Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair...

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Transcript of Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair...


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs


1. Purpose

2. Scope

3. Applicability

4. Types / Categories of Work

5. Authorization to Work Permit

6. Work Permit Validity Period

7. Training

8. Competency

9. Documentation

10. Communication

11. Co-ordination

12. Planning

13. Preparation

14. Gas Testing

15. Hazard / Risk Assessment

16. Cross Reference

17. Isolation

18. Procedure for Issuing Work Permit

19. Responsibilities

20. Verification and Monitoring of the P.T.W. System

21. Appendix (for reference)

22. Applicable Regulations

23. EHS Contacts


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs


The use of this Permit to Work (PTW) system is for ship repair activities. This document

looks at the format of the work permit, regulations and procedures governing their


The Permit to Work (PTW) system is a written document which authorizes persons to carry

out the work, warns of possible dangers and clearly states the precautions to be taken for the

job to be carried out safely. The work permit ensures that full consideration is given to the

hazards and risks, and that these are properly dealt with prior to the commencement of the


A written Permit to Work (PTW) system provides formal written procedures and formal

actions to ensure that non-routine; potentially hazardous activities are carried out safely as


The type of non-routine work for which work permit procedures are normally required

include maintenance and repair, inspection, testing alteration, construction, reconstruction,

dismantling, adaptation, modification and cleaning by EHS approved ship repair/specialized

companies. All non-routine jobs carried out on board vessels shall hold valid permit from

TRAKHEES EHS approved ship repair surveyor.

Written work procedures, with a specific permit to each type hazard, reduces changes of

misunderstanding and ensure that supervisors take account of all foreseeable circumstances

which could arise during the repair activities concerned.


The Scope and key functions of Permit to Work (PTW) system are:

Ensuring the proper authorization of designated work. This may be work of certain

types, or work of any type within certain designated areas, other than normal operations.

Making clear to people performing the work the exact identity, nature and extent of the

job and the hazards involved, and any limitations on the extent of the work and the time

during which the work may be carried out.

Specifying the precautions to be taken including safe isolation from potential risks such

as hazardous substances and energy sources.

Ensuring that the person in charge of a repair job is aware of all the work being done.

Providing not only a system of continuous control but also a written record showing that

the nature of the work and the precautions needed have been checked (at the work site)

by an appropriate person or people.

Providing for the suitable display of permits.


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Providing for the procedures or arrangements for work activities that may interact with

or affect any of these activities.

Providing a formal hand-over procedure for use when a permit is issued for a period

longer than one shift or when permit signatories change.

Ensure that a second and third opinion is obtained, where necessary, to prevent errors of

judgment or taking of short cuts which may increase the risk.


Permits to Work (PTW) system should be considered whenever it is intended to carry out any

repair jobs on board vessels within PCFC jurisdiction which may adversely affect the safety

of personnel, the environment or the plants and equipment’s associated.

This Part shall apply only to the following types of work that are carried out in relation to a

ship in Port or in a Shipyard (including a ship under construction).

Specified Cold Work

Any sort of Hot Work

Any sort of Confined/ Enclosed Space Entry.


Permits to Work (PTW) system shall be applied to below types of work

Cold Work.

Hot Work.

Confined / Enclosed Space Entry

4.1 Cold Work

The below stated jobs are categorized under cold work and permit shall be obtained

for performing any of the mentioned jobs on board. The box “Cold Work” will be

ticked on the permit to indicate it is a Cold work.

Dismantling /Testing of Pipes & Valves


Working at heights

Chemical Cleaning

Or Any Work which cannot create a source of ignition.

4.2 Hot work

Work involving sources of ignition or application/generation of heat or temperatures

or sparks sufficient to cause the work ignition of a flammable gas mixture. This


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

includes any work requiring the use of welding, grinding, burning or soldering

equipment, blow torches, power driven tools, portable electrical equipment which is

not intrinsically safe or not contained within an approved explosion proof housing

which need hot work permit. The box “Hot Work” shall be ticked / selected on the

permit to indicate it is a hot work.

4.3 Confined Space Entry

Entry into an area on a vessel or vessel section or within a shipyard such as, but not

limited to: cargo tanks or holds; pump or engine rooms; storage lockers; tanks

containing flammable or combustible liquids, gases, or solids; rooms within buildings;

crawl spaces; tunnels; or access ways, a Confined space entry permit shall be obtained.

The box “Confined Space Entry” shall be ticked / selected on the permit to indicate it

is a Confined Space Work.


A Permit to Work (PTW) system can only be authorized by an Approved Signatories, as

defined below;

“Issuing Authority”- Master of the Ship if repair works in ports or Trakhees-EHS Approved

Project Manager/Project Engineer/Safety Officer (Applicable for Shipyards Only).

“Performing Authority”- Responsible Ship Officer (if repair works in ports) or Trakhees-

EHS Approved Ship Repair Company Supervisor

“Surveyor”- Trakhees-EHS Approved Ship Repair Surveyor.

