Procedural, Normative and Substantial Planning

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Transcript of Procedural, Normative and Substantial Planning

Procedural Planning The Oxford English Dictionary 7th Edition, 2007 defines a procedure as an established or official way of doing something. Further it is defined as as series of actions done in a certain way. With that said, it is a combination of both defnitions of which procedural planning is concerned. The Procedural Planning Theory, the bearing on which procedural planning spins was developed between mid 1960's and 1970's. According to Taylor, there has been a tendency to conflate systems and rational planning into a borad category of Procedural Planning Theory (PPT) ( Allmendinger, 2002). Notably, there are some broad overlaps between the systems and rational theories of planning as also posited by Allmendinger (2002). Like the rational theories of planning the systems approach is concerned with the generation and evaluation of alternatives prior to making a choice (Faludi, 1987, p.43) in Allmendinger (2002). It is imperative to note thatr while both theories were seemingly overlapping, they were distinct in critical aspects. Now, according to Faludi, (1987), rational planning makes the crucial distinction between the formal (means) and susbstantive (ends) that systems planning fails to do. Hence, the Procedural Planning Theory is the classifying name given to both systems and rational planning approaches. The premise for the Procedual Planning Theory has been laid and is thus now safe to deduce and posit that the PPT has adopted and advanced the views, ideas and intricacies of the systems abd rational planning theories of planning. If it is that the PPT is a conflate of both approaches; the definition of procedure denotes that a procedure is a series of actions done in a certain way then it means that with those embedded principles of both approaches, procecdural planning is concerned with how things are done and the pattern (s) in which they are done or should be done. Thus, what lies at the heart of Procedural Planning as the definition declares is how things are done and how the planning process and the practice of planning itself should be done. A system is understood as a complex whole, a set of connected things or parts and a group of objects related to or interacting so as to form a unity. In systems planning, cities, towns, regions and so on are seen as comprised of different but related components of cities, and towns in the context of Regional Planning. By extension, if procedural planning shares the principles of the afforementioned approaches it also means that procedural planning seeks to delineate how certain procedures or courses of actions should be done or carried out in the planning practice. In essence, procedural planning deals with how things are done. Since it is a coflate with the systems approach then it means that the courses of actions which define procedural planning should follow a certain pattern, order or fashion. Those procedures or "things" to be done in stages or steps and with rationalism those procedures should follow a logical sequence and ones which guide the courses of actions taken in procedural planning. Knowledge is not sufficient for making plans.Rather it must be applied to some purpose, and there must be organizations and procedures for the coordination and implementation ( Faludi, 1987). Since procedural planning is concerned with how a particular course of actions are done, here are some of the inter-related steps which are involoved in procedural planning: Identification of needs; specification of goals and objectives; development of alternative means to attain each goal; estimation of the cost of each alternative and selection of the most promising alternative (s) (Cayer and Weshcler, 1988). Normative Planning The normative theory of planning stipulates how the world ought to be and provides ideas about how to achieve this state (Allmendinger, 2002). Traditionally these could be regarded as theories of planning and could, for example, include Marxist, New Right, and communicative or collaborative planning approaches ( Allmendinger, 2002)."... Normative theory is concerned with how planners ought to proceed rationally. Behavioural approaches focus more on the limitations which they are up against in trying to fulfill their programme or rational action." (Faludi, 1983, p.4) (Faludi, 1986). "British post war planning was driven by a disticnt set of values which, when generalised, amounted to a normative theory of what costituted the ideal physical environment

which it should be the task of town planning to try to bring about" (Taylor,1998 p.20). He went further to argue that what drove British post war planning, were more particular to that country, to its time and place.So, from Taylor's arguments we should appreciate that normative planning is indeed relative. This is to say that what is considered a norm in one culture, time, and geogrpahic space differs as all cultural, regional and national barriers are transcended or are explored. The "what ought to be" factor is what intimately lies at the core of normative planning.By use of analogy, it is the norm that when it rains, people busstle and shuffle to find shelter, or perhaps to get an umbrella or a rain cloak or whatever means necessary to avoid be unduely wet. In addition when it rains the pace of activities are drammatically reduced. There are no two ways about this analogy as it is inherent or is the natural course or order of actions which does not beg the question per se as the need arose. Now, in a similar light, normative planning speaks to how planners ought to or rather it is concerned with how they are obligated to proceed rationally as endorsed by Faludi. Since normative planning provides ideas of how to achieve a particular state posited by Allmendinger, then obviously normative planning speaks to the element of procedural planning. Saying that one ought to, or a course of actions ought to be done, normative planning declaratively denotes that the planner must or has to go about carrying out the practice of planning a presecribed way as is contained. By theory per se if fifteen steps are involved in the process for the construction and establishment of a housing complex then the planner must follow all steps not lacking any, neither in part or portions and of course bearing in mind the context and purpose for and in which the planner plans. Substantive Planning . "The present trend in planning theory is a move towards a concern with procedure rather than with susbstance. This might either indicate a sign of maturity for the science or discipline of planning, or that the failure of the planning theorists to provide any solutions to society's problems has led them to elect the easy wayo out, namely to deal with abstractions only" (Camhis, 1979). Susbstantive Planning is concerned with the subject matter of planning or the object of planning (Compton, Hens & Nath, 1998). In addition, substantive planning deals with the theoretical aspects of planning.Moreover, it is pertinent to note that substantive planning operates from the basis of it being a theory in planning as against theories of planning, making specific mention to procedural planning and procedural planning theory.It is within this type of planning that clear distinctions between" 'theories of planning' and 'theory in planning' , in other words, between theories of the planning process-procedural theories-and theories concerning phenomena with which planning is concerned" (Hightower, 1969:326) ( Camhis, 1979 p1). It was out of that need to distinguish between the phenomena that a relationship between philosophy and science was conceived, that is between 'doing science' and discussing how science is done or how scientists ought to proceed. Substantive planning hence borrows concepts or theoretical formulations mainly from the natural sciences. So, what is pivotal in substantive planning is that it is highly theoretical in nature and scope as it mirrors and strives to identify with the image of science in carrying out certain procedures. Conclusion It is thus safe to conclude that procedural, substantive and normative planning are critical in the practice of Regional Planning. There principles encompass how procedures are done in the science of planning and how planners ought to proceed rationally through a course (s) of actions. Intricate to References Allmendinger P.,. (2002) Planning Theory. PALGRAVE New York Camhis M., (1979) Planning Theory and Philosophy. Taylor& Francis. New York

Cayer N. J., & Weschler L. F., (1988) Public Administration: Social Change and Adaptive Management. St. Martin Press Compton P., Hens L., & Nath B., (1998) Environmental Manaagement in Practice: Instruments for Environmental Management. London:Routledge. Faludi A., (1986), Critical Rationalism and Planning Methodology, Pion Limited, London:Brondesbary Park. Taylor N. (1998) Urban Planning Theory since 1945. SAGE Publications Ltd