Price List of Monumental Marble - Quarries and Beyond

Post on 23-Feb-2022

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Transcript of Price List of Monumental Marble - Quarries and Beyond

“Price List of Monumental Marble”

December 21, 1946

Green Mountain Marble Corp.

West Rutland, Vermont

Note: On the last page of the booklet, Green Mountain Marble Corp. states:

“We operate our own quarries and finishing plant and are in a position to furnish

your monumental requirements, finished complete, ready to set.

“We will welcome an opportunity to furnish you with estimates made from your

rubbings, sketches or duplicate Jobs that you may be in the market for.”

This booklet, which begins on the next page,

is presented on the Stone Quarries and Beyond web site.

Peggy B. Perazzo


January 2014