Pricc Five Cent* Draft Age Fixed at 21 to 35...

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Transcript of Pricc Five Cent* Draft Age Fixed at 21 to 35...

rAn Auoeiated .

Pret$ Newspaper TH E TWIN FALLS N EW g T O D A Y : P a r t l y C l o u d y


Draft Age Fixed at 21 to 35 YearsjGuns Raise Steel B a rr ie r A g a in s t N azi A ir R aiders

L o n d o n l l e p o r l s O n l y 2 0 B o m b s I ' a l l O n C i t y i n N i n e . I l o n r s o '

F i f t h D a y ’ s A s s a u l t '

(By Tlje AMOclnlccl Prcisl LONDON. S c p l. 12 (T liiiK c ln y )— T h e h e a v ie s t n n U -a l r c r n f t

barrnRC In h is to ry d c slro y cd _ lw o of th e h u n d re d s o f •G e rm a n ra id e r s convcrR lnB o n L o n d o n last, n ig h t n n tl cn rly to d a y n n d l lm llc d to n b o u i 10 th e b o m b s e x p lo d ed on th e c ity In t h e n in e h o u rs of th e f i f th c o n sc c u llv e d u s k - to - d a w n .n s s a u lt .

R e p o rU of dam aR e w ere sm a ll, a n d o b se rv a tio n s f ro m a m id - to w n b u lld ln d show ed f e w n o a n s on th e f ac e o f th e

■ 5lecpJn(r c n p ltn l. O ne ncw s'p .ip e r bulldlHR w as h it.

T lie bom bs cnm e dow n slnf?- ly o r In p a irs . In s te ad o f In clo.iU:r-i—or sllckji—which chnracltr- isrd the llr*t Io\ir ms.^Tcd nlKl't mlrt.i On* Ocrmnn planr «3t>uTin norUi Loiulon nnd Its ere" cnp- uirtd.

Nrw G fnnan Threat Tlie .illlfcncd D ri l l^ re.-.bUDce In

tUe Incc of Gerninii tlirenU lo dump 10,000 plane loads of boinbi dally on

,,., 111 London area brouglit down nn- oUitr Nnrl plnnt aouih of London.

In:,tend of wnlUnK to upov ihc nt- tncklns boinbct.i wiUi scnrcliIlKltU.\\\r. ftnll-alrcrfta d « tc tw i^ ( Lon­don oiwicd Bl fuU cry when the firnl nlKhl rnldem npprnred nnd kept COlnK n l nil unprecedented rale.

deleiitndous air


t leiL',1 00 German plane* had been de.\troycd m s flKhUna a l a cojl of 17 Brlll.ih crall. r

To lJ\t clvlllnn!! hmldled in ifi*. Uie Iron clamor of-tne Buna gave aivnrnnce Uinl Londtm'i tetiiCi »:erc o{(crln? wliai tcenied to be an adtqualo aiuwer lo Uio nl«ht-flyliv terror.

Csiut Dombuded Ocrmin dive-bombers »»d long-

runct Run» combined in ft beary bom()»ttlnient ot Uu En«IUlJ.coart U) p ro tM ^ o z l chips .niBneuvOTnB m Uie dSnne! lii p ivvarotlon for. U>« hou rly -«p« ted *1-

..tem p l to Irttade Britain predicted I ycslcrday by Prime M lnliltr Clmr,

cl^lU-bul Uit B iJtW vbcat U « of­fensive lo the puncJj.

Tlie ndmlmlty officially announc. fd lim t llRht D riaih naval fortes had begun "atronK and repented of, (cn&lva acUon against Koi) ttilp-. pinB movemenu and porta which were "v lla r to aerranny In liif 'even t of an attem pt to Invade £ns-

.land."•nie ndmlroJiy *arred further de-

u J lj or Uie action on the grounds K •kohUI diiclow livConuaUon ‘Mu lul to UiD enemy."

The Dover area trembled undi m e war's ereatest ulielllng and bombUiK.

Crltlsli land sim.i made powerful rew ri: they centered Ihelr (Ire up­on tlie Ocrman convoy In this chan­nel w hile swarms of DriUih flKhtcr plruic.i. from botJi Oie royal air force and the navnl air arm. lenped lip Inw tJie Bngngement. .

Tlipy foared In force acro.’j Uic channel nnd shorUy the German Ciin-i fell Mlent after hour« of Inter­m ittent filielllni: Trom cmplacfmenls on the Natl-held French coail.

F L A S H E S o f L IF E

G one A g n in ’JOHNSTOWN, Pn. - Le on

nirlie 1. having >i hard time Keepinc lip with hLi outomoblle.

I t wa.'i .itolen nnd found aban- tinned. Ha went to Ret li. discovered

• ml.-jlng nnd wenthome for nnolher

Wlien he KOt back 1 s Kone

M u c h Ado " tl .IZ A n E T lI. N. J . - r o r two\ hour* Mlcliart de Stetnno ar- Bued In police court attnlnst demands of the Sodety for-the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal.^ that hli home be destroyed because of advanced

♦ nRC-Tlie arKument finally endrtl when

he disclosed the anliruil had died tn-o days before.

. TbJvVs DlIlDTcnl.TRANSAS C iry —A superlntenclenl

nf >en’lce a t n theater fired an tuher 'Jo r falllnR In a minor duty.

"All rlnht." aaiil Use usher, "but I. don't Uilnk I wa.1 dolnji wrone. w

• I'm (TOln* to march up and do«T» out front untll you ceme out. Then I'm polnc fb o'ork you over."

The superintendent peeked out about 10 p. m. Tlie boy was mnrdilne #.< UiouKh,on picket duty. He atlll •Rn.n jiisTchlns Rt VI. 12 nnd \ o’clock. Finally the auperlntindcnt 'Called him In aJirt sirid: “You're hired,"

He had IcflTOed the usher wa* an ■mntetir boxer.

A In tlio W ay" KANSAS'CIT^—Police Interrupt-

a croup of boy,< ehopptnc dowij nBiTflf MontRall park's lartteat elm

t r e f tT h e i r explanation; Outfleldeni

(ihftKKlriE «>' bulVi always were tn i l s . Jnc themselves nsilnjit the huge tree.


British .N igtit Fliers Drop Incendiary Bombs: One

Factory Fired ,11K.RLTN. Sept, 13 <Thuni<Iny)

IJrltlsh nlRht filers In a 02-m air raid early today dropi>rd nil ous Incendiary bomij.i on Berlin nnd caiLscd o*ir factory flt’e.

Authorities rtBtcd the fire which Rlnrted In a nortJi side factor)' waj

;lnfniL'hed with comparntlvely lit­tle loss.

OUier bombs fell In the famed TlerKarten iwvrk In mId-Herlln.

m e Tlenrartcn Is n*tvcrftl hlockr from Fuehrer .Adolf Hitler’* official residence.

,There wero no reporta of any dead or Ittjured In BetlUt Uut It an ­other night In which bombcri kllle<l nnd Injured Mveralln “a north O cT'

lan city."Tfifl raid came only a few hours’

After % Nazi source said Germany Intends to dump 10.000 plane-loads

bomba dally upon the Ixmdon • - In /> offcntlre *-

begin ivt once.H iU atlack—«ne v lthou t retnote

parallel In alt the world'K hUttor '— would,be carried out by 3.S00 alr^ planes &.vilRned to four trlpn a-daj lo London, he said..

The Informant, wtiose connrctlnn: with Relcli Marshal Hermann Wil­helm Ooertng are ver>- clase. thu;. Uireatened an apoc.ilyp.-.e of horror i\'hlle official Germany stirred In cold fury at. the most spectaciilnr BMtLih raid y t i made upon Berlin.

"f wouldn't Rive one fartlilnR for Uie (Drltl.ih) homes of parliam ent; he said.

'Now thivt c\ii rtltlvslfts buUdlnR has been twnibed. Uiere Is no rca;M5n wtiy we ahouldn'l bomb the British parliament oUi of exbtcnce. If thi try to h it tJiWfnsncellery .<lhe off clal headqifl^ters of Adolf Hitler . Buckingham or Windsor castle will

s surely as you lire."


11/Germany Ready lo Launch

Full-Scale Invasion. Brita in Wamed^

LONDON. Bcpl. IIM/Tr—AiSoU'illi,- ler'*.unrclenllnK bombing of London clvlllanj has kindled a flame In Brjtlsh hearts that ultlm atey will destroy "thU wlcke<l man." Prime Xflnlster Winston Chwchjll_d(>?l(\rctl--------broartCAit'today aa he Klrded

nation to ejpecl ci Narl tempi to invade tliLi fortrexs Island, jxrhaps wltliln tlie week.

"A full-scale Inva-ilon . . . may launched a t any time now uport Encland. upon ScotlMVd w upot\ Ireland or upon t i l Utrec." he wat ed,

■•Tlilji is Uie time for everyone stand, to hold firm, (li they i dolMg," he said.

CcrmajibnrReiand convoyed ahtps re moving doim Uie contlnentAl

coast from Nortt'ay to southern tYance. he s.ild. Intermittently pounced upon by Drltlsli bombers and warships, but -mainly mm'lng close to shore under proiectlon of German shore batlerle* In Prance.

'If this Invasion Is. going to I tried al all. It does not seem tha t

n be long delayed: Uie weaUier may break, a t nnj' time." he said.

Britain’s navy Is ready and Uie AP st^I strong, and In addition le nation’s regular army and home rfense guards are ■determined to

llghl for every Inch of Uie ground In every vlllAge and In eii'ery street." he continued.

■ThU wicked man (Ultler). the embotllmcnt of many forms of hatred, this monstrous product of former wrongs and shasne. Is nov resolved to iry to break our famous Island race by a process of Jndts-

rlmlnate slaughter and destnie- Uon," said the prime minister.

■'Wliat he h a i done Is to kindle fire In BrfUsh hearts, here and «U •er the world, which will glow long

nftef nil trace* of the conflagrntlon ,ho>ini <viused In London have been removed."

F a ir P ro v id es P r iz e s — and F u n 60'Dayl)elay Stricken Out By Conferees

Q u ick ,4 c lio n In d ic a te d to M a ke ‘ 1 6 ,.50 0 ,00 0 M e n L ia b le to “

C a ll fo r T i a in in g'JU -me A;.s<..l:ilril rrr:..M

W ASHINGTO.N. 11 . - A Jo in t .'it-iiute a n d house com- m ltlc i ' ;i))provcd io ii l« l i t ;t com prom ise v e rs io n of a peacetim e fon.scrlptlon b ill miikUiR ;ipj)roxliiiiitcl.v 1 (j.500.000 m rn from 21 lo 35 j 'f a r .s o ld . Inclii.slve, Im m e d ia te ly .llu b ic to call for a y ear 's m llitiiry trn ln lriK .

T lir rovl.sC(l m ca.sp re . lo t»' iioll.slu-cl u p finally by th e eonim lttcp to m o rro w , koc.s f irs t to t h e s e n a te , w ith (juick

a c tio n p r e d ic te d th e re . T he


Presiifent'Calls (of'Conscrip- tioa o f ‘Non-Cooperative '" '■ •••^ ind ijs tr ics -..^ .

TilF. MOm: HKKIOU.S Di;SlNI--HS of jB dginr entiles mlncled wllh the fun of rarnivat anil rlreui during the tecond day of the Twin Fatls county fair a t Fllrr, with the younger grnemtlon o n ' hand (or Its ihare of the thrills. Al lop Irft ipp far m rm ben <i( the n Inning <-11 girlt' Iinmr prod- ueli Judrlnj tcStn of the Thrlfly Ilom«maken»' elub of Jrmme, with th r lr leader. Mn, Ira Fuller. L rfl to right »ir lloniia Handy. Reheira SldH-ell, holding ribbon award, Mr*. Fuller and Virginia Jenien, shown with her own »nlry In the filr . a wool dfrs^ tliat won an "A" award rating. Rfidy for the Ttoujlir«t bosses” th a t the nitrry-ga-round ha t to ofrer .U lltltr Caroline ^4»ion. 4. dauiliter of Mr. and Mr*. Ted MoMin. Klmbrrly. as she ills stop her m ount a t lop Hclit. The exhibit of Klirr r>rangr, whlrli won first for br>( illiplay of l>rst qualltv prgflure and frulti and flml for br>t arrajigemenl and appearinre is pleturrd a t bottom left; wlillr lo the r ig h tJ «_Klmt^rir G nngr'a exhibit., ad­judged (Ini for the mn»t rampltte exhibit of proOure anil fmlL lNrw» Photos and rngravlngsl.

Exhibits, Enterta inm ent Attract Throngs to F a ir



Big Jurnout .Views Event at Fairgrounds in

. FilerBefore an estimated 7,500 per-

, jns. cowboys and slock "did Uielr stuff" last night during the second perfonnanCe of Leo J. Cremcr’s ro­deo on the Tnln Falls coimty fair­grounds aiTller.

Trte evening was unniarred by CldcnlA. and fast, clean riding p vlded a succt.vilon of Ihrllls. A pro- gnim similar to tha t of tlie first nlghl was offered, hlfihllglited by the trick roping and acrobatics of n a y and Maldle.

SIcC’rorey WinsIn Uie biilldogRiiig event, Howard

McCrorey. a ? pound cowhand from Deadivood. South Dakeu, added to his record by taking first place. He liad previously taken first day money a t Reno nnd Nephl events. Second In this coniest •was Bruce. IIms of Sayre. OkU,: wlUi Steve Heacock, Atrowhen’d Springs, Calif,; and Jlipmlc Nowata, OWa„ elosi^placing'* tl'lW nnd fourth, respec­tively.

Seen hi action durlngjhe.l3ull rid-, ing was Kid Hetchtr, likely canrtl- .dntt-Ior-liull-nnd-bnrcback—rtdUifl till* year, who was lD3tl champion In this division. He halls from Hugo. Colo. Fletcher placed second, wlUi

third, and Dlen Tj’ler, ModtAlo. Cai{„ WM loutUvResults In Uie bareback riding

were; Cecil Jone.s, former Idaho boy. first; Johnny Hagen, second; Albert .McEucn. Hillside, Arli, third, nnd Dud Nrlson. AUsarokce, Mont, fourth.

Only One Kli

Qunllfled. Others competing ......Bob Trce.s. Howard Banks. Shorty lUcks. Don Hoseberry and Jim Hol­loway.

Harry Hart, Pocattllo, placed flrel In Uie calf roping. foUowed by .Mau- rice Lnycock. Chugwaler, Wyo sec­ond. Charlie Bennett. Wliealland. Wjo., wn* Uilr^. and Charles Pan- cher. ah Idalio youUi, was fourtfi,

AlUiough results were not yet wnllable In the bronc riding "good rides" were recorded by Kid Flotch- jr . Ernie Mutch. Vem,Meeks and Al Fletcher,

tlesuiu Ann-imeed ’ Complete results for the first

light are announeed u follow:Calf roping — Charles BemieU,

WheaUand. Wyo,; N. A. Pitcock. As- pcrmont. 'Tex.; Wld Pullfr, Camp Verde. Art*. T ime.'53.8. In exhlbt- Uon Chuck Smith did time of IBJ.

Okla,: Buf('D rady..,” .,” m c j ^ J | Wash.; Jlratnv Nesbitt,., Noffitla Oklft,; -Ijeotiird- Mltohell, U a Ve g u . Nev. Tlpte, 0,2.

(CeaUnutd u r» t. Coluii.. I)

,Iudges A nnounce R a tin g s of Comm unity D isplays of P roduce and Fruit;

Livestock on P arade

J i id g ln ff . h e ad e d by s e lec tio n o f wlnncr.-i' In com m ui^ lty e x h ib i t c o m p e ti tio n , m o v e d ,n h c n d aX^si jiucc yc.stcrd.'iy fit t h e T w in F a lls ro tm ty f a ir n t F i le r , w hile th e g a ie ty o t m id w a y , c irc u s a n d rodeo c o n tin u e d lo a d d R llttc r lo th e m o re Eorloti.s b iis lnc.w of .':lftli;K e n trle S j

S o m b e r ,%klcs d u r ln p tlie niomlnK nnrt eiiriy aficnioon of Wrdix.Mlay — de.slgnntcd lu Twliv Kalh day — gave way lo Ideal wralhcr a fte r mld-nlteriioon lo cncouriiKe crowdt Which alrc.idy hnd r.lio'.vi)'nn advance over Uio'.c )f Uic opening day, Adding to fslr

.^well worUi .seeing in the adenioon was a parade of nri',!o- crat.\ of the horse and cuttle norld n.1 entries marched before graud- r.innd tlironns preceding the irkular afternoon clrciu. A similar prrlorni- ance la scIictIuIciI for today.

Alter cnreful consideration ol the “milorinly high quality exhibits by vnrioiis toiiim unlti' orKanlr,;itloivs in the produce building. Juducs li. L.Spence nnd E. R. Bennett, exieii;.|on petlnllsls, and, Eugene W. Whitinan. ejonie. county ngent. -aiuiounced .Inners. In Uils dlvLiloa Ilatlngs to Oranges for thc 'tiio 't

nnijilete exhibits of produce- nnd ruli‘ were; Kimberly, flrnl: Cedar Jraw. second: nnd Filer, third. On he ba-'il,'. of dLsplays of best (lualiiy

.c»n(lnur<t i 'w i. CoNnn S) ,

S l o r i u . S e l s F i r e s I n B o i s e F o r e s t

BOISE. ecpL 11 (-n — Flrea sprinkled along the norUi fock, of the Boise river by n severe electri­cal storm to<lay called oul new fire flKhtern, W alter Bero'. Bolso national forest fire executive, said today’s storm wa,*: unaccompanied by rajn a.s was a like dtiturbanco Monday U iat set several blares. Flames have been discovered In 35 places, lie said, bui all fli’e.i are small.

OISIRICrS 4-H - W IK TOLOAll-Day Contests for Boys

, and Girls Bring M an i Awards

FILER, Sept. It-Today wii.-. nn Im porianl one for 4-H boys and girls conipeilng for dlstnci honor;. In Jndglng. demonstrnllon work, exhib­its and Uie style revue.

Comiilcte re'sulls Inchidc;ML« Georgia Wheeler of Wendell

and M tu Mnxlne Gamer of Bulil won blue ribbons in Uio style re\ue; MlM Mary Jane Ulson ot Burley and Mbs Virginia Tlion>e of Sho­shone. red,ribbons and Miss Shirley Knifong of Eden and Ml.u WandnMcrz ot Heybum. white rlbboos____—Tlic-lwo-blue'T5t)60il winners are' now eligible for Uie stale style re­vue contest-

An outstanding t-H glri will 1» named u » n nnd will receive a free trip w the Moscosr <-H club siiort course Uu^ugh Uie courtesy of Uie BuUl Qruttgc.

In Uie af^cuU urtl demonstration contests. Miss Betty Flora and Miss Patty RSllLs won fltsi for Uie senior dlvhlon and Harold Hack and Robert WhlUiker of Buhl won f l« t in Uie, JunJor contest.

NfUs Naomi Ottley of Elba was named champion livestock fitter and shower.

<Centlnu»d eo Tm i L C«lumB I)

N GEeRGlA POLLOne-Time C ritic of RoosC'

volt Adm in istration Takes Lead

(By Tli9 A.i-'oclated Trc.v.i Incomplete returns from aiornta'.

DemocraUc p r i m a r y WediirMla; night indicated vlrtor>’ for ^iKeiv TalmadKe. one-Ume critic nf thi Rcwjy ell administration, in hl. lili for'Tl third term as governor.

In popular votes he n:.iiiiiinl i lead of better lhan 2 to 1 ovci hi. t^ettMstopponettV and U\c cf'.utivs In dlcated Hint hU niiirgln under th itate 's system of county unit voUni would be even larger.

Returru from Tuesday's prltiinrlcs were lUll being tabiilaied, bui Uie count In mo!l cases wiis conclii G f'parUcular Interest was the feat of Senator A shursl ot Art a fter-he hnd represented hi.i i 28 ienrs in Uie senate.

With Uie . tabulation unflnWied; Ashursl wired eongratulatlnii Ernest W. McFVirland. Uie man wre.sted th« Democratic nomination from him.

’Three oUicr senotors wc naUon halidlly In 'TueMla.They were ArUiur H. V;inclenberg. Michigan Republican. Hendrik Ship, stead, ,Mlniic:.ola Farm-Laborite, who'ran ns a ^ p u b lic an , rcn R. Au.sUn.'Vermont flepublican who was unoppo.ied,

OUier h ighllfhu of the TUf.Mlay primaries;

.Arltoiia—Gov. Bob Jonrs, seeking rcnomlnaUon on Uic Dn Uckct wa.s_defeated--l)y Bldnry‘P. Ofibom. Plioenlx publL'Jicr.

Michigan—Republican Oov. Luren D. Dickinson won renomination for governor. Murro.y D. Van Waconer, state highway commissioner. « ns the DemocraUc choice.

MlnnesotA—Oov. Harold 8uu.sen, Republican. wa.s rciionilnaied for governor. His oppontnts In Wie Rtn- eral election will tw former Governor HJalmar Petersen, Panner-Lnbori|-. and probably Ed Mun>h>'. St. Paul aiiomey, who won leading Uic ocrallc contest.

Louisiana — Candidates endorse/1 by Gov. Sain Jones appenrrd to ha' ousted four of Uie state 's eight Dem­ocratic representatives In congress. AnoUier did noL seek re-election. "

N azis Poise for B ig B a ttleN .

By EDWARD E. BOMARWin-ston ChurchUl’i ominous dis-

■Ibsurea nnd Berlin’s new bombing threats le ft UtUe doubt Uial Adolf. HKIer had given Uie order lo'suike. Uifl outcome of the war on j> single and tmmedlato batUe. .

In exliorUng Britain lo siand firm, the prlm o a tn lsU r suggested ft. paraphm s* of h li Nazi foe’s pn>- dloUon ftt Ihb s ta r t ot the-lovUnds invasion th n t ‘’the fifh t beginning today decides Uie fate ot the Ger-

pepple i o f Uie next Uiousand years." '

Kevcnlliig the extent of enemy preparaUons. ChtirchlU could not soy 'fflS rw rtftinC y.-^en or wheUier actual rtvM lon would be tried, put

erj-’ in c trr of . ta la l .warfare.

London Is facing In the meanUme a furUier ordeal of ^ v e n more frltfctful proportions.

'Tlie last few days hove Indicated w hat devastaUon can be wreaked by far fe?'cr bomta Uuin U» 10.CKn planeloads dally now Uireatened by Berlin. London needs no reminder of Ilott«rdftni, Warww and B arcv lone. And »ucb,.ve*po&i as gns yet to be used In the a ttem pt to undcnn^ne rnonle.

The raliU thus far have demoa- su ite d beyond question Uict MiU> aircraft guns u d defending planes alone cannot save a citx from mercl- leas iilr assault. parUcularly a t n ight,, and Uiat only reUUayon offeni an effecU've means of coping vlU) the foe -.retolU U on a t ih le h

BrlU ln Is handicapped by numbers And dbtance.

As Churchill stressed In his refei ice to "tjarbfirous attacks on t>

tlvlUan populaUon," the nlRhtly hammering of London la apart from the German a ttem pt lo destroy the R .A.P,. mllllarj- facuw.

Like Marshal Goerlng's iu ftw iffi. the R.A.P. stlU h a tubstantlal re- •Rmres of -stTfngth, which BriUln's nlr commwiders appear to hav?_Intention .of .dlsAlpadns m «RcoDcIuslre' n n i is le 'to -cushion the blows-bo London a t the rb k of. lai-. mg.UiB larger battle o f Britain.

When and If Invislon comes the Pritiah air forcei will be needed a i well as the nsyaj navy “ and evrJT resource of-land w arfare. — '

lioM.'.f t h e n Is expccled lo give tli IcB is Ia tlv e app roval bc- to ru the- e n d o f th e w eek. B oth hoiiMVi jiicvl0Li;.l.v imil pn.ued Uie bill in flllltTenl loniis.

.SiriKiiiK oul a house provLtion to clcluy tJiL' <ir;ilt for 60 days while al- tcini'i.s were made lo fill Uie army's <l\it)t:i of 4(W,i)C0 iralnees by volun- l.iiv r;ill:,£mrmi, Uic Joint coiiUjUt-

tu fix Uie a^c tlmiu of rrC to drufl a l from 31 lo c. l l i e hiwl adopted ■C I'Kt Utnckel alter Uie I lui'd Uic nges froin 31 to

• d.iy llinl rmlr>i;.i'cl

finpliatlr.iliy, h<; n-v.crlwl tha t t!n;in1 ilclnv.e n'-rd-, ri;tt»lic no lasaiion of tlu-ir refonii.s.

•Several Million Unrniplnyed "I mn tonvinecd.” lie siild.'"Uiat breakdown of existing Inbor and

.1 tesl'lu iikcn reffortlhan Inci-

1,‘c. Conthiuancr of Uiem pier.crvatlon of Uir efflclrn'rjf .bor, i t iii'-iim Ihe ictur

Vork cff several mlllloii .sllll u ployed."

The chief r.'rrutlve Ini.hcdloo. I ihieh, he nld. Oj'ix ■Uion


They ja ru c i Irom the measure a ^enlltc a incndnieni placing a celling

prolit-N on gun.t, munlUoiis and er suiiplles subllar to Uie profit

llmllfttion now m etfect on air-

Llcuv:niiiit ColtMiel Uwis Hctihey - of UI^ Joint army and navy s?l«c-

icn’ice committee told rcporieii :otiunlttec s action Ui fixing Uie

njic hmlls-T.1 Horn 31 lo35. Inqluslvt,It U int apjiroximatfly 1 6 ^ J» 0 would be subject to regl-itrB- ■

tion.Of t,hr,e. Iw esUiiisted tffivt

approxliniitely 5,000.000 finally swild be (pisllfied for mlllUo' senrlc# after

:ontlnur.l m l- tn ^ Celunn })

L'e for ^IOl)plnK ’’Uir proKrrjj . . making in nnd laboi

Irslslutlon" aivl for rc[)enllng ihf cw drnl rnncimenl.'..DiWuulng nallnnal defen.w plans lid rrporfing ihrin prosre.vilng

I^fnctorlly with a crowing popular mily beliind Uiem. Uir rhk-f cj tive said that ••111 .ill of j for national d rfrire , only I

>l»y upon Uie fenrs of , people dt'cover nn ut-

tempt lo lead us hilo wnr," And he renewed his previously cxpre.vied de-

■milnatJon to keep Amcrica out of th« cnnJllct, aUtowl,

Tell View.

indiiilrleTlic .endonscineiit of Uii

TTfyng and rhlcli lo cooper.-ite with the

defease prosriiro cninc nficr Weii- dPlI L. Wlllkle. Ihe Republican pre.i- IdenUal nominee, hnd ehallcnRed Mr. Roose.relt lo .sti»:e Ills viows.

