersburg Integrated Research and project centre and Konrad Adenauer Foundation, RigaParticipation in conference “Demokrātijas nākotne aiz Baltijas robežām” organised by LATO and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia, RigaPresentation of research paper at study conference “Eurocapitales” organised in ParisPresentation of research paper at Europa-Union Deutschland federal congress, RostockPresentation of research paper at scientific seminar “Latvija - Krievija: jaunās sadarbības perspektīvas” organised by Embassy of Latvia in Russia and Russian Foreign Literature Literary, Moscow Presentation of research paper at “North-European Talks” conference XXXV Baltic Sea States European Movement, Ķile,Presentation of research paper at conference “Baltijas valstu uzņemšana Eiropas Savienībā” organised by Baltic Germans Association in Germany, VernigerodePresentation of research paper at study conference “Eurocapitales” organised in ParisPresentation of research paper at V Baltic studies conference, TurkuJewish Family & Children’s Service, St. Louis, MO, USA training programme “Partnering For Success of NGO’s”, SiguldaParticipation in Seminar “Europa und seine Bürger” organised by “Bund Europäischer Bürger” in cooperation with Hamburg political education centreb and Catholic Academy in Hamburg Participation in International Political Dialogue “The Enlarged European Union – Partner of the Developing World: The Impact of EU-Enlargement on European Development Policy” organised by InWEnt (Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung = Capacity Building International, Germany), Berlin

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European Movement organised international conference “Building awareness for Europe” AthensReport on the working group at international conference “The transformation of working society in North-Eastern Europe” organised by North-European political research group FOR:N, Europe Academy, BerlinParticipation in International conference “Baltic Sea Forum on Future of Enlarged European Union” organised by EC and European Parliament, MariehamnParticipation in seminar conducted by prof. Dr. Gerhard Gensch “EML Public Information Campaign in preparation of the planned referendum on Latvia joining the European Union”, European Movement in Latvia, RigaPresentation of research paper at “North-European talks” conference XXXIV Baltic Sea States European Movement, HelsinkiParticipation in international seminar organised by Foreign Ministry of Netherlands and Great Britain “A Wider Europe – Getting the Message Across” HaguePresentation of research paper at international conference “Sabiedriskās domas un sabiedriskās politikas veidošana Baltkrievijā” organised by Independent social economic and political research institute (dedicated to 10th Anniversary), MinskChairing media and advertising section at international conference “Mediju loma sabiedrības integrācijā Baltijā un Eiropā” organised by Riga Stradins university, department of Communication studies and Tallinn Pedagogical University, Riga“The Federal Trust for Education and Research” (Great Britain) conference “EU Enlargement: Linking Civil Society, Citizen & the State”, BerlinPresentation of research paper at 2nd World Latvian Scientists CongressPresentation of research paper at IV Baltic studies in Europe conference (Tartu)study visit to Akademie für Publizistik , HamburgPresentation of research paper at Ziemeļeiropas sarunu” conference XXXIII Baltic Sea States European Movement RigaParticipation in international conference “European Identity” organised by Council of Europe general secretary, StrasbourgInternational Baltic Sea Region Identity conference, RigaPresentation of research paper at International European movement seminar in Riga on Baltic states’ citizen society road to EUPresentation of research paper at conference “Mediju darba neatkarības veicināšana Latvijā” organised by Communication studies department of Riga Stradiņa

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University in cooperation with media publishers, editor and journalists Participation in seminar organised for media employees and students on “Korupcija masu medijos – Latvija un pasaule” organised by Communication studies department of Riga Stradins University and Konrad Adenauer FoundationPresentation of research paper “Latvijas masu mediju loma globalizācijas apstākļos” at international conference “Latviešu grāmata un bibliotēka: 1525 - 2000” organised by Latvian National Library and Association of Latvian Librarians, RigaParticipation in European Movement in Ireland organised international conference on EU institutional reforms and expansion, DublinPresentation of research paper at conference on pre-accession communication strategies of EU candidate members organised by Bertelsmann foundation and the World Bank, BudapestPresentation of research paper at “North-European Talks” conference XXXII Baltic Sea States European Movement DenmarkStudy visit to Berlin Open University and Berlin Humboldt UniversityPresentation of research paper at international conference on transformation of Baltic states integrating into the EU (and mass media systems) organised by Conrad Adenauer fond and Göttinger Arbeitskreis, TallinnPresentation of research paper at International conference organised by Embassy of Great Britain on mass media development in the Latvian social integration contextPresentation of research paper at European Council international conference in Vilnius on freedom of speech and mass media development in the Baltic StatesInternship at newspaper „Der Tagesspiegel” on Hans Seidel foundation scholarship, BerlinInternship at newspaper „Volksstimme” on Friedrich Ebert foundation scholarship, MagdeburgInternship at newspaper „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” on Konrad Adenauer Foundation scholarship, FrankfurtPractice at German Parliament in Bonn and with German Radio „Deutschlandfunk”, ColognePresentation of research paper at World Latvian Scientists Congress, Journalism Section

Academic Courses Modern Communication and Mass Communication TheoriesCommunication science and JournalismJournalism TechnologyCommunication ScienceMass CommunicationHistory of Latvian Communication

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Academic lectures2008










Scientific and methodological activity

2008 – 2009

2008 -

History of CommunicationIntroduction to JournalismBasics of JournalismBasics and techniques of journalismPress journalism technology, methods, genreEuropean Union and Latvia: Communication Strategies

Guest lectures on „Changes in Baltic Media World” Munich Technical UniversityGuest lectures on „Changes in Baltic Media World” Munich Technical UniversityVisiting lecturer course „Scandinavian media culture and its projection on the Baltics” University of Vienna lectures on Baltic media at Baltic International Summer School, Vidzeme University College, Valmieralectures on Baltic media at Baltic International Summer School, Vidzeme University College, Valmieralecture “Baltic sea region and EU future from the Latvian perspective” Berlin Humboldt Universitylectures on Baltic media at Baltic International Summer School, Vidzeme University College, Valmieraacademic speech “Mediju sabiedriskā atbildība – ko tas nozīmē Latvijā” 119th anniversary celebrations of academic society “Austrums” Rigalecture on “Latvia and Germany: European partner relation perspectives” FOR:N, Berlintwo visiting lecture courses in Berlin: “Press in Latvia” Berlin Humboldt University and “Latvian politics and society in the European integration process” Berlin Open Universityguest lectures “Caur Latviju uz federatīvu Eiropu?” Latvian academic organisation, Stockholm, Sweden guest lectures on “Latvian Press” and “Political situation in Latvia” at Free University of berlin

Fulbright Senior Scholar, University of Georgia, USA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and ResearchScientific advisor for Master’s thesis of postgraduate students in public relations, Andris Kuzņecovs, Dainis Mjartāns and Egita Veinberga, and doctoral student in communication management Renāte Cāne at School of Business Administration Turiba Member of working committee for drafting professional standards for journalists

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2007 -


2005 -


2004 – 2005

2004 -



Participant of international research project „Corporate Social Responsibility in media enterprises”Member of editorial board for Polskie Towarzystwo Komunikacji Społecznej – Polish Communication Association official journal „Central European Journal of Communication”, Expert council of Latvian Institute for nations brand management and nternational Association for Media and Communication ResearchChief editor of journal „Akadēmiskā Dzīve” (US ISSN 0516-3145) Senior research at Business Technology Institute of School of Business Administration Turiba Project manager for Latvian science Council sponsored business research project “Latvijas krievvalodīgo mediju tirgus un auditorija” (No. 07.2087)Chair of State Examination Committee for communication science at Faculty of European studies at Riga Stradiņa University Participation in international accreditation committe for professional bachelor studies programme in advertising and public relations of International Institute of practical Psychology, RigaScientific advisor for Master’s thesis of postgraduate student in public relations, Edīte Olupe at School of Business Administration Turiba Member of School of Business Administration Turiba Senate, editorial board of journal „Akadēmiskā Dzīve”, Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies – AABS and Baltic Association for Media ResearchHead of committee of experts for accreditation of Bachelor study programme in communication Science of the University of LatviaMember of international expert committee for accreditation of professional bachelor study programme in public relations at Baltic Russian Institute, School of Business Administration Turiba and Latvian Christian AcademyManagement and implementation of Media Institute research project “Latvijas masu mediju attīstība kopš otrās neatkarības” sponsored by Latvian Scientific Council Reviewer on the qualification committee of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of LatviaParticipation in international accreditation committe for professional bachelor studies programme in advertising and public relations of International Institute of practical Psychology, RigaGuest lecturer on Latvian society and policies in European Integration process and press in Latvia, Berlin Open University and Berlin Humboldt University („Volkswagen” fond scholarship)

Scientific publications2008 The role of Scandinavian investments for the re-integration

of Latvian media in the North/Central European model of

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media system. No: Informacijos mokslai (2008), Vol. 47, pp. 37 - 43Redakcionālā autonomija kā korporatīvā sociālā atbildība mediju uzņēmējdarbībā. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2008), Nr. 45, 36. - 39. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodāThe Latvian Public Service Broadcasting on the Way of Differentiation from the Political to the Media System. No: Abstracts : Media and Global Divides (IAMCR World Congress, Stockholm, 20 - 25 July 2008). Stockholm : Organizing Committee for the IAMCR Congress 2008, p. 461Nenotikusī atgriešanās Eiropā. No: Latvija Eiropas Savienībā (2007), Nr. 8, 30. - 31. lpp.Kas notiek ziņu žurnālistikā. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2007), Nr. 44, 113. - 114. lpp.Transparenz im Mediensektor. Erfahrung in Lettland und im Europa. No: Reetz, Axel (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Probleme postsozialistischer Länder : Das Beispiel Lettland. Wittenbach-SG : Wilhelm Surbir, 2007, S. 129 - 133Latvia’s Russian-language Newspapers and its Readers. No: Die Baltische Region zwischen Deutschland und Russland : Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart / The Baltic Region between Germany and Russia : Dependence and Independence in Past and Present (7th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg, Germany 8 - 10 June 2007). Lüneburg, 2007, 40. lpp.Privilēģija klusēt. No: lidojums un sapīšanās uz zemes [Recenzija par Sandras Veinbergas grāmatu „Masmediji: Prese, radio un televīzija” (Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 358 lpp.)]. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2006), Nr. 43, 113. - 115. lpp.Mediju īpašumu caurskatāmība : pieredze Latvijā un Eiropā. No: Biznesa augstskola Turība (rīk.): Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas : 7. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference (Rīga, 2006. gada 2. jūnijs) : Rakstu krājums. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2006, 231. - 234. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodāPar demokrātiju un Latvijas tautas vienprātību : Jānis Čakste. No: Goldmanis, Juris (sast.): Personība un demokrātija : Metodisks līdzeklis Latvijas vēsturē. Rīga : Aizkraukles Banka, 2005Mediju sabiedriskā atbildība – ko tas nozīmē Latvijā. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2005/2006), Nr. 42, 63. - 67. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodā The Different Mass Media Traditions in Latvia and their Future in the EU. No: International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES) ; German Association for East European Studies (DGO) ; Weltkongress e. V. (rīk.):

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ICCEES VII World Congress „Europe – Our Common Home?” : Abstracts (July 25 - 30, 2005, Berlin, Germany), 97. lpp.Ziņas masu medijiem un informācijas elitei. No: Kluinis, Arnis: LETA. Nacionālās ziņu aģentūras lomas 20./21. gs. Latvijā. SIA LETA, 2005, 4. lpp.Vilis Lācis – preses karaļa pavalstnieks vai nedemokrātisku režīmu balsts. No: Gūtmane, Margita (sast.): 100 gadu kopā ar Vili Lāci : konferences materiāli (2004. gada 25. maijs, Rīga). Rīga : Zinātne, 2005, 18. - 23. lpp.Editorial Censorship in the Baltic and Norwegian Newspapers. No: Bærug, Richard (red.): The Baltic Media World. Rīga, 2005, 121. - 144. lpp. – Pašcenzūra pret paškontroli Latvijas presē : Mediju pētījuma atklājumi. Valmiera : Vidzemes Augstskola, 2004 – Jānis Čakste teiktu par mūsdienu Latvijas demokrātiju. Latvijas Vēsture (2004), Nr. 4, 94. - 99. lpp. Vozmožnosti sotrudničestva na puti k evropejskomu pravovomu i istoričeskomu soznaniju. No: Latvija - Rossija : novye perspektivy sotrudničestva : Sokraščennaja stenogramma naučnogo seminara. [Moskva] : Posol’stvo Latvijskoj Respubliki v Rossijskoj Federacii ; Institut tolerantnosti Vserossijskoj gosudarstvennoj biblioteki inostrannoj literatury imeni M. I. Rudomino, [2004], 21. - 23., 81. lpp.National Report Latvia. No: Franck, Christian ; Pyszna-Nigge, Dorota (sast.): IGC 2003 : Positions of 10 Central and Eastern European Countries on EU Institutional Reforms : Analytical Survey in the framework of the CEEC-Debate project. Louvain-la-Neuve / Brussells : TEPSA ; Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), 2004, 45. - 52. lpp.The Future of Latvia’s Mass Media in Enlarged Europe. No: Jundzis, Tālavs (red.): Latvia in Europe : Visions of the Future : Collection of Articles. Riga : Baltic Center for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2004, 334. - 352. lpp.Latvijas masu mediju nākotne paplašinātajā Eiropā. No: Jundzis, Tālavs (red.): Latvija Eiropā : nākotnes vīzijas : Rakstu krājums. Rīga : LZA Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2004, 295. - 312. lpp.Kas ir kas Eiropas Savienībā : Par Latvijas vietu Eiropā domājot. No: Šreters, Hanss Jergs: Eiropas Savienības leksikons : Politika, ekonomika, vēsture, kultūra. Rīga : Jumava, 2004, 7. - 9. lpp. Die Entwicklung der Massenmedien in Lettland nach der zweiten Unabhängigkeit : The Development of Mass Media in Latvia after the Second Independence (FU Berlin Digitale Dissertation) No:

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From three stars to the constellation of Latvia and Europe. No:, Ainārs et al. (red.): Baltijas jūras valstis un Eiropas nākotne – Paplašinātās Eiropas Savienības perspektīvas. Izdevusi Eiropas Kustība Dānijā sadarbībā ar Eiropas Kustībām Igaunijā, Latvijā, Lietuvā, Polijā un Somijā, 2003Dimants, Ainars et al. (red.): The Baltic Sea States and the Future of Europe – Perspectives on the enlarged European Union. Published by the Danish European Movement in co-operation with the European Movements in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, 2003Dimants, Ainārs et al. (sast.): Eiropas idejas Latvijā: Populāra Latvijas rakstnieku un domātāju Eiropas antoloģija. Rīga : Pētergailis, 2003National Report Latvia. No: Franck, Christian ; Pyszna-Nigge, Dorota (sast.): Positions of 10 Central and Eastern European Countries on EU Institutional Reforms : Analytical Survey in the Framework of the CEEC-Debate Project. Louvain-la-Neuve / Brussells : TEPSA ; Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), 2003, 63. - 69. lpp.Die Herausforderungen für die Qualitätssicherung in den lettischen Medien. No: The Baltic World as a Multicultural Space (5th Conference of the Baltic Studies in Europe, University of Turku, Finland 5 - 7 June 2003). Turku, 2003, 37. lpp.Kur savā zemē tverties? No: Sodums, Dzintars: Kopoti raksti. III sēj. : Taisām tiltu pār plašu jūru. Rīga : Atēna, 2003, 185. - 187. lpp.No trim zvaigznēm līdz Latvijas zvaigznājam. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2002), Nr. 41, 4. - 9. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodāEU-Mitgliedschaft – eine lettische Identitätsfrage. No: Baltica (2002), Nr. 3, 2. - 13. lpp.Mediju sabiedriskā atbildība – ko tas nozīmē Latvijā. No:ācijas barošanas programma. No:šējā preses brīvība Latvijas masu medijos : apdraudējumi un izredzes. No: II Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongress : Tēžu krājums (Rīga, 2001. gada 14. - 15. augusts). Rīga : Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2001, 190. lpp.Iekšējā preses brīvība. No: Academia + Media (2001-04-04), 1.lpp. – Laikrakstu “Diena” un “Neatkarīgā Rīta Avīze” speciālpielikumsDimants, Ainārs et al.: Latvija Eiropas Savienībā. Kāpēc? 3. izd. Rīga : Izglītība, 2001Die Massenmedien in Lettland am Scheideweg zu Qualität und Unabhängigkeit. No: NORDEUROPAforum (2001), Nr. 2, 79. - 97. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodā

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Die Entwicklung der Massenmedien in Lettland nach der zweiten Unabhängigkeit. No: Centre for Baltic Studies (rīk.): Baltic States and Societies in Transition : Continuity and Change (4th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, University of Tartu, Estonia, 27 - 30 June 2001). Tartu, 2001, 27. lpp. EU-Mitgliedschaft – eine lettische Identitätsfrage. No: Freter-Bachnak, Katja (sast.) : Zukunft Europa. Bd. 1 : Die Erweiterung der EU und die Baltischen Staaten. Wiesbaden : Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2001, 104. - 114. lpp.Latvijskij vzgljad : ES kak placdarm v otnošenijah s Rossiej. No: Oznobišščev, Sergej Konstantinovič ; Jurgens, Igor’ Jur’evič (red.): Rossija – Baltija : Doklady SVOP. Materialy konferencij. Moskva : Izdatel’skij centr naučnyj i učebnyh programm, 2001, 410. - 412. lpp.Latvijas masu mediju evolūcija visjaunākajos laikos. No: Latvijas Vēsture (2000), Nr. 3, 75. - 84.lpp. – Kopsavilkums vācu valodāLai Latvija nav vientuļa sala pasaules ekonomikas okeānā. No: Latvijas Vēstnesis (2000-10-12), 10. lpp.Jānis Čakste – akadēmiskās vienības “Austrums” dibinātājs. No: Jānim Čakstem 140 : Zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Rīga : Fonds Latvijas Vēsture, 2000, 41. - 53. lpp.Masu saziņas līdzekļu evolūcija 1988 - 1999 : Latvijas masu mediju attīstība kopš otrās neatkarības : tēzes un risinājumi. No: Development of the Mass Media 1988 - 1999 : The Development of Latvian mass media since the second Independence : Thesis and Solutions. No: Strategy of the Latvian Government on Informing the Public on the European Union and the Accession of Latvia to the EU. No: und die Einbeziehung Lettlands in die europäische Organisationen seit 1991. No: Meissner, Boris ; Loeber, Dietrich A. ; Henning, Detlef (sast.): Die deutsche Volksgruppe in Lettland während der Zwischenkriegszeit und aktuelle Fragen des deutsch-lettischen Verhältnisses. Hamburg : Bibliotheca Baltica, 2000 (Göttinger Arbeitskreis Veröffentlichung 499), 288. - 290. lpp.Dimants, Ainars et al.: 10 otvetov o Latvii v Evropejskom Sojuze. Riga : Izglitiba, 2000Augstkalns, Uldis ; Dimants, Ainars: Evropejskij Sojuz i ja : 30 voprosov i otvetov. Riga : Bjuro evropejskoj integracii, 2000Dimants, Ainārs: From Three Stars to the People of Latvia. No: Tagad (2000), Nr. 1, 1., 10. - 11. lpp.Vairāk konkurences – vairāk brīvības. No: Eiropas Zona

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(05.05.1999.), Nr. 4, 1.lpp. – Laikraksta Diena speciālpielikumsDimants Ainārs et al.: 10 atbildes par Latviju Eiropas Savienībā. Rīga : Izglītība, 1999Augstkalns, Uldis ; Dimants, Ainārs: Es un ES : 30 jautājumi un atbildes. Rīga : Eiropas integrācijas birojs, 1999Čakste, Jānis ; Dimants, Ainārs (sast.): Taisnība vienmēr uzvarēs : Atziņas. Runas. Dokumenti. Raksti. Vēstules. Rīga : Jumava, 1999Dimants, Ainars et al.: Latvija v Evropejskom Sojuze. Počemu? Riga : Izglītība, 1999Īsto vēsti īstajā laikā un īstajā vietā : Par Latvijas sabiedrības informēšanas stratēģiju par Eiropas Savienību. No: Latvija un Eiropas Savienība (1998), Nr. 10, 32. - 38. lpp.Idejas par žurnālistiku Latvijā. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (1996 - 1998), Nr. 38, 45. - 51. lpp. – Kopsavilkums angļu valodāLatvijas mājas darbi Eiropas ielā. No: Latvija un Eiropas Savienība (1997), Nr. 6, 12. - 20. lpp.Opinions of Neo-Latvians about press. No: Krišjānis Valdemārs un “Pēterburgas Avīzes” (1862 - 1865) : Rakstu krājums. Rīga : Latvijas jūrniecības fonds, 1997, 112. - 118. lpp.Ilustrētie nedēļas žurnāli. No: Treijs, Rihards (red.): Latvijas Republikas prese 1918 - 1940. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996, 268. - 272. lpp.“Jaunāko Ziņu” pārkārtošana autoritārā režīma vajadzībām. No: Treijs, Rihards (red.): Latvijas Republikas prese 1918 - 1940. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996, 371. - 376. lpp.Neatkarīgie (bezpartejiskie) laikraksti. No: Treijs, Rihards (red.): Latvijas Republikas prese 1918 - 1940. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996, 214. - 249. lpp.“Rīts”. No: Treijs, Rihards (red.): Latvijas Republikas prese 1918 - 1940. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996, 376. - 380. lpp.Valsts informācijas aģentūra LETA. No: Treijs, Rihards (red.): Latvijas Republikas prese 1918 - 1940. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996, 417. - 423. lpp.Avīzes priekšvēlēšanu cīņās. No: Mediju Ziņas (1995), Nr. 8, 4. - 5. lpp.Jaunlatviešu uzskati par presi. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (1994), Nr. 36, 58. - 62. lpp. – Summary in EnglishLatvijas dienas preses sistēma (1918 - 1940) : Raksts. Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 1994Dimants, Ainars ; Brikše, Inta: Journalism in Independent Latvia during the 1920s and 1930s. No: Hoyer, Svennik ; Lauk, Epp ; Vihalemm, Peeter (sast.): Towards a Civic Society : The Baltic Media’s Long Road to Freedom. Perspectives on History, Ethnicity and Journalism. Tartu : Baltic Association for Media Research / Nota Baltica, 1993, 142. - 151. lpp.

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Masu dienas laikraksts latviešu žurnālistikā : no “Jaunākajām Ziņām” līdz “Dienai”. No: Latviešu žurnālistika : izpēte, problēmas, attīstības tendences. Vispasaules latviešu zinātņu kongresā nolasītie referāti. Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 1992, 51. - 57. lpp.Review in journal “Jaunākās Ziņas” vēsturē. No: Akadēmiskā Dzīve (1991), 24. - 29. lpp. – Summary in EnglishRetā uzvārda daudzinājums. Aprisēs : Benjamiņu dzimta un tās loma latviešu žurnālistikā. No: Literatūra un Māksla (1990-11-03), 10. - 13., 15. lpp.“Brīvā Zemnieka” avīžnieki vēro. No: Lauku Dzīve (1987), Nr. 10“Mēs nebaidīsimies rakstīt par sīkiem jautājumiem”. No: Lauku Dzīve (1987), No. 9, 4. - 5. lpp.

Language skills

Pulic posts20072004 – 20052004 -2003 -


2002 – 2005

2001 – 2003

1999 – 20031998 -

1998 – 2002

1997 – 1998

1993 -


Latvian, German, Russian, English

Chairperson of the board of Latvian Journalists UnionBoard Member of Latvian Foreign Policy AssociationChairperson of the board of Media Institute“Team Europe” lecturer in LatviaMember of the Talsi district community foundation Member of working committee of national project against intolerance appointed by decree of Prime ministerMember of Steering Committee of International European Movement Chief editor of European Movement in Latvia quarterly journal “Virziens – Eiropa”Head of Latvian public European integration council, Member of International European Movement Federation CouncilPresident of European Movement in LatviaMemeber of editorial board of journal “Latvija Eiropas Savienībā” (“Latvija un Eiropas Savienība”)Member of Goethe associationMember of Soros Foundation – Latvia civil society commission and US-Baltic Partnership Foundation National expert council One of the founders of the NGO European Movement in Latvia, its vice president and board memberMember of academic society „Austrums”

Latvian Science Academy and „Lattelekom” annual award for prominent scientists and creative practitioners for outstanding contributions in social scienceVidzeme University College honorary certificate for contribution in organisation of 6th Baltic Studies Conference

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„Pašcenzūra pret paškontroli Latvijas presē: Mediju pētījuma atklājumi” and publication of book within the framework of „Pašcenzūra Latvijas medijos”Thanksgiving certificate from Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Latvia for „selfless dedication and contribution to the Latvian state and people” Europa-Union Deutschland honorary medal for “Contribution to European Unification”


Personal DetailsName: Sergejs Kruks Date of Birth: 20.06.68Address: Stirnu iela, 19 - 29

Riga, Latvia, LV-1035Telephone: +371 29297946Fax: 67619152

Educational Qualifications

2003 Sorbonne University of ParisPhD. in Information and Communication Science (

1999 Sorbonne University of ParisDEA (Medias et multimedias),

29 November-5 December 1999 Baltic Media Centre, BornholmTV Journalism for Latvians

17-23 November 1999 Baltic Media Centre, BornholmCouch Editing/Training of Trainers

1997 Oslo UniversityM.Phil. (Media Studies)

21-24 July 1997 Amsterdam University, EJC, MaastrichtMedia Theory and Journalism Training: Allies or


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15-22 March 1997 Salzburg SeminarEclipse of the Nation State

23 Sept-18Oct 1996 French Journalist Education Centre CPPJ, ParisRadio journalism teaching courses

1996 Central European Institute, Summer School, BudapestMedia and Political Crisis

January-February 1994 Telecommunications College, Ohio UniversityInternship for Radio and TV journalism teachers

1986-1991 University of LatviaDepartment of Journalism

Professional Experience and participation in projects:

September 2006 Senior researcher, RSU Department of Communication Studies

2005-2006 Researcher, Indiana University, Fulbright Scholarship

2005 Project “Computerized discourse analysis of Saiema’s steno notes” University of Latvia

2005 Project “Expression of Tolerance and intolerance in Latvian Press” Department of Social Integration

2004-2005 Project Television across Europe (OSI, EUMAP, Budapest)

15-19 November 2004 Seminar “Politics and Media”, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Berlin

2004 Project “Audit of Democracy”, LU and Strategy analysis committee

2002 Project “Priekšvēlēšanu publiskais diskurss presē”, Department of Social Integration.

2002 Monitoring of Social Integration Process and Politics

January - March2002 Researcher, Media and Communications Institute, Oslo University,

2000 - Verbal and Visual Text Expert, Security Police of republic of Latvia, Constitution Protection Bureau of republic of Latvia

July 2000 – January 2002 LU Head of Department of Communication Studies2000 Project “Latvian media analysis”, Soros Foundation

Latvia1997 Consultant, Programme assessor for Latvian TV

and Latvian Radio1997 Project “The road to a citizen’s Society”,

Soros Foundation Latvia1995-2005 University of Latvia, Department of

Communication Studies, lecturer1988-1995 Editor for Latvian Radio, Head of the Department

Participation with research paper in Academic Conferences:

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15-17 June 2006 20th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, George Washington University, Washington DC

19-22 April 2006 The Rule of Law. A View From American West. Denver, CO

12-14 August 2005 17th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Aalborg

17-18 November 2004 Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World, University of Latvia, Riga

29 October 2004 Krišjānis Barons Conference “Tradīcija un jaunrade”

17-18 September 2004 Changing and Overlapping Identities, Riga, University of Latvia

3-5 June 2004 19th International Conference of Association for Advancement of Baltic Studies, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

19 November 2003 Zinātnes valoda, University of Latvia17-18 October 2003 Postkomunistiskā transformācija un

demokratizācijas process Latvijā. University of Latvia

17 January 2003 F.R.Kreutzwald 200th anniversary conference, Tartu Learned Society

21-23 November 2002 Intercultural communication and media in search of common values, Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication, Riga

1-3 November 2002 Re-thinking Culture and Literature: Translational and Comparative Spaces, University of Latvia, Riga

17-19 October 2002 Mass Media and Communication in the e-Society of the 21st century: Access and Participation, Moscow State University

6-8 June 2002 18th International Conference of Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

26 - 28 April 2002 First Eurasian Media Forum, Almaty, Kazakhstan2002 61st Academic Conference of University of Latvia11-13 August 2001 15th Nordic Conference on Media and

Communication Research, Reykjavik2001 60th Academic Conference of University of Latvia7-9 August 1999 14th Nordic Conference on Media and

Communication Research, Kungalv, Sweden1999 Conference “Mediji un demokrātija”, Goethe

Institute, Riga15-17 September 1997 Prejudice and Racism in Media, Amsterdam

University3-5 September 1997 Media and Social Change, Napier University,

Edinburgh, UK26 October 1996 Garlieb Merkel Conference, Riga/Goethe Institute13-17 January 1996 Post-Soviet Media, Stirling University, UK

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Participation in professional organisations

Baltic Association for Media Research

Language skills

Russian, Latvian, English, Italian, French, Polish, Norwegian

Pedagogical activity

1991-2005 Radio journalism1994-2003 Russian media and Society1996-2003 Communication Psychology1997-2005 Communication and Social changes, later Culture

as Communication1998-2005 Electronic media in Communication1999-2005 Discourse Analysis2000-2005 Semiotics2001 Intercultural Communication – Turku University2002-2004 Advertising Semiotics

Scientific papers and publications

1. Kruk, S. (2006) “Ears and father, ogres and society. Reply to Guntis Smidchens”. Accepted by Journal of Folklore Research

2. Kruk, S. (2006) “‘Mother Latvia Loves You Like Her Sons and Daughters!’ Hysterical Discourse of Latvia's President V.Vike-Freiberga”.

3. Kruks, S., I. Šulmane (2006) Neiecietības izpausmes un iecietības veicināšana Latvijas presē 2004. gadā. Rīga: ĪUMSILS.

4. Kruks, S. (2006) “Semiotics of Visual Iconicity in the Leninist Monumental Propaganda”. Accepted by Visual Communication.

5. Kruks, S. (2006) “Nation-Building, Monument-Building”. Submitted to Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia.

6. Kruks, S. (2005) Radiožurnālistika. Rīga: Valters un Rapa.

7. Kruk, S. (2005) “Television across Europe: regulation, policy and independence. Latvia”. In: Monitoring television across Europe. Budapest: Open Society Institute.

8. Kruks, S. (2005) “Televīzija Eiropā: likumdošana, politika un neatkarība. Latvijā”. in Televīzija Eiropā: likumdošana, politika un neatkarība. Budapest: Open Society Institute. 179.-236. lpp.

9. Kruks, S. (2005) “Lacplesis ja Kalevipoeg”, Vikerkaar 7-8: 140-161.

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10. Kruks, S. (2005) “Kolektīvās identitātes stratēģijas un iecietības strupceļi. Interneta diskusiju satura analīze”. Referāts 6. Sabiedriskās politikas foruma, Rīga, 2005. gada 11. augustā.

11. Kruks, S., I. Šulmane (2005) “Mass media in democracy”. In: J. Rozenvalds (ed.) How democratic is Latvia: Audit of Democracy. Riga: University of Latvia.

12. Kruks, S., I. Šulmane (2005) “Plašsaziņas līdzekļi demokrātiskā sabiedrībā”. In: J. Rozenvalds (ed.) Cik demokrātiska ir Latvija. Demokrātijas audits. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte. 139.-151. lpp.

13. Kruks, S. (2005) “Identitātes nepārtrauktības un realitātes mainīguma reprezentācijas dilemma: pagātnes un tagadnes interdiskursīvā mijiedarbība”, Letonika 13: 5-15.

14. Kruk, S. (2005) ‘Latvians’ and ‘Latvia’s residents’: Representation of National Identity in Public and Private Discourses, Acta Universitatis Latviensis (Political Science) 680: 101-110.

15. Kruk, S. (2005) “Information Flow In the Soviet Union: Synergetic Approach”. In Ž. Ozoliņa (ed.) Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. Riga: University of Latvia.

16. Kruks, S. (2004) “The Latvian Epic Lacplesis: Pass-partout Ideology, Traumatic Imagination of Community”, Journal of Folklore Research 41(1): 1-32.

17. Kruks, S. (2004) “Marihuānas lietošana – Latvijas preses tēls”. Grām: Marihuāna un sintētiskās narkotikas – izklaide vai nopietns risks? Rīgas konference: materiālu apkopojums. Rīga: Rīgas Narkomānijas profilakses centrs.

18. Kruks, S. (2004) ““Agrākā “mazā” Latvija tagad ir liela un stipra.” Viļa Lāča padomju Latvijas modernizācijas naratīvs”, Agora 2: 204-222.

19. Kruks, S. (2004) “Kolektīvā identitāte: nācijas un grupas”, Agora 1: 7-23.

20. Kruks, S. (2004) “Ļaunuma diskurss un pozitīva pašidentitāte”, Agora 1: 159-168.

21. Kruks, S. (2003) “Kalevipoeg and Lacplesis: The Way We Imagine Our Communities. A Sociological Reading of Estonian and Latvian Epics”, Interlitteraria 8: 227-47.

22. Kruks, S. (2003) “Vārda cilvēki?” In: I. Šuvajevs (red.) Eiropas dialogi. Rīga: Eiropas Komisijas delegācija Latvijā.

23. Kruks, S. (2003) “Valodas lietojums varas attiecību diskursā”. In: M. Baltiņš, D. Markus (sast.) Konferences “Zinātnes valoda” materiāli. Rīga: Valsts prezidentes dibinātā Valsts valodas komisija.

24. Kruks, S. (2003) “Indivīdu sabiedrība”. In Ā. Kleckins (red.) Dienas kārtība Latvijai – 2004. Rīga: Baltijas forums.

25. Kruks, S. (2002) “Discursive construction of citizens in political address”. In: A. Veisbergs (ed.) Sastatāmā un lietišķā valodniecība. Contrastive and Applied

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Linguistics. Contrastive Studies Research Papers. Vol. XI. Riga: Faculty of Modern Languages. Pp. 20-38.

26. Kruks, S. (2002) Construction des identites des acteurs sociaux dans le discourspolitique. These dedoctorat, Universite Pantheon-Assas. Paris.

27. Kruks, S. (2002) “Political Discourse in Latvia: from Propaganda to Marketing”, Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia 1(34): 47-70.

28. Šulmane, I., S. Kruks (2002) “Ethnic and Politic Stereotypes in Latvian and Russian Language Press in Latvia”, Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia 1(34): 71-90.

