Problems addressed by the Project Service Provided … Title Bali International Airport Development...

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Problems addressed by the Project Service Provided … Title Bali International Airport Development...

Sector Airports & Aviation

Project Type Airport Construction

Project Title Bali International Airport Development Project (Phases I & II)

Location Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Client Government of the Republic of Indonesia / JICA (JBIC)

Project Period 1981 - 2000

Problems addressed by the Project

Due to the growth of tourism, the passenger traffic of Ngurah Rai Airport (Bali International Airport located 13 km south of Denpasar) grew at an unprecedented rate of 13.1% per annum and exceeded its design passenger volume much sooner than anticipated. The runway was extended in Phase-I to service the largest aircraft operating on international air routes, but rapid growth soon led to the capacity of the facilities being exceeded. The Government of Indonesia therefore requested the JICA ODA Loans to implement Phase-II of the development, primarily to increase terminal capacity. The capacity goals for Bali International Airport for the design year 2005 were to enable the projected 80,900 annual aircraft movements, annual cargo of 147,900 tons, and 9.5 million passengers (6.1 million international and 3.4 million domestic).

Service Provided

OC Global carried out the feasibility study and engineering services for Phase-I, concentrating mainly on how to redevelop the existing airport with minimum environmental impact because the runway jutted out into the sea. OC Global performed an environmental analysis, prepared a master plan, basic design, and detailed design, provided assistance in tendering, and performed construction supervision for the international and domestic passenger terminal building, including airport facilities such as expansion of the existing apron, extension of the existing parallel taxiway, cargo terminal building, control tower, radar and ATC Systems. As in Phase-I, OC Global handled all the consulting services for Phase-II, the basic design, detailed design, documentation for international competitive bidding, assistance with tendering, and construction supervision.

Actual Project Works

Phase-I Phase-II Runway: 335 m long, 45 m wide (extension)

2,400 m long, 45 m wide (overlay) - -

Parallel Taxiway: - 1,465 m long, 23 m wide Apron: Expansion 17 stands (Expansion) Passenger building: 22,600 m2 (international),

7,000 m2 (domestic) 32,100 m2 (international)

1,260 m2 (domestic) Car Park: 600 lots 1,860 lots Fuel Supply System: Fuel Storage Tank 3,600 kL Fuel Storage Tank 11,460 kL