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Prime Numbers andthe RiemannHypothesis

Donal O’SheaCommunicated by Harriet Pollatsek

Prime Numbers and the Riemann HypothesisBarry Mazur and William SteinCambridge University Press; 1st edition (April 11, 2016) 150 pages, $20.49ISBN-13: 978-1-1074-9943-0

IntroductionThe centenary of Hilbert’s problems and the announce-ment of the Clay Institute’s millennial prize problems re-sulted in a number of very good trade books about the Riemann Hypothesis. In their book Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, Barry Mazur and William Stein set themselves [p. vii] a different goal:

A reader of these books will get a fairly richpicture of the personalities engaged in the pur-suit [of the Riemann Hypothesis], and of relatedmathematical and historical issues. That is notthe mission of [this book]. We aim—instead—toexplain, in a manner as direct as possible andwith the least mathematical background required,what this problem is all about and why it is soimportant.

Mazur and Stein are distinguished mathematicians whohave made significant contributions in areas the Rie-mann Hypothesis touches. Both care deeply aboutteaching. Mazur writes like an angel, and Stein is the

Donal O’Shea is professor of mathematics and president of NewCollege of Florida. His email address is

For permission to reprint this article, please

founder of SageMath, a powerful open-source mathemat-ical software system, and CoCalc. So, if anyone couldwrite an account of this sort, it is they. Nonetheless, thegoal they set themselves is audacious and highly non-trivial. Even today, Riemann’s paper is tough going forthose without specialized knowledge in the area. Writingmathematically meaningful, but readily comprehensible,text about a highly technical subject for serious readersis an undertaking not to be underestimated. When thatsubject lies deep enough to have consequences in manyother areas, that difficulty is compounded.

Mazur and Stein succeed brilliantly. The first half oftheir book assumes no knowledge of calculus, the nextthird requires some knowledge of real differential calcu-lus, and the last sixth some complex analysis. I cannotthink of an interested reader who will not profit from thislittle book. It will fascinate anyone who enjoys mathemat-ics. It provides amateurs and students with an attractiveand accessible entry to a compelling, but difficult realmof mathematics. Professional mathematicians and mathe-matical scientists will love it—so will electrical engineersand computer scientists. It deserves to become a classic.

Riemann and His HypothesisIn 1859 at age thirty-two, Bernhard Riemann was ap-pointed to the chair at the University of Göttingenpreviously held by his teachers Gauss and Dirichlet.The death of Dirichlet, to whom Riemann was very close,had left the chair vacant. For Riemann, the appointmentwould have been bittersweet. He desperately neededthe income and recognition, but Dirichlet was one ofhis closest friends, and one of the few who understoodhim and his mathematics. Shortly afterwards the Prus-sian Academy of Sciences in Berlin elected Riemann asa corresponding member, and Kronecker encouraged

August 2018 Notices of the AMS 811


him to submit a paper describing his research. Whetherby design or serendipity, Riemann had been exploringsome ideas that had intensely interested Gauss andDirichlet. The resulting hastily-written, eight-page paperintroduced the complex-valued function now known asthe Riemann zeta function and related it to the number𝜋(𝑋) of prime numbers less than or equal to a givenquantity 𝑋. It introduced a host of astonishing new ideasand techniques. As Selberg [2] points out, the paper wasclearly a research note sketching some ideas to which Rie-mann intended to return. There were holes that neededto be filled and Riemann’s mathematical notebooks sub-sequently made it clear that Riemann had more materialto present. Riemann would die seven years later, withoutreturning to the subject. At the time, the paper had lit-tle discernible impact, but in time it would completelytransform analytic number theory and reverberate acrossmathematics.