29. Kruks, S., I. Šulmane (2002) Pilsoniskās sabiedrības attīstība un sabiedrības integrācija. Rīga: LU Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

30. Kruks, S. (2002) “Radio karš. Propaganda latviešu valodā Otrajā pasaules karā”, Latvijas Arhīvi 4:97-118.

31. Kruks, S. (2002) “Politisko aktoru diskvalifikācija publiskajā diskursā. Pasīva pilsoņa konstruēšana preses ziņās”, Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Komunikācija 648: 196-226.

32. Kruks, S. (2002) “Eposs Lāčplēsis: Kopienas traumatiskā iedomāšanās”, Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Komunikācija 648: 7-37.

33. Kruks, S. (2002) “Prece un patība. Materiālo referentu loma elites un vidusslāņa kolektīvās identitātes veidošanā”, Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. Komunikācija 648: 78-87.

34. Kruks, S. (2001) “Demokrātijas vizuālais veidols. Priekšvēlēšanu reklāmas vestījumu paradoksi’, Latvijas Arhīvi 4: 111-124.

35. Kruks, S. (2001) “Hallo, šeit Rīga - Radiofons!”, Latvijas Arhīvi 2: 45-73.

36. Šulmane, I., S. Kruks (2001) “Stereotipi Latvijas presē”. In: S. Kruks (ed.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: LU Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

37. Šulmane, I., S. Kruks (2001) “Pilsonības problēmas Latvijas presē”. In: S. Kruks (sast.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: LU Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

38. Kruks, S. (2001) “Russian-language media in Latvia”. In: S. Kruks (sast.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: LU Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

39. Kruks, S. (2001) “Latvijas TV ziņu saturs”. In: S. Kruks (sast.) Latvijas mediju analīze. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

40. Kruks, S. (2000) “Sabiedrības integrācijas komunikatīvie aspekti”. Daudzveidība II Rīga: LU Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

41. Kruks, S. (1998) “Nevis mēs pret viņiem, bet visi kopā". Dauzveidība. Rīga: Komunikācijas studiju nodaļa.

42. Kruks, S. (1998) “Generalizations are the enemies of fair reporting”. In: M. Bromley (ed.) Reporting ethnic minorities. Maastricht: European Journalism Centre.

43. Kruks, S. (1997) “Latvijas modernizācija un komunikatīvā prakse”, Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis 51(1/2): 124-127.

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44. Hoyer, S. (ed.) (1996) Towards the Civic Society. Tartu University Press. (Chapter about Latvian Radio).

Marlis Prinzing is lecturer at the University of Fribourg. Before, she was project director at the EJO (European Journalism Observatory) and now she continues working for EJO as a web-editor. She works as a freelancer (e.g.: Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Neue Zürcher Zeitung und Rheinischer Merkur) and talkmaster ( For twelve years she worked as an editor for a German newspaper. She teaches, among others, journalism at Akademie fuer Publizistik Hamburg, the Universities of Tuebingen and Berne. She studied Political science, History and Mathematics at the universities of Regensburg and Tuebingen. Her doctoral thesis dealt with a case study concerning a power plant in the context of the development of electrification and energy policy (ABB-Wissenschaftspreis 2000).


Office: University of Fribourg, Boulevard de Pèrolles 90CH-1700 Fribourg, Büro F 302; 026 300 8416; Fax 026 300 9762Mobile phone: 0049 540 1575

Postal address:Gerechtigkeitsgasse 45, CH-3011 BerneSchubartstrasse 14, D-73079 Suessen

Curriculum Vitae

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1968-1972: Basic primary school Suessen (Germany)1972-1981: Grammar School Geislingen and Donzdorf. (University

entrance qualification)

1981-1987: Academic studies in History, Political Science and Mathematics at the Universities of Regensburg und Tuebingen. (Masters of Arts)

2/1985-4/1985: Internship: „Boschzuender“, Bosch, Stuttgart

9/1985-2/1990 Freelancer (Regional Newspaper: NWZ Goeppingen)

1/1986-8/1986 Scientific collaboration: 100th Anniversary of the “Robert Bosch-company”

6/1988-4/1990 Freelancer (Broadcaster: Radio 7 Goeppingen)

10/1988-7/1990 Scientific evaluation of the archive of the electric power company „Neckarwerke Elektrizitätsversorgungs-AG“ (Archive of Business in Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart-Hohenheim)

3/1990-8/1991 Voluntary service (Regional newspaper Suedwestpresse Ulm)

9/1991-6/2003 Editor (Geislinger Zeitung; responsible for the Feuilleton)

9/1998-3/2007 Master of a talkshow (

11/1999 Doctoral thesis „Electricity for the region round the river Neckar“, University of Stuttgart (12/2000 ABB-Prize for Science)

Since 1999 Free Lecturer Public Relations and Business Communication (University of Applied Studies Nuertingen-Geislingen); Ethics, Foreign Coverage, Political Journalism, Science journalism, Media Systems, journalism cultures etc. (Universities of Berne, Fribourg, Lugano, Tuebingen and Friedrichshafen)

Since July 2000 Freelancer (journalism)

7/05-12/07 Project director (European Journalism Observatory, University of Lugano)

Since 09/07 Permanent Lecturer, University of Fribourg

Since 01/08 Webeditor (European Journalism Observatory, University of Lugano)

01/09 Guest professor, Turiba Business School, Riga

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List of publications and public appearances 2007 and 2008 (selection)

1a. Journals and Book Contributions

Harte Grenzen: Warum gegenwärtig mit einer europäischen Professionsethik im Journalismus nicht zu rechnen ist, in: "Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsökologie und Medienethik" (6/2007), Münster: Lit-Verlag.

CNN and BBC: The Need for a More Realistic Approach, in: Fioretti, Natascha, Foa, Marcello (Eds.): Islam and the Western World: The Role of the Media. Giampero Casagrande editore, Lugano 2008.

Bleibt der Revolver im Spaghetti-Teller? Im Schatten von Duisburg: Wie die deutsche Qualitätspresse über die Mafia-Morde vor der Pizzeria „Da Bruno“ berichteten, in: Problemi dell'informazione, 1 / March 2008.

Mega-Müll oder Mega-Chance? Bedenken und Bedenkenlosigkeiten aus dem Gratisblätterwald, in: Publizistik, 2 / June 2008.

Views: Marlis Prinzing examines the gruesome news values in the reporting of the Austrian “House of Horrors”, in: Ethical Space, 3 / 2008, 18.

„Medien und Ethik: einige Problemfelder“, in: Universitas, September 2008.

Auf dem Weg zur Weltkultur des Journalismus? Eine Suche nach Spuren und Indizien, ob Europäisierung und Globalisierung journalistische Kulturen aus allerlei Länder mischen und annähern. In: Oliver Hahn, Roland Schröder (Eds.) (2008): Journalistische Kulturen. Schlüsselkonzepte und Grundsteine für ein interdisziplinäres und internationales Theoriefundament. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag (upcoming).

1b. Monographs and Book Contributions before 2007 (selection)

Der Streik bei Bosch im Jahre 1913. Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, Beiheft 61. Stuttgart: Steiner, 1989.

Strom für das Neckarland: Die Geschichte der Neckarwerke von 1900 bis 1945. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Band 25, Sankt Katharinen: Scripta Mercaturae, 2000.

Kontrolleure des Unkontrollierbaren. Die Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK), in: Achim Baum, Wolfgang Langenbucher, Horst Pöttker, Christian Schicha (2005): Handbuch Medienselbstkontrolle, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 451-464.

Mit ADS ist alles möglich – oder nichts. Anmerkungen und Bestandsaufnahmen zu einem Gesellschaftssyndrom. In: Thilo Fitzner / Werner Stark (Hrsg.) (2005): Doch unzerstörbar ist mein Wesen. Diagnose AD(H)S - Schicksal oder Chance?, München: Beltz Taschenbuch, 13-29.

Lothar Späth. Wandlungen eines Rastlosen. Foreword: Theo Sommer. Zürich: Orell Füssli, 2006.2. Press articles (selection)


„Der globale Schwabe“ (Porträt Lothar Späth), in „Rheinischer Merkur“, 4.1.2007.

„Migranten, Marx und Mao. Brüche, Umbrüche und Wege in der Kommunikationsforschung“, together with Stephan Russ-Mohl, in „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“, 27.7. 2007.

„Keine Angst vor Bürgernähe“ (Public Journalism und Citizen Journalism; together with Roger Blum), in: „Neue Zürcher Zeitung“, 7.9.2007.

„In Erwartung des nicht Erwarteten“, Blattkritik, in „.ch“, 23.10.2007.

“An overview of media research in an era of globalization” (together with Stephan Russ-Mohl), in “Ethical Space”, 29. Oktober 2007.

„Verlorene Generation. Die Tageszeitung gilt als Auslaufmodell“, in „Schweizer Journalist“, 10+11/2007.

„Ist die Zeitungs-Zukunft gratis? Fünf Gratis-Tageszeitungen gibt es heute in der Deutschschweiz, eine sechste ist geplant“, in „St. Galler Tagblatt“, 14.12.2007.

„Volltreffer und Fehlschüsse“, Blattkritik in „.ch“, 19.11.2007.

„Chapeau – „.ch“ wählte richtige Perspektive, Blattkritik in „.ch“, 17.12.2007.

„Stille Streiterin“ (Portrait of Heide Simonis), in: „Rheinischer Merkur“, 20.12.2007.


„Ab in die Seifenoper“ (about journalism, communication and coverage on migrants), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 11.1.2008.

„Verstehen und nicht verstehen“, Blattkritik, in: .ch, 18.2.2008.

„Voulez-vous alles enthüllen“ (about Nicolas Sarkozy and the media), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 25.1.2008.

“Lust und Frust auf Rädern” (about the media, car journalism and the automotive industry, in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 15.2.2008

“Heiss-kalte Zeiten” (about the climate and the media) in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 22.2.2008

“Die Beglückerin” (portrait of Sabine Asgodom), Rheinischer Merkur, 6.3.2008

“Auf dem Glaubenstrip” (about religion and the media), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 7.3.2008.

“Der Toilettensitz brennt" (about crossmedia), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 28.3.2008.

„Alles oder nichts?“ (about crossreading), in Schweizer Journalist 4 + 5 / 2008. 

„Sehgewohnheiten und Sichtweisen“ (about the coverage of the crises in Tibet), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 12.4.2008.

„Hoch-Zeit für Frauen?“ (about the coverage on women), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 25.4.2008.

“Die Hyänen sind los” (about the „House of Horror“ in Amstetten and the media), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 9.5.2008.

“Andere Länder, andere Journalisten” (about a conference of media and communication science), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 16.5.2008.

„Das grosse Verschweigen“ (about the media and the Olympic Games), in: Schweizer Journalist 06 + 07 /2008.

„Sport und Medien: Ein Anpfiff“ (about the media and the Euro 08), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 13.6.2008.

„Wie ein Champion.“ Wer siegen will, muss auch die Niederlage in Kauf nehmen – und es kommt dabei auch auf die Haltung an (about a conference on success), in: Sankt Galler Tagblatt, 11.6.2008.

„Profiltest“, Blattkritik, in: .ch, 9.6.2008.

"Da wird es einem zu viel" (interview with the correspondent Ulrich Tilgner about public broadcasters and about foreign coverage), in: Der Tagesspiegel, 9.7.2008.

„Frau von heute, Frau von Welt“ (about foreign coverage), in: Rheinischer Merkur, 10. 7.2008.

„Nur umsonst – oder ein Gewinn“, Blattkritik, in: .ch, 28.7.2008.

Die Okkupation der Information (about “the war of information” in the Caucasus), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 22.8.2008.

„Also Frau Nörgeli, …“, Blattkritik, in: .ch, 24.8.2008.

„Diabolische Pläne” (about social networks), in: St. Galler Tagblatt, 19.9.2008.

„Gratis 2.0 – Strohfeuer oder Feuerwerk?“ (about freesheets), in: Schweizer Journalist 09 + 10 / 2008.

„Ganz ehrlich erfunden“, Blattkritik, in: .ch, 24.9.2008.

3. Conference Contributions:

„Journalists as Targets: The Chancing Perception, from Embedded to Combatants”, Conference „Weaponization of the Media“, 2.2.2007, Amsterdam Centrum voor Conflict Studies, Amsterdam.

„Harte Grenzen. Warum gegenwärtig mit einer europäischen Professionsethik im Journalismus nicht zu rechnen ist“, Workshop „Europäische Medienethiken“, 22./23. Februar 2007, Munic, University for Philosophy.

„Western Media and Terrorism: Is objective journalism possible? The cases of CNN and BBC”, EJO-MAZ-Workshop “Islam and the Western world: the role of the media”, 16./17.3.2007, Lugano.

„Journalisten und Medien-PR-Experten – Gefangene ihrer selbst?“, Annual meeting of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research about the Communication of organizations, 30./31.3.2007, University of St. Gallen.

“Trapped between the nation state and the world? Journalism in Global acting Media. The cases of CNN and BBC”, contribution accepted; conference „Comparing Media Systems“, 23.-25.4.2007, University of Wroclaw (Poland) (cancelled because of an accident).

„Medien und Kultur – die neue Grenzen. Einige Beobachtungen.“, Meeting of German and Italian journalists about „Medien und Kultur“, 13. /14.7.2007, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio.

“Journalism Education. Six Suggestions for the Future based on an Economic Analysis” (together with Stephan Russ-Mohl), “Conference of the International Association for Media & Communication Research (IAMCR)”, UNESCO, 23./25.7.2007, Paris.

“The dangerous magic of familiarity: How media partnerships between Journalism, PR and Advertising might affect the quality of journalism – and of democracy”, contribution accepted, “Euprera – Conference: Organization and Society: Legitimacy in a Changing World. Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies.”, 27.-30.9.2007, Roskilde University (Denmark) ad Lund University (Sweden) (cancelled because of an accident).

Im Schatten von Duisburg. Ein Modell zur Überwindung kultureller Barrieren im Journalismus, Conference „Between Babel and ,Earth City`. Barriers of Intercultural and International Communication.”, Network Intercultural and International Communication“, 30.10.-1.11.2008 Technische Universität Ilmenau.

The Future “outsourced”? The Consequences of Merging and Converging particularly for Freelancers & for Journalism Training Merging Media, Conference “Converging Newsrooms. 7.3./8.3.2008, Lucerne, Switzerland.

4. Interviews, Panels

Interview with Matto Barfuss, adventurer, Das rote Sofa, Schlachthof Geislingen, 18.1.2007.

Interview with Martin Semmelrogge, actor, Das rote Sofa, Schlachthof Geislingen, 21.2.2007.

Chair of the panel „Auslandberichterstattung anderswo: Fragmentarisches Weltbild und (k)ein Platz für die Schweiz?“, organized by ikmb and swissinfo, with Raoul Lautenschütz, Josef Kirchengast and Pascal Lechler, 26.2.2007.

Interview with Heide Simonis, Ex-Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein, Ex-Unicef-President, Das rote Sofa, Schlachthof Geislingen, 29.3.2007.

Interview with Klaus Dörner, Psychiater, about closing nursing homes. Uditorium Uhingen, 11.5.2007.

Interview with Oskar Lafontaine, Berner Politgespräche „Wahlkampf, Medien und Souffleure“, Bern, 30.5.2007.

Chair of the panel „Gefühlter Journalismus. Wer ist heute Journalist?“ with Siegfried Weischenberg, Maja Malik und Armin Scholl, Conference „Anstoss Recherche – Nutzwert-Journalismus für die Demokratie“, „Netzwerk Recherche“, Hamburg, 15. & 16.6.2007.

Chair of the panel journalism-education with Nina Tschierse (Norddeutscher Rundfunk), Anja Würzberg (Hamburg Media School) and Annette Lessmöllmann (University of Darmstadt), Jonet-Tag, Hamburg, 9.9.2007.

Chair of the panels “Souverän oder Unteran? Das Bürgerbild in der Schweiz und in Deutschland“ and „Deutschland ohne Volksentscheid: Blockierer und Blockaden der direkten Demokratie auf Bundesebene“; Conference „Direkte Demokratie“, 7.6.2008.

Nachhaltige Medienkritik: Herausforderungen und Lösungsvorschläge. Lecture. Lilienberg-Unternehmerforum, 25.8.2008, Ermatingen.

Interview with Roger Blum, president of the ICA (The Independent Complaints Authority for Radio and Television) about self-regulation, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), 28.10.2008.

Interview with Sacha Wigdorovits, founder of an agency for integrated corporate communications, about crises and scandals, University of Fribourg, 9.12.2008.

Chair of the panel: Überleben die Qualitätsmedien? Discussion with the editors-in-chief Peter Hartmeier („Tages-Anzeiger“) and Rudolf Matter (Schweizer Radio DRS) and with Sacha Wigdorovits, Founder of Gratiszeitung „.ch“, 21.11.2008, Kursaal, Hotel Zürichberg, Zürich.

Member of the panel. Gratiszeitungen. Fluch oder Segen?, Käfigturm Berne, 27.11.2008.

Gratis(Pendler-)zeitungen. Segen oder Fluch unseres Mediensystems? Lecture, University of Lucerne, 6.12.2008.

Interview with Ulrich Tilgner, Foreign Correspondent, The Friends of the Institute of Communication and Media, University of Berne, Berne, 19.12.2008.


Personal DetailsName: Aldis BaumanisDate of Birth: 12 March 1959Address: Ozolciema iela 24/1-44, Riga

Latvia Personal Identity Code: 120359-12754Telephone: 26171304, 67674895Fax: 67619152E-mail:

Educational Qualifications1993 - 1996 University of Latvia

PhD in Pedagogy1991 - 1993 University of Latvia

Masters Degree in Pedagogy1976 – 1981 University of Latvia

Bachelor’s Degree in PedagogyQualification: Physics Teacher

Professional Experience

2004 – present School of Business Administration Turiba Ltd.Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Directors

2000 -2004 School of Business Administration Turiba Ltd. Rector

At present Riga Teacher Training and Education Management AcademyAssociate ProfessorSubjects: Education Policy, Education Economics, Marketing and EducationIn charge of supervising qualification, bachelor and masters papers.Higher Education Council of Latvia Board MemberIntelligensia Association of LatviaBoard memberEconomics Institute of Latvian Academy of SciencesMember of the CouncilAssociation of Private Higher Education InstitutionsChairperson

1999 – 2000 Riga Teacher Training and Education Management AcademyHead of Department of School Administration, Assistant Professor

1993 - 1999 Ministry of Education and ScienceDirector of Department

Language Skills

Latvian NativeRussian FluentGerman Advanced English Intermediate

Additional Skills

Driving Licence B categoryComputer Skills Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc.)

Additional Information


12.11.1994 – 30.11.1994 “Fortbildungsseminar Z6 Padagogische Reise”, Hessen, Thuringen, Bremen

09.07.1999 “9 TRAITS of Highly Successful Work Teams”, Boulder, Colorado

06.10.2002. – 10.10.2002 “Sub-regional Workshop on Strategic Financial management in Higher Education”, Riga

16.06.2006 “Kā saņemt finansējumu no Eiropas Struktūrfondiem” Riga


07.11.1995. – 11.11.1995 “The Course on Market Economy”, Rīga

11.05.1998. – 29.05.1998 “Baltic Economic Management Training Programme”, Otepaa

25.09.1998. – 09.10.1998 “English for Economics”, Halifax

25.09.1998. – 06.11.1998 “Baltic Economic Management Training Programme”, Halifax

22.07.2004. – 23.07.2004 “Komunikācija un mediji”, Riga

29.11.2004. – 06.12.2004 “Augstākās izglītības kvalitātes ekspertu apmācības kurss”, Riga

10.07.2006. – 04.08.2006 “Course in English”, London


23.04.2004 “Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas, problēmas un to risinājumi globalizācijas apstākļos”, Riga

6.09.2005. – 17.09.2005 “Conference on Private Higher Education Establishments in Europe”, Biaslystok-Elk

24.11.2005. – 25.11.2005 9th International Management Conference “Sasniegumi=Stratēģija no idejas līdz realizācijai”, Riga

01.09.2006. – 02.09.2006 Conference “The Future Competitiveness of EU and Its Eastern Neighbours”, Turku, Finland

26.05. – 29.05.2008 10th International Conference on Education, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece

Scientific Papers and Publications

1. Complex approach to description of pedagogy team // Issues on School and Higher Education Pedagogy.- Riga, 1986. - 2.-7. p.

2. On Interaction between structures// Issues regarding theories of teaching and training at schools and higher education institutions.- Riga, 1987. - 3.-10. p.

3. On Interaction systems between school units// Youth personality in post graduate papers.- Riga, 1988. - 69.-75. p.

4. Problems and solutions regarding effectiveness of education work in Latvia// Quality of Education Work. - Riga, 1995. - 7.-8. p.

5. General primary education in the school system in different periods of Latvian history // Modern primary school: pupils and teachers.- Liepaja, 1996. -7-9 p.

6. Changes in number of schools, pupils and teachers in general school education system from 1920 to 1995//Latvian History – Riga,1996/5(24). – 61. – 69. p

7. Comprehensive education schools in Latvia (1918. - 1997.gadi)// School 97. Riga, 1997. - 60.-70. p.

8. Die quantitative Entwicklung im allgemeinbildenden Schulwesen und in der Lehrerbildung in Lettland 1918 bis 1997// Beitrage zur bildungspolitischen und padagogischen Entwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, 1997. - 69.-80.s.

9. Place of EE in the school curriculum over different periods of state development in Latvia// Environmental Education to Raise Public Awareness. Reports from the Conference in Kalmar, 1997. – 49.-53.p.

10. Some aspects of general education in Latvia and abroad// School 98. Riga, 1998. 61.-68. p

11. Reduction in expenditures in the state budget for education // Education magazine, Autumn 1999. Riga, 1999. – 13.-15. p.

12. Education expenditure structure and its influence on the pedagogical processes in schools // Topical issues in Education, Scientific practical conference proceedings, Riga,1999. – 4.-8. p.

13. Education expenditure in Latvia// Baltic Economic case studies Volume 4, Halifax, Canada, 1999. – 15.-20.p.

14. Main areas of further qualification for school directors // Innovations and reforms in Latvian Education, Riga 2000. – 72.-75. p.

15. Education and science finance and effectiveness// Education and Science – Latvian national treasure, Riga 2000. – 66.-74. p.

16. European market. Can Latvia compete?// Latvia’s way to the European Union, Riga 2000. – 29.-32. p.

17. School and higher education reform – way to a unified and quality education system – basics of social integration, Riga 2000. –29.-33.p

18. On different tendencies in finance of higher education// Transformation of Economic and Social Relations: processes, tendencies, results, Riga 2001. –26.-32. p

19. Finance model of higher professional education, using study loans // Transformation of economic and social relations: processes, tendencies, and results, Riga 2001. –26.-32.lpp

20. Development of Latvian education system// Education and economic science 4th edition; Economic development and state policy, Kiev 2001. 57-67p. (in Ukrainian)

21. Needs and Demand in the Informal Sector and Small Enterprises for Skills and Knowledge: A Transition Country Perspective// Linking Work, Skills, and Knowledge: Learning for Survival and Growth, Switzerland 2001.

22. The Development of Education: The Latvian Experience// Economic Issues Theory and application with reference to Ukraine, Halifax, Canada, 2002.- 59-72.p.

23. Investments in human capital in transition economies//Education science and pedagogy in modern day world: LU PPF, Scientific paper, Riga, University of Latvia, 2000. 15-24p.

24. The tendencies and Regularities in Higher Education in the Transition Economy//Global Issues of Education, Published by Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, 2003. 7-15 p.

25. Educational development: The experience of Baltic States // Effectiveness of state administration Praktikums 4th edition Kiev 2003 118.-133.lpp. (in Ukrainian)

26. Education expenditure and its role in social economic development // “Business options, problems and solutions concerning globalisation”, Riga 2004. 21.-31.p.

27. The tendencies and Regularities in Higher Education in the Transition Economy//Private Higher Education Establishments in Europe – The present condition and prospects of development, Bialystok, 2005, 155-164 p.

28. The set of factors influencing the number of teachers// Proceedings: Social and economic challenges of the labour market, School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga, 2008 ISBN 978-9984-828-06-0

29. Factors influencing the number of teachers and the possibilities of forecasting them. 10th International Conference on Education. Athens Institute for Education and Research, 26th – 29th May Athens, Greece

As well as a list of articles published in newspapers.


Personal Details

Name Surname Valdis BlūzmaIdentity No. 110351-10124

Place of Birth Riga

Address Rīga, Anniņmuižas bulv. 30, Flat No. 89

Telephone 67420076 (m.); 29900563 (mob.)


Education:1969. -1974 University of Latvia, Faculty of History and

Philosophy, student1976. -1980 University of Latvia, Faculty of History and

Philosophy, post graduate student2001. – 2007 University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, doctoral


Academic degree:1987 Doctoral candidate in History1998 PhD. in History

Professional Experience:2008 - School of Business Administration Turiba,

Professor2005. – 2008 School of Business Administration Turiba,

Associate Professor2003. – 2005 Baltic Russian Institute, Associate Professor2001. – 2003 Latvian University, Faculty of Law, Associate

professor1998. – 2001 University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, Assistant

Professor1990. -1998 Latvian University, Faculty of Law, Lecturer1988. -1990 LCP Party History Institute, senior scientific

worker1983.-1988 Riga Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Scientific

Communism, senior teacher1981. -1983 Riga Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Scientific

Communism, assistant1980. -1981 Riga Polytechnic Institute Faculty of Scientific

Communism, secretary1974 -1976 LSSR Revolution museum, researcher



Scientific research grants (2002 – 2008)

1. Project commissioned by the LR Ministry of Education and Science - publication “Nevardarbīgā pretošanās totalitāram režīmam: teorija un pieredze Latvijā (1945 – 1991)”. Author of the project. (2005 – 2008).

2. Soros fund - Latvia financed project. Publication “Latvijas tiesību avoti. Teksti un komentāri” 2nd edition “16. un 17. gs. avoti” teksta sarakstīšana". Director of the project, Scientific editor and author.(1999 – 2005). Book published in December 2006.

3. Soros fund - Latvia financed project. "Latvijas tiesību vēsture (no vissenākajiem laikiem līdz 1914. gadam)". Director of the project and author. (1999 – 2009).

4. Teaching book commissioned by College of Law "Eiropas tiesības". Author. (Published in May 2004).

5. Teaching book commissioned by College of Law "Eiropas tiesības" 2nd

edition. Author. (Published in May 2007).6. Erasmus – Jean Monnet Study Centre grant European Module. „European

social and labour law” for - Course design and implementation post graduate programme. (2006 – 2009).

7. The Network of European Studies (SENT) projects – Jean Monnet Study Centre grant. Project participant in working committee 4 (WG 4) – Law. (2007 – 2010).

Publications (2002 – 2008)

Articles in reviewed journals:

1. Konstitucionālo tiesību elementi Senlatvijas teritorijā līdz Livonijas periodam. Latvijas Vēsture, 2008, Nr. 1 (69), 67. – 76.lpp., Nr. 2 (70), 5. - 12.lpp.

2. Grāmata Lisabonas līgums un Eiropas Savienības konstitucionālie pamati. (Recenzija par E.B. Dekšņa grāmatu Lisabonas līgums un Eiropas Savienības konstitucionālie pamati.) – Likums un Tiesības, 2008, 10.sēj., Nr. 2(102), 62. – 63.lpp.

3. Role of Informal Non – governmental Organizations at the Initial Stage of the Renewal of Independence of Latvia (during the Third Awakening Period 1986 – 1989). In Development of Democracy. Experience in the Baltic States and Taiwan. Proceedings and Materials of the International Conference on 21 – 22 August 2006, in Riga, Latvia. Riga, 2006, pp. 98 - 117.

4. Fundamentāla starpkaru perioda Latvijas Republikas vēsture. (Recenzija par monogrāfiju 20.gadsimta Latvijas vēsture, 2.sēj. R.: Latvijas Vēstures institūta apgāds, 2003) – Latvijas Vēsture, 2004, Nr. 3(55), 104. - 112.lpp.

5. Konstitucionālisma evolūcijas vēsture Latvijā. – Latvijas Vēsture, 2002, Nr. 4 (48), 42. - 53.lpp.

6. Latvijas Republikas Valsts prezidenta institūcija Eiropas konstitucionālisma kultūras kontekstā. – Likums un Tiesības, 4.sēj., Nr. 11(39), novembris, 2002, 322. - 324.lpp.

Articles in other journals:

1. Latvijas konstitucionālo tiesību vēstures teorētiskās problēmas. – Jurista Vārds, 2008, 10.jūn., Nr. 22 (527), 2. – 11.lpp., 17.jūn., Nr. 23 (528), 16. – 21.lpp.

2. Рецензия на новый сборник документов В. Гущина о преступлениях нацистов в Латвии. - Русский мир и Латвия: Осознание множественности миров. ХII. Рига, 2008, с. 58 - 63.

3. Neformālās organizācijas - nevardabīgās pretošanās aizsācējas Latvijā Atmodas sākumposmā (1986 – 1989). – Grām.: Nevardarbīgā pretošanās: Latvijas pieredze. R.: LZA, 2006, 49. – 59.lpp.

4. Проблемы конституционного права Латвии в период осуществления правовой реформы. - Балтийский юридический журнал, 2005, № 1(5), с. 16 – 22.

5. Konstitucionālo tiesību problēmas Latvijā tiesību reformas laikā (1991 - 2003). - Grām.: Latvija ceļā uz demokrātiju 1987 - 2003. Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Postkomunistiskā transformācija un demokratizācijas process Latvijā 1987. - 2003.gads” 2003.gada 17. - 18.oktobrī. R.; 2004, 34. - 39.lpp.

6. К вопросу о периодизации истории права. – Балтийский юридический журнал, 2003, № ½, c. 3 - 9.

7. Seeds of Rule of Law in Latvia in the Context of the European Legal Culture // Politics and Law in the Context of the European Integration. Proceedings of the international conference 14 - 15 February 2003. Riga: Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, 2003, p. 56 - 65.

Monographies, teaching books and teaching aids (2002 – 2008):

1. Nevardarbīgā pretošanās: Latvijas neatkarības atgūšanas ceļš 1945 – 1991. Rīga: LZA, 2008, 639 lpp. (et. al. T. Jundzi, J.Riekstiņu, H.Strodu, Dž Šārpu), 225. – 376. p.

2. Ārvalstu tiesību vēstures avoti. R.: Turība, 2007, 350 lpp. (et. al. S.Osipovu, G.Zemīti). 5. – 38., 41. – 92., 188. – 218., 286. – 303., 341. – 350. p.

3. Eiropas tiesības. 2nd extended edition. R.: Juridiskā koledža, 2007, 627 lpp. (kopā ar līdzautoriem A.Buku, K. Jarinovsku, E.B.Deksni, E.Levitu, I.Jundzi, T.Jundzi). 18. – 25., 114. – 143., 210. – 284., 298. – 322., 344. – 349., 457. – 473., 596. – 609. p.

4. Latvijas tiesību avoti. Teksti un komentāri. 2nd edition. Poļu un zviedru laiku tiesību avoti. R.: Juridiskā koledža, 2006. 408 lpp. (et. al. R. Apsīti, J.Lazdiņu); 7. – 188., 369. – 398., 404. – 408. p.)

5. Eiropas tiesības. R.: Juridiskā koledža, 2004, 388 lpp. (et. al. A.Buku, K. Jarinovsku, E.B.Deksni, E.Levitu, T.Jundzi).; 53.- 79.; 129. - 166.; 195. - 219..; 270.- 298.; 370.- 381. p.

6. Romas valsts un tiesības. Kanoniskās tiesības viduslaikos. Lekcijas ārvalstu tiesību vēsturē. Rīga: Ekonomikas un kultūras augstskola, 2002. - 72 p.

Participation in International Scientific Conferences (2002 – 2006)

Date Venue Conference Research Paper/Report 13th -14th November 2008

Riga, Latvian War Museum, Smilšu street 20

International Scientific Conference „Latvijas valsts neatkarība: Ideja un realizācija”

Report „Rietumu konstitucionālo tiesību kultūras ietekme uz Latvijas Republikas Satversmes tapšanu”

30th -31st October 2007

Latvian Academy of Science, Riga, Turgeņeva street 3

Letonikas II congress Report „Latvijas nacionāli demokrātiskās kustības iedarbība uz Latvijas komunistiskā režīma politiskajām struktūrām (1986 – 1990)”

21st -22nd August 2006

Hotel „Rīga” Conference Hall, Aspazijas bolv. 22

International Scientific Conference „Demokrātijas attīstība: Baltijas un Taivānas pieredze”

Report „Nevalstisko organizāciju loma demokratizācijas procesos Latvijā M. Gorbačova reformu laikā (1986.g. – 1989.g.)”

13th January 2006

Latvian War MuseumSmilšu street 20

International Scientific Conference “Nevardarbīgā pretošanās: Latvijas pieredze”

Report “Neformālās organizācijas - nevardabīgās pretošanās aizsācējas Latvijā Atmodas sākumposmā (1986 – 1989)”.

17th October 2003

University of Latvia International Scientific Conference “Post Communist transformation and democratic process in Latvia. 1987 - 2003”

“Konstitucionālo tiesību problēmas Latvijas tiesiskās reformas laikā (1991 - 2003)”. Report published 2004, 34. - 39.lpp.

14th February 2003

Law College, Riga, Kronvalda bolv. 1b

International Scientific Conference “Politics and Law in the context of European Integration”

"Tiesiskas valsts iedīgļu veidošanās Latvijā Eiropas tiesību kultūras iespaidā". Proceedings of the international conference

3. PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY (past 6 years)

Scientific advisor for 45 master’s theses

Scientific advisor for 40 bachelor and qualification papers

Study courses taught:

Problematic Issues in History of Law 1 credit point. (Doctoral programme)History of Latvian Law 4 & 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)History of World Law 4 & 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme) Constitutional Law of other countries 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)European Union Law 4, 3 & 2 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme & Bachelor's programme)History of European Law 1,5 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)Comparative Law 4 & 3 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme & Bachelor's programme)History of Baltic States Law 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)Theory of Constitutional Law 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)European Union Social and Labour Law 2 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme)International Public Law 3 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)Diplomatic and Consular Rights 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)International Arbitration 2 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme)Changes in International Public Law 1,5 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme) International Public Law practice 3 credit points. (Postgraduate

Programme)European Union Law 2 credit points. (Bachelor's

programme)International Rights 2 credit points. (Bachelor's


Study programmes designed:

Problematic Issues in History of Law 1 credit point.Theory of Constitutional Law 2 credit points.History of Baltic States Law 2 credit points.History of Latvian Law 4 & 2 credit points.History of World Law 8, 4 & 2 credit points:European Union Law 4, 3 & 2 credit pointsComparative Law 4 & 2 credit points.Latvian Political System 2 credit points.Comparative Constitutional Law 3 credit points.European Union Social and Labour Law 2 credit points.

Teaching aids (incl. electronic):

Lectures in electronic form:

1. History of Latvian Law;2. History of World Law;

3. Comparative Law;4. Constitutional Law of other countries.


1. European Union Law (in Latvian and English)2. Comparative Law 3. European Union Social and Labour Law (in Latvian and English)4. International Public Law (in Latvian and English)5. Diplomatic and Consular Rights.6. International Arbitration.7. Changes in International Public Law.8. Problematic Issues in History of Law.

