Primary Phase Newsletter 11th February 2021

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Transcript of Primary Phase Newsletter 11th February 2021

Primary Phase Newsletter 11th February 2021

Dear Parents and Friends of TSPS,

We are pleased this week to provide a combined year group newsletter that shares with you the work carried out and completed by our students across the Primary School.

This week has been a combination of in-school teaching and distance learning across Years 1 to 6. We have continued our strong stance in keeping the school community safe and thank parents for their patience and support as their children have been working online at the later end of this week.

We look forward to resuming in-school teaching with our Blended Learning Group B students on 21st February, after the half-term holiday.

We remain keen to encourage as many students as possible to join either the blended learning programme or to attend school full-time, where our numbers will allow. Parents who wish to opt for either should promptly contact myself, so that we can make these arrangements. Our aim is to always best serve you and your children’s education. Therefore, we are pleased to be able to accommodate your children in school to relieve that burden on you at home and to also maximise their learning.

As we move further into the Spring Term, Mr. James, Ms. Praveena, and I are keen to hear from our parents as we start to make initial plans for the next academic year.

This year has been extraordinary, but we remain very pleased with how well our students and their teachers adapted to the changes that were needed. It is our hope that next year, we can really start to flourish as a model 21st Century school as restrictions begin to be lifted. Our commitment to you as parents and to our children remains as strong as ever. Our passion for excellence and to deliver the very best of British Education to Dubai will always remain our key objective.

I look forward to hearing from parents individually who wish to share with me their thoughts and desires for Sheffield in the future as we plan ahead.

Meanwhile, if you have any current questions or concerns regarding your child’s learning, then do directly speak to your child’s class teacher, who is equally happy to chat things through with you.

I wish all our students an enjoyable half-term holiday.

David Goodwin - Vice Principal Primary

Kareem 1C- Has been working hard to produce a neat piece of writing in English using time connectives to write a diary entry about the Tiger Who Came to Tea.

Mikaeel and Katie 1C-Have produced creative models in Topic to show Dubai’s landscape then and now.

Noor 1A- In Art, we have been experimenting with playdough and creating animal sculptures. Here is Noor with her brilliant giraffe sculpture!

Oliwier 1A- In Science, we explored the human life cycle and identified changes in humans as they grow. Oliwier compared a photo of himself as a baby with a photo of himself as a child.

Mirerya 1D-Mireya's beautiful artwork showing her excellent knowledge of counting in 10's.

Lilian 1D- playing the keyboard in 'forte' and 'piano' during Music.

Fazil 1B- On Sunday we took a virtual school trip to the zoo! Fazil has drawn the animals he saw on the trip and has used time connectives to describe the order he saw each animal in.

Catalina 1B-We have been learning to count in 10s up to 100 this week. Catalina has used her handprints to show she can count in 10s.

Year 1

Year 2In Science this week, Year 2 were testing different materials to see which one would be most suitable for a curtain in a bedroom.

The students placed a small doll inside a shoe box and cut 2 holes – one to look into and one to shine the torch into.

We discovered that the wool was the most suitable material because it let the least light in and didn’t disturb the doll that was trying to sleep.

Year 2In Art this week, the Year 2 students used recycled materials to create a miniature London.

This linked to our Topic –The Great Fire of London.

The students thoroughly enjoyed this task and worked well as a team, whilst maintaining their social distance from one another.

Year 3We teach writing using Talk for writing and it has worked wonderfully well for our students. Talk for writing enables the students to imitate the key language they need orally before reading and analysing it.

Through teacher modelling, shared writes and oral rehearsal, children adopt the text structures and language patterns before producing the independent task (Hot write).

The whole process of talk for writing is to create independent and enthusiastic writers and we are very happy to see what our students have produced.

Identifying language features Process of planning

Year 3 – Virtual Trip to the Zoo.

We in year 3 designed the Zoo tickets and planned our Visit to the Zoo. We also research about the different Predators (linked to our theme) and had fun gathering facts about animals.

Incorporating innovation in our lessons.

Year 4

Children investigated and found out that the brightness of the bulb will change if more components are added to the complete circuit.

In Topic, children created their own volcanic mountains to show explosion.

Children have been working hard in the English lessons to organise paragraphs and punctuate speech.

Children have continued to work hard with their short division and have moved onto word problems.

Year 4

In Music this week, we applied our knowledge of musical notes and notations and played on the pianos. Over the next half term we will be reading sheet music and learning a song!

In Art we had a look at the Roman art form of Mosaics and created our own patterns using coloured paper and pencils.

During our English lessons, we have been reading more of our class book, The Phoenix Code, and have written character pages about Cleo and Ryan - the main characters in the story.

Year 5

As a school, we are committed to developing our pupils' literacy skills, not only in English lessons but across all subjects. This includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In order to achieve this, we are incorporating a range of different activities into all lessons. For example, this week in PSHE, year 5 pupils were given the opportunity to practice their speaking and listening skills by presenting speeches about sharing. The results were wonderful, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the process too!

Year 6

Year 6 students conducting an investigation on conductors and insulators and whether a potato or lemon can make a light up a bulb.

Zayed Khan (6C) created an informative revision worksheet to help prepare him for his Science quiz this week.

Amartya (6B) working hard at his office at home.

Arefa and Hammad (6D) produced great reasoning explanations in one of the Math quizzes this week.

Some amazing non-chronological reports on the Victorians produced by Year 6 students.

Aekuss (6C) created a wonderful time detailing and illustrating the history of modern music.

Year 6