“Competent Authority”- Representatives from Trakhees-EHS Ports Department.

No authorized signatory can sign for both the issuing authority and the performing authority.


The Work Permit for cold work, hot work, and confined space entry should be valid for

Maximum 24 Hours only. The permit shall be extended by appending duly filled

revalidation data and adhering with the safety arrangement stipulated in the work permit.

Work Permit can be renewed /revalidated to a maximum of 7 Days from the date of issuance

by renewing at 24 hours maximum interval from the time of first issuance

The Issuing Authority, Competent Authority, and Port Control have all rights to stop the work

at any time in case of any change in conditions of the work site or if performing authority is

not complying with the precautions stated in the PTW.


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All concerned personnel (as stated below) shall mandatorily attend “EHS PTW Training for

Ship Repair” to approve themselves by TRAKHEES EHS Dept to be an authorized signatory.

Training shall be renewed once every 2 years in line with the company Certificate of

Approval (COA).

Issuing Authority (Project Manager/Project Engineer/Safety Officer)

Note: “Master of Ship” Excluded from Training.

Performing Authority (Ship Repair Company Supervisor)



8.1 Surveyor: should be able to demonstrate knowledge and competence in the following


The repair process taking place on board.

Potential hazards existing.

The means of mitigating the hazards before issuing a permit.

The specific responsibilities associated with issuing permits.

Applicable legal requirements.

EHS rules and local rules applicable to the operation of the Permits to Work

(PTW) system.

The use of all the different forms and records associated with the Permits to

Work (PTW) system.

Communication skills (bearing in mind multi language locations).

Confined space entry requirements

Properties, analysis and limits of various Flammable and Toxic gases present.

Usage of the Gas Monitors and Tank Scope

8.2 Issuing Authority: should be able to demonstrate knowledge and competence in the

following areas:

Potential hazards associated with the repair process.

The precautions required before commencing work.

EHS and Local rules applicable to the Permits to Work (PTW) system.

Details of the documentation involved.

The specific responsibilities associated with being an Issuing Authority.

Action to be taken in an emergency situation.

Communication skills (bearing in mind multi-language sites).

Confined /Enclosed Space Entry Requirements


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8.3 Performing Authority: should be able to demonstrate knowledge and competence in

the following areas:

The repair process taking place on board.

Potential hazards existing

The precautions required before commencing work.

Details of the documentation involved

The specific responsibilities associated with being a Performing Authority.

Action to be taken in an emergency situation.

Communication skills (bearing in mind multi-language sites).

Confined Space Entry requirements

All other members of the workforce who are required to work within the Permit to

Work (PTW) system should receive instructions on the specific procedures as they

apply on the installation where they are to work. This should consist of a general

overview of the Permits to Work (PTW) system and their specific workforce member



The Permits to Work (PTW) system will include critical procedures and it is therefore

important that the documentation associated with the Permits to Work (PTW) system be given

a suitable level of importance. The following points shall be confirmed during the process.

The Permits to Work (PTW) system documentation should be:

Specific and well detailed for the type of work to be carried out.

All required fields shall be adequately filled in as per the requirement.

Any overwriting or changes shall be counter signed by the Responsible Persons.

All relevant supporting documents shall be attached along with the original permit.


The importance of effective communication within the Permits to Work (PTW) system cannot

be overstated. Due to the number of people who may be involved in the work and the

potentially large number of interfaces, this is one of the most important areas of the system.

Areas of specific emphasis include:

Performing Authority shall state clearly the exact nature and scope of the work, the

number of workers, different trades and special tools involved.

Surveyor shall communicate clearly the potential hazards at the worksite, the

precautions he has taken and the precautions to be taken by the person in charge of the


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

work. He should also ensure that any other person(s) who may be affected by the work

is informed.

Issuing Authority shall communicate clearly to the members of his work party the

information received on hazards and precautions and the action required in the event

of an emergency. Issuing Authority should inform Surveyor, if there are changes in the

work conditions which may affect the validity of the permit at the time of

opening/renewing permit.


It is important to ensure that work activities, requiring Permits to Work (PTW) system, are

planned and coordinated in order to avoid risks caused by simultaneous activities. This

coordination is best achieved by having one person, usually the Safety Officer, control the

permits to work. On major repair jobs it may be necessary to delegate this responsibility to

more than one person. The delegated responsible persons would be responsible for the single

point coordination of work activities within their own well defined areas and for informing

others where the work may infringe on another area. The Safety Officer should retain overall

responsibility for coordinating activities between the different delegated areas.


Careful planning of work requiring a Permit to Work (PTW) system should take place to


Appropriate approval for the work.

All persons in charge of areas which may be affected are made aware and hence

take precautions against possible interaction with other work activity.

Sufficient time to identify all potential hazards, implement precautions and prepare

the worksite.


13.1 Preparation before Issuance of Cold Work Permits.

Lines, valves and any other equipment may have to be completely depressurized

and drained before work on them can be started. Connected piping may require

isolation by blinding. All necessary bleeders and vents shall be opened before a

permit is issued.

