Prof. Wang Qiong( Center for Educational Technology Peking ...

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Transcript of Prof. Wang Qiong( Center for Educational Technology Peking ...

Prof. Wang Qiong(汪琼)Center for Educational Technology

Peking University(北京大学)

1Asian Region Open courseware and Open education,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

What is the difference

Does the CIE achieved its

What is the next steps ofdifference

between CIE with MIT


achieved its goals set by


next steps of CIE in PKU?

OpenCourse-Ware ?

2 Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 3

一流教师队伍It should be

一流教学内容The content


一流教材The textbook

一流教学管理With students

taught by a team. One

professor is the team leader.

should be update in time,

no error

centered, inspirational,

with ICT

should be authoritative,reviewed and comments by

grade books for at least 3 years,

students evaluation

peers results

4Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

granularitygranularity WorkloadWorkload


May not be a normal course, sometimes a Heavy workload

Chinese CIEChinese CIE group of courses, or resource tank

The daily used normal coursesMIT open-

coursewareMIT open-


As the usual way

5 Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

Why the CIE was built in this way?Why the CIE was built in this way?

(十二五)Best courses



(十一五) 5 –first class criteria for courses in E ll F


Coursewares(九五) Courseware for

(十五)Courseware for online users,E-booksN C t

Excellence. For campus students and more

single user96750 projects

New Century Cybercourses

6Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 7

Goals of CIEGoals of CIEGoals of CIEGoals of CIE

pay more attention to teaching quality

cover the core courses for each majorscover the core courses for each majors

enhance the accessibility of the best

University evaluation system

Instructional quality ensure system


y y

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2




Building for exhibition, not for students

sharing with conditions38.9 37

sharing with conditions11.113

agree soso notagree


• Description of the contents50.8

26.5Seldom used by students

9 Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2


From the exhibition viewThe course materials do not update in time The course materials are not integratedThe course materials are not integrated

From the usable viewCopyright make the materials not easy to be adapted

A reasonable solution:Course owner just show what he/she is teaching based on some criteria given by MOE master plan for easy to use interfaceSome agents to reorganized and reproduce the courses materials for better sharing for other learners

e.g. China National Curriculum Resources Center, some websites for special usser

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 10

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 11

“using technology to Change the courses”---Hybrid instruction and blended learning

Setting up different websites for different purposes

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 12

(十二五)using technologies toBest courses


(十一五) the 2st university with 87

ti l l l

technologies to change courses, such as new course material


Best courses

Coursewares(九五) We have

(十五)Courseware for network users,E b k

national level courses in excellence

with inquiry questions, homework using subject softwarewonderful item tanks

for math, physics, chemistry, etc.

E-books subject software,


1 Collect Subjects used software1. Collect Subjects used software Professors give the software lists

2. Buy Campus use licensesCourse


y pCIO office buys subject software for campus users

3. Train teaching with technologyg gyCenter for Educational Technology gives pedagogical

training and supports

4. change the teaching methods


g gProfessors find out which content and which activities needs technology supports.

Eg. Course videoIntegrated course recording into CMS automaticallyIntegrated course recording into CMS automatically----- for courses learnersPKU Educational TV Channel(Broadcasting viaPKU Educational TV Channel(Broadcasting via network and cable TV) ---- for exhibitionPKU opencourses website---- for VOD usersPKU opencourses website for VOD usersPrepare for Graduate School Entrance Exam website---- for students preparing for PKU graduate schoolp p g g

Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2 15

Prof. Wang Qiong(汪琼)Center for Educational Technology

Peking University(北京大学)

16Asian Region Open courseware and Open education,Taibei,2010.11.1-2

P f W Qi (汪琼)Prof. Wang Qiong(汪琼)Center for Educational TechnologyPeking University(北京大学)Peking University(北京大学)

17Asian Region Opencourseware and Openeducation,Taibei,2010.11.1-2