production log ident

Post on 09-Feb-2016

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production log ident

Transcript of production log ident

production log 5/11/12 this is my first post for my production log. in my lessons today i completed some test footage on after-effects, this was done to test my skills on it as i will use after effects for a small part of my advert. i also tested google earth and street view to see the differences between two, as i will use on of them in my ident. production log 8/11/12 in todays lesson i have been able to book to actors for a day of filming, this was done by getting the involved partys to sign a release and consent agreement meaning they give permission to be filmed. i have also taken the process of booking the equipment for a certain time and date for filming, meaning that next week i should be able to commence filming of the ident. production log 12/11/12 for these lesson i spent it completing pre production that needs to be done before starting to film any footage, once the paperwork is complete i can begin filming. production log 15/11/12 i have used todays time in order to shoot footage for my ident, due to me also shooting footage in my spare time it meant that i was able to complete shooting today, i was also able to capture my footage onto a laptop, meaning that the next step is editing the footage. production 19/11/12 today i started to edit my footage to see what can be used, this was done in conjunction with a footage log which documents all the footage, time codes and how the quality is. production log 15/11/12 i have used todays time in order to shoot footage for my ident, due to me also shooting footage in my spare time it meant that i was able to complete shooting today, i was also able to capture my footage onto a laptop, meaning that the next step is editing the footage, production 19/11/12 today i started to edit my footage to see what can be used, this was done in conjunction with a footage log which documents all the footage, time codes and how the quality is. production log 22/11/12 in these lessons i have continued to edit my footage for my ident to see what is the best available, i also started to use colour correction which helps to change the footage for if example, it is too dark or to bright. production log 26/11/12

in these lessons i have continued to edit my footage for my ident to see what is the best available, i also started to use colour correction which helps to change the footage for if example, it is too dark or to bright, which thus makes footage they may have not been used, to a higher quality. production log 17/12/12 for the lesson today i edited the soundtrack to make it sync to the footage, and also to make an after-effects to go on the end of the footage which will show the tallis tv logo. Production log 20/12/12 For the lessons today I finallised by ident, this was done by syncing the soundtrack into the footage, when this was completed I uploaded it onto youtube and then onto my own personal website.