Production schedul5

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Production schedul5

Production Schedule

Documentary Title: Pressure on Teenagers from the Media: Appearance

Job Role: Filming Gabbie as Presenter and Aman as a ‘College Student made famous by her Instagram’

Production Team: Maisie, Emily, Gabbie and Aman

Models/Subjects: Presenter of Documentary (Gabbie) and College Student (Aman)

Location: Refectory and Reception of Solihull Sixth Form College

Props: Chair, table, sofa, tri-pod, camera, headphones, clip microphone

Costume: N/A

Make-up: N/A

Time: 1:20pm

Transport: N/A

Catering: N/A

Instructions: Collect equipment. First we will film Aman, sat on a sofa, waving to the camera in the reception of college. Then we will film Gabbie at a table in the refectory introducing the next part of the documentary. Maisie will film.