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(Present : Anupama TV IAS)

Order No: WCD/NNM3/30941/19 Date:09.12.2019

Subject: Department of Women and CItild Developnient- National Nutrition Mission- allotrnent of Salare (Consolidated pay) of District and Block staffs -Sanctioned -Order issued- Reg

Rei: l)GO(Rt) 640/2019/SJD dated :08.10.20192 jOrder No WCD-NNM1/9989/2019 dated:29.10.2019

As per Government of India guidelines district and block leve! staff has to be recruited for thè implementation of Poshan Abhiyaan in thè stale. Summary of staff joined for thè Rollato .Pathanainthitta .Kottavain , Alapuzha .Idukki, Emakulam Thrissur and Kozhikode are as follows.




Block Project Assistanl Total

Koilam 1 1 1 1 6 19Pathanamthitta 0 1 7 0 8Kottayam 0 1 9 10 20Alapuzha 1 1 11 6 19Idukki 0 1 7 4 12Emakulam 1 1 1 1 3 16Thrissur 0 1 10 5 16Kozhikode 0 1 J 4 8Total 3 8 69 38 118

As per ref (1) eited an amount of Rs 719.04 Lakhs has sanctioned for pay meni of remuneration to thè District and Block leve! statfs on National Nutrition Missìon (Poshan Abhiyaan). As per vide ref (2) ciled it vvas authori/ed thè district program officers for disbursing thè salare lo thè staffs at District leve! and that of block leve! staffs by respective CDPOs.

Amount required for paying thè remuneration io thè district and block level staffs fromNovember 2019 to March 2019 are annexed herewith.

Sanction ts accorded for allotment of Rs 92,49,367/- (Rupees Nìnety Tvvo Lakhs Fort) Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Seven only) for payment of remuneration to thè district andblock level staffs joined at Koilam .Pathanamthitta .Kottayam , Alapuzha , Idukki, Ernakulam Thrissur and Kozhikode districts to thè respective District program officers and CDPOs as per directions given by vide order no WCD-NNM 1/9989/2019 dated:29.10.2019. District program officers and CDPOs shouid disburse thè salary based on thè attendance of respective staff. Bifurcation of thè amount for District and Block Level Staffs are follows.

Districi l.cvel Staff*District Salarvi?)Kollam 1.93.200Pathanamthitta 75,600Kottayam 74.400Alapuzha 2,25.800Idukki 75,600Ernakulam 1.92,600Thrissur 72.000Kozhikode 84,000


Block Level Staffs (Districtwisc)I

District Salarvi?)Kollam 12.65,667Pathanamthitta 5.96.000Kottayam 13,31,833Alapuzha 14,86,167Idukki 8.41,667Ernakulam 10.67.333Thrissur 11.00,000Kozhikode 5,67,500


Program officers has to submit thc details of remuneration disbursed sat districi and block level bcfore 5lh every month to this onice.

The expenditure for this purpose shall be met from thè funds allotted under head of account no 2235-02- 102-28(P) for thè current financial year.


Director of VVomen and Child Devclopment

To, Program ofTicers :Kollam .Pathanamthitta .Kottayam , Alapuzha .Idukki,Ernakulam Thrissur and Kozhikode Copy to:

1) Suprintendent A section (For allotment)

2) Stock Filc/Spare

By Ordcr/T?' L "

i ■' JProgram Offieer


X -


D is tr ic t SL NO N a m e D e sig n a t io n

S a la ry P e r M o n th

D a te o f Jo in in g

N u m b e r o f D a y sW o rk e d For N o v e m b e r

N etS a la ry F o r T h e M o n th N o v e m b e r

D e c e m b e r to M a rch 2 0 1 9

1 Sruthi Vinayak District Cordinator 30000 02.12.2019 - - 1,20,000

K o lla m

2 Sujith P S District Project Assistant 18000 29.11.2019 2 1,200 72,000D istr ic t L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 ,9 3 ,2 0 0

3 Varghese Michel Block Cordinator 20000 29.11.2019 2 1,333 80,0004 Ahalya Rani T Block Cordinator 20000 29.11.2019 2 1,333 80,0005 Shyni B Block Cordinator 20000 27.11.2019 4 2,667 80,0006 Safiya Shoukath Block Cordinator 20000 27.11.2019 4 2,667 80,0007 Fathima T Block Cordinator 20000 27.11.2019 4 2,667 80,0008 Preetha Gladson Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,0009 Mahesh M Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,000

10 Ajithkumar A Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,00011 Haritha S Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,00012 Varun V R Block Cordinator 20000 03.12.2019 - - 80,00013 Santhosh Kumar S Block Cordinator 20000 03.12.2019 - - 80,00014 Divya R Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00015 Susan M Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00016 Leo Bernard Block Project Assistant 15000 27.11.2019 4 2,000 60,00017 Sanju S Block Project Assistant 15000 27.11.2019 4 2,000 60,00018 Shebina S Block Project Assistant 15000 03.12.2019 - - 60,00019 Dhanalekshmi S Block Project Assistant 15000 03.12.2019 - - 60,000

