Process production of my contents page jack

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Process production of my contents page jack

I started off with a blank page and then made text boxes

and picture boxes. I made these so I had guidelines of

where I wanted what. I inserted columns therefore this would

be where my writing would go.


e tool

Text box


To add the grey background I had to draw a giant picture box to fit

the screen, then added the colour. To get it behind the picture

boxes and text boxes i had to ‘send it to back’

This is


colour I




To add the writing I had to put it onto a Microsoft Word

document and then save it as a 2003 version therefore i could

then import it onto Quark. To import it I had to make a picture

box, right click and then import picture.

For the dropquotes I had to Copy and paste the text onto

photoshop and then made the circles. To get the circles under the

text i had to right click and ‘send to back’

To add the standfirst I made a text box and then wrote what I

wanted to write



For the Masthead I made it on photoshop. ‘Jack Coggins- What

Next’ is on one layer and the ‘?’ is on a separate layer. I put them

on separate layers so I could make the question mark stand out

and be different. I then therefore linked them together and then

saved it.

For the main image I took of Jack, it was normal colour.

However i then photoshopped it to make it black and white to

make it fit in with the other pictures on my contents page and

also it looks much more ‘cooler’