Problems of Well-Being: Bullying

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Problems of Well-Being: Bullying


What’s a bully?

“A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.”

The Conflict Theory and BullyingConflict Perspective: A Sociological perspective that views society as comprising different groups and interests competing for power and resources.

Neo-Marxist conflict theorists are concerned with conflict that arises when groups have opposing values and interests.

Bullying happens when the bully believes that they are more powerful than the person being bullied. Like patriarchy, when the bully feels their power is being threatened they will react by harming everyone they believe is questioning their authority; just like the man of the family would discipline his wife and children when feeling his power is being threatened in a patriarchy system.

Targets chosen by the bully are never at random. They are most commonly chosen because the bully feels envy towards them. This is especially common when the bully lives with abusive parents, lives in a low-income family, has trouble with school, is neglected from family, etc. Therefore, the values and interests of the bully and the person being bullied differ causing conflict.

Bullying Short Film

This video is a great way to show what bullying is like today. It is also very inspiring. Please Watch.

What types of bullying are there?

Physical Verbal Social Cyber

Physical Bullying“Physical bullying is a form of bullying that

involves some sort of violence against another person.”

Examples… Fighting Pushing Stealing Sexual harassment. Tripping Spitting Destroying property

Physical bullying creates fear of the bully. This leads to the bully gaining

power and authority over all that feel that

they are weaker.

Verbal Bullying

Examples… Insulting Teasing Name Calling Intimidation Homophobic or racist remarks

Verbal abuse

“when an individual uses verbal language to gain power over his or her peers..”

Social Bullying

Examples… Gossip Spreading rumors Leaving people out on purpose

Convincing others to not be friends with the bullied individual

“Social bullying is deliberate, repetitive and aggressive social behaviour intended to hurt


Cyber Bullying

Examples… Insulting, harassing or threatening someone via computer

Impersonating a victim online

Posting personal information, photos, or videos to hurt or embarrass another person

“the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.”

Cyber bullying is one of the easiest ways to gain

power and authority because there is no

confrontation and the bully can disguise

themselves as someone else

10 Signs Someone is being Bullied1. Physical injuries like unexplained bruises and scratches

2. Reluctance to go to school

3. Lower academic performance

4. Moodiness, withdrawal, tension and tears after school

5. Talk of hating school

6. Refusal to discuss what's happening at school

7. Bed wetting, altered sleep patterns or having nightmares

8. Getting into trouble more often, and acting out

9. Major changes in relationships and friendships with others

10. Changes in eating habits (such as loss of appetite or overeating)

Effects of Bullying Depression (including sadness, loss of interest in activities)

Anxiety (tenseness, fear and worries)

Loss of self-esteem

Increased levels of aggressive behaviour

Health problems like headaches, stomach aches

Loneliness and social anxiety

Missing school

Social withdrawal and isolation

Suicidal thoughts, or suicide (in the most extreme cases)

What makes a bully?

A lack of warmth and involvement on the part of parents Overly-permissive parenting (including a lack of limits for

children’s behavior) A lack of supervision by parents Harsh, physical discipline A model for bullying behavior

Impulsive, hot-headed, dominant Easily frustrated Lack empathy Have difficulty following rules View violence in a positive way

Life at home…


Need for control, power and authority

over others.

Top 5 Bullies from Movies

Johnny Lawrence – Karate Kid (1984)

Regina George – Mean Girls (2004)

Biff – Back to the Future (1985)

John Bender – The Breakfast Club (1985)

Buzz – Home Alone (1990)





Solutions Build Awareness Educate the community

Educate schools

Educate your family

Open Communication Include yourself in communication

Listen and support your children

Start programs for children and teens to express feelings

Teach children and teens how to protect themselves

Solutions continued Bystander to Upstander Encourage your community, schools and family to

become a “upstander”

Recognize when bullying is occurring and stand up

Make sure no one feels that they are alone

Recognize and Respond Recognize when bullying is occurring

Respond with respect and empathy

Be forceful

ReferencesBully. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Bullying: Children Who Bully. (2010, December 8). Retrieved from

E.R.A.S.E Bullying. (2012, January 1). Retrieved from

The Physical Bullying Definition. (2014, April 28). Retrieved from

What Is Social Bullying? (n.d.). Retrieved from

What is the Definition of Verbal Bullying - BRIM Anti-Bullying Software. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hirsch, L. (2014, June 1). Cyberbullying. Retrieved from

Mooney, L., Holmes, M., Knox, D., & Schacht, C. (2013). In Understanding Social Problems: Custom Edition. Toronto: Nelson


Topscher, G. (2013, March 18). The 25 Greatest Bullies in Movie History. Retrieved from