Further qualification in Latvia and abroad:

2001 - 2007 University of Latvia, Doctoral studies2009 IV Guest Lecturer Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuanian)

History of Baltic States Law2008 IX European Law Academy Conference in Trier (Germany)

„EU anti-discrimination directives 2000/43 and 2000/78”.2008 IV European Law Academy Conference in Trier (Germany)

„Latest changes in EU labour law”2007 V European Law Academy Conference in Trier (Germany)

„Latest changes in EU labour law”2001 VI Central European University (Budapest) (Comparative

Constitutional Law) 1999 VII – VI Cambridge University (England) (History of World Law) 1999 I Uppsala University (Sweden) (European Law)


Chairman or member of scientific editorial panel:

1991- University of Latvia journal „Latvijas Vēsture”, Member of editorial board

2003- Baltic Russian Institute journal „Балтийский юридический журнал” Member of editorial board

Member of School of Business Administration Turiba Senate since 2006

Expert :

2007 Latvian History Expert invited by the Constitutional Court on case No. 2007-14-01: (Par likuma “Par Latvijas Republikas un Krievijas Federācijas līgumu par Latvijas un Krievijas valsts robežu” atbilstību Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 3. pantam un likuma “Par Latvijas Republikas un Krievijas Federācijas līgumu par Latvijas un Krievijas

valsts robežu” 1. panta vārdu “ievērojot Eiropas drošības un sadarbības organizācijas pieņemto robežu nemainības principu” atbilstību Latvijas PSR Augstākās padomes 1990. gada 4. maija deklarācijas “Par Latvijas Republikas neatkarības atjaunošanu” preambulai un 9. punktam.)

Language Skills:

Russian, English - FluentGerman - Basic

Other skills:

Computer Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Lotus Word Pro, Netscape and Microsoft Explorer


Personal DetailsName Surname Jānis Broks

Identity No.TelephoneE-mail

081156 - 10332

Education1982 – 1986

1975 – 1980

Latvian SSR Academy of Science extramural postgraduate studies

University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, philosophy – teacher



Dr. phil. Latvian Academy of Science Doctoral Candidate in Philosophy, LSSR Academy of Science

Professional Experience2005 -

2003 – 2005

1997 – 2003

1993 – 19971991 – 1993

1991 – 1993

1980 – 1990

School of Business Administration Turiba – Department of Communication Science, Associate ProfessorInternational School of Practical Psychology – Assistant ProfessorLatvian Police Academy, Department of Philosophy – Assistant ProfessorLatvian Police Academy – Department of Philosophy LecturerLatvian Medicine Academy – Head of the Department of Philosophy Latvian Medicine Academy – Department of Philosophy LecturerLatvian SSR Academy of Science, Philosophy and Law Institute – intern, junior research worker, research worker

Scientific projects2009

2007 – 2008

2005 – 2008

2001 – 2004

1997 – 2000

1997 – 2000

1994 – 1997

„Eiropeiskā cilvēces tipa sākotnes un perspektīvas” - LU Philosophy and Sociology Institute, Latvian Scientific Council grant - Project Manager.“Latviešu un krievu valodas masu mediju tirgus un auditorija Latvijā”, School of Business Administration Turiba, Latvian Scientific Council grant – Project team member.„Latviešu krievvalodīgo mediju tirgus un auditorija” – School of Business Administration Turiba, Latvian Scientific Council grant – Project team member.„Tiesība filosofiskās antropoloģijas skatījumā” – LU Philosophy and Sociology Institute, LZP grant – Project Manager.“Dabīgais un dabiskais cilvēka esamībā” – Baltic Study Centre, Latvian Scientific Council grant – Project Manager„Etniskās, valsts un režīma identitātes izmaiņas Latvijā” – Central European University grant. – Project team member.„Dabas koncepcija mūsdienu filosofijā” – Baltic Study Centre, LZP grant – Project Manager.„Daba kā mūsdienu filosofijas problēma” – Baltic Study

1993 – 1994

1980 – 1986

Centre, LZP grant – Project Manager. „Jaunas politiskās sistēmas veidošanās un demokrātiskās stabilitātes iespējas. Latvijas gadījums” - Centrāleiropas universitātes grants. – Project team member. „Sabiedrības u Central European University grant n dabas attiecību filozofiskās problēmas” - LPSR ZA Philosophy and Law Institute – Project team member

Scientific Publications








Broks J. Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. 2nd extended edition, School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga, 2008. 431 p.Broks J. Darbs kā vērtība mainīgajā pasaulē. // Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi. School of Business Administration Turiba 9th International scientific conference. Proceedings. ISBN 978-9984-828-06-0 – Riga: SIA „School of Business Administration Turiba”, 2008. CD.Broks J. Kam vajadzīgi aizliegumi? // Akadēmiskā Dzīve. 45th Proceedings. 2008. – 45. – 53. p.Broks J. Tūrisma produktu antropoģenēze. // Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai. BAT 8th International scientific conference. Proceedings. ISBN 978-9984-766-93-5 – Riga: SIA „School of Business Administration Turiba”, 2007. CD.Broks J. Nihilisma modalitātes tiesībā. // RTU Scientific articles. Humantarian and Social sciences. Seris 8. 12th

edition. Publishing house “RTU”, Riga, 2007. 83-95. p.Broks J. Īpašuma antropoloģiskās dimensijas. // Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas. BAT 7th

International scientific conference. Proceedings. Riga, 2006. 169 – 175. p.Broks J. Brīvības sākotnes un perspektīvas. // Boazs D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas meklējumos. Riga, School of Business Administration Turiba, 2006. 6-14. p. Boazs D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas meklējumos. Riga: School of Business Administration Turiba 2006. 317 p. (editor, editorial remarks, explanations) Broks J. Taisnības un likumības argumenti tiesībā.//RTU Scientific articles. Humantarian and Social sciences. Seris 8. 8th edition. Publishing house “RTU”, Riga, 2005 121 – 132. p.Broks J. Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga, 2004 419 p.Broks J. Kas ir tiesība? // LPA Articles 10 Riga, 2003 27-46 p.Broks J. Tiesības kā sociālās normas. // RTU Scientific articles. Humantarian and Social sciences.. Seris 8. 4th edition. Riga, 2003. 105-114. p.Broks J. Sociālās realitātes ideālās formas. // RTU Scientific articles. Humantarian and Social sciences.. Seris 8. 1st edition.









Riga 2002. 89-97. p.Broks J. Determinisma princips cilvēka esamības izpratnē. // LPA Articles 9. Riga, 2002. 39-58. p.Broks J. Filosofija. Materiāls studentu orientēšanai kursā. Riga, 2002. 106. p.National, State and Regime Identity in Latvia. Ed. A.Tabuns. Riga, 2001. 271 p. (co author)Broks J. Ēnas fenomens cilvēka esamībā. // LPA Articles 8. R., 2001. 37-56 p.Broks J. Daba un uzstādījums cilvēka esamībā. // LPA Articles 7. R., 2000. 53-74. p.Broks J. Tiesību filozofija. Study course programme and methodological materials. R., 2000. 50. p.Broks J. Identitāšu pētniecība sociālajās zinātnēs. // Latvijas sabiedrība mūsdienās. (2nd issue) R., 1999. 29-32. p.Broks J. Labor as a value in a transitional society.// Humanitie and Social Sciences. Latvia. Latvia in Europe Sociologically. 1(22)/99. p. 49-71.Broks J. Varas mirko- makro un meta- fizika.// LPA Articles 6. R., 1999. 35-56. lpp.Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Ozolzīle G., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. Demokrātijas stabilitāte Latvijā: priekšnoteikumi un izredzes. // Sabiedrības pārmaiņas Latvijā. Riga: Jumava, 1998. 142-173. p.Tabuns A., Bišers Ā., Broks J., Priede Z., Ramiņa B., Tāre I. Indivīds, privātsektors un valsts: kopīga atbildība par darbaspēka tirgus attīstību. // Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 1998. R., 1998. 56-71. p. Broks J. Dzīves kā māksla - kompromiss starp dabisko un mākslīgo. LPA Articles 5. R., 1998. 23-40. p.Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Ozolzīle G., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. The Stability of Democracy in Latvia: Pre-requisites and the Prospects.// Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia. Social Changes in Latvia. 4(13)/96, 1(14)/97. p.103-134.Broks J. Dabiskā ievirze tiesību teorijā.// LPA Articles 4. 1997. 37-50. p.Broks J. Stabilitātes jēdziens sociāli filosofiskajā teorijā.// Social Technological Institute. Proceedings. 1st edition. R., 1997. 4-17. p.Broks J. Varas filosofija. Study course programme and methodological materials. R., 1997. 32. p.Broks J. Kāda dabas filosofija iespējama mūsdienās? // Балтийский Русский Институт. Сборник научных трудов. т.3. Рига, 1997. c. 50-63.Broks J. Fizikālisms kā formas princips sociālajās zinātnēs.// LPA Articles 3. 1996. 39-48.Broks J. Cilvēka daba teorētiskā un normatīvā skatījumā.// LPA Articles 2. 1995. 9.-24. p.Broks J. Ticība, rīcība un pārticība. // Rīgas Laiks. 1994. Nr. 1. 26.- 27. p.







Ozolzīle G., Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. Jaunu politisko sistēmu veidošanās un demokrātiskā stabilitāte: Latvijas gadījums. // Socioloģijas un politoloģijas žurnāls. No. 5. December 1994. 2-3. p.Broks J. Filozofijas vēsture. Mācību metodiskie materiāli. R., LPA. 1994. 29. p.Broks J. (author) Tekstu kopojums filosofijā. Riga, LMA 1991. 1st part. 40. p. 2nd part. 44. p.Broks J. Ventspils ekoloģiskās krīzes veidošanās sociālais mehānisms.// Latvijas ekoloģija. Informatīvais biļetens. 1st

issue. Ventspils. R., 1989. 61.-69. p.Брокс Я.А. Задачи и возможности науки в решении социально-экологических проблем. // LPSR ZA Vēstis. No. 4 1986. 9.-20. p.Брокс Я.А. Понятие общественной природы. // В кн.: Проблема взаимодействия общества и природы: философские аспекты. Р., Зинатне. 1986. с. 37-42.Брокс Я.А. Природный фактор и развитие науки. // LPSR ZA Vēstis. No. 1 1985. 22.-34. p.Broks J., Rozenvalde I., Vēbers E. Daba sabiedrībā. Riga: Zinātne, 1984. 86. p. Daba. Cilvēks. Sabiedrība. Riga: Zinātne, 1983. 224. p. (editor, afterword)

Papers in Scientific Conferences and Seminars etc.




- RTU 49th International scientific conference. Riga, 13th -15th October 2008. Report: „Tiesība kā vērtība pēcmodernitātes kultūrā”- BAT 9th International Scientific conference. “Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi”. Riga, 30th May 2007. Report: “Darbs kā vērtība mainīgajā pasaulē”- Akadēmiskās vienības „Austrums” 5th Open Discussion „Vai apzinīgam pilsonim vajadzīgs aizliegums?” Riga 8th October 2007. Report: „Kam vajadzīgi aizliegumi?”- RTU 48th International scientific conference. Riga, 11th – 13th October 2007. Report: „Tiesiskā nihilisma perspektīvas”- BAT 8th International Scientific conference. “Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai“. Riga, 1st June 2007. Report: “Tūrisma produktu antropoģenēze“- RTU 47th International scientific conference. Riga, 12th -14th

October 2006. Report: „Tiesiskais nihilisms un tā specifiskās izpausmes mūsdienu Latvijā”- BAT 7th International Scientific Conference. “Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas”. Riga, 2nd June 2006. Report: “Īpašuma antropoloģiskās dimensijas”- RSU Faculty of European Studies, International Conference for academic personnel “Atstumtība un nedrošība – riski un






risinājumi” Riga, 5th May 2006. Report: “Atstumtības problēma tiesībā”- School of Business Administration Turiba, Sitting of the Rector’s office . Riga, 14th December 2005. Lecture: “Īpašuma situācija mūsdienu Latvijā antropoloģiskā skatījumā”- RTU 46th International scientific conference. Riga, 13th-15th Octobris 2005. Report: “Vēsture un teorija: patiesa vai šķietama humanitāro studiju dilemma”- SPPA II. International Scientific colloquim “Klusuma un klusēšanas semantika”. Latvia – Lithuania – German – Sweden – France – Italy – Finland – Bulgaria – russia. Riga, 14th -17th April 2005. Report: “Klusuma esamība”- SPPA Scientific practical conference “Cilvēks lietu pasaulē. Lieta – portrets” Riga, 7th February2005. Report: “Cilvēka priekšmetiskošanās un atpriekšmetiskošanās portretā”- SPPA Scientific practical conference “Patērēšanas kults un kultūra”. Riga, 15th October 2004. Report: “Ceļošana kā kultūra un kults”- RTU 45th Scientific conference. Riga 14th – 16th October 2004. Report: “Tikumība un likumiskums analītiskajā jurisprudencē”- SPPA XIV International Summer UniversityLatvija – Lietuva – Krievija – Francija. Riga, 28th – 30th June 2004. Report: “Notikuma laiks”- SPPA Scientific practical conference “Cilvēks lietu pasaulē. Lieta – liktenis.” Riga, 12th February 2004. Report: “Cilvēka brīvība lietu pasaulē”- RTU 44th International scientific conference. Riga, 9th – 11th

October 2003. Report: “Juridiskās izglītības loma tiesiskās esamības veidošanā”- SPPA XIII International Summer UniversityInternational scientific conference. “Klusēšanas māksla. (Klusēšanas valodas). France – Holand – Switzerland –russia – Latvia . Riga. 19th – 21st June 2003. Report: “Klusēšanas un klusuma hierarhija”- RTU 43th International scientific conference. Riga, 10th -14th October 2002. Report: “Sociālo normu ontoloģija”- SPPI XII International Summer University “Smiekli kā ķermeņa, valodas un kultūras dialogs”. Latvia – France – Russia. Riga, 19th – 21st June 2002. Report: “Smieklu ētika”- SPPI International scientific conference. Cilvēks lietu pasaulē. Latvia – France – russia. Riga, 9th - 10th May 2002. Report: “Cilvēks starp lietu un dievu”- RTU 42th Scientific conference. Riga, 11th – 13th October 2001. Report: “Sociālās realitātes ideālās formas”- SPPI XI International Summer University, Riga, 20th – 22nd August 2001. Report: “Smieklu ontoloģija”

Language skills Latvian (native), Russian (fluent), German (Intermediate);

English (Basic)

Dr. phil. Jānis Broks

29th April 2009


Name Guntis Zemītis

Date of Birth 13th June 1955

Identity No. 130655-13409Address Dambja iela 2 – 19, Jelgava LV 3001Telephone 67223715; 26416884;E-mail



LU, Faculty of History and Philosophy,speciality- History

Academic Degree199520052008

PhD. in History (Dr. hist) Assistant ProfessorLZA Correspondent member

Professional Experience1979-1982


1995 -1987-19991999 - 2006.20082006 – present20012005

Latvian ZA History Institute, Technical worker in archeological expeditionsResearcher, Archeology Department, Ģ. Elias’s History Museum JelgavaChief specialistHead of Archeology DepartmentResearcher, LU Latvian History Institute Senior researcher, LU Latvian History InstituteDirector, LU Latvian History InstituteSchool of Business Administration Turiba , Assistant professor. School of Business Administration Turiba

Place of Employment LU Latvian History Institute, Akadēmijas square 1, LV 1001, tel. 7223715School of Business Administration Turiba , Graudu street 68, LV 1058

Scientific topics of interest

1 Ancient cities in Latvian Territory.2. Intercultural Communication3. Ancient livs and zemgalians4. History of Law in Latvia.

Participation in International Conferences

Presented research papers at international conferences in Jūrmala, Cēsīs, Riga (Latvia), Sostrupa (Denmark),Ķile (Germany), Palanga (Lithuania), Moscow, Pleskava (Russia), Kolobržega (Poland).

Monographies and teaching aids

Ornaments un simbols Latvijas aizvēsturē.- Rīga: Vēstures institūta apgāds. – 2004.- 227 lpp.:il.Ārvalstu valsts un tiesību vēsture: Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. – 2003.- 304. lpp.: il. Ārvalstu valsts un tiesību vēsture. Otrais, papildinātais izdevums: Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība. – 2004.-

320. lpp.:il.Pedagogical activity


1999 -


Lectures at LU Faculty of History – special courses at Riga Technical University and Academy of Art

Lecturer, School of Business Administration Turiba, since 2005 - assistant Professor.Visiting lecturer at St.Petersburg University

Scientific Publications 55

Popular scientific


Around 80




Memorial badge of honour as barricade participantLR Ministry of Education and Science award and

honourary diploma for significant contributions in

Latvian archeology and prehistory

Language skills Latvian, Russian, German, English (studying)

Riga, 28.03.2009 Guntis Zemītis

Curriculum Vitae

Name Vilis Daberts

Date of Birth 1st November 1953.


1961. - 1972. Secondary School No. 5, Riga 1972. - 1977. LVU, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of

Philosophy1979. - 1982. USSR Philosophy Institute, postgraduate studies

Academic degrees and positions

1987. Doctoral candidate in Philosophy1992. autumn LU lecturer1993. Doctor in Philosophy 13th April 1999 LU assistant professor

Professional experience

1977. - 1979. Internee – researcher, LSSR ZA Institute of History, Department of Philosophy

1983. - 1987. Junior worker, LSSR ZA Institute of Philosophy and Law, Department of topical dialectic and historic materialism issues

1987. - 1990. Researcher, Department of Phisophical anthropology, LSSR ZA Institute of Philosophy and Law

1990. - 1992. Researcher, Depaertment of Innovation Theory, Philosophy and Sociology Institute

1992 Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Department of Logics and methodology

1993 Full Time Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Department of Logics and methodology

13th April 1999 Assistant professor, Faculty of Philosophy and History, Department of Theoretical Philosophy and Logics

Scientific Research Work:

Scientific Publications

Articles in scientific journals and proceedings ..............................22Other publications ............................................................................14 Including dictionarirs ......................................................................9Conference reports ........................................................................... 6 Teaching aids …………………………………………………….. 2

Scientific Publications (past 6 years)

1. Vērtības argumentācijas procesā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2003, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 97. – 104. lpp.

2. Apraksta un normatīvie izteikumi – vērtības tajos un ap tiem // Latvijas Policijas akadēmijas raksti. Rīga, LPA, 2003, 10. sēj., 47. – 58. lpp.

3. Loģikas priekšmeta problēmas augstskolā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2004, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 67. – 74.lpp.

4. Loģiskā kultūra: veidi, eksistences apstākļi un attīstības perspektīvas // Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums, VII / Sastādītājs Arturs Medveckis. – Liepāja: LiePA, 2005. – 11. – 15. lpp.

5. Vispārizglītojošo priekšmetu mācīšanas problēmas augstskolā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2005, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 32. – 43. lpp.

6. Domāšanas funkcionalitāte izziņas un mācību procesā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2006, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 78. – 87.lpp.

7. Daži kontrfaktualitātes momenti mācību un izziņas procesā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2007, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 68. – 73.lpp.

8. Loģiskais tā saistībā ar īsteno un potenciālo diskursā // RTU zinātniskie raksti. Rīga, RTU, 2008, 8. sēr. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes, 119.. – 131. lpp.

Other publications (past 6 years)

Daberts V. Loģika. // Latvijas enciklopēdija, Rīga, 2008., 4. sēj., 132. lpp.

Teaching Aids

Daberts V. Loģika - I. – Rīga: LUMA, 2004. – 307 lpp. Daberts V. Loģika - II. – Rīga: LUMA, 2005. – 315 lpp.

Participation in conferences and further qualification

15th April – 15th June 1996 Internship at Faculty of philosophy (Philosophisches Seminar) , Hamburg University under TEMPUS (Phare) programme (Europaweites Programm zur Zusammenarbeit im Hochschulbereich): involvement in different types of lessons (tutoring, proseminars, seminars, colloquims, lectures) in Logics and Philosophy.

24th - 27th June 1997 Particpation in the programme ‘’East East ’’ project “Baltic States Workshop on Teaching Philosophy and Logic”: presentation of research paper ‘’Ar ko un kā sākt loģikas pasniegšanu’’ [ Tallin , Pedagogical University, Narva Road 25 ] in the conference “Filozofijas un loģikas pasniegšana augstskolā Baltijas valstīs”

1999 Participation in RTU Humanitarian Institute organised Theoretical seminar ‘’Domāšanas jēdzieniskā un metaforiskā virzība – palīgs vai kavēklis? Paper published in the book: Latvijas sabiedrība mūsdienās. – Rīga: RTU, 1999, 20. – 22. lpp.

11th – 13th October 2001 Participation in 42nd International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science Section: Paper on “Argumentācijas process loģiskā, epistēmiskā un aksioloģiskā aspektā”

10th – 14th October2002 Participation in 43rd International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “Vērtības argumentācijas procesā”

9th – 10th October 2003 Participation in 44th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu sekcija: Paper on “Loģikas priekšmeta problēma augstskolu izglītībā”

22nd – 23rd April 2004 Participation in International Scientific Conference (Riga) dedicated to “Emanuel Kant 280”: Paper on “Saturiskās loģikas ieceres Kanta transcendentālā loģikā”

6th – 7th May 2004 Participation in International Scientific Conference LPA (Latvia), Mälardalen University, Department of Social Science (Sweden) “Sabiedrība un kultūra: ilgtspējīga attīstība”, Cultural philosophical section: Paper on “Loģiskā kultūra: veidi, eksistences apstākļi un attīstības perspektīvas” (Liepāja)

15th October 2004 Participation in 45th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “Vispārizglītojošo priekšmetu pasniegšanas problēmas augstskolā”

14th October 2005 Participation in 46th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “Domāšanas funkcionalitāte izziņas un mācību procesā”

13th October 2006 Participation in 47th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “ Daži kontrfaktualitātes momenti mācību un izziņas procesā”

12th October2007 Participation in 48th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “Loģiskais tā saistībā ar īsteno un potenciālo diskursā”

24th – 25th April 2008, Participation in 11th International Scientific Conference (LPA (Latvia), Melardalenas University, Department of Social science (Sweden) “Sabiedrība un kultūra: ilgtspējīga attīstība”, Cultural philosophical section:

Paper on “Par identitātes interpretācijas meklējumiem sabiedrības analīzē” (Liepāja)

13th October2008 Participation in 49th International Scientific Conference (RTU), Humanitarian and Social Science SectionPaper on “ Zināšanas un to konteksts”

Academic Courses (University of Latvia)

No. Study Programme

Study Course Scope Credits

1. Bachelor's Philosophy 2

programme 2. Bachelor's

programme Conceptions of thought 2

3. Bachelor's programme

Logical ontology 2

4. Postgraduate Programme

Philosophical analysis of legal doctrines


6. Postgraduate Programme

Argumentation: logical and aksiological aspects


1992. - 1995. 7. Bachelor's programme

Philosophical systems 4

1992. - 1995 8. Bachelor's programme

Introduction to Philosophy 2

1995. – 1999.

9. Postgraduate Programme

Transformative logics 1

1998. – 2002. 10. Bachelor's programme

Introduction to research work 4

1992. – 2007. Bachelor's programme

Traditional formal logics 2

2004.- 2007. Bachelor's programme

Philosopical problems of mathematical logics


2002. – 2007. Bachelor's programme

Logic propedeitika 4

Scientific Pedagogical activity

1. Scientific advisor for maters thesis in logics (1) – “Termini un izteikumi: loģikas elementārvienības problemātika”.

2. Participation in development of secondary education standards in Logics organised by the Ministry of Education and Science for 2001/2002. Programme “Loģika vidusskolām” (one of the variants).

3. Participation in LUMA organized Distance learning aids design project in 2002 and 2003.

4. Professional further development programme “Inovācijas augstākās izglītības sistēmā” (4 CP, 40 lectures from 6th September 2004 – 8th

November (Latvian Agricultural University; certificate No. 0244).

Specialisation Logics, Philosophy of Logics, thinking theory,methodology of philosophy, ontology

Language skills – Latvian, Russian and German


Curriculum vitae

Sandra Mihailova (Jirgena)

Address Ernestīnes street 28-3, Rīga LV-1046Telephone 7613802Mobile 29144606E-mail,


2006-2009 RSU Faculty of nursing, Master’s degree in health care (, Qualification – Art therapist

1995-1999 LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, doctoral studies,

Phd. in psychology (Dr.psych.)1996-1998 LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology,

Master’s degree in clinical psychology (Mg.psych.)1993-1996 LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology,

Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Qualification Psychologist’s assistant (Bak.psych.)

1994-1995 LU Faculty of Pedagogy, Master’s degree in pedagogy (Mg.paed.)

1992-1994 Institute of practical psychologyPractical psychology

1987-1992 LU Faculty of Biology, Biologist, qualification-physiologist (humans and animals)

1976-1987 Riga, Secondary school No. 73. (speciality- physics, mathematics)

Further Education

30th April-1st May 2009

Seminar “Darbs ar krīzēm” (12h)

7th-8th April 2009 Seminar “Pētījumi psihoterapijā” (14h)14th-17th July 2008

2nd International art therapySummer school –practical dance and movement therapy (32h)

Dec. 2006- Nov. 2007

Preparatory courses in art therapy (Belfast Kings University – 400 hrs)

Nov. 2007 EQUAL programme seminar on human trafficking victims “Cilvēku tirdzniecības upuru rehabilitācijas un reintegrācijas starpinstitucionālās sadarbības mehānisma modelis”

13th-14th Oct. 2007

Movement Observation Studies (15h)

Sept.-Oct. 2007 LU professional development course “Profesionālās meistarības pilnveide psiholoģijas skolotājiem izglītības satura īstenošanai vispārējā vidējā izglītībā” (36h)

Sept. 2007 Seminar “Mūzikas terapija: pasaules pieredze” (8h) Aug. 2007 Seminar “Noziegumu upuri – kā kompensēt kaitējumu”Mar.-Aug.2007 Seminar-training “Mākslas terapija organizācijā – darbs ar

personālu” (80h)Aug. 2007 Psychotherapists experience group “Mindfulness and Psychoterapy”

(25h)July 2007 WAIMH conference “Promoting healthy development for infants

and children”July 2007 Queen Margaret’s University Edinburgh,

Introduction to dance-movement therapy course (30h)July 2007 Psychotherapists experience group “Deju rituālu terapija” (30h)5th Jan 2007 G.Pochepcova’s lecture “Informācijas karš – propagandas ietekme uz

politiku”Oct. – Dec. 2006 Seminar-lecture V.Raiha psihoterapijā (16h)Nov. 2006 K.Sibetas, W.Tompsona personality development group (50h)Oct. 2006 Existential experience group „Dvēseles sūtības meklējumi”Aug. 2006 Art therapy seminar „Ceļojums kopā ar nakts viesi” (12h)Aug. 2006 Psychodrama workshop „Es redzēju sapnī” (12h)Jul. 2006 K.Sibetas, W.Tompson’s art therapy workshop „Circling the Self”

Feb. – June 2006 LU course „Inovācijas augstskolas didaktikā/Izglītības darba vadība” (80h)

Jan. 2006 Seminar „Meditatīvā zīmēšana”May. 2005 Existential experience group „Es un mans cietums” (24h)Apr. 2005 Seminar „Pašapziņa un cilvēka psihoseksuālā attīstība” (20h)March-May 2005 Seminar training programme „Psiholoģiskā aizsardzība un koping-

uzvedība” (40h)Feb. 2005 Training seminar „Perinatālās psiholoģijas pamati” (20h)Feb. – May 2005 Theoretical practical course „Psihiatrija psihoterapeitiem” (80h)Jan. 2005 Seminar „Krīzes un to pārvarēšana” (8h)Jan. – Nov. 2004 Training programme „Pasaku terapijas konsultēšana” (90h)Aug. 2004 Seminar „Pasaku terapija” (24h)July 2004 Existential experience group „Tabu – kāds tos ir radījis no kaut kā”

(18h)March 2004 Group therapy seminar „Intensīvā terapeitiskā dzīve” (39h)12th March 2003 Seminar „Mārketinga stratēģijas pieeja svarīgāko uzdevumu

risināšanā jūsu biznesā”Nov. 2002 Lessons cycle “Sensitīvais treniņš”Sept. 2002 First Aid Training course (15h)Apr. 2002 Training in NeirovegetotheraphySept. 2001 SAC seminar „Skolas un ģimenes sadarbības veicināšana”Sept. 2001 RSIC further education course „Skolēnu karjeras attīstīšana

pamatskolā un vidusskolā”Sept. 2001 Course “Masiera specialitātes pamati”Sept. 2001 RNPC training seminar „Narkomānijas profilakse skolā” (21h)Jul. 2001 Seminar in art therapy “Māksla un pašatklāsme”Jul. 2001 Seminar “Kas jāņem vērā, vadot nodarbības pieaugušajiem”June 2001 Seminar Jung’s psychology “Goddesses in Every Woman”Nov. 2000 Training seminar in existential psychology2000-2003 2nd level studies in French psychotherapy school “EFAPO”1993-1998 French psychotherapy school “EFAPO”, psychotherapist Certificate

in psychoorganic analysisApril 1998 Soros Fond–Latvia, training seminar “Konflikts un saskarsme”March 1998 LU Psychological assistance centre, seminar “Starpdisciplinārā

pieeja vardarbības gadījumos”Feb.1998 LU Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology,, Training course in

existential psychptherapyDec.1997 Moscow State University and A/s Tarining Centre, training course

“Kompetence saskarsmē”Aug.1996 PIAC, course “Darbs ar bērnu krīzes situācijā”Apr. 1996 RSIC, training course “Grupu psiholoģija” 1995-1997 S.Ostrenko dance and movement experimental laboratory1994-1996 2 year course with certified psychotherapists Juris Batņa and Juris

Blumbergs - “Psihoterapijas pamati”Sept.1995 Moscow Gestalt Institute, training course “Zīmējumu tehnikas

geštaltpieejas ietvaros”June 1995 German Dance Therapy School, theoretical practical course “Deju

terapija”Apr.1995 Russian Dance and Movement Therapy Association, theoretical

practical course “Deju un kustību terapija”

Feb. 1995 St. Petersburg State University, training course “Transakcionālā analīze”

Febr. – Apr.1994 St. Petersburg Personality Institute, training course “Iekšējās un ārējās komunikācijas tehnoloģija”, “Integratīvā transa tehnoloģija”

1993-1994 Ericson therapy association Moscow, training course - neiro-lingvistiskā programmēšana izglītības sistēmā un psihoterapijā, NLP practitioner certificate

Dec. 1993 Moscow “Eidosa centrs”, eidetic memeory development course, qualification - instructor

Apr. 1993 Education development institute, thematic course “Izziņas sociālpsiholoģija”

Feb. 1993 St.Petersburg Gestalt therapy Centre, training course “Geštaltterapija”

Nov. 1992 Medicine firm “Semmes”, theoretical practical course “praktiskajā psiholoģijā darbam psiholoģiskās atbalsta grupās ar bērniem, kas slimo ar onkoloģiskajām un smagām somatiskām slimībām”, Certificate

March 1992 Ericson therapy association Moscow, training course “Mūsdienu psiholoģijas un psihoterapijas metodes”

1989-1990 LU Psychology – pedagogy centre “ANIMA”, psychologist practitioner lessons

Dec. 1989 Riga city’s youth professional orientation centre course “Primārās arodkonsultācijas pamati”

Additional professional education and qualification

24th nov. 2005 European Psychotherapsist Certificate10th June 2005 Recertification in the speciality of psychotheraphy9th May 2003 Certificate in Psychotherapy, No.PT-191994-1999 Social Relations Institute “Attīstība”, Basic psychotherapy education,

Licence to practice psychodynamic psychotheraphy under supervision1993-1998 French psychotherapy school “EFAPO”, psychotherapist Certificate in

psychoorganic analysis1993-1994 Ericson therapy association Moscow, theoretical and practical course

in NLP in education system and psychotherapy - NLP practitioner certificate

Dec. 1993 Moscow “Eidosa centrs”, eidetic memeory development course, qualification - instructor

Professional experience

Jan. 2009- Liepaja University Assistant visiting professorSept. 2007- School of Business Administration Turiba, Doctoral study

programme in Communication Management, Faculty of Public Relations; Faculty of Law – Assistant visiting professor

Sept. 2007 - RSU KF Haed of Department of Sociology and PsychologyDec. 2006 - RSU Assistant professor in Psychology2006-2007 RSU ESF Head of Department of Sociology and LawSept. 2006- RSU Faculty of Nursing, Director of the dance and movement

therapy subprogramme – professional Postgraduate Programme in healthcare „Art therapy”

2006 Agenskalna State Gymnasium, psychology teacher2006-2008 Rīiga Council Project “Darba prakšu vietu izveide jauniešiem

bezdarbniekiem ar augstāko izglītību Rīgas domes struktūrvienībās” psychotherapist assistant

2003-2006 RSU ESF Head of Department of Sociology2003-2006 RSU ESF lecturer2002-2003 RPIVA lecturer2002 Lectures in “Personības psiholoģijā” RSU EEuropean Integration

Institute, Department of Sociology students2001-2003 Managing Psychoanalyst group RNPC project “Narkomānijas

profilakse skolā”2000-2003 Psychologist - social rehabilitation centre “Viktorija”1999 Personal Audit SIA “Lattelekom”1998-2005 Lectures on communication psychology for brokers1998-2000 Psychologist-Mālpils secondary school1998-2000 State labour instructor, psychology lectures1997-1998 LU Psychological Assistance Centre, Psychologist 1996-1999 Social Health School, Psychology lectures1995-1997 Firm “B&M”, communication psychology 1995 - Work with personal psychology development groups1995 Firm “Karlēna”, communication psychology1994 Eidetic memory training group1994-1995 2nd Medicine school, psychology course for social workers1993-1994 Firm “Lattelekom”, communication psychology1993-1994 Firm “Karlsons&Co”, Latvian language with psychotraining

methods1993 Firm “Auseklītis”, Psychology lectures1992-1993 Firm “IF”, communication psychology1991-2006 Agenskalna State Gymnasium, psychology teacher, School

psychologist1988-1990 Tourism group director, Kirova district pioneer centre1987 Laboratry assistant – biomechanic laboratory,

Traumataloogy and Orthopedic Institute

Total:Scientific research work – 13 yearsPedagogical activity – 20 yearsPsychology consulting – 18 years Psychotherapist practice – 10 years

Administrative additional Functions

2006 - RSU Social Sciencene professor Council’s Secretary2004-2007 RSU ESF Council secretary

Project work

2008 project “Day center for children”, OAK foundation, Geneva financed – auditor

2006 Senior Researcher LZP grant „Mākslas terapijas metodes krīzes pārvarēšanā”

2003-2006 project “Day center for children”, OAK foundation, Geneva financed2001-2003 RNPC project “Narkomānijas profilakse skolā”

Academic Courses

General and Judicial Psychology(3 CP)

RSU Law Bachelor's programme

Personality psychology (2 CP) RSU Public Relations Journalism, Sociology Bachelor's programme Psychology Bachelor's programme

Social psychology (4 CP) RSU Sociology Bachelor's programme RSU Organisation and Management sociology Bachelor's programme

Conflict psychology (3 CP) RSU Tiesību zinātņu bakalaura programmaCommunication psychology (4 CP) RSU Public Relations, Journalism Bachelor's

programme Interpersonal Psychology (2 CP) RSU Public Relations, Journalism, Sociology

Bachelor's programme Dance and Movement Therapy theory and history (2 CP)

RSU Art Therapy Postgraduate Programme

Introduction to Psychotherapy (2 CP) RSU Art Therapy Postgraduate Programme LiepaU Music Therapy Postgraduate Programme

Management and Communication Psychology (2 CP) together with Assist. Prof. D. Škuškovnika

BAT Doctoral study programme “Communication Management”

Higher Education Pedagogy and Management (2CP) together with Assoc. Prof. A. Baumanis

BAT Communication Management, Doctoral programme in Business Adminstration and Law science

Psychological Consulting (2CP) LiepaU Music Therapy Postgraduate Programme

Scientific Publications

1. Jirgena S. Jauniešu pašizjūta un uzvedības determinantes. – Rīga: LU, 1998. – 57.lpp.

2. Jirgena S. Adiktīvas uzvedības izvēle agrīnā jaunībā. – Rīga: LU, 1999. – 54.lpp.3. Jirgena S. Jauniešu adiktīvas uzvedības izvēles izpēte. – Rīga: LU, 1999. – 56.lpp.4. Jirgena S. Jauniešu pašizjūta un adiktivās uzvedības izvēle. – Rīga: LU, 1999. –

78.lpp.5. Jirgena S. Skolēna pašizjūta un skolas sociālpsiholoģiskās vides subjektīvais

vērtējums // Personības attīstība. Skolēnu un studentu personības veidošanās mācību un audzināšanas procesā. – Rīga: “Izglītības soļi”, 2000. – 78. – 82.lpp.