B lo ck L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 2 ,6 5 ,6 6 7

T o ta l 1 4 ,5 8 ,8 6 7

P a th a n a m th itta

1 Neethumol P District Project Assistant 18000 25.11.2019 6 3,600 72,000D istr ic t L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 7 5 ,6 0 0

2 Remya Raveendran Block Cordinator 20000 23.11.2019 8 5,333 80,0003 Ashwin Ajayakumar Block Cordinator 20000 25.11.2019 6 4,000 80,0004 Ajmal Ahamed Block Cordinator 20000 22.11.2019 9 6,000 80,0005 Bhavya Raj Block Cordinator 20000 26.11.2019 5 3,333 80,0006 Shahana Nooh Block Cordinator 20000 22.11.2019 9 6,000 80,0007 Sreekanth M Block Cordinator 20000 23.11.2019 8 5,333 80,0008 Bipin Mohan Block Cordinator 20000 22.11.2019 9 6,000 80,000

B lo ck L eve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 5 ,9 6 ,0 0 0T o ta l 6 ,7 1 ,6 0 0

K o tta y a m

1 Karthika MR District Project Assistant 18000 27.11.2019 4 2,400 72,000D istr ic t Leve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 7 4 ,4 0 0

2 Anumol Joseph Block Cordinator 20000 30.11.2019 1 667 80,0003 Athira S Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,0004 Richu George Block Cordinator 20000 30.11.2019 1 667 80,0005 Sreeprabha K M Block Cordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0006 Saranya Snehajan Block Cordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0007 Beema Rahim Block Cordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0008 Anirudh S Nair Block Cordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0009 Athira S Kumar Block Cordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,000

10 Sreekanth R Block Cordinator 20000 03.12.2019 - - 80,00011 Anusree S Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00012 Alex John Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00013 Aswathy Lai Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00014 Alphy Augustine Block Project Assistant 15000 28.11.2019 3 1,500 60,00015 Lisha Mathew Block Project Assistant 15000 29.11.2019 2 1,000 60,00016 Akhila Rajan Block Project Assistant 15000 29.11.2019 2 1,000 60,00017 Mincy M Chandy Block Project Assistant 15000 30.11.2019 1 500 60,00018 Princy Susan Varghese Block Project Assistant 15000 02.12.2019 - - 60,00019 Sruthy P A Block Project Assistant 15000 03.12.2019 - - 60,00020 Jerin Joseph Block Project Assistant 15000 02.12.2019 - - 60,000

B lo ck L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 3 ,3 1 ,8 3 3T o ta l 1 4 ,0 6 ,2 3 3

1 Manu M District Cordinator 30000 11.11.2019 20 20,000 1,20,0002 Lekshmi V K Pillai District Project Assistant 18000 08.11.2019 23 13,800 72,000

D istr ic t Leve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 2 ,2 5 ,8 0 03 Haroon H Block Cordinator 20000 04.11.2019 27 18,000 80,0004 Soumy S Block Cordinator 20000 04.11.2019 27 18,000 80,0005 Nikhil Lai Block Cordinator 20000 05.11.2019 26 17,333 80,0006 Reshma S B Block Cordinator 20000 05.11.2019 26 17,333 80,0007 Remya R Pai Block Cordinator 20000 05.11.2019 26 17,333 80,0008 Akhila V Nath Block Cordinator 20000 06.11.2019 25 16,667 80,0009 Aswany S Kumar Block Cordinator 20000 06.11.2019 25 16,667 80,000

A la p p u zh a 10 Nikhitha Narayanan Block Cordinator 20000 07.11.2019 24 16,000 80,00011 Agra S Mahal Block Cordinator 20000 11.11.2019 20 13,333 80,00012 Simsalas K R Block Cordinator 20000 13.11.2019 18 12,000 80,00013 Preenu B Block Cordinator 20000 13.11.2019 18 12,000 80,00014 Sreelal V H Block Project Assistant 15000 06.11.2019 25 12,500 60,00015 Tinu Cyriac Block Project Assistant 15000 06.11.2019 25 12,500 60,00016 A lish aTS Block Project Assistant 15000 07.11.2019 24 12,000 60,00017 Aswathy S Block Project Assistant 15000 08.11.2019 23 11,500 60,00018 Sibi V X Block Project Assistant 15000 08.11.2019 23 11,500 60,00019 Anish H Das Block Project Assistant 15000 08.11.2019 23 11,500 60,000


B lo ck L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 4 ,8 6 ,1 6 7T o ta l 1 7 ,1 1 ,9 6 7

