Print screens of front cover

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Print screens of front cover

Print screens of front cover

By Melissa Edwards

This is a screenshot of my masthead, personal statement and the price and date. I have named my masthead this because it shows that indie stars are on there own and make it on there own without any help off producers. The personal statement is named this because it suggests that if you try on your own you could make it big.The tools used for this was the text box, move tool, front size and colour.

In this screenshot I have added the subheading however the main one is not big enough. In order to make the headlines stand out more, I'm going to add banners.The tools I used was the front and colour tool, move tool and text box.

In this screenshot I have changed the placing of the personal statement as it didn't fit with the main image. I have also made the main text bigger and more bold. I have also changed were the writing will be. I have used the tools such as move tool, front size and colour.

In this screenshot I have added in the main image which uses direct address, I have also moved the personal statement above the masthead to create room for the cover lines. I have used the tools such as the move tool, text box, and resized the writing. I have also added quotes and banners to make them stand out. I have also added a barcode which I got of the internet. I used the shape tool to create banners, text box and move tool. I also added in colours.

In this screenshot I have added more banners to emphasis the artists names. I have also made the date and price smaller. I have also added writing in the banner at the bottom however this needs to improve by adding in artists names.I used the shape tool and the resize tool.

In this screen shot I have changed the size of the masthead so its bigger and stands out more. I have added banners and rotated them around to make it more effective and more like a music magazine as it looked like a gossip magazine. I have changed the colours of the yellow banner to black and the front to yellow as it was more effective. I have also made the exclusive smaller and put it in a banner and made Mollie bigger and changed the quote at the bottom as its more music related. I have also added in the artists names at the bottom, and change the colour of ‘plus’ so it stands out more.I have used tools such as the shape tool adding more banners, text box, resized writing, and used the control T to put the banners on a slant .

I have changed the masthead to ‘Indi’ as it is more simple and short. I have also changed the personal statement as it needed to be more relevant to music. I have also added graphics to follow the codes and conventions. I have also changed were the barcode goes as I have swapped it around with the graphic.I have used tools such as the remove tool, text box, and move tool.

I have changed the ‘win VIP festival tickets’ around with the barcode as it fitted with the codes and conventions. I have also deleted ‘official top 20 charts’ as it wasn't a cover line. I have swapped it with ‘the Artillery’ and ‘The Upper-Hand’ to match up with the cover line ‘best gigs for this month’. I have also made ‘unlocked hidden extras inside this issue’ so its more simple ‘unlocked hidden interviews’.The tools i have used is the move tool and text tool.

I have made the masthead much bigger and moved all the writing down to fill up the page.

In this screenshot i have made the main image go over the title, i did this by selecting the bit i wanted to cover and copy and pasted it to make another layer i then rubbed out the bits i didn't need and then the title was over the masthead.