Wlllkle opjxisrd Uir Rawell-Over- m timendmenl to Uic con.scripllon

act. calling for .selrure of such In- dus^lev He said Urt.s Hmeiidment ^Vi’dnnueroiTs, but addcd'li lie would favor n selective scnlco for Uidusiry I f It' were necompnnied ■ r deflnlle rulps nnd rcgulaUoai.

(Tills secUon of the d ra ft act »-as. riianged tonight hi whnl leRl.slntora

■■ I nn allempt lo see Uiat Indi were not selicd except in a

of Imminent rmergency).

lu tc rn a tio n a l A t a G la n ce

fire ruid shelU on EnglLsli coast to protect sldpn apporenUy prepar­ing for hourly-cxpected Invasion illem pt on Britain but British navy begins sUTing action ngnlnst Kail ships, and ports; heaviest anU-alrtroft fire yet seen,In Lon­don meet* Noil bombera a t start of flfUi night of coneentra ttd ' bombing of empire capital; Ger­man* angered over ra id damage to hallon-ed relcbsUB 'building In Berlin, Uireaten vengeance; B rit- ' Ish disclose tlme-bomb damnged Buckingham p a la c e but Klag George and Queen EUrabeth not Uierq al Uie time; British pu t raid ea.suanir« In London a t 1,010 dead and 4M0 Injured .up to Wednes­day. ’

D.ILKAN TURMOIL Genent Antonescii,' Rumania's

new dlcutor, announces be i* ta k ­ing drastic steps against ao v ch lst

-movement spreading throtithout nat^dn: Yugoslavs rep o r t' border clashes between Yugoslav anny and Albanian-ntecuUrs: K ln»M i-

loiifc'iiT.s appioYcd a modified ion of tlie "drall industry'; iiilmriit prcvioiuly voted by Uie ■•r. Ix'Kii.lators said Uie c lisw .'i r iicv,ii;iicd to surround govwn-ii arlzurc of maustrlul jiroperiy------1-LjiicKunrd.s M> that such drasUc un ivuuld be jirevenied exccpl In


Nev/ N a tiona lity Code Legis­la tion Goes to-Senate,

fo r ApprovalW ASlhNGTON, S e p t . '11 M >- ,

UrxiM t)y President Roor<vell to a a - with ’ 0.1 lltUe delay, as possible,” Uie hou/.e pa.Med wlUi a', chonii of "aye.i" today leglslaUon designed lo help rou t "fifUt columnists* and prevent' nllen Communists, Naxis,

'rue measure, a proposed new na- tloiiAllty code, now goes u> Uie sen- nte. Not one word of ojipoUUan »*a volccd In house dcB^tte;. • ,

Ctlttlrmnn'SabaUi (D-Ill) *of 'Uie " rules comniitte« placed In the rec-

rd a le tte r from Mr. Roosevelt ,hich said:"I am Informed Uiat Uie opinion

Ls enterlnlned in some quarter* that Its cnacuneni m ight ser\-e to curb ccriAln fUtii column activlUes."

The measure. In Uie words of Rep. Rees (f l -K an ) .“drasUealiy tighlCDs"

•----- regarding eUglbtUty fornaluniliuitlon. Explaining Ute bUl to Uifl house, h e also said Uiat St would wlUtdrvw dUsenshlp fron ’Uiousonds" Of “nominal- clUlSnS rho have no t been In this coUQCry

in year*.I t also would Cake away the cltl-

trnslilp o f Americans who serraJn ................................... another ca-cotmbT.

N et' b a n against i would be se t up against thOM Wbo advocate o r promoia the orerthnfw of w e g'ovcnuacnt. R m «rpr«*»ad belief th a t these prortslons 'cinld prevent Communtsts, Naxit o r ? u « clsta from becomlns cIUots.

B r o a d c a s t s f o r .

“ W j l i k i e S p e ^ ' .

n ight it would b m id e u t * by WendeQ-U W rnk le ttaa r to B tia - j p. m . <EB.TJ M oD daytten 0 TlUe, KaiMni. ma-B iiBUltitni gram.

T b a netwQifc tx p U tm d t tlti rbe to re tu tn r a r « u n to c a K ‘— ' President Rooio' “ ‘ ^<t«Tw XBB

N B O 'a n d .O B S '^ ; * th e r alM 'v e o ld tepadcut addretf. - ttw tB tm ar‘vnr'-M «W Mt. -------



l i


Machine Thrown Onto SidC' walk, Kiltiny Nampa

j PcdeslrianNAMPA.-Vpt. 11 r.V—A triirk itiu

nn suionjubllf rnllliiPd nil ■ f-'imiii: slTffl lo:ili;lu mill iIk urclclrnl rr

Mrs. MRJiJc lleiir -1U.-C nncl'ucllnj «

McCollum »iiMrs. lirr : tlriveii bj- !;a»in ilrlvfii by J’»ul T

Impict of ilie Ui« nm dilnri «r Mr*. MfColhim, proxliinlcly iMdliii; inlo .1 nr.Blie aiccl aim

broken ncck.Mrs. Hcr.ry

dccirtfd wiifUicr fttil bp callfil.

All(1rr:.oii . iruclt unci w,l. t

%'Itli D nd niid eoiiriltlon «a.' nr

Mrs. McC<

hl[) liijiirII bpilpfrd

.uKlilrrMcColluiii ' itild

Other .MirvlvcirJi liicliirtc . B 13-ynir-olil. d»iiBhlfr, Cliarlolli

Louhp; ihriT iirotlirr', Jmiirs Mr Nair of a.ill U kr Cilv KrniiPth oi

Ciillf. nml Mlllon o;M>lry^Ulll

B R E V I T I E STo Lonj n e « h -M liJ Allcc IrLli f l yMtrrdny fnr I^nK IKirli Junior

cnilfge a i 1/ini: llracli. CtilK., ttlirrr CoIlPKe. H)l« II tliP•. DUKi lrl«h.itnuglil'

CI>l<-4 —Mr. I a Mri

O Cliff r t Go;M»ckfv !i

O. Clift. )r.,n :

nnrt Mri t V, 1. ndbrrt. i»ll of Clil of Mr. :in<l Mr« W

I. Colo . and ?.Il Mr. and Mri. I

)'-iivrr, Cnlo. ni

'.VyomlDU. Iflahn :ind Utnl


S ena lo r Clark Calls lor Immediate Decision on


V U lrn Irl !l infl Mr’. Plillll|» Dl Ilnrllru’llle. Olcln.


Wlnnlne 'trani In ilio livf.m, JudKlnK coiileil csinr from Coodlns county. Members are Harold Uiiy- scr. Donnld Huy*rr and U rcn

““ OravM, The nuelliy NUloiinl bank of Tttln Fnlb wllJ give Bold mednl.i W each of tliest boys and l»o the Individual histi scorcr.

DemeoilrallDn Winners In Uie home economics demon>D

lion contcil, Mlu Lydia Kucera a MJu Belly n in t of Oulil won fl In ilic Krnlor divlnlon and Mlv> UUlc Ineaa and MLy Doroihy Ineii.s of Shoshone, Ilmi in the Mnlor d i­vision. --------- Second hoiiofi for senior Tcnt to Miss Lorniv Hartwell M bi Vlrtmi- *lirevicl( of Wendell vlU) their de:nonslratlon o ii'nu lrl' Uon and second In Uie Junior claw went to Mlsa Frances Schodde «nd Miss Loretta Espenosa of Heybun>.

O thei teuns aompeilng. were Mias DU Harding and MUs Edna Lelunaii of HaMllon, Miss Jean Lcobo and M kt Lennle Dllle of tlnu lion . Mls.i Blanche Ttiom|>M)n and Ml.u Donna Lewis of Uuxley and Arlene Ksrzlnger and Utts Donnn Dran* nen. "•

Judflrx Ttwd Wliu Home economics Jiidglns contest

Tlnnins team li Mlu Rebecca 6ld> veil, Miss Darina Handy and M lu Vlrslula Je n an of Jerome; iccond honora went to a Mlnldnkn leant. M lu Lois Jordan, Ml.u Anna Whit* Inu and Mbs Wanda Mers alillc third honor* went to a T»-ln FalU t« ro . Mlsa Dorothy Orlff, M1m> Laura McCabe and Mi« Liinora IludeL'.on.' For being nwned ouuiuidius

dairy clut; bey, Duane .Machncek will. call fro e Co-opprnt

Twin Falls county cliamiiioii live- atoek Judging team nipmbpri;, Itob- erl Howard. Don and Dick HowQnl, will receive medals from Uie Co-op- crnilvc oil company.

>'raok SouthA'ick is aHnrdliii: a lo ’lns cup to Robert Howard of nuhl for being hlifh county Inrtividu;* llvcjiock JiidKf; and Worlliy QUli of Bulil b tiKardln'g a free trip l( UiP «.H club ulioflcoiiff.p In Moscow u u t June to Dunnr Mschacek fnr bclnit county flltlnc nnrl'rJioalne Champion.........

!ni:'billinpulw y tnltltary t:

(he hoi

I the■Odnipnt added In thr bill In .••e dehiymi: the draft 60

diivs »n.i "neHlicr fuh nor fleiti.'"I ihlnk tho-c of the ninjoriiy

Mio linve underWken'to vole for ron- fcrliillon shmild hav<s^)c re.spoinU blllty of con.-^rlptlon." Xlnrk said, ■•J Ihlnlt tliry should have It now. Tlic sciuilni'- <.\(n)urlly leader AN ben Batkley of Keniiieky) Is perfrct- ly corrrct when lie 5ny. we cannot •ulse r.0,000 men In CO days, W, ■hould l;c lucky If u t were able n •abe 100,000 men. w ith ' the, pre-.

Inc to bftlljhoo llir thlnR."So, at Ilir end Qf fio ki

liould liiivr arrompIlMird nolUllii ,nd ili(iul(l be oi>en to the clmrse o iftvlnic ticliiycd cniv.rrlpllon CO diiya

"All who voted fiBaiiLil conscription u'Oi^l be iipcn to tlie chnrne that ■e/frrp inl.itnken became »e «o ii'' 101 be able to obtain volunlee:

First we would be chnrRrd wlUi d laying conscription GO dnys; an 4CC0nd wp ttoulil be charged wiih being mistaken in the statement hat Hie volunteer .nydteni would cork.

"1 think thp anie'iidnicnl irliijlcnlly dlthone.-t. Dy tliai 1 do not mean to w y .th a t the of tJioae who voted for the ment are dhlionest, b\it"trutrln»It> ally It Is wrong. I, for one, of ihi so-calted bolntlonlsi nr nonlntervcn' tlonlst group, proiwie lo oppose thi amendment. If we are to have con'

on. I think we should have V , and then we /.hull nee win

Is right and who Is wrong from thi lonK-range standpoint."

c o n f M I l


lijK rh lrr Bam—A (I...1 II.Monday lo .Mr, ai Grlinng 0/ Twin Falh «


T h e D ay in W a s h in g to n

I Ily Tlie Auoclnted Prc-■. l -------- ' V n n tp f.nd hou.'P confcrrrs »r

Former Senator Dill Delcats''p''>''-'’, ‘ ;o»'promif.e ‘ cr-.ini, or....... ............ -iicrlptlon bill, ilxlng: i

Washington Governor by . Wide Margin

:1 Mr llie t

• l .l i i '^ lls s Veniii Ueuj the home of her par-

/•nt.«, .Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beu.i, prior to rpiiirnlnc to Albion Slat# Normal ■chool for claj.w.

L'oneluJe Vlill—Profeuor and Mrs, [5 A, Armbu.ster and three children r.'t yesterday for their home In lo-Aii City. la., after vUitlng a t the h^nip nf Mr, and Mrn, E W, Collins if Twin rnll«, parenu of Mr*. Arm-

ilage Llcpn»e»—Applicants lor arrliiKf l!cen. es iMued a t Twin rouniy recorder'fl offlcp yrjter- r rp G rrn t Adams, 21, of nisck- nnd Leora Dllwofth, 10, of ; I'rnnk Lawrence Hanel. 21, >1. nnd Nellie Ruth Nix. 16, of

To l.n. Angelfi — Ml.-j Paullni iimpbrll (uirt MlM Maxine Camp- fll. dftiik-lJters of Mr. and Mrs. Clar. tier Campbell,, and ML« Shirley :uicliin:,on. riaughtpr of .Mr.Ir^. iJpwey Hutchinson, pla uvp ifldt»y for Los Angeles where iry irlJJ .«pc;!d Ihe «’)nle.".

.'SKATn.n. .'?rp|, 11 I •iiird by f

. - Ovrir U. K. Krna

: Clarence C. Dill In yp«terdny’n blsn. kn primary, Dpinocrntlc Oovpmoi Clarence .D Marlin concrded apfeal i~itiy In liii ambltlnn lo b» the 'V.TjihiKtoii (jovprnor to win a third

Hut ! . . . . . . . 'ictorA. Meyers. Seattle dance band lead­er. attpniptlng the name precedent- breakmg achlevfnTent for his office won Ihe t5emi>frntlc rmnmlnatlon by an overvhelmlns majo.-lty.

Dill's nomination wa.s : , pecteri — Martin supporter# made frantic effort, publican votes to his cau.'e the past wppk—but the s lw o f Dill’s political

itaunded politicaldopejters. . ■Unofficial

ISP f or ^ihp


lU delennents have been tnnile for hMe with dependents, plijaic* >11)' tinfll or those holdln; rvrnllal ub] In nKrlcultnre and Inilii.Ury.

TliP conferees adopted a MiECcMlwi by Senator Tliomas 'D .-U tnhi, In flxlnc Ihe nee IlmlU In levlslni; llie -d ra ff indu-iU '" section of the bill, they incoriwrated pari of the Ian-(tuafte of tlif HI17 dri.ft Inw and

;esie<l bySenateir Austin (R ,-V t.i

Tlie conferees Inserted c |.io>b-Ion reiliilrlnc « finding by the prrsl-dent Hint , public dani"lmme<liate. Imminent nnd lni|)cnd-Ing and the emergency In Ihe publicservice extreme" before,ai ly plantscould be taken over.

r-irl her. the conferees p; oviticd

(ConI(rvu<« trera r« f. On.lnf producr and fn iltj, Fllfr was awarded first place. Cedar Draw, .■'fcond, and Tvkln Fall.s, third.

iionora for liavlnR the booUi beit In »rijstl#>vrrangemenl and general npi>enrnnce went to Filer also, with Fnlrvlpw aecond luid Norlhvlew. third.

ConiineiitlnK upon gcnenil exccl- Icnte of produce exllibltcrt, the Jiidfes Indicated tha t onton.s; pota­toes, pumpkins and squash, peaches and ppp|>ers were among the oul- slandlnu entne*; while the pears JudKPd were exceptional for alfe and

URilty,ThU Ii -nuhl I)»r'

'I'oday win Ijp Dulil day, ;vlih tliiit Dinniunlly closing most of iLs doors urlni: thi* afternoon so that eni.s may nitpnd the fair, Fridav •111 be east end and nl!-t:ounly chll- ren'.s dav. Until 8 p, m. tomorrow

nil chlldrcti will be atlmltted frpf.Also an nitractlnn PVlday will be

Junior live-stock sale at whldi « head of lop stock of Future Fnniipr and 4-H Mhlbltnrs, will be offered

>r sale at fi;30 a. m . wlih Col K O Walter as aucllnneer.

tonight from . 3.020 preclneLs

Dill 123JOO 10 Martin's 79J03, Arthur B, Lnnitllc, youthful Seal- e mayor, won the Republican nnm

Uiuilnn fnr Rovernor In a ninawa; lee ■ For 2,007 prcclncLs his total a-s 104.587 to a total of 15,782 for 1. /our opiionents.Compllatlon.s of IJId precincts

.live Mpycn WJW to 57J51 for nil hl« 'Pien Dpmncrsllc opponents His Republican opponent apparently will be Charles R Maybury, ex-lleensp direclcrr.

Fnr United .Stnte.s^enator, to suc­ceed I.ewh n. Schwellenbaeh, np- pointed to the federal bench, .the Democrat.'!, nominated Repre.senta- Uve Mnnrad Wallgren and the Re­publicans gave Stephen F. Chad- wIck^PMt national commander of the American Lenion. n thumping majnrlty in his debut as a O.O.P. member. He bolted the Democri

fently, protesting President Roo? ■it's third term n.splratlons.Iln'eil^ on the—lncom|Sfle fen irlal vote, the party vote-vohimo

,surprlslng Repiib-

:,S the nge limits i ni'dlate call for a r,'\lnlnK. .

• M,svor UOuardls ^aId ihe ' adUii-Ainerlcan Joint defense board had planned for "the pooling of de^ :cnre forces In the evlnt of attack,"

, 1lip senate passed, i i to 37, leg- slatlon providing 1500,000.000 o ■iport-Import bank loam to L atin American countries lo combat Natl icnnomlc penetration,

TliP house approved revisions of he naturalliatlon laws which apons- jrs said would bar Communlats, Nails and Paselits from becoming citltens.


llcnn rength.In 2.1M r

ntp WHS-178.017: 157J40. .1

In the I058 lenalo; ital Drmocratlc vol

137.1i; Republican.

I ' i n a l I l i > i i o r f o r P i o ^ i o c r P l u i n h c r

Funeral .'ervlces for Alexander W. Murrav. 02, former T«'ln.--J^ILi plumbinK In.'pector, who wa

itly. known In the plumbing -y. wpfp rnnducled yp.strr iicMiii nt ihp Reynolds fiin

Rev, H. G, .\IcCalII,Mpr of the lodl-.t church offlclatInK,I'.lr WHS by Mrs, Utahna Ander iMiil Mrs, Jime Klrkmfln, slnn-

.. .. "Snmttimp Wr'll Under^lnnd' And •'Hpiintlful I'le of flomewhere.' ncfompanled by M:«. Helen John-

PallheareiV wprr O. A. Qalps, D .Showers. Wlirinni Hendrick.s

rrniil;aicoIV, .1, A. Campbell nnrt V


Judgliii;, members

ind thtjeO dd medand Indlv ...................are provided bv the Fidelity National banka o K T ^'ln Falls and Filer.

lUo prnvldNfor ijip team1,,.. tfi (Ilf

M o l o r i s t ^ P a y sF o r , S p e e d D r i v e

lns_{lrst pla(

In Cl

ie'livp.itock' I

1-11 a Fuluie Knm Judulng, .•imllar awnrds were p: rtdetl by the Co-jjji Oil company.

Only Class 1 Draft Regis­trants to. Be .Examined,

Idaho Doctors AdvisedSUN VALLEY, Idaho, Sept, II ‘i.Vi

Only persons economically and In- du-trlnlly available would be given medical examinations under the war department's adrntnlslmtlon of the pending'm ilitary conscription bill, the Idiho State Medical auoclatlon

told today,Tlie dl.sclMurt was made bv

J. N. Davis of Twin Falls, r.ecreti . trernurer of the as.soclatloii which Is conducting Its annual convention here. He read » letter which he said he had received from Major Cenerid Jrtmes C. Magee surgeon general of the United Stales nnny.

In tlie letter,.Oeneral Magee said "we are recommending to \he siaf that inly those reglstrant-s who nn cla.MlflPd as class 1, that Is a-« rro nonilcfillv and Industrially avnlliiblc


P o in ts to .Observatory as Example of Skill

RequirementLlnkhiK a de;,rrlplioii of

:qiilpmcnl In the obr.rrvHtfr;. b< ing coasinicted a t Ml. Paloma Calif, with an explnnaUon of tl need for «ocational KUlilaiwi- m tl schools, Oemld Wallare, vic<- i>ri! clpal of Twin Falls linh school, ai; dresjed yesterdays luncheon ses' io 0 ' th» RotAiy club a t the Park hoti

Th» M»-lnch telescope and mlrrt —upon which grinding operatUn have been In progress for the i>,i; five yeari—weigh about 500 ions, tii speaker pointed out. adding Uiat ill sreat mirror alone weighs 20 ion Orlndlng has rtQulred the utitui' precision and calls for th r work c akliled men.

In Uils regard, the school olll clal polnied.oul, Uiere Is a comt-iri need for vocational euldance in rdu catlonal systems, as Uie schools mu. t do iheir part In providing r-killcd 'men and women for lUch' lini’or' tasks In the world of today, though the professions can accum- modai« only 7 per cent of yc people leaving aehoots, about iO cent of the studenU recently I cated that they are planning on tertni this field, showing that effort should be made to guide t liilo channeb wlicte Uicy mnv form liie most effective ^crvlce.

Vblllng Rotarians were E. K i erlj'. M. E. Toliver. E. S. ttni Pocatello; and.WUIlam fa le t, G.

W e a t h e r

Idiho; ParUy cloudy and wir ..iurstlay and Friday! loeal thui dtnlifl»er» soulheoat portipB. .._

in«li tPinpcruturr here Wednciday 87 lipgrees, low 5<; partly cloudy, variable wind". Barometer 29.14«at J p. m!; humidity 20 to BO per cent of uturatlon.

(By TIk Aasoctnied Pressl A low pre.-.sure trough conllnufs

thw ieh Nevada souUiward Into MiiUlie.islerri California and western Neisda. An Influx of coolpr and very mobt air ovrr Arltotia and louilieutem California resulted In luimrrou-s mild thunderstorm* in tlih nrea with r,catlered llKlit shoT- prs .snd ihunclpfMomis exlendlns inio Utah and -w roiindlnc areas,

Mlti. I'rec. Wthr.

------- 87Hurley .UulK --- -------f h e j tn n i___ 81 •Chlrigo _____ 61

the .'i

mary rvlce. be (phv'irnlly

iiprni Magee said a iihv;.|clan d be Included Is under the «

plan and Uiat•InllMs ould be rrflulrrd,

V hnpp.s to employ r V tauls, he sa ia ,^ ) is Dir utllltatinn firmer

F ir < ‘ O e s l r o y s . B i l i i i i i r s I T o l e l

UILLINO.S, Moiil.,'sp|)t. 11 1,7’, — Ftrp ilp:,troyr-l tlie if.Ofi.OOO Northern liotrl In Uie Dilllnts biis!ne,ss distric t lonlKlit nnd ro:iiP(i Nonna Socialist candidate for and 75 other nue-.t.v.

All the giiesis In llie

C r e d i t U n i t H e a d I ' c l l s o f M e e l i i i i :

Back from Helens, Mont', attending a meeting of the dated Credit Bureaus, Mr,s. Hughes: Twin Falls Credit -tlon manajer, reporu ncu and rulings which feati lion.

A ruling holdlnj Umt einplo' ev <'l credit bureaus come under tlie Ird- eral *'«ge-hour law w»« pre-rntPil a t the mehing.

Stressing the, Imporlnni'p of ilie position of the credit buieau ii\:iii- oger in the life of a comiininity, W, D, McCune, Mbsoula, Mont.^ ad- dressed thp meeting, nnd other ipcakcrs included Tliomii.i Downie, Vancouver, B, C.. district rrprc.M ii- tntlve of the Arjoclaled Credit liii- rtaus of America; F. W. Andrr.sKn, manager of the Helena Coniinerrinl Service; Ited Dugan. BIlllnKs, W;il- ler Jensen, reprtsciilallve of Na­tional Retail Credit ai.wchiiinn, and

J, Howard, wcretnry nf tlip M^n- m Retail Lurnbcrman'n a.'"'ftcu-

i i l l |ii

F U N E R A L S,MU>i. ANNKR ROUNDV nier, for Mr^, A nnjr ftoiin dy, Eden, will be conduetcfl nt 2 p

I. today a< the Twin fu l ls luor lary chapel, BP,hop C.irl Georr.f

liilen. offlclailng. Interm ent will b in the Sunset Memorial park.

.Mpii,-st. P ..... a: New’l'ork Cily C< Om,sha ..........C7 ,

••'ipoksne ........ o:Tirln Falls .... *7Uashlntton....72

flO Clear .00 Clear .00 Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Cloudy .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear .00 Clear

T Kmohy M Clear T Clear

.M Oear T r i . Cly.

.00 Clear .00 r t . Cly. .00 r u Cly, .00 Pt. tiy. .00 CIc .05 I't. Cly,

I ' i i i r , ( i i t y H o s t s

' I ’o P a i - I e y G r o u p:fie fn.

.1 Kour-States lllKhway It convention nt Snlmon In Twin Fiilla tonight

? rodeo,nt the fairgrounds . nccoitllng to "I^’lii I'^lb

Ctiaiuber of Ccmmcrre nnc !slr beard rtiembcrr,, u-ho In'

to pay-the vlBlt.).ibly necompaiilrrt by a Twin delegation, the car.-\van will lie to th r in v e n tio n Friday,

II will be headed by Robert Hnys,....... iijo, Calif,, iecrcu ry of the

ly body.

Al'TO.'! COLLIDE Damage lo both aars resulted t uliihl when machlne.s driven by nn' Stienmetr, tMeii, and .T , M, bffi,«on, Ts'In Falls, colllde<l at

Intersection of Second street •th and Addison avrnue.^0 ona was Injured, ^


(C«ntlru-I frumBareback rld tn r—Johnny Higgins,

Wolf Point, Mont.; Albert McEuen. Hllblde. ArU.; C arl Doisey. Phot- nix. Art*.: Kid FleU her, Hugo. Colo,

Brahma bull ride — Dun Wilder; Kid Fletcher. H uso, Colo,; Cecil Jones. Reno, Ncv,; A1 Fletcher. San­ta Barbara. Calif.

Profeaolonnl broiic riding ~ At Flctcher. S an ta ' Bnrbar*. Calif.; lie for second, third and fourth between

I five; Shirley Huisey, Ncppel. I.; Verne Meck.s. Dubob, Wyo.;

Kid nrlch 'er ,. Hugo, Oolo.; Cuv Caih. W hlteblrd, Ida,: Dill Oreen- ough. ncd'I-odge; Mont.

T»'o more nlKht performnnces re­main. bolh starting a t 8 p, m.

The Union M otor Ca,. hat Ihi Died ra r i. they aell wilh wrUlet

ry back giiaranleea and you eon now buy a t 1041 prlcet.-((‘ .September used c a r clearance.