Some of the more important aspects are listed on the work permit form such as:

Equipment isolated from motive power: electricity/air/water and tagged.


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PPEs: hard hat, safety shoes, coverall, safety spectacles for all and welder’s

PPEs, BA, Airline etc. provided

Equipment/pipeline/drained/water flushed/gas freed/purged/inerted /water

filled and made safe.

In case of scale: Pyrophoric substances removed, contained and kept wet.

Proper work platform/access/emergency exits provided.

Adequate suitable lighting for the job and for emergency provided.

Safety belt/full body harness/life jacket provided for persons working at


13.2 Preparation before Issuance of Hot Work Permits.

The list of typical hot work is attached in the appendix for ready reference. The

persons authorized to issue hot work permits are personally responsible for ensuring

that the site, the equipment, vessels, lines or other equipment covered by the permit

are properly prepared to eliminate the risk of fire explosion or exposure to toxic


Any precautions required must include such items as :

Disconnecting lines, blinding and isolation.

Freeing the equipment of product and/ or gases.

Cleaning and removal of flammable/ combustible materials.

Determining the suitable location for welding or other hot work equipment.

The covering of sewers, ditches or drains/ vents etc.

Removal or wetting down of scaffolds, asbestos and wooden floors, decks

and platforms.

Making provision for fire protection and fire guards as appropriate/ necessary.

Authorized person, prior to the issue of the hot work permit shall carry out a

gas test.

Note that if hot work is not started within one hour of satisfactory gas test, or has

been discontinued for that period of time, then other test shall be carried out unless

specifically authorized by the issuing authority and / or the performing authority.

13.3 Preparation before Issue of Confined Space Entry Permits.

The persons authorized to issue hot work permits and cold work permits are

personally responsible for ensuring that the confined Space covered by the permit

are properly prepared to eliminate the risk of fire explosion or exposure to toxic


Any precautions required must include such items as


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Before any enclosed space is entered, it should be well ventilated by releasing

as many openings as possible. Ventilation should be continuous where

possible because in many enclosed spaces the hazardous atmosphere forms

again when the flow of air is stopped.

Isolating the space whereby the space is removed from service by one or more of

the following:

Locking out electrical sources, preferably at disconnect switches remote from

the equipment.

Blanking and bleeding, securing valves – cargo, steam, ballast, inert gas

system, Pneumatic, hydraulic and fuel oil lines, etc. The inert gas branch, cargo

lines and heating coils should be blanked off.

If workers are to enter a tank or space with an inert gas arrangement. The

appropriate blanking is to be checked at each tank if entry is required while

inerting, or if gas freeing of other tanks is taking place, or if any other tanks are

inerted or contain hydrocarbons.

An alternative to pipe blanking is to remove a section of the branch line.

Disconnecting mechanical linkages on shaft-driven equipment where possible.

Securing mechanical moving parts in enclosed spaces with latches, chains,

chocks, blocks, or other devices.

It’s important that the workers are warned that the space is enclosed and that entry

requires an entry permit and authorization to enter. Performing Authority shall

ensure that appropriate warning signage is used.


Permit to Work (PTW) preparation may involve a consideration of the likely presence of

flammable or toxic gases, or oxygen deficiency/enrichment, at the worksite. Where such a

consideration is necessary then gas testing should be undertaken.

Gas tests carried out prior to entry into the space should reflect the contaminants that can

reasonably be expected to be present within the space, taking into account the previous

cargo carried, ventilation of the space, coatings in the space and any other relevant factors.

When preparing for entry into a ballast tank or void space where hydrocarbon vapors may

not normally be present, it is prudent to test the space for hydrocarbon vapor or H2S if the

space is adjacent to a cargo or bunker tank. This is particularly important if entry is being

made to investigate the possibility of bulkhead defects.

Testing shall be conducted by the EHS Approved Surveyor during cleaning or cold work to

assure that air concentrations are Under 1% for vessels (other than tankers) and 0% for

Tankers of the Lower Explosive Limit and within the PELs and below IDLH levels.

Factors such as, but not limited to, temperature, volatility of the residues and other existing


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conditions in and about the spaces are to be considered in determining the frequency of

testing necessary to assure a safe atmosphere.

Flammable vapor is maintained under 1% for vessels (other than tankers) and 0% for

Tankers of the Lower Explosive Limit; and Spaces containing highly volatile residues may

require additional ventilation and continuous monitoring to keep the concentration of

flammable vapors under 1% for normal vessels and 0% for Tankers of the Lower

Explosive Limit and within the permissible exposure limit.

Persons involved in gas testing should be adequately trained in the use of gas testing

equipment, and in the interpretation of results.

The responsibility of what to test for, where to take samples, and the minimum number of

samples to take should lie with the permit issuer. Gas testing should be done as close to the

commencement of work as possible.

Results of any gas testing should be recorded and timed, and entered on the permit - if

levels change during the work, the permit should be suspended.

