Prof. Dr. sc. Vesna Pusić

Post on 16-Dec-2016

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Transcript of Prof. Dr. sc. Vesna Pusić



14 January 2016


Further to the joint letter of the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council dated 15 December 2015 (Al70/623-S/2015/988), and in line with General

Assembly resolution 69/321, we have the honour to forward a communication received from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations presenting Ms. Vesna Pusi6 as a candidate for the position of Secretary-General.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of our highest consideration.

H.E. Mr. Mogens Lykketoft

President of the General Assembly

To all Permanent Representatives

to the United Nations New York

" '

~,_e, ',PERMANENT. M;ISSION OF TBI!>, RE~t.rQdC?r(;R~t~r~T.o.tii~t.1Nli~ri NATIQN$; ,

~ :. s::;r:'~"U;o~1: FfJ:·.· .' •••... · ..•• · .• ·.f~;·~m~~~;~t~I . '.'. ,:'.' ...... : '.,:: .. ;.

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.: ~ '.: ',' ' ..

No. 212016


The Permanent MissiolfOi the ,:Reltubltc6[ Cro'q#~tQjj1t~,OnJtedNati(ms present~its dompfiments to' Their Excellencies the p;'e~itli{rit,o:fthe.Q~h~r.aIAsse.mblyMr;' MogehsLykketofti ,and the Rre{fidento/ the SeQutity Council,U,..· EipiO:1?os$~iti;qfj4htif.uR(ihlhe tnsttuctlohQ!its Government/the hr.jfl'or to iflciudehei.(Mith'ciletler ,oJlJ.i~1t:kc'~ll.¢.nbyMr.Zot{iflMilah.OviC; the, Prime Urn/stet of the. Republic ofCroatiti,conternfijg:thWlJ9ipinaiitm·o!.fler Exc~/le.ncy Ms;, Y~snq , Pusic, the First Deputy Prime J4tnt$t~r.Ci.n4M.intstef,.ii{Fo~ti~~andE~topean, AffairS of the Republico! Croatia, for the post' afthe .secretary GeneraliJ!th¢,Unite4 Nation$.. , the· o/Ms. Vesnfi Pusic IS annexed to this letter. " '

H.E. M.r. Mog~ns;J .. yklcetoft President o/the'atAssembly Uliited!l{ations'

H.~ Mr.E/bio RQsselll Presid.ent oftlt~ Security Council . Uizited Nations ,.

Detl/'lv!t: I:ykketoji) . DcaI' lvlr.· ROJ.wl/i, .'

.. fl(}r. IhcpaJtjo/ll''y(!m:r 2ktJ·;'P;'l{ith((,\"9~~t'/)iI14ijtgtLJ/d./ffNq~fh~)\lt!tiJ:tf)*.ilI~n!{~!t(I:Ilt1· .. BlltopctI1/ ./Ijj(rit~\'I' .t1ll4/orJhcillJ'lt/,iri!i! a'~dl~;'(4$.~· 'tb(o.jj({CRflb~.I;'t!'}il?Hj)/I!yPrl111<r· NUllistl1t' . qlthlo' R/1}/,blif.' o/Croati{i . ...,'" .... .. ' .. ' ." .... ' .. '

[/I. h,r !Cdllft p'.lb.' Ph,j D~Pjl!1·1)riiJ'/!yJi.@;fliJi!~1iskroj1!.rejt/llilJdE!'1"P'4Q.AjfoirJ' .f Iltl btl.r bi'm(l.,pcda/iJ ({(1tl)(! 017 (hlf}(!lop,)J1eI11:,:h)~~i,(hJ~(r:tiiilli fW~ lJlI(1ttllt r{g11~J i;\'~'lIeJ, AjJarlim/Clf" .flmlJ' ilthcl' u(ork bas .b(I(ljIOlllh(Je./Jtf!ot~~}?tlPl'tqlWo()i«li/'H(Lf!/fill:.~met'Mljt i'tP~.rAf(Jlljl.itt <l1trl Ira lI.ritio.ll .rot"tn/ies,· t'i Ioptl:, ivbit'b s# ;r(ml~~!:}! adl!iktJi.¢d' bdtliilil/iJt!N:,tilld t/)Q,B tJ ft;d!!/¢W()~~,.· .

. . ... . ... ", ! . . .

. H. E. MI'. M(1ge1ls Lyl{k&(il!J··.···· ••....... Pr(?$idento[theGmieral A.s$em~ly· . United Nations. . ' ..