6. Jirgena S. Topošo medicīnas reflektantu psiholoģiskais portrets // 2004.gada Medicīnas nozares zinātniskās konferences tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2004. – 167.lpp.

7. Jirgena S. Dažādu vidusskolas programmu izvēles psiholoģiskās determinantes // Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums VII. / Sastād. A.Medveckis. – Liepāja: LiePA, 2005. – 124. – 130.lpp.

8. Йиргена С. Самочувствие молодёжи и выбор адиктивного поведения. (2005.gadā iesniegts publicēšanai starptautiskās konferences „Бехтерев В.М. и современная психология” rakstu krājumā)

9. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Dzilna S., Paipare M., Zakriževska M. The Crisis Coping of Art Therapy // Proceedings VII International Baltic Psychology Conference. – Riga: LU, 2006. – p.40.

10. Jirgena S., Mihailovs I.J. Jauni izaicinājumi sistēmai – sociālās atstumtības iespējamie riski // RSU ESF konferences „Atstumtība un nedrošība-riski un risinājumi” rakstu krājums. – Rīga: RSU, 2006. – 46. – 47.lpp.

11. Elektroniskā publikācija: Majore-Dūšele I., Jirgena S. Deju terapija: priekšnosacījumi, izpratne un attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā // 4. Starptautiskās Mākslas terapijas konferences materiāli. – 13.07.2006.

12. Jirgena S. Jaunieši un adiktīva uzvedība. – Rīga: Drukātava, 2006. – 160.lpp.13. Йиргена C., Михайлов И.Я. Ценности и выбор аддиктивного поведения

(2006.gadā iesniegts publicēšanai Baltijas Starptautiskās akadēmijas Starptautiskās konferences rakstu krājumā)

14. Jirgena S. Mākslas terapijas izglītības attīstība Latvijā // Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences „Izglītība sociālo pārmaiņu apstākļos” tēzes – Daugavpils, 2006. – 25. – 26.lpp.

15. Jirgena S. Deju terapijas loma sabiedrības veselībā // Starptautiskā zinātniski-praktiskā konferences „Psiholoģija, bizness un sabiedrības sociālā sfēra: mūsdienu aktuālās problēmas” tēzes. – Rīga: PA, 2006. – 68. – 69.lpp.

16. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S. Mākslas terapija – situācija un perspektīvas izglītībā Latvijā // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. – Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2007. – 223. – 228.lpp.

17. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Zakriževska M., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslas terapija mūžizglītības kontekstā // Mūsdienu izglītības problēmas. – Rīga: TSI, 2007. – 74. – 75.lpp.

18. Jirgena S., Mihailovs I.J., Stankevičs A., Strūberga K., Venžega N. Studenta skaita dinamikas cēloņi Latvijā // 2007.gada zinātniskā konference. Tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2007. – 257.lpp.

19. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Zakriževska M. Mākslas terapija krīzes pārvarēšanā: teorētiskie aspekti // 2007.gada zinātniskā konference. Tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2007. – 258.lpp.

20. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S. Mākslas terapijas studijas kā profesijas formālais pamats // 2007.gada zinātniskā konference. Tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2007. – 259.lpp.

21. Jirgena S., Taala A. Profesionālās ievirzes izglītības pieejamības un izglītības kvalitātes nozīme kultūras personības veidošanā // 2007.gada zinātniskā konference. Tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2007. – 260.lpp.

22. Majore-Dūšele I., Jirgena S. Deju un kustību terapija. Tās izmantošanas iespējas // Psiholoģija Mums. – 2007. – Nr. 3 (34). – 13. – 17.lpp.

23. Jirgena S., Ābolina M. Vēderdejas sievietes personības attīstībai // Integratīvā mākslas terapija – teorija un prakse. Tēzes. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2007. – 70.lpp.

24. Jirgena S., Ābolina M. Belly dance impact on development of woman personality // Integrative art therapy – theory and practice. Abstract. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2007. – p.71.

25. Jirgena S., Mārtinsone K., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslas terapijas izglītība Latvijā: process un perspektīvas // Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference “Izglītība sociālo pārmaiņu apstākļos”. Rakstu krājums. – Daugavpils: Saule, 2007. – 257. – 267.lpp.

26. Mihailova S. Macho girl – sievišķība kā patēriņa motivācija // Ceļojums ar citādo: subkultūras pilsētas vidē. – Rīga:, 2007. – 85. – 96.lpp.

27. Mihailova S. Austrumu dejas – Latvijas sievietes veselībai // Starptautiskā starpdisciplinārā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība”. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2007. – 77.lpp.

28. Mihailova S. Sociālais atbalsts bērniem: NVO darbības pieredzes analīze // Starptautiskā starpdisciplinārā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība”. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2007. – 88.lpp.

29. Dreifelde-Gabruševa I., Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Zakriževska M. Mākslas terapijas metodes kreativitātes attīstībā // Radošā personība. – 5.sējums. – Rīga: Kreativitātes zinātniskais institūts, 2007. – 279. – 288.lpp.

30. Jirgena S. Pašizjūtas izpēte: jauniešu salīdzinošais vērtējums 1998. un 2005.gadā // Proceedings International Scientific Conference “New Dimension in the Development of Society”. – Jelgava: LLU SZF, 2007. – 138. – 144.lpp.

31. Mārtinsone K., Zakriževska M., Jirgena S., Paipare M. The Crisis Coping of Art Therapy: Theoretical Approaches // Proceedings International Scientific Conference “New Dimension in the Development of Society”. – Jelgava: LLU SZF, 2007. – 308. – 314.lpp.

32. Йиргена C., Михайлов И.Я. Динамика ценностных ориентаций в структуре личностных характеристик молодёжи Латвии // Межкультурная коммуникация: концепты и модели поведения. – Астрахань: Издательский дом “Астраханский университет”, 2007. – с. 191 – 195.

33. Mārtinsone K., Mihailovs I.J., Mihailova S., Zakrizevska M. Art context boarders: the therapy of art // Scientific articles of V International conference: Person. Color. Nature. Music. – Daugavpils Universitāte: Saule, 2007. – pp.355 – 357.

34. Jirgena S., Mārtinsone K. Vērtību hierarhija: jauniešu salīdzinošais vērtējums 1998. un 2005.gadā // Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums IX. / Sastād. A.Medveckis. – Liepāja: LiePA, 2007. – 112. – 119.lpp.

35. Йиргена C. Черты характера и выбор аддиктивного поведения // Актуальные проблемы психологии, бизнеса и социальной сферы общества: теория и практика. – Rīga: Psiholoģijas augstskola, 2007. – c. 133 – 138.

36. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslu terapijas izglītības attīstība Eiropas prasību kontekstā // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. – Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2008. – 437. – 443.lpp.

37. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslu terapija – jauna izglītības perspektīva Latvijā // Skolotājs. – 2008. – Nr.3 (67). – 49. – 57.lpp.

38. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J., Majore-Dūšele I., Paipare M. Mākslu terapija un tās attīstības konteksti (integratīvi eklektiskā pieeja Latvijā). – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. – 135 lpp.

39. Mihailova S. Sertifikācija mākslu terapijā // Mūsdienu mākslu terapija – teorija un prakse. Tēzes. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. – 25.lpp.

40. Mihailova S. Art therapy sertification // Contemporary arts therapies – theory and practice. Theses. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2007. – p.26.

41. Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Par globalizāciju, un ne tikai... // Hanovs D. Šeit, visur un tagad... Globalizācija Latvijā: konteksti, diskursi un dalībnieki. – Rīga: Drukatava, 2008. – 7. – 11.lpp.

42. Mihailova S. Strukturētās dejas sievietes pašizjūtas uzlabošanai // 2.Starptautiskā starpdisciplinārā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība”. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. – 54.lpp.

43. Breiha S., Mihailova S. Veselības aprūpes speciālistu darbība Latvijā: sertifikācijas problēmas // 2.Starptautiskā starpdisciplinārā zinātniskā konference “Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība”. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2008. – 22.lpp.

44. Dreifelde-Gabruševa I., Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Paipare M. Mākslas terapija kreatīvas personības attīstībā // Radošā personība. – 6.sējums. – Rīga: Kreativitātes zinātniskais institūts, 2008. – 98. – 107.lpp.

45. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslas kontekstu robežu paplašinājums: mākslas terapija // Filosofiskās idejas Latvijā, Eiropas vērtības un latviskā identitāte. Letonikas otrais kongress. – Rīga: LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts, 2008. – 156. – 173.lpp.

46. Mārtinsone K., Zakriževska M., Mihailovs I.J., Mihailova S. Supervīzoru izglītības modelis Latvijā: vīzija un perspektīvas // Proceedings 4th International Scientific Conference “New Dimension in the Development of Society”. – Jelgava: LLU SZF, 2008. – 250. – 256.lpp.

47. Jirgena S., Mihailovs I.J. Sociālā riska ģimeņu dzīves scenārijs // Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums X. / Sastād. A.Medveckis. – Liepāja: LiePA, 2008. – 48. – 55.lpp.

48. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Zakriževska M., Mihailovs I.J. Sociālie priekšstati par mākslas terapiju // Sabiedrība un kultūra. Rakstu krājums X. / Sastād. A.Medveckis. – Liepāja: LiePA, 2008. – 65. – 72.lpp.

49. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Mākslu terapijas studiju priekšmeti Latvijas augstskolās // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. – Rēzekne: RA izdevniecība, 2009. – 152. – 158.lpp.

50. Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Sociālais atbalsts bērniem: NVO darbības pieredzes analīze // Zinātniskie raksti 2008. Ekonomika. Komunikācija. Politika. Socioloģija. Sociālā politika un sociālais darbs. Tiesības. – Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, 2009. – 68. – 74.lpp.

51. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailova I.J. Mākslu terapijas terminoloģijas attīstība Latvijā: mākslu terapija, mākslas terapija, mākslas terapeits // 2009.gada zinātniskā konference. Tēzes. – Rīga: RSU, 2009. – 279.lpp.

52. Mihailova S. Austrumu dejas kā Latviešu sieviešu pašattieksmes korekcijas elements // II Starptautiskā zinātniski-praktiskā konference “Psiholoģijas, biznesa un sociālā darba perspektīvas un iespējas mūsdienīgā Eiropā”. – Rīga: [b.i.], 2009. – 42. – 43.lpp.

Methodological materials and popular press publications

1. Antāne N., Enkuzena D., Loķe M., Vītola V., Žuravkina E., Jirgena S., Grāvīte I. Karjeras izglītība mācību priekšmetu un audzināšanas stundās Rīgas 14.vakara (maiņu) vidusskolā. // Metodiskie materiāli skolotājiem. – Rīga: 2006. – 210.lpp.

2. Jirgena S. Psihologa darbs Āgenskalna valsts ģimnāzijā. // Skolotājs. – 2003. – Nr. 1. – 46. – 48.lpp.

3. Jirgena S., Majore I. Deju un kustību terapija Latvijā un pasaulē //

4. Mārtinsone K., Jirgena S., Paipare M., Palkavnieks A., Zarakovska R. Jauna profesija Latvijā – mākslas terapija. Izglītības iespējas // Psiholoģija ģimenei un skolai. – 2007. – Nr.4. – 10. – 17.lpp.

5. Jirgena S. Bet laimes tāpat nav // Ieva. – 2007. – 11.jūlijs. – Nr. 28 (508). – 15.lpp.

6. Programmas “Psiholoģija” studenta rokasgrāmata / sast. S.Mihailova. – Rīga: RSU, 2007. – 19.lpp.

7. Profesionālās maģistrantūras studiju programmas veselības aprūpē “Mākslas terapija” studenta rokasgrāmata / sast. K.Mārtinsone, S.Mihailova. – Rīga: RSU, 2008. – 24.lpp.

8. Briško B., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J., Zakriževska M. Ievads sociālajā psiholoģijā. – Rīga: Alberta koledža, 2008. – 144 lpp.

9. Mārtinsone K., Mihailova S., Mihailovs I.J. Par mākslu terapiju, psihoterapiju un ne tikai... // Psiholoģijas pasaule. – 2008. – Nr.4. – 76. – 77.lpp.

Other Activities

More than 20 popular scientific articles and interviews in Latvian mediaMore than 20 radio and TV show consultant

Cooperation with foreign colleagues

Participation in professional organistaions

2007 - Latvian Dance and Movement Therapy Association2005 - Latvian Art Therapy Association2005 - Latvian Psycho-organic analysis psychotherapists

association2004 - Latvian Psychotherapists association1997.-2004

Latvian Psychotherapists association federation


Latvian Balinta association


Latvian Psycho-organic analysis association


Latvian Professional Psychologists Association

1993 - Latvian School Psychologists Association1992.-1994

International Erikson therapy, hypnosis and NLP Association

Professional Activity in Executive bodies of professional organisations

2009 - Latvian psychotherapists association board member2007 - Latvian Dance and Movement Therapy Association,

Deputy chairperson of the board2005 Latvian Art Therapy Association, board member2005.-2008

Latvian Psycho-organic analysis psychotherapists association chairperson of the board

2004 - Latvian psychotherapists association board member2003.-2005

Latvian Psycho-organic analysis association chairperson of the board

Participation with papers at international scientific conferences

2009 LiepU 12th International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība un kultūra”2009 PA International Scientific - Practical Conference“Psiholoģijas, biznesa

un sociālā darba perspektīvas un iespējas mūsdienīgā Eiropā”2009 RA International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība,

integrācija, izglītība”2008 RSU 2nd International Interdisciplinary Scientific

Conference “Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība”2008 LLU 4th International Scientific Conference“New Dimensions in

the development of Society”2008 6th International Art Therapy Conference “Mūsdienu mākslu terapija –

teorija un prakse”2008 LPA 11th International Scientific Conference “Sabiedrība un

kultūra”2008 RA International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība,

integrācija, izglītība”2007 LMāA Conference “Māksla un mākslinieciskie pētījumi”2007 RPIVA 12th International Creativity Conference “Kreativitāte kā

personības īpašība”2007 RSU International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

“Sabiedrība. Veselība. Labklājība” 2007 II Letonikas Congress2007 Astrahaņas universitātes International Scientific

Conference“Межкультурная коммуникация: концепты и модели поведения”

2007 5th International Art Therapy Conference “Integratīvā mākslas terapija – teorija un prakse”

2007 International Conference “Psihes un ķermeņa vienotība – jaunākais teorijā un praksē”

2007 LLU 3rd International Scientific Conference“New Dimensions in the development of Society”

2007 LPA 10th International Scientific Conference„Sabiedrība un kultūra”2007 Conference “Ceļojums ar Citādo. Subkultūras pilsētas

vidē” (ĪUMSILS)2007 RA International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība,

integrācija, izglītība”2007 TSI Conference “Mūsdienu izglītības problēmas”2006 RPIVA 11th International Creativity Conference “Kreativitāte kā

process”2006 PA International Scientific - Practical Conference“Psiholoģija, bizness

un sabiedrības sociālā sfēra: mūsdienu aktuālās problēmas”2006 DU International Scientific Conference “Izglītība sociālo pārmaiņu

apstākļos”2006 4th International Art Therapy Conference2006 7th International Baltic Psychologists Conference “Baltic Psychology in

Global Context: Where Do We Stand?”2006 RSU ESF International Academic Personnel Conference “Atstumtība un

nedrošība – riski un risinājumi”2006 LPA 9th International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība un kultūra”2005 LLU International Scientific Conference“Jaunas dimensijas sabiedrības


2004 LPA 7th International Scientific Conference“Sabiedrība un kultūra”

1998 INternation School Psychologist Association’s XXI Conference, Jūrmalā

1996 Baltic Sea Countries Conference in psychosomatic medicine, Riga

1995 Baltic Psychologists conference, Jūrmalā1991 World Latvian Science Congress, Riga

Scientific Consultant

Magazine „Psiholoģija Mums”Magazine „Psiholoģija skolai un ģimenei”Book: Grofs S. Nākotnes psiholoģija. – Rīga: RaKa, 2006. – 405.lpp.Documentary film „Ēdienkarte skrejceļam”Scenery Consultant for film „Par to nerunā”Editor of Collection of Scientific Papers: Mūsdienu politiskie procesi. – Rīga: Baltijas Starptautiskā akadēmija, 2008. – 98.lpp.Member of working committee for design of profession standards “Mākslas terapeits” Collection of Scientific Papers Ceļojums ar citādo: subkultūras pilsētas vidē. – Rīga:, 2007. – 200 lp.Collection of Scientific Papers Dialogs Latvijā: kultūru dažādība, robežas un saiknes. – Rīga: Akadēmisko programmu aģentūra, 2008. – 88 lpp.Collection of Scientific Papers 2008. Research articles: Economics. Communication. Politics. Sociology. Social policy and social work. Law. – Rīga: RSU, 2008. – 192 p.

Language skills

Latvian - nativeRussian - fluentFrench - Intermediate, 1998 LU doctoral thesis exam (mark-8)English - Intermediate, 15th July 2005 exam B1/B2 level

7th May 2009 S. MihailovaCurriculum vitae


RIGAPlace of Birth Identity code

10.septembris 1948. g.Date of Birth Nationality

BAT Faculty of Business Administration, department of Commerce, Asoc.Prof.Place of work, Position

Address of place of work: Place of Residence:Graudu iela 68, Riga LV - 1010 Skolas iela 27, dz. 2, Riga, LV -1010

Telephone. 7607660 Telephone 26552945, 7298010Fax: E-mail: annaa@btv.lvE-mail:


Basic education, post graduate studies, PhD. Educational institution, state Study period Speciality Qualification

Latvian University, Faculty of Economics

Latvian Academy of Science, Economics Institute



Industry Planning

Speciality 08.00.05. National economics,

planning and organisational management



Scientific qualification

Scientific council, institution, state Year Speciality Degree Diploma No.

Estonian Academy of Science, Economics Institute

Riga Technical University



Economic science candidate

PhD. in Economics

ЭК No. 029727

B-DNo. 000744

Professional experience

2007 – School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of commerce, Associate Professor.2006 – 2007 – School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of commerce, Teacher.2005 – School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of Economics, Teacher.2003 – 2005 – RSU ESF Department of Regional economics and business Director of the programme European economics and business, teachers.2002 – 2003 – BAT Faculty of economics, Dean.2002 – 2007 – BAT Faculty of Business Administration, Director of postgraduate programme.2000 – 2002– BAT director of Economics programme.1999 – 2003 – BAT Department of Economics, teacher.1998 – 1999 – St. Petersburg International economic relations, Economics and legal branch, teacher.1993– 1997 – SIA „ANNIŅA”, Director.1991 – 1993 – Riga Technical University, Faculty of Economics, Teacher.1990 – 1991 – Riga Technical College, teacher.1982 – 1990 – LZA Economics Institute, Research worker.1974 – 1979 – LZA Economics Institute, Research worker.1973 – 1974 – Latvian State Statistics Committee, Economist.1971 – 1973 – Latvian State Statistics Committee Census Centre, Economist.1968 – 1971 – Riga Technical University, Secretary.1966– 1968 – VEF, Technician, chemist.

Scientific research work and publications:

Management of Latvian Science council and other foreign research projects and subprojects and scientific contract work including management of market research:

Participation in development of Economic Institute of Latvian Academy of Sciences grant „Investment n human capital as a factor increasing the competitiveness of Latvian economy” 2005. Participation in the research commissioned by the Ministry of Economics „Analysis of start of commercial activity and freelance activity” 2006.Management of ESF project “Internship for teachers for enhancing their technological competence” 2006-2007 No. 2006/0059/VPDI/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/

Significant publications: number of publications – more than 30.

Publications in LZP recognized generally reviewed editions:1. Анализ возможностей и препятствий в развитии предпринимательской деятельности в Латвии. IV.

Международный семинар Развитие Балтийской Европы „Международное и приграничное экономическое сотрудничество в контексте европейской интеграции” Toruņ, 2008. ISBN 978-83-7285-438-4. 461-470 lpp.

2. Маркетинговая стратегия города – роль и значение в современных условиях. 7th International Symposium Economy & Business 2008. Journal Economy & Business – International Scientific Publications Vol.2, Part 2 Info Invest, Bulgaria, 2008, ISNN 1313-2555 p.20-36.

3. Pilsētas attīstības inovatīvā komponente. Rakstu krājums (Proceedings) „Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi” BAT IX starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Rīga, 2008

4. The Role of Human Capital in Regional development. 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management’2008. Conference Proceedings. Lithuania, Vilnius.Tēzes 165-167 lpp. Pilns teksts CD formatā.

5. The Role of Innovation in Economic Development. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektīvos. Mokslo straipsniu rinkinys. Siauliu Univarsitetas ISSN 1648-9098, 2(9), 2007. g. 5-9 lpp.

6. Latvijas inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas globalizācijas apstākļos. RSU Zinātniskie raksti. Ekonomika, Komunikācija, Politika, Socioloģija, Tiesības. Rīga, RSU, 2007. 13-17 lpp.

7. Intelektuālais īpašums inovatīvās attīstības laikmetā. Rakstu krājums (Proceedings). „Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas” BAT, 7, starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Rīga, 2006. 155-160 lpp.

Publications in International scientific conferences:1. Инвестиции в инновационном процессе: роль и значение. Zinātnisko rakstu krājumā. Inwetycje w

raschukowosci. Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wroclawiu, Wroclaw, 2002. 11 – 20 lpp.

2. Mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu vadītāju attieksmes pret inovācijām saistība ar vērtībām un gatavību iesaistīties inovāciju procesā (līdzautors M. Ābeltiņa). RSU Zinātniskie raksti. Starptautiskā konference „Sociālo zinātņu attīstības tendences Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanas kontekstā”, RSU, Rīga, 2005. 92- 97 lpp.

Teaching aids: 1. Ekonomikas skaidrojošā vārdnīca. Mācību palīglīdzeklis vidusskolām. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Rīga,

2007,93 lpp.2. Финансовая и бухгалтерская деятельность брокерских контор.В учебном пособии для брокеров

товарной, фондовой и биржи недвижимости «Как добиться успеха в бизнесе и заработать деньги», ЛУБ, Рига, 1993 стр. 25-34.

3. Акции, облигации и другие ценные бумаги. В учебном пособии для брокеров товарной, фондовой и биржи недвижимости «Как добиться успеха в бизнесе и заработать деньги», ЛУБ, Рига, 1993 стр. 70 – 80.

4. Galvenie vērtspapīru veidi (lekciju konspekts) Ekonomikas fakultātes studentiem, RTU, 1994.g. 24 lpp.

Other publications:1. Создание национального капитала в странах Балтии в переходный период. Zinātniskā žurnālā

Економiчний часопис XXI, Киiв, 2003. 22 – 24 lpp.2. Grūti sākt, vēl sarežģītāk turpināt, bet viņi to dara. Žurnālā „Komersanta Vēstnesis” 8 (64) 2007. 14 – 17

lpp.3. Intelektuālā īpašuma aizsardzības ietekme uz ekonomikas aizsardzību. RSU 2007. gada Zinātniskā

konference. Tēzes, Rīga, 2007. gada 29. – 30. martā, 285 lpp.4. Mārketinga stratēģijas izvēles īpatnības, problēmas un risinājumi Rīgas pilsētā. RSU 2008. gada

Zinātniskā konference. Tēzes, Riga, 2008. gada 13. – 14. martā

Participation in conference:

1. International scientific conference „Investment in accounting”, Akademija Ekonomiczna im. Oskara Langego we Wroclawiu, Wroclaw, 2002. gada novembris - referāta tēma: „Investment in innovation process: the role and importance.

2. International conference „Way of the Baltic states to the EU: which experience can help Ukraine? Fridriha Eberta fonds, Kijeva, 2003. gada 2. jūnijā - referāta tēma: „Creation of the national capital in the Baltic states in the process of transformation.

3. International conference „Sociālo zinātņu attīstība Eiropas Savienības paplašināšanas kontekstā: no vīzijām uz realitāti”, RSU, 2004. gada 29. maijā - referāta tēma: „Inovācijas Latvijā – uzņēmēju

skatījums”.4. International conference „Globalizācijas tendences pasaulē un Baltijas reģiona valstu problēmas”, RSU,

2005. g. 18. aprīlī – referāta tēma „Latvijas inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas globalizācijas apstākļos”.

5. International seminar „Lisabonas stratēģija Latvijā: starp investīcijām cilvēkkapitālā un ekonomisko izaugsmi”, Baltijas Forums un Fridriha Eberta fonds, 2005. g. 28 aprīlī – referāta tēma „Inovāciju loma Lisabonas stratēģijas realizācijā”.

6. 10th International conference „Lielā XXI gadsimta Eiropa: Kopīgi izaicinājumi? Kopīgas vērtības?”, Baltijas Forums, 2005.g. 27. – 28. maijā – referāta tēma „Inovāciju loma ekonomikas attīstībā”.

7. BAT UVF Student scientific practical conference “Uzņēmējdarbības attīstības aktuālās problēmas Latvijā” Rīga, 2006. g. 4. aprīlis – referāta tēma “Latvijas inovatīvās uzņēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas globalizācijas apstākļos”.

8. RSU International Conference „Atstumtība un nedrošība – idejas jaunai līdzdalībai” 2006. g. 5. maijā – referāta tēma „Cilvēkkapitāls un inovāciju loma ekonomikas attīstībā”.

9. BAT 7th International Scientific Conference „Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi, iespējas” Rīga, 2006. g. 2. jūnijā – referāta tēma – „Intelektuālais īpašums inovatīvās attīstības laikmetā”.

10. RSU 2007 International Conference 2007. g. 29. – 30. martā – referāta tēma „Intelektuālā īpašuma aizsardzības ietekme uz ekonomikas attīstību”.

11. IV. International Seminar „Развитие Балтийской Европы”. Par tēmu „Международное и приграничное экономическое сотрудничество в контексте европейской интеграции” Toruņa, Polija, 2007. g. 15. – 16. jūnijā – referāta tēma „Анализ возможностей и препятствий в начале предпринимательской деятельности в Латвии”.

12. RSU 2008 International Conference 2008. g. 13. – 14 martā – referāta tēma „Mārketinga stratēģijas izvēles īpatnības, problēmas un risinājumi Rīgas pilsētā”.

13. 5th International Scientific Conference Business and Management’2008. Viļņa, 2008. gada 16.-17. maijā. Referāta tēma: „The Role of Human Capital in Regional development”.

14. BAT IX International Scientific Conference. „Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi” Rīga, 2008. gada 30. maijā. Referāta tēma: „Pilsētas attīstības inovatīvā komponente”.

15. 7th International Symposium Economy & Business 2008. Bulgārija, Burgasa 2008. gada 3.-7. septembris. Referāta tēma: „Маркетинговая стратегия города – роль и значение в современных условиях”.

Pedagogical activity at SBAT:

Scientific advisor for Master thesis: 2002- 64 aster theses. Some examples of topics.1. Evija Mugina Publiskā iepirkuma sistēmas ieviešanas procesa pilnveidošana Latvijā Eiropas Savienības

kontekstā 2002. g.2. Andris Pūka MOTUL eļļu vairumtirdzniecības investīciju projekts APE Motors vienībā 2002. g.3. Žanete Jansone Jauna uzņēmējdarbības veida ienākšanas iespējas Latvijas tirgū. ESKO – energoservisa

kompānija 2003. g.4. Jānis Skalbe A/S “Rīgas raugs” attīstības stratēģijas izstrāde 2003.g.5. Ritvars Žotovs-Žogota Uzņēmuma “Libanons” mārketinga stratēģijas izstrāde 2003.g.6. Gunta Vucēna Uzņēmuma inovatīvā menedžmenta stratēģijas izstrāde 2004. g.7. Raivo Milberts Reklāmas materiālu izgatavošana uzņēmumā “ABI2”attīstības stratēģijas izstrāde8. Juris Kaupužs SIA “Būvmateriālu Serviss” infrastruktūras modernizēšana 2004. g.9. Gita Stalidzāne Bezdarba problēma un Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras (NVA) sniegto pakalpojumu

pilnveidošanas iespējas bezdarba samazināšanai Latvijā 2005. g.10. Evita Kaluga SIA “Rimi Latvija” konkurētspējas paaugstināšanas iespējas Baltijas tirgū un nākotnes

attīstības stratēģijas modeļa izstrāde 2005. g.11. Inguna Jaunozola Hipotekārās kreditēšanas attīstība Latvijā un tās ietekme uz nekustāmā īpašuma tirgu

2006. g.12. Kitija Čekstere Darbaspēka aizplūšanas problēmu risinājumi būvniecības nozarē uzņēmumā SIA “Mūsu

māja” 2006.g.13. Marina Rieksta Nekustāmā īpašuma tirgus attīstības tendences Latvijā 2007. g.14. Inese Gavare Inovatīvo projektu attīstība Latgales reģionā 2007. g.

Study courses: Lectures and Seminars

1. Knowledge and Innovation management 2CP Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"

2. Innovation – 2 CP (Core subject UVF 2nd higher professional study programme „Business economics”).

3. Innovation management 3 CP (Core subject UVF 2nd higher professional study programme „Business economics”)

4. Microeconomics – 4 CP (Core subject UVF 2nd higher professional study programme „Business Administration”).

5. Macroeconomics – 4 CP (Core subject UVF 2nd higher professional study programme „Business Administration”).

6. Theory of Economics – 3 CP (Elective subject Post graduate students of Faculty of International Tourism and Faculty of Public Relations).

7. International Economics – 3 CP (Core subject UVF 2nd higher professional study programme „Business Administration”).

Designed study courses: 1. For all above mentioned study courses

Preparationand publication of teaching books and aids:Teaching aids:

Inovācija – XXI gadsimta fenomens. Mācību līdzeklis maģistrantiem un bakalauriem 2009.g.

Further qualification:1. Studies at BAT Postgraduate course in Public Relations – 2006- 2008. 2. BAT and cooperation partner organised seminar under the Nordplus programme „How effectictive management of human resources increases the competitiveness of organisations” 2006.3. LLU certificate course „Higher education didactics”, 2005.4. Daugavpils Pedagogy University, certificate „Innovations in pedagogy”, 2004.5. Merkury consultants, certificate „International contracts”, 2002.6. Commerce education centre certificate „Business analysis and planning” 2001.

Organizational activity:

Management or participation in scientific and academic working committee or collegial institutions activities:

BAT Member of Council of Faculty of Business administration (from 2002).

BAT Chair of the council of Faculty of Economics (2002 – 2003).

RSU ESF Member of the Council (2003 – 2005).

LZA, Member of Scientific council of Economics Institute (from 2005).

BAT Member of the Constitutional Assembly.

Chairperson of State Examination Committee for defence of Bachelor papers (RPIIVA) – 2005

Chairperson of State Examination Committee for defence of qualification papers (RPIIVA) – 2005

Chairperson of State Examination Committee for defence of diploma papers (BAT) – 2006

Chairperson of State Examination Committee for defence of qualification papers (BAT) – 2004

Chairperson of State Examination Committee (BAT) – 1999 -2006

Management or participation in working committee for organisation of international conferences:

1. Participation in organisation committee for International Conference at School of Business Administration Turiba „Ekonomisko un sociālo attiecību transformācija: procesi, tendences, rezultāti”, Turība, 2001, 30-31March.

2. Participation in organisation committee for International Conference at School of Business Administration Turiba „Uzņēmējdarbība un tās tiesiskā vide”, Turība, 2002, 12th April.

3. Participation in organisation committee for International Conference at School of Business Administration Turiba „Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi”, Turība, 2008, 30 th


Management or participation in editorial panels for scientific journals1. Participation in the editorial panel for proceeding of International conference „Ekonomisko

un sociālo attiecību transformācija: procesi, tendences, rezultāti”, Turība, 2001, 30.-31March.2. Participation in the editorial panel for proceeding of International conference

„Uzņēmējdarbība un tās tiesiskā vide”, Turība, 2002, 12th April3. Participation in the editorial panel for proceeding of International conference „Ilgtspējīga

tūrisma attīstība: tendences, pieredze, iespējas”, Turība, 2003, 25th April. 4. Participation in the editorial panel for proceeding of International conference

„Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas, problēmas un to risinājumi globalizācijas apstākļos”, Turība, 2004, 23rd April.

5. Participation in review for proceeding of International conference “Sabiedriskās attiecības: kvalitāte, ieguvumi un riski” Turība, 2005, 3rd June.

6. Participation in the editorial panel for proceeding of International conference “Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībā” Turība, 2007, 1st June.

Officially approved business consultant for state, municipal, legal or physical entity founded enterprises:

Language skills: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skillsexcellent, good, average excellent, good, average excellent,

good, average

Latvian X X X

Russian X X X

English X X X



Personal DetailsNameIdentity No.TelephoneE-mail

Daina Škuš

Education1998.- 2004. 1996. -1998. 1994. -1995. 1993. -1996. 1977. -1983.