Test(s) Permissible entry level

Percent of oxygen 19.5% TO 23.5%

Lower flammable limit (LEL) Under 1% for vessels (other than Tankers) and 0% for Tankers

Carbon monoxide +35 PPM

Hydrogen Sulfide +5 PPM *15 PPM

* Short-term exposure limit : Employees can work in the area up to 15 minutes.

+ 8 hour Time Weighted Average : Employees can work in the area 8 hours (longer

with appropriate respiratory protection).

14.1 Potential Gases present in Enclosed Spaces

Respiratory hazards from a number of sources could be present in an enclosed space.

These could include one or more of the following:

• Hydrocarbon vapors, such as butane and propane.

• Toxic contaminants associated with organic vapors, such as aromatic

hydrocarbons, benzene, toluene, etc.

• Toxic gases, such as benzene, hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans.

• Oxygen deficiency caused by the presence of inert gas, oxidation (rusting) of

bare steel surfaces, or by microbial activity.


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• Solid residues from inert gas and particulates, such as those from asbestos,

welding operations and paint mists.

14.1.1 Hydrocarbon Vapours

During the carriage and after the discharge of hydrocarbons, the

presence of hydrocarbon vapor should always be suspected in enclosed

spaces for the following reasons:

• Cargo may have leaked into compartments, including pump

rooms, cofferdams, permanent ballast tanks and tanks adjacent

to those that have carried cargo.

• Cargo residues may remain on the internal surfaces of tanks,

even after cleaning and ventilation.

• Sludge and scale in a tank that has been declared gas free may

give off further hydrocarbon vapor if disturbed or subjected to a

rise in temperature.

• Residues may remain in cargo or ballast pipelines and pumps.

The presence of gas should also be suspected in empty tanks or

compartments if nonvolatile cargoes have been loaded into non-gas free

tanks or if there is a common ventilation system which could allow the

free passage of vapors from one tank to another.

Toxic contaminants could be present in the space as residues from

previous cargoes, such as benzene or hydrogen sulphide.

To be considered safe for entry, whether for inspection, cold work or

hot work, a reading of less than 1% LFL must be obtained on suitable

monitoring equipment.

14.1.2 Toxic Gases Benzene

Checks for benzene vapor should be made prior to entering

any compartment in which a cargo that may have contained

benzene has recently been carried. Entry should not be

permitted without appropriate personal protective

equipment, if statutory or recommended TLV-TWAs are

likely to be exceeded. Tests for benzene vapours can only

be undertaken using appropriate detector equipment, such as

detector tubes.

Detector equipment should be provided on board all vessels

likely to carry cargoes in which benzene may be present. Hydrogen Sulphide

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is present in crude oils in varying

concentrations. Where the concentration is high, the crude is


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

often referred to as ‘sour’ crude. H2S may also be present in

fuel oil and bitumen products.

H2S is very soluble in water. General practice and

experience indicates that washing a tank with water after

carrying a cargo containing H2S should eliminate the

hydrogen sulphide vapour within the space.

However, prior to entry into an enclosed space which has

previously carried oil containing H2S, or where the

presence of H2S vapor may be expected, the space should

be ventilated to a reading of less than 1% LFL on a

combustible gas indicator and tested for the presence of

H2S using a gas detector tube. Care should be taken not to

rely on the use of catalytic H2S sensors which may have a

cross sensitivity with hydrocarbon vapor. Since H2S is

heavier than air, it is very important that the bottom of any

space is thoroughly tested.

When carrying a cargo containing H2S, particular attention

should be given to the possibility of the presence of H2S in

locations, such as pump rooms, deck stores and in ballast

tanks. The presence of H2S in ballast tanks has a high

probability due to the gas being drawn into the tank when

DE ballasting during the loading operation. Mercaptans

Mercaptans are present in the vapours of pentane plus

cargoes and in some crude oils. They may also be present

where oil residues have been in contact with water for

extended periods.

The presence of Mercaptans can be detected by the use of

chemical detector tubes. Their concentration should be

reduced to 0.5ppm to avoid discomfort to personnel and

nuisance smells.

14.2 Oxygen Deficiency

Before initial entry is allowed into any enclosed space, the atmosphere should be

tested with an oxygen analyzer to check that the air contains 21% oxygen. This is of

particular importance when considering entry into any space, tank or compartment that

has been previously inerted. Lack of oxygen should always be suspected in all

enclosed spaces, particularly if they have contained water, have been subjected to

damp or humid conditions, have contained inert gas or are adjacent to, or connected

with, other inerted tanks.


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

14.3 Products of Inert Gas

By-products of combustion when inert gas is produced from boiler flue gas or from an

inert gas generator include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that may be present in cargo tank atmospheres

following gas freeing and in spaces containing components of the inert gas plant.

Carbon dioxide is not toxic but presents a smothering hazard. Adequate ventilation is

required to maintain a normal oxygen level in air of 21% by volume in the space and

to eliminate any hazard.