■30 Mercury Town Sedan ., .175('37 Studc. Comm_, Coupe ....»3t5'37 V-n DcLuxe Coupe ___38 V-8 Di-Luxp Tudor ....37 V-8 DcLuxe TutlorScdSh .............................. .......«35•37 V-a DcLuxe Fordor —37 Clicvrolet Fordor Sedan l « i ■33 Chevrolet Fordor Sedan •38 Nash Sedan, new rubber »:75•30 V-B DrLuxc. FQi^dor .....'35 V-8 Df.Luxc Fordor ___ 1201•3< V-B Tudor_ S e d a n ------■30 Dorfje Pickup ..................35 Chevrolet Truclc ______■H Chevrolet Sedan ---------'31 Clicvrolet Pickup

;38 V-8 Pickup ........~30 V-8 Pickup, « Speed ......1185•10 Ford V-B 05 T ru c t. 1*8 \V.n., Duals. Comm. License, low mile.

Many oil models. S tin t and i

era. ' a ll .makes, all e your Ford Bealer ire }S0 or more.

O N IO N M O T O R [ 0

lllurl^,Ju em|i om io>T>{n to

I, ^ «uctur

L o s s e s U e p o r le d F r o m C a r s H e r e

ientenrr-«l bv Judge C- A. ilallev . ly »in fmr and- cosi-s. Dpputv

Sheriff Claude F. U'lley algned the :omplalnt.

Tlie flames, wlilcli ■veral other downtov ere controlled after a

halt hour battle.Total danmsp was to one uillllnn dc Tlie flames spread In the old city

hnll, recently'occupied by trte Tfale Oil company, but were checked b e fore major daninio reiulted.

Twin Falls police

,• I, inu . the tnln-


,int'^ a:, oliipr

.OUld 1)P cIrrllnn cin.

nbspiilep b.illo!s.A spctlon dpchrlng thni

of Ihe draft art shall tx- mllltars- coiirU If they nlrea been Inducted into servlre. roiirts If they are sUII clvlU

T h r e e P o i n t t o U . ' ^ N a v v f t u l Y

venlng by C. in charge of the

recniltlnK slatlon, go to Salt U ke


Tentative a youilu lor U, announced las Kdipon-oii, offi T^-ln Falls na'

Tliosp who now go a ty fnr final ncceptai man R. '.McQuren, 2i, aon or A. I McQueen. CaMleford: Forrest : Rinehart. 10. .son of Mrs, Clara , Rinehart, and William,W. Noble. Ji

in of W. W. Nobla. Twin Falls,

SC H O O L S H O E SNeed ottentlOD nowl We do Use BEST Job Of repalrlnc and (Ire : you your roonc/n « w th l ' j

KEU ERA 6II0E HEPAIB I Oppodte Idaho Theater I

cliecVing >m cars and local which occurred early WWne,sday


itlty of

ilKlns pin.Tuesday nigh morning.

Harold .M. .^ihe.-.teln man, report«l tin t hi' brokrn into mid a large i property tnk-'n, liirludlng of pencils, knlles. a carrjiii and jnnltoiinl 'siipplles, a s clothes, blue -suit, pair of shoes, box of noveltle.s and the car r.stllo.

H. D. Jcne's ear «-,is entered mid

\m rrlcan hotel early Wcdncsijay morning. - - -

PKOrEKTY STOLEN FROMn o T r L nooM o c c it a n t

Tlieft of clothing, document and Olad.stone bag, besides other i>cf-

inni belonRlnrs from h l\ room at the Royal hotel has been reported to Twin Fftlb iwllce by Tljomas.Ei. plnosa. Ban Luts, Colo,

T h r entry oecuned.sometime alter I p, m, *niesday night.

Parent connoraiit,s open their blCl ■ de apart !o pormlt their young

rcach down ihetr thrtww forunion PHCIFIC5TRCE5 ’

QUISTION.“Aren’t W etterti RKrtor> a u dopendent oo PescMyJvva* far th tir best oilt? 'ANSWER Not W e b!ax»d a n«w t n a in reflninj "RPM ’ for today’. '

rior to any oO Iaht o r CAtffpjmu


so m eth in g Coca-Cola has th a t millions have lifccd for more th an fifty years,—a hap p y after-sense o f co m p le te xcfrcshmcnt th a t 'a d d s to your enjoyment of icc*co!d CocaTCola. No wonder people the world over say: get a Coca*C6la, and.^ get the feel o f refreshment.

T H E P A U S E T H A T R E F R . E ^ ‘B o n u o ONDIl Aimioamr OFTHB COCA-tOtACO. BV

T W I N F A L L S C O C A - C O L A B O ’T r L l N G C O M P A N Y


J O IN IG A IIIjj.s. mm

Nine P otilioners Take Oath o f Allegiance in DiS'

t r ic t Court ■

Two womrn who forfcllrd UnllwJ SUle.i clllien.'.hip »!ien they were nurrled to c itlrpns nf oUiM n&llotu took the najh o f nllcRlance clurlns nsturnllrallou procrcdlnK* In dltlrlct court In Ttt'ln Fnll.i ycsterdny,

T hry vtTC Mrs. Mciry Kucst who *nii\x)ra In A-ihley. N. D., nnd mnr- rlrri Fred C. Kuer,t, h RusJl.m, In IBOO. nnd Mrn.'Emmft AmclU Pro.y Gammetcr. who was born In Du-

—mnso. Colo., nnd miVrrlcrt Rudolph llrrm nn Q nmmeter. n Swlrj, In 19M,

In nddlllnn, n e v e n lylltloni ^ pB.-Lird rxnmlnntlon.i luvtlsfnclnrlly " '- n n d bccnnic rjHturnlliMJ clllvns of

thp Unlt«<l sm u ji: cnw.i of six pe- llllnner.i wcrf emitlmifd. Uiree of ihfm for furth rr. study, nnd ncven npw rx'tltlon* for clilMBrftlp were rrcelvcd.-

Admlllfd (o c lllirnsh lp followlns hfarlnw yeMrrdiiy were tliwe pcU- tloners;

Asnpltn Corplon. Buhl ►tieepmnn *1i(i cntne from SpnJn In Jnniiary. I9:o.

Jacob Drwnlrt. T»'ln FnlL' Inborer «liQ riinir from Rii.'.'la In Navcm- her, IDOS.

Ni:.i Milner lnl>orcr whoramp from Sweden In Novrmber. ISOl.•Mt!!. AKnr.i Koder,h nf Hiihl wlio

esmp frnm Ctechnslovnkin In Novem- bfr. 1D:0,

Frlpdrlcli O lnesrner. Cn!>tlefnrd bUcknmiUi who cnme from Otrmnny In September, 103!.

' Mm. Elltnhelli Tliompwn Rlnch of T uln rnlI-1 w ho cntne from 8eot- Innrt In .Seplembcr. 1D27.

Continued were llie cn.w of Jose Ceferliio YrnRi/I nnd Heinrich Dick.

^ on ftctoiinl of nbscnce of the pell- tlonern; Jose Jim rl.ill on nccoimt of «b^enee of n witneM; Mrs. Karnllnti Sfhlnht, Mrs. Ca.ilorn Cristina M'o. Ilnr nnd T oralf Slcnidlnntl, eontln- iitrt for further ntudy.

New peiltioncrs for naHirallra- tlons were: • •

• Oernh Frledmnn, Tu-tn Fall* , , chant who cnme from RiiwIr In May. ItCS,

Herbert Jam es Alexanrier,-T»ln FalM qook who cnme from Enijland

• In Mnrch. 1030.Adolph H erbert necker, Ca.'.tleford

Tanner who n im e from_ Germany In Pebniary, 1030. '

Pfder Jenrn?lT Toft. MurtflURh sheepman who cnme from Denmnrk In February. 1025.'

Mrr.: Mnry Powell of Twin Falls who cnme from Ahace-Lorralne In Mnrcli..lD12.

Mrs, Mnrj' M nnn of,Tv.’ln Falls, who came from Scotland In Decem- brr. 1027. •

Conrad Jle lnrlch. Twin F»1H tired cnri>enler'\vho cnme from Ru-i- rla In April. 1905.


ncwipaper, printed In Januarr, 1800, which (cllii of (he death and funeral of G rorsc Waihlnston. M lu B ly jare t .Monliomery of Kilen WM bniy readinr the fine type eharaeterlitlc of tha t period whrn the New* phntoinxpher look th li picture. (Kewi rholo-F.njravlnel,

K i i h l i e r l y M . i n ’ s E s t a t e i n C o u r t

"n idnw ofT l. O, Wll.wn. pioneer Kim­berly. m erclinnl nnd Democratic party leader, npplled' to the probate court In Ta’ln Fall* yesterday fnr np-

• polntmcnt n.i ndmlnl.itratrlx of the eclair which Includes real and per- nonal property. ' Mr. Wllion'* com­munity. In Uie eatate Is val- urd n t *0.000. H rira n tc th f widow nnd two daughteni. HearlnR on tlio petition wa.i se t by Judee C. A, Ball- ev for next Sep t. 23, Chapman nnd Chapman and Jnm es T. Murphy of Tain Pnlln nre the peUtloher'n nt- tornsya- • ^

R i t e s H e r e f o r F o r m e r R e s i d e n t

Tlie body of W nlter C, Murphy, S5, former Tr^ln FnlLn re.nldent, who W8S accldenuvlly killed a t Lakevlew. Ore., ^!onday. wUl be rcctlved b>' the White mortunry evening.

A, brother. W illiam K, Murphy. Twin FalLs, lin.^ ifonr to Lakevlew to accompany th e body.

Abo aurv-lvlne Mr. Murpliy are a ^ r o th e r and Bister. Mrs. N, O, Anson '^ n d Jam es C. M urphy, both of Twin

Fall,i,Mr. Murpliy w’a.s bom Scpl. 7.1688.

at Neola, In.. nnd was ennaKed In ranchlnR.

YouVe read, abouTflw t death ofOeorce Washington in history books, but If you want to knox how people felt ttlicn It happened, ro to the aiillf|ue bulldliu: n t the county fair* Rround.'i at Flier and read the Jtory as It fta* prlnietl In January’ after hU death in December.

I t’.i not hani to find the paper . . . Ifs covered^on bolh Rides wlUi Kla:j, niounled in an nttriic- live clicrrj' Uinb frame and U topped with mlnlaluro American flaRs, cro:^cd.

On either aide nre small picture* of the great American Mateiman.

•'Ul.iter County Onzctte, Vol. II.. No, 88, Saturday, January I800'” are the uord.i which IdenUly the yellowed Journal.

Handed In Illack Dandtil In black with, heavy black

lines between each column and parU the storj', almont tlie entire paper

Li devoted to otorles about WashhiR- I. hLs death, hla funeral, decora- ;is and wordlnKS on,h l« casket

fecllnHS of the people about lil.s death . . . nnd many oLiicr little

Rhlii about him nnd his death , 1 no hlstorj- boolc which you

jtutly In ;£hool will ever tell you.In the rlRlit-hnnd upper corner a larxe boxed poem "On CeorKc'

-/(uhlnKlon," w ritten by "A YounK Lady," paylnK tribute to Uie.Fatlier *( Our Country,, '

His deatli wn.i'recorded* In. the paper as December M. I70fl, but the paper wo* not printed until January i. 1880. . ■■

Contreulonal Itecordi Records of the American ConRreta

for TiicKlay, December 10, 1709, recorded In.detntl on Uie other

.e'paper . . . and one side of the sheM is devoted to cla.wlfled


hr Ur*d'kiaa«y>~*nd m*r b*Nitun'a tMrf i» r K <

__>rl4« •nd poiionoui «u(< out ,hM . Tbv blip put :

. 11 nlla ri U<Ib^ luhm Uun

.txk >tll. [Kuonou* •u l* Btllir i tu i _ . lood. T)iiM jKiixim mkr alArt xkubn. tbnmtue naloi. lea of p*t> •od

! u ; s ; ' . a 'S K i x “K r

i«D| iilh rmir klJarrt or Dds'I wiltl Aik rour dr ruu, u-d Uy n ---- --------------K M■ uU (i»o your Uoai, Cft P eu 'i KUt.

U m - m - m

I t ’s G o o d !

Challenge Ice Creamf a ir s p e c ia lI t ’s a Rrcat spccial for n great week. E very­body will cclcbrntc the T^vin Fnlls County F a ir w ith the best treat ail . . .

C h o c o l a t e W a l n u t

i k e C r e a mWholesome Challeng* lee crc#m, the.

alwayi popular chocolate . . . w ith tost>’ walnut flavor and meau In the right-. ■ amount lor • perfea comblnaaon, O et It this week. . ,

A t Y our F av o rite Fountain - O r P h o n e 995

- J E R O M E - "


ads. incliidlni; (or ttrsiowench and another seeklns cow with certain Initials on her horns andTS'Wie on her belly,

Noticeably nbsciit nre the Urt;c licndllnes of the ncw.ipnpcr. of to- 'liny and of the larue dlipliiy adirr- lisinR wlilch coiu.lltule.^ - an Im- ■portanl part of today'* pni>fr*, Tliere arc no pictures In the pajwr. which Is cbmpa'rd of only lour patte.v

The paijer Is owned l)>’ K K. Floyd of Tttln PnlLs nnd hn.i bcrn handed down in his family >l'e ^ame It was printed, hLs father re­ceiving It from hU Krandfather alter hLi birth 100 yvnra alter Wn^hliii;- ton'a death.



Grand Champion Hog, Lamb and Steer on Block at ■ .i^a irgrounds-

- Auction sale of lai hveitock." now on exhibit at the livestock barns a t the Twin rtlU county falrKrounds a t Filer, belnnKlnR to cll.-.trlct V. F, A. and 4-}l boys nnd Rlrln ho.i been achcduled for 0:30 o'clock Friday morning a t tlie JudglnK areim . fair offlclaU aalrt Inst nliilil.

Colonel E. 0 . Walter, vetcrnn of many an auction sale in tlir writ, will officiate In the ring.

lilRhllnht o f 'the sntr will be ll: auctioning of the grand champion In the fat hog. fat lamb nnd fat steer claues.

Already named lining <iminplon:, httve been Mtis Nnnml O ltlcy .s fat sleer luid 1/fonsrd Winkle's la l laintj. Miss Ottley is an Elba 4>U Rlrl nnd Mr, Winkle is a Filer F. F. A. youUi.

Coniplcte Hit of Ihe.-.tock for ftnle Includes:

J'at fleers — We.-,!ry F lrkh , H lrr FFA; Joe Dramirn, Uuli^MVr*-J*e®' Drandtn. Buhl, FI''A: iV.iyiir John ­son. Filer. KKA; James Korllc, Bur­ley. M l; Joe Frrllc, Hurley, <•” : Sylvester Trout. Hurley. 4-H; Lowcl Hunt, Hurley. 4-H; Jeiin Oochnour, Burley. 4-H; Naoinl Ottley. EUin. <-H; L'dclle Marten. Hurley, 4-lt: Jim Plcree. Burley, <-H; l-'red Hnnkr., Hurley. 4-H. ' • • • •

r t l lamUs RklKiril Winkle. Filer. FFA, |>en of 3; Leonard Win­kle, Filer. KFA, 3 Iiimbr,.

Fat hoRS — Hurry Wil;.on. Mler. FFA. pen of 3; Ilicliard Winkle. Filer, tTA. pen of 3; Henry Orthel, ttler. FFA. 1 fat barrow; Don Ward. Tttin’-Palls, FFA, 1 fat burrow; Er-

Ftance, Gooding, 4-11,1 fa t bar- ; Loren Ornves, Gooding, ■f-H,

2 fat barrows; Itonald Prince, Good­ing, 4-H, 3 fat biirroiui; W att. Pra­ther. Gooding. 4-H, 3 ta t b.irrow,-,; Elmer Wheeler. Gooding, 4-H. 1 fnt barrow and Cliarlrs Rost, Gooding, 4-H, 1 fat barrow.

Open claii—&irl I'r iinte. Gooding, 8 fat barrows.

D ls . i I ) I e c I V e t e r . i n s

’ I ' o l d o f ( > ) n ( i ln v e ElWilliam H. WoKcRoI Tvih hill'

past Idaho depaymfii> comranntlcr oM he piiabled Atiirrlcaii VrlrtJ of the World War. tr[>orlrcl to me ber.n of .Slrndley clmiiSer. 'I'-iln Fi nt a meetliiK Tu'-.<liiy r\fiili!^' p^oc('c(lln ;. of th r nuMnl.'-nir national convriillon .H <lrrrn II

Mr, Wolters. v,ho nllnirtrd ilie i tlo iul ronvrntlon a. the n;i|)' Id.' dflrg^ile. npixiliitcti n^ i ecutuc c onim ltli'-111:111 lor tlic I: dl:.:rift ulilcli tlir »c-Mc

aiiuouni-rd npiwli

. l i E N i m i_____ t

Harlon Buck. 13, Found Dead in Utah Box Car. Au­

thorities Learn



bulldii'u’, n

S p o r l s ( C a r n i v a l A t S u n , V a l l e y

SUN VAtXEY, Idaho, Sept. 11 <-V) —Tlie third annual weeklonR s|WrUi' carnival of promlifrlit railroad sup­ply dealers hss begun, w ith more


John H. Clay, 81. Dies at Twjn Fails Home:


Jcihii H Clii>, III, 'IVm Fill-, ri-si-

under illirr!!

M r. Wtxxl <

J. All'-n. jr..

‘■'CommiUee Named to Work,;.Out Program for

'1 . -Opening

E n r o l l i i H ' i i l

111 S r i i o o l ^ v s l c n i

\ l-'iiticnil M-r \lay r.'iJ-iry ());ij)il.

WhlK- of the oltlclat'e. ' ^

Surviving Mr. Cl.iy, •vin Clay, Poc.itrlln,

church will

r.liirs a ;.nii, re a brother

:i live 111 I'nubnd., lfUVj,at I.liithwalte. 1-. KnJaiid, Mr. Clay Kill-, directly lmi«-

aco. His «lf ^ :ith in May. II

™ p;itMrll);ull.- pn'M'iit to fl'h,. •shoot and ntlirraiM- enjoy

Ihrm-.rlve.'.'Dinsr pirr.riii ini'hiilr Neu’conib

C.irlton, ciiiilrninn ol the WeMcrn Union Tolenrapli cnmp.iuv board, W Avrrpll il'arrlman. clinlrmnn of

board of the UiUoii !’;irltlc rnil- r.ud, nnd W. M. Jellrr.-.. U. P. dent.

Twin Falls Mortuary

r>ij ■■ N'lrhl' An^nlance I'b. 31

In T h re e G r e a t Divisions the

jMnaeVupedofk Arrives!T h r e e e n t i r e l y n e w l i n e s . , . E v e t - y o n e a " T o r p e d o ” ! Y o u r c h o i c e o f a , S i x

O r a n E i g h t i n i n y m o d e l . P r i c e s b e g i n j u s t a b o v e t h e I p w e s t .

IN THE GREATEST YEAR in i ts h i s to r y , P o n tia c

presents its g reatest line o f cars— the 1941 P o n tiac "T orpc 'docs’1

'T h re e entirely new cars—every o ne a " T o rp e d o " — and every m odel offering you a choice o f a Six o r E ight engine! A nd they're led by a new D c Luxe " ^ o rp e d o ”

new car buyer can affordl B igger? Yes* M o re powerful? ^

Y eit Easier to h and le? Yesf More com fortable? Yes! Y e t th e f give you the sam e reco rd econom y th a t .

, mode th is y ear 's P o n tjac s such * sensation!

See these new P o n tiac s today.T hen you’ll k n o w w h y w e say,"It’s

' Another B ig Y ea r f o r Pontiac!"

POHT1AC Ql UtXt’TOINSO.** Low.pciccd leiderofihe ttt e tto t line ia Pontiac biiioo'I ! 19.inch wheclbaic—orer-iil leoftn inc rea ted -) ~ Jacbci. New coBcetUd ruoaing boardj. AfiiUble in 'fire m ixlflr.

t s m m i w f m m myufByyAm/PC4fme


1 M U Tn OVn-AU u n c th 4. MOUSD .N irai s. KCOy CAS W J Ml KOHOMY

& lAtcEs, ik r a looas WW. TSU-AIC JAHTY m o u w

I . WW WTDUO* luxuiiy 9. raflCTID "TllW.CUSHlpWD''


rOHTIAC intA M U N n >7eRMDG." A tww nrtimlined vcn ioo o f Peailac'a famoui "T etpcclo '' ctrlinn. 12] inch w beclbiM — inchei ftnater erer-all len n h . New conceiled niBaiag boar.di, Off«r«d in (be Four-Ooor Scdta and S«Ju> Ceupe.

PdHnAC aWTOM n o tH S e .* Tbe td tto c ru of the llrwl 122-lneh . w beelbue—orer-all Icafftb >ncreiied 4 incbei. AraiUble ■« ■ Four> ‘

D oor Sedao. M u Coup* *ad Stuioa XTigoa.

/Ifto/Aer S /f i ^ r

N E S D D e G R O F F P O N T I A C C O .Lionel Dean Bldff.


H E A T E R "“ A nd bo>‘, dooH it m iikc a tliffor-

i-ncc k i.o* ir hom e! I tho u R h l wo wcro

dftinfr a ll r iK h t bc fo ro w e go t it. bu t • I ’v e fmmH w it H ifforonlly s ince! ^

lik e to Iflke .thowcrti, nnd nt)W Uint •*“' w c h n v c . th n t p icctric w ntor •he.ifcr

I can tn k e all I w n n l; tl i e rc 's never • » n x . / d 6l u S '” a h« tJ::^ -w hrihc r o r no t

th o rc 'B h o i w a te r enoufrh!“


• "B u t m y w ife in t h e one w ho Rotfl th e real b e n e f i t , fro m it. Sli^ flitya h e r w n.ih» infr nnti • c b n n in jr l i r e a . htintlri’tl time.s c.i.sior now*. . . .iiiy.i i t tioc-Hn't t i r e h e r

/- like i t - u s e d to . .A n d sho d'oosn’t -mind w a s h i n f f diflhe.t n t nil a n y m o re , he- sh e nan u se n il th tj h o t w n to r s h f want.**. A iid w hon. I -■iiiv 'h o t w a t e r ’, I m H O T l"

READY ANYTIMt. Til*- iUlomiiUc rkclrtc

w aU r hcnKT ‘Hi U « BKXt depcndnbU terv- ■jtt you t*n h«v* In your home. Hot wnter U alwayti there, rlf;ht a t your flnKertlt«; nil you hBva to do In Him the faucet! ThutmrMui eom fort and eonvrnl- «fic« for everyonr. »nd hraJth protection for the whole family, tool


Every home tlwuld tuiv« u i 4UtO' malic electric urater heatftr. Call mt our (Aleiroom, or n to »n «l»ctrte appllsnc« ator«. and u k to m« th e modeb on display. Find out how. (Mlly one can b« bought, and how UtUe It coats to operato on U » tow one^ent w ater Heater r«te.

i d a h o V p o w e b~ ......... * ......... ( .■ te u m w . . . .a S A 'U t lC t f ^

W IN rALi,s mvr%. TmN' rAT,i.s. roAnn. ™t.nisnAT J io n m o . SErrraipER 12. ia<o

T W l lN F A L L S N l iW S

i i S i l i i

c r ln g th e h b p p c n re

c o u n lry . A nd th is a c c m s lllceiy to Kard;c55 of w a r o r p e n c e . I n e ith e r

ciisf; th e r e will be a s lro n g , c o n tin u o u s d e ­m a n d f o r f r r e , flexible, s w if t t r a n s p o r ta t io n , llnk liiK popu lous c i'ii ters a n d e n a b l in g Itind c lfrii'T o '-n iove alm ost a% f : f t ‘|v a n d sw iftly as n lrp lf ln e s . ^

. a t ::,

J :

FACING A WARO pin ion am o n B tlie e x p e r ts J ijJ lv lilcd m to iie thc r G e rm a n y . If sTie .siiauld tr lun ip li over ren t B r ita in , w ou ld n t l n n p t to Invade th is

;oun try . in ' a m il i ta ry se n se . I t l.i conccded Hint th e U n ite d State,-, m u s t go tlirouKli w ith a d e fense p r o g ra m ba^ed. o n .U ie tlicory th a t £?i/. niicfoii mlK’J it lJ.‘ a t ta c k e d w ltli forfT, o f

B u t K Is i)rac tlc i illy c e r ta in th a t unless tlic- ««rJs go doivn Jzi thl.s- ,suj)rem e .sJrtiRgJe Uicy 2 ' wiii soon bCRln a t r a d e V u r tills c a n n - '

, I.'- try a s a Jarm ln R In m a n y respccus as agg res- 7 . Sion w ith p la n e s a n d _ guns.- T h e business- m agaz ine . F o rb e s, f o r A u g u s t 15, m akes a n In­

fo rm ativ e s u rv e y o f th e In d u s tr ia l sltuatlc; In th is c o u n try . I t a r r iv e s a t th e conchislt

- th a t labo r. m o jia B c m e n t a n d Bovernmci m u st c o o p e ra te In t h e c lo ses t h a rm o n y If tlil.^

■«- n a tio n la to c a r ry th r o u g h Its p repa redness p rog ram in tim e .

P e rh a p s th e se v e rc a S te.;it wJJ? be orr a gem en t, w h ic h m u s t so o n detcrq}lne w hich

; a re th e e s s e n t ia l I n d u s tr ie s a n d w hich con- • tr ib u te m e re ly to th e c o m fo r t a n d conven- ; leoce of th e p e o p le . B u t F o rbes m agazine ' po,ses th e s e a r c h in g q u e s tio n . "W hen America

h as been R iven th e m o s t pow erfu l war. m a ­ch ine t h a t e v e r e x is te d , w here , ^lien will

•• A m erican In d u s tr y be?"A m erican s w ill h a v e th e c o p ifo r t.n f J<iiow-

Ing th a t th e y n e e d n o lo n g e r .w d ’(ry . an aKgrcMOr. 5 ln c c be ab le b 'K lv 'c '

a gooti a c t t o i m f 'b / ' f l i c m s e l .v i a . l n physical com bat. B u t Is I t n o t possib le , th e Forbe.s

■ 'w rite r ask.i. t h a t th e agRre.ssors wm e n te r upon a new k in d o f w a r f a r e —a cd iithc t of trad e , a b lo o d le ss ^ itruggle fo r w orld m arke ts?

This, Is n o t o n ly p o w lb le . acco rd ing to th e _vlew of m a n y o b se rv e rs of w orld trends , bu t 'Is a like ly d « v « ^ p m c n t . T h e c ru x of th e s itu a ­tion . th e re fo re . Is t h a t If A m erican Industry , In th e f e v e r of th e r e a rm a m e n t p rogram . nulter.t n !oss o l c f l tc lc n c y . h o w wlIJ Jt be abJe to tig h t th i s n e w w a r on th e t r a d e fron t?- Jtsecm .-! c e r ta i n t h a t If G re a t B rita in falls.