LU Doctor’s degree in Psychology, Dr. psych.LU Master’s degree in psychology, MA psych.LU Master’s degree in pedagogy, MA paed.LU Bachelor’s programme in psychologyLVU teacher’s qualification in Mathematics

Professional Experience2006

2004. - 2006. 1999 - 2005.1996. – 2004.1983.-1996.1980.-1983.

School of Business Administration Turiba – Faculty of Public Relations, Department of Communication Science, Lecturer LU PPF Psychology Department, LecturerLU RHI Psychology Department, Social Psychologist’s assistant Professional Study Programme DirectorLU PPF Psychology Department, LecturerStrazdumuižas boarding School for blind children, Deputy DirectorRiga Secondary School No. 84, Mathematics Teacher

Additional Education2008




Favourable psychological environment development in schools (A2). LR IZM further education course certificateMandal Symbolism Art therapy methods. Tērvete, 15th -18th August Conducted by: Dr. psych Ē. Zalcmane.Kauching method for work with groups, Conducted by Professor Zemlickij, Moscow.Group facilitator five day training. Facilitator: Jo May-Prussak BSc (hons). Dip IDHP. CPP.AAPP.UKCP.

Scientific and Methodological Activity2007 – 2008



2001. – 2002.

Project team member LZP financed grant “Latvijas krievvalodīgā prese”Project team member, LZP financed grant „Matemātikas izraisītā trauksme” Project team member LZP financed grant “Sociālās adaptācijas problēmas pusaudžiem Latvijā” Project team member, LZP financed grant “Latvijas dažādās struktūrās strādājošo dzīves stila un motivācijas rādītāju atšķirības”

Scientific Publications 2008









Teaching Aids



Škuškovnika D., Tiltiņa-Kapele I. Sociālo zinātņu studentu emocionālā inteliģence. (Iesniegts publicēšanai Daugavpils Universitātes 50. zinātniskās konferences (2008) rakstu krājumā).Škuškovnika D., Tiltiņa Kapele I. „Skolas sociālās vides novērtējums un trauksme 10. un 12. klašu skolēniem”. Iesniegts publicēšanai Liepājas Pedagoģijas akadēmijas rīkotajā 1. starptautiskā zinātniskā konferencē „Psiholoģijas aktualitātes mūsdienu izglītībā” 2007. gada 22. novembrī. Skuskovnika D. (2005). Anxiety in Latvians and Russians residing in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Psychology . Vol. 4 (1), pp.7-16. Skuskovnika D. (2003). Psychometric properties of the Latvian and Russian Version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (form Y). Baltic Journal of Psychology . Vol. 4 (1), pp.7-16. Škuškovnika D. (2002). Studentu stresa un trauksmainības rādītāju sakarības. LU Zinātniskās konferences rakstu krājums. 655. sējums, 541.-549. Škuškovnika D. (2002). Students’ Anxiety. In Tradicionālais un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgspējīgā attīstībā. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Rēzeknes Augstskola. 129. – 135. Škuškovnika D. (2002). Trauksmainības rādītāju atšķirības 19–59 gadīgiem strādājošiem. LU Zinātniskie raksti. Izglītības zinātnes un pedagoģija mūsdienu pasaulē. 649. sējums., 525. – 533. Tiltiņa I., Škuškovnika D., Kristapsone S. (2002). Components of Teachers’ Job Motivation in Latvia. In Decade of Reform: Achievements, Challenges, Problems. Research in Educational Psychology . ATTE Spring University. LU Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas institūts, pp.16-24.Škuškovnika D. (2001). Difference of Men’s Anxiety Level in Different Age Groups. In New Developments in Psychology in the Baltics: Theory and Practice. IV International Baltic Psychology Conference. University of Latvia, Riga, pp.170 – 176.

Pļaveniece M., Škuškovnika D. Sociālā psiholoģija pedagogiem. Raka, 200 lpp.Co – Author in preparation of teaching aid “Psiholoģija vidusskolām.” (2001). Zvaigzne ABC

Language Skills Latvian, Russian, German, English

Additional Professional Activity Member of Latvian School Psychologists’ Association

Member of International School Psychology Association (ISPA)

Conducting and Preparing methodological seminars


2008., 2009.





Effective Communication. Psychological aspects of conflict situation management. 2000.-2009. LPMC, Target Audience: municipality, heads of social institution, social workersEmotional Intelligence – Key to Success. 2000.-2009. LPMC, Target Audience: municipality, heads of social institution, social workersStress Management. 2000.-2009. LPMC, Target Audience: municipality, heads of social institution, social workersConflict Resolution. 2000.-2009. LPMC, Target Audience: heads of social institution, social workers.Negotiations and Mediation. August 2008, January 2009. Target Audience: ZS LMT army unit.Communication with Tax Payers. Target Audience: SRS Employees of Main Tax Administration Office, 12th December 2007.Innovations in Psychology . 20th – 25th August 2007. Riga School Board. Target Audience: New school directors.Stress Management – 12th -19th January 2007; 2nd February. Riga School Board. Target Audience: school directors, deputy directors.School as an Organisation. April, June 2007. Riga School Board. Target Audience: School Psychologists.

Daina Škuškovnika




Name, surname: Ineta Luka Identity code: 301164-10624Place of birth: JūrmalaAddress: Zaļenieku 24-1, Riga, LV–1058, Latvia Telephone: +371 26370934 E-mail:; Ineta@turiba.lvLanguages: Latvian, English, Russian

Education:2003–2008 PhD studies in pedagogy at the Department of Education and

Psychology, the University of Latvia1992–1993 Master’s studies in pedagogy at the Department of Education, the

University of Latvia1983–1988 student at the Department of Pedagogy, the University of Latvia1972–1983 Riga Secondary School No.49

Qualification and scientific degrees:2008 PhD in pedagogy of higher education (Dr.paed.), diploma Series D

No. 0149, issued on 15.05.2008.1993 Master’s degree in pedagogy (Mag. paed.), diploma No. 0002891988 the English language teacher, teacher-methodologist, diploma with

high merits ИB No.3688251983 certificate about secondary education

Continuing education (the most important courses):2007 international seminar “Master on “Educational Treatment of

Diversity”” in Spain, UNED University, Madrid 2007 international methodological seminar “Language Case Studies”

(conclusion) Austria, Graz2006 continuing education courses „Didactics of Higher Educational

Institutions: current theory and practice” the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Latvia

2005 methodology courses for teaching English for Special Purposes, the Faculty of Modern Languages, University of Latvia

2005 international methodological seminar “Language Case Studies” in Finland, Oulu University

1996 IT courses at School of International Tourism1995 courses of General English and English for Tourism Purposes at St.

Giles College, Brighton, the UK1993–1996 “English Language Teaching Professional Development Programme”

organized by the British Council

Occupation: Since 2005 School of Business Administration Turiba; the Head of Foreign

Languages Department, assistant professor in Applied linguistics (English language), methodologist of the English language; assistant professor in pedagogy of higher educational institutions for PhD students (since 2008)

2001–2005 School of Business Administration Turiba; the Head of Foreign Languages Department, lecturer and methodologist of the English language

1999–2001 School of Business Administration Turiba; lecturer and methodologist of the English language

1994–1999 School of International Tourism, lecturer and methodologist of the English language

1989–1994 Riga Secondary School No.94; the English language teacher and methodologist of foreign languages

1988–1989 Riga Secondary School No.2; organizer of pioneers’ work; the English language teacher

Awards:22.09.2008 The main award for the best research in the English language

pedagogy in the competition of scientific works in language learning (the competition for the bachelor and master papers and PhD Thesis in applied linguistics, philology and pedagogy).

09.12.2006. Certificate of recognition issued by Latvian Students’ Association about the nomination the Researcher of the Year for the Annual Students’ Award in 2006.

21.12.2006. Certificate issued by the School of Business Administration Turiba about Contribution in scientific research and the use of the research findings in pedagogical work.

2001. Dec. Certificate issued by the School of Business Administration Turiba about conscientious and efficient pedagogical work.


Participant/manager of research projects, programmes financed by Latvian Council of Science and other state organizations Since 2008 a researcher at the LU project No. 2007/ZP-41 “Research methodology of

promoting learning quality of new generation” (since Feb. 2009 a senior researcher).

Since 2008 the representative and coordinator of the University of Latvia in ASEM Education and Research Hub for LLL Network 4 “National strategies of Lifelong Learning with regard to citizens' motivation and barriers against continuing education and training”.

Participant/manager of international projects:2009 Jan.Mar. a team member of the team working at an application for Lifelong Learning

Programme “Multilateral Projects. Key Activity 2” funded by the EU project „ Materials for Innovative Russian Learning” (Latvia 3 partners, Bulgaria 2 partners, Italy, Slovak Republic, Spain, Estonia, Lithuania). Project No. 504952-LLP-1-2009-1-LV-KA2-KA2MP.

2008 – 2009 a team member of the team working at an application for Lifelong Learning Programme “Multilateral Projects. Key Activity 2” funded by the EU project „Mehrsprachige interkulturelle Geschäftskommunikation für Europa” (Germany, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Hungary, Romania).

2008 – 2010 project manager (from Latvia) of the Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig project in Learning Partnership "Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural Awareness" in the field of teaching foreign languages and intercultural education, financed by the EU (Romania, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Turkey). Project No. 2008-1-RO-GRU06-00113 4.

2008 – 2010 assitant of project manager (from Latvia) of Leonardo da Vinci project financed by the EU „TOURNEU: Kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Aspekte des

Incoming-Tourismus in den neuen EU-Ländern (Slowakische Republik, Estland, Lettland) - Ausarbeitung internetgestützter multimedialer Lehr- und Lernmittel für Tourismuswirtschaft in Bezug auf den Incoming-Bereich aus deutschsprachigen Ländern“ (Slovak Republic, Germany, Latvia, Estonia). Project No. 2008-1-SK1-LEO05-00228.

2008 Aug. a team member of a team working at a Project „MACIÓN EN COMPETENCIAS PROFESIONALES EN UNA SOCIEDAD INTERCULTURAL Y EN UN MARCO EMPRESARIAL GLOCALIZADO” [Global management framework in promoting the development of professional competence in multicultural society] application. COMISIÓN EUROPEA ALFA III. EUROPEAID/126-821/C/ACT/RAL.

2008 Feb.-Mar. a team member of the team working at an application for Lifelong Learning Programme “Multilateral Projects. Key Activity 2” funded by the EU project “On-line language learning course in five languages”. (Latvia, Germany, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland). Project No. 143473-LLP-1-2008-1-LV-KA2-KA2MP.

2007 Nov. a team member of an international team working at an application for an international scientific project - Application FR7-SSH-2007-1 sub-theme CP-FP project „Teacher’s facilitator training with ICT, University and Business: Challenges of Regional Development in Evaluating International Contexts” (Spain, Portugal, Latvia).

2005–2006 Assistant of the project manager in the EU Leonardo da Vinci project „Travel and Tourism Co-ordinator of the EU”, co-operation between the Department of Foreign Languages of the School of Business Administration Turiba and „Comhard” Ltd. Germany.

Participant/manager of Latvian projects:2007–2008 Consultant of the project VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/

„Organizing qualification training for the students of Public Relations” in activity „Support for organizing training at vocational education and higher education students” financed by the EU and co-financed by BAT.

Internationally reviewed scientific publications in international data bases: Luka, I. (2008). Students and the educator’s co-operation as a means of development of

students’ ESP competence. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research, University of Goteborg, 10-12 September 2008. Education-line <> (July 18, 2008). [Cambridge BEI index data base].

Luka, I. (2008) An Evaluation Research for Supporting of Students’ ESP Competence in the Studies of a Higher Educational Establishment. // Qualitative Psychology Nexus: Vol. 6 Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. (ed. Maslo, I., Kiegelmann, M., Huber, G.L.). Germany, Tübingen: Zentrum für Qualitative Psychologie e.V., pp. 167-187. ISBN 978-3-9812701-1-2. [Thomson DB].

Internationally reviewed scientific publications in internationals scientific journals: Luka, I. Hockley, A. (2009) Developing more effective language training for adults

in Europe. // ATEE Spring University 2009 journal “Changing Education in a Changing Society”. Klaipeda University.

Luka, I. (2007) Some Aspects of the ESP Curriculum Design for Tertiary Institutions. // The New Educational Review. Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic. Torun: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek, 2007, N11, vol.1, pp. 63-74. ISSN 1732-6729.

Luka, I. (2007) Development of Students’ Intercultural Competence at the Tertiary Level. // Polish Journal of Applied Psychology. University of Wroclaw, 2007, vol. 5, N 1, pp. 97-111. PL ISSN 1642-1892.

Lūka, I. (2006) Developing Communicative Competence in Teaching English for Students of Tourism Specialty. // Scientific Papers, University of Latvia, Vol. 700. Pedagogy and Teachers’ Education. Riga: University of Latvia, pp. 217-227. ISSN 1407-2157, ISBN 9984-783-88-X.

Internationally reviewed scientific publications in Proceedings and Collections of Papers Lūka, I., Smilga, S., Kļaviņa, L. (2008) Die Bildung der Fachkompetenz der Studenten

der Fachrichtung Tourismus in den Fremdsprachenstudien. The proceedings of the international scientific conference Foreign Languages – Lifelong Challenge . Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. June 26-28. ISBN 978-80-553-0063-4; EAN 9788055300634.

Lūka, I. (2008) Development of Students’ ESP Competence and Educators’ Professional Activity in Tertiary Level Tourism Studies // Reviewed and selected materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University. Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching. Riga: University of Latvia Press”, pp. 689-697. ISBN 978-9984-825-51-9.

Lūka, I. (2008) Development of Students’ ESP Competence in Tourism Studies at Tertiary Level. Synopsis of Ph.D. Thesis. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, 65 p. ISBN 978-9984-825-41-0.

Luka, I. (2007) Development of Students’ ESP Competence. // Research Papers of International Nordic-Baltic conference of the World Federation of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV). Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning in the Multicultural Context. Riga: SIA „Izglītības soļi”, pp.329-339. ISBN 9984-712-78-8.

Lūka, I., Smilga, S. (2007) Topošo speciālistu profesionālās kompetences veidošanās augstskolas studijās. (Development of prospective specialists’ professional competence in tertiary level studies.) // Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific Conference New Tourism Products for Regional Development. Riga: SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, pp. 81-90. ISBN 978-9984-766-93-5.

Lūka, I. (2006) Studentu kreativitātes atraisīšana lietišķās angļu valodas rakstītprasmes veidošanā. (Development of students’ creativity in developing their business English writing skills.) // Collection of Scientific Articles Creative Personality, Vol. 4. Riga: Izdevniecība kreativitātes centrs, pp. 227-233. ISBN 9984-39-067-5.

Lūka, I. (2006) Studentu angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās augstskolas studijās. (Development of students’ English language competence in tertiary level studies.) // LPA Collection of Scientific Articles Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva V. Liepaja: LiePa, pp. 160.–167. ISSN 1407-9739.

Lūka, I. (2005) A Social Constructivist Model for Developing Students’ ESP Competence. // Spring University. Changing Education in a Changing Society. Vol. II. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University, pp.128-134. ISSN 1822-2196.

Lūka, I. (2004) Role-play as a tool for developing students’ ESP competence. // Proceedings. Language as Identity. Riga: SIA “Mācību grāmata”, pp.104-111.ISBN 9984-18-152-9.

Lūka, I. (2004) ESP Syllabus Design for Tourism Students. // Collection of the selected papers presented at the International conference of Association for Teacher Education in Europe. European added value in teacher education: The role of teachers as promoters of basic skills acquisition and facilitators of learning. Tartu: University of Tartu, pp. 151-156. ISBN 9985-4-0415-7.

Lūka, I. (2004) English for Specific Purposes – Past, Present and Future. // Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Business Options, Problems and Solutions Concerning Globalisation. Riga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, pp. 223-232. ISBN 9984-766-05-5.

Lūka, I. (2004) Effective Teaching Means Effective Learning. // Proceedings of the International scientific conference Theory and practice in teacher training II. Part II. Riga: RPIVA, pp. 200-209.ISBN 9984-689-29-8.

Lūka, I. (2003) Creative Tasks as Tools for Developing Students’ Language Skills. // Collection of Scientific articles Creative Personality, Vol. III. Riga: Izdevniecība RaKa, pp. 196-201. ISBN 9984-15-566-8.

Lūka, I. (2003) Task-based Learning Means of Improvement of Students’ English Language Skills. // Proceedings of the international scientific conference Sustainable tourism development: tendencies, experience, possibilities. Riga: “Biznesa augstskola Turība” SIA, pp. 196-201. ISBN 9984-728-56-0.

Articles approved/submitted for publishing in internationally reviewed editions: Luka, I. Development of Students’ ESP Competence in Tertiary Studies. (approved for

publishing in the Science Book Dervin, F. & E. Suomela-Salmi. Assessing language and (inter-)cultural competences in higher education. Paris, 2009).

Luka, I. Students and the educator’s cooperation as a means of development of students’ ESP competence. (approved for publishing in international scientific journal US-China Education Review, published by David Publishing Company, Illinois, USA; indexed by EBSCO data base; ISSN 1548-6613, CBSN 382B0036).

Luka, I. ESP Competence – an Integral Component of Tourism Students’ Professional Competence. (approved for publishing in the Proceedings of the international scientific conference, “Applied linguistics for specialized discourse”, University of Latvia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, 2009).

Luka, I. Students and the educator’s co-operation in ESP studies. (submitted for publishing in the Proceedings of EERA Network 11 „Educational Effectiveness and Quality Assurance” of the international ECER conference 2008 „From Teaching to learning?”).

Luka, I., Maslo, I. Ludborza, S. Effectiveness of the use of more than two languages and quality assurance in European interuniversity master studies. (approved for publishing in the ECER 2009 scientific international conference Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research platform, 2009)

Luka, I. Development of students’ English for Special Purposes competence in tourism studies at tertiary level. (submitted for publication in an international scientific journal Learning and Instruction, published by Elsevier Ltd.; an official journal of EARLI (The European Association for Research on learning and Instruction); ISSN 0959-4752).

Monographs: Luka, I. Profesionālās angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās augstskolā [Development

of ESP competence in tertiary institution]. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008. 176 p. ISBN 978-9984-828-15-2.

Designed teaching aids:2003 Teaching aid for the study course English for Special Purposes 1 for the students of

Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, SIA. 2003, 96 p.

2003 Teaching aid for the study course English for Special Purposes 2 for the students of Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. “Biznesa augstskola Turība”, SIA. 2003, 112 p.

Other publications: Lūka, I. Jauni izaicinājumi profesionālās svešvalodas apguvē. (New challenges in ESP

teaching-learning.) BAT webpage. Uploaded on September 5, 2007. Lūka, I. Pedagoģijas un psiholoģijas problēmu risinājumi Eiropā. (Solutions of education

and psychology problems in Europe.) // Izglītība un kultūra. Vol.11 (3027). 22 March, 2007.

Lūka, I. Case Studies – aktualitāte, priekšrocības, jaunas iespējas. (Case studies – topicality, advantages and new possibilities.) // Izglītība un kultūra. Vol.8 (3024). 1 March, 2007.

Lūka, I. Language Case Studies seminārs Austrijā. (Seminar of Language Case Studies in Austria.) BAT webpage. Uploaded on 22 February, 2007.

Presentations at international conferences, congresses and symposiums: 7-9 May, 2009 the report “Developing more effective language training for adults in

Europe” (co-author Andy Hockley, Romania) in international conference ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century: Changing Education in a Changing Society” Lithuania, Klaipeda University (report published).

23-25 November, 2008 representative of Latvia in the work of the 4 th scientific research network “National strategies of Lifelong Learning with regard to citizens' motivation and barriers against continuing education and training” of ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning in Peking University, China.

10-12 September, 2008 the report „Students and the educator’s co-operation as a means of development of students’ ESP competence” in EERA ECER scientific international conference “From Teaching to Learning?”, Sweden, Gothenburg University (report published).

2-3 May, 2008 the report “Development of Students’ ESP Competence and Educators’ Professional Activity in Tertiary Level Tourism Studies” in International conference ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching”, Riga, University of Latvia, (report published).

August 30–September 1, 2007 the report “Development of Students’ ESP Competence in Tertiary Studies” in International conference “Assessing language and (inter-) cultural competences in Higher Education”, Finland, University of Turku (abstract published, University of Turku, 2007, p.28.; the paper approved for publishing in science book).

15–16 June, 2007 the report “Development of Students’ ESP Competence” in International conference of the FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) “Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning in the Multicultural Context”, Riga (report published).

15–18 March, 2007 the report “Development of Students’ Intercultural Competence at the Tertiary Level” in the 1st International Pedagogy and Psychology PhD students’ Symposium “Human relations and nowadays challenges” in Poland, University of Wroclaw (report published).

15–18 March, 2007 the report “Some Aspects of the ESP Curriculum Design for Tertiary Institutions” in the 1st International Pedagogy and Psychology PhD students’ Symposium “Human relations and nowadays challenges” in Poland, University of Wroclaw (report published).

30 March, 2006 the report “Development of Students’ ESP Competence in the Study Process of a Higher Educational Establishment” in the V International conference “Language learning: problems and perspectives”, LPA, Liepaja (report published).

5–8 May, 2005 the report “A Social Constructivist Model for Developing Students’ ESP Competence” in International conference “Spring University. Changing Education in a Changing Society”, Lithuania, University of Klaipeda (report published).

12–13 November, 2004 the report “Development of students’ creativity in developing their business English writing skills” in the IX International Creativity conference “Kreativitātes atraisīšana”, Riga, RPIVA, the Centre of Creativity (report published).

14–15 May, 2004 the report “Role-play as a Tool for Developing Students’ ESP Competence” in International conference “Language as Identity”, Riga, Public Service Language Centre (report published).

6–8 May, 2004 the report “ESP syllabus design for tourism students” in International conference “Teacher Education 7th Spring University”, Estonia, University of Tartu (report published).

23 April, 2004 the report “English for Specific Purposes – Past, Present and Future” in 5th International Scientific Conference “Business Options, Problems and Solutions Concerning Globalisation”, Riga, the School of Business Administration Turiba (report published).

5–6 April, the report “Effective Teaching Means Effective Learning” in International scientific conference “Theory and Practice in Teacher Training II”, Riga, RPIVA (report published).

7 November, 2003 the report “Creative Tasks as Tools for Developing Students’ Language Skills” in International VIII Creativity conference, Riga, RPIVA (report published).

6-7 June, 2003 the report “Implementation of Task-based Learning Approach in Teaching English at School of Business Administration Turiba” in International conference “Language in Intercultural Communication”, Ventspils, Ventspils University College (abstract published, Longman, Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 13-14).

25 April, 2003 the report „Task-based Learning Means of Improvement of Students’ English Language Skills” in international scientific conference Sustainable tourism development: tendencies, experience, possibilities. Riga, the School of Business Administration Turiba (report published).

Presentations at international seminars: 8 April, 2009 the report “Tūrisma izglītības programmu attīstība Boloņas deklarācijas

kontekstā” [The development of tourism curricula in the context of Bologna Declaration] (School of Business Administration Turiba, La Fondation pour la Formation Hôtelière (Switzerland), Manchester Metropolitan University (the UK) un Latvian Tourism Education Association).

Presentations at local conferences, congresses and symposiums: 22 September, 2008 the report „Angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās tūrisma

studijās” [Development of the English Language Competence in tourism Studies] the conference organized by the Language learning research group of the University of Latvia „Jaunākie pētījumi Valodu apguvē” [The Latest Studies in Language Acquisition]. Riga, the University of Latvia (abstract published).

III PEDAGOGICAL WORK The study courses taught (the last 6 years):Since 2008 Pedagogy and Management of Higher education for PhD curriculum

Entrepreneural Management (1 st study year, 4 credits).Since 2008 Foreign Language (English) for PhD curriculum Communication

Management (2nd study year, 2 credits).Since 2006 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management

curriculum (10 credits).2007–2008 Professional lexis (English) for Public Relations curriculum (8 credits).2004–2005 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management

curriculum (12 credits). 2003–2004 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management

curriculum (9 credits). 2002–2003 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management

curriculum (8 credits).

Work at the Council of the Faculty (including approval of curricula and syllabi): Since 2001 a member of the Council of the Faculty of International Tourism of the

School of Business Administration Turiba

2005–2007 a member of the Council of the Faculty of Public Relations of the School of Business Administration Turiba

2002–2004 a member of the Council of the Faculty of Law of the School of Business Administration Turiba

The study courses designed (the last 6 years): 2008 Pedagogy and Management of Higher education (4 credits, BAT PhD curriculum

Entrepreneural Management).2008 Foreign Language (English) (2 credits, BAT PhD curriculum Communication Management).2007 Professional lexis (English) (8 credits, BAT professional bachelors’ curriculum Public Relations). 2006 English for Special Purposes (10 credits, BAT professional bachelors’ curriculum

Tourism and Hospitality Management).2004 English for Special Purposes (12 credits, BAT professional bachelors’ curriculum

Tourism and Hospitality Management).2003 English for Special Purposes (9 credits, BAT professional bachelors’ curriculum

Tourism and Hospitality Management).

The designed syllabi (the last 6 years): 2009 Pedagogy and Management of Higher education (in co-operation with Dr.paed. A.

Baumanis, Dr.psych. S. Mihailova; PhD curriculum Entrepreneural Management. 4 credits, 1 st study year).

2009 International Communication (Professional Bachelors’ curriculum Management of International Communication. 4th study year; 4 credits).

2009 Discussion and Manipulation (Professional Bachelors’ curriculum Management of International Communication. 4th study year; 4 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Marketing and Trade. 1st study year, 4 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Finances and Accounting.. 1st study year, 6 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Advertising in Entrepreneurship. 1st study year, 6 credits).

2009 Professional lexis (English) (1st level professional curriculum Public Relations 1st study year, 6 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Security of Organizations. 1st study year, 5 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Law Sciences. 1st study year, 4 credits).

2009 Professional terminology (the English language) (1st level professional curriculum Hospitality Service. 1st study year, 6 credits).

2009 Foreign Language for Law (Professional Masters’ curriculum in Law Sciences. 1st study year, 4 credits).

2008 Foreign Language (PhD curriculum Communication Management. 2nd study year; 2 credits). 2008 Foreign Language (PhD curriculum Law Sciences. 2nd study year; 2 credits). 2008 English for Special Purposes (Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. 1st,

2nd, 3rd study year; 10 credits). 2008 English for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Hospitality Service.

1st, 2nd study year; 6 credits). 2008 Professional lexis (English) (in co-operation with Mag. phil. V. Maļavska;

Professional Bachelors’ curriculum Public Relations. 1st study year; 8 credits). 2008 Professional lexis (English) (in co-operation with Mag. phil. V. Maļavska; 1st level

professional curriculum Public Relations. 1st study year; 6 credits).

2007 English for Special Purposes (Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. 1st, 2nd, 3rd study year; 10 credits).

2006 English for Special Purposes (Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. 1st, 2nd, 3rd study year; 12 credits).

2006 Language for Special Purposes (in co-operation with Mag. phil. V. Maļavska, Mag. phil. A. Emse; Business Administration curriculum. 11 credits).

2006 English for Special Purposes (Professional Masters’ curriculum in Public Relations. 4 credits).

2005 English for Special Purposes (in co-operation with Mag. paed. K. Liepiņa; Professional Bachelor’s curriculum Public Relations. 1st and 2nd study year; 10 credits).

2004 English for Special Purposes (Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. 1st, 2nd, 3rd study year; 12 credits).

2004 English for Special Purposes (1st level professional curriculum Hotel Management. 1st, 2nd study year; 6 credits).

2003 English for Special Purposes (Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum. 1st, 2nd, 3rd study year; 9 credits).

2003 English for Special Purposes (in co-operation with Mag. paed. K. Liepiņa; Public Relations curriculum. 1st and 2nd study year; 8 credits).

2003 English for Special Purposes (Professional Masters’ curriculum Tourism Strategic Management. 4 credits).

Designed teaching aids in electronic form:2008 Teaching aid for acquiring the study course Foreign Language for the second year

PhD students of curriculum Communication Management of BAT.2006 Teaching aids for acquiring the study course English for Special Purposes for the 1st,

2nd, 3rd year students of Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum.

Lectures/lessons in higher educational institutions/schools abroad:2008 Dec. lectures in Pedagogy of higher education and in Applied linguistics (the

English philology) in Americanos College in Cyprus; the teachers’ mobility in the ERASMUS Programme LLP

1994 Nov. lessons in the English language in the 9th form of the elementary school in Nykobing F., Denmark; participation in teachers’ exchange programme of the Baltic States and Nordic Countries

Experience exchange abroad:2009 Apr. experience exchange in adult education centre “Muenchner Volkshochschule

GmbH”, Munich, Germany in the Grundtvig Programme LLP project2008 Nov. experience exchange in adult education centre “Hox and Erix SRL” in

Romania, Miercurea Ciuc in the Grundtvig Programme LLP project2008 May Staff training and experience exchange in the ERASMUS Programme LLP in

University of Abertay Dundee, in Scotland, the UK2007 Nov. experience exchange in UNED University, Madrid, Spain.2006 Feb. experience exchange in adult education centre “Comhard Ltd” in Germany,

Berlin in the EU Leonardo da Vinci project framework2005 Nov. experience exchange in adult education centre “Comhard Ltd” in Germany,

Berlin in the EU Leonardo da Vinci project framework1999 June experience exchange of teaching staff of International Tourism Institute of

the School of Business Administration Turiba at Hotel Management School in Switzerland, Chur and Restaurant Industry’s College in Padova, Italy

1997 June experience exchange of the management and the teaching staff of the School of International Tourism at Hotel Management School in Switzerland, Chur

1996 June experience exchange of the management and the teaching staff of the School of International Tourism at Hotel Management School in Switzerland, Chur

Public Lectures: 24 March, 2009 a public lecture “Syllabi Design in the Context of Bologna Declaration”

for the educators of the Faculty of International Tourism of the School of Business Administration Turiba.

11 March, 2009 a public lecture “Trends in Higher Education in the Context of Bologna Declaration” for the administrative staff of the School of Business Administration Turiba.

8 March, 2006 a public lecture “Current Trends in Language Teaching-Learning” for the administrative staff of the School of Business Administration Turiba (in co-operation with Mag.philol. A Emse, Sundars Vaidesvarans).


Participation in organizing of international scientific events: A member of the organizing committee of international scientific meeting ASEM

Education and Research Hub for LLL Network 4 “National strategies of Lifelong Learning with regard to citizens' motivation and barriers against continuing education and training” (16-19 June, 2009; arrangements done since February).

Participation in organizing of international conference ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality Education for Quality Teaching”, Riga, the University of Latvia (2 – 3 May, 2008).

A member of organizing committee of interuniversity PhD students’ symposium about the creation of international research networking with UNED (Madrid e-learning University, Spain; 1–3 November, 2007).

A member of the organizing committee of International conference of the FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) “Innovations in Language Teaching and Learning in the Multicultural Context”, Riga (15–16 June, 2007).

A member of the organizing committee and a member of the panel discussion of international interuniversity PhD students’ symposium „Research designs, methods and results” (22–27 October, 2007).

A member of the organizing committee of the symposium “Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Learning and Instruction” organized by European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI) (20–22 October, 2006).

A member of Editorial Board of scientific editions/scientific reviewer: Scientific reviewer of the submitted scientific reports for EERA (European

Educational Research Association) ECER international scientific conference Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research, Network 11“Educational Effectiveness and Quality Assurance” (2009 February – March, 8 reports).

Participation in the work of preparing an internationally reviewed scientific edition Qualitative Psychology Nexus: Vol. 6 Qualitative Psychology in the Changing Academic Context. (ed. Maslo, I., Kiegelmann, M., Huber, G.L.). Germany, Tübingen: Zentrum für Qualitative Psychologie e.V., 2008, 258 p.

A member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of International scientific conference „Integration of Tourism Practice, Education and Research: experience and evaluation” the School of Business Administration Turiba, Riga (March 2000).

A chairperson of international scientific conferences: A chairperson of the conference session 4A. „School Assessment to Improve Performance”,

session 5B.“Quality of Educational Organization and Management” and session 6 “Leadership and Participation for Educational Effectiveness” of Network 11“Educational Effectiveness and Quality Assurance” EERA (European Educational Research Association) ECER international scientific conference “From Teaching to Learning?”, Sweden, University of Goethenburg. (10-12 September, 2008).

A chairperson of the conference session „Assessing LSP” of International conference “Assessing language and (inter-) cultural competences in Higher Education”, Finland, Turku University (30 August–1 September, 2007).

The Head of the Department of higher educational institution: Since September 2001 the Head of Foreign Languages Department of the School of

Business Administration Turiba

The Head of the Constitutional assembly of the institution: 2007 the Head of the Constitutional assembly of the School of Business Administration


Member of scientific, academic and Professional associations of world/Latvia: A member of the Latvian Association of Teachers of English (LATE). A member of Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG). A member of the World Federation of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV). A member of European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA).

Dr.paed. Ineta Luka

27 April, 2009

CURRICULUM VITAE Personal DetailsName SurnameIdentity No.TelephoneAddress

Aija Poikāne-Daumke020877 - 1002000371–7378043 Brīvības street 129–48, Riga, LV–1012


Education2001 – 2004

June 2001

2000 – 2001

1999 – 2001

1995 – 1999

1994 - 1995

Dortmund English and American Institute, GermanyDefence of doctoral thesis (Magna cum Laude)University of Latvia, Master’s Degree, Faculty of Modern LanguagesUniversity of Cologne, Germany – English philology and speciality – German languagePostgraduate studies, University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern LanguagesBachelor studies, University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, English language - specialityShaker Heights Secondary School, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Professional Experience2008 –

2006 –

2002 – 2004

1998 – 2000

Assistant Professor, School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of Languages, doctoral programmesLecturer, University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern LanguagesLecturer, Dortmund English and American Institute, GermanyEnglish Language teacher, Spīdola Gymnasium, Jelgava

Additional EducationFeb. – Apr. 2006 Course „Creative Writing“, Cambridge University

Scientific and Methodological work2001 – 2004 Doctoral thesis: Comparison of German and American


Scientific Publications2009





Publication: "The Meaning and the Importance of Southern Tradition in Rudolph Fisher's Short Stories" USA, Science Journal, New York, 2009.Monograph: African Diasporas: Afro-German Literature in the Context of the African American Experience. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006.Review: Hänschen klein, ging allein: Hans Jürgen Massaquoi’s Life in The United States of America. The African Courier, Speyer, Germany, 2005.Article: ’’Breaking Isolation in Latvia.’’ The African Courier, Speyer, Germany, 2005.Essay: ’’Homeliness and Loneliness In Afro-German Women Narratives“, in Acta Universitatis Latviensis: Literature, Folklore, Arts. University of Latvia Press,

2004 2004.Review: Schwarzer Peter: The Tale of a Black Austrian. The African Courier. Speyer, Germany, 2004.