A critical element of the Permit to Work (PTW) system preparation stage is an assessment of

the hazards which may be associated with the work to be undertaken.

Such assessment should be carried out by the Surveyor, in conjunction with the Performing,

and Issuing Authority.

The following principles to be assessed:

Precise details of the work to be undertaken should be obtained from the task


Consideration should be given to any safer alternatives, either in terms of the timing,

or the intended method of performance of the work.

The “process” hazards should be considered. This will include a consideration of

hazards associated with the material being handled, and of process equipment.

The practical difficulties of carrying out the work should be assessed, if necessary

consulting the discipline specialists undertaking the work.

The possible impact of the work on the surrounding environment should be assessed.

Potential hazards to the safe execution of the work arising from the surrounding

environment should be similarly considered.

From the assessment of the hazards involved, the precautions which will have to be

taken to enable the work to be carried out safely may be deduced.

Stated below the list (not limited to) of critical hazards which shall be assessed:

Liquid or gas under pressure. Radioactivity.

Toxic materials. Moving Machinery.

Corrosive materials. Equipment generating sparks.

Flammable materials. Crane operation.


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Hot materials. Pressure testing.

O2 deficiency. Adjacent operations.

H2S area. Wind, weather, sea state.

Naked flames or arcs. Danger of falling. Working at heights

Flying particles or sparks. Access/egress.

Electricity Confined space.

Explosives. Substances harmful to health.


The objective of a cross reference is to ensure that no interaction takes place between work

activities which might endanger the safety of personnel. The surveyor should, by knowledge

of work going on in his area of responsibility, be aware of potential interaction when issuing

different permits for the same piece of equipment or system, or where there may be potential

conflict with adjacent work activities.

Such situations shall be minimized by careful planning and suitable precautions which should

include an appropriate method of cross referencing the different tasks.

It may be that the interacting activities are covered by separate surveyors, in which case close

co-ordination shall be done.


An essential ingredient of any safe system of work is the method and integrity of the isolation


The isolation principle to be adopted, prior to carrying out maintenance or repair, will be

determined by a number of factors e.g. potential for pressure, dangerous substances, lack of

oxygen, moving machinery etc.

It is beyond the scope of this document to provide guidance on the isolation required for each

potential hazard. Each company should develop its own isolation procedures to be adopted

depending on work activity and risk involved.

The following additional points should be considered within the isolation procedures:

Complex isolations should be planned and recorded on a working drawing. This should

be discussed between the person issuing the permit and the person in charge of the work

to ensure all isolation points are clearly understood and agreed.

The marked up drawing should be readily available to all concerned, consideration

should be given to attaching a copy to the permit.

Isolation procedures should include all energy sources, i.e. mechanical, electrical,

hydraulic pressure, oil, gas, water etc.


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Isolation should only be applied and removed on instruction from the person making the

permit (Surveyor).

If more than one task is to be carried out on the area or piece of equipment, there is a

risk that on completion of one of the tasks the isolations are removed and the equipment

is put back into service.

Controls should be in place to prevent premature de-isolation where dual tasks are



18.1 Issuing of Work Permit:

EHS Approved Ship Repair Surveyors shall initiate work permit and it should contain

the following information:

a. Craft, section, or contractor doing the work.

b. Type of work, and limits of work area.

c. Description of work to be performed.

d. Date and time of permit validity.

e. Indication that all checks and safety precautions are taken.

f. Any further special steps to be taken.

g. Appropriate box “Cold Work”, “Hot Work” “Confined Space Entry” shall be

ticked to indicate the type of permit.

EHS Approved Surveyor personally checks all items entered in the permit before it is

issued. The performing authority then checks all items entered in the permit and makes

sure that the area / equipment / apparatus is safe for his personnel to work in. Then the

permit (Cold Work, Hot work, and Confined Space Entry) will be submitted to the

Issuing authority for approval.

Once the Issuing authority approves the permit the performing authority can start for

execution of the job.

After a permit has been issued it is the responsibility of the performing authorities

whose craftsmen are performing the work, to ensure that all instructions and/or

limitations entered on the permit are being complied with.

After issuing the permit, the issuing and performing authority shall continue to be

responsible for the conditions prevailing throughout the validity of the work permit.

Should any changes occur in the conditions from those that have been defined on the

permit, then issuing authority shall / cancel the permit and all the concerned parties are

informed. And shall ensure a new permit has been issued upon the conditions are made

safe to carry out the proposed work safely

The permit shall be prepared in triplicate and distributed as follows:


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Original (White) : Work Site/ Location of Work.

First copy (Pink) : Surveyors

Second copy (Blue) : Port Control/ Harbor Master/ Marine department.

18.2 Permit Book

Each permit book contains 25 permits and each permit consists of 6 papers (including

the color copies for distribution).