Thirty-five years later, Riemann’s paper was better un-derstood. The Prime Number Theorem, originally conjec-tured by Gauss and equivalent to the statement that nozeroes of the zeta function have real part equal to 1, wasestablished independently by Hadamard and de la ValléePoussin in 1896. But a statement, now known as the Rie-mann Hypothesis, that Riemann conjectured would givemuch better information, remains unsolved to this day.Hilbert included it as the eighth problem among his listof twenty-three problems for the twentieth century. Aftergiving a nod to then-recent progress on the distributionof prime numbers, he writes [2, p. 456]

It still remains to prove the correctness of an ex-ceedingly important statement of Riemann, viz.,that the zero points of the function 𝜁(𝑠) definedby the series

𝜁(𝑠) = 1+ 12𝑠 + 1

3𝑠 + 14𝑠 +…

all have the real part 12 , except the well-known

negative integral zeros. As soon as this proof hasbeen successfully established, the next problemwould consist in testing more exactly Riemann’sinfinite series for the number of primes below agiven number and, especially, to decide whetherthe difference between the number of primesbelow a number 𝑥 and the integral logarithmof 𝑥 does in fact become infinite of an ordernot greater than 1

2 in 𝑥. Furthermore, we shoulddetermine whether the occasional condensationof prime numbers which has been noticed incounting primes is really due to those terms inRiemann’s formula which depend upon the firstcomplex zeroes of the function 𝜁(𝑠).

In the late 1990s, the Clay Mathematical Institutesurveyed a representative group of mathematicians asto what they considered the most pressing open prob-lems for the new millennium. There were, of course,differences of opinion, but all approached included twoproblems on their lists, the Poincaré Conjecture (nowsolved) and the Riemann Hypothesis. Both were among

the seven “millennial” problems for the solution of eachof which the Institute offered a one million dollar prize.

The BookThe authors begin by sorting their readership into threegroups: 1) interested individuals who may not have had acalculus course, but who are comfortable with the notionof a graph of a function; 2) interested individuals whoknow some differential calculus; 3) interested individu-als who know a little complex analysis. They then ordertheir material accordingly. Part I, about seventy pages ofthe book, addresses the first group. Parts II and III, aboutforty pages in total, address the second group. Part IV, theshortest at twenty-five pages, addresses the third group,as do the ten pages of endnotes (which are terrific).

The first part opens with a careful discussion of primes,sieves, the frequency of primes, and the behavior of 𝜋(𝑋)as 𝑋 grows larger. The prose is spare, but engaging andinformal. In addition to photographs of individuals (re-grettably all male, all but one white), and excerpts fromnotebooks (see Figure 3), there are many tables and lotsof well-chosen graphs (most generated by SageMath, withcode available online). The function Li(𝑋) is simply de-fined as the area from 2 to 𝑋 under the graph of 1/ log(𝑥).No fuss, no over-explanation, no integral signs. The au-thors zoom out of the graph of the step function 𝜋(𝑋),looking at it over larger and larger intervals. The readerclearly sees the graph that becomes a smooth curve at theresolution of the human eye and that the graph of 𝑋

log(𝑋)appears to diverge from 𝜋(𝑋) faster than Li(𝑋).

Tables are used to show the distinction between goingto infinity at the same rate (as many leading digits as de-sired can be made to coincide) and to within square rooterror (first half of leading digits coincide). A wonderfuldiscussion that links square root error to random walksfollows. This is done by simulating and plotting lots ofrandom walks on the line (see Figure 1), and it firmly es-tablishes that square root error is the gold standard: thebest that one can expect.

The authors present their first formulation of the Rie-mann Hypothesis as the statement that Gauss’s logarith-mic integral Li(𝑋) is a square-root-close approximationto 𝜋(𝑋). This, of course, is the second part of Hilbert’sstatement of the Riemann Hypothesis, and their discus-sion allows the reader to appreciate the contrast betweenthe Prime Number Theorem and the Riemann Hypothesis.

From here, the account pivots to a discussion of the in-formation contained in𝜋(𝑋), and in the graphs of relatedfunctions that contain the same information, which theauthors refer to as carpentry on the staircase of primes.In particular, the authors consider the step function𝜓(𝑋)that increases not just at prime numbers by 1, but at allprime powers by the logarithm of the prime, and providea second restatement of the Riemann Hypothesis as theassertion that 𝜓(𝑋) is square-root-close to 𝑦 = 𝑋, thegraph of which is the straight line in the first quadrant at45 degrees off the 𝑋-axis.