ScholarshipsMarch 2008

2002 – 2004

2001 – 2002

2000 – 2001

Scholarship for attending conference, Connecticut USA: Culture capital fondScholarship for doctoral studies: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)Scholarship for doctoral studies University: of Dortmund Erasmus Scholarship at University of Cologne

Lectures at foreign HEI’s18.03.09.-24.03.09. Lectures on the topic “Latvia: from Siberia to Freedom”

Leesburg College Florida, USA. Lectures organised by CAAR – Collegium for African American Research

Language skills Latvian, English, German, Russian

/A. Poikāne-Daumke/



Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" Designed by Dr. paed., Assoc. Prof. Aldis Baumanis, School of Business Administration

Turiba,Dr. psych., Assoc. Prof.. Sandra Mihailova, Riga Stradins University

Aim – Theoretical and practical concepts of higher education pedagogy and management shall be addressed within the framework of the course. Significant concepts in adult education, principles of adult pedagogy, adult teaching and learning models and styles shall be analysed. Preliminary knowledge – no special preliminary knowledge required.Objectives – 1) provide an insight of the latest theoretical and practical concepts in contemporary pedagogy; 2) deepen the knowledge and understanding of pedagogical and psychological aspects of teacher student interaction; 3) create an understanding of higher education management and economics of education.Obligatory requirements – compulsory active participation in seminars and presentation of latest research in pedagogy.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours. Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Contemporary pedagogy.2. Economics of education.3. Higher education management.4. Pedagogical and psychological aspects of teacher student interaction.

List of literature

1. Becker, Gary S. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education. Chicago Press, 1993. 

2. Brennan, John, and Shah, Tara. Managing Quality in Higher Education: An International Perspective on Institutional Assessment and Change. Open University Press, 2000.

3. Geraint, Johnes. The Economics of Education. Macmillan Press, 1993.4. Izglītība ir zelts: UNESCO Starptautiskās komisijas ziņojums par izglītību 21.

gadsimtam. Rīga, 2001.5. Koķe, Tatjana. Pieaugušo izglītības attīstība: raksturīgākās iezīmes. Rīga, Mācību

apgāds NT, 1999. 6. Leitner, Erich (Ed.). Educational Research and Higher Education Reform in Eastern

and Central Europe. Peter Lang, 1998.7. Lenington, Robert L. Managing Higher Education as a Business. Oryx Press, 2001.8. Lifelong Learning: The contribution of education systems in the Member States of the

European Union. EURYDICE Survey, 2000.9. Lonstrupa, Brita. Mācīt pieaugušus ar atklātību. 1. daļa. Rīga, 1997.10. Lonstrupa, Brita. Mācīt pieaugušus ar atklātību. 2. daļa. Rīga, 2002.11. Lieģeniece, Daina. Ievads andragoģijā. Rīga, 2002.12. Mūžizglītības Memorands [Eiropas Komisijas darba dokuments]. Brisele, 30.10.2000. 13. Neave, Guy (Ed.) / International Association of Universities [IAU]. Organizing Higher

Education for the 21st Century [Theme issue]. London, Kogan Page. In: Higher Education Policy, v. 8, no. 4, Whole issue, December 1995.

14. Rokasgrāmata pieaugušo izglītības pasniedzējiem. Rīga: LPIA, 2003.15. Urdze, Toms. Būt, zināt, prast – metodes veiksmīgam darbam ar auditoriju. Rīga:

LPIA, 1999. 16. Svence Guna. Pieaugušo psiholoģija. Rīga, 2003.17. Trowler, Paul R. (Ed.). Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change: Intentions

and Outcomes in Turbulent Environments. Open University Press, 2002.18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

27. Topical research in pedagogy from and other databases.


Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" Designed by Dr. hab. oec., PhD in enterprise management and economics,

Foreign Member of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Gundar J. King (Gundars Ķeniņš-Kings), School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to help doctoral students understand and acquire successful enterprise management principles and skills of applying them in Latvian economic sphere. The course focuses on organisation heads, who create development plans and manage organisations or manage actions of the state in a rapidly changing environment in a market oriented society.Course consists of lectures that elaborate analysis of previously read and discussed topics on the particular situation. Part of the task is to conduct a group work on full strategic analysis of newspaper “Diena”.Preliminary knowledge – management, economics.Objectives – 1) provide an insight on history of the development of state, society and entrepreneurs; 2) provide knowledge on contemporary practice and main notions that are predominant in this field; 3)create an understanding of topical strategic management issues and tendencies; 4) create an understanding and interest regarding global change processes; 5) acquire strategic thinking, management and analytical skills.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 4 credit points (CP) or 160 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Strategic management basics for a market oriented economic system. Fundamental strategic goals in market economy for three centuries. Main considerations on strategic plans. Dynamic nature of large changes. Description of an entrepreneur, head of an enterprise, aims and role in economic activity.

2. Developing strategy for individual enterprises. Imperative goals of an enterprise. Analysis of external environment. Dynamics of the organisation’s internal environment. Strategic choices.

3. Harmonised and balanced organisational management. Organisational structure. Hierarchical tradition and collegial cooperation across structural borders.

4. Evaluation, recommended orientation and corrections in the approved strategy. Stability and dynamic progress; search for a new equilibrium.

5. Overview of strategy development and management practice. Problem analysis, alternative strategies and recommendations.

6. Future perspectives. Globalisation and glocalisation. International achievements, problems and nature of conflicts. New enterprises.

List of literature

1. Collins, James C. Good to Great. New York: HarperCollins, 20012. David, Fred R. Strategic Management: Concepts. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River:


3. Kalve, Ieva. Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus. Rīga: Turība, 2005.4. Ķeniņš-Kings, Gundars. Roku rokā: Ātrāk, augstāk un stiprāk! Rīga: Biznesa

partneri, 20025. Ķeniņš-Kings, Gundars. Saimnieciskie apsvērumi Latvijas tālākai izaugsmei. Rīga:

Biznesa partneri, 2004.6. Pētersons, Andris un Pavāre, Lolita. Korporatīvā sociālā atbildība. Rīga: Turība,

2005.7. Rifkins, Džeremijs. Jaunās ekonomikas laikmets: Kāpēc jūs tērējat vairāk, bet jums

pieder mazāk. No angļu val. tulk. Evita Krastiņa = Age of Access. Rīga: Jumava, 2004.8. Timmons, Jeffry A., Spinelli, Stephen. New Venture Management:

Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004.9. Journal: EBS [Estonian Business School] Review, articles on experience of Baltic

states. 10. Journal: The Economist, special supplements on important topics. 11. Journal: The Harvard Business Review, special articles on latest notions in enterprise



Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"Designed by Dr. phil., Prof. Mārtiņš Boiko, Riga Stradins University,

Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof. Andris Vilks, Riga Stradins University

Aim – to study in depth the main aspects of scientific methodology; create an understanding of approach and set of methods applied in modern day communication research, on choice of methods and determination of goals of the research as well their thematic relationship.

Preliminary knowledge – sociology, psychology, pedagogy, social anthropology or culture studies.

Objectives – 1) acquire empirical and rational methodology in scientific research, essence of scientific argumentation and specifics of hermeneutic approach; 2) provide doctoral students the methodological arsenal necessary for writing the doctoral thesis; 3) provide an insight on the variety of methods thereby providing the methodological basis for further research work.

Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher..

Scope – corresponds 6 credit points (CP) or 240 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Essence of methodology. Mutual relations of theories and methods.2. Subjective dimension in scientific research.3. Contextual and formal elements in scientific methodology. 4. Empirical tradition in science. Classical empirics, positivism, pragmatism. 5. Rational (theoretical) tradition in science. Scientific concepts and their types,

scientific judgements and specifics of their construction.6. Inductive and deductive conclusions in science; the role of analogical

conclusions in science. Specifics of construction of scientific conception.7. Quantitative and qualitative methods and their correlation.8. Qualitative content analysis.9. Interviews and their types.

List of literature

1. Bonevac D. Deduction. Blackwell Publishers, 2002.2. Boole G. Laws of Thought. Prometheus Books, 2003.3. Eemeren F. Systematic Theory of Argumentation. Cambridge, 2003.4. Fogelin R. Understanding Arguments. Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.5. Goldfarb W. Deductive Logic. Hackett Publishing Company, 2003.6. Hacking I. An Introduction to Probability and Inductive Logic. Cambridge University

Press, 2001.7. Kroplijs A., Raščevska M. Kvalitatīvās pētniecības metodes sociālajās zinātnēs.

Rīga: RaKa, 2004.8. Kūle M., Kūlis R. Filosofija. Rīga, 1998.9. Kvale St. Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand

Oaks (CA) a. o.: SAGE Publications, 1996.10. LePore E. Meaning and Argument. Blackwell Publishers, 2003.11. Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.12. Pinto R. Argument, Inference and Dialectic. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.13. Stewart A. The Ethnographer's Method. Qualitative Research Methods, vol. 46.

Thousand Oaks a.o.: SAGE Publications, 1998.14. Symon G., Cassell C. Qualitative Methods and Analysis in Organizational Research:

A Practical Guide. London a.o.: SAGE Publications, 1998.15. Toulmin S. Uses of Argument. Cambridge University Press, 2003.16. Vedins I. Loģika. Rīga, 2000.17. Vilks A. Ievads loģikā. Rīga, 2003.

FOREIGN LANGUAGEDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. paed., Assist. Prof. Ineta Lūka, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – develop the foreign language vocabulary and terminology base in the field of communication management thereby preparing the doctoral student for gathering and processing information in a foreign language, as well as develop the doctoral students foreign

language skills demonstrating one’s knowledge and opinions in presentations and conferences and also by writing publications and articles in foreign language.Preliminary knowledge – good general knowledge of English/German and preferably good knowledge of business English/German.Objectives – develop the necessary foreign language vocabulary in the field of communication management; consolidate writing skills in foreign language; in depth study of theoretical literature on one’s research topic, acquire conference speech skills; practical exercises in explaining facts, justifying one’s opinion and persuading listeners; develop skills of writing research papers in formal style, writing publications and annotations.Obligatory requirements – two regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam..

Content of the study course

1. Specific terminology used in the fieldSpecific terminology used in the field of communication and management science.Acquisition and expansion of one’s vocabulary base.Home reading in the chosen field of research.Narrating the information gathered. Expressions and phrases used for narration.Citing written facts.Business documentation.

2. Conference, meetings and presentation speeches.Layout of the paper, linking phrases.Narrating facts. Expressing and justifying opinions. Conducting meetings, conferences and seminars.Discussions, chairing discussions.Making a presentation.

3. Research articles.Lexis and phrases for compiling texts.Test compiling tools: topicality of the research, aims, objectives, hypothesis, methodology, examples, comparison of facts etc.Style of scientific research papers.Review and summary.

List of literature

1. Aspinall, Tricia; Capel, Annette. Advanced Masterclass CAE. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000.

2. Baines, Paul; Egan, John; Jefkins, Frank. Public Relations: Contemporary issues and techniques. Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 2004.

3. Bivins, Thomas H. Public relations writing: The essentials of style and format. 5th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2005.

4. Buscha, Anne; Linthout, Gisela. Geschaefts Kommunikation: Verhandlungssprache: Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Kursbuch und Cassette. Ismaning: Hueber, 1997.

5. Conlin, Christine. Unternehmen Deutsch: Lehrwerk fuer Wirtschaftsdeutsch: Lehrbuch. Neubearb. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett International, 2000.

6. Eismann, Volker. Wirtschafts-Kommunikation Deutsch. Bd. 1. Berlin et al.: Langenscheidt, 2000.

7. Goodale, Malcom. The Language of Meetings. Language Teaching Publications, 1987.

8. Haines, Simon. New First Certificate Masterclass. 7th impr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

9. Hamp-Lyons, Liz; Heasley, Ben. Study Writing: A Course in Written English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Cambridge University Press, 1987.

10. Harris-Leonhard, Barbara. Discoveries in Academic Writing. 1st ed. Thomson & Heinle, 1999.

11. Hicks, Wynford. English for Journalists. 2nd ed. London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 1998.

12. Miebs, Udo; Vehovirta, Leena. Kontakt Deutsch: Deutsch fuer berufliche Situationen: Videosprachkurs fuer Wirtschaftsdeutsch. Berlin et al.: Langenscheidt, 1997.

13. Powel, Mark. Presenting in English: How to give successful presentations. Language Teaching Publications, 1997.

14. Reimann, Monika. Grundstufen-Grammatik fuer Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Erklaerungen und Uebungen. 3. Aufl. Max Hueber Verlag, 2000.

15. Sachs, Rudolf. Deutsche Handelskorrespondenz: Der Briefwechsel in Export und Import. 2., bearb. und ergaenzte Aufl. Ismaning: Hueber, 1994.

16. Smith, Pauline. Writing an Assignment: How to Improve Your Research and Presentation Skills. How To Books, 1998.

17. Захарова Е.В., Ульянищева Л.В. Public Relations and Advertising in Close-Up: Для студентов высших учебных заведений. Москва: Импе-Паблиш, 2004.

CONTEMPORARY COMMUNICATION THEORIESDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof. Ainārs Dimants, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aims – to acquire communication and mass communication theories necessary for analysis of business communication and post Soviet Latvian transformation at the macro (global communication structure in the society), mezzo (mass media) and micro (organisation) level..Objectives – acquire an overview of historical and cultural sources and theoretical approach traditions of communication theories as well as get acquainted with the dominant theories; turn to the in depth application of functional structural system theory and economic theory in communication science. Scope – corresponds 4 credit points (CP) or 160 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies. Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Concept of communication and communication process. Communication theories in the social and humanitarian science context.

2. Process schools (action, system and persuasion theory, group and net theory) versus semiotics.

3. System theory versus economic theory.4. Functional structural system theory.5. N. Luhmann’s “The Reality of the Mass Media”.6. Four media theories: Authoritarianism, Liberalism, Communism and Social


List of literature

1. Becker G.S. An Economic Approach to Human Behavior. University of Chicago Press, 1977.

2. Bentele G. et al. (Hrsg.). Lexikon Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006.

3. Berger C.R., Roloff M.E., Roskos-Ewoldsen D. (eds.). Handbook of Communication Science. 2nd ed. Sage Publications, 2009.

4. Brikše I. (red.). Informācijas vide Latvijā: 21. gadsimta sākums. Rīga: Zinātne, 2006.5. Craig R.T., Muller H.L. (eds.). Theorizing Communication: Readings Across

Traditions. Sage Publications, 2007.6. Davenport T.H., Beck J.C. The Attention Economy: Understanding the New

Currency of Business. Harvard Business School Press, 2001.7. Dimants A. Augsts lidojums un sapīšanās uz zemes [Recenzija par Sandras

Veinbergas grāmatu „Masmediji: Prese, radio un televīzija”]. Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2006), Nr. 43.

8. Dimants A. Latvijas masu mediju nākotne paplašinātajā Eiropā. Jundzis T. (red.). Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: LZA Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2004.

9. Dimants A. Redakcionālā autonomija kā korporatīvā sociālā atbildība mediju uzņēmējdarbībā. Akadēmiskā Dzīve (2008), Nr. 45.

10. Dimants A. The role of Scandinavian investments for the re-integration of Latvian media in the North/Central European model of media system. Informacijos mokslai (2008), Vol. 47. mokslai/informacijos- mokslai-2008-47-tomas/.

11. Dimants A. Pašcenzūra pret paškontroli Latvijas presē: Mediju pētījuma atklājumi. Valmiera: Vidzemes Augstskola, 2004.

1. Fengler S., Russ-Mohl S. Der Journalist als “Homo oeconomicus”. Konstanz: UVK, 2005.

2. Fiske J. Introduction to Communication Studies. Routledge, 1990.12. Franck G. Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit. München / Wien: Hanser, 1998.13. Griffin E.A. First Look at Communication Theory. 7th ed. Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2008.14. Hamilton J.T. All The News That’s Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms

Information into News. Princeton University Press, 2006.15. Hallin D.C., Mancini P. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and

Politics. Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

16. Hoskins C., McFadyen S., Finn A. Media Economics: Applying Economics to New and Traditional Media. Sage Publications, 2004.

17. Jacobsson E.-M.; Becker L.B., Vlad T., Hollifield C.A., Jacobsson A. The Impact of Market Competition on Journalistic Performance. Paper, presented to the Journalism Research and Education Section of the International Association of Media and Communication Research, Stockholm, July 20-25, 2008.

18. Kirchgässner G. Homo oeconomicus: Das ökonomische Modell individuellen Verhaltens und seine Anwenung in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Tübingen, 1991.

19. Kruks S., Šulmane I. Plašsaziņas līdzekļi demokrātiskā sabiedrībā. LU SPPI; Stratēģiskās analīzes komisija (sast.). Cik demokrātiska ir Latvija: Demokrātijas audits. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2005.

20. Kruks S., Šulmane I. Plašsaziņas līdzekļi demokrātiskā sabiedrībā. LU SPPI; Stratēģiskās analīzes komisija (sast.). Cik demokrātiska ir Latvija: Demokrātijas monitorings 2005 - 2007. Rīga: Zinātne, 2007.

3. Luhmann N. Die Realität der Massenmedien. 2., erweiterte Auflage. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1996.

4. Luhmann N. The Reality of the Mass Media. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.21. McQuail D. McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory. 5th Edition. Sage Publications,

2005.22. Mediju īpašnieku struktūra un tās ietekme uz mediju neatkarību un plurālismu. Rīga:

LMDMC, 2005.23. Noelle-Neumann E., Schulz W., Wilke J. Publizistik. Massenkommunikation. 4.

Auflage. Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Taschenbuch, 2002 (Fischer Lexikon 15495).24. Mierzjewska B.I., Hollifield A.C. Theoretical Approaches in Media Management

Research. Albarran A.B., Chan-Olmsted S.M.; Wirth M.O. Handbook of Media Management and Economics. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006.

25. Shepherd G.J.; John J.S., Striphas T. (eds.). Communication as…: Perspectives on Theory. Sage Publications, 2006

26. Sjurts I. (Hrsg.). Lexikon Medienwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2004.27. Veinberga S. Masmediji: Prese, radio un televīzija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2005 –

pirmā nodaļa “Mediālā komunikācija”.28. Weischenberg S. Journalistik: Theorie und Praxis aktueller Medienkommunikation.

Band 1: Mediensysteme, Medienethik, Medieninstitutionen. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992.

29. .

CONTEMPORARY COMMUNICATION THEORIESDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr., Assoc. Prof. Sergejs Kruks, Riga Stradins University,Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof. Ainārs Dimants, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to acquire communication and mass communication theories necessary for analysis of business communication and post Soviet Latvian transformation at the macro (global communication structure in the society), mezzo (mass media) and micro (organisation) level.Objectives – get acquainted with six theories: 1) synergetics affect information creation, storage and transmission processes in multiple channels; 2) Communication pragmatics is psychological oriented theory that is useful for researching organisation’s internal communication taking into consideration mutual relationships between team members; 3) Lacan’s psychoanalysis helps research how the formation of an individual in a smaller team (family) influences communication in the larger team (society) and ascertains how and which unrecognised obsessive tendencies form the businessman’s perception of the world in the public sphere; 4) world semiotics gives an insight of business values, standards and role in the cultivation of public communication for the wider society; 5) functional structural system theory relates to social systems and in particular evaluation of functioning of media systems from the successful communication perspective (chain – problem – function – structure); 6) Rational Choice Theory explains motivations and actions of the author of the communication process from the economic perspective.Scope – corresponds 4 credit points (CP) or 160 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

7. Synergetics.8. Communication pragmatics.9. World semiotics: discourse and semiotics.10. Lacan’s psychoanalysis.11. Functional structural system theory (N. Luhmann).12. Rational choice theory.

List of literature

30. Bailey K. Sociology and the New Systems Theory. Saratoga Springs: State University of New York Press, 1994.

31. Bracher M. Lacan, Discourse, and Social Change: A Psychoanalytic Cultural Criticism. Cornell University Press, 1993.

32. Bushev M. Synergetics. London: World Scientific, 1994.33. Charaudeau P. A communicative conception of discourse. Discourse Studies, 2002,

4 (3): 301-318.34. Charaudeau P. Langage et discours. Paris: Hachette, 1983.35. Dor J. Introduction to the Reading of Lacan: The Unconscious Structured Like a

Language. New York: Other Press, 1998.5. Fengler S., Russ-Mohl St. Der Journalist als “Homo oeconomicus”. Konstanz: UVK,

2005.36. Franck G. Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit. München / Wien: Hanser, 1998.37. Haken H. Synergetics: Introduction and Advanced Topics. Springer, 2004.38. Haken H. Information and Self-Organization: A Macroscopic Approach to Complex

Systems. Springer, 2006.39. Kirchgässner G. Homo oeconomicus: Das ökonomische Modell individuellen

Verhaltens und seine Anwenung in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften. Tübingen, 1991.

40. Kruk S. Information Flow in the Soviet Union: Synergetic Approach. In: Ozoliņa Ž. (ed.). Negotiating Futures – States, Societies and the World. Riga: University of Latvia, 2005.

41. Lacan J. The Seminar of Jacques Lacan. Book XVII: The Other Side of Psychoanalysis. W.W. Norton, 2006.

42. Laszlo E. The Systems View of the World: A Holistic Vision for Our Time. (Advances in Systems Theory, Complexity, and the Human Sciences). Hampton Press, 1996.

6. Luhmann N. Die Realität der Massenmedien. 2., erweiterte Auflage. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1996

43. Maturana H., Varela F. Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living. Springer, 2001.

44. Prigogine I., Stengers I. Order Out of Chaos. New York: Bantam Books, 1984.45. Skyttner L. General Systems Theory. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2001.46. Van Dijk, T. Discourse Semantics and Ideology. Discourse & Society, 1995, 6 (2):

243-89.47. Van Dijk T. Ideology. London: SAGE, 1998.48. Voloshinov, V. Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Harvard University Press,

2006.49. Watzlawick P. Change: Principles of Problem Formation and Problem Resolution.

W.W. Norton & Company, 1974.50. Watzlawick P. The Language of Change: Elements of Therapeutic Communication.

W.W. Norton & Company, 1993.51. Watzlawick P. Pragmatics of Human Communication: A Study of Interactional

Patterns, Pathologies, and Paradoxes. W.W. Norton & Company, 1967.

INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. phil., Prof. Jaakko Lehtonen, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to learn to better understand the concept integrated communication/ integrated marketing communication and its role in corporate strategy.Objectives – 1) the idea of integration; 2) integrated communication as a part of corporate strategy; 3) theoretical basis: stakeholder theories revisited; 4) integrated reputation management; 5) corporate branding and the concept of integrated communication; 6) challenges of corporate communication in the process of globalization.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Goals of corporate communication. The eternal question: public relations versus marketing.

2. Responsibilities of the communication specialists in corporate communication.3. What should be integrated, why and how: corporate strategy: production /

marketing / after sales; advertising, sales promotion; human resources management; public relations / stakeholder strategies.

4. Integrated communication or integrated corporate culture.

List of literature

1. Heath, Robert L. (ed.). Handbook of Public Relations. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2001.

2. Kotlers, Filips. Mārketinga pamati. Rīga: Jumava, 2006.3. Praude, Valērijs, Šalkovska, Jeļena. Mārketinga komunikācijas: teorija un prakse.

1. d. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2005.4. Praude, Valērijs, Šalkovska, Jeļena. Mārketinga komunikācijas: teorija un prakse.

2. d. Rīga: Vaidelote, 2006.5. Vos, Marieta, Shoemaker, Henny. Integrated communication: Concern, internal and

marketing communication. Utrecht: Lemma, 1999.6. Смит П.Р. Маркетинговые коммуникации. Киев, 2003.

KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENTDoctoral study programme “Communication Management”

Designed by Dr. oec., Assoc. Prof. Anna Ābeltiņa, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to create an understanding of role of knowledge and innovation in the development of the society, its influence on the creation and functioning of competitive economy and competitive enterprise as well as an understanding of practical application of innovative management.Preliminary knowledge – management, marketing.Objectives – – 1) provide knowledge on role of science in social development; 2) create an understanding of innovative processes and its management principles; 3) to analyse the development of innovative activities under competitive circumstances; 4) understand specifics of innovative activities in EU and Latvia; 5) to gain knowledge on the development of innovative policies and the factors influencing successful innovation.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies. Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Basic concepts of science and innovation. Scientific technical progress, technology and innovation.

2. Basis and development of innovative ideas. Classification and management of innovation.

3. Entrepreneurship as commercial process of innovation. Organisational forms and infrastructure of innovative activity.

4. Innovative strategies. Intellectual property.

List of literature

1. Ābeltiņa A. Inovācija – XXI gadsimta fenomens. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2008.

2. Basadur M. The Power of Innovation. London: FT PITMAN Publishing, 1995.3. Blackburn K., Hung V.-T.-Y., Pozzolo F. Research, Development and Human

Capital Accumulation. Journal of Macroeconomics, Spring, 2000, Vol. 22, No. 2.4. Breen B., Hamel G. The Future of Management. Harvard Business School Press,

2007.5. Brancomb L.-M., Keller J.-H. Investing in Innovation: Creating a Research and

Innovation Policy that work. J.-F. Kennedy School of Government; Harvard University; MIT Press, 1999.

6. Boļšakovs S. Inovatīvā uzņēmējdarbība un tās finansēšanas aspekti. Rēzekne: RA Izdevniecība, 2005.

7. Boļšakovs S. Inovatīvā darbība. Rīga, Jumava, 2008.8. Čans Kims V., Maborna R. Zilā okeāna stratēģija. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas

dienests, 2007. 9. Dimza V. Inovācijas pasaulē, Eiropā, Latvijā. Rīga: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas

Ekonomikas institūts, 2003.10. Drucker P.-E. Managing in the Next Society. Oxford: Butterword-Heinemann, 2003.11. Elgar E. The Theory of Innovation Entrepreneurs, Technology and Strategy.

Cheltenham - Northampton, 2003.12. Inovatīvā domāšana. Rīga: Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2007.13. Innovation Policy in Europe. Edited by C. Nauwelaers, R. Wintjes. Edward Elgar

Publishing Ltd, 2008.14. Hamel G., Prahalad C.-K. Competing for the Future. Boston: Harvard Business

School Press, 1994.15. Hamel G., Prahalad C.-K. Strategy as Stretch and Leverage. In: Segal-Horn S. (ed.).

The Strategy Reader. Blackwell Publishers, 1998.16. Poļakovs G. Rūpnieciskā īpašuma īpašnieka tiesības. Rīga: Turība, 2001.17. Poole M.-S, Van de Ven A.-H. (eds.). Handbook of organizational change and

innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.18. Rozenfelds J. Intelektuālais īpašums. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2004.

19. Jackson B. Management gurus and management fashions: A dramatic inquiry. London, New York: Routledge, 2001.

20. Schumpeter J.-A. Business Cycles. New York, 1939.21. Tidd J., Bessant J., Pavitt K. Managing Innovation. Second edition. JONH

WILWY&SONS, 2001.22. Timmons J.-A. New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century. 5th ed.

Boston: McGrawHill, 1999.23. Vedļa A. Inovatīvās darbības organizācija. Rīga: Petrovskis & Co, 2007.24. Wayland R.-E. Global Competition and the Localization of Competitive Advantage.

In: Proceedings of the Integral Strategy Collegium. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1995.

25. Бовин А.А., Чередникова Л.Е., Якимович В.А. Управление инновациями в организациях. Москва: Омега-Л., 2006.

26. Васильева Л.Н., Муравьева Е.А. Методы управления инновационной деятельностью. Москва: Кнорус, 2005.

27. Волынец-Руссет Э.Я. Коммерческая реализация изобретений и ноу-хау (на внешних и внутренних рынках). Москва: Экономистъ, 2004.

28. Инновационный менеджмент. Москва: Кнорус, 2005.29. Инновационный менеджмент. Под ред. Аньшина В.М., Дагаева А.А. Москва:

Дело, 2003.30. Инновационный менеджмент. Под ред. Швандара В.А., Горфинкеля В.Я.

Москва: ВЗФЭИ, 2004.31. Медынский В.Г., Скамай Л.Г. Инновационное предпринимательство. Москва:

ЮНИТИ, 2002.32. Основы инновационного менеджмента: теория и практика. Под ред. Казанцева

А.К., Миндели Л.Э. Москва: Экономика, 2004.

BUSINESS COMMUNICATION CULTUREDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. sc. Inf., Assoc. Prof. Sergejs Kruks, Riga Stradins University

Aim – review the contribution of culture theory towards business research.Objectives – 1) analyse the role of religion and civilisation (“upbringing”) in the formation of business ethics at the macro; 2) study the modernisation of underdeveloped countries or creation and dissemination of new cultural and communication policy frameworks of “accomplished” societies; 3) get acquainted with G. Hofstede’s cultural difference theory, that analyses factors that form the business culture, its different configurations in various countries as well as problems concerning interaction of different cultures; 4) to master P. Bourdieu ‘s social theory that can be applied to the analysis of business communication within a culture when status and role differences determined symbolically to further communicate it in business interaction.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 4 credit points (CP) or 160 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Elias N: civilizing process, interiorization of restrictions caused by industrialisation

2. Weber M: The role of religion in business communication.3. Communication of business value of modernisation of underdeveloped

countries: Meidzi in Japan; communistic „young man”; Latvian „transition process”.

4. Hofstede G: Cultural differences.5. Bourdieu P: habituss, differences and capital exchange.

List of literature

1. Barnowe J.-T., King G.-J., Berniker E. Personal Values and Economic Transition in the Baltic States. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1992, 23 (2): 179-190.

2. Bendix R. Nation-Building and Citizenship: Studies of Our Changing Social Order. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1977.

3. Bourdieu P. Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977 .

4. Elias N. The Civilizing Process. (Jebkurš izdevums).5. Elias N. The Court Society. (Jebkurš izdevums).6. Eyal G., Szelényi I., Townsley E. Making Capitalism without Capitalists. Class

Formation and Elite Struggles in Post-Communist Central Europe. London: Verso, 1998.7. Hilton, M. The Legacy of Luxury: Moralities of consumption since the 18th century.

Journal of Consumer Culture, 2004, 4 (1): 101-123.8. Hofstede G. Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related

values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1980.9. Kalberg S. The Origin and Expansion of Kulturpessimismus: The Relationship

between Public and Private Spheres in Early Twentieth Century Germany. Sociological Theory, 1987, 5 (2): 150-164.

10. Keller M. Needs, Desires and the experience of Scarcity. Journal of Consumer Culture, 2005, 5 (1): 65-85.

11. King G.-J., Barnowe J.-T. Complementary and Conflicting Personal Values or Russophone Managers in Latvia. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1994, 25 (3): 249-271.

12. King G.-J., Barnowe J.-T. Social Capital in the Latvian Transition: Trust and Other Managerial Vales. Nationalities Papers, 1998, 26 (4): 687-703.

13. King G.-J., Barnowe J.-T., Berniker E. Work-Related Values of Baltic Managers. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis, 1992, 3: 24-32.

14. King G.-J., Barnowe J.-T., Pauna D., Krūmiņš J. The New Managerial Generation in Latvia: The Nature of Role of Values. Journal of Baltic Studies, 2000, 31 (2): 148-171.

15. Koval’ T. Etika truda pravoslaviia. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 1995, 6: 55-70.

16. Ķeniņš (Kings) G.J., Barnovs Dz.T., Bankovska S. Krievvalodīgo vadošo darbinieku individuālās vērtības Latvijā. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis, 1995, 1/2: 9-18.

17. Ķeniņš (Kings) G.J., Barnovs Dz.T., Veismane G. Saimniecisko vadītāju pamatvērtības Latvijā. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis, 1998, 4/6: 65-69.

18. Sombart W. Der Bourgeois: Zur Geschichte des modernen Wirtschaftsmenschen. Duncker & Humblot, 1920. (Jebkurš izdevums).

19. Wood R. Religious Culture and Political Action, Sociological Theory, 1999, 17 (3): 307-332.

20. Weber M. The Protestant Ethics and The Spirit of Capitalism. (Jebkurš izdevums).21. Zarubina N. Pravoslavnyi predprinimatel’ v zerkale russkoi kultury. Obshchestvennye

nauki i sovremennost’, 2001, 4: 100-112.


Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" Designed by Dr. psych., Assist. Prof. Daina Škuškovnika, School of Business Administration


Aims – The latest theoretical and practical notions of social cognitive psychology gained through social information processing shall be acquired within the course and the influence of this process on judgements. The psychological aspects of actions of leaders of organisations in managing change shall also be reviewed. Objectives – 1) provide insight of latest theoretical and practical notions in social cognitive psychology; 2) provide in depth knowledge and understanding of human behavioural regulators, correlations that characterise dynamic processes in groups and its possible management; 3) create an overview of application of basic cognitive social psychology in communication science.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 4 credit points (CP) or 160 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1.Prerequisites for effective communication in an organisation. Social perception. Categorisation. Attribution. Influence of attribution mistakes on processes in the organisation.

2.Social information processing in the cognitive stages. Moral judgement abilities. 3.Psychological analysis of conflicts and management principles. 4.Managing human behaviour during change processes in organisations. 5.Role of emotional intelligence and self-control in the actions of organisation’s leader.

List of literature

1. Aronson E., Wilson T.D., Akert R.M. (eds.). Social Psychology. Longman, 2001. 2. Brehm S.S., Kassin S.M., Fein S. Social Psychology. 5th ed. Boston, New York:

Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.3. Burgess H., Nurgess G. Encyclopedia of conflict resolution. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-

CLIO, 2009.4. Davenport T. H., Beck John C. The attention economy: understanding the new currency

of business. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business School Press, 2001.5. Goleman D. Social intelligence: the new science of human relationships. New York:

Bantam Books, 2006.6. Haslam S. A. Psychology in organizations: the social identity approach. London: Sage

Publications, 2004. 7. Jewell L.N. Contemporary industrial / organizational psychology. / Джуэлл Л.

Индустриально - организационная психология. Санкт-Петербург, 2003.8. Myers D.G. Social psychology. / Майерс Д. Социальная психология. Санкт-Петербург,

2003.9. Reņģe V. Sociālā psiholoģija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2002.10. Reņģe V. Mūsdienu organizāciju psiholoģija. Rīga, 2006.11. Taylor S.E., Peplau L.A. & Sears O.D. Social Psychology. Prentice Hall, 2002.12. Rubin J.Z., Pruitt D.G., Kim S.H. (eds). Social conflict. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.

Topical research in social psychology from h ttp:// and other databases.


Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Study course Public administration and government

communicationCourse code KOM1054Approved 29.04.2009Field of Science LawCredit 4Total number of hours 160Independent Studies 134Lectures (hours) 20Seminars, practical, Laboratory classes (hours)


Preliminary knowledge Theory of law, general knowledge of state, constitutional law, administrative law, administrative procedure law, communication theory

AUTHOR OF THE COURSE:Name Surname Academic Degree, Position

Deniss Hanovs Dr. art., Assoc. Prof.Jānis Načisčionis Dr. iur., Prof.