18.2.1 Permit Book Structure

Page 1 - Original (White) covers the following sections

Section 1(General Details) : Location, Type of

Work, Validity

Period, responsible

person and Number

of Workers

Section 2 (Safety Control


: Controls for the safe

execution of Works

Section 3 (Authorization


: Authorization of the


Section 4 (Permit Closure


: Authorization for the

SWP closures

Page 2 - First copy (Pink) of page 1

Page 3 - second copy (Blue) of page 1

Page 4 - Original (White) covers the following sections

Section 5 (Gas Free Permit) : Sketch the Location

of Tanks/Spaces Gas


: GAS Testing


Section 6 (Gas Free Permit


: 7 days gas free

permit revalidation


Section 7 (Safe Work Permit


: 7 days gas free

permit revalidation



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Page 5 - First copy (Pink) of page 2

Page 6 - second copy (Blue) of page 2

18.2.2 Permit Book Purchase

EHS approved survey company shall purchase the permit book from EHS.

The steps to be followed for the permit book purchase is as stated

EHS approved survey company shall request to the EHS ports and

maritime section officer via e-mail ( for

generating the payment advice for the no of permit books as required.

EHS officer shall raise the payment advice and send to the EHS

approved Survey Company accordingly.

Upon receipt of the payment advice, the survey company representative

shall proceed to payment counter at EHS Main office at Jebel Ali and

close out the payment and collect the permit books form the cashier.

18.2.3 Permit Book Tracking Sheet

Surveyor upon issuance of a permit shall update the tracking sheet (refer

PMF-12b attached) with each permit book. Upon completion of issuance of

all the permits from the book the updated tracking sheet shall be submitted

to EHS for records.

18.3 Withdrawal/suspension of work permits

Issuing Authority, Performing Authority and Competent Authority have the right to

withdraw the work permits and stop work should they consider any hazardous

conditions exist or are likely to exist during the course of the approved work

All Permits shall be suspended and Re- Issued in case the Vessel Changes its Location.

All Gas free Permits shall be suspended if there is a change in gas levels from the

acceptable limits.

18.4 Completion of work/Cancellation/Closure of work permits

On completion of the work the Performing Authority shall withdraw his men, material,

machinery, clean the area and make the equipment/area safe to commission the

operation. Then he will sign the permit requesting Issuing Authority to cancel/close

the permit.


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Issuing authority shall check equipment/area/site and ensure that the

maintenance/contractor personnel have left equipment/area/site in safe condition and

sign the permit as cancelled/closed. The cancelled permit shall be stored for record

keeping for a retention period of 2 months


PTW system defines specific responsibilities for various parties involved in the system.

Principal responsibilities are identified below.

19.1 Competent Authority:

An appropriate Permit to Work (PTW) system is introduced.

Training programs and competence standards are established and maintained.

Monitoring/auditing/reviewing of the Permit to Work (PTW) system is

established and maintained.

19.2 The Repair Company should ensure that:

All personnel who operate and use the Permit to Work (PTW) system are

competent to do so.

The planning, issue and return of permits is properly coordinated.

A secure method of process and isolations is implemented.

Adequate time is allowed during shift changes to ensure effective transfer of

information on out-standing permits.

The system is regularly monitored to ensure that the Permit to Work (PTW)

system is implemented effectively.

Responsible for ensuring compliance with the Permit to Work (PTW) system

and Ports Regulations.

19.3 Surveyors:

They have received training in the P.T.W system as applied

The nature of the work is fully understood.

All the hazards associated with the job are identified and verified.

Verifying all the necessary precautions is implemented, including isolations,

before work begins.

All people who may be affected by the work are informed before the work

begins, when the work is suspended and when the work is complete

Permits for tasks that may interact are cross-referenced:

That effective arrangements made for the work site to be examined before

work begins, on completion of work and as appropriate when work is



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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Sufficient time is spent on shift handover to discuss all on-going or

suspended permits.

19.4 Issuing Authority (or person in charge of the work) should ensure that:

They have received training in the P.T.W system as applied (Master of the

Vessel exempted)

The people working for them have received adequate instruction in the system

They discuss the job fully with the person making the permit

The permit is posted at the work site

The work party is briefed on the details of the permit including any potential

hazards, and on all the precautions taken or to be taken

The precautions are maintained throughout the work activity

Effective arrangements are made for the work site to be examined before work

begins, on completion of work and as appropriate when work is suspended

The worker understands that if circumstances change work must be stopped and

advice sought

The work group stays within the limitations set on the permit (physical

boundaries, type of work and validity time)

On completion or suspension of the work, the site is left in a safe condition and

the permit issuer is informed and ensures that the permit is cancelled and kept

for records.

19.5 Performing authority: Individuals working within the P.T.W system should

ensure that:

They have received training in the P.T.W system as applied

They have received instruction and have a good understanding of the P.T.W.

system at the installation where they work

They do not start any work requiring a permit, until it has been properly

authorized and issued

They receive a briefing from the supervisor on the particular task and they

understand the hazards and the precautions taken or to be taken

They follow the instructions specified in the permit

When they stop work, the site and any equipment they are using is left in a safe


If in any doubt or if circumstances change, they must stop work and consult with

their supervisor.