The discussion about preservation of information andthe utility of different representations of functions leads

812 Notices of the AMS Volume 65, Number 7


(A) Ten random walks

(B) One hundredrandom walks

(C) One thousandrandom walks

Figure 1. A wonderful discussion links square root error to random walks on the line. The figures on the leftplot random walks starting at the origin; the blue curves on the right plot the average distance from the originafter 𝑋 steps of the random walks on the left, and the red line is the graph of √ 2

𝜋 ⋅ √𝑋.

naturally to a discussion of how the spectrum (that is,the collection of frequencies), amplitudes, and phases ofa trigonometric sum more efficiently encode the infor-mation in the function than does sampling points on itsgraph. These discussions lead in turn, and seemingly in-eluctably, to the notion of capturing the information inthe graph of 𝜋(𝑋) by using something akin to Fourieranalysis.

So ends Part I. It tells a complete and satisfying story,and a reader with no knowledge of calculus who leavesoff at this point will have learned a great deal.

Parts II and III are aimed at readers with some, butminimal, differential calculus, and continue the informa-tion theme. The authors use the same pedagogical tech-niques as in the first section (many of which are nowadaysused in reform calculus texts). They begin with a briefintroduction to generalized functions, starting with theDirac delta function, introduced as the limit of the deriva-tives of bump functions approximating a step functionwith one jump discontinuity. Since they assume a little fa-miliarity with calculus, they are able to be precise aboutconvergence. They discuss Fourier transforms of distri-butions with discrete support, transforms of trigonomet-ric sums, and spike values. All this is done with lots ofgraphs.

With this in hand, they move to two trigonometricseries that are related to one another in that thefrequencies (the logarithms of prime powers) of thefirst are the spike values (the points of divergence) of thesecond, and vice versa the spike values of the first are thefrequencies (or “prime spectrum”) of the other. The firstinfinite sum comes right out of information in 𝜋(𝑋), andthe graphs of the trigonometric sums approximating theseries are computed, so the reader can see the graphs ofthese sums beginning to spike at the spike values.

There are many details here, and one of the delight-ful things is that the authors guide readers through the

thicket, pointing out the essentials, and indicating whatis central and what are conveniences. The calculus thatthe authors ask of their readers is not a facility with com-putation, but that the reader be comfortable with the keyideas of derivative and definite integral. For readers whohave forgotten most of their calculus, the book will under-score the utility of those key concepts. There are manyreferences to the literature and to sites where computa-tions of the spectrum have been done, and I look forwardto returning to the book to follow up on these.

The authors had clearly intended [p. 113] to provide athird restatement of the Riemann Hypothesis in terms ofthe concepts they developed in Parts II and III, but some-where in the course of themany revisions of the book, thisrestatement went missing. Although this tacitly leaves anexercise for the reader, the omission is unfortunate asthe restatement would have given the reader a sense ofclosure.

The book closes with Part IV, a beautiful short section,aimed at the reader with some knowledge of complexanalysis. The authors return to Riemann’s paper andpresent Riemann’s formula for 𝜋(𝑋). Here again, the au-thors plot the graphs of the function 𝑅(𝑋) that Riemannused (see Figure 2), and the reader sees how much betterRiemann’s successive approximations are to 𝜋(𝑋) thanLi(𝑋).

The authors [p. 124] make the crucial point that theerror terms can be explicitly computed once one knowsthe zeroes of the zeta function, and provide the “fourth”and final restatement of the Riemann Hypothesis as theconjecture that all non-trivial zeroes of the zeta functionhave imaginary part equal to 1

2 . This, of course, is the fa-mous version that Hilbert states, and with which we areall familiar. The authors go on to write:

That a simple geometric property of these zeroes(lying on a line!) is directly equivalent to suchprofound (and more difficult to express) regular-ities among prime numbers suggests that these

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(A) Comparisons of Li(𝑋) (top), 𝜋(𝑋) (middle), and 𝑅(𝑋) (bottom, computed using 100 terms on the left and1000 terms on the right).