, th e U n ite d S ta te .s will b e riK htlng- a world w hose In d u s tr ia l n ia e h ln o u d o m in a te d ‘ by th e nazls . T h e zea lous of G erm a n y , It Ls sug ­gested , " a r c g o in g to tu r n a ll th e energy t l i a t Is now g o in g I n to th e ir w ar m ach ine Into m ak ing g oods m o re c h ea p ly th a n A m ericans can m a k e th e m ." Q o rm a n y 's s ta te -c c n tro llc d In d u s tr ia l m a c h in e r y "w ill m a n u fa c tu re R00d,s. M c h ea p ly t h a t n o tn rU tx h e re or In any o th e r p a r t o f t h e w orld ' c a n ke ep th e m out."

Source.'; o f r a w m a te r ia l s tluU have been c lw ed to O e r m a n y fo r t h e la s t 2^ years will be opened to h e r , a n d so new w orld m a rk e ts will open fo r th e d iim i>lng of h e r lln lshed ROod-S.

A w a rn in g to (U ils e ffe c t w as Klven by W alth e r F u n k . R e ic h econom ic m ln lslc r. In a .■iUitcmcnt a im e d a t th e P a n -A m eric an rc n -

■ ference. I n c ffcc t, ',h e . s e rv e d no tlc i; th a t G cr- m n n y Is go in g to x r c k worJrt in io r- r lg n tr a d e by t r y in g to tm dcr.'.ell the U niied

■ S ta te s in t r a d i n g fa c to r y goods in thasc c o u n - ,■ tric.-i t h a t p r o d u c e raw m aterlfil.s.

T h e F o rb e s a r t i c le concluclr.'. th a t wc a rc ROlnS to " m e e t a h j i r d e r foe th a n wc have evei know n" a n d o u r d e fe n se w in be o u r Indu.strla sk in .

A m erica c a n a n s w e r ihl.*; challenge If It: Industry is good e n o u g h , i ts m a nagem en t a le r t enouglL I ts w o rk e rs w illin g enoiii:h. But nJJ fh/,'; c m p h .iO c n ily lo r n im ily jy r xp irll a m ong th e p eop le . jiu.';lne,s.s a n d I a b r f r ^ \

WOMKN IN PO LITIC SD r. R o .sa llnd I- B ra n n ln g , w h o te a c h e s po ­

l i t ic a l sc ie n c e in tli r U n iv e rs i ty o f P l llsb u rg h , say.s w o m e n a rc Ui/y a b o u t p o lltlc .s a n d should ta J :e m o re (tucrcsC In th a t s o r t o f th in g . She w l ia t l.s th e use u i h a v in g a v o ic e In gov­e r n m e n t If you don 't_use It. " P o l i t ic s can be a s e x c ltln c as any o th e r a u b je c t ." she i n s u t s , " a n d th e Idea t h a t I t is d u l l Is due to a la ck o f u n d e rs ta n d in g .'’

I t secm .s s tra n g e th a t th e re s h o u ld be such p o li t ic a l a p iith y am ong w o m e n , w h en you th in k b a c k to Mrs. P a n k h u r s l a n d t h e rum pus ,ihe m a d e In E ng land to go t w o m e n th e vote, a n d th e th r i l l s In A m erica w h e n o u r w omen w ere en franch t.sed .'

O t i j p r P o i n t s o f V i e w

I foi


iiini ntrt* ihnt our p r lce lfu UfrlKiEt hr miilnintnrd; Ui»t those "Inillrn-

Declnration of Indrprn- I »r* endowed by tliclr

and UiAl to Iniure the uid privileges, »lileh a r f :n.nituilonii, l.< a prim»r5'

T hat J u a t ^Von’t Stick, H enry

•nie tnrd prOKTCu

imirlcs hfti coijimon r

m. And the

111(1 hn.i

n rkcd the ) In uttKlnlnc •rcomlng of op-

ijy Kovcnimpni. in inis ndvanee our belovfrt been prIvikKcd to takp a leadlnR part durlns

tlip pa.n cennhy niid s hnlf. l l i e fam ous 6t»tu* of Liberty In New Yoilc ilarbor inil)- s>-ml>oll*ea how our roim iry rrp rr tfn ii -Lihrrty E n m iU h ln g the World." I t Is m d to coiitcmplnte tlmt Friuico. th e Und Kiive to Anicrlca tills beauUfut lymbol of liberty, now Hr.-, |)ror,lriitp iiiitlcr the heel of a tllcta.tor.

Af. Hr look ottl upon n world where hum an liberty l> iiiu liy niiiiiirp.-.%t'd. where Individual hum an flghu lire Horiifiilly trsiniiled uiiderfooi by dictator*, let u« coii.'Wrr ».rrloii'ly whether Ule »am e daunllfj.i uplrll'Of liberty iimi cinralnated tJie founderi and prr. jervcr.s of nur coiinir>’ >1111 live* in th e hearia of mir iicoDlr. A ir rr:ilouslv Riiardlnj today thone vital

ihlliOied by our forefaUieri *• rrnmrlu? Or,plllui .1 irr

le tjlEiiiiiRs of liberty tlwt Rf I. nnct fall to* bo a ro a ied to Its de- lold trend! toward dictatorship her*

crcd rl6hts nfenJo>’ t 1 by ou ■ Constllutlon:


,nd of th^ !. our people penceably lo asjcmblr f ir views: ihe security of all people hoiiscj, pnpem, and effecU against

and selture*: and th a t no oiic Iff., liberty, or property without •Tlipse rlcht.1 a re n o w -b u to Iilc of the En.itern Hembphcre.

le b;i.'i^ihnclpk.s nnJ pollclcf •siuri! nTour BOV£ ‘ '

II It «break. In the

r a , : ;, ulio Ksvf the In I ^ncrlflcp tor thcl; iiK up Uie Mnictiirp ol oii Icr.s .•^tftllll•.hed three ^cl) Ive. ^UrcuU^e. and Jmltc ;r r td thfti any nttciiipt c

(o (lomlnnle the oUicr

the grrat A nrd.n: •Tlie a: • the powtr.i (

. . - , . , i forget tlial thc.'c t centuries of stniisle by I fiiU'rtfervMife of’Hevotlon prrservailon,

• ol oiir free KOVfmir rrc ^chil^ftl^ clep.irtni

. They nil ,lie part of i't> di-pnrtin. loiil and mark iKloii rxp tfjcd

E y p o rt- Im p o rl B a n k M a y B e Used to C ra c k N e u tra lity A c t 4

N a tio n a l W h irlig ig N rw B B e h in d

T h o N ew s

hrirlnR of nntiniinl | •111 to .ill IcKltlmn' lul. MAlile flnanclnl na•^ttoh contromlni:

ir tcilfral ROV-lowers aA lUted nilnrly rmphiv- iri loral Rfirern- n t of n itrons

r nine our peopi* HjKressloii by dlcta- n jxyislhje condition iKVtredk, but united iJlKrlty by all. wlU) private

stem. However, tha iUrj>eopIe tod»y Is

T R I B A L COLOILS A ph ilo so p h ic c o lu m n c o n tr ib u to r tell.^ th is

s to ry 'a b o u t a n ts .H e w as d o in g so m e p a in t in g out,Mde of his

house a n d n o tic e d tw o l l t l le b lack a n ts . T hey seem ed to b e lo o k in g fo r tro u b le , .lo he p u t fl .'peek of r e d p a in t o il one o f th e m a n d It was .■'oon red a ll o v e r. T lie n th e o th e r a n t was scared a n d s t a r t e d r t in n ln j r aw ay . Ife p u t red

.p a in t cn l t ,^ o o . a n d th e n t h e ’tw o were a like a g ain , a n d th e y w e n t a b o u t th e ir business to ­ge ther.

, ' O ut w hen th e y r a n to w a rd th e ir a n t re la ­tions who" w ere s c o u tin g a ro u n d , th e la tte r w ere f r ig h te n e d a n d took to fllglU. He then da u b ed a d o z en m o re of th e m in th e .^aine way. a n d th e y w e re a ll rcconclIcU to ih c lr ch an g e b e c a u s e - th c y w e re a ll alike.

B u t te n a n t s e sc a p e d th e p a lm and h ung ' toge ther. A n d a llc tJc io te r . a.^ h e atood w atch-

Jo s p ro ce ed in g s , t h e te n b lack ant.^ hiul 'R ta rte d a w a r w i th th e 14 re d an ts .•' T h e re se e m s to b e a lo t o f h u m a n n a tu re In ’ those a n ts . A nd i^ b rh a p s n n lm a ls wduld be­have In th e s a m e w a y . M en c e r ta in ly do.

:\1 0 T n K R O F lU f illW A V S F irs t '-v ie w e rs a n d u se rs o f th e new all-

w e a th e r a n d a i l - s p e e d h ig h w a y f ro m .P ltta - bu rgh to ' H nrrlsbu jT K ,. P e n n sy lv a n ln . pro- no tinced I t a n u n q tif tU n e d su c cc ss . I t Js " the road o f th e f u tu r e ." th e y .>iay. a n d " th e m other o f th e m a ll."

In A n o th e r decA de o r tw o ’ w c sh a ll p rob ­ab ly h a v e a chtT clcerboard o f su c h roads cov-

■1 ,

Co<l ti.r ■

By lU y Turker

line ll to the senate for ratlflcf lion. AUl>miKh unmentlonrt.-Jti U formal MchnnRe-^.'lt was a majc cnii'lilerivtlon In the prp.sldentli coup d/till.- F-ir years Hiller luid Mansollnl an Stalin have derided democracies o Ihe BTound tha t they are slow, cwn brrjome and wcok. By ihrlr rniiiliii ........................... nd ihrlr licht

nliiR-likewaglns w

elhfxl of I, they linv

; .slowly tended lo I presilne throuKi eclally'lft South A: in.Mictton wiui liri

trade, thi trampled u procesjcs. 1, ed the dictademocracy po.'sltT),.r V.. t , . . , . . . I.<.

if :.hii",vd nay suite ctins .•••1101 .sub'^rll>e to the p •w Hint Mr. Wlllklr !■, r Hiii (v.lili'iit rioo^evelt Kiiliilnic

rcKm h the fomittiri • III Uie bsR"; Maine, V

IV Hnmpjhlro.•.k York, Penn.iylvoiita, N •, Delaware. Ohio, lndi:m^ in, Wl«enii;ln, Mlnnr oin

Ncbr l. l:Il, Colorado, I'ihlnnton. The.'e Ntnle.' li

n tiK

Republlciii Island, fill Cullfornlii.

followliiK i- fiivorlnE the tlcul, Rhode

SLOW. Pr^ ll1r Jn ncqulrliiK bases from Cirm und<* heavy llrf c o n s ^ ic i i the 1 know ii-W id III dlKglnc Into ll. L mcndaMoii fnr ll

attempt to buck up Drltl^h morale. In view of frequent conKre-v,loniiI

demands tha l the U h ilr t S tates de­mand een.flon of British po.vic.',3lou.i In payment of war debt, the pre;.|- dent «ent nil nrmy sta ff to (nve.sti- gate problem last winter. I t wm then re})orted excliurtvely In the WhlrllRlg. Tlie pre.sldentlnl liui>ector advised acttlal-aequl.iltlon of the Bermudas, the Bahitmfts iind other tsiandi. Ho pointed ou t tha t thLs counlry. under aucH procedure, would Inherit a batch of soclnl.iind economic headaches—as we have In the VlrKln Islands and Puerto nico. In.itead. he recammencled Uint we

itrateKlc naval "ftid

NEW VORK W lU aU Q IG By Rlehard Waldo and

Gabriel VcfUottI WEDGE, n t next crack a t

ncnlnvolvemtnl Uwi which last year's congresi hoped would outlast the .Ilooievelt term wlU come via Canada. Otuwa advices to Wall •treet wy the Erport-lmport Baiil -'.U be used to crack Uie Johnwi

Id ^eulr^llty meuure* with a firs loan for the hartesUng of Canadlsi Theat. Wliether tha export lo.ii >111 be part of or eeparatr*froni i

second operation Involving a hnlf billion ll stll! being dl*cuued by U, 8,-Canadlan conferee*.. M f" I! ‘i?® ‘ vnllaljle10 New York banks. Export-Impori Is to make a rin t allocation of 50 millions under exUUng leglalaUon permitting the agency to foster hamlapherlc trade. Tliereafter. with the Ice broken, a real loan will be promote<L.ln which U, 8, iM k s and bonds will be offered as sec'urliy. The Bank of England has already ilan ed tlie iransfer of BrlUsli-own. ed A merica paper to Canadian banka to further the project, f\>r four monUu Uier# has been negli­gible liquidation of. U. 0 , lecurltles, and banks now learn tha l Canada ha« been made cuitodlan In prefer­ence to New York, tlie more loBlcnl UepoilUn’ It u le vcre contem­plated.

Sometime a f t e r mid-September :e Dominion will attem pt to float now war bond tuue of JiO millions 'Igure Is the American dollar equl- Jlent.) At of the first fls- vl war yesr. Canada Is spending ; the rate of one billion (Ame'rlciin) :arly. Tlie last Issue was virtually forcfd Jonn, denliUs to the con-

ar>’, and financiers don’t sec how Uie second ftoutlan, even If taken up 100 per cent, can dent the deflclf. A formufa (ftai won't ruffle con. :resa Is now being sought which wli: lermlt U. 8. funds to paruclpnte Ir

the Canadian luue. and then 'poj. Ribly bsck a third. Moil dcflniK jiroposBl to date Is a subsUtutlns operation wherein Canadlnn-hcid

rfcan securities wUl be pledgi ., „ u l New York n;

groceeds converted Into Canadli

.CoIoiiIaL AULliarlilc obsolete v,ari>lanf4 and a few warship: troops are native , the Japi


been ,elllr,i; lor, ure I'M

r not aflecied* iccnslhg order, :tal .vhlpnienl,’,,

CO.NTOAHT.IB departure (

fleet from Pearl

Ull) . HI.S :,s pli;ronhot«l n


trorn Ihi- Hepubll ■Irie -Nlory bocoiiic

Rcpilhllcims nr

. I t V1 hr'

Of !Jil.< UiO' cnnnot l>

iv Nebraska mly c -nliiUi,n New York In the house,:i the Rinpire state In Uie senale. How V thlnKs for the small su te a la sllawn In 26 Nttttfs wlUi only 01 votes In Uie home, foiirtii of the total, have S2 votes or a

\ Tlie penchant j f the

rcnpportlonnient before the census Some nf our nelglilwrs which nl;.o lor. c bis drou th are going to siilfrr a u u!ipleii:-nnt, hut as devoted supixjrt

j figure!; reJaUvf b -

IKipuhitlan In nillnr dlitrcii. r s of the fert-

e pontlclniis.—OTiaha World-Herold.

B r e a k f a k F o o d

Ex-Mllllonnlre; Wiy. many of- ux had stock ei- hange le a u 10 yenis ago. and look a t us now, I-'.inner; Yenh, and many of ui had wriits In our

snt-s 10 years ago. but pleas* don't look a t us now;

FAIR TALK'niere werfe long facet In the 4<H

club building a t the T«in FalU county-fairgroundf yesterday after-

whhi'C ounty'Ageni EuRcne W. Wiltmnn ot Jerome cn||lclnl icMit

iportei ind plncrd slxl


......... rry-go-•'to hold Junior

e finally brokiind admh

Tho life of an exhibit Judge Is lull jfhixards. Three *touc*hearted mm.

hanillnc down their decisions day afirrnoon In a division of itr in which competiiion. was

UNRK.SPONSIVi; CHORD Couiicllmiin Carl flllchey ha* de-

vclope<l slowrriiiii Into a fine art. ,tjd he did nil exprrl Job of It the ither n lgh l when the subject of Uio

lonS'HWftlted new Hre truck was brouRlit up. Asked when 11 was stlp-<l to arrive, he sajd Uiai th» m ost irtcent dsie .set.wn.i September 17 (It was orlglmlly supposed to come August Jl). Then asked. •’I.'; It bfln« sent b>' way of

jft Pnnnmn Carl glowi

Coincidental Wlih t part ol the U. S. Harbor for miincu-

.■era a i sea and to Join Uir BrltUh Mediterranean H trt a t SinRnpore, th irty Jnpaneje men-ol-wiir, mostly cruisers and deaUojers, are convcn

n French Indo-Chlna, a.. . to New York banklne h

formation. Included • In Uils force carrlcr and .sei

aircraft tenders. More than 100,000 soldiers—In addition to the naval

[ th -are coneenirated In Mnl- ind h*Drnioj». Tlie fomier Li-

Jand ll a IJliJe nw e iJjj.h SO niJlea Ilf Indo-Chlna anil has been iran s-

formed Into a ixiwcrfiil bn^e of opcr- lUons since Jnpniier.e foa'es effected I surprhe occupniloii >iomr ilnic-ORO, Nipponese demands f o r trniisll Tights which have now been granted by the Prencli becloud the l.'j,ue.

\ i predicted in iliLs space on »ev- il OCCMIOIIS, .Tokyo ha.i iilnnncd

to ocQipy Indo.China, the Duieh Indies and HonKkons.- Tlie llr.'it ^[rp l.s accomiillshed. ll i e bow- liiK lo Japanese^ l.s thur- OHK/ily umJentatidaOIe' from the pr.ictical French polnl of vlrw. Tlie

a and Uierefoi •teniers. In infonnul tircks

this new Japanese vicloo' Is ifKa“ l- ed as a distlnci aetbuck for General de □uulle, who announced in glow­ing term s that Indo-Chlna had de. aerted Ports In favor of London.

In strange contrast to tii# Amer­ican Ileet maneuvers out of Pc.iil Harbor and Secretary Hull’s posi- tlon-muklng warning to Tokyo U llie business still being done In Uie way of exports to Japan. Olt shipments from Los Angeles to Tokyo recenily reachcd on all'tlm e record ol over fourteen million biirrels. San Pran- clKO has slilppcd 04 Crude oU exports aj by tlip presidential

ctdentally. Scrap ii: tel und.oil nRKrcgatea in exces,-. «fl,000,000 dimiig Uie period from n. I. 1D3S lo June 1. 1D<0, Scriiii

mctol shippers defend tho continued Jupiin by slntlni! that

v llp lor tliMS fjJJoft- es sayhis the Iron lot prrnilL Carol In with him. Carol, iplomatic fnllings, b


Is paitly l:i Kold, os-crwhelmincly in widely dl- •erslfied securities o^ liiglamJ, the

U. S. nnd Ciimdn. ll ie a-vortmeiii of Sw lii. Dutch. Urlllsh and Amer- Jean bankers witli whom Carol frac- ilonalued his brokerage liave fonK . since tram lerrcd Ihe certificates u. dummy iiccouiii.s hi ihls hemiiph«rk-M In the Wall street siimmao'. Carol Kin not be tjroke until holders ol S tandard Oil. U. S. Steel nnd IVea. siiry bondi are riding blcyclr.v

ODU.S. Whai

Jon to tJiP draft h

;h e Jo mthu

er the basis of the of key liidiiMrlal

V York finds Uiem lie eon.-.crlpilon ol : RO throuKh. In e Uic ronfldeniliil

il:ed oppo-Ni- It e^eii given I t will lake

1 forms Of-

le utr^’t .lobbyln............ .

To prepare for Uie fight Uie i cRy board.s of big corporations are

npllhig chiiits of the citbsldlar - luslrlfii—UiB Indepe.ndcnt little ;IUr—that supply the big ones, or lenvii.L- it iw upon -them for tpc-

clallzed.-nced5. Tlie moral which wU) be bunsrd hnine l i Uiat fomt-------50 middle i.l; plants will keep

books In n 'd or tiliick In propor- a.s a handful, around 8J. of Uie >hi Jnduitrles-^lo llkewL' e. In

. each of 800,000 l.s the locallicil hub for mnall Jobbers. Individual

riictor.', and arti/jins whor.e led- snow tUe .s

The story In ILi punchy siforiij will SI iib f U 1. TllF


^ O u r C h i ld r e n '^" by/lnsfelo Petri

? timidity In the face of manient. proRrnm—nn ' flfteen:bUllon-dolli

should be aonrln r«*r malnlnlnetJ en level for mniith

rh MW (he downfnU ot Pra I an'eiiri to foreign and dome nr-T lirv al'o expecied th a t Pi It I?ooM-veli, for fear of unfa\' iiollilnil reacllon, -would slow

- y policy.I, plwiRe

I has been tak streeKrs a t-lta faci raders ft appears U :ted conflict and i irh e of bu

iitlon to jier-tftln

a nhfli In Uie arm . Therefore, 11111 e o-flnnnelal proffnostlcators

thr r.ipiial look for a elo»' but •adv rise between now and elee- )n llm r^a dlsllnet admlnistroUon

I’itncnA St. Army-nuvy lo'pnotch s charged with preporlnR Uie iltrd Gtflte* for war have no sym- iiiv Riih Capliol hill new dealers’ ■nlilvp expeditions against Indus- I-. If ihey were not m urjled by r\itlrnili»l deeree. they would ex- eis tlifir distaste for delays re.iult- R l;om {lemanrtu for con.seripUort private plant* and excess profits

Tlie a I Uiecenernl staff Keneral board agree wlUi Wen- Villkie, the Republican presl- il nnmlnee. In Ills crlUclr.m flf Ovrrion-Ruw.ell amendment.

They pnmt out Uist sufficient au ­thority in force produce

tinl wnitime materlnbi exists n ih poiver was exercised only In World war I-^ jnce nRolnst

factor}' .and oncestall

cording ta plant ;

. Bui

eer Industr}- on a ar Is o l r e a d Y ^ t, America do rt not

. we don't believe

rUe ailinliiisirntlon's Ijisiilence hltfhlng Uie profits tax to

f five-year amnrtimtlon proftram s alrtsdy delayed'the lelUnn of r roiitracts for maiiy weeks. Tlie ^(ral> and admirals see no rca-


Ttic clilld speclsffst had delivered I carelully prepared tall* to th

Moihrrs' Club, He had .itre.-Jied th -slty of diet, ileep. cleanlli

monlou losphe !. for the litHe had driven homi

of sound health its Uie prlmi ilte for a htiltliy life, becln. with Infancy, He asked If Uierc

r, I'lcI '

ilher. •• Jy si nt him to ne what-to-do-io ilm, to make him■itll leadcrihlp

real leader,""I know.” said tha doc-ir. "I am not concerned. My uork

inili cliililren'ii phyMcal behiKs <ni niaM ask the leachcr that que.n- on."I <fo not know, ellhr-r. AlniosL ilo not care, nnd I could - wish

;st moihen would not care 'hn i a niolhrr set-’ her hc.irt up- 1 i.hlnliiR piibllclly IhroiiRli the ircf,'.-- Df Jjrr clilJil In puljllc >.rr- rc tiirrc Li grave danger Uiat e child will psy a heavy penalty r failure. Succe.'.s under siich con-

llc«! of J J re n l ia ln ’A chilli U Iwrn wUli the quality

Df IcaUer-shlp, or lie Is not. If noti iioihlnR can give ll to him. No leaoher, no parent, no edueallonal system can create a leader of any khid. Leadership can- be devel- opetl II 'It w preient. not o ther- wi, e. And 11 It Is present It Is

(« crttih. U rUJ surety ahow i.self. WheUier (or good or 111 iui.1t depend upon the kind of

^ ^ g and opportunity th a t U rfn sn icd lo the gifted child.

point that gives me ‘eon- bout Uils whole m atter Is.

Uie effect parental omblUou has up­on the chlldrcji. Too much attcnllon. beilowed with tli« best and kindest of motives, createi neurotic children, Behavior prjblems. 111 health, warp, ed ijientallUes arise because chll-

ion why Uie aniortltullon achom :annot be enacted In a hurrj'. Uiu ima.-ihlng Uis log Jam tiiat holds u •earmlng. Then a carefully.draw; ax plan can be passed wlUioul nn langer of lavs of revemie or creat

of var mllUonalres.-Aa 0 It moment.the .presi

:ountry t- ;mlRrale

Milch a proflK

bellev.lomeDjJjis IJjrJj uonderiuL

Develop What la liibnm All parcni-s worth the namn

have drcaros-aiid hopes und ainbl-. tlon.1 for their clilldrcn, ' are the forces ihat make rearing chil- d rrn A dellghifiil experience Uiai

ixcltemeiitof t ; si-rlal storj' e

Tlmt nd Uie letter


StOO'.s, Th# oUier , picks out 0

P r e s s G e ls B la in e F o r W a r H y s t e r i a -

>ES MOINF^, Scpl, 11 (,l:t-ncp- rejcntiitive Hrimlllon FUh. Jr., (R - ' NY). In an addic.-.s a t the Intva Dankers’ auocliiUoij cHiiventlon. -

half uf 1 they r^ad 1

PAT. A frlead Of Uie firat family lake* UiU eomment bn a . recent

blograpli}' of Mn. Roosevelt: “I a ^


bcllev our intehnlf Of wh,n Ihey I,r;i radio. Fish u-ild, --Uiey oi under Uie bed even--nlK some Jap i.s -ihrre, or .m or Nazi, ready to ;muiics defenseie.ns America.-

■Tlie American pebple believe Uils propaRnndii to such an extern th^y w ant batt^r.lilp.i In the MKsiwippi and ^bm iirines In the ’dust bowl,"

Tlipy arc »ha t keep par- Its eagrr lo co on with tho dltfl- lit Job of Ihtng. keep them work- ' K. Mcrlflclng. praying day by d a ^

for good to come (0 (heir chlldrenw ,

NolKJdy Int.*. the right lo do , Each of us has one life, his '

to do with as he wlshu, and not given lo him to live again nicaln hi Uie lives of the chll*

dren, .wve ns he IIvm In Uifir Joy, When n chlld'r, life Is claimed

by his piireni.s. when hi* wl.-.h and purpo.--e are ihwnrtcd, selfishly, no

Dd can come of It, and no Joy.Ls the .lure ruad to Uie hospital.Iter tako the child "us he' U an4 ike the best of him. Iim'l any

kind 01 success cnongh?