OBJECTIVES:Create the opportunity and help get acquainted with topical problematic issues regarding administrative law categories and legal institutions, their mutual connection and interaction; to develop a democratic overview and contemporary legal understanding.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (RESULTS):Get students acquainted with doctrines, principles and legal enactments of public administration, their significance in the development of public administration systems, precisely defining the competence and functions of the various administrative law; further the students understanding of administrative law, its interpretation and practical application; study the communicative aspects of state public administration.Knowledge: possibility to ascertain through research work topical administrative law and state public administration communication issues, doctrines on development of basic concepts of administrative law and their significance in the development of administrative law and communication.Skills: possibility to acquire skills of identifying problem issues, their solutions, acquire competence on influence of socioeconomic relations on innovations in law and legal action on public relation regulation that are necessary for academic activity; possibility to acquire skills of independently carrying out research work.Attitude: increased overall culture level of management science specialist would provide the basis for further independent research work.

REQUIREMENTS TO ACQUIRE CREDITS:Independent studies, group work, test as a regular form of assessment; positive evaluation is necessary to be able to take the examination which is in written form.

STUDY METHODS: lectures, seminars, participation in group work while presenting results of independent studies, PowerPoint presentations

METHODOLOGICAL PROVISION OF THE COURSE: PowerPoint presentations, handouts on the BATIS system, materials for independent studies (publications, books etc.)

TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FOR THE COURSE: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard

TESTS: regular tests



No. Theme Scope(hours)

1. Organisation of public administration and its regulation


2. Administrative law subject – Cabinet of Ministers. 43. Citizen’s society and public administration –

development of reform.4

4. Public administration communication with the society.


5. Participation of NGO’s in decision making – creation of state policy planning documents.


6. Public administration institutional system. Subjects and their mutual relationships.


7. Competence of the Cabinet of Ministers. Competence in the development and implementation of policy in a definite field.

2 S

7. Communication aspects of public administrative policy planning: participation in decision making (social discussion).

2 S

CONTENT OF THE STUDY COURSE:1.theme. Organisation of public administration and its regulation.Constitutional basis of public administration. Administrative law basis of public administration. Concept of public administrative system. Public administration institutional system. Direct administration institutional system. Indirect administration institutional system. Autonomous subjects under public law. Legal regulation of the public administrative process.

2.theme. Administrative law subject – Cabinet of Ministers.Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia – Latvian government. Cabinet of Ministers – overall competence of the highest executive body in state administration. Structure of the Cabinet of Ministers. Competence of the Cabinet of Ministers. General rules of functioning of the Cabinet of Ministers. Cabinet of Ministers and the EU.

3.theme. Citizen’s society and public administration – development of reform. Legal and communication aspects of forming a citizen’s society. Society’s participation in public administrative reforms. State administrative reforms.

4.theme. Public administration communication with the society.Influence on peripheral core of society theory (J. Habermass).

5.theme. Participation of NGO’s in decision making – creation of state policy planning documents.

Participation of the society in drafting public administrative policy planning documents. Participation of NGO’s in public administration and their forms.


Basic literature1. Administration and You: A Handbook: Principles of Administrative Law Concerning

the Relations Between Administrative Authorities and Private Persons. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1996. 536 p.

2. Administrative Procedures and the Supervision of Administration in Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia and Albania. Paris: European Commission; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; SIGMA-OECD, [1997]. (SIGMA Papers: Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries; 17).

3. Curran J. Media and Power. Routledge, 2005.4. Galligan D.-J., Smilov D.-M. Administrative Law in Central and Eastern Europe

1996–1998. Budapest: Central European University Press, 1999.5. Habermas J. Die Einbeziehung des Anderen: Studien zur politischen Theorie.

Suhrkamp, 1996.6. Krawchenko B. Administrative Reform in Ukraine: Setting the Agenda. Budapest:

Open Society Institute; Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 1997. (Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative: Discussion Papers)

Additional literature1. Miezaine Z. Valsts pārvalde un NVO līdzdalība – efektīvu sadarbības modeli

meklējot. Rīga: Providus, 2003.2. Načisčionis J. Administratīvās tiesības. Papildinātais izdevums. Rīga: Latvijas

Vēstnesis, 2003. 288 lpp.3. Nehl H.-P. Principles of Administrative Procedure in EC Law. Oxford: Hart

Publishing, 1999.4. Pilsoniskā līdzdalība un sabiedrības integrācija. Rīga: LSIF, 2003.5. Rajevskis V., Rajevska F. Valsts varas institūcijas Latvijas Republikā. Rīga: LU,

1999. 6. Stucka A. Administratīvās tiesības. Rīga: Juridiskā koledža, 2006.7. Schwarze J. Administrative law under European influence: On the convergence of the

administrative laws of the EU member states. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996.8. Vanags E. Valsts pārvaldes reformas. Rīga: LU, 1998.9. Vildbergs H.J., Krasts V. Salīdzinošās administratīvās tiesības: Lietas un risinājumi.

Otrais, pārstrādātais un papildinātais izdevums. Rīga: EuroFaculty, 2002.10. Административная юстиция в новых Европейских демократиях: Практические

исследования в сфере административного права и процесса а Болгарии, Эстонии, Венгрии, Польше и Украине. Пер. с англ.; ред.: Галлиган Д.-Дж.и др. Киев: АртЭк; Будапешт: ОСИ/КОЛПИ,1999. [Центр социально–правовых исследований, Оксфордский университет].

10. Уэбстер Ф. Теории информационного общества. Москва: Аспект, 2004.

Normative enactments1. Latvijas Republikas Satversme // Latvijas Vēstnesis 01.07.1993. Nr. 43. 2. Biedrību un nodibinājumu likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 14.11.2003. Nr.161.3. Fizisko personu datu aizsardzības likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 06.04.2000.

Nr.123/124.4. Iesniegumu likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.10.2007. Nr.164.

5. Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas biroja likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis. 30.04.2002. Nr. 65.

6. LR likums “Par likumu un citu Saeimas, Valsts prezidenta un Ministru kabineta pieņemto aktu izsludināšanas, publicēšanas un spēkā stāšanās kārtību un spēkā esamību” // Latvijas Vēstnesis 18.06.1994. Nr. 72.

7. Likums par pašvaldībām // Latvijas Vēstnesis 24.05.1994. Nr. 61.8. LR likums “Saeimas kārtības rullis” // Latvijas Vēstnesis. 18.08.1994. Nr. 96.9. Ministru kabineta iekārtas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 28.05.2008. Nr. 82.10. Pilsonības likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.08.1994. Nr. 93.11. Publisko aģentūru likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.04.2001. Nr.58. 12. Satversmes aizsardzības biroja likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 19.05.1994. Nr. 59.13. Satversmes tiesas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 14.06.1996. Nr. 103.14. Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 21.06.2002. Nr. 94.15. Valsts pārvaldes iestāžu nodarīto zaudējumu atlīdzināšanas likums // Latvijas

Vēstnesis 17.06.2005. Nr.96.16. Tiesībsarga likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 25.04.2006. Nr. 65.17. 1950. gada 4. novembra Eiropas Cilvēktiesību un Pamatbrīvību aizsardzības

Konvencija // Latvijas Vēstnesis. 13.06.1997. Nr. 143/144.

Judicial rulings 1. EC Court rulings2. ECC rulings3. Latvian Supreme court rulings4. Latvian Constitutional court rulings5. Latvian court rulings

Periodicals 1. Publikācijas par valsts pārvaldes un komunikācijas jautājumiem žurnālā „Likums un

Tiesības”2. Publikācijas par valdības un komunikācijas ar sabiedrību jautājumiem žurnālā „Jurista

Vārds”3. Publikācijas par valdības un komunikācijas ar sabiedrību jautājumiem žurnālā

„Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija”4. Publikācijas par valdības un komunikācijas ar sabiedrību jautājumiem žurnālā „Law ”5. Publikācijas par valdības un komunikācijas ar sabiedrību jautājumiem „Eiropas

Savienības Oficiālajā Vēstnesī”

Internet resources1. www.europa.eu3. NAIS

Unpublished materials1. Valsts pārvaldes iestāžu iekšējie normatīvie akti par valdības komunikāciju ar

sabiedrību, dokumenti, kas paredzēti iekšējai (ierobežotai) lietošanai2. Konferenču, semināru materiāli valdības un komunikācijas ar sabiedrību jautājumosDate: 20.04.2009.

RISK AND CRISIS COMMUNICATIONDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. phil., prof. Jaakko Lehtonen, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to clarify the concepts connected to organizational risks and crises.Each theme will be illustrated with critical analyses of recent crisis processes.Objectives – 1) to introduce tactics of crisis management; 2) to discuss the concepts of negative publicity and reputation management in a crisis process; 3) to make an overview of most recent theoretical approaches to crisis management and crisis communication.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Clarifying the concepts. Theories of risks and risk management.2. What is risk communication. From risks to crises. Negative publicity as a risk.

Image, reputation and the concept of stakeholders.3. Recent trends in crisis management and crisis communication.4. Cultural differences as a risk in international / global marketing communication.

List of literature

1. Communicating in a Crisis: Risk Communication Guidelines for Public Officials. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2002.

2. Drottz-Sjöberg, Britt-Marie. Current trends in risk communication: Theory and practice. Directorate for Civil Defence and Emergency Planning Norway, 2003.

3. Paraskevas, Alexandros. Crisis management or crisis response system: A complexity science approach to organizational crises. Management Decision, 2006, 44, 7: 892-907.

4. Pollard, Davis; Hotho, Sabine. Crises, scenarios and the strategic management process. Management Decision, 2006, 44, 6: 721-736.

5. Sapriel, Caroline. Effective crisis management: Tools and best practice for the new millennium. Journal of Communication Management (2003), 7, 4: 348-355.

6. Smith, Denis. Business (not) as usual: Crisis management, service recovery and the vulnerability of organisations. Journal of Service Marketing, 2005, 19/5: 309-320.

7. Sutton, Steve G. Extended-enterprise system’s impact on enterprise risk management. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 2006, 19, 1: 97-114.

8. Williams, Roger; Bertsch, Boudewijn. Quality and risk management: what are the key issues? The TQM Magazine, 2006, 18, 1: 67-86.


Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" Designed by Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof. Jānis Broks, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to create an understanding of modern day society, its functioning mechanisms and significant trends as well as possibilities of managing these processes. Preliminary knowledge – general sociology, philosophy.Objectives – 1) provide an insight on origin of modern society; 2) provide knowledge on modern day social process research traditions , main concepts and ideas in this field; 3) create an understanding of topical social development issues and tendencies; 4) create a sustained interest on global social change processes; 5) independently acquire analytical skills on social philosophical issues.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies. Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

7. Social processes, their management and research experience in sociology.8. Post modern society and globalisation. 9. World social economic development trends, attempts to optimise them.10. Cultural interaction and contemporary cultural policies.

List of literature

1. Bauman Z. Globalization. The Human Consequences. - Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, 1998.

2. Bauman Z. Liquid Modernity. – Cambridge, 2000.3. Bauman Z. The Individualized Society. - Polity, 2001.4. Bodrijārs Ž. Simulakri un simulācija. - Omnia mea, Rīga, 2000.5. Brzezinski Z. The Grand Chessboard. - A Division of HarperCollinsPublischer, 1997. 6. Dahrendorf R. Pfade aus Utopia. - München, 1967.7. Dahrendorf R. Der Moderne soziale Konflikt. Essay zur Politik der Freiheit. - Dtv, 1994.8. Die Zukunft der Werte. Dialoge über das 21. Jahrhundert. – Suhrkamp, 2007.9. Fukuyama F. The end of History and the Last Man. – Free Press, 1992.10. Giddens A. Runaway World. How Globalisation is Reshaping our Lives. - Profile Books

Ltd., London, 1999.11. Gidenss E. Sabiedrības veidošanās. - Rīga, AGB, 1999.12. Habermas J. Ausgewählte politische Schriften. - Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main,

1998.13. Habermas J. Der gespaltene Westen. – Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt am Main, 2004.14. Huntington S. P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. 1996.15. Kūle M. Eirodzīve. - Rīga, FSI, 2006.16. Luhmann N. Die Gesellschaft der Geselschaft. (I.3. Evolution) - Suhrkamp Verlag7,

Frankfurt am Main, 1997. 17. Luhmann N. Die Realität der Massenmedien. - VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,

Wiesbaden, 2004.18. Lukacs G. The End of the Twentieth Century and the End of the Modern Age. - Ticknor &

Fields, New York, 1993.19. Liotārs Ž. F. Postmodernais stāvoklis. Pārskats par zināšanām. - Rīga, 2008.20. Peccei A. The Human Quality. - Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977.21. Rancière J. Aux bords du politique. - La Fabrique-Éditons, Paris, 1998.22. Ritzes G. Modern Sociological Theory. - McGraw-Hill, 2000.23. Rotčailds Dž. Etnopolitika: konceptuālās aprises. - AGB, Rīga, 1999.

24. Smith A. D. Nationalism and Modernism. - Routledge, London and New York, 1998.25. Smits E. D. Nacionālā identitāte. - AGB, Rīga, 1997.26. Toffler A. The Third Wave. - Curtis Brown Ltd., 1980.27. Wallerstein I. The end of the World as we Know it. Social Science for the Twenty-First

Century. - University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, London. 2003.

COMMUNICATION SCIENCE AND JOURNALISMDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. phil., Assoc. Prof. Ainārs Dimants, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – to provide in depth insight of communication science as an interdisciplinary social and humanitarian field that researches social communication processes – human communication, interaction and understanding – and their prerequisites, rules, aids, forms problems and consequences.Objectives – 1) ascertain the essence and understanding of development of communication sciences and their components – communication process and mass media; 2) get acquainted with main mass communication theories necessary for analysis of functioning of Latvian media system; 3) review communication science concepts on modern day journalism development trends and possibilities of provision of independence and quality of the media. Obligatory requirements – two regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies. Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Origin and growth of communication science. Communication process. Branches of communication science.

2. Open and closed mass media systems and journalism functions. Media system links with social, cultural, political, economic and legal systems. Authoritarian, communist, liberal and socially responsible media concepts.

3. Technological and social preconditions and tendencies in journalism in the information era: information gathering, selection, storage, presentation and distribution. The future of newspapers in the Internet era. Magazine market and magazine types. Development of electronic mass media in the European Union context.

4. Journalism quality and professional standards: concept and infrastructure. Editorial marketing and management. Editorial autonomy in mass media enterprises. Impact of media, politics, advertising and public relations. Media ethics.

List of literature

1. Bentele, Günter et al. (Hrsg.). Lexikon Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006.

2. Dimants, Ainārs. Latvijas masu mediju nākotne paplašinātajā Eiropā. No: Jundzis, Tālavs (red.): Latvija Eiropā: nākotnes vīzijas: Rakstu krājums. Rīga: LZA Baltijas stratēģisko pētījumu centrs, 2004, 295. - 312. lpp.

3. Dimants, Ainārs; Russ-Mols, Stefans. Žurnālistika: Mācību un rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2009.

4. Fink, Conrad C. Media Ethics. Boston et al.: Allyn & Bacon, 1995.5. Fink, Conrad C. Strategic Newspaper Management. Boston et al.: Allyn & Bacon,

1996.6. Fleming, Carole et al. An Introduction to Journalism. London: Sage Publications,

2006.7. Franklin, Bob et al. Key Concepts in Journalism Studies. London: Sage

Publications, 2005.8. Giles, Robert H. Newsroom Management: A Guide to Theory & Praktice. Detroit MI:

Media Management Books, 1988.9. Glotz, Peter. Wer sind die Verlierer der Vernetzung?: Von der Industrie- zur

Informationsgesellschaft. In: Internationale Politik (2003), S. 1. - 8.10. Hallin, Daniel C.; Mancini, Paolo. Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of

Media and Politics. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

11. Hamm, Ingrid (Hrsg.). Verantwortung im freien Medienmarkt: Internationale Perspektiven zur Wahrung professioneller Standards. Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, 1996.

12. Kruks, Sergejs. Radiožurnālistika. Rīga: Valters un Rapa, 2005.13. Lavine, John M.; Wackman, Daniel B. Managing Media Organizations: Effective

Leadership for the Media. New York, 1988.14. McManus, John H. Market - Driven Journalism: Let the Citizen Beware. Thousand

Oaks et al., 1994. 15. McQuail, Denis. McQuail’s Mass Communication Theory. 5th Edition. London: Sage

Publications, 2005.16. McQuail, Denis. Media Perfomance: Mass Communication and the Public Interest.

London et al.: Sage Publications, 1992.17. Meckel, Miriam. Redaktionsmanagement: Ansätze aus Theorie und Praxis.

Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1999.18. Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth; Schulz, Winfried; Wilke, Jürgen. Publizistik.

Massenkommunikation. 4. Aufl. Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Taschenbuch, 2002 (Fischer Lexikon 15495).

19. Ruß-Mohl, Stephan. Der I-Faktor: Qualitätssicherung im amerikanischen Journalismus – Modell für Europa? Osnabrück / Zürich, Edition Interfrom, 1994.

20. Ruß-Mohl, Stephan. Journalismus: Das Hand- und Lehrbuch. Frankfurt a.M.: F.A.Z.-Institut für Management-, Markt- und Medieninformationen, 2003 (Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch im F.A.Z. - Institut).

21. Schneider, Wolf; Raue, Paul-Josef. Das neue Handbuch des Journalismus. Reinbek b. Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2003 (Sachbuch 61569).

22. Sjurts, Insa (Hrsg.). Lexikon Medienwirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2004.23. Thomaß, Barbara; Tzankoff, Michaela (Hrsg.). Medien und Transformation in

Osteuropa. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001.24. Veinberga, Sandra. Masmediji: Prese, radio un televīzija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, [bez

gada].25. Weischenberg, Siegfried. Journalistik: Theorie und Praxis aktueller

Medienkommunikation. Band 1: Mediensysteme, Medienethik, Medieninstitutionen. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1992.

26. Weischenberg, Siegfried. Journalistik: Theorie und Praxis aktueller Medienkommunikation. Bd. 2: Medientechnik, Medienfunktionen, Medienakteure. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1995.

27. Zasurskij, J. N. Iskušenije svobodoj: Rossijskaja žurnalistika: 1990 - 2004. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 2004.

28. Zasurskij, Ivan. Rekonstrukcija Rossii: Mass-media i politika v 90-e gody. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo MGU, 2001.


Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" Designed by Dr. rer. soc., Prof. Stephan Russ-Mohl, School of Business Administration


Aim – though the course is basically devoted to a new theoretical approach to communications research, looking at PR and journalism through the “microscope” of an economist is also of high practical value: it should help professionals of PR and journalism to understand better their own and their counterpart’s actions and decisions.Journalism and PR are both professionalizing, but – at least in the advanced Western societies – PR is professionalizing at a more rapid pace. The relationship between PR and journalism has been continuously of interest for mass communication researchers, but the paradigms and the research results are differing considerably. The course will provide a general overview on how research has been developing in the field, striving “determination theory”, “intereffication theory” and other approaches. Objectives – ultimately, rational choice theory (= institutional economics), and thus a model of information-attention-markets, will be presented as a research approach which provides new insights into the analysis of the interactions between journalism and PR – discussing, among others, such concepts as externalities and free riding, “principal-agent-theory”, the “tyranny of small decisions”, the “tragedy of the commons”, “markets for lemons”, as well as potential shifts between PR and advertising and their impact on journalism. Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam..

Content of the study course

1. Professionalizing of PR and journalism.2. Relationship between PR and journalism: general overview of communications

research.3. Institutional economics for the analysis of interactions between PR and

journalism.4. Shifts between PR and advertising and their impact on journalism.

List of literature

1. Becker, Gary S. An Economic Approach to Human Behavior. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977.

2. Curtin, Patricia A. Reevaluating Public Relations Information Subsidies: Market-Driven Journalism and Agenda-Building Theory and Practice. Journal of Public Relations Research, 1999, 11 (1): 53-90.

3. Davenport, Thomas H., Beck, John C. The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001.

4. Downs, Anthony. Up and down with ecology – the “issue-attention cycle”. Public, 1972.

5. Fengler, Susanne, Russ-Mohl, Stephan. Der Journalist als Homo oeconomicus. Konstanz: UVK, 2005.

6. Franck, Georg. Ökonomie der Aufmerksamkeit: Ein Entwurf. München, Wien: Edition Hanser, 1998.

7. Frey, Bruno S. Ökonomie ist Sozialwissenschaft: Die Anwendung der Ökonomie auf neue Gebiete. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1990.

8. Gandy, Oscar H. Beyond Agenda Setting: Information Subsidies and Public Policies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1982.

9. Hamilton, James T. All The News That’s Fit to Sell: How the Market Transforms Information Into News. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2004.

10. Merkel, Bernd, Russ-Mohl, Stephan, Zavaritt, Giovanni (eds.). A Complicated, Antagonistic & Symbiotic Affair: Journalism, Public Relations and their Struggle for Public Attention. Bellinzona: Casa Grande, 2007 (forthcoming).

11. Mullainathan, Sendhil, Shleifer, Andrei. The Market for News. Working Paper, MIT/Harvard University, 2003 (

12. Ries, Al, Ries, Laura. The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR, New York: Harper Collins, 2002.

13. Russ-Mohl, Stephan. The Economics of Journalism and the Challenge to Improve Journalism Quality. Studies in Communication Science, 2007 (forthcoming).

14. Russ-Mohl, Stephan. Voodoo-Zauber, Prinzipale und Agenten: Zur Interaktion von Journalismus und PR – Eine ökonomische Analyse. PR-Magazin, November 2006: 55-62.



STUDY COURSE PROGRAMMEStudy course Commercial law and communication

lawCourse code KOM1058Approved 29.04.2009Field of Science CommunicationCredit 2Total number of hours 80Independent Studies 72Lectures (hours) 6Seminars, practical, Laboratory classes (hours)


Preliminary knowledge Theory of law, general knowledge of state, constitutional law, administrative law, administrative procedure law

AUTHOR OF THE COURSE:Name Surname Academic Degree,

PositionJānis Načisčionis Dr. iur., Prof.

OBJECTIVES:Create the opportunity and help get acquainted with topical problematic issues regarding commercial law and communication law categories and legal institutions, their mutual connection and interaction; to develop a democratic overview and contemporary legal understanding.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (RESULTS):Get students acquainted with doctrines, principles and legal enactments of commercial law and communication law, their significance in state and individual actions; further the students understanding of commercial law and communication law, its interpretation and practical application. Knowledge: possibility to ascertain through research work commercial law and communication law issues, doctrines on development of basic concepts of commercial law and communication law and their social significance in regulating public relations.Skills: possibility to acquire skills of identifying problem issues, their solutions, acquire competence on influence of socioeconomic relations innovations in commercial law and communication law and legal action on public relation regulation that are necessary for academic activity; possibility to acquire skills of independently carrying out research work.Attitude: increased overall culture level of management science specialist would provide the basis for further independent research work.


Independent studies, group work, test as a regular form of assessment; positive evaluation is necessary to be able to take the examination which is in written form.

STUDY METHODS: lectures, seminars, participation in group work while presenting results of independent studies, PowerPoint presentations

METHODOLOGICAL PROVISION OF THE COURSE: PowerPoint presentations, handouts on the BATIS system, materials for independent studies (publications, books etc.)

TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FOR THE COURSE: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard

TESTS: regular tests



No. Theme Scope(hours)

1. Genesis of commercial law and communication law.


2. System of sources of commercial law and communication law.


3. Legal relations under commercial law and communication law


4. Subjects of commercial law and communication law – private and public law subjects, their legal subjectivity.


5. Responsibilities of legal subjects under commercial law and communication law


6. Establishment, transformation, liquidation and legal regulation of activities of legal subjects under commercial law and communication law Legal liabilities of commercial law and communication law subjects and its application procedure.

2 S

CONTENT OF THE STUDY COURSE:1.theme. Genesis of commercial law and communication law. Division of law: private and public law. Doctrine on division of law, its development. Division of public and private law and problems regarding their interaction. Place and role of commercial law and communication law in the legal system. Commercial law legal system. Commercial law legal enactment system, its link with commercial law science. Development of commercial law science. Communication law legal system. Communication law legal enactment system, its link with communication law science. Development of communication law science.

2.theme. System of sources of commercial law and communication law.Commercial law and communication law sources.Commercial law and communication law principles and their links to international, EU legal principles. Commercial law and communication law normative enactments and their links to international, EU normative enactments. Judiciary and its links to EU judiciary. Sources of commercial law and communication law – public relation regulators.

3.theme. Legal relations under commercial law and communication law.

Essence of commercial law and communication law relations.Structure of commercial law and communication law relations. Vertical relations in commercial law and communication law.Horizontal relations in commercial law and communication law.Diagonal relations in commercial law and communication law.

4.theme. Subjects of commercial law and communication law – private and public law subjects, their legal subjectivity. Essence of commercial law and communication law subjects. Legal subjectivity. Legal capacity. Capacity . Legal ability.Structure of commercial law and communication law subjects.Competence of commercial law and communication law subjects.

5.theme Liabilities of commercial law and communication law subjects. Civil liabilities of commercial law and communication law subjects and its application procedure. Administrative liabilities of commercial law and communication law subjects. Administrative violations and its components. Presumption of innocence in administrative violations. Limitation of administrative liability from criminal liability, problems. Criminal liabilities of commercial law and communication law subjects and its application procedure.


Basic literature1. Autoru kolektīvs U. Ķiņa juridiskā redakcijā. Informācijas un komunikāciju

tiesības. 1., 2. sēj. Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2002.2. J. Endziņš, J. Paiders. Komerclikums: Kas šobrīd būtu jāzin SIA un AS

vadītājam. Rīga: Diena-Bonnier SIA, 2002.3. M. Grudulis. Ievads autortiesībās. Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2006, 253 lpp. 4. V. Koraha. Ievads Eiropas Kopienas konkurences tiesībās un praksē. Rīga:

Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2002.5. K. Torgāns. Civiltiesību, komerctiesību un civilprocesa aktualitātes. Raksti

1999.–2008. Rīga: Tiesu namu aģentūra, 2009. 670 lpp.6. S. Veinberga. Masmediji: prese, radio un televīzija. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC,

2005, 358 lpp.

Additional literature1. U. Ķinis. Noziedzīgi nodarījumi datortīklos (kibernoziegumi). Rīga: Tiesu

namu aģentūra, 2000.2. U. Krastiņš, V. Liholaja, A. Niedre. Krimināltiesības. Rīga: Tiesu namu

aģentūra, 1999.3. E. Meļķīsis. Iztulkošanas metodes. Meļķisis E. Juridiskās metodes pamati: 11

soļi tiesību normu piemērošanā. Rīga: BO SIA Ratio iuris, 2003.4. A. Strupišs. Komerclikuma komentāri. A daļa: Komercdarbības vispārīgie

noteikumi (1.–73. panti). Rīga: A. Strupiša juridiskais birojs, 2003.5. A. Strupišs. Komerclikuma komentāri. B daļa: Komersanti: XI sadaļa.

Kapitālsabiedrības (134.–184. panti). Rīga: A. Strupiša juridiskais birojs, 2003. 

6. Michael Joachim Bonell (ed.). The UNIDROIT Principles in Practice: Caselaw and Bibliography on the Principles of Commercial Contracts. Ardsley, New York: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 2002. 702 p.

7. Carla Tavares Da Costa; Aleksandra de Meester Bilreiro. The European Company Statute. The Hague / London / New York: Kluwer Law International, 2003. 267 p.

8. Administration and You: A Handbook: Principles of Administrative Law Concerning the Relations Between Administrative Authorities and Private Persons. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1996. 536 p.

9. Ronald Dworkin. A Matter of Principle. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1996.10. Roger LeRoy Miller; Gaylord A. Jentz. Fundamentals of Business Law. 6th ed.

Thomson South-Western, 2005. 864 p.11. Norbert Reich. Critical Comments on the Commission Communication “On

European Contract Law”. S. Grundmann; J. Stuyck (eds.). An Academic Green Paper on European Contract Law. Kluwer Law International, 2002.

Sources of law1. Latvijas Republikas Satversme // Latvijas Vēstnesis 01.07.1993. Nr. 43 2. Autortiesību likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 148/150 27.04.2000.3. Fizisko personu datu aizsardzības likuma 29. pants // Latvijas Vēstnesis

06.04.2000. Nr. 1234. Iesniegumu likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.10.2007. Nr. 1645. Informācijas atklātības likums // Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru

Kabineta Ziņotājs, 1998, Nr. 246. Komerclikums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 04.05.2000. Nr. 158/1607. Korupcijas novēršanas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.10.1995. Nr. 1568. Konkurences likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 23.10.2001. Nr. 1519. Krimināllikums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 08.07.1998. Nr. 199/20010. Kriminālprocesa likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 11.05.2005. Nr. 7411. Latvijas administratīvo pārkāpumu kodekss // Ziņotājs 20.12.1984. Nr. 5112. Par tabakas izstrādājumu, realizācijas un reklāmas ierobežošanu // Latvijas

Vēstnesis 07.01.1997. Nr. 313. Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 01.04.1999. Nr.

104/10514. Radio un televīzijas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 08.09.1995. Nr. 13715. Reklāmas likums // Latvijas Vēstnesis 10.01.2000. Nr. 716. 1950. gada 4. novembra Eiropas Cilvēktiesību un Pamatbrīvību aizsardzības

Konvencija // Latvijas Vēstnesis 13.06.1997. Nr. 143/144

Judicial texts 1. EC Court rulings2. ECC rulings3. Latvian Supreme court rulings4. Latvian Constitutional court rulings5. Latvian court rulings

Periodicals 1. Publikācijas par komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumiem žurnālā

„Likums un Tiesības”2. Publikācijas par komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumiem žurnālā

„Jurista Vārds”3. Publikācijas par komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumiem žurnālā „

Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija”4. Publikācijas par komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumiem žurnālā

„Law ”5. Publikācijas par komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumiem “Eiropas

Savienības Oficiālajā Vēstnesī”6. “European Business Review”

Internet resources1. www.europa.eu3. NAIS4.

Unpublished materials

1. Valsts pārvaldes iestāžu iekšējie komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību normatīvie akti, dokumenti, kas paredzēti iekšējai (ierobežotai) lietošanai

2. Konferenču, semināru materiāli komerctiesību un komunikācijas tiesību jautājumos

Date: 20.04.2009.

INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND COMMUNICATION Doctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. hist., Prof. Valdis Blūzma, School of Business Administration Turiba,Dr. hist., Corresponding Member of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Guntis

Zemītis, School of Business Administration Turiba

Aim – provide in depth knowledge on the essence of international politics theories, development trends; provide an understanding of communication tools in international politics, clarify the basic legal principles of international communication and information and Latvia’s role in international political relations and communications system.Preliminary knowledge – Introduction to politics, Political science.Objectives – 1) acquire knowledge to be able to orient oneself in the international public law sources; 2) ascertain international public law principles; 3) get acquainted with legal basis for international relations.Obligatory requirements – two regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam.

Content of the study course

1. Main theories of international politics and communication and its historical evolution. Development trends in modern day international relations and its impact on international politics and communication.

2. Basic legal principles of International communication and information. Role of international organisations in the implementation of international political communication. The structure, aims and objectives of United Nations and main fields of operations in international communication. The role of UNESCO in the provision of new information process. The impact of European integration process on International politics and communication.

3. Diplomacy as an instrument in the implementation of international political communication. International political conflicts and its regulation. Latvia’s role in international political relations system and international communication.

4. Role of mass media in international political communication.

List of literature

1. Baylis J., Smith S. (eds.). The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. Oxford University Press, 2004.

2. Brown C. Understanding International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.3. Fredrick H.-H. Global Communication & International Relations. Belmont, 1993. 4. Hill C. The Changing Politics of Foreign Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.5. Jackson R., Sorensen G. Introduction to International Relations: Theories and

Approaches. Oxford University Press, 2003.6. Kisindžers H. Diplomātija. Rīga: Jumava, 2001.7. Mowlana H. Global Information and World Communication: New Frontiers in

International Relations. 2nd ed. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 1997. 8. Norris P. A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Postindustrial Societies.

Cambridge University Press, 2000.9. Stevenson R.-L. Global Communication in the Twenty-first Century. New York,

London, 1994.10. Taylor P. Global Communications, International Affairs and the Media since 1945.

Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books, 1997.11. Tehranian M. Global Communication and World Politics: Domination, Development,

and Discourse. London: Boulder, 199912. Theories of International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.13. Webber M., Smith M. Foreign Policy in a Transformed World. Longman, 2002.14. Введение в теорию международных отношений. Москва: Изд. МГУ, 2001.

15. Ваисс М. Международные отношения после 1945 года. Москва: Городец, 2005.16. Кокошин А., Богатуров С. Мировая политика: теория, методология,

прикладной анализ. Москва: КомКнига, 2005.17. Ланцов С. Мировая политика и международные отношения. Конспект лекций.

Москва: Изд. Михайлова В.А., 2000.18. Международные отношения: теории, конфликты, организации. Под ред.

Цыганкова П.А. Москва: Альфа-М, 2004.19. Современные международные отношения и мировая политика. 2-е изд. Под

ред. Торкунова А.В. Москва: Просвещение, 2006.20. Теория международных отношений: Хрестоматия. Сост. Цыганков П.А.

Москва:Гардарика, 2002.21. Садохин А.П. Введение в теорию межкультурной коммуникации. Москва:

Высшая школа, 200522. Хантингтон С. Столкновение цивилизаций. Москва: Издателство АСТ, 2003. 23. Хелд Д., Гольдблатт Д., Макгрю Э., Перратон Дж. Глобальные

трансформации: Политика, экономика и культура. Москва: Праксис, 2004.

ADVERTISING AND BRAND MANAGEMENTDoctoral study programme "Communication Management"

Designed by Dr. art., Assoc. Prof. Deniss Hanovs, Riga Stradins University

Aim – provide in depth competence in advertising and brand administration: creation, launching a brand and management. Course combines theoretical knowledge with case studies on analysis of management of famous brands.Preliminary knowledge – basic knowledge of marketing and communication theories as well as general knowledge of culture, psychology, art, basics of creating advertisements, globalisation and consumer society theories and its criticism. Objectives – 1) provide knowledge on the history of creation of advertising and brands, significance of its concepts, its interpretation, criticism and apology of advertising and brand phenomena; explain antiglobal and neoliberal brand interpretation; 2) provide a thorough understanding on brand management components – brand identity and positioning, brand management principles: brand globalisation and glocalisation as well as brand components: logo, brand identity and positioning, psychological, aesthetic and art aspects of brand marketing, social stratification and brand distribution aspects; creation of message, use of provocation, irony, nostalgia as well as other social cultural aspects (national, ethnic identity); 3) provide case studies on advertising management strategies.Obligatory requirements – three regular tests of the form and type determined by the teacher.Scope – corresponds 2 credit points (CP) or 80 academic hours including contact hours (in accordance to the study plan) and independent studies.Final examination – exam..

