Post on 05-Dec-2021

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Transcript of PRINCIPAL’S PIECE Claimers


Welcome to Week Two! What a flying start we have had to this busy term. We are often lulled into a false sense of security in Term Three, in that this is the ‘quiet term’ as we are all familiar with our surroundings, no report cards, everyone is pretty settled – but then – in comes Gala Sport, Athletics Carnival, Leadership Days, Father’s Day, Book Week, Fair, parent-teacher interviews… oh dear, what were we thinking?!!

Thankfully, we have a fabulous team of teachers, school officers, support staff and admin that plough on with a skip in their step (most days!) and are always ready for a laugh and a bit of fun to make all this happen and maintain sanity. You, the parents, play a huge part in this and we thank you for joining us on this crazily busy journey, accepting us for doing the best we can, and sharing in a laugh with us.

2022 Enrolments

Thank you to the parents who have informed the school of their intentions of moving on next year. We appreciate your response, which enables us to more accurately budget for 2022.

Open Mornings

As mentioned earlier we will be holding two Open Mornings for potential Prep enrolments on 9th August and 6th September from 9:00-10:00 am. Please feel free to promote this to family and friends who may be undecided on their options for 2022. We are happy for families with older students looking for enrolment to also come and have a tour. The more the merrier, I say!

School Musical

Our school musical for 2022 is “Super Happy Awesome News”. This is a script that has been written specifically for COVID times, so will be delivered in an online format. Obviously, we would all prefer to do a live performance, but with students having to move around from the audience to the stage, we are not able to do this. We have however, come up with a solution that we hope will satisfy our desire to do a live performance. On 26th November, we plan to host a ‘musical preview’. Dance Cart has agreed to choreograph songs for the show and to allow for COVID restrictions, we invite parents on site from 9:00 am, to a preview of the show before it goes online. We will do this on the oval where each year level can do their dance and the Year Six students can sing their songs with a live audience. This will look different to what is released online, as some students don’t have public permissions.

WEEK 2: TERM 3 21 JULY 2021

Thursday, 21st July – Choir (8:00 am), 100 Days of Prep, Ice Block Sales (1:50 pm), Prayer Assembly (2:00 pm)

Friday, 22nd July – Zone 4 Gala Sports Years Three to Six (8:30 am)

Monday, 25th July – Catholic Education Week Begins, Chess (8:00 am), Lunch Day, School Board Meeting (6:00 pm),

Tuesday, 26th July – Active Travel (8:00 am)

Date Claimers

Week 1, Term 3 Prep: Fletcher and Maeve

Year 1: Archie, Koby, and Jacob

Year 2: No nomination

Year 3: James

Year 4: Oliver, Kenzie, Declan, Lewis

Year 5: Hamish, Kaelan, Cooper, and Elias

Year 6: Will and Laura

Kids in the Crest

KICking Goals

10: Aidan C, Audrey S, Edwin M, Joseph S, Ella M, Olive B, Alice B, Elias L, Lily V

20: Fred Ross

Each class will record their dance separately in the MPC and this will most likely be released as separate to the musical, but we are working on those logistics. So please date claim 9:00 am Friday, 26th November in your calendars to join us for the musical preview.

School Zone Sign

I received correspondence last week that we will be receiving a Flashing School Zone Sign (FSZS) from the Palaszczuk Government. I will be meeting with their representative in the future to plan the best positioning of the sign on Suez Street. This will provide extra safety for our students.

Willcocks Street Upgrade Project

I met with Councillor Andrew Wines last week and we came to agreement about how we can move forward with our Willcocks Street upgrade project. We are just waiting on council to complete the paperwork, but I am confident that Cr Wines is keen to get this project off the ground and improve the entrance to our school. I am excited that we might finally have some progress on this long-awaited project and will definitely keep you informed as to what is happening. Thank you to the P&F who have generously donated $35,000 towards the upgrade, let’s hope we can get a jump on it this year.

Quote of the Week:

“Jesus is the light – we are the bulb”. God’s blessings for the week ahead Deanne

Birthdays @ O.L.D.

