Production process – documentary

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Production process – documentary

Production process – Documentary

The first thing I did for the documentary was open the soft wear and click on file witch brought me to this.

From there I scrolled down to open project to open the different clips that I wanted to use.

From here the soft wear took me to my documents to open my different clips to select the ones I wanted to use.

From here I opened all of the interviews, cut aways and achieve footage I wanted to use.

From here we added our voiceover in and put this behind our clips we had to make sure the relevant clip was on the right part of the voiceover.

If some of our clips where to long and ran over the voice over we had to select edit and then go down to cut. To change some of our clips.

We used the black and white tool to change the clips to create an edgy atmosphere and to fit our older target audience.

From here we had to add effects and remove effects on some of our interviews if there was issues with the lighting or the mise en scene .

To make sure there was no jump cuts we had to make sure all of are clips where fluent with no gaps. To do this we brought all our clips together and made sure they where aligned properly.

When editing our text for the tag lines we had to double click on the image to get to the text tool from here we would click the T button and make a text box from here you could make different texts with different fonts and sizes

Lastly when we finished editing our documentary we watched it as a group from start to end and made sure it ran smoothly with a duration of the first five minutes