Content of the study course

1. Advertising and Brand history, development of its concepts. Topical issues regarding advertising development and thematic discourse on brand and advertising phenomena. Globalisation and anti-globalisation – social economic contexts of advertising and brand creation and use. Advertising, brands and corporate social responsibility: neo-liberalistic discourse on brands, Naomi Klein and Michel Chevalier.

2. Advertising – consumer society development factors. Aesthetic contradictions of advertising development and mass culture phenomenon. Resistance to advertising contents – social cultural aspects of advertising perception. Advertising and globalisation phenomenon. Advertising and sub cultures in an urbanised environment – socially rejected groups as advertising subjects and narrative sources. Components of creation of social advertising campaigns and their effective assessment.

3. Brand creation. Construction of message, components, sources, themes. Myths in brand creation: Aldaris, Bordeaux, Marlboro. Use of style, regional differences, art, audio elements and aesthetics. Colour. Baroque, classicism, national romanticism: Versace, Hermes, Burberry.

4. Brand life cycle: birth, „maturity”, decline and regeneration. Brand use cycles. Brand crisis. Brand extension and brand portfolio. Brenda globalisation and glocalisation; Provision of brand sustainability.

List of literature

1. Klein N. No Logo. Oxford Press, 2001.2. Chevalier M., Mazzalovo G. Pro Logo: Brands as a Factor of Progress. Macmillan, 2004.3. Schmitt B., Simonson A. Marketing Aesthetics: The Strategic Management of Brands,

Identity and Image. Free Press, 1997.4. Holt D. How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding. Harvard

University, 2004.5. Kapferer J.-N. The New Strategic Brand Management. Kogan, 2004.6. Atkin D. The Culting Brands: Turn Your Customers into True Believers. Portfolio, 2004.7. Simmons J., Cliffon R. Brands and Branding. The Economist, 2003.8. Рожков И., Кисмерешкин В. От брендинга к брендбилдингу. Москва, 2004.




7.7. SĒRIJA D7.8. nR.<0000>

Ar <augstskolas nosaukums (ģenetīvā)><promocijas> padomes

2010.gada 01.jūnija lēmumu Nr.1

Jānis Bērziņš

personas kods 123456-12345

ieguviskomunikācijas zinātnes

doktora zinātnisko grādukomunikācijas teorijā

Par promocijas darbu“Latvijas kino komunikatīvo funkciju transformācija”


Rektors A. Kiščenko

Promocijas padomespriekšsēdētājs J.Bērziņš

Rīgā200__.gada __.________________

Reģistrācijas Nr.__

SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība”Graudu ielā 68, Rīgā, LV-1058

Diploma pielikums (PD C, Nr.1000)

Diploma pielikums atbilst Eiropas Komisijas, Eiropas Padomes un Apvienoto Nāciju Izglītības, zinātnes un kultūras organizācijas (UNESCO/CEPES) izveidotajam paraugam. Pielikums sagatavots, lai sniegtu objektīvu informāciju un nodrošinātu kvalifikāciju apliecinošu dokumentu (piemēram, diplomu, sertifikātu) akadēmisku un profesionālu atzīšanu. Diploma pielikumā ir iekļautas ziņas par diplomā minētās personas sekmīgi pabeigto studiju būtību, līmeni, kontekstu, saturu un statusu. Tajā neiekļauj norādes par kvalifikācijas novērtējumu un līdzvērtību, kā arī ieteikumus tās atzīšanai. Informāciju sniedz visās astoņās sadaļās. Ja kādā sadaļā informāciju nesniedz, norāda iemeslu.

1. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJAS IEGUVĒJU1.1. Uzvārds: Bērziņš1.2. Vārds: Jānis1.3. Dzimšanas datums (diena/mēnesis/gads): 01/01/19891.4. Studenta identifikācijas numurs vai personas kods 010189-11223

2. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJU2.1. Kvalifikācijas nosaukums un piešķirtais tituls: doktora diploms, piešķirtā kvalifikācija

“Sociālo zinātņu doktors komunikācijas zinātnē” (51321)2.2. Galvenā studiju joma kvalifikācijas iegūšanai: komunikācijas zinātne2.3. Kvalifikācijas piešķīrējas institūcijas nosaukums un statuss: SIA “Biznesa augstskola

Turība” – profesionālā augstskola. SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība” ir privāta valsts atzīta izglītības iestāde. SIA “Biznesa augstskolai Turība” ir tiesības īstenot akreditētās studiju programmas un izsniegt valstiski atzītus diplomus par augstākās izglītības iegūšanu (Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas 1997.gada 8.maija akreditācijas lapa Nr.002), kā arī tiesības īstenot licencēto doktora studiju programmu “Komunikācijas vadība” (Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas 2007.gada 5.jūnija licence Nr.04036-27).

2.4. Studijas administrējošās iestādes nosaukums un statuss (ja atšķiras no šī pielikuma 2.3.apakšpunktā minētā nosaukuma un statusa): skatīt 2.3.apakšpunktu

2.5. Mācību valoda un eksaminācijas valoda (valodas): latviešu, angļu

3. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJAS LĪMENI3.1. Kvalifikācijas līmenis: doktora zinātniskais grāds, Starptautiskās izglītības programmu

klasifikācijas (ISCED) un Latvijas Republikas Izglītības klasifikācijas augstākais līmenis3.2. Oficiālais programmas ilgums, programmas apguves sākuma un beigu datums: 3,6

gadi, 142 Latvijas kredītpunkti, 216 ECTS kredītpunkti3.3. Uzņemšanas prasība: akadēmiskais vai profesionālais maģistra grāds humanitārajās vai

sociālajās zinātnēs

4. ZIŅAS PAR STUDIJU SATURU UN REZULTĀTIEM4.1. Studiju veids: pilna laika studijas4.2. Programmas prasības: sekmīgi apgūt visus studiju programmā ietvertos obligātos un brīvās

izvēles studiju kursus, iegūstot ne mazāk kā 144 kredītpunktus, ieskaitot 80 kredītpunktus par promocijas darba izstrādi, nokārtot divus promocijas eksāmenus (specializācijā un svešvalodā) un sekmīgi aizstāvēt promocijas darbu.

4.3. Programmas sastāvdaļas (piemēram, kursi vai vienības) un personas iegūtais novērtējums/atzīmes/kredītpunkti (ja šī informācija ir pieejama oficiālajā atzīmju izrakstā):

Programmas saturs ietverts studiju programmas struktūras pamatdaļās: - studiju kursi; - promocijas darbs

Programmas saturu veido: obligātie studiju kursi (136 kredītpunkti, no kuriem 80 kredītpunkti jāiegūst par promocijas darbu), tai skaitā zinātniskās darbības metodoloģija un pētījumu metodes un augstskolu pedagoģija un vadība (8 kredītpunkti); doktorantu teorētiskais seminārs un individuālais zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs (10 kredītpunkti); līdzdalība bakalaura un maģistra studiju programmu realizācijā (12 kredītpunkti); nozares teorētiskie pamatkursi (10 kredītpunkti); komunikācijas vadības studiju kursi (14 kredītpunkti); svešvaloda (2 kredītpunkti); brīvās izvēles studiju kursi (8 kredītpunkti).Studiju vērtējums

Bloki Studiju kurss Kredītpunkti Pārbaudījuma veids Vērtējums

Latvijas ECTSA daļa Augstskolu pedagoģija un vadība 2.0 3.0 eksāmens6 (gandrīz labi)A daļa Stratēģisko jautājumu menedžments un

komunikācijas vadības modeļi 4.0 6.0 eksāmens7 (labi)

A daļa Zinātniskās darbības metodoloģija un pētījumu metodes 6.0 9.0 eksāmens7 (labi)

A daļaSvešvaloda 2.0 3.0 promocijas

eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)

A daļa Doktorantu teorētiskais seminārs un individuālais zinātniski pētnieciskais darbs 10.0 15.0 ieskaiteieskaitīts

A daļa Līdzdalība baklaura un maģistra studiju programmu realizācijā 12.0 18.0 ieskaiteieskaitīts

A daļaMūsdienu komunikācijas teorijas 4.0 6.0 promocijas

eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)

A daļa Integrētā mārketinga komunikācija 2.0 3.0 eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)A daļa Zināšanu un inovāciju menedžments 2.0 3.0 eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)A daļa Biznesa komunikācijas kultūras 4.0 6.0 eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)A daļa Vadības un komunikācijas psiholoģija 4.0 6.0 eksāmens6 (gandrīz labi)A daļa Valsts pārvalde un valdības komunikācija 4.0 6.0 eksāmens7 (labi)C daļa Riska un krīzes komunikācija 2.0 3.0 eksāmens8 (ļoti labi)C daļa Sabiedrisko attiecību un žurnālistikas interakcijas

ekonomiskā analīze 2.0 3.0 eksāmens6 (gandrīz labi)

C daļa Komerctiesības un komunikācijas tiesības 2.0 3.0 eksāmens7 (labi)C daļa Reklāmas un brendu vadība 2.0 3.0 eksāmens6 (gandrīz labi)Gala pārbaudījums Promocijas darbs 80.0 120.0 ieskaite,

aizstāvēšanaiegūts doktora grāds

Promocijas darba tēma: Latvijas kino komunikatīvo funkciju transformācija

4.4. Atzīmju sistēma un atzīmju sadalījums starp doktora studiju programmas “Komunikācijas vadība” 2008./2009.studiju gada absolventiem:

Balle Vērtējumsvārdiem


10 izcili 2.33%9 teicami 16.84%8 ļoti labi 34.47%7 labi 25.35%6 gandrīz labi 13.05%5 viduvēji 5.87%4 gandrīz viduvēji 2.10%3 neieskaitīts -2 neieskaitīts -1 neieskaitīts -

4.5. Kvalifikācijas klase: nav

5. ZIŅAS PAR KVALIFIKĀCIJU 5.1. Turpmākās studiju iespējas: nav paredzēts piešķirt5.2. Profesionālais statuss: nav paredzēts piešķirt

6. PAPILDINFORMĀCIJA6.1. Sīkāka informācija: ---6.2. Papildinformācijas avoti:

SIA “Biznesa augstskola Turība” Akadēmiskās Informācijas CentrsStudiju informācijas centrs Vaļņu iela 2, Rīga, LatvijaGraudu iela 68, Rīga, Latvija LV-1050LV-1058 tālr.7225155tālr. 7622333 http://www.aic.lv

7. PIELIKUMA APSTIPRINĀJUMS7.1. Datums: 01/06/20097.2. Paraksts un tā atšifrējums: Antons Kiščenko 7.3. Pielikuma apstiprinātāja amats: SIA “Biznesa augstskolas Turība” rektors7.4. Zīmogs vai spiedols:

8. Ziņas par augstākās izglītības sistēmu valstī.Lai iegūtu tiesības iestāties augstskolā, jāiegūst vispārējā vidējā izglītība. Vispārējās vidējās

izglītības un profesionālās vidējās izglītības iestāžu absolventus uzņem augstskolā saskaņā ar vispārīgajiem augstskolas uzņemšanas noteikumiem. Augstskolas var noteikt arī specifiskas

uzņemšanas prasības (piemēram, noteikt, kādi mācību priekšmeti jāapgūst vidusskolā, lai varētu iestāties konkrētajā augstskolā attiecīgās studiju programmas apguvei).

Kopējais vispārējās vidējās izglītības ilgums ir 12 gadi. Vidusskolās ir četru virzienu programmas – vispārizglītojošā, humanitārā un sociālā, matemātikas, dabaszinātņu un tehnikas, kā arī profesionālā virziena programma.

Visiem virzieniem kopīgi ir šādi obligātie priekšmeti: latviešu valoda, pirmā svešvaloda, otrā svešvaloda (mazākumtautību skolās – mazākumtautības valoda), matemātika, vēsture, sports, biznesa ekonomikas pamati, lietišķā informātika. Papildus minētajiem priekšmetiem katra programma ietver attiecīgā virziena obligātos un izvēles priekšmetus.

Mācību gada garums ir 36 nedēļas no 1.septembra līdz maija beigām. Kopumā vidējās izglītības programmā trijos gados minimālais mācību stundu skaits ir 3150 stundas, maksimālais – 3780 stundas (30–36 stundas nedēļā).

Lai saņemtu atestātu par vispārējo vidējo izglītību, jānokārto ne mazāk kā pieci eksāmeni un četras ieskaites. Eksāmeni jānokārto latviešu valodā, izglītības programmu virzienam atbilstošajā obligātajā mācību priekšmetā, vienā izglītības iestādes noteiktajā mācību priekšmetā un divos izglītojamā izvēlētos mācību priekšmetos. Vidējās izglītības programma noslēdzas ar centralizētajiem eksāmeniem, un uzņemšana augstskolā notiek atbilstoši centralizēto eksāmenu rezultātiem.

Vispārējās vidējās izglītības standartu ietver arī vidējās profesionālās izglītības programmas, kuras ilgst četrus gadus pēc pamatizglītības ieguves.


Bakalaura un maģistra grādi ir gan akadēmiskajā, gan profesionālajā augstākajā izglītībā. Abu veidu bakalauriem ir tiesības stāties maģistrantūrā, abu veidu maģistriem (tiem pielīdzinot arī maģistra grādus medicīnā, zobārstniecībā un farmācijā – attiecīgi sešus un piecus gadus ilgas studijas) – doktorantūrā.

Akadēmiskās izglītības mērķis ir sagatavot patstāvīgai pētniecības darbībai, kā arī sniegt teorētisko pamatu profesionālajai darbībai. Akadēmiskās izglītības programmas tiek īstenotas saskaņā ar valsts akadēmiskās izglītības standartu.

Bakalaura grādu zinātnes nozarē (nozaru grupā) piešķir pēc akadēmisko studiju pirmā posma. Bakalaura akadēmisko studiju programmu apjoms ir 120–160 (180–240 ECTS) kredītpunktu (turpmāk – KP), no tiem obligātā daļa ir ≥50 KP (75 ECTS), obligātās izvēles daļa ir ≥20 (30 ECTS) KP, bakalaura darbs ir ≥10 KP (15 ECTS) un brīvās izvēles daļa. Studiju ilgums pilna laika studijās ir seši līdz astoņi semestri.

Maģistra grādu piešķir zinātnes nozarē vai apakšnozarē pēc akadēmisko studiju otrā posma. Maģistra akadēmisko studiju programmas apjoms ir 80 KP (120 ECTS), no kuriem ne mazāk kā 20 KP ir maģistra darbs, programmas obligātais saturs ietver attiecīgās zinātņu nozares izvēlētās jomas teorētiskās atziņas (≥30 KP) un to aprobāciju aktuālo problēmu aspektā (≥15 KP).

Profesionālās augstākās izglītības iestādes uzdevums saskaņā ar pirmā un otrā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības valsts standartiem ir īstenot padziļinātu zināšanu apguvi konkrētā darbības jomā, nodrošinot absolventu spēju izstrādāt vai pilnveidot sistēmas, produktus un tehnoloģijas un sagatavojot absolventu jaunrades, pētnieciskajam un pedagoģiskajam darbam attiecīgajā nozarē.

Bakalaura profesionālo studiju programmas apjoms ir vismaz 160 KP (240 ECTS): vispārizglītojošie kursi (≥15 KP), nozares teorētiskie pamati (≥36 KP), profesionālā specializācija (≥60 KP), izvēles kursi (≥6 KP), prakse (≥26 KP), valsts pārbaudījums, tai skaitā noslēguma darbs (≥12 KP).

Maģistra profesionālo studiju programmas apjoms ir vismaz 40 KP (60 ECTS): jaunākie sasniegumi nozarē, teorijā un praksē (≥7 KP), prakse (≥6 KP), valsts pārbaudījums, tai skaitā noslēguma darbs (≥ 20 KP), kā arī pētniecības, projektēšanas, vadības, psiholoģijas un citi kursi.

Profesionālajā augstākajā izglītībā ir ne vien bakalaura un maģistra programmas, bet arī citi programmu veidi:

1) otrā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības programmas, pēc kuru apguves iegūst CEDUC piektā līmeņa profesionālo kvalifikāciju. Programmu apjoms var būt vismaz 40 KP (60 ECTS) pēc bakalaura grāda ieguves vai vismaz 160 KP (240 ECTS) pēc vidējās izglītības ieguves. Programmas ietver praksi ne mazāk kā 26 KP (39 ECTS) apjomā un valsts pārbaudījumu, tai skaitā noslēguma darbu vismaz 10 KP apjomā;

2) pirmā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības (koledžas) programmas, pēc kuru apguves iegūst CEDUC ceturtā līmeņa profesionālo kvalifikāciju. Programmu apjoms ir 80–120 KP (120–180 ECTS), un tās pamatā ir paredzētas profesijas apguvei, taču to absolventi var turpināt studijas otrā līmeņa profesionālās augstākās izglītības programmās.

Doktorantūra. Kopš 2000.gada 1.janvāra Latvijā tiek piešķirts viena veida zinātniskais grāds – doktors. Uzņemšanai doktorantūrā ir nepieciešams maģistra grāds. Doktora grādu iegūst, publiski aizstāvot doktora disertāciju. Doktora disertāciju var izstrādāt triju līdz četru gadu laikā doktorantūras studiju ietvaros augstskolā vai arī pēc atbilstoša apjoma patstāvīgu pētījumu veikšanas, strādājot augstskolā, zinātniskā iestādē u.c. Doktora grāda piešķiršanas kārtību nosaka Latvijas Zinātnes padome. Doktora grādu piešķir Latvijas Zinātnes padomes apstiprinātas promocijas padomes.

Kredītpunktu sistēma. Kredītpunkts (KP) Latvijā ir definēts kā vienas nedēļas pilna laika studiju darba apjoms. Vienam studiju gadam paredzētais apjoms pilna laika studijās ir 40 kredītpunkti. Pārrēķinot Eiropas Kredītu pārneses sistēmas (ECTS) punktos, Latvijas kredītpunktu skaits jāreizina ar 1,5.

Atzīmju sistēma. Zināšanas vērtē, izmantojot 10 ballu vērtēšanas skalu:

 Apguves līmenis  Atzīme  Skaidrojums  Aptuvenā

ECTS atzīme

 ļoti augsts 10  izcili (with distinction)  A

 9  teicami (excellent)  A

 augsts 8  ļoti labi (very good)  B

 7  labi (good)  C

 vidējs  6  gandrīz labi(almost good)


 5  viduvēji (satisfactory)  E

 4  gandrīz viduvēji(almost satisfactory)


 zems  3–1  negatīvs vērtējums (unsatisfactory)


Kvalitātes nodrošināšana. Saskaņā ar Latvijas normatīvajiem aktiem augstskolas var izsniegt valsts atzītus diplomus, ja studijas ir notikušas akreditētā augstskolā, akreditētā programmā un augstskolai ir apstiprināta satversme. Kvalitātes vērtēšana ietver augstskolas pašvērtējuma ziņojuma sagatavošanu un ekspertu novērtējumu. Ekspertu grupās no vismaz trim ekspertiem tikai viens var būt no Latvijas, pārējie (vairumā gadījumu) – no Rietumeiropas un citām Baltijas valstīm. Lēmumu par programmas akreditāciju pieņem Akreditācijas komisija, bet par augstskolas akreditāciju – Augstākās izglītības padome. Akreditācijas pirmais cikls Latvijā noslēdzās 2001.gadā. Atkārtotiem novērtējumiem jānotiek ne retāk kā reizi sešos gados.


1. Par izglītības sistēmu –

2. Par augstskolu un programmu statusu –

School of Business Administration Turība68 Graudu str., Rīga, Latvia, LV-1058

The Diploma Supplement (PD C, No.1000)

This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the Supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international "transparency" and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, the reason should be explained.

1. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE HOLDER OF THE QUALIFICATION1.1. First name: Jānis1.2. Family name: Bērziņš1.3. Date of birth (day/month/year): 01/01/19891.4. Student identification number or code (if available): 010189-11223

2. INFORMATION IDENTIFYING THE QUALIFICATION2.1. Name of qualification and (if applicable) title conferred (in original language): doctoral

diploma, doctor of social sciences in communication science (51321)2.2. Main field(s) of study for the qualification: communication science2.3. Name (in original language) and status of awarding institution: SIA "Biznesa augstskola

Turība" (“School of Business Administration Turība” ltd) - institution of higher professional education.

“School of Business Administration Turība” ltd is a private, state recognised educational institution. “School of Business Administration Turība” ltd is entitled to run accredited programmes and to issue state recognised diplomas of higher education (Accreditation Paper No. 002, issued by Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Latvia, May 8, 1997), it is also entitled to run the licenced Doctoral study programme “Communication Management” (Licence No. 04036-27, issued by Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Latvia, June 5, 2007).

2.4. Name (in original language) and status of institution (if different from 2.3) administering studies: Refer 2.3.

2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination: Latvian, English

3. INFORMATION ON THE LEVEL OF THE QUALIFICATION3.1. Level of qualification: doctoral degree, highest level of ISCED3.2. Official length of programme, start and end date of the acquisition of the programme:

3.6 years, 144 Latvian credit points, 216 ECTS credit points3.3. Access requirements: Academic or Professional Master’s degree in humanitarian or social


4. INFORMATION ON THE CONTENTS AND RESULTS GAINED4.1. Mode of study: full-time studies4.2. Programme requirements: successful completion of all the compoulsory and optional study

courses included in programme; acquiring at least 144 credit points, including 80 credit points

for doctoral theses; passing two promotion examinations (in specialization and in foreign language); successful public defence of doctoral theses.

4.3. Programme details (e.g. modules or units studied), and the individual grades/marks/credits obtained (if this information is available on an official transcript this should be used here): The programme consists of the following basic parts: - Study courses; - Doctoral theses.

The programme includes: compulsory study courses (136 credit points, including 80 credit points for doctoral theses), including scientific work methodology and research methods, and higher educational institutions pedagogy and management (8 credit points); doctoral students theoretical seminar and self-dependent scientific research work (10 credit points); participation in bachelor and master programmes implementation (12 credit points); theoretical basic courses in the speciality (10 credit points); communication management study courses (14 credit points); foreign langugage (English/German) (2 credit points); optional study courses (8 credit points).

7.9. TranscriptParts Study-courses Credit-points Exam Type Grade

Latvian ECTSCompulsory Part Higher educational institutions pedagogy and

management 2.0 3.0 exam6 (almost good)

Compulsory Part Strategic issue management and communication management models 4.0 6.0 exam7 (good)

Compulsory Part Scientific work methodology and research methods 6.0 9.0 exam7 (good)Compulsory part

Foreign language 2.0 3.0 promotion exam

8 (very good)

Compulsory Part Doctoral students theoretical seminar and self-dependent scientific research work 10.0 15.0 testpassed

Compulsory Part Participation in bachelor and master programmes implementation 12.0 18.0 testpassed

Compulsory PartContemporary communication theories 4.0 6.0 promotion

exam8 (very good)

Compulsory Part Commercial and communication law 4.0 6.0 exam7 (good)Compulsory Part Business communication cultures 4.0 6.0 exam8 (very good)Compulsory Part Psychology of communication and management 4.0 6.0 exam6 (almost good)Compulsory Part Public administration and governmental

communication 4.0 6.0 exam7 ( good)

Compulsory Part Integrated marketing communication 2.0 3.0 exam8 (very good)Optional Part Economic analysis o the interaction between PR

and journalism 2.0 3.0 exam6 (almost good)

Optional Part Risk and crises communication 2.0 3.0 exam8 (very good)Optional Part Knowledge and innovation management 2.0 3.0 exam8 (very good)Optional Part Advertising and brand management 2.0 3.0 exam6 (almost good)Final Exam

Doctoral theses 80.0 120.0 test, public defence

achieved doctoral degree

Subject of doctoral theses: The transformation of communication functions of Latvian cinema.

4.4. Grading scheme and grade distribution guidance for the graduates of Doctoral study programme “Communication Management” in the study year 2008./2009.:

Grade Meaning Grade distribution

10 with distinction 2.33%9 excellent 16.84%8 very good 34.47%7 good 25.35%6 almost good 13.05%5 satisfactory 5.87%4 almost satisfactory 2.10%

3 unsatisfactory -2 unsatisfactory -1 unsatisfactory -

4.5. Overall classification of the qualification (in original language): not established

5. INFORMATION ON THE FUNCTION OF THE QUALIFICATION5.1. Access to further study: acording to the existing law is not granted5.2. Professional status (if applicable): acording to the existing law is not granted

6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION6.1. Additional information: --------6.2. Further information sources:

School of Business Administration Turība Academic Information CentreStudy Information Centre Vaļņu iela 2, Rīga, LatviaGraudu iela 68, Rīga, Latvia LV-1050LV-1058 Phone: 7225155Phone: 7622333 http://www.aic.lv

7. CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPPLEMENT7.1. Date: 01/06/20097.2. Signature: Antons Kiščenko ____________________7.3. Capacity: Rector, “School of Business Administration Turiba” ltd7.4. Official stamp or seal:

8. Information on the national higher education system.General education (overall duration – 12 years).After completion of compulsory basic education (9 years) four types of programmes are offered at

general secondary education (vispārējā vidējā izglītība) (grades 10–12): a general one or others emphasizing liberal arts and social sciences; or mathematics, natural sciences and technical subjects; or vocational subjects. Latvian language and literature, first foreign language, second foreign language (minority language in minority schools), mathematics, history, physical education, basics of economics and ICT are compulsory in all programmes. Each type of programmes has its own set of compulsory and optional subjects.

School year lasts 36 weeks (except examination periods) – from the beginning of September till the end of May. The total number of study hours in 3 years of general secondary education may vary from 3150 to 3780 (i.e. 30–36 per week) depending on the programme and individual choice of subjects.

To be awarded a certificate of general secondary education (atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību) candidates sit examinations in at least five subjects and pass/fail tests in up to four other subjects. Examinations are taken in: Latvian language, a compulsory subject of the particular programme, a subject chosen by school and two subjects chosen by the candidate. Leavers of 4-year vocational secondary education (profesionālā vidējā izglītība) have to pass a qualification examination and 4 centralised compulsory examinations (the same as after general secondary education) in order to receive a diploma on vocational secondary education. Centralized school-leaving examinations serve as a basis for the admission to higher education.

Higher educationAccess to higher (tertiary) education (HE). All holders of general secondary education certificates

and diplomas on vocational secondary education meet the general admission requirements. However, the universities are free to set specific requirements, e.g. to choose which subjects have to been taken at school level to qualify for admission to a particular programme.

 Grading system. The state standards for higher education set the following ten-point marking

bakalaurs (bachelor) and maģistrs (master) degrees are awarded both in academic and professional HE. Both types of bachelors are eligible for studies in master programmes and both types of masters (including holders of degrees in medicine, dentistry and pharmacy – 6 and 5 years respectively) – in doctoral programmes.

Academic higher education follows academic education standard and is aimed at preparing graduates for research and providing theoretical background for professional activities.

Bakalaurs (bachelor) degree in a branch of science is awarded after the first cycle of academic studies. Bachelor programmes comprise 120–160 credit points (180–240 ECTS) or 4–6 semesters of full-time studies. They include: compulsory part ≥50 CP (75 ECTS), optional part ≥20 CP (30 ECTS), thesis ≥10 CP (15 ECTS) and some subjects of free choice to earn the rest of necessary CP.

Maģistrs (master) degree in a branch of science is awarded after the second cycle of academic studies comprising 80 CP (120 ECTS), out of those thesis results in ≥20 CP, compulsory part includes theoretical aspects of the field (≥ 30 CP) and their practical application in solving actual problems (≥15 CP).

According to Standards of first and second level professional higher education, its aim is to provide in-depth knowledge in a field, enabling graduates to design and improve systems, products and technologies as well as to prepare graduates for creative, research and teaching activities in this field.

Professional bakalaurs (bachelor) programmes are designed to ensure professional competence, they comprise at least 160 CP (240 ECTS), out of those: general courses (≥15 CP), theoretical courses of the field (≥36 CP), specialization courses (≥60 CP), optional courses (≥6 CP), practical placement (≥26 CP), and state examinations including thesis (≥12 CP).

Professional HE programmes leading to maģistrs (master) degree comprise no less than 40 CP (60 ECTS), out of those: up-to-date achievements in the field – in theory and in practice (≥7 CP), practical placements (≥6 CP), state examinations including thesis (≥20 CP) as well as research training, courses of design, management, psychology etc.

Apart from the programmes leading to bakalaurs (bachelor) and maģistrs (master) degrees, there are other types of professional higher education programmes.

First-level professional HE (university college) programmes comprise 80–120 CP (120–180 ECTS) and lead to a CEDUC 4th level professional qualification. These programmes are targeted mainly at labour market. Yet, the graduates of the first-level programmes can continue their studies in second-level professional programmes.

Second-level professional HE programmes lead to a CEDUC 5th level professional qualification. Such programmes can comprise either at least 40 CP (60 ECTS) for holders of bakalaurs (bachelor) degrees or at least 160 CP(240 ECTS) for secondary school leavers. In both cases programmes should include a practical placement of at least 26 CP (39 ECTS) and graduation examinations including thesis (≥10 CP).

Graduates of programmes including the 70 CP (105 ECTS) compulsory part of the bakalaurs (bachelor) programme, have access to master studies.

Doctoral studies. From January 1, 2000 onwards a single type of doctoral degree Doktors (Dr.) is being awarded in Latvia.

Maģistrs (master) degree (or the equivalent) is required for admission to doctoral studies. Doktors (Dr.) degree can be achieved at public defence of a doctoral thesis which may be a result of three to four years of full-time doctoral studies at a university or an equivalent amount of independent research while working at a university, research institution etc.

Latvian Council of Science appoints promotion councils and sets the procedures for awarding doctoral degrees.

Credit point system. Latvian credit point is defined as a one-week full-time study workload. An average workload of a full-time study year in most HE programmes is 40 CP. Latvian credit point system is compatible with ECTS. The number of ECTS credits is found by multiplying the number of Latvian credit points by a factor of 1.5.

Grading system: a 10-point grading scheme for knowledge assessment.


 Achievement level  Grade  Meaning  Approx.

ECTS grade

 very high 10  izcili (with distinction)  A

 9  teicami (excellent)  A

 high 8  ļoti labi (very good)  B

 7  labi (good)  C


 6  gandrīz labi (almost good)  D

 5  viduvēji (satisfactory)  E

 4  gandrīz viduvēji (almost satisfactory)  E/FX

 low  3–1  negatīvs vērtējums (unsatisfactory)  Fail

 It must pointed out that approximation with the ECTS scale is unofficial and cannot be used for

official comparison with marks recorded in a Latvian education certificate or diploma.Quality assurance. According to Latvian legislation, state-recognized degrees/diplomas may be

awarded upon completion of an accredited programme in an accredited HE institution holding a state-approved Satversme (by-law). Quality assessment includes self-evaluation report by the higher education institution and peer evaluation. Evaluation teams consist of at least three experts, with only one from Latvia. In most cases the other two experts are selected from Western Europe or from the Baltic States. Decisions on programme accreditation are taken by the Accreditation Board, while those on institutional accreditation – by the Higher Education Council. The first accreditation cycle was completed in 2001. Recurrent assessments have to take place once every six years.

More information:

1. On educational system  

                                                                                        www.eurydice.org2. On status of programmes/institutions:





LatviaUniversity of

JyväskyläProgramme Communication

Science Organizational

Communication and PR

Degree awarded PhD in Communication



Enrolment requirements

Master’s Degree in social or

humanitarian sciences

Master’s Degree

Programme goals to educate highly qualified researchers

and teachers in Communication

Science, as well as highly qualified communication

professionals with internationally

recognised competence in

Communication Science and

internationally recognised doctoral


tertiary level studies to develop

independent and critical scientific

thinking in organisational

communication and public relations as well as prepare and publicly defend an

independent research based

scientific work in this field

Form and Duration of studies

3 years or 6 semesters of full

time studies; 4 years or 8 semesters of

part time correspondence


full time studies – no definite duration

Credit Points acquired

144 CP (216 ECTS) 240 ECTS

Individual Research and Doctoral theses

compilation of doctoral thesis and submission to the

promotional council - 100 CP (150

compilation of doctoral thesis – 210


ECTS), 8 CP (12 ECTS) for

independent studies and research

Acquisition of pedagogical skills

obligatory study course in Tertiary

education didactics: contemporary

theory and practice” (4 CP – 6 ECTS), 14 CP (ECTS) for

participation in implementation of bachelor and post

graduate study programmes

not foreseen

Comparison of study courses with SBAT

1) similar proportion of

obligatory research preparatory courses (research strategy

and methodology in Communication

Science) and doctoral thesis (independent

research) in the programme that

includes regular and obligatory

theoretical seminars with scientific

advisor and participation of

study programme management in

discussing, advising and supervising the

doctoral thesis;2) similar stress on

development of different branches in

Communication Science except that

the SBAT programme foresees

possibilities for specialising in a narrower field;

3) difference is the

1) similar proportion of

obligatory research preparatory courses

(theory and philosophy of

science, quantitative and qualitative

research methods) and doctoral thesis

(independent research) in the programme that

includes regular and obligatory

theoretical seminars with scientific

advisor and participation of

study programme management in

discussing, advising and supervising the

doctoral thesis;2) similar stress on

interdisciplinary studies and

development of different branches in

the field of Communication Management;

3) difference is considerably smaller

absence of Communication

Management study courses in the

obligatory part of University of Latvia programme and the

non inclusion of library sciences,

information science theory and

communication ethics in the elective

part of SBAT programme

proportion of study courses acquired

(only 20 – 30 ECTS), however study courses in

theory and basics of research

methodology are obligatory

Distribution of study courses in blocks

1) compulsory part in the University of Latvia programme –

122 CP (183 ECTS), SBAT

programme – 136 CP (204 ECTS);

2) restricted optional part of

University of Latvia programme – 22 CP

(33 ECTS), free optional part of

SBAT programme – 8 CP (12 ECTS);

3) similar proportion of

doctoral thesis – 100 CP (150 ECTS)

foreseen in University of Latvia programme and 80 CP (120 ECTS) in

the SBAT programme

1) greater flexibility in organisation of study programme,

involving the Methodology Centre

of the Faculty of Humanitarian Sciences and

doctoral schools on a nation wide scale

in the implementation of compulsory study courses, especially courses in research

methodology;2) doctoral students have an individual

study plan and similar plan is

foreseen in the new doctoral study

regulations at SBAT

On the whole, it can be concluded that the doctoral study programmes analysed are very much similar, except that the University of Jyväskylä and SBAT programme are more orientated towards Communication Management and University of Jyväskylä programme foresees a greater scope for compilation of doctoral thesis according to the tradition in continental Europe.