Congratulations to students with birthdays

in the week ahead:

Katherine D, William S, Eva M, Alice L, Hayley B



BIG BOOK WEEK NEWS AND COMPETITIONS GALORE! Strap in for another BIG Book Week at O.L.D. in 2021. In fact, we have so much to tell you about Book Week that it’s going to take two pages! Book Week will run from Monday, 30th August through until Thursday, 2nd September, with something exciting happening every day. Of particular note, parents are encouraged to mark the morning of Thursday, 2nd September in their diaries, when O.L.D. will be hosting a special Father’s Day breakfast and Assembly, followed by the Book Week Parade! (We’re already tired just thinking about it)! At this stage, the schedule of activities for the week is as follows:

Monday, 30th August: Book Week activities in the iCentre

Tuesday, 31st August: Speak Up Drama presentation. Speak Up provide speech and drama classes for interested students before school on Mondays and Fridays. Speak Up have very generously offered to provide a Book Week themed presentation to our students again this year. We are grateful to them for their support of our school. For more information about Speak Up, visit their website –

Wednesday, 1st September: Book Week performance by Perform Education. This show is structured around Book Week shortlisted books, it’s very energetic and interactive and is always a big hit with the kids.

Thursday, 2nd September: 8:00 am – Father’s Day Breakfast and Assembly

9:00 am – Book Week Parade, with children dressing as either their favourite book character, or as something relating to the Book Week Theme. Students are welcome to come dressed in their costume and may stay in it for the remainder of the day, unless of course their costume is impractical, in which case they should bring a change of clothes. Closed-in shoes and covered shoulders are required for WHS reasons.

11:30 am – Presentation from Tony Squire, author of a collection of children’s books about the adventures of Buckley the Yowie. You can read more about Buckley on the following page.

Friday, 3rd September: STUDENT FREE DAY

Whispers from the Library

Book Week Photo Competition

We will once again be running our world-famous (well, O.L.D.-famous) photo competition, with some great prizes on offer. We are asking students to take a photo relating to this year’s theme and send it through to Mrs Broome via email at

Let your imaginations run wild… we can’t wait to see what Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds means to you.


• Children must feature in the photo. • One entry per student • Please send photos at the highest resolution possible –

straight from the camera, with no size reduction. • Photographs must be in landscape format. • Natural photographs please – no pic collage or

photoshopped images.

Mr Madden will be talking with students about the competition over the next few days, so get your thinking caps on!

And a Surprise Competition…

As part of our Book Week celebrations, we are welcoming author, Tony Squire, to O.L.D. Tony writes stories for children of all ages, about his Dream Time character, Buckley the Kilcoy Yowie.

We are very excited about Tony’s visit and even more excited about a competition he is running especially for students of Our Lady of Dolours. You see, Tony is looking for great ideas for his next story about Buckley… and he’s hoping our kids can help!

All you need to do is write a brief description about your idea for a story and send it through to Mrs Broome via email at If your idea is for a picture or reading book, it could be something simple like Buckley goes shopping, for example, so you would write – “Reading Book – Buckley goes shopping”. If it is for a short story or novel, you might want to suggest a period in Australian history that you would like to see Buckley in, so write “Novel” and your idea.

The Prize: The winners will take home a signed copy of Tony’s book 'Buckley the Yowie and the Legend of Ned Kelly'.

In addition, Tony will use your name as a character in the story (with mum and dad’s permission, of course)! If it is a book involving illustrations, Tony will also draw your likeness for that character. Once the story is published, the winner will receive a signed copy of that book too! How awesome is that?!

Oh, and Tony is going to have two categories, one for younger readers and one for older readers, so that’s two prizes on offer!

The competition will run from Monday, 26th July to Friday, 17th September 2021. (That’s all the way until the end of term, so plenty of time to get your entry in).

If you would like to learn more about Buckley the Yowie please check out Tony’s store at and his Facebook page at Feel free to LIKE it and SHARE it with your friends and family so everyone gets to hear about the amazing Buckley.

FROM THE A.P.R.E. Larissa Skuce

Living, Loving and Learning in Christ

Welcome to Week Two of Term Three Again, the excitement of a new term was ever present in the enthusiasm of the children as they returned to school last week. The busyness of school life began immediately with our upper school participating in a Gala Sports day on Friday. Well done to all students who engaged in their various team sports with impeccable sportsmanship. Returning students and teachers alike agreed they, importantly, had fun. Thank you to the parent volunteers who umpired, cheered our teams on, and helped with moving students around on the day. A big thank you also goes out to our teachers who continue to go above and beyond when it comes to organising these days for our kids. The behind-the-scenes paperwork, risk assessments, and organisation take hours and we thank you.

