Product Items, Lines and Mixes. Oh My!

Post on 19-Aug-2014

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Marketing 6621

Transcript of Product Items, Lines and Mixes. Oh My!




Companies often have

more than one product.

These products can be

broken down into items,

lines, and Mixes.


LINE is a group of closely related

products manufactured by a



For Example The company Rubbermaid

has a product line of brooms.


ITEM is a specific model, brand, or

size of a product within a line

of products.


For Example Armani’s Slim-Fit Suit in

Chintzed Wool, is just one

product from a line of suits.


M I X is all the types of products a company makes or sells


For Example John Deere has a wide range of products for lawn care, farming, and construction.


W I D T H is the number of different product lines a company is producing.


Product WIDTH

A company’s

Product WIDTH

is considered NARROW if it has few product lines.

A company’s

Product WIDTH

is considered NARROW if it has few product lines.

A company’s

Which benefits the company by being simple, cost efficient, consistent, and puts an ease on management.

For Example Pedigree could be considered to have a narrow product width because its product line is only food for dogs.

Product WIDTH

A company’s

Product WIDTH

is considered BROAD with the more product lines it has.

A company’s

Product WIDTH

is considered BROAD with the more product lines it has.

A company’s

Which benefits the company by appealing to more markets and adding competitive advantages.

For Example Johnson & Johnson have a broad product width because they have a many product lines including nutritional snacks, first aid and skin care products.

Product Depth The number of items

offered within each

product line.

For Example Adidas has a deep product mix because it offers many styles and sizes of shoes within their shoe product lines.

Why is this Important?

Businesses must plan their

product mix carefully because they

cannot offer all the products that

customers may want.

They have to find the product

mix that allows them to be

profitable in the market place