(B) Closeup comparison of Li(𝑋) (top), 𝜋(𝑋) (middle), and 𝑅(𝑋) (bottom, computed using 11000 terms).

Figure 2. Riemann’s initial approximation to 𝜋(𝑋) is much better than Li(𝑋).

Figure 3. Riemann’s exact formula for 𝜋(𝑋).

zeroes and the parade of Riemann’s correctionsgoverned by them—when we truly comprehendtheir message—may have lots more to teachus, may eventually allow us a more powerfulunderstanding of arithmetic. … Are the primesthemselves no more than an epiphenomenon,behind which there lies, still veiled from us,a yet-to-be-discovered, yet-to-be-hypothesized,profound conceptual key to their perplexingorneriness?

The final chapter in Part IV exemplifies what is sospecial about the book. The authors want the reader tounderstand that the Riemann zeta function is one of afamily of functions that arise in many other contexts. Inthese last few pages of the book, they could have beenforgiven for going wild and citing loads of interesting,inscrutable examples. They do not. Rather, they concen-trate on a single example that their hypothetical readerwill understand, the distribution of Gaussian primes.They do not take shortcuts. They define norms, Gaussianintegers and units, and then Gaussian primes. They plotthe distributions of Gaussian primes 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑖 in the firstquadrant of the plane with 𝑎,𝑏 ≤ 10, and then 𝑎,𝑏 ≤ 100.They then look at the staircase of primes (the graph ofthe number of Gaussian primes with norm less than orequal to 𝑋), and produce the graphs for norms up to 10,100, 1000, 10000. In the process of zooming out, onesees the graphs approximating a smooth curve, and one

has no difficulty believing their assertion that there isan analogue of the zeta function in this context. Onlythen do they mention that there is a larger story, theGrand Riemann Hypothesis, and give the example wherezeta-type functions count solutions of polynomials ofseveral variables in finite fields of characteristic 𝑝.

Seldom have I, as a reader, felt so respected. This issuperb teaching, and beautiful writing.

ConclusionThe authors say that they wrote the book over a period often years, getting together for one week during the sum-mers. Nonetheless, the book itself is highly disciplined. Itis short and very attractively laid out. The four parts con-sist of a number of short chapters, which are perfect forsporadic reading.

The authors have given the mathematical community agreat gift. Buy the book for yourselves, your friends, andyour students.

814 Notices of the AMS Volume 65, Number 7


References[1] David, Hilbert, Mathematical Problems, Lecture delivered

before the International Congress of Mathematicians at Parisin 1900. Translated by Mary Winston Newson. Bull. Amer.Math. Soc. 8(1902), pp. 437–479. The original appeared inGöttinger Nachrichten (1900) pp. 253–297.

[2] Atle Selberg, The History of the Prime Number The-orem, The opening lecture at “In Celebration of theCentenary of the Proof of the Prime Number Theorem,A Symposium on the Riemann Hypothesis,” Seattle, Wash-ington, August 12–15, 1996, Sponsored by the AmericanInstitute of Mathematics. Handwritten slides available

Image CreditsFigures 1 and 2 courtesy of Barry Mazur and William Stein, Prime

Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, 2016, Cambridge Uni-versity Press, used with permission.

Figure 3 courtesy of SUB Göttingen, Cod. Ms. B. Riemann 3 : folio18r.

Author photo by Kim McDonald, New College of Florida.


Donal O’Shea came to New Collegeafter thirty-two years at MountHolyoke College. He is author orco-author of a number of booksincluding The Poincare Conjecture;Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms;Using Algebraic Geometry; Calcu-lus in Context; and Laboratories inMathematical Experimentation.

Donal O’Shea


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