Primary Seven’s look at Rockwell Water Plant in Pomeroy.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Primary Seven’s look at Rockwell Water Plant in Pomeroy.

Primary Seven’s look at Rockwell Water Plant in Pomeroy

On Tuesday the 5th May we visited Rockwell Water in Pomeroy

Reasons for our visit

•To look at Health and Safety in the workplace

•To really look at what goes on behind the scenes

•To look at job roles


St. Teresa’s visit to Rocwell Water

Future employees for Rocwell!

Do I look nice in this?

Health and safety rules mean we must be covered

The things we do for health and Safety!

The first machine in the Water plant – washes the bottles

The Rinsing Machine

Just imagine washing these by hand!!

Once the water has been put into the bottles they are capped.

Remember Health and Safety!

One of the many health and safety notices

The worker is putting more caps in, she needs to be careful!

The bottles are getting the date stamped on. They are stamped one year ahead.

I’ve a date


This is a coloured coded notice to clean up the floor – highly important for hygiene.

Yet another Health and Safety notice! All notices were placed at eye level – no chance of anyone missing these


This is the machine that makes the tiny Couplets. These are then sold to airlines.

The girls are watching the workers pack the bottles.

I need some water to waken me up.

This is Conall he looks kind of sleepy.

The bottles are being labelled but it is Campells today.

This is what the bottles starts like- pre forms

The pre-form bottles are put into this machine to be blown up.

This girl is looking to see if the labels are alright

This is where the bottles are being split up to be packed

The coolers are being broken up to get washed then put together again

We’re all afraid of water!!

T yp e n am e h e reT yp e tit le h e re

T yp e n am e h e reT yp e tit le h e re

T yp e n am e h e reT yp e tit le h e re

T yp e n am e h e reT yp e tit le h e re

Future employees investigating Rocwell

This is where the bottles are wrapped. Notice the use of technology here.

Oliver is putting the 19 litre bottle in the machine to be filled with water.

Busy beavers taking down notes for when they

go back to school.

How will we sell this water cooler, boys? What will we say?

We need a snappy slogan

These bottles are packed and to go. The distributors will deliver them.

Watch out! The attack of the bottles!!!

These girls are in the administration part of the building. Much quieter here except those ringing phones!

Imelda is taking orders for the new Tyrone jersey. Remember Rockwell is the NEW SPONSOR of TYRONE- ALL IRELAND


We’ve really enjoyed this

This is Ciara at Rocwell she is in the lab she checks the water quality.

Just imagine any one of us could be a future managing director of Rockwell. Which one?

We all had a great day here. We have learned a lot about running an Industry. Thanks Rocwell!