H. E •. Mr. ElbioRQs$~lli·.. . . I?residClltdfthe Seourity CQinif;U' Uilited NCltions


B Minister of· ForE!ignal1cJEUr()p~~~,Aff~lrj,Fir~f.)~6'(atv PdfneMlrijst~rQ~overnmerit of the Republic ottroatl~ ... .... ... .... . .. ...

• Member of the troatiariPat.iam~ri~>

. o Chairwoman of the 'Nati6ri~I:~Q~~'tij~~"t6;Monit();ingt~e EU· 'Actessjon N~90tlation .. '.. . . .. .

Professor ·01' SoCiology and .. Poiiticallh'~9ryliQill~~~~ityofZa'~reb EcJucatlon (I 6AUniversrtY()fZa~r~~~:J~76;;;S9~i619~yah(jPhiIO$bphY

e phD Uriiversityof4~gfe6/i,19a1"-$o~i<?l~gy


• Ul)lversity ofCtlICag(j(USA)i.·i974,..:SQ9i'otOgy '-".semesterstuCly

c HUrrlPhreY.FeIIOW/;'PQ$td~~tdf:~iPr6gr~rr1:,~Am~rlCari .Uhlverslty,· Washington, . DC .. i 984/85:"Mi:lri~~em~nt ofHU,manResoWces .

My professIonal career hasdeVElIopeoih three'$reas;

• Academia and sClet1tltltfeSearcl:'i ,- ' '. '::: '":,:,':>. '--'--':.':."'":, .::. -'"'- . .

-.' Non,.governmentaLs~¢t9,rof .sodar~Gtivl!ilm

-Polities-Government' . ' , , .: ','.'" ',::-':':., .. '.. ': . .

Over timet .worked .. in tb~s~thr~e.areasconsecut,lveIY, but they l:l.lso ove~lapped and I had been actiVE:! In mor~thalldneareasln1ultaneously. My experience in one area definitely Informed anCflpftuen9~~my Work In the others, Which created more of a synergy than an orderlyC:hronology.

My cicademlcand$Glent!fi~Careerstarted In 1975.andlasted until 2010. However, the lastl())yeats-2000 to,'2010 ... we're the years where I focuSed more (Jnpolitlc~/WhllestlIIteachingattheUnlverslty of Zagreb.·

My first NGO was aiso.theflrstfeminlst~roUPlnforiner Yugoslavia, which I started with 6QtherlA/()mepiri 1979~ Ih,19~,2 I co:"fbund.ed and became dlrectofof the ErasmLJ~ Gulld., anongoverl1~,ent, nqn-partisan think-tank for the cultureofdeI11Qcracy.rhethlnk-tCli1k was active from 1992 to'1998. In thatcap~c:lty ·lwClsthepl.lblis~erof ERASMUS, a journal promoting the c\.llture ofderoocraw; . . .' . .

I entered politlcsih>2000when I was .first electedanMP. I haVe since served both In the legislatiVe and the executive branches.·· .

Academia Bild' .. S~Jetltiflc . R~search

Non ... goverh-mehtal . Sec.torof social' Activism·


..... ':'

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·~~~Jay~~~tllh~~~~~~~;~~;~f:t'~t:iit!ti~~~:l~i.~;~y, · . i~~~"t:l:;;~W4\~J.'~t!{~~t~~~~~¥cu~'0~~o(~~te~; • 1998:· elected to f~IIJ1Ir;¢fesso):'I'eeaclilng .courses In. Sociology of PbJ/tlcs and j

Theories ofln(jusffr;art?einocr~cx. ': .' " '.

'.~ ... :~,~g.iO::S6,'r~i~~i!Y·~J~~,~~t!}t~tinJS)'~·~f~9~~ butrt~ Durin' the cour~eofm·"r.QfesslonaFi¢a'teet1·rhave'~ltnetled'or· artlei ated iii a

n~m§ii{~iflii'~Yt!~l~\'li~~i~ . ereubll hed .ln~.bo6K;the't~aders.ahdthe·Man·ets NovlUber . !9~2. p ..... S.. '::Y"'';i; :.' '<;;i;':~":/·" . .;'< .:<a()" .:'. .... . .. ' I

• In 1995/96IcQ.QrdIO~~p:~h;;:¢.m·P.lrl~~L.res¢arch ::pfOJe.cton'dOnilnant pollticalt reU~f()qsifa ,i#lf.YjW9rR;~~d,'E!'i'lY·1 r.c?nm:~~ta r vallies iii Croatia, which. W£!S a par(: of the gI9P~IWorldv.~/ueS£itv.eY$.tarted:17 bythi:! Institute: of 'Soqlal, ·~El~¢at¢h. ·at.:the:lJniY~r~lty' Qf Michigan.' rhl$rI3S~arch became part ofalatger<ptoject :~ffolf hlGro~tla,entltl~d A New 'Agenda for a New Deirroqracy.· ...• . . .. . ..' . .

• .' wCJ.m.n ~nd :~~¢.ie,ty+ JrL197~, toget.tier wlthsixqther w.ome~>statted the·flrst· feitllh,st grol)p.ih,tM'fotrn.¢rY~g9$I~vi~,;A~ that time JEiiminlsrn. was seeri both. poiitlc~iJYahd,so¢J~JI.y:a~ v~ty'CQn~rqy~r~iai ;13.ut po.!ltltal.pressure and i;lttaCks: .. ~r.eated.theOpPQslte.· ~ffe<;t· a:n~ the'grqup attracteds!firilflcant IntetestanCtg-rew'q u.lckIY~.$ltjc~iat' ·tHat tlrri~N$os were UhkriQWhand none}(lst~l'!t rriY.4gdsl~vla~W~.:wer~,:~I$.p~s~e~~$lnega.l· and: threatened with· formalactlbh. The:droatlari>Sb~iol6.giCaiA~sodatiOCl offered' to host us as part: tir th~fractlYltl~~~n4.fhelnl~I~~iv~'$~r\fi"ed wlthl!1ttj~t framework.·It bec:~methE;! se'n1In~1 Wom~n'~and femliilstorganii~tloniritrb~tl~'fOryear:s to come. . '., . . .

~ Er"!$mu$ .Gulld '- in~99iJ cQ'~fo~h~ed and' 'became director of the ~ra$n1il§ GuiJd,~. ripng:overnml\'!nt,~pn~p~' 'think-tank fcif :the culture ofdenio¢racy. fhethlrik~tan.k.wa~r?ictly~ from 19.92 to>.i998. Erasmus Guild pu~lish~d ap6Iitl~UQurrial~EAAs'Mus~ a series ofbboks on poiltlcal clIlture,demQcraqi a.n.c;lpoH~I¢altransltioo,as well a$organlzed a number

. of round-'tabhison varlQus,pplltltal '!)sues~·:An Ouractlvl.tles.focused .on advocating dialogue an.d fli1dhigpeacef~j solutions for the wars that at'that time rage(i In' Croatia andE3osnliH-ieriegdvina. We also provided a critical analysis of authorlt£uian regimes of the 1990sboth In Croatia and other

Politics .

. Guest lectureships and . professional councils

Publications' . Books

. . ..

countrieS.ln •. the'::f~9iqh':FI9Htit1· ·;:~xtr~menatiohaliSrTll'ii1.''th~.Jal!··~tl:~93 Era~mll.~ .. ,.org~(li~7,9.·,tb~'r9ub'~~ •. ' .' ·,.· .. · •. di$·C;!J.s$·19n·'·«$ertis.al1c1Srq~ts».jt~as thefir~lmE3~tll'1~,()fJ9t~li~~tyais;:,:~IYn.$qc:.I~.f}/Jepr~$~riti3tiy~*~nd. .·Cathqlic and ... ()·:'Croatia'·a:nd$erbJai~inc.e.tN~ •. b~gln!lirJ9 ofthe\Nar)f,q~9y~ar~;,~rg~m9' .' ,.' . ·1,~~d'<rs~,rorlg,~pigE3:in.¢~Q,~tia~g~ll1st

.authQrltal'i.~nI!?,IJ1,,··~x~t~m~'ha't,IO ., ...... ',ab~w~n:lt'w~s':s~rpr19IYGritlc,zed:~y the •• ,a utho ritiEl~~':b~tlr~.rsg;pr(@., .... : d',p.pgSI tii.l~, Influer~eo'l'lth~'chatlges!.that started In tbeseigO~~r~ff,?:m~Q6$' .(, . .••.•.. .. ' '.

~. : M I nlsterqf~()r~19b'!'~h~"'r:M:~9'R~~6i;~ft~'frsl )fit§t~~$#9t~Pdrhe:MJ rjl~t~rl . Gdverhmehtdf.theRe .i.ibIIC'of<sroatia<,·i

. ...• . . .••.. .....: ,;:<,"X":;'~'~'.:;"'\'<; }:: '.' '.' . . "" ..•. i'"

o MerTi bet()fqrq~tJ~n;~~rli~m~n',:el~.. . ",20001 ;i'Qoj,Moi?Jlla:2'Ql i; . o· .Mer.Dp~r. •••. :Qf," .. :fqr~i~.~ .• ·· •.• ··'· .·l:8.~:rnift~~, ••• "·.EdrQP§~:n; •.• 'il1i%Qr~tion

cprnmlttee':FotDrJ1it~~¢"onth;~ .. ··.c;P.!i$(i~l1ti.dri,.· .• ?t.i:I,Htlin~pf~i$"$9I1d J?Olitj¢~[·:~¥15t~m/·········:l)efen~~'.'i'C.()rilrnjtt¢ei.· .•.•... .Jolnt ••• · •• i~C)rU.ame.ntaiy c()rt1mlttee:7ro;ji,ai"Ep;:, < .••.••••....•.. ......, ......) . . .. i·... . ".> ..

o ... De.pufYSp·eake.rofthe.Cro('ltlarrRarHamel1t2003;;.,;ZOoi;

o '~dd~~:d~.N0JgJt~fi.O~:t~%n~*· •• _'~%~titte~· •• ·;:for··" .·M6hit6flhg. the ····EU

6· pa.tll~nient~&fI6o.r · .• "le~d·¢t:·'6.f .•• ·Crbatla~··. P~()P!e/S,' , .. p~ rty"g·roup .. ', n ··the· 'c:roatla'nParliarrfent2QQ:O "?qP~r:2q07 '-"'49l1; . .

~. Vice~pre.sid~otof:EL,[)R(ElJr6P~~~FLihei~l:den1oEra:t,and· Reform· party)··-

elected. fortwot~rrns; .' . '. .' . . . .... . .....•.•...... '" .••. '.' ...... '. . . ........ .... ....•. . e leader, ~r9atlanp¢ople/s partYI2b9P~.2008,~013 "'"present;

1992 to 1997 -. n1~~ber of the Jolnf¢bmml,t~ee .forEa$tetnE~r()pe of the AmerICaJlCou~cil()f'L~arne.9S9cl¢tr~s.,M~~perofthe.ResearchCo.uncil of the International ~orumfor Democrati¢ Studies. ,

G .1 • have. lect,ur('3d .. at "the'Unlve~sItY8f '¢hicas§; .·the,Amerlcan • University, Was~ingtori, ·O.C;i The. NewSch9ol .. f9r>!:)ocic!lR~search,N,y,;'Cornell VnlversltYi IfHaCar,N,V.iThe Wilson. Center,. W9shlngton, .. ,D.C.; the International'"De.n10,crat1c ForlJll1' <WaShington, D.C;.tl1e, Foreign Service InstltutejU.S;Qept. of State aod.gavetalks·at a number of other European and American InstltutlOlls. '., . .

. , ........ ' .. '-' . '":... . ," .

• During the aCader't!lc'lear 1996197 I Was the'E,L,WfegandDistlngulshed VlsltlngPrQfessorof: D~moGrati.?:atlonat <Georget9wn University, . School of Foreign Service, Wqshirtgton, D;C. '.. . . . '.' '.

• Ispentth~acaqeml~ye~r 1984/a5i~tthe School of International Service; The Amerlc~n Unlv§lfsity, Washingtqn, D.C,~s aH. H.Humphrey Fellow .speCiallzlhginman~gemeht of hUman resourceS. .

• In 1980 I taY9Ktat theSl9~nSchool of M~nagelllent at M.!.T.(MCissachusettslnstituteofTechnology)

II Demoetac;es and Dlctator~hlps, Outieux, 1998 . ... The Leaders and theMiinqgers,Novl Uber,199Z. • Industtfal Democracy andCiv;i $oclety,Socl.6Iosko drustvo Hrvatske, 1986 ..

Other • Industrial Deinocracy1nf;utope, Clarendonflress, Oxfordi 1981. (co-author) .. European Industrial Relations, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1981. (co'-author)

II Author of approximately 50 Scientific and professional articles In domestic and international journals .