International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) The ICAS program is an independent skills-based assessment program that recognises and rewards academic achievement. This year we will be offering students the opportunity to sit exams in English, Mathematics and Science. The exams are held at O.L.D.

Dates and costs are detailed below:

Subject Official Sitting Window Price per student (AU$)

English Monday, 16th August to Friday, 20th August 2021 $17.05 (inc. GST)

Science Monday, 23rd August to Friday, 27th August 2021 $17.05 (inc. GST)

Mathematics Monday, 30th August to Friday, 3rd September 2021 $17.05 (inc. GST)

Should you wish to register your child for one or more of the assessments please make payment via this link:

Our school access code is: OXC367

Registrations MUST be made by the end of Week Three – Sunday, 1st August 2021.

Religious Life of the School – Term Three Year Six – Formation Day

The Year Six class has been invited to a BCE led Formation Day: “Living Saints”. This year’s theme has been inspired by Pope Francis’ Exhortation, “A Call to Holiness”. The day will explore the words and deeds of young saints and young people the Church recognises as having heeded the call to be “Living Saints.” Students will be given an opportunity to explore charism through the lens of one’s way of being and living in the world. They will be supported to explore and discover what their own charism could be and how they can be a living saint. The day will be held at St Anthony’s Kedron on Friday, 6th August. Further correspondence regarding the event will be sent home this week to all Year Six families.

Year Six Sleepout for the Homeless – Friday, 6th August

The Formation Day will be followed by our annual Year Six Sleepout for the Homeless, where students are invited to join O.L.D. staff at school for the night.

This event is designed to allow students to obtain a glimpse of the realities of homelessness on a personal level by ‘sleeping rough’ for one night. Sleepout encourages the students to gain a deeper understanding of homelessness and raise awareness of the realities faced by people experiencing homelessness.

Backpack Beds for the Homeless and Pyjama Day

To coincide with our Sleepout for the Homeless, we will be raising money for the wonderful initiatives of Backpack Beds for the Homeless. This organisation, formerly Swags for the Homeless, provides life-saving Backpack Beds to street-sleeping homeless without shelter. They are environmentally sustainable and offer tangible evidence of where our funds go.

On Friday, 13th August students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school in support of raising awareness and funds for the homeless. Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to school on the day. Of course, you are welcome to donate more than a gold coin, however, all donations big or small are gratefully accepted. All monies raised will go towards purchasing Backpack Beds for the Homeless.

Parent Prayer

Every Thursday morning, after assembly I invite parents to pray with me in the Flexible Learning Space (Art room). Parent prayer is an opportunity to gather, take a moment to be still and raise our hearts to God. Regardless of your faith or your beliefs you are invited to join together in prayer; all are welcome.

Together we will pray for our loved ones and be grateful for our many blessings in life. Prayer will go for no more than ten minutes. Younger siblings are also very welcome. I look forward to commencing this quiet time with you.

Term Three Mass Dates

Tentative dates for our various masses are listed below for you to pencil into your diaries:

Friday, 30th July: Whole School Mass

Tuesday, 3rd August: Prep and Year Five Mass

Tuesday, 17th August: Years One and Six Mass

Tuesday, 31st August: Years Two, Three and Four Mass

Sunday, 12th September: 70th Anniversary Mass

Wednesday 15th September: Our Lady of Dolours’ Feast Day Mass

Let us Pray…

Prayer for Patience and Gentleness Bestow on me, O Lord, a genial spirit, and unwearied forbearance; a mild, loving, patient heart; kindly looks, pleasant, cordial speech, and manners in the exchanges of daily life; that I may give offence to none, but insofar as I can, may live in charity with everyone. Johann Arndt, (1555-1621)

Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being. Kevin Kruse

Go gently with God’s blessings,


STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Continual advances in technology are changing the way students learn, connect, and interact. Over the last few days, our Year Six class have been working within the Science curriculum, investigating circuits. The skills they will develop through these sorts of hands-on activities – including critical analysis, independent thinking, problem solving and teamwork – provide them with the foundation to succeed at school and beyond.