Ir, p*trl I iu prepared, a leaflet ' , . ..lUed. “summ ering," In whleh lie ad>Uet .-partnU hew lo coacli ilm youngiters W r this ehlldhocHl dif- ' flcnlly. Send for It, aildrewlng ynur rf50M t to Mr. Atiirlo Palri, VhiU M Payeholegy Deparinirnt of Twin” FalU News, P. O. Hox ISO. Times Square SUUon, New York. N. Y. Enqloie a srlf-addrersed, itamped

•nt) rnvrtope.(Released by Tlie Bell Syndlcalp,

U K #


D is t r ic t S t y l e R e v u e H o n o r s G o to4 - H ^ G i r l s f r o m W e n d e l l a n d B u h l

T he dream o f e v e r y 4 - H . c lub girl who c a r r l c s p r o je c ts

In sewing — to w in t h e r i g h t to comp^tc in t h e n a t io n a l s ty le revue in C h ic a g o d u r in g th e I n te rn a tio n a l L iv e s to c k Expo.iltlon in D e c e m b e r— w a s one s te p n e a re r r e a l i t y f o r tw o so u th e rn Id ah o g ir ls y e s te r d a y w hen they w on b lu e r ib b o n mnklncs ind ihe rluhl to en t« r‘Ui8 sta lt >tyl« revue c o n tn t du rlne Uio dlr.irlct conltsl Al the n i e r fa lr- srcundi.

Six Klrlj, «scli n w inner from , Ciisl*. Mlnldolcn. Oocxllna, Twin

Fnllj. Shoshone or Jerom e counUea. competed for the distric t honors yesterday momlnif.

Win niue lUbbonm MLu Maxine O arner. IlIUi year

Kirl from Diihl. and MIm Q.corB'» Wlieeler. Uilrd yflV f i r l from W en- deU. were Ihe blue ribbon winner#.

Red ribbon winners were MIm Mnry Jane Uplon, third year girl from Burley, nnd Mlaa V irginia TJiorpt, lecond year Rlrl Trom Sho-

_ /ihone Slid *hlte ribbons w ent U»MlM ehltlry Knlfons. tiiird year glrj from Eden and MIm W anda Mer*. fourth ye&r girl from Mlnldolca eounly.

Mlia Oamer wrs motltflfng a pale [link taffcl* formal. dcslRned wlUi square ncck trimmed »'IU» blue rib ' bon. anil short sleeve.i when uoa-Jitr blue ribbon, TJio was part of her fifth year sew lns p ro ­ject. which aho mcludetl a ll of her

*, • untlerelollics.Ml.-j Wheeler ftiipejired In

Rrecnnnd whlW checked w hool d ress with red bell nnd a red le lt h a t. Her (hoevnnil purse were blacV.-

Hrovn tVaol Model A brwii wool model w ith Rreen

ftccessorlej was modeled by Ml*s Llpton and ■ pink nfU rnoon model with navy blue hat nnd ncce&sories was wore by MLm Thorpe.

Mly KnlfonB wore a red and blue model wlUi black acce.isorlci and red hat and M ia Mere wore n nnvy blue JackH model wltli w hile aatin blqiue.

• btJicr "flntj" In yealcrdoy tcnU sen t to MW Belly Rlnif ond M lu Lyilla Kucera of Buhl w ith their dcmmjirailon on posture in the .lenlor divhlon and U> M tu Dorothy and MIm Ullle Ineiui of Shcnhone In lhe<lunlor demon.nWa- tlon fllvhlon.

Mlu nebecca Sidweli. Miss Donnn Harnly and Mlu Virginia Jensen ef Jerome »ere members of the wln- nlnc home economics JudRlnB con ­test,

H i m t e P r o d u c t s

L u n c h e o n f o r

W R i c h f i e l d C l u b

niClIPIELD. Sept. 11 — In itia l meeting of Uie Woman'* club was hcW htte Wrtntwlny -wlVh th e nn- nual "home producUi" covercd dl.ili Iimchron preceding tlie’ bu.ilne.i* *e-v<lon nnd proRmm. An pxcepllon- ally larse aitenclaiice waji recorded,

i^'-^penlnc iho prosrnm, ‘t'lie club ann^lQod DIcm America" followxd by tiie salule to the /log.

Tlie new president, M rs. Elm er SwftUitan. Kave her addre.'Ji, A meri­ca will pntrtolijm kpynotlnu the number.

Following her addre.M. W arren Smith and Howard Deeds, boys Bcnt

• (o the Do>'S' State sej&lons tit Boise this summer were In lfoduced .‘’Sen ­ator" Smith nave a history of Uje orleln, reawn, and purpose of tlie orRnnliation'Inrt "Senntor" Dcedi Kiv« an ftCM^ni o( the acUvlU«R o' Uie Croup.

Mrs, Hyram Pry reported for the Inw ob-wnnca commlltee, telllnR o; the orgnnlratlon of Uie school patrol

. for street crotslnns.. I t va i reported th a t ta p dand ru t

eln.vicj are being considered for the winter. .

Mra, Pnuik Sanford sanii two numbers, "Some DnV W hen You Arc Mine” and "TM Second M inuet.' Member;! Vnjiered roll 'on ll w ltlj Pollyanna*.


A JurprCie pinochle party - arransed a t Uie home of Mr. ond

Mrs. Bert H. Cook Tueiday cvetMng In honor of Uie third wedding atin l- verrary of Mr, nnd Mra, Ja ck Ronn.

JV Rift was presented to th e honoree*. who moi’ed her* recently from Aln-iworOi, Neb., ta eatablUh residence, • •

Oucits prucnl Include..Mr. nnd Mr». Aaron Snyder. Mr. a n d Mr*. Plerc# Honn, Mr. and Mrs. Claude

" Tumlpseed, Mr and Mr*. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Egbert.

^ S T U D Y OF FAM O U S ^ W JilT E R S S E T

This year'* siudj for members of Zeia PI chipter ol the D elphian •oclely will includB the ‘lives and works of twenty of the m ost ou t- auwStag w tttm ol .the p a s t two centuries. It was annotmced aXter U)0 Initial m'reilng Monday afl«r-<

_ -noon a t th i Idaho Power com pany audlterlmn. Mr^ & J . S tep -K ea prc-ilded.

Mr*. Charles, D.-Beymer was In cliarcc Monday of the first lesson oT the year, tha author being WUliom

— Wadsworth.M n. J. E. lA ngcnvaltcr. M lu

Clara BUUar, Mrs. OeoniD J . W ard.. Mrs. Oeors* Buhler. M rs. J . a

Klmes, Mrs. Harold, Lackcy. Mrs. nobert Benson. Mrs. Allyn Dlngel and Mrs. Step-Ken reported on sifined topics,

w NKCl meeting wQl be held Sep- ^ tember J3 at the home of MT8. A. O.

Vlclar, jwceded by a t io - h o a t« s luncheon at 1 o’clock.

Dress R ev u e W inners

THESE TIVO GIRLS won rallngs o t A and the rlih l lo enler tlie 4-H tljle « f«« cao l« l durtnx th e dUlrUt conle»l jt i t t id a j it Ing a t the Twin Falls eonnty fa ir a t 'Filer. Ml<i Maxittr (iami Bahl li msddlng Ihe laffela formal and MIm (Jrnrtla Whreler i>f Wen- dell Is.ihBirn In Ihe srhOol model which she wo^e to compete tor diilrtct hDnon. (News rhetO 'EnrnvIng).

C o m i n g E v e n t s

BEREAN CUSS Berenn clus. Church of Uio

BreUiren, will meet Friday c%'cnliiK a t Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs, Pranlc Hebland In.Hatellon, All members are asked to attend since i jc r of­ficers will be named. TliOAe Incklns means of tran-'portatlon mny go lo the pummaKt a l '1;J0 o'clock. •

CATHOLIC TEA All women of St. Edward's psrl.^li

and ' wives of CAthnlle men n te Invited to attend a tea from 3:30 until 4:30 o'clock this afternoon n t the parLih hall, spon^red by the Catholic Women’s teaRiie. Past presi­dents will be In Uie receiving line, and a musical program, in charRO of Mrs, Lyons Smith, will be pre­sented. Decomtlons will be armnged

. Mra. George aeldtl and rcfrcsfi- menls will b«'under Uie direction of Mrs. Eugene Flasher,

E l l e r - H e n s o n '

N u p t i a l s T o l d

The nrsl appla tree In Iceland, planted la IBM. did oo t-b lceM ra until tSN,' when It produced only

' live rip* applei.-

■ N a t i o n a l B A V

^ ^ ^ ^ p o r t s - G i v e n

A comprehenslvs report of tho national metUng. of iiie Disabled American Veifrans 'auxillnry held recently a l-O rttii-B ay. Wu.. was Blven by, Mn- William Wdlter, Twin FalLi delegate, nl the meeting of Uie auxiliary Tue:iday evenlnR n t the American Legion Merhorlal hnlL Mrs. John Bnlich, Jr.'. preitded.

Mrs. WoUer WId the. group that, more than.MS.OM was expended In welfare work during Uie past year, Uie laJ-gB perccntBBf deriving fromforgct-me.nol day sales,

TliB local auxiliary wilt parllclpalc In Uie lontel-me-nol sales hero S a t­urday. October S," , ,

neporla were given on Uie w e n v benefit card party for ihe Veterans' hospital a t Bobe. sta«ed In the caplUl city, and announcement waa made th a t a ilmllar event would be held sooa -Twin Falls auxiliary pre­pared favon for Uie event.

I t was alio reported tha t _ ......auxiliary had been formed a i Bur­ley with eight local members tending UieTnitallaUon meeUng.

Mrs..Emma Lyda w u Initiated u new member.Refreahmenlj were served by Mra.

E. L. Raybom to Uie D. A. V. chapter and auxUlarj members late to thi evening,


Officials announced yesterday tha t th e ' opening-locUl of the Second w trd,M .I.A . will be given Wediies- ^ay e\'enlng. September 18. a t 8:30 o'clock In Uie lorm of a “premier.’' a t the recreation hall In Uie Second ward church.

All jnembers of th« ward are Iq- Tlted to attend. Ihere wiU be no admission fee ..

Music for dancing will lu r- nlshed by Will Wright’s orcheatm. Elaborate decoraUons ipd.llghUnK effecU a n belne planned and Percy Lawrence wfU m m uter of cere­monies.

-Mn. E»»a CljiS# Mill U t JchMCHi will ije lo.-charge'of the acUvlty. commlltee. Boy Scouu will be ushers and Bee Hire girls will tM.ln charge or the rerrtshn tn t Ubie.


PAUL. Sfpl. U -4 ’rlen(I^ lirrp have Icnriied of llic ninrrbKc of Ml.u Hltn Henson, dnuKhler of Mr. nnil Mrs. J . Hcn.'.on of Srnttip, Ihiii Bill Ellrr, son of llnrrlw n Eller of I’nul, nt Scuttle, Saturday, August 31.

Mrs. Eller Is well kjiown in Pnul. hnviiiK vbltcd hrre m:inv times wllli hnr twin nKtcr. Mr.r -Vrni EJIcr. Bill Kller'anil Veni Eller are brothers.

T lie sliiiflP rihFT ccrrniony per- formrii nt 1 o'clock l;y Hcv. niileiiour of thP Clirlr.linn ctinich a't hli hnme, A llfe-lniiR friends ot the Hfnr.on fnmliv, he chrl.stined Uie twin KirU n t th r t t birth.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Monroe Hnrriton, brother-in-law nnd sliter of Uie bridp. attended the couple.

Tlie bride wna ntilrrd In a blue sllk 'atlernooii gown-«1th mntchlnir ncecn-iorle.i nnd c.irrleU a eor:.nKP of pink tf.i ro'.obiids and gardenlfts. Mr.v Hnrrl;.on wort: nn nfternoon drpM of mivy blue wlih rwcbuds mid gardrnla.^.

TTiey I tli soon n lirr ceremony for Ynklnm for a sliort wedding tr ip and Rave rtHimed to Seattle where they will mnke Ihelr home. •

Mr. Ellrr.received hti fducnUon In the Pnul r.choot^, grndunting with Uie cln.vf of. 103<.


Mrs. J, C. .Ilnllnrd enterfaineJl 'Tuer.riny aJternoon In honor of the Blxlh blrtlidny anniversary of her daughter, Claudia Dallnrd. She wKs aiwlated with refre.nhmenta by Mrs. JC.V.1P Pcay nnd Hr*. T, E, Lucas.

Color scheme fenlurcd wiUi fall flowers was red nnd while, and oUier derorntlons reflected Uio eh05cn colors, A rc<l and white decornted c.tke witli llRlited candles

•rts includrd in Uie tnbU decor, GuesUi included MI.m Lorrnine

EJenRle, Miss Mar^- Jean Deagle. Miss Jean Fisher, Miss Joan Rsher. Ml.'j Barbara Bickford, Mtvi Qlenna Pny Hwleltler. Miss Carol Munson. Mljw Leonna Anderson. MlM Coleen Parm er. Miss Nelda Marie Schlffler. Mi.« Betty Hall, Miss Dora HarUey ond MUs Betty neesa,

OUicr guests Included Mrs. Enos Schlffler. Mrs.. Earl Bickford and Mra. Harold Deagle.


In celebration of hpr blrUiday and Uie blrUiday anniversary o f ,J . H. Senver. Mrs. Elihu Tlionwm of Swampacolt, Mass., prwldea a t ai> Informal dinner party Tuesday «ve» nlng a t the Park hotel. •

M n . Tliomson Is a guest a t the home of Mr and M n. Seaver,

O ther fueata were Mr, and Mra, J . H. Seaver, Jr.. Wlllmm^eaver of T w in Falla and William Wilson ot Swamp^cott.


•o a fm S r in ’uo^tilMRlen kMP » u trem bariat fua la lit*—Uk* z . m u u a 't Ventabt* Oompouod —tunoiu for OT>r W r«an Is btiplnc tueti wttknmroui »otnin duriM -dunniW'

. d»f». WORTH TOTWIll

CAMPFIRE^ ^ < j | R L S

ClliPUAKIIIOONGIClilpliahklooniil group of the Csmp

Hre Olrh mci Tuesday evening ai the hoijie of IJotuile Jeun Kiinkle with Strlln Mny L-ing conducting the buslncM sf.t.lon. Members answered roll call by trlllnK th r ir ambition

Mt.'Ji K athryn Coff, guardian, plained the nntlomil do*liut lo be held in October, announced tlie doll drc--.5inK rontcsl which will clo.%e the la ;. l of September, an­nounced Uie meiiibrnliip fiesta lo be held the Jn.-.i.of the month explained how lo tnkiTplctiirssdoor.v...................... . ■•

Oiic-iLs were Shlrlcj- Wnlker, Dor­othy Retllnghou.^e and Anna ^{arle Krlck. Tlie nieetlng closed *lih group alntilng of the club song will; Joan LeClaIr a t the piano.

Next meeting will be held Sep­tember n a t the home of M lu l^ng wlih membfjyi nn.v*ering roll call by bringing a Camp Fire song to ihe meeting,

C a t h o l i c P . T . A .

W i l l B e H e a d e d

B y M r s . R i s s e

New oftlcer.'. tterc niiiiicd for the SOmhiR jr .ir nJ (Jif Jiilil/tl mrfU'n: of St. Edwnrd'.-i rnrlm -T cacher ui>- sotialioa Turr.cliiy rvrnlng nl pnrWi hall, Mrs. Ray fiouche, relirlns president, presided.

Mrs, Felix'Ris'.e was named p(e' l* nil nnd Mr.i. EuKcnc Cooper, fir^

vlcc-iiresldciit; Mr.. Hoaclir will t>e program.chairman during the com­ing year,

Coinnilltee chalnncn were named. Including Mrs. Ha-.r Gambrel, I'ot lunch: Mrs. Geartie Wallace, rojan mothers; Mrs. Allred PuKhaiio, initi- llclly; Lud Drexlrr nnd Mr.v Dorothy Kleffncr, Cub Scouts. .

Date for the flrr.i card party, mi September 17. one of a series to be given durliiR the ycnr with pro­ceeds lo Ko lo the benefit of St. Edward's school fund, was an­nounced.

Three prirrs will be nwnrdcd e.ich month nl the <ninl pnrtles

grand pri?/: mil be given at end of .the sen;,on.'*l'lie public, nnd espccl.illy members of c lhcr Parent Teacher n.vochitlons, lire invited 1< attend. He.-.ervallniis may be tnnile by calling Mr.i. • Dorothy Klcffner. general chairman.

Member.^ w ere urRcd to attend the meeting Sfjilrjnbcr 27 when .Mrs. R, L. Bralnard of Wartlner. stale P,T, A. president, nml Mrs. Charles E. Roe, field .'cfretary lo r the national P.T.A., will speak.

I t wn.s decldcd to aid the Camp Fire GIrk’ do-nut drive by Kr'lug do-nuts as pari of Uie refreshments at the Octobcr meellnv.

llMtr.V'es acre Mrs: Ja',e|ih Le- Clalr nnd Mrs, Genrse Wallace, elshth grade room mothers.

C l a r i c e B a n d y ,

G . D a v i s W e d .

Ml.M Clarice Elluibclh Bnnily be. came the bride of GUn.Diivh at t cercmony pcrXonned Tue.-.dsy eve nliiK a t Uie ChrlsUan church par. soiiaKe with Rev. .Mark C, Ctontn.

J h e Way’ to H ealth! ‘F a i r P a r t y f o r F a l l s A v e n i i e

X l u h D r e n t ' s P e r f e c t A t t e n d a n c e

PorJcct miciKhuiti- iilonc ■ o f th e Kiills Avcriin.' club y<-,!c o f a clcvcT "lalr " |)ro[;Muii in k r a l r a n d world fiiii-;; ilic o r twict; bctori' In llif lii.'io ry o f -t li i: clUb lia:; ;i [)crfcL-t_;it- tcn tiii iicc Miiirk bci'ii rccord i'd .

ivotild h a v e m a d e th e m eeting ■rdiiy out.M andlnB , b u t add itio n c w ltli tlH- c u rr e n t county ;.l^^^loll n ic m o ra lj lc . O nly once

I lit litn iiil' ivrii- r.rrVPd by Mrs— j II.-,'l i.,ii"J 'tr,| bv lirr (l:iu.;llt

L u n c h e o n S e r i e s

W i l l E n d - T o d a y

;-T, Mr:.. Ken- Is hrre from U>- held this or Mii A C,

IT M ir.IlT NOT I»: the only way lo liraltii. l.ul a l iea.l 11 1 an excellent way In hratth , If Ihe appearaore of- lhe\r Iwn *lri« i« an Indkallon. :illsi Hetty King, standlnt, a n f MIm I.jilla Kuerra, on Ihe table, ncm dlvtrli'l tiunnn In Ihe 4*11 cirit drimniMraiion rnnte^t yc'Cerday niorti- Inc a l r i i r r with Ihelr demon'lrilloii on ■-('.I’rrlagc »hi)»liig exrrrl^rt lhal'are benellfljl In the I)i>dy, They are m rml^rn nf Mr>- I.. IW Tilley* •'Ilusy llee«" 4-II etub ot lluhL (News I’hiito- Eiigravlngl.

Doth nnUves of Idaho, they left immediately nfter U ij ceremony for GlcndSle. Calif., where Mr, DsvLs Ij ennaged In Uie avhilion InduMry.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Handy, parents of tho bride, and Mr. and Mrs, C, E Davis, parents of Ui8 bridrgroom. attended the coiiple.

A military blue nfternoon frock wlih a corsage of gardenias and rosebuds was worn by the, bride for her marriage, nnd when she left ' her • wedding Uip, idie wore imvellng suit of gray wool and black accessories. .

Tuesday afternoon, the bride honored nt a ml.seellnneous shower by members of the Shamrock dub.

Seventy-two guests nltended the affair, nrrnnged nt the Community church. Fall flowers decoratril Uie church and a troy luncheon was scn'ed, .

Mrs, Dandy and Mrs. DavU »«• sblfld the honoree In unwrapping her gifts.

Both Uifl bride and bridegroom ;e graduotes of Twin Falls high


One-foiirUi of all the mohair con­sumed In Uie United States u^ed

le manufacture of aulomoblle.s.

N e w Utidtr.„m C r e a m D e o d o i a n t

S t o p ^ P e r s p i r a t l o t i

1. Doo DOC rot dresjwi cJow- not ituuce ikin.

2. N ow iitiagtodiT.^Dbetiitd' ngbt iTier shsTiag...

t . InicsQClr s(0|it penplnrloa fori raJdsyLRemoTtsodoi’ from penpics'don. . vV

4 . Apure.vblte.sTtaseloi.icsiD' ‘ lesj nnlihfRg crean.

8. Aitid hs> been awtrded ihi ApprorUSealofihcAmeriaa InJiitute of Laonderlflc for bein* hsnnleM to &bna. ’

a s M ILLION J a n e l A idd ' bavvbM iitold.'f iy a lts to d t jl

A R R I Da i° 7 P , ‘ v i - L

F a r e w e l l E v e n t

A t K i w a n i s N o o k

cau.’.r nmny o! the uroup nre leiivlng soon to , ciilir college, a gioup ot IV lii Kalis re.' ldenls prraiiK'-d a finiil nct-toKcthcr Tiiri- day cvemiig In the form of a no- lio.str.'.s .MipiKT fti Klftnnls nook at Shuiliuiir fall.',.

Included iimong the guests were. Ml;/, Dorotlu' M. Suitlh, Mlvi Aniic I’rrrlDc nn<T Ml:,^/Marllyn Brlree, who will rclurn lo Uie Unlvenlty ot Idaho, southern branch nl Poca­tello: Mlrj Tlslher l y f Nicho'ji. who

■ill rer.ume tier studies a l Uie Uni-

IV of lc!:illo nt Mn'.row.

the Univn.Mlv of Portlaiiil; Ml.'.:, Virkilnis Tiili'r, n-lio will coii- llnur her .•.llldle nl Prpiierdlnc col- lec.r in Lor, Aniicliv.; Mrr. O, A. Kel- krr, Hiriilrie M.iKny and .Ml’.'. .Marntr E;ih-.l)ilry. uho will .sjicnu the uhitiT In T aih I',ill.s.

Icom tl.uo up J

K u d l e r ' s

TODAy T' f - a m . ADll.TS * I > V HAY!

Klddlri lO g Anytime Cantinuous (ihoni frnm l:IS p. n

------- LNCI.E JOi;-K'.S--------Norge Air Condllloned

m m n sr' ^ y f MAtnN

{ W m 'U S E F U N A H O M m C ) GALQSEt i r S M A X W H L I H o u s e COFFCeTfMEI

r r v > iz i n on this rollick- L U>3 half hour of music I . . . fun . . . lurprUett I W ith Meredith Wlfboo's ^ O rd iric n . Prcaenird by\ KOUM CoOet- '

a o 9 , m er* th a n sTtfi goo<f to tha latt dnp!

KTFI 8:;{() V. M.

.[Breathe in its tangy, marvelously delicate aromar .

S w a llo w slowly, pleasura'Bly. to make its refreshing goodness 1-i-n-g-e-r

-along your throat.

.Lhat’s how to enjoy this true European-type Pilsner. . . Brown D erby Pilsner.

Y OU'LL LIKE -this lifehtN Brown DeTby Pilsner w ith yoyir^ c f j s, as w ell. I t ’s

■ tangy, but deKcatelyJpTCham pagne-Iike in its iig h t'h ca rtcB u iy d in css and sp a rk lin g clarity. Naturally i t ^ o c s b e t te r w itfi fo o d .

You didn’t th ink America could ever b rew such a beer? T h en get some Brown D erby Pilsner to sam ple t o n ig h t . You b e th e judge. And if you are any th ing :Short of enthusiastic, y o u r purchase price w ill be willingly refunded.

W ruvy j'/.rn . Imt., Bllu. lij>» ‘

B j R O m D I H B Y


G a s u a l < S I c t u g k t e r s -


VESTEIlDAy: .Mlml tfU» K»r how Suidra>hrlil ovrr h rr hfacl ■n tnnecrnt Intldrnt uhlcb lUn*

.... jlr* ..ri>uU ,^lort. »nil maVe ih* uprlttn C'olonri bfllr.r, ti»ndr» iTUj li*T« u>cd dmilar U rllr i to forff Jfff to ra»rry-hfr.

Ctiiii>Urr 36 No QuVitInn «r

Tlic Coionrl rxphliirri to iiir altl cold conL«np; ihM li» liiid chnrs^c J t t l wlUi niurriff, lh»t Jpf{ trould lnl;prlt by S.indra’* dfnth.

"Oiii turcly you don't tliliik ilini of Jtff-W liy, you he w. •" ion 10 your

"U hf MPie fcclinliy m> fould malte iio rtll/rfrnc' thei* elrcumttv'ccs. Any n vould kill ti lovely younj; j ir l—n cirl h# had bffn fortimitc fnouBh

•• win R» Ills brlrto—“1 rcmcmlyrprt tliai h r wouhl lip:ir

noihing, njRltiM S.mdrn. Y«'«H! rriuly to believe !hls of TtiB llille f im p of rMfntmcni Mlml'* Blorj' hnd kindled In my mind, frtl bv my o^i BTy ciilll. flarrti on ipeecli,

-Lovely joilliK sirll "Wtiai do you knn»- you weren't to blind, /

< iiiinK


,dd hollv I tier? If ! of your-

hnpi>enr<l. Ii'* nil your fAiilt. nil ) Itl Marry n lovely younit Kiri yoi ! «elf aijd treat h rr m if she ucre iv

housekeeper! Pat yourself on tlie bivfk beenuie you reicue<I lier from

. Btarvnllon—iMid then ilarve her for , ft little lovt and understnndlnK! Dirt

you e ir r Jt«p «n<l Jook.fl! your nJ/ir nnrt fee lio'i' iitihnppy idle Is? Have you ever (L'kMl lirr what was tlio f a t t e r , eticoiiniiied her lo Inlk tn you? Or hnre you imubbciLher every time she Rave way ta n humnn tmo- Uon until stie'ii afraid ta tell you when slie'i In trouble—afraid to tell you Uiit Sandra was runnlnt! your

.dauthter'A life with a viclou.i lie she I had tnimped up about her, Mlml!1 Afraid yeti wnuldn'l believe your I oa-n wlf», that ton'd sit In Judgment ‘ on her ai you've Jiwt done on

Jeff—’: Il's a pity I didn't burst Into ' Kars »ooner, before ! had said all f there mw'ttriny. He f.ermed lnca[w>-

ble of doinj onythlng lo Atop me. HU face «»s the color of Uie over-

"M rked tomalo: his eyr* looked like | i Ereen marblei about lo roll dovii

his cheeks. Tils whole attitude cested that of a man trapped oltli ■ raslns Wer,

I ran jjut of the room liefoie he I could recover hLs 'ensei and took

rtfu ie In my room. From behind my cJosed door I heard him, pre.scnti}'. trhmp heavily up tjie stalrj and knock a t his wife's door.

