Principles of Disease Control

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Principles of Disease Control. Your Job Helps Patients Have a Safe Recovery. Nosocomial Infections. Infectious diseases that are acquired within hospitals or other healthcare facilities Includes infections that appear within 14 days of hospital discharge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Principles of Disease Control

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Principles of Disease ControlYour Job Helps Patients Have a Safe Recovery

www.wdt.eduNosocomial InfectionsInfectious diseases that are acquired within hospitals or other healthcare facilitiesIncludes infections that appear within 14 days of hospital dischargeIatrogenic infections physician-inducedCaused by healthcare personnel

www.normeditec.comWho Are the Culprits?Which pathogens are usually involved in nosocomial infections?Gram-positive CocciStaphylococcus aureusCoagulase-negative staphylococciEnterococcus spp.Gram-negative BacilliEscherichia coliPseudomonas aeruginosaEnterobacter spp.Klebsiella spp.Drug-Resistant BacteriaOften become evident due to frequent use of antimicrobial agentsEmerge due to selective pressuresThose that are not affected by antimicrobial agents survive and thrive while those that are dieSurvival of the fittest microbesViruses (i.e. HIV), fungi (Candida spp.), protozoa (malarial parasites) do bacteria become resistant?Most Common Types of Nosocomial Infections Urinary tract infections (UTIs)Surgical wound infectionsLower respiratory infections (i.e. pneumonia)Bloodstream infections (septicemia)Gastrointestinal diseases caused by Clostridium difficile.

Clostridium difficile. is Most Likely to Develop Nosocomial Infections?

www.waitakere.govt.nzWhat is most important thing to do to reduce the number of nosocomial infections?Infection ControlMedical Asepsisclean techniqueInvolves procedures and practices that reduce the number and transmission of pathogensWould this be an example of disinfection or sterilization?Surgical Asepsissterile techniqueProcedures that aim to make and keep objects and areas sterile.What might a surgical technician do to get ready for a surgery?What might a surgical technician do to get a patient ready for surgery? Standard PrecautionsDefined by CDCFollow standard precautions for all patientsAim to reduce the transmission of bloodborne and other pathogens in hospitals through bodily fluids

HandwashingMost important and basic technique in preventing and controlling infections and preventing the transmission of pathogensWash between patientsIgnaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818-1865)Father of Handwashing

www.zol.beGlovesWorn when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, and when touching mucous membranes or nonintact skin

Masks, Eye Protection, Face Shields, and GownsAre often worn when procedures or activities may result in splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, or excretions

Additional Standard Precautionary MeasuresPatient-Care EquipmentEnvironmental ControlLinens Occupational Health and Bloodborne PathogensPatient PlacementStandard Precautions Precautions5 Main Routes of Transmission of Pathogens1. Contact (direct or indirect contact)2. Airborne3. Droplet4. Vehicular5. VectorsTransmission-Based PrecautionsAirborne PrecautionsDroplet PrecautionsContact Precautions

Infection spread by droplets.

Spread of tuberculosis by droplet nuclei.

Infection spread by direct contact. of IsolationSource IsolationIsolating patients with infectious diseases to prevent spreading disease

Protective IsolationIsolating patients who are immunosuppressed to avoid diseaseInfection Control ProgramsAll healthcare facilities have infection control programs that strive to prevent the presence and spread of infectious diseases.The importance of your role in a healthcare setting

www.southeasttech.eduChemotherapyUse of any chemical (drug) to treat any disease or condition

Chemotherapeutic Agent any drug used to treat any condition or diseaseAntimicrobial AgentsAny chemotherapeutic agent used to treat infectious diseasesInhibits or kills pathogen in vivo (in living organism)Antibacterial agentsAntibiotics Semisynthetic antibioticsAntifungal agentsAntiprotozoal agentsAntiviral agentsAntibacterial AgentsSulfonamide DrugsInhibit production of folic acid.Drug mimics another molecule that is used to produce folic acid.PenicillinIn most gram-positive bacteria, interferes with the synthesis and cross-linking of peptidoglycan in cell wall.Narrow-spectrum AntibioticsKills either gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria.Broad-spectrum AntibioticsCan kill both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.Why would antifungal and antiprotozoal agents be more toxic to the host?The End