At O.L.D. we are proud to offer some great STEM learning opportunities in classrooms throughout the school, as well as in our iCentre. Many of the STEM activities available in the iCentre were provided thanks to the generosity of the O.L.D. Parents and Friends Association, and the hard work of parents throughout the year. Living proof that your fundraising activities provide real opportunities for your children.

@ O.L.D.

Scholastic Book Club Issue Five for 2021 is out now and includes books from the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) 2021 Shortlist. Please note that all orders are due by the end of Week Three, Friday, 30th July before 9:00 pm.

Orders can be placed online at or by using the LOOP app which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.

Details for online ordering and the LOOP app are located on the second last page of the Book Club brochure.







For further information, the School Fee Policy document is available on the school website and the Parent Portal.

Please note that neither cash nor cheques are accepted.

All Book Club orders earn 20% in Scholastic Rewards for our school to help purchase additional learning and literacy resources.

Students in Years Two and Five have been busy planting up our new gardens, a project made possible by the Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant. Our project aims to develop a native garden and bush tucker garden, and the kids are involved with every step of the process – designing the new garden beds, planting locally sourced native plants, caring for the plants, and of course harvesting and eating the produce!

Sustainability @

NAB AFL Auskick is simply the best introduction for kids into the world of Australian Football. Auskickers run, jump, kick, laugh, express themselves and create their own special moments that just happens to be footy. No matter if you know the game or not, Auskick is inclusive for everyone aged 5-12 at any ability to play.

Age 5-12 Boys & Girls Non-Contact All Abilities

Auskick is coming back to Mitchie, and students from O.L.D. are invited to sign up for this great after-school program. Details below:

O.L.D. MITCHELTON – NAB AFL AUSKICK CENTRE Times Thursday afternoons – 3:20 pm – 4:20 pm. Six-week program.

Venue Fenwick Park. Students will be walked to the park after school and must be collected from the park by parents.

Cost $80 (paid by parent/participant)

Inclusions Cost includes six weeks of coaching by AFLQ Staff, Sherrin Auskick football and Auskick pack, including pump, backpack, and hat.

Commences Thursday, 5th August 2021 (Week Four, Term Three) Program finishes on Thursday, 9th September.

Register online at:

There’s always something happening at O.L.D.… Preppies learning the fine art of shotput throwing

Year Six leading Assembly


Year Five Netball

Year Six Touch Football

42 for 42 Memorial Garden Announcement

Dear Friends & Families

MEMORIAL GARDENS OPENING POSTPONED – NEW DATE 9TH OR 16TH OCTOBER We were looking forward to welcoming you to the official opening of the Afghanistan Memorial Gardens on Saturday, 24 July. Unfortunately, we've made the difficult decision to postpone the event, due to the last-minute (and unavoidable) need by Suncorp Stadium to accommodate NRL season games.

Going ahead with the event would have meant an inevitable disruption due to arriving crowds and detracted from what we want to be a memorable day for our guests. On top of this, the current COVID-19 lockdowns in NSW and Victoria meant that many people who had hoped to attend were unable to.

All going to plan, we will now be holding the event on either Saturday, 9th or 16th October.

We're obviously disappointed at this turn of events and apologise for any disruption to your plans. On a positive note, we hope that more family members and supporters from outside of Queensland will be able to join us on the new date.

All tickets (both for the stadium event and the private function) remain valid, so please hold on to them. However, if you would like your ticket/s refunded, please contact the 42for42 team at We hope that you will be able to attend the event in October and look forward to seeing you then.

Kind regards

Sean Mulqueen President & Co-founder of the 42for42

FREE ASD WEBINARS FOR PARENTS/CAREGIVERS Please find below links for the FREE Autism Hub webinars scheduled for early Term

Three. These webinars are free and are open for all parents who register – follow the links below. Please note these webinars are not recorded.

Parent webinar – Developing social narratives

Parent webinar – Sharing your child’s strengths

Parent webinar – Transition to prep

Parent webinar – Supporting your child using visual supports

Parent webinar – Transition to secondary school

Parent webinar – Using self-management strategies

Parent webinar – Building a transition timeline