I t wjLs a warro nlsht. but I havlnj a chill. With biickllni; knees

_ ' I ntumbled nboul the room, found my hat and my pocke'tbooli, picked up the ovenilcht rnsc and. rloslni:

_ _ mj-..doQr behind mr ?o ilu i . I' would not ml'.', me. lolterrd

. (luletlj- as I could riuwn llir M Tlirrc wn» no finr.\tlnn nnw ol itnylns under Him roof.

A.1-1 opened Ihf front door I thouKht oner. vnKurly, of Frinev. I had Kone lo tile llbrnrj' wtili ihm one nddlllonni bit of inlijriii.iilnii, and 1 had nni U.ld K. nui I wnt.ld not have cone back now If I had kno^ii that Frlnnv hlmrelf. urnxn dark and drendfnf'and meniirii\K. wa» lylns In wnli In llie >hrul)t)eo’ to make me ii tlilrd victim,

I cnuld not ko back. I had thrown Uic sauntlct In Ood's tnre, nnd hell would be a better place for me,

A Lifetime As Uie (Ilr.lancc bctorrn me and

Colnnel Pennant widened I sto;ip(-ri .ihlverinc nnd my step Krr'v liniu-r. But I knew I hart done for myelf forrvrr a. for as Fori MlrJilsnn eoncenird. I would p,ick l,nnli;l't. and (he first iratn In ihe morninK ■a-nuld Uke me bnck (o Clilraw; I only hoped my rn,'hnr,vs would not KPt Adiim Into IrouWr, , , ,

I t WM\ (liukv, nlx)uL Ihe hour ill whirl! I.'ie rnrrwsr li.vl iirrlvrd U'.l nlKliL Was It onh- iiljtht? I seemM 10 have lived n Ufeilme dnr* Inp iTenlv-fout liour,s, I shlvrrrd asnln nnd slanre<l ovrr iny fjioiil'ler,

■file po,v. un.\ ver>- 'iiile:, i.lsiiti;. burned behmd du«-n •Imres .iI-uk

• the row, hut ihrre drilif'd oiii no sound of lislit voifej, no Imishier.In unison Ihese jxople '*ere I'.iyin: their reipecu to Ihe dc.iti «s lii;.l niKh; they had paid llirm to the llvlns.

llie re were llcht' In ihe cliiiprl. too. Tlnih/lsy nlehu Did tliev hnvn prayer meeung on an army paii?

But M I approached. Uie lli:tu-., Juddenly.wcnt out nnd I heard tl;c

opening and clor.lns nf the heavy oak door, A llUle hurr^-ni!; ficiirc f#me down the walk lowaid me,

••Goof\ m n ln i ," Inioncd a fiunll- lar '-nice. "Oh, is It you, Mim K»v? I'm nJrald my eye.s are not yet ac­customed lo the dim llshi."

"Good cvenlns. Chaplain’ Henry. Have you been conductlni; rcrvlrr.\?”

"No. no. Merely altendlnc to my own devotloni.’ He »l;hed hr.ivily »nd. rtllevlng me of the lU-ht ca,v, fell !hto,»tep beside me, "ThLi un- hftppy affair hos-shockrd me <lrei>. ly. a« of course it ha.i evrrjone cu Uift post—“

“But you had knosTi hri- a lun.-; time, hadn’t you?~ I felt a ,-;ur(!c of sympathy, Sandra had been his only friend on the poM—llie only one who hadn’t lauKlied

“Since slie «o.i n iiirre child. It WH.S my miheppy duty to conduct the sen’lce for her faUier and moUi-

, cr. A very u d affair. The lovelywlfe •died of pnffumonla; Uie hutband, tncoawlable. committed suicide. And now It foJU to my tot to read the servlce.s over thclc only child."

•■Wlierc will the boib' be rent?'•To San Antonio, where her o

father nnd mother lui well ns her foster father, and motiier lie inirled. What n succe.ulon of tragedies In those two famUlwr

We went up the brtsxd front slejx of the club, 'and lie fumbled the *cfc<n door open. Tlie lljh t from the lounge streamed out. and 1 law tha t he wrus carrylnj; a book In hU whltc-Klovcd hand.

He followed me In. jet doft-n my drcMlng ciuc and slipped Uie book race down on a table, but not before I had seen Uie lurid Jacket snd t^e tltl^ "Come Baek. Aty Heart."

"Mfj. Bridewell Bskfd me lo net her Bomethlns." he said npolosetic* •Uy. " H a n you p tira n lu d otu' small


leiidlUK library In t Uie clm rch?"

U d ltlii't eieii k

ati: a hhtAt2i

HU f I !■. II llrri'IJUl:,

m .inacr jin: lo i;et unoiJirr h r nilKlit IfKiV. Bimn.t liu:n:m o’J i r r week.

T h r i^ ih orilrrly. iiavin;: Ihrnuk'h from th rX ;ir lo th r kiirlim nvlu itopprO u h rn In- '-i'v u-..

"n iere '.s Mime niml lor ;.nii. .M I wn.' flxlns in brlnt nroimd to the roloiirl's (jiiarjers soon iiv I (tn of.' tlu:y. Hut since

here I'll (je; It for ymi, “l?.he<l.

"Would sultcmie In y -Alllle

llkrpO'fJli?" tile chaplain

waited, ' Qt—perhaps :i'r<“ r o t .Mnvlns there?" .'No, J umJ leave It hcrr, Llin:ik I," I r.alil evjislvrly, " n i speak ft, Urldev,VlI—"riip ordrrly reap;»:nre(l wuli I ,11. I iw l; It (io:ii liitii und ml ed .•oTneihtrts uiicjmpllmenT/I .va-*- lhal there w asnolh lns

rn A'lani.le clnip-

!nln n.'ikpfl nn*lr)u.’.lv."No. JiiM not, cnol

ni.iiiurfVlT>t "Sntl a >'.1 same' people. The>' ur. plra;.i»nt h iirr/ about

rt hr r e outk about If

riont, succred. or wurd.s to thn: cffei'l.

The orxferjy, ;jii;prjri„", .'..ilif, bad nbout Hint vouiik lady," and adihxi Je rven tly , "I'm slacl I don't ileei) licrrV

"I under:.liirKl the, all, '.veaiwn v«.', t;il:rn iiom the kllrhrn.i here?” he clinpliiln ar.'ted with what I :ould no t help ton.-.i(lerlnj ghnul-


hu trlie r knlte tnU-lii ^he hft.'.ii’t sot H back yel. SI' p retty .^ior^ when »he irled to c linm Uils niomliix—"


leal Inipul' 'i2iould ipeiLk to tlie

t( i;u i»0 -tirrh rm the cook ner<led her biirrlirr lfnffP,'’'l " f e l i thui I wiiiiM u;i:il a vrseturlali breuklast.

••Anywiii’. I 'n l ' slid I ' wain't nrcii’frt '•‘hm tha t fellow come for the kiitir,' thr orderly dllaU-d with Krra-.otiir irll'.li. "I i;Ot one ,scicouple or nishls iico th a t W.111 mr u'Ahlle. 1 wa.'' rrady In ;;o to h.irrni iL, nnd there' wa.'n'l a nrotinrt It was a week nlclit, and I Kur-.-. eveobixly w». m bed for chaii:;B 1 ner,t back to tho..ytchen to ehaii;;!' my white coal foi imllnrm btow’e Umt I always Ii5*ve ImnKtiii:,'lilt the'e , nnd I rame back llirnush thr dUiliij rt»n>. Tlie llchts wrre on out here. ,'.ee. and th* din ln(T room wn/n't exactly dark, so : didn't tyin on no llRlit. . t, was al moM to the hall when I w n thl .-.on of flo^tliu: while flgnre by ihe biifre!. Not tha t It was a c tu a ^ flnatlnff. or e\en movtnj wli

't - wa. stiindlnK teil iped I wouldn't . , Well, for two shakes

I would have Ju.M cut and run I wa.s rlKhl by Uie door, and 1 _ urert I could j r t out quick If 1 hsd to. .-t) I re .idled O'er and tumfth" llKht."

Hr paused, enjoylnj our atte niu!' creatluK JU.'.pense. Tlirr chiieklMl a mile and went on.

"Well, It wa.s Mrs. T a c k - th r lilie had on a ’kind

bathrobe, and she hud bottle In one' hand nnd

vlnrKiir’ rriict In the other, nnd si IIII.-. [loiimih' rliieuarlnto the bottle, I rrrkon I thounht she wo* daffy jiinrthim;, I Ju.'t itood Uierti nnd Glared luitll slir snve a. little lauch ind ar.):('rt me If I didn't kncjw vlne> :nr 'Ati-i sood for a headache, Seent'•<1 .sh" had one.nnd wns ROlns to •Ul) unri;:ir On hrr head, I told her t ivii\ II lie'*’ one on .me."but she iu.t ^mlle<l nnd snid. 'Don’t tell any- mr I r.ulpeit It.' Eft I didn't, fliit ! :ur:.\ 'h ' wiis jtu t joklns. don't

■fo b* continued

Still, like I

of whi/r 1 ivrdlclY I

T h e ^ F o r u m

n.i-r Ihu h.trllne I'ublic.Hori d 1 •iwnlirn will l>« v>K U ynilcnad

O n e V e t e r a n ' s V ic iv s O f C o n s c r i p t i o n B i l l

Editor The Newn — ConcenilnK this, conscription, may 1 exprei'. an tndlviduiil opinion?

The prer.ant conKreis vm elected nnd sealetl before thl» Is-ur becaino iin lmi>ort«ni p.Tblcan. iir.d II serins to me only fnlr tUnt ilny le;;blritlon uffertlJiK Ihe welfare oi tlir nhnli' people b r ' allowed a n.ltlnnal icf- creiidum vole.

Kvcryonc rc.-Uires the need lor an ndequntc defense of tlil-. rontiiient.

hurd ly anyono wtiiikl e I <li'frn,sr a.-iSUtnlnE t|I dl<'Intoi'i‘hlp, Tlie rwucrliillcin

la'A’ t;riiiit.i lo the nrniy tin- pilvlle of derklint: who >.hnll be plm-nl i tin ' (Irfrrrrcl lut, 'T lisl kUt -. I

ny fomijleic power over I 'try i •Iduiil ri'Kl-slori'd for the dni

Duck th l oilKli- hUtOD' we have111 nfttT iintlon pul on thr (lalh :ir n f ir r KraiitlnK et:rao:dinary

power."! to Uir military iKxly, Army U'll you It takei Ihrrr year,s

.-^oidliT -Uiey

a s . ; :qulrc.s iiUcut lha l Ic:•ubjuctiir th r indlvWoni Ih'Tlv rnoiik'h M) lhal l|i

.•fricii'ui pawn In tlie wiir-uuiluT.',' :\ine- Once tlie army Miirt-\ lo run lilniTfi In this cnuiiliy ll will apldiv cNteiul It;. Inlliirnn' iivrrII .•IVIIIIUI life. •I'lmt.liillunirr al-iM<lv lin,s lK;:un lo r-:!i.iiHl. ’I-.ilo- ■renlly I havi* tieni u.mir-il liy leiKlly people to “be iiiieliil wliat

ou .'.ay," Cuiiallmcii! of f irr ;.pifi iiIII hvvltiibly be foilir.ved In- rn- r()ai-,linirnl.\ uiion Ihe lindmii of

llie prc.s>. Conr.ldcr Die eiiiulltlwi of tlie people In nii,'.«la. Germ,

I ^.#iv

priiple,-. ro tuer '; i

!• I»;,

) whiii ihc secret police will pennll ii-ni i<> talk'nbout.If Ihe ^ nrniy liend,s hnve any

■auis ul nil they could conceive id dcvb» 11 leglonnl defense, train- i: pb:i which,would allow all men.

matjlrd or slnslu.. to Hike part In. -«t:i , U11 remain In Uu'ir homes

i:ht. Ilalf-dny Inilnlni: in rr- Kional disiriei.s would not cause the compleie A.icrlllce of any. Indlvld-

's life and buslne.'.i. and would In nionihs'providc tlie nnUon-wlth

:tv mlllloii men for defense. I t lid nul provide anybody for war-

making abiwid,ir tonsrc s.snien had lo gel up

. niDrniiij a t Uie call of a bugle,' «nrk by n bii«te. ao by n bu;:Ie. they miRhl hf.'ltale nbout makliK! the greiilent country

n milliary nation, in tirf-e lien would sleep under Just

b!ankct.i In rero f done, or sUnd a two hours In the

I hnve done, they mishl tII (leleiiM- tral'iilii^ pl.m wlileh would iillow AmerliMns ;o rrninln rlllrt-n.l while tnklns parl-lline imliilnK, I.el's not kirt o;ir.-rlve\ about Ihls con.'crlpllon. Ii i\ the I'ruiii'l'

freriloni. 1

and Infant .'.on. Kobert Clyde, Idaho Knlb are spending ihLi w with Mrs. Slone s parents. Mr. and Mrr L A. Jlennefrr.

riue\t» I.ta>e—Mlrj. Iloma Con dir and stnnll nephew. Jaekl" Col lin, hiue relum ed to tlirir hoiiit.'. In nol.e after vl.'.ltlnK Ml-s Conitle'i Jlilrr, .Mr,i. Dehimr OUoii,

MUtloiiary Speaks—Jack Adam' son, who relum ed In June from i trip around, the world after almost thrrr )rars u oji L.D 3. mlulonii^' In Eniiland and Scotland, gave Ihe last of a' series of Informal talkji before- the I'orum aoeluy last Tlmr.'^ay evening.

f'lm MeeUnc—Plrst meellng for Ihr new yeur of the C.irey Progre.\- she Woman's club wns held a l the ho;iip of Mrj. Wesley Lathan lajt Thursday allem oon.

•nKAD -niF: ne^ v e w a n t ads

Y o u n g M a n M u s t P a y foi- S u i t , D r a f t d r N o D ra f t

BAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11 -V— patjrlel Q allardtuls ftlveral jiiin]v. Miead ol coiigrcM on cunseftfition.

Wherms congrcM l3 Mill trylni; to •I a conscription bill pas.\ed.-Ou|.

lardo, who 1.', 25 nnd upiisrcnily re- Knrd.1 hlniseU oa b turellre draftee, iia.vbeen bu.'fy getting hli jierroiial affairs in order.

Por one thing, he detided he »ouldn't be needing tliai new tnilor- Tiido suli he had been wpjrliig for ■pvcral dsvj. So he rrturned it to the tailor, '

T!ie tailor IhoUiiht diflerrntly mid hilcd G allardo In lo^ourt. demnnd-

in;; lh a l he come forth with 13: 5 0 - ihe iiKtced price for Uie suit,

Munlcl|ial,Jud(:e Herbert C, Kaul. man told Gallardo lo go and get his suit, and to pay for 11 "on Uie teini.', you promised,"

’’You can turn ii In to the army for n unltonn—when, a i nnd If" Uie Judgi added.

I t h w been estimated that hi order to build 50.000 planes yesrb'. ihe cost would be |JM.000,0(W. TTial figure. Jiut for the planes—exclu-'lve of engines and propellers, includes Uie cost of the land, factory, build­ings. tools, etc.

J e r o n i e J a y c e e s P i c k C a n d id a t e s

, JEnOME, fiepi, ll-Jcrom e Jay- ceer, Monday night nominated can- dlitaten for officers,

NMued os nominees tor president weie M. C. "Connlt" Whaley, Owen D.IV1S and • Earl a Williams: vice- prrsidenl. Murray O'Rourke. John llo.iman and A. L. Robltuon; treas- urer. Jack T. &islgn and Orris Cirlfflth: slnte director. £arl Small, Uerwyii Burke, Clark L, HeU,v U. H. Seeley and John Hosman; dlrec-

for two-year term, with three___ c named. Derwjii Burke, C. W.Aldrich. Durwiitd Martin. Ilalph Avery. A. L. Pyle. Stanley Tren- halle, Murray O'flourkt, Earl 3. Williams. Jolm Norby. Carl Dor-

nnd “Kenneth Folkman; dlrec- one to serve • ene-year lenn.

Kenneth 7.rcOowell nnd WllUam W. Welgle.

Election will Uke place Octf 1 a l Wood enfe. Uie meeting to bejw a t 7;J0 p. ffi.

The group plnns to bejtn Immedi­ately lo orBftnlri the swimming pool project fo r Jerome and they have . set aside n fund which will bo built up to r -this purpose, olflccr* stnted,

Jnycee.i (ituied that they will hold A dance Sep t, 20 In honor of all na- Uonal Kunrd members, Uielr wives or friends, who will be special guests. T h e cotnmlllee In charge w Earl Sinnll. A. L Robinson and R. n . Seeley.

Plnns for 'organlMtlon of Uie school boy pnlrol were discussed. An executive from Ui* department of law erforcenienl of Boise, will here lo n^alst In beginning Uie pslrol th is year. 11 wrni announced.



JUST K I D S - H E Y , Y O U R R O O S T E R L A I D A N E G G !


. x j U

BOf-THAT 1 5 -N C rr^

¥/ I K u jfJ n - f BJT n S iY 5 I SOCNTW? V SISN-50


i i® 2 i i .M L 'r ® / (1 A / /


<'hnnKr our Amr frr<'. Into A:l rr. Koa-.e *lcp.

The pm Rlcht.. MIL'. i»would make r.mii grnnn lit Uulr t whftt wa.n Imp; jHT,'.cni.I Illirriv

<f Ihe .. tlir land of the

■plr of the mil of oiiiil llhf-rly. • lo:u:-deatl p.ilrli

C,\RliYMusician* Orjanlie — An Euur-

lilnns club wa.s otniinlred Iwt m - ,clny evening bv Ilir mu.'te pupils of M jK'Lynden Admni.on a t 'l ir home oT.Mrs. stanlry vSi)arl.s. Plano re- ell.ils ' will lie Klvni shout every three_month-. Ujrr.iiii'' Di|.worm U rliJb pir.Mdeiit nnd .Ml'.' Uelore;, Sp.iri;' h :.i-cielary.

lit Parent' — Clydr Rionr

S C O R C H Y S M I T H - Q U E S T I O N S b e f W e T H E H O U S E



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i f i ru t r<n


G A S O L I N E A L L E Y -

W WW T«T C01?!W IS CC*5, ^P f.= F»',£’tXI. IS, CW.V AW fJ-I v.*3£ '-r(iis IS ■n.'s ps'-cwotcQiCAi)| [ TO tin" Tile BOSS y —


m e , T O O !


N - r -. / / .


, YANKS AND INDIANS DIVIDE DOUBLE-HEADERCleveland Crowd Tosses Tomatoes A t N ew Yorkers

D e t r o i t T i g e r s B e a t B o s t o n R e d S o x T o R e g a i n L e a g u e L e a d e r s h i p ;

B o n h a m O i i t p i t e h e s F e l l e r

By RAY BLOS8ER CLEVELAND, S e p t. 11 (/P)— T h e to r r id New Y ork Y n n k ec j

w ndcd th ro u g h a ffin -flunR f ru i t b a rr a g e fo r a 3 - 1 v ic to ry ove r P i tc h e r B o b F e lle r to d a y . 'b u t th c 'C lc v c la i id In d ia n s

^ Jum ped on o ld C h n rlle R u ff in g In th e s lx - ln n ln g a ftc rp lc c c o t a r a in -d a m p e n e d d o u b le h c a d e r fo r a 5 to 3 tr iu m p h w h ic h evened th e d a y ’s p e n n a n t h o s tilitie s .

T h e s ta n d o f f a llo w ed th e w in n in g D e tro it Tlgcr.s to reg a in th e le ag u e le a d e rs h ip f ro m th e In d ia n s , w ho now tra i l by one - h a lf g a m e , a n d l e f t th e bom b- cr.n a fu ll con test, b e h in d .

Krnlc Dotilmm, 37-yenr-old rooltle who hM been wlUi Uie Vniikcfs c ‘ tivf weck». fxtilblicd maalcrful c iTol to oulpilch Feller Iti llio opei noiihiim WM louclied for, one nnd rive lilt.1 in ific Ilr il 'th ree In- nlns* bul DCtlleO down nnd didn't ■ now BiioUicr blow. Ho kHfed off tlie

]S lndt^n!l In a roi7 lo turn tn hl5 flfill victory. Bonhamhiun t glVTn-'n wrvlk to Hie lost IBO bdtt^rs who fnced him. '

F'oller, to'lnK for hl.i 25th irlinnph, f t 't lv ) (illovMl only five hiu but they

■ were a i untimely spou. He left th# same tor a plncli bolter In Uie dithth wlUi hiB n in th « lb ic k of Ihit turbulent csmtMilcn.

Tlifl 33,471 {am In Cleveland »ta‘ dium RAW Joe Dl Mnsslo »nd Joe Gordon do tlie work tlist won the first same. Tho Yankees produced th# decldUis run In the ilxUi. Q or don leiidlne off with a. wnlk, advane- Ini lo tliird taue on il eouple o( outj

. And teorln; u Dl Mflsglo ilngltd. Lemons, ripe tomtilwj, one ba­

nana and one botUe were thrown by the fans. «'ho made Art Fletcher, Indlnn-riainB Ynnkcc conch, tljelr particular tarset. Htx third-base CMChlne bo* nrjembled a turned huckiter-s cnrt bul Fletcher w u n 'i -hurL Mftnaser Jse McCar­thy emersed' from Ihe tlusout to protAit to Uie um plru and also

• duckM Mveral lenioni, 8o did a cQupl* of olher Yanlu. TTie um plru went Into a huddle and. decided the fruit w.1.1 none of ihelr bmlness,.

Cliisox Triumph Against Leonard

CHICAOO, Sept. 11 (/TV-ChlcUBO'a . ,Whlle Soi. benten five *lralgh‘ '

Umci by Waililniilon's Dutch Leon' ard, turned liKse a lfl*hll attack aciiinfit (he knuckle ball hurlcr to- d»y 10 derent the Senntor*. 1 lo <

Jne Kuhel led the u-ay wUh h lj 33rd home run, n triple and'two »ln- ttlej. I t was the MUi victory for jbhnnv Rignfv, Sox rlRlithander. ■ ^T ie 9#ine, Iwt of th i 'y e n r W- tween the two cliib^, cnve Chlcaio Uie edge tn tha telsoiVi rerlei, I! trlunlpha lo 10. II H EWashington .. 000 030 002- 4 11

‘ Chlengo ...... .100 102 30X-:- 1.16Leonard and Ferrell: Rlcney “ i


Athletics Blanked By Elden Auker

AT. LOUIS, Sept. n (Jl - Eden Auker outpllched Oeorae Cail*r to­day. althoiiRh ench yielded only five hl(i„n» Ihe St. LoulA Drowns rt«-

" ^ fea le d the phllaelflpliln Athletics, a t« 0 . '

Tlie nrownfi’ hitj included triples, a double ahd Harlond Cllffi

J f i t h home run of the season.W n u r .

Philadelphia ...000000 0 0 0 -0fll. LmiU..........OOOOlOllx-3

Caster and Wagner: Auker fivlft.

W e d n e s d a y S c o r e sAMERICAN LKAGUE

.Vew Y o rk l.l: CUtfland 1-5. iB ec end lam e called end «f S(h Innlnf, darltneM).

Delrolt II, Boston 7.Chlcaie 7. W lshlnfton 4.8L Louis 1, Philadelphia 0. '

NATIONAL LEAGI;K Cincinnati t-J. Boston 0-1. Chleaco *-3. Broolilrn S-2. PltUburth 9, rhlUdelphU J.SL Lanli 7.], Ne« Vork 4-L

« « *

Detroit Defeats Boston, 11 to 7

Amateur Golf Champion Leads W ay Into Third RoundWARD PUTS TWO


OUT OF PLAYOFFS, 16 TO 4West Coast Has Big

Crop of Grid Stars

B y DALE STAFFORD D im iO lT , Bepl. 11 («>-.Tli* D«'

trolt Tigers leriled an iB-hR allAclC to overcome tome aflSbly pitching today as thsy deftated Uie Boaton Red Sox 11 to 7, fnd vaulted back Into flrat'place In the wildest Amer-

an I(!R9ue'peniiani race In. yeart. Coupled with th e iiplll a t Qevo-

land between (he Indlnn.i and the New York Yankee*, ihe victory left Lhr Tlsers a half-game arid four percentAise polnu up en tlie Tribe*- men and a full game and «even per- cenlAge points on (he diamplon Yankee*, who open a Hire* garni «erle» here tomorrow.

The Tiger blows Included Kanlc Oreenberg’.-i Jlsl homer of the sea­son with Bamfy McCoakey oh ba»e In the fourth inning. Bobby Doerr of the Sox smuhed hla 2lst « fr- cull blow In (he fifth with Manager Joe Cronin on the tacks.

DcU-oll used three pitchers and Boston five In th* .free-hllUng see' aav stm igle.

rred Hutchinson, Uie «70J300.roolC' le of 10S9 who h<i never pluhed conaUtently for Delrolt, atarted for Uie TlEora bul gave up In the third a lter allowing' five hits In Iwo frames. Johnny Corsica followed and lu t t t l unUl a B uton rally In the sevenUi. Archl* McKaln came In lo flnbh and get 'credit for his nfUi stralKhl relief vlctor>'. He has not be«n beaten this seuon . Alto­gether, Ur^Red Sox got 14 blows.

Tlie ^ d lued J n c t Wilson, Le# Fleming. Joe Having. Denny Oalehoufrc and E arl' Johnson In Uv order named and Uie Tleers club' bed them nil with ImpnrUallly.

CforiTii’r i* " > j ‘l I ■■ t jlo.rnFb'11. tf S » - i


Chicago ......Washington St. Leuls ....

...50 7# JI8


-KcC«kr. Sictlllr plar>—Cranln and Ipllfhrr—IlfYlnt.

J tNEW YORK. Sepl. l l (fl*H-rreb-

abla plCehen In the major leagues tomorrow (won-loit record; in paren- thfaei):

Nallpnal Leagoe Chicago a t Philadelphia — French

v«. Bl Johnson (4-11).Su U u li a t Boaton (2) — 'Coopei

ig«10) and Bowman <M> vs. PoaS' del (11-18) and Tobin (4-3),

CInslnnaU a t New York—Tbomp- m (U-fi) or Vander Meer (l-o) I. irubbell (Il-O).' fu tdbursh at Brodkljrn (]| —

HalnUelman <T>8) and Butcher (T-() vs OaMT (8-7) and Hamlin (0-7),

American Leagne Phlladaninia a t Chicago 72) —

Sableli (12-11) and Vausiian (2-6) ft. Sm ith <12-I) and Dietrich <t-S),

Waahlnttc^) a t St. Louis — AniSar- an (tt-l) v i^ e n n c d y (10-lS). .

