Problem Based Learning ACTE Presentation on the Critical Skills Classroom.

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Transcript of Problem Based Learning ACTE Presentation on the Critical Skills Classroom.

Problem Based LearningProblem Based Learning

ACTE Presentation on theACTE Presentation on the

Critical Skills Critical Skills ClassroomClassroom

The Academic Challenge

(targeted curriculum standard/enduring

understanding)The identification of hand tools commonly used in the construction

trades, their proper use and maintenance, and safety


What is to be done?(Challenge)

Hand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?

• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?

• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

Outcome Area: CRITICAL SKILLSProblem SolvingOrganization

Indicators: Considers more than one idea

Rations time efficiently

Hand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

Make sure that during your presentations you share with us the different ideas you had for your poster and why you chose your final version.

Also - to help in your planning, please turn in a project planning sheet at the end of today showing your work schedule for the week.

Targeted Outcome: Collaboration Indicator: Contributes to and invests in a group vision/effortHand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

It is important that all members of the group participate in and make a special

contribution to the presentation.

Targeted Outcome: Self Direction Indicator: Takes responsibility for setting a course for themselves

Hand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. Each group will

decide and carry out the best means to communicate to the rest of the class the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?

• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?

• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

Targeted Outcome: Community Indicator: Shares oneself as a teacher or mentor of others

Hand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

On the Wednesday before our presentations, we will set up a carousel critique, where

selected members of each group will move around to each groups’ work area to applaud and support the work in progress and to make

constructive suggestions for possible improvements.

Targeted Outcome: Character Indicator: Acts and interacts honestly and genuinely from an accurate perception of self.

Hand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

In your journals describe a specific situation during this challenge in which members of your group needed to trust you with doing something for the group, and you

lived up to that trust.

Targeted Outcome: The umbrella outcome of QualityIndicator: Takes responsibility for setting their own standardsHand tools are the backbone of the construction trades. They are used every day on job-sites. Hand tools should be properly used and maintained at all times. Safety is also an important part of using a hand tool. Tools should only be used for the job they are designed to do. This helps to prevent accidents and injuries.

• Your challenge, working in groups of four, is to come up with a list of the hand tools that you would need on a construction job to help you be a master craftsman. You will create, and present to the class, posters of your own unique design that provide the following information:

• 1) What are the tools and what are they used for?• 2) How are the tools maintained properly?• 3) How are the tools used properly and safely?

Before we begin our work, we will create together a set of standards that we all feel our work should meet to be described as “excellent,”

orBefore you begin your work, each group should create and turn in a set of standards that your

group feels your work should meet to be described as “excellent.”

The Challenge Scenario

Challenge Scenario(A chance for you to use your imagination and learn about the

things that different people do in their work)

Challenge: You are members of a newly assembled construction crew. The company you work for has taken on new projects and your crew will be taking responsibility for one of these jobs. Because you will be on a separate site, your group will need its’ own set of power tools. As you know, power tools are expensive so your boss wants to be sure you have carefully considered your choices. He has given you a budget of $2000.00 and requires that you develop a list of the tools you need with pricing. Because the boss is investing his hard-earned money and sending you to a separate site, he wants to know:

キキ Why you chose each tool and what you will use it for. キキ That you know how to operate them safely. キキ That you know how to take care of them so they will last and be safe to


• When you give your boss the list, you will need to justify why you chose these tools and what you will need them for. You also need to consider: how you will demonstrate your understanding of safe use and maintenance. (since you haven’t been passed on any power tools yet).

The Real-Life Problem