Prof. Ashraf Husain. Arrhythmia is defined as irregular impulse formation in the form of rate,...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Prof. Ashraf Husain. Arrhythmia is defined as irregular impulse formation in the form of rate,...

Prof. Ashraf Husain

Arrhythmia is defined as irregular impulse formation in the form of rate, conduction or change in interrelationship of timing of R-R interval

Change slope Symp.

Change thrashold

Phase 4 change in slope. PS

Change in RMP

Atrial re-entry Atrial tachycardia Atrial fibrilation Atrial flutter

AV Nodal re-entry Supraventricular tachycardias

AV re-entry (Aberent) WPW synd. Supraventricular tachy

Ventricular re-entry Ventricular tachycardias

many go unnoticed and produce no symptoms

palpitations - ranging from ³noticing´ or ³being aware´ of ones heartbeat to a sensation of the heart ³beating out of the chest´

if Q is affected (HR > 300) - lightheadedness and syncope, fainting

drugs & electrolyte imbalances - antiarrhythmic drugs, hypokalemia,imbalances of calcium and magnesium

very rapid arrhythmias u myocardial oxygen demand r ischemiaand angina

sudden death - especially in the case of an acute MI‡ mechanism differentiation from ECG very difficult to impossible