Boilon a t Clereland — Oitfrmual- er (4-«) va. Allen («-7).

Nev. York at Delrolt — Ruuo :13>S) va. Rowe (13-31.

n y ROBKRT MVKRK ' LO S AN»ELEa (,5'( — nipre Ir. n l ways a clmnce that ih r bftllylio< brlK»tfe may do a ncnrdhe n'Tnni grid ucason swinsi unileruay, biii th e Pacific Co.i.ii cnnfereiice .ircmi well supplied wUh polemul player; of brilllnncr.• H ere In Los Angrles ihr Briitni of U.C.L.A. bOfl.^ Ihe ^f^vlce. o. the flashy Negrfi hiilfbsck, Jnckli Robln.ion, upon shoulders vin full Uie mamie of pow vorn (or tlirce years by aiiotli liiaky Ucinn, Kenny WMhinglon.

California l> boomlnfi lu soph­om ore baekfleld arr.Hwlio liai (he panrh-llke name of Jim Jurk- ovlfh. As a frrshman at the full­back spot, be lived up (o all ad- vanee notice ai a prrp schnni hero . Coach Stub Alllion plans Is sh in him to rl(ht halfliack, and a lre ad r yoo hesr of the Jurko- vlch threat.W ashington bouis Uie grenieii

pu n te r these ejcuhAva ever seen In.. ■ Dean McAdiinu. These eyes d o n 't so bACk too far, but ihe ez-

hlbliton he turned I California k&s watched In :

lake A year.SouUiern Caliliiri

field ftce.v Qrnimv hro.^e Bchlndlcr a but comr.r up wiu

and Doyle Nftv Ui Ilubby rcoiil ■n, MlrKry Andc ;he Trnjnii irm

II Ihf rotifrrencii. He Ir ullli • \Va»lililgton d ahlllly, liul give hllMIII (I'lir of llir lln ilii JnA end, anil lit'ji gunr. 'Uiilint eliangp nt iiare rrfd. bul.K liiiH oJln ir lilm. lie’.

EduliiU for (.

Coach rell.-* *ho.Nf but never drrraird in 1B;10 muI wound up as thr 'tirprl-.e ro-cliaiil- ploiis with U, S, C. In Ihe confeiTnrc. inake.i no secret ol the fnci tlint he svlll rely ht.ivlly on He It he ewflpcs Injuries nhiclr him last yrnr. llie iliick .^holllderfd Negro from Pa.- idena should eni-

e as one of the oiiiv.t-mfitiiit piny- In.Ihe west — 'or the.cQUDtry.

K u ssc ls .Scony- 6*5 ^Vill in S e r ie s

W ith IMIols

S la « r ^ K x p c c t s ' ' I d a h o lo B ack W o iH le ll W illk ie

BOI.s k . Ki-pL. 11 - AIno.

r..<rlmll find hr:nl coiirh ii( the

oibrill tiiKirr .SURK from 1001 It irO. Ih r vrt-T.-iii r„,;;:rntll-:.,(1 lilr. rrM vlillr p-.ijnl UI.)11 Ijlr


. -nir Ueih-HMllC.'.d Lroiiaid

Steve Belloise Battles Garcia

S })o k a II (‘ I M a ^ ' J)rf(* a l‘ K n 6 w l(‘s

A n d H aas

.A ' ” • IUf.1. IIOSI M.Atl.MiO.NKCK, N. Y.. S'-pl

11 M .iivlii (B tid) W ards ll ll l.s ;■ I'.owiiiK th e bny.s howto i)l:ty

T l).-I'Ol.',11 ;i 1 1 n il a 1 a m a te u r

ch :utii)l( );i f r o m S p o lu n c ,W ash .. I iu-owii 11),;i vo te r: >11 I;iinlll;u- w ith th eW lniV 'd Tool • a n d tlic n

i r ? " ’

ln ;V ..iV iiUurum.ul in‘'.i;ien-."‘o'r

h;jii ''l: all llir »,iy, Wnr.l

Kno-A'li'.', .n'. i!;,r. k/V.'. V i f l r » t jroiiiiil <>:mill tlii-ii H«“ « of 1

IT K aiA S E rLAYF-H;K\V v o r k , Hrpl. 1] yp) - The >V Yc:k C lanu lodny announced

imrrh.ur of nu.ster Maynard. ;>l t:».',ri:iiin and outfielder, from

of ihr Piedm ont leagui. Vi;.irrt t!ir Ir.iKiie's leadlnc homa 1 hn;er. •'illl report next apruig.

D iz Dean Pitches Cubs to Victory

Idaho Falls Club Stays in Playoff

Scill. II .-T^-Illnllo'P-lln- red a four-run elshih Ih- V to defeat Boise 8 lo S

's ShnuRhncwy

D odgers Limited to S ix Hits, L o se_

Two Contests

BROOKLYN. Bept. II Dean, ft smarter bul *lo"«er man re lum ed to u5a National leuftue to ­day and whlppe«l the tecond pinei Brooklyn Dodiiers 3 to 2 on tlx lilu a fte r Uie Chlcajto Cubs had caplur' M th e opener 6 to 4.

D ean, who voluntarily wenl U T iilin of the Texas league la it Juni

I effort to recover from hi* arm trouble, rejrlned Ui# Cub* cn SiiH' day and ihl.) w>« tils tiral itxrL

H e relied almost exclusively on i tldearm motion Uitl baffled thi Brooklyn.? and showed goW conlro fxccp l for a temporary in tJie sixU). when he ls.^ued two of Ills to u r walks. Occa«loanlly .he tried a

one. a aJ'iadoV of Uie blnzing ball he iiied to Uiro«-. and mo Uic time he got away with ll.

T h e Cuba made 14 hlla off four pitchers to win the first game ea/illy, twice scoring Uiree run* In one In- nlng.

Now York . Chleag# __ Boiton ... . .

B I ^ S I XItUlat (tlirM k<H«r. IIM la n thr u ,„ . Cluk RRtdeUlf, arvvM ..:...tll TS Dl M m k, YankM* _4t> t>

Wtlktr. ___ IH W1(»fV. Cu>M _____ i :t t lMlu. Cir4la«li J«6

»o io»^:r.rroni OiU»»oi. Il«r»»n. T»ei bu« hlu

—U*<lwlck. B*U«- Tkm Iwm hlu—a w - ■on. Horn* niti*—Doiiar*. IUU*r. R4c>irir< —ir>mi«n. Dmibl*. elu<—Coicartrt and rK>!r«; Honurt. Uilnc

Cincinnati Reds Post Two Wins

BOSTON, Sept. 11 liT j-w ith Uielr p ltc h tn t ace*. Bucky Walters and Paul Derringer, opemUnj effecUve- ly, th e QlnclnnMl Reds said Uteir 1940 farewell* to the Boaton Be«s today by *wteplriff a doublehetder. M) and 3-1. I t w u Uie iBth vletary fsr each of UiDse ktor boxaien.

W klt«rs cm nad thv twtn bQl by o u ln v a four-hltter ocolnst the Bess to gain hU third thu tou t of the •:emp*Ifn.

D trrln g tr limited the Bee* to *U U u In ih* nightcap, bul iha Jlrat


two of Uieni. a double by Seliby i and Jnluiiiy Cooiiry'.i .'.IhkIc In first limliiK, saved the Uce.s f: another wlille».nshlng.

s e , '

Pittsburgh Club Sweeps Series

ntubu rgh combined a walk and five straight hlta to tuni whaC Imd been a light game Into a decl;.lve

to 3 victory over the PhllUea today. Tho win gavfc Ui# Pirates a cleim

w e^p of Uielr thrte-game aeries WlU) the PhlU and a record of ,11 *iralght triumphs O 'tr the cellar oc­cupants, H U Ep ltu b u rg h ..... 201 001 005 - B 12 IPhiladelphia .200 DIO 000— J I

Brown and Lopet; Pearson, B « l: and Atwood. '

St. Louis Takes Double Victory

NEW YORK. Sept. 11 (,7>-Tlie St, L«a« cardinal* slugiied Uielr way

double vlclory over the New . . . Glaj^ls today, felting 17 hlU

In the flrtl^am e to win 7 to 4 ond 10 In th# nightcap which was de­cided 3 to 2 by Terry Moore'a homer

1 the ninth Inning. - Plr»t game : R H E

at. Louis ........130 101 lOO- 7 17 2'ew York ......OIO 000 OCi- 4 7 1Shotin’and Owen; Melton. Dean.

Joiner and Dannlng.,Second game: I t H E.

St. Lout*____ 000 002 0 0 1 - 5 10 l ‘New York ...... 200 OOO 000-.2 S I

McOee, Lanier and Padgett; Cw- »n: Oumbert and O’Dea.

ROliiK- liuo aie rlRhtli, but iin i>. - .'Wilt Ihnt i.r,it llif IlJnl.-.- slarllnK pllcher, Jiiek Mmtr, toVie .-.hoBerA wn.', i:o(vi ;o r the four r \ n needed for vlclory.

Bni'.c won liusl nliiht'/i Kiime, 13 lo .I. Ilii- tlccldliiR Biinic will b-- plnved hore loiiinrrow nlsht wlili the din­ner playing Ogden, victor over Salt Lake City In Uie other orelntle to the playoff finale.

A flr.'t-UuiIni: home r"un by Oeorce

gave (he flui.-iCU; a head start, ,nol.'r score<l a rOn each' 111 the

Net'oiirt. ihlr l and sixth Innliip and W.ilt Lowe, the PlIoLV baiting kins. .'Inmmed a foiir-baKRer In the «e '- rnUi that wm g o ^ for two runs iind what appeared U) be a jafe

'riicii the Riihscl* cnglnecrc-d the rlRliUi-lnnlnc merry-go-round, *lap- plns out four successive tingles and It double.

Manager Ted Miiycr was UieJicro. sending h .•■cri-aniliiB-T two-bagger ngnlau 'lhe left field'fence lo score W aller Carson with w’bat proved to J» the Winning run.

Mel Diieubou h it the first o Oimrt^t of one-bncKers, followed by Mike Reser, Cliarley pales and Car-

Menu helped UiUiKS along for Uie Ru.'ieL% by coming up wlUi a wild pitch that .icored Bates with Ui# lying run nnd set the ntoge Mnyer'a'doublf.-

M.sq r.iu .......

‘ W c W n z R o b b e d ’

•We »plre* Jx k o Conlon and Frosty Pet- ■ er*' when they ttlum ed to their dressing quarters afw r l u l nights K oiuas Cliy-St. Paul baseball game. A aneak Uilef, removing a 'a c m n . took 114ii and Peu rs ' wrltl vaUh.

ROYAL AND SELECT MASTEB8 A regular quarterly meeUng of

iTwIn r#Ut eouatll. Royal *odrf«e- lect Mottera, I* to be held a l Uia Masonic Temple, a t I o’clock Fri­day evening, Sept. 13.'

;i- J,irobi plans If ni.-nlii;’. Kr:i Over-

mlSillPwelehl * Y om iiul CnlKor-


■■.•.Uctilci0 iirr luu.i lli<1 i’lit Al)lx>l. 01

ilpfly for

C lo s e iM a U 'h W o n B y B e U y J a iu c s b nSEATTLE. SPpt. 11 i-l'r-llrowii-

haired B etty Jameion fit ^rr~fni- tonlo, Tex., the naUonnl womens cluimplon. was forced to the I3Ui hole today before .snrvlvlitR lirr »ec- ond round m atch in the »onie:i's Wf.'.lern Aninteiir ROlf tournament‘s al the S e a ttle Golf clutr.

.Ml.'.i Jnmesoii, tourney ro-iiirdnl- Isi, WHS playing slender' Kll.iiime Willtnmt, tlie Chicago city aiU Illi­nois sta le champion who is ihr daughter of a Chicago profe.' siotTftl.

Tlie o th e r co-medAlltl, .Marlon .Mlley of Lexington. Ky.. tuU-p n winner of th e tniimament, had llitle trouble ulnnliiR from Mrs. Prank Currie, Sciitllc . 6 nnd .4, allhniiRh twth werft.well over par.

K(i:- %li.-n ln;lil, Ihe prr-onnnm bv I-.-:ink .‘itrnfnrl ol ilrooklyn ii <louljlc(lly took UiP prue. do'.

fDoilS roril of Turkahtvr, N. Y.,'Ni Voil; .%Mtr jiinuir clinmplu:i and t or .1 .M,vMchii:.ftn pro, FYiinkle '(luiiird tlie nmtcli nn thr ifith and '•u.!i n o:i tlir ICtli a lth » | vhrii f'.inl m ulled/>.^ho^t pull.

Hts ^rcn;ld time nuiuiid. Hob Co.-liriin of .31. I.01UH hiid him three do*n u iih iliire to to. nut Cochran lw.t l!i- I61h lo a Stnilacl birdie 4.

1 Ulli



The l^ llo w s in

Twin K ails H i

.Arc Sittinj? on

Top of th e W orld►

Y ou'd be p r e t t y so o d in g c o jrrn p h y i f you

ic n icn ib e red t h o h u n - drodp of p la c e s we

> w en t to f o r t h i i hiffh uchoo! c lo th in g .

SwL'aters f r o m s ix - ( iiff( 'ici)t mill.n. Slack.^, from fo u r citie.";. Zip jnckciR of. t h e S o u t h ’

*1 be.^t c o tto n a n d th e N o rth 's fint;.'(t w ool- rn«.

^ Y ou'll dr> y o u r ijr in d - in c in R ow lcs-M ttck c lo th in jr thi.'< F a l l i^ yon com e w i th in a niile of it.s s ty le in f lu e n c e .

S lacks Sl.!>5 Jo S.'J-OS

- Sw eater.^. to


F in p c r lip C o rd u ro y

J a c k e ts , S 6 .96


FREE MILE-DIALCourifs your Mlleagt as sfraljht at you couof jravr moMKY O U R CONOCO Milcago Morchant puta

, th is v b o b matter of fioaolino milMgo on tho plainest busincsa baiia->by.urging you to «irivo in to b^tftation to i i y for your Conoco Milo-Dial FREE.• T H IS PRECISION INSTRUM ENT

honorably givoa you a (td c t accounting —a n y tim e—abowing every mUe you'ra T«ally ( e tt in f from every g ^ o n o f Conoco Bronz*i*z you buy. With this recording

• Conoco M ilo*D ial-/ff«-you can chock n ithloaily—day after day—in ImfRcanaria —u phill cotmtzy—mud and eand^-with

all aeat« and tho higgag* apaca fiPad; - Alwaya your'M U e-D Ial w ill t« II y o u pm spU y jo t t w h an y e n afaud o n y odr tnilMgo from Cosooo Bions>i>s -

NO M ATTER HOW H IGH a t io n id . y tw Bron£-z-< eftabUAea, you*U'Jduw

~it'a not your iaaglnattonl your own plain UDe^Dial. buaineafriiko a> a n xmI -justaabeliovablo. O o ty o tirU IM ^ a lto ­day—bofots tha supply b «duuvtad—«C Your M ilaags M enhast'a Conoco tU ik m

' -F R E E . ContineatalOiiCeaqMUDy



Churchill’s Grim M e ss a g e Brings M arke t Advance

to Abrupt Halt.

Markets A' Gfahce,

N e w

Y o r k STOCKS

ju c i^ ()Aia}:vn(til. >1 J t r j t.k, . M 1 < 1 • >11 ui i

Prliiir Mliil- l< r Cliiiii

ICj'lllii till- liu 111 a wcct.

T^!ulr,^, vM ll:id l>rcii^pn

ull .1 ol a l.cjjiitnl n rn;i

Ol Mllli'll’ 'M l'' t!.i(l<'ll til lllc l.l'.l

0( Iri3,fl;i5"v<'.U'UlaV.

rr« a.',

s p f i s s p : ; : :


' I "

S S . ' i ; ; : i S


. " f t


....... !


, : ' f :


i 5 ; ; M r ; ...... ....................

b ^ :b z .DuPont. Alltc'! Cln-mli:iil, N. Y, Cm-

Livestock M arke ts

llam= mill Orc-;ii Atlc l A Parlllc.f l i i i i i s

i l l l i s

' Pricc Acivaftees Reduced Be­fore Close of Chicago

Trading Sessionny KRANKLIN MULUN

CHICAQO, Sfpl, J I . OV/ — ’DK wIir.Tl mnrkrla rf^rovrn? wns c; IriKifd Uxlny. Oill prlcc Kiiliu L:ii iimouiilrd to ii.t iiiiicli nii n ccnl

' hur.lirl nl 0!ic Hint' »crc m in e niiitffl.illy ijfJorc tlic cIomv

lilrciiKlli In i.ccurlllc:; mid rciwil/: )( liiiiirovcd Cnnaclhw cxi'wrt J iiv.s uUti Orcal Drlliilii iiinl Porlii.

, i:al (V. will ftA bclirr frcllni; nlxiiu llir ttiir .'lliinlluii, ilr.idlc linvoc

j; UToiislit In Lomloii, liplprU ;i IirlW-.'.. n ic u’lu-iiliiK'of Pi iiijcr

I of ft!i cnrly Gcrmn) ■iiilHnl liivii!.lDri,uii(I licrllii II ciili ■ liici.;i.-cil nlr alUck:. chilled bllj

In:; rciiiunciil In Iinnl ilcnUnK . iiou

Will-,It clolPd '.* '7 hiKlipr I 111jfrlerclny. K«iitcmln'r 75'j. Dcr bcr "G '.-'i; corn umJiniiKcd U ii|i. &pU'mler CJ'., Drcriiibrr ST .-

out;. ol7 to up: r>c lilKhrr n!ul Inrd S-I2 IiIkIkt.

5v:"" s ; a s ; S i

r " £ . S i

S t o c k A v c r n t ^ c s

l m i < l o f S l a p l r s


; : , n

I,vr rr;,u

'■ B d

s ;r^

I W in 1‘ a l l s I \ I i i r k < * lH

B u t t e r a n d E » ^ s



0 * m . mcrcfl« th«n*o!ve. by .: yl.lon. in pn« hour n., m any « i:


i l i i i l P ®; .....................



W e W i l l M e e t Y o u

A t T h e F a i r

,W o y o u v is i t T w in F n lls ’ RTc-at f a ir t r t th y —

— I f s

(i o f cou

n ev'or. V is it

urtfo 'you to SCO ni

Boise T W IN

LiRht headed, dizziness, BpotB before Eyes, Gen- ernl Run-Dbwn Weak-

owed b y G a s . Belch- and Bloating A11

R e l i e v e d thanks to Hoyt’s Compound Says this .well, known Twin Falls Lady

D,it no«- It U ftvnlUvble to


F al hc]ttr« a n j cows . . .

C a lv e s .. . Our mnrkcl is .ui

hu rcn , (or .n y kind you b rin e In - a l top p rlc t^


HpllenbeckL i v e s t o c k S a l e s


See “Livestock a t the F a ir ” for prize steers, hogs, lambs, horses, mulesw a n t a p r a t e s

------- For pubUc*Uon la DoUi• ■ TIMES ond NEWS:

b a t e s r e t t l in e p e r o a t : ; s i i d irt. P tf I*"® — l.c

I Thft* p*,*; “ ‘J*I. On* (Ur. P « *!“• ------------------ -* '

33 l/3 v D isco u n t - F o r Casli

Ciih dlicounU kllovKi 1( adverttM* rain l li paid for Mvca d iy^of n « t t n i e r t ^No cin.-iltled rji tAkfn for Icij Uinn Mo Indudlos dlscounL U n i of eUMlflert ndvrrlbliis com* pul«<1 on biiili of flvo incdtiim- lenstli Bordj twf JlJie-



U avc Ads ol K 4: W Root Beer IN -RO PERT.-

. t.fjvve Art# Rt ReildcJice of” Mrs. Ida Wlwcler. 713 D SL

.. -*r- o u itLIc:ivc Adr, iil Jo5llii\i -

BJifil Super Scivlte S'.Mlon,300 Droadwoy Boutli

. Thb ^ lp ff jubscnbM to Uie code ol eililcj of Ui» AiJoelaUon oj Nc»*- piipff CloMlfied AdvcrUalns Mnn- aSfrs and reicrvai tlio rlglil to rdir or rcjfct ftiv cla-'-ilflKl ndvcrtolnit ■Bltnrt.i Adt" ciirrylns » Nott-ii-Tlnies

• Box tiuinber nre MrlcUy confldeniliu and no Inforomtlon enn bo given in rcinrd to Uii artvcrUscr.Enors Rlioulrt be reported Immfdl-

No nUownnee vUl be mnrir ■ for more tJinn one Incorrect


SPECIA l- NGTICl'lS^ BKp hug fumlsntlon. T, F. Flo


1st rK'.i nltcratlonj. drrsrmnklni:, MRS. NELLIE VAN AUSDELN

138 Main E. Pll. 1C3«M ns/.L E rtlE FO R T T irJE

a t «ir VOKue. First cln.vs nltcrftaon Independent operator. Pli. D07.

EXP, alorc fieri:, »i-r\i<-c- *tatloi iKl inick driver wnni.-. wori;. Hcf;. urn. I!ox 33, Ncwi.Tnne.s.

6EE oiif vltnmln fxhlbll, McrclmntV DjflK- Hiive your blood prr-^ure Ukcn. Dr, Hm t . nt. tnlv.10c Jumbo <:« os) Mulled MlIVs where the 1:1 ncliool rmik hanns out. LnrHC dnnco floor, TliB Peter Pnn-ocrox« from Scotl'.v



T0MA1X3ES 50C. T, F, Flornl, (

ORAPE3, 335 BUdiannn. Ph. C53W,

HALE iM-iicliM i>nd i>curs. Yes! W( atm liiivc joinr. ;ien.-.oniil;je. North Main f n i l t Mkl,. 100 block.

PllU Nia, 50c bo, Preih picked ( mornlnR, Drinc conlalnrri. Boat losd nielont. Sc, 10c. 725 SMo, W.

PRUNES, Krn|)C!.. Jelly cnib.i, lo- ■ nutocfl, ri'<l polRloe.v nil cllcap,

Nnrlli Main Fruit Mkt.. 7M block.

PRUNES, pcftclicj. crapes, tomatoe i, Dring contnlnera. Market' Daiket. 5 Poiala B. Earl O, Ralnfj.

ao Bunhelii Qurcn Klberta peaclir.v- clienp. North Mnln Fruit Market. 100 block.

GRAPESriT A U A N pruiiM nnd 11 vnilrilcn

grni>p.'i lo elioose frnm. Ripe imw! . Dnhcli Orchard, ml, S. Klmb.

■Mcl^■TOSH apples nre now ready, OUier mrleUei nivl pnine,^ later.

, J)y biinliei or truck load. At D. L. . W o;incoit\ 3 ml. E, on U, S. 30,

*1 'ml. S, Ph. 0483-J3. .

PEACHES ftt tne Drown orehard. Hurrj' If you w ant »omo of tJioM Chumiiions. Elberta-1 nnd Ual^s, 8ept 2, DrliiR your own contnlnrrs. Truckers Mllelle<l, N o , Sunday. Floyd B rom . owner.

SCHOOIvS AND TRAININGNITE school cl»MCs 4 timet verjc,

Shnrlhnnd, acd-. bu». *Iaw. tyiw, »nk,'.manshlp, T. P. Biu. Univ.


P r i z e Si iow Stock

Study the o ffe rs under

“Livestock on exhibitL

and for sa le now at

Flier Fair Grounds”

BEAUTY SHOPSePEClAL- «0 Rave W »3J0: I I and

15 waves '4 prlM Idatio Daruer Ji Deautr Shoo Ph. *3«


YOUNO mnn student w,inl,s w>rk for bn;ird mid rc«)ni- Call T. F IJuMni’Vi University. Pli. : n .

VOUNG murrlrd mnn 'inni.v dalr>- rk. Machinery iiiul irrlKfttlon ). Dox 43. Nfwn-Tlme.v

HELP W A N T E D -M E N,II;N wnnled a t once to Iraln toi- niriiliinr con.ttrucllou. Indur.iry million!, helilnil in unlllli-d onlcr;- Trained men can be put lo work at once,' KWd pay. nieaily work.

•Pninll irnltilnK fee. irrn r. nrranned. ■Write Box 5,’), Nrw,■,•Tlme. ,

FJELP W ANTED— WOMENOIRL for Ken. hflewk. !flO Lincoln.

LADY for cen. liousewortt, chre o r 2 children. Go home nlglitji. Coll eves. 8.7:30. 203 6th E Ph. IMS.

EXPER, seamstrerj wanted., Must have worked lu 'aiilor ^hop before. Dabbel's CloUilns CUnle.

BEAUTY npe atrtr with good follow* In 'IM-ni FalLi and vicinity,

e etper. and ref*. Hex S3,

3 EXP, waltreMrv JO-30. MJS per day and board. Blue Jay Cafe, El­ko, Nev. Apply between 11-13 a. m. W-fd,, Thur. a t News-Times of-


50c UP. Avunt Hotel. IM Id f

1., clc-.c Iti. Pll. ,1337.

ROOM next t<i Li.ith, hni»2.&o ttk. Call slier 4. i;jn Ail Ph. 1838,


111. Pll. Vj!1

■n nine Lnke.i D. N,

FU R N iSlli:i) HOUSES3 RM, furn, hw

3 R.MS. mod, I’i

4 RMS,, parity lun

No elitldren. Inq, 230 4Ui Ave. E,


SM AU. Imp., acrc.iKP, Pli. 0180R:

10 TO 80 acrev moMlv iiasiure am .nlfulfa. vicinliy Twin Falb o nuh l, ndnptnble Inr dnlryldg. n n ., nr InrKer, Can furnW good ref'.'. Pn.weulon about Marcl 1. Wrlle P. 0 . Box S33, Buhl,



WELL-IMPROVtD 80-acro U nn 4 ii ml, 6. Of BuJil; paved high­way: 71 aerei cultivable. 3 po.v lures. Sale price IIO.BOO: Int. 4'-., lO'r doa-n, $832 psyj annual prln. and Int. Wrli* 8. M. Ctiadbum, Jerome. Ida. Pli. 3:T-M, Jerome.

HAY. GKAIN. f e e d

CUSTOM GIUNDINGFLOYD MILLER, Rt. U Filer. Idnhn Phone 72JJ—we pny plione calls.

OnOn itoragt and teed deanlng i ia n —Biulaps and Seamleu GLOBE SEED i i FEED CO.

CU.STOM GRINDINGGrind It vliere it growsl

MORELAND MILLING SERVICE Ph. 218. Filer, Pll, calls off Kflndinic.