1 Neethish Thankappan District Project Assistant 18000 25.11.2019 6 3,600 72,000D istr ic t Leve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 7 5 ,6 0 0

2 Manu Raj Block Cordinator 20000 25.11.2019 6 4,000 80,0003 Akhil Karnan Block Cordinator 20000 23.11.2019 8 5,333 80,0004 Rahul Devadas Block Cordinator 20000 22.11.2019 9 6,000 80,0005 Abdullah T B Block Cordinator 20000 25.11.2019 6 4,000 80,000

Id u k k i 6 Divya Jose Block Cordinator 20000 25.11.2019 6 4,000 80,0007 Juncy George Block Cordinator 20000 26.11.2019 5 3,333 80,0008 Shamnas Salim Block Cordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,0009 Merin Paul Block Project Assistant 15000 25.11.2019 6 3,000 60,000

10 Josna George Block Project Assistant 15000 25.11.2019 6 3,000 60,00011 Tessy Mathew Block Project Assistant 15000 23.11.2019 8 4,000 60,00012 Vincent P D Block Project Assistant 15000 25.11.2019 6 3,000 60,000

B lo ck L e v e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 8 ,4 1 ,6 6 7T o ta l 9 ,1 7 ,2 6 7

1 Prince Jose District Cordinator 30000 02.12.2019 - - 1,20,0002 Agnes Romeo Miranda District Project Assistant 18000 30.11.2019 1 600 72,000

D istr ic t L ev e l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 ,9 2 ,6 0 0

3 Saran Sankar Block Coordinator 20000 30.11.2019 1 667 80,0004 Harikrishnan V Block Coordinator 20000 26.11.2019 5 3,333 80,0005 Anjana Vijayan Block Coordinator 20000 29.11.2019 2 1,333 80,0006 Neethu R Block Coordinator 20000 28.11.2019 3 2,000 80,0007 Diya George Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,000

E rn a k u la m 8 KN Manshad Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0009 SanaIKumar KB Block Coordinator 20000 03.12.2019 - - 80,000

10 Chinju K S Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,00011 Jijo MP Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,00012 Reshmi T Ramdas Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,00013 Rahul AjayKumar Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,00014 Sarath M Sivadasan Block Project Assistant 15000 03.12.2019 - - 60,00015 Prince Francis Block Project Assistant 15000 03.12.2019 - - 60,00016 Soumya P S Block Project Assistant 15000 02.12.2019 - - 60,000

B lo ck Leve ! S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 1 0 ,6 7 ,3 3 3

T o ta l 1 2 ,5 9 ,9 3 3

1 Vishnu Prakash M District Project Assistant 18000 05.12.2019 - - 72,000D istr ic t L eve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 7 2 ,0 0 0

2 Radhika Menon Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0003 Ajaya P Block Coordinator 20000 02.12.2019 - - 80,0004 Sreejith T S Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,0005 Vijayakrishnan T K Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,0006 Likhi K B Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,000

. 7 Sanjay P S Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,0008 Prince N P Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,0009 Jeffy Jose M Block Coordinator 20000 04.12.2019 - - 80,000

10 Krishna Radhakrishnan Block Coordinator 20000 06.12.2019 - - 80,00011 Goreesh V G Block Coordinator 20000 06.12.2019 - - 80,00012 Sajith A R Block Project Assistant 15000 02.12.2019 - - 60,00013 Aiswarya K M Block Project Assistant 15000 02.12.2019 - - 60,00014 Sreekavya E K Block Project Assistant 15000 04.12.2019 - - 60,00015 Sajith K Block Project Assistant 15000 05.12.2019 - - 60,00016 Renju R Block Project Assistant 15000 07.12.2019 - - 60,000

B lo ck Leve l S ta ff 'sT o ta l S a la ry 11,00,000T o ta l 1 1 ,7 2 ,0 0 0


1 Anu Mariya C J District Project Assistant 18000 11.11.2019 20 12,000 72,000District Level StaffsTotal Salary 84,000

2 Josna Krishna Block Cordinator 20000 07.11.2019 23 15,333 80,0003 Sukrithy Block Cordinator 20000 07.11.2019 23.S 15,667 80,0004 Sakkiyudheen M S Block Cordinator 20000 08,11.2019 22.5 15,000 80,0005 Aswathy K Block Project Assistant 15000 08.11.2019 23.0 11,500 60,0006 Neethu MC Block Project Assistant 15000 11.11.2019 20 10,000 60,0007 Suhaib P Block Project Assistant 15000 11.11.2019 20 10,000 60,0008 Sameer K Block Project Assistant 15000 12.11.2019 20 10,000 60,000

Block level StaffsTotal Salary 5,67,500Total y................................................................................................................. A * V.. i . ......... 6,51,500Grand Total .................................................... ....... ...................................................m c ~ 92,49,367

For Director; Women and Chìld Deveiopment