20. Verification and monitoring of the P.T.W. system

The extent and frequency of verification and monitoring will be determined by the size of the

location/installation, the numbers of permits in normal use and the extent of discrepancies

found on previous checks.


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Daily monitoring by the Issuing Authority, Safety Personnel, Supervisors for

Is the permit properly displayed at the work site

Has it been properly completed

Is specified safety equipment in place

Are specified precautions adequate and being implemented

Has the work party been briefed and are the conditions of the permit and the full extent

and nature of the work to be performed understood and a keen observation on the work

site conditions.

Issuing Authority, Safety Personnel, Supervisors shall

Stand by when work is started to satisfy himself that no hazards are present and that

work can proceed safely.

Check the equipment/area randomly during the progress of work to ensure that the safe

conditions are maintained after work has commenced.

Stop the work if the equipment/area becomes hazardous, withdraw the permit and not

reissue it until the hazardous condition has been corrected and ensure it is safe to

proceed with the work again. In such cases the permit shall be referred to competent

authority for re-approval.

A qualified and trained fire watchman (He should be the rank of auxiliary fireman) shall be

posted for hot works to assist in fire prevention and safe guarding personnel/equipment.

20.1 Competent Authority

Trakhees EHS inspectorate will be carrying out random inspections on board vessels

to verify the compliance to the EHS Permit and regulation requirements.

21. Appendix

1. Ship Repair work permit PMF-12a

2. Work Permit Tracking Sheet PMF-12b

22. Applicable EHS Regulations

PM-14.0 Ship Yard and Associated Industries


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

23. EHS Contacts

Adham Mohie Eldin e-mail:

Sr.EHS Officer mobile: 050-1897239

Anwar Hussain Sait e-mail:

Sr. EHS Officer mobile: 050-6535469

EHS Dept (common) ID e-mail:

Mobile: 056-6569813


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Appendix 1




Permit No:


1. General Details

Ship Name Ship Type

Port/Ship Yard

Name Berth/Yard Number

Ship Flag IMO

Ship Repair Company or Ship Operating Company

Validity From To

Date Date

Hours Hours

Location of Work

Description of the


Safety Officer Responsible for the Work Area Name Signature

2. Safety Control Measures Area of Control Item YES NO NA


Safety / Tool Box Talk Conducted/Risk Assessment Prepared

Emergency Procedure Defined and Understood by All Workers

Display Of Appropriate Signboards At The Work Area

Hot Work

Work Area/Equipment Inspected and Made Safe.

Surrounding Area Checked, Cleaned Up, Oil/ Rags/ Combustible Material Removed

and Made Safe.

Adjacent Drains/Vents, Manholes Covered and made Safe / All Deck openings barricaded

Charged Fire Hose/Portable Fire Extinguisher Provided.

Shield Against Sparks Provided and Ignition Hazards Contained. Non-Combustible Fire Blanket Provided to Contain Sparks.

Adequate PPE as per Requirements Made Available

Supply of Sufficient Forced Ventilation, Provision of Adequate Lighting and Welding Fumes Exhaust

Hot Work Minimum 500 mm from Fuel Tank/Vent

Equipment/Tank/Adjacent Tanks Gas Freed / Inerted/ Water Filled And Made Safe.

Fire Watch Name: Signature:

Dismantling /

Testing of Pipes & Valves

No Hot Work Within A Radius Of 3 Meters

Use Of Containers For Collecting Oily Water / Oil

No Incompatible Work Processes Being Carried Out In The Same Vicinity At The Same Time

Equipment/Pipeline Is Free Of Liquids/Water Flushed/Purged /Isolated.

Confined Space Entry

Work Area Has Been Gas Freed And Made Human Worthy, Gas/ Oxygen Frequent

Monitoring With Audio Visual Alarm Is Made Available .

All Deck Openings Barricaded

Suitable Continuous Ventilation And Illumination Provided.

Tags Provided For Head Count And Notices.

Suitable Communication System Provided/Tested

Means of Evacuation/Rescue Equipment Available At Site

Man In Attendance Name: Signature:

Working At Height

Full Body Harness Worn By Workers

Scaffolding Is Solid Secured

Tags Provided And Signature Verified


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Handrails Provided And Planks Secured

Proper Access Provided And Ladders Secured

Supply Of Sufficient Forced Ventilation

No Hot Work In The Space To Be Painted /Cleaned

Adequate Flame Proof Light In Good Condition Provided

Use Of Cartridge Type Respirator/ Air Fed Mask

Chemical Resistant PPE Provided For Workers



3. Authorization Signatures Issuing Authority Performing Authority Ship Repair Surveyor

I certify that I have inspected the location of work and it is safe to start the hot work/ cold work

/confined space entry.

I have inspected the job site, accepted all required precautions and continuous job site

supervision needed for safe work.

I have verified all work permit conditions including gas measurement and it is approved

and safe to commence the job.

Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Name: Signature:

Date: Time: Date: Time: Date: Time:

Trakhees ID No Trakhees ID No Trakhees ID No

4. Permit Closure Signatures Performing Authority Issuing Authority

Job is stopped/ completed and men, material & machinery are withdrawn,

job site is cleaned and permit may be cancelled.

The Job is completed, location of work inspected and considered safe.

Work permit is hereby cancelled.

Name: Signature Name: Signature:

Date: Time: Date: Time:

Trakhees ID No. Trakhees ID No.

Remarks ( By Competent Authority Only ):

Permit No :

5. Gas Free Permit

GAS Testing Reading Shall be Performed Prior To, And During Hot Work / Confined Space Entry

( CO, H2S readings given in ppm / O2 reading given in % Vol / Combustible Gas reading given in % LEL)

Tank Name O2 CO LE


H2S Tank Name O2 CO LEL H2S

6. Gas Free Permit Revalidation Daily

Endorsement Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

Surveyor Name

Trakhees ID

Date /Time

Sketch the Location of Tanks/Spaces Gas Tested


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs


7. Safe Work Permit Revalidation


Validity Period Issuing


Performing Authority Safety





No of


e From To Day shift Night


1 Date Time Date Time

2 Date Time Date Time

3 Date Time Date Time

4 Date Time Date Time

5 Date Time Date Time

6 Date Time Date Time

7 Date Time Date Time


1. “Issuing Authority”- Trakhees EHS Approved Project Manager/Project Engineer/Safety Officer of the Business Unit or Master of the Ship is the Permit Issuer and Responsible for Entire Work and Coordination.

2. “Performing Authority”-Trakhees EHS Approved Ship Repair Company Supervisor or the Responsible Ship Officer.

3. “Competent Authority”- Trakhees EHS Officer. 4. “Ship Repair Surveyor”- Trakhees EHS Approved Ship Repair Surveyor.

5. Safe Work and Gas Free Permit Maximum Validity 24 Hours.

6. EHS Approved Third Party Agencies Supervisors & Surveyors Only Shall Mentions their Trakhees-ID Number in the Permit. 7. Ship Repair Permit is Mandatory for All Types of Non-Routine Jobs as per Defined in EHS Regulations and Guidelines.

8. All Permits Shall be Re- Issued in case the Vessel Changes its Location.

10. All Relevant Conditions in the Permit Shall be Checked and Ticked as Appropriate. 11. Permit Copy Shall be Available at the Work Site for Competent Authority Verification.

12. No Signatory Shall Sign for Both Issuing Authority and Performing Authority.

13. Upon Completion of the Job(s) the Permit Shall be Closed by Issuing Authority & Performing Authority by Signing at the Relevant Columns. 14. Trakhees-EHS Approved Ship Repair Surveyor Shall Approve all Hot Works and, Vessel Enclosed/ Confined Space Entries.

15. All Concerned Personnel(s) Involved in the Issuance of the Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs are Required to Fully Understand and

Comply with the Applicable Provisions of EHS Rules & Regulations for Shipyard and Associated Industries, for the Safe Conduct of the Planned Repair Work.

16. Any Emergency Situation makes this Permit Invalid and New Permit Shall be Issued for the Job to be Re-Commenced.

17. In case of any emergency, immediately contact Command Control Centre (CCC) : 04-8874000 (Ports Areas) ; Dubai Maritime Security (DMC Areas) : 056-389-3550

18. Distribution of the Permit Copies Immediately After Approval by Trakhees-EHS Ship Repair Surveyor:

Original (White): Work Site/ Location of Work First Copy (Pink): EHS Ship Repair Surveyor

Second Copy (Blue): Marine Department

19. Surveyor Shall Fill the Tracking Sheet and Upon Completion Shall Submit by E-mail to EHS Ports Department (


1. Safe Work/Gas Free Permit Revalidation Table Must be Renewed Daily Even If Permitted Work Is Not Carried Out.

2. In case of No Work, Performing Authority is Only Exempted from Signing. 3. In case of Shifts System Revalidation Sheet will be Signed Prior Each Shift. 4. If Safe Work / Gas Free Permit is Not Revalidated on Daily Basis; The Safe Work Permit Must be Cancelled.

5. Safe Work / Gas Free Permit Can Be Extended To A Maximum Duration of 7 Days from the Date of Permits Issuance.

6. Revalidation Table Shall be Signed Only by Authorized Signatories.

All rights reserved. No part of this PMF-01e: Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs, may, for sales or issuing purpose, be produced, stored in

a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise,

without prior permission in writing from the Trakhees- Environment, Health and Safety Department

Appendix 2

Work Permit Tracking Sheet

Permit No Date

Issued Vessel Name Location Permit No


Issued Vessel Name Location


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Procedure for Issuing Safe Work Permit for Ship Repair Jobs

Survey Company Name :…………………………………… Stamp

Authorized Person Signature :……………………………………