Order now for fall p GLOBE SEED &


LL or oiir-lmlf my lierd Of 20 Rr;i(1e milk eq'in. Good .'.lufft 0 . M Kvrr oil. Buhl. Ph, 313.JI,

GOOD moutli Priced to sell.On Jarbldce in:id 'ai-m of Roner-io:i. Jno. 0 . Pe.^cf. Pii. 1832. 141 Addison.

.400 LARGE


es yenrlinKU.S1I1C Suf-for Feb. :o

Yi.ii!ut.t,Pli. 04DJ-J13



A U C T I O NSAl.EA. and 4-_jl

PnilClirRON ntn .•nlr at- all

iw .'tork. .Hptries, Champion : Cove RBiieh, Son.r S nillri

1 mile norm of U,

n collv Mri Ul-

UAMl'SUmn p^redv F .I,. Stephan.

LIVESTOCK—POUI.TRY w a n t j : d

UIOHnST prices paid for your fat chickens and turkeys. Indcpend. ent Meat Compwiy.

POULTRY FOR SALEFRYERS, milk fatlened. Ph, 0:B5J3,

[1 AUSTJtJA WJillr puJIfl.1, ,<lmi: to hv: n. I. llr,lr„ Ba:Rm k-, White linck.. and Uuff Or-


o n . buiiirr Move'. .MiHaljle Ljbiii Al'.o Wali-r heater nnd lank. ln<]. \Vei:enpr> Auin Court.

GOUI.D H pumi :il rrdiued | Implemrni O

•(I 'I\iyr,vrlle: — Pnot! .'linp am Noilh

U,VAN!7,i;iJ Itiptal rooflnr. Bolh :craiK.Tled .Tiul L>. S Stn^Il^Cll 'liaiuirldi.iin t.<rA iarlii,id price:

k h i :n g k i..s h a r d w a r e

K liAvr the enniiilete line of iiliin P:STATE HE.\TR0LAS and :oal ran:e;. on di'plav.


Husiness and Professional

D I R E C T O R Yl i a t h l i a n d M a a s n r jc i i

SU-well. Wi Mnln W. Phone

Mallory. 114 Main North. Ph.

Bicficle Safes & ServiceBLASIUS c y c lery

B i c y c l c s f o r R e n t


C h i r o p r a c i i c

C o a l a n d IV ooff


UUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESWELL, loculfd beer parlor ifnri enrrl

room, dnlnu very nice bu-ilni Jerome. Ida. Box 1174.


vacan cy . Reed Ai}t«, Ph. 1217.


REDEC. front. 310,6th A

3 AND S rm, mod, 148 Pierce.

a RilS.. clo.->e In, 3

APT. 1413 K tabariy Rd. Pli. 1747.

VACANCY. Roed Apts, Pll. 1317.

WANT.lo borrow 1400 for 12 m____lOr. liiL Wiu 8tve chatwl mort- gage on 33 head da lir cows helfen. Box 40. Newi-TUnei.


tPERU., 14. »i. IS. M price. 141S Kimberly Rd. Pli. 1747. Mr». Det- m tr and O nco Wells.

JUSTAMERE Inn, Ph, 4S6 OaiU 871

APTS. Th# Oxford. 439 Mala NorUi.

NICE \s.' rm. SWam ht. Hotplat*. Prefer women. 127 0th Ave. N,

ROOM AND BOARDBD, »nd rm. 853 2nd Ave. E.

RM. u id Bd. 130 Sth Ave, K.

FU RN ISH ED ROOSISWARM nn.. board optional. 300-W.

SLPO. roomi, 815 2n(L^T«-

fm a Mid gmr. A T « ,--g ^

3 and HOM]^,


Be.M rate* and terrnsl

i',5% .li all Land liank borrowero are currcnUy paying. Why ' pay more? See National Farm Office a t 113 3'd'Are. 8. in T. F.



WELL located residence lot. 253 Dluo Lakes. Price WOO. Ph. 6S6^



V O S j Improved 80 A, 1 ml. from Bichneld. c . W. Adams, Amerl-

OR LEASE, any site acreaja from 40 to 800 acres. Renter m utt fur- nlah equipment. Permanent water rlghW. Good buildings, well fenc. « l. Land in high sut« of culU. va tlen. H. P. Deardorff, MalU. Ida . .

LO. n n , stetm h t. 4M M Aw. N.

MOD. n n , outilda entr. Ph> S3S.

M L c u -a p . .R «u . 344 Sm A ^. K,

■ W

10 ACRE ranch for sale or troda tor eotUe. sheep. or'U te model tw c- tor imd tm tw r e<iulpmenl. SO ftcrw under #hicrtcan Pails-cannli aU netUng fence: modem < nn. hotwe, water system from a .dee* well: new chicken house. n«w mS» ohlns ahed and g ru u rj and good ^ and catUe «h<d. Hai * 1 ^ ) farm lo a n -» « l takeSlSoo for my ahAre.’S e tt buy In tha lUUI Emil

.fichBlhioj, Dietrich, Wiho,-

PHONE 3 for Aberdeen coal, moving nnd u

fer McCoy ConI f i Tr:iii-'.l

C u r t a i n S h o p

D r y C l e a n in g

n Dry Oleinera. Pho 650.'

H o u s e h o l d N e e d s

. I n s u r a n c e

J . E ROBERTS, rep. exelu- .ilve healtli. accident Co. In wo.'Id. 232 Main Ave. N, Pli. 6C3,

J o b P r i n t i n g


Key Shop

L a u n d r i e s

M o n e y to L o a n

S e t J. E. White first for loom on Bcmt* or bflsincss property. Low Ra.tM. quick servlee. 139 U&la E.

Don’t E m barrass ^our, Priends ■ ■ •O il our ia lu 7 loan*-

Prtaadly. oonlWentliL JO mlnutei* MTTlC*

M onci/ to Loan

$ 2 5 t o $ 1 0 0 0

UP 'lO IB MONVIIS TO RliPAY Coiitr.icls rffliiancpd—private ««|ps financed—CMh ndvsncctl.

Consumers Credit Company

$ 1 5 A N D U Pon .voiir or lunilturc. P-y- nifiit\ lo suit your Income.


Next to Fidelity Bank

O s t e o p a t h i c P h y s i c i a n

Miller Clinic. 41J Main N Ph, 10T7

Dr. O. w Rose, 114 Mala N . Ph 937.

P a i n t i n g a n d D e c o r a t in g

Spray painting, knlsomlnlng. 2058-W


P l a n i n g M iU

We make ta»h, docn. aerecn*, cabl­ets counters—nnyth ln i af wood TWTN PALLS LUMBER CO.

Phan* S43

P l u m b i n a a n d B e a t i n g

R a d i o R e p a i r i n g

Powell Radio. 1&3 2nd Ave. N.

R e s t a u r a n t s

S h o e D y e i n g - R e p a i r i n g

IDAHO Shoo Shine, All colors.

T r a i l e r s

T t ^ e r Housea. Oem Trailer Oa

T y p e w r i t e r B

Sales, rentals and seri'lce. Phont tO,


Vaeaum CleanersVAOUDM rep«Jt. New'Royals. r«-

bUlIU. V. U Miles. 830 Bl. LU, Ph..JlS7,

Life’s Like T h a t By N eh r

••Uilluir Junes, you vc hccn up lo sotnclhinRll


sjiiM coM P L trre


nalja-(l;e Sr.. Ph, 1533-\

• K. Ph. inriii-v/.

1 U:=EU KSTATE oil clrciilnTor. likeJGO

UAUUY MU6C.UAVElU tiOOD used c ltail.illiis liCRt'T.v

}•:» to"l30. aeiiuliiu KMa'.c ulica- In'.iiif: htairola, brnml new, «OiO

HAURV MUSGKAVEEl.KCrniCAL .-.upphr-. for home ati

•cimiiirrclivl wlrlm;. Modern lli;lii us fixtures. Fluore^ccnt llnlalla


TIUX’KS AND T R A IL E R S0.^l:7iwk~t^nllrr^iroVn27j'lD

u i:p:t iird. pncrd for

i;.':CW'I'IONALt,Y well built tralle Il0u^c. Phono 512.


EKCLPTIONALLY g o o d 4-u licrl Irallrr wllli cninblnnllon liny rack niul brtl. 635 Miilii We:,t.

5ntTW Onncl •riiiV, ltJ25.

rv. plrkup Extm good 700 •r overload. 4 spc!^ Irani., r rrcoiid. Low mllcrge. ».150.

5x12 Pftiieo Sliilnle.v, Sheni cuiirun V ni:.x aiul a 7-plcoe eoliiilul C:vl io:nl.i lo tte ry ;,e l »7 5.’. fn, a llm It'O liin5.oiiiy u f


S E E O U R D fS P L A V :1 me MeicliiMi::,- Dl'play Duijll.ii Twin FnlU Couiit.v F.ilr. i liu irouniLn, I0t!i-13;!l. M e ! Ili<

and' my eiilcrtaliir.-;. and en;ii' n the falrl

HARRY MUSGRA~\'J-:.•) ’ITIADE m allowimce for .vour ol( matire»«, regnrdle;is of ll. coiuli. linn, on any mnitrerKi .'eiilng forJ14.85ormnrc. We »vill destroy anyniit usrable, but will GIVE the o',h-

•era lo the SiilvntlQii Army. Your old mnttrOM will be n down iiav- uient,- bnliince weekly. Claude llrown, furniture and muMc More.

l?it<*s a l C li i irc h " ^ ’o r S an u io l Hi l l

I .IK.RONfl-:. Sejrr II — Al funcri ■ rue . coiidiici'd Mimday rftrrnoon I at Ihr Twill Falls Naiarenc church ' by Rrv. I . D. Sniiyi, n.v.lstrd. by C, \V. Severn, minister of (ho Mennon- itp flreilireji In Christ church, fmni trllmle wtis pnld Samuel MnrtUiusTim. 71. .lOiiUi .Vdf re^ldenl, Wrunimiljcd fitter n lingerlnR lllm rt hl< home Sstiinlny mornlns.

Interment wss In Jerome cen

A nmle oimrtri »ar,r "Tlie City of Gold.” Pr.ijrr ant] M:rliUtire jmdhiK were by Rev. c W. Pevern n i e txiwnrds qimrtr; .-.nnc ■•Will th r Clri'lc Be Llnbrokcii," followed by 11) re.iclUiK n{ the nl>lHiary, by -Re' Smith. Remark.i were offered b Hev. F. E, Phelhamer. The quartet n.inir 'Tlie Home of 111 Soul.” Clnslng pr,ijer w/u by Re' SmlUi,

P,illl>cnrrr.i » rrt 0 . A. Edwards. Ro*<oe DePmrri. Oeor'se Lancaster, De W itt Ln Hue, Fred Hills, and C. L, Blggersloff.

P R E -S E A S O N .COAL R A N G E SALEFor a limited Ume only we nre In­

cluding a 7-plece aluminum cook- ing-wear set with ench new ransi purfhn.-e<1. Full white ename: riinse »C3.50. O th m praeri nc- cordlutfly.


CONN C mel(>dy saxophone. 046iR2

WE have n few good' roeoiirillloned bind Instruments. All tn good con^ dltlon.

Dumii3*Wnnier Co. ' Elks' BIdg, Ph, 601. Eatab 13 Yr,v

GOOD Tlfclln, Reas, Ph. 1232-J.

AUTOS FO R SALE•33 Chevrolet, Coupe. Ph. 03B0J2.

OR TRADE—1B30 Ford coupe. Good shape. M att McCoy, Ph. 72-J7. Flier.

•31 CHEV. del. »dn,. new tires. 1125. ■31 Pord pkup, U5, Chry. ch.J?5, O'Connor, opp. Pork Hotel.

*40 Demonstrator, custom De Solo, new ear (tuar. Greatly reduced.

•38 V8 Tudor, heater, radio. » 4 '.\ Bee new P b ’mouths a l Fnlr. DsUch Motor. • 305 Sho. So.

B o a r d lo, D i r e e l N e w s p a p e r W o r k

The Bruin, Twin Fnlls high school ..ewspaper, ^lU be mnnaged by an editorial board lnst«nd of an editor, II was revealed hero this week. Tho action morka a complete tjhange

---------systems.Marilyn W ibster, Dorothy H arrl-

.m . • Frances Bjhwelckhardt nnd Preslorf H anm an, sUl studenta from last jreu'a JoumolUm daas, will eomprbe the board bnd wil) ro(at« the work or editor.

Plrst issus will be given ou t after sale at f«woD Uckats. Other mem-

m or the * U « wiU be named Ut«r. Miss 'Wtnnlfred T r y a , tdvU er for

the cub Newi, jun ior hlgtj ichool edition, sold yMUrdoy th A the l in t Luue will com* out th e last of this month- « - -

P r i n t s W c i i t i f y D e a d T r a n s i e n t

POCATELLO, Sept. II (,P> — M trimslent killed Friday when s t r u ^ by n freight train south of here was Identified ai Lee Roy NrlUon todny by J. F.d£iir Hoover.'director of the fedrral bureau of Inve.iUga* Him ul Wn.-.hincton. D. C.

Nellson, Ideiillllcd tlirough flnger- p rlnu . wa.i IKied in W ashington tile* a.i living at Reece creek.-Galla- tln county, Monisna. Hl/i Ilnger- prlnta were reeeived from Pennsyl- vanlli Mnie police In 1034. wlien he wn« held on a vagrancy churge ai, Evanston. tUied lloo\|:r.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Uint 1. JAMES HECK, will apply to (he Board of Pardons, .State of Idaho, a t Uie next meetlnir ihereoJ In Boise. Idaho, on the first Wednea- dny of October. 1940, for a pardon from Uiat certain Judgment of con­viction lo r the crime of rape made and entered against me In the Dta- trlct Court of ths Heventh Judicial DLitrict of the Bute of Idaho. In ind for the County of Tn'ln rail* , oa he 3fith day of September, ISSP.

Signed:JAhtBS HECK

Pub, NewH-Sept. 8, 12. 19, 28. 1940.

NOTICE TO CONTBACTOBB Sealed bids will be received by ^

Commissioner! of the Twin F i l l . lU shww DttUlet.Twln r»LUs. Idaho', until two P. M. on the 31st day of September, 1040. for Uie (umtahtQS, cru.'htng, hauling and a p r^ d lng of npproximauly .39JM0 tens of eru-ihed grave! or rock suriaclng Ofi 36 miles

be open*of highway In the Twin way D U trtct and will ed And publicly read.

Plans. apeclfkaUotu, f6n a of eon- tract, propotal ftnn i and o ther In'- formation may be obtained &l th a office of the DUWct. A ch w se o l two doUan wm be mode !or each set of ploni and (pecincaU cm ..

'm e n th t U reeem d to rejpct »U proposal*, or to accept the proposal deemed best for the Tw in TmUm Hljhwoy Dlstrtct.


By J. D, Blnemo, Director.Pub, News: flepV, IJ. IJ. M. 16, n 4

U . 19. M. 1940 •


American' Organization In­creases E ffo rts to Re*

licvc DistressWASllIN'Cil'OK. Sept. II ',/J —

Wttli Ihr inieiiMfied Ge.^llari airiiiiiiitKiiiiiuriit i>r KiigUna. ‘he Atner- Iran Re/i C;mt l.i Incrca.'lng Its ef-

hoiichl lii'.rredlateli'. T lir cost « be r;5,000

'r iie 'e e^r.tfeii imll.i—•'ehijck i

ir .•• slcp-ii

. ilRn will the li'.rrriuifil civilian .^uffrrlnB. Ihr American R^d Crow has been foiipeniratlnR rreenlly on -ipeclal pfep»ratloni.

Ilomewnrri . iju iirt B rltf.h boaLi have bcfti c arr/liit ciirgoi of iiirr gleal dre.v.liigN. iimbulunces. sweivl- ert. nut:'si:ig botilcs. Tivclvr station wiiKon to be u 'ed n.s nmbulance.i are on the lilgh seas now.

Since .Mav, Uie Red CroM has r.enl to EiiKlAtid 131 ambulaiicc*. S.tWD.'iW) surreal rtre.MlliRs, «,I30.OOO worth of ii;eilicnk». • thousand* of pcun'di of cnntlrd and dried foods, and <70,(100 elothlng itcm.v

Some of « ib lU i nlrcady been gUeii to air raid sufferers, refugees from tJie continent, G ibraltar and •.ln' l:,las\ds.

Ilia much of It hn» t^eeii held In tlie nntlcll>atrd U

k Ihat !■ veloplnii, pe of Mipplles

pllev with ret;\iesl.i from the British Red Cr<i-.s. n ie major reque« has been lor ju; bIc.\1 iiippl^i] iiippHcs.




SON. his wife, Plaintiffs,.

GLADYS E. DROWN, nnd JOE M. BROWN, her hujbnndu FLOR­ENCE n, McMILLAK: WILLIAM R. McMILLAN nnd MARV A. Mc­MILLAK, hb '•ife; SAMUEL T. SMALL and FLORENCE SJfALL, his wife; all of the UNKNOWN • HEIRS, UNKNOWN DEVISEES, nnd UNKNOWN LEGAL REPRE­SENTATIVES of such of Uie above nnmcd pcr.-ons os may now be, deceiutd: all of tho UN­KNOWN OWNERS AND CN- •KNOWN CLAINLANTS Of all or nny Interrjl In the following' de- .scilbcd real protierty: T hat por­tion of the Northeast Qunrter of the Southcnst Q u arttr tNEU SE'.> of Section Eight. (8)^Xowii-

, iOilp Fourteen <I4) .Sd^lh. of nnnge SUtrcn tl6> E ast ol the Dolse Meridian, de.scrlbed fts-fol­lows: Beginning at a point where tJiB Oregon Short Line Rail Road Right of Wny inter:,ecl4i Uie East ■ line of said Pony, luid running South n iree hundred n inety-, seven i307) feet; -thence West TVo hundred (SCO) feet; thence North T«o hundred Uiree and • one-half (J03‘i ) feet to the Ore­gon Short Line Rail Road right of way. and thence following the uild right of way In a Northeart- erly direction to the place of be­ginning, together w ith the tani* ments, heredlComenta oAd appur­tenances Uiereto belonslng or tn any wise appertaining.



-ju are hereby noUfled tha t a, . complaint has been filed against you In the District Court o f tha Elev- enUi JudlcUl ,p u tn c t o f Uie SUle of Idaho. In and fpr th e County of Twin Falls, by the above named plalnUffa, and you a re hereby dl- • recited to apjxar nnd plead to Uu said comi>laliit wlUiln (.wtnty days of the sen^ice of this summ ons; and

■re furttier noUflcd. th a t un- Ipu you ao sppetvr and plead to aald complaint within Ihe time herein upeclfled, Uie plnlntlffa wUl lake

',;ment against you a s prayed In aald complaint

Tills action Is brought to secure a Judgment and decree ann liu t the de- ttadkDta OUtlya S. Brown and Joe M. Brown, her htuband. and each o( Uiem. to foreclose a mort<ace made, executed and deUvered'Co Florence

11 by Oladya Z. Brown and Joe M. Brown, her husband, on August 19. 1B30. In Uie am ount of tllDO.OO recorded In Twin Polls Cotmty, Idaho on September a, 1830 tn Book - 101 of Mortgage* a t page 303, which aald mortgage w ss thereafter duly assigned to plaintiffs bere ln; and to q u le ^ la ln tl ff i’ tlUe to the abort descHbed property and tdjudgtai th a t pUlnUffs are the ow nen tber*- • of. asd that defeiuUnU Florence 8, ^fcMlUan. WUUam K . McMillan. Mary A. McMinaa. Samuel T. SmaU and Florence 8m»U. a n d on Uhm persons described above a s unknown. • and each of them , be (o re v et 'ia -

' Joined and debarred trocn auertlnc , any claim n h a to v e r ta or to fotd , propeny. adverse to pla in tiffs ' io d . th a t plsJiiU ta'title ti good and T»Ud and gupertor to *U persoo* w h o a - .. soever. Mid for euch ,o ther and ftir- ■ tlf tr relief a t th e C ourt maT'« tian just and equitable: *D o f vh lc b noH • fully ap p tan la .pU lntm t* ooni- ' p laint on>fU« b o t l a to whleb refer- • enoe Ij made for fu rlh sr p trU cuU ri.,

w iTN Esa U r b in d adA the M ti-; r the sold District OotBt UU* .4tto

day of eepltmber,WAITER a - MOBORATB

(BEAU •, ' Clerk ;ByPAOL a OOBPOW. P eptfy .



Republican Leaders O pen Campaign Headquarters

at BoiseBOISE, &-PU 11 r , - A -np-

publlcAn Jl»tt hfadiiinrim ” .'iKn « '(i tackrd up o u r > niurQiirr nl the liolcl licte today nnclTom llp.nill o! TrrrSnn. nrpubllciiii Mhie chnlniian, too); o' rtuilM of dlrfciliii: ilir pnriy'* r a m -) p»lsn for llie No rmbpr Kciifrnl[

.elccilon.D flalll of tlif OOP. ilrlvf for

M»lio'votfs ll vp_,rot lirrii noikcii oiil na >'tl. llr^ith »lil. but n ll;t nf jptnlcrrs miil liiiirrirlr.i of cnn* rtlj«tt!i lor stile o;flc» h to be prc- pired nhorlly.

Tlie rlmlnnmi {inu.'nt loiiR rlinUKll during R bwy day to rcmnrlc that ilie election in M.iliie Woiidiiy, slien Republlrnn rntiillilAtPi m>dr n .tv eep nf cubemalrrUI «nfl concreMlonnl offices, ''l« an Indication of »lmt the fnrm vole »lll be Uirougliout llir country."

•n ie Miiliif vote,- lleiith wld, ■'nhnuj clenrly ») Ihr furmrf In IhliiklnR ftboiil. itlnlio, llte Maine. W a Inree nKricullurnl *tiite.

••r iliink the larmrr' will votp ucatiut. llie pollclp.i of Henry Wal­lace,"

llcntli dlM’Iu rd (l;at Governor nolloKwnTHennlar llie Re­publican c.nidldaSfs lor reprc.'.eiiln- llve In eonijreii from Hit t« o IriAlio| dlMfJcU. t)ir IdaJio o l Dienullonal eommitiee, and hinuclt. haie bm i (niKcil to rMe on HVn-

• riell WillUc'A ^peclal trnlii nero^'. norili Idaho «licnrTlit Repvibllcnn pre.'ldentlul nominee trxeli tliroiish Uiat nrea Sept. 21,

Wtllkle Li Mlicduleri lo make r reur pbUomi a|)r)earanci: a t Sand- i«lnt at 1I;3S i. n . Sept. : i .

F i n a l R i t e s f o r J e r o m e M a t r o n

JEROMr, Sept. 11- Mrs, Ola Mnc llart, wife of A. \V. lUrt, Jertmir norlKt', n’iv.1 inid IlnsI tribute nc Untely (itifndrd fiinfrnl nervlccfi a t 8 o'clock Sunday altemoon nt Uie Jerome funeril chupel. OIIl- clallnc *C BcrAlces « u Mrs. Vnn Binelen. a Chrhtlan ficlfnce rtflclcr. Twin Fftll*. tnterracnl was In Jer­ome eemctery.

Durlnir tjie rites. Mra. VlrRlnln MeAuIrv nnd Mrs. Alice Callen. tnni; ■ITOO' PKlaces," and "aod Be With You n l Wr Meet Amin," aecoin- imnled a l the piano by Mri. nay OtUlnBcr.

In clmrse of the flo»cr* were Mra. John Overflew, Mrs. C.Y. Wllllam- .»on. Mrs. SUcy Johnvm, and Mrs. John- SUckel. .

Cnaketbearen wei’p John Over- Jlcld, n . W. Entln, D»l» VInlng. C. Y. Wllllam-wn, John Bllckel and H»>- DtlllnRer,

Amons the frlentl.i iiid relAtlvei present. -W pay lis t r«i>rcu »ere Mr. nnd M n..8plker, Duhl. abitv of Mrs. H art; Mrs.FranctiAnnett, also a alitor. Jerome; Mri.' Bert Hart, Ault. Colo., nnd Mr. and Mrs. Jewr

.H art. Mnntnna,Jilrt. K trt liid been 111 t)>e pant

Troops lo Concentrate al Centers 'as Soon as


lliR eMom of (Jir tii-n i ' llir i

to arrive a l cani|). MltlUn niter beinK jiKtticu-<l inirt il III tl id r liOJiir nrinorlea Kfjit. Ifi N.Ulcitml K'inr‘1 liiirrnu oltlclal: tlciiiritp tliiii all will l>e In caiiipvttllhltj 10 dIl\^

Some unlt.s, llu' tiiiiriin re|)orlfd, linve liiM nirlfd iidviincc mrnts to p rrrrd r tlic tiooj' and make prrpriratloin lor thi'iii, In New J ro c y . some B'H'rd ol nnd iiir'n nlrcnily have beKun nt Fort Dls.

Meivnwhllr, all iiiilt.s arc condiict- hiK hilcnf.lvc rrcruUliiK eainpiilKiii to nil up tlicir r.1nk. lo pe stienRth. Now iiumt)erlnR C0,500, unlt.s would tiilal atxiul 76.000 full .ntrciiRth.

DHore !lH-y ko iiuo tialiiliii:, m Icnl exaiiilnatlnn.'. and Inoculatloiu mujl be i;lvcii, eQUlpinenl tran.'Ier- red from to . federal hnnds,trnii.'portiitlnii iirraiiRrd and' other admliilMratlve work Concluded.

•KOisf: CM^nwoMAN niKS n o iS E . Sept. II </Vi-Mrn. Mrlvlrn

Skiff Morrow. KB. Idaho ploiirer 13ol.-.c clubwoiniui. died b^ l niKlil nfter n tliree-yenr lllnevl.. With her hii'lmnd >!ip ran ,, ChnllL". In IBBO, where thri>iprratcd

I. inofrd hrcalllp ranch.1KI8.

. J~-spvcrnl yrni^: Hlie had con Jernme In 1910 nmonK.the plnnecr.» who .'Pttled on thl.n tr.iet Betnre slie brciinie bi'dto.';t %he took u live jiiirl In civic ncthttler.. iih n nieniber of Uie RelM'Viili lodseand nlM of the W estfield Krnni;e,


More wandering around Uie fair- sroutiiU nnd wrnnen't exhlblt.s nt Fller'yeslertlay revealn! early mor­ning ftttr-Koera leLiufely exnmlnln;; nrticles In the line arU dctwrtniriit, tookinx ' hungrily al tlie (roit<Hl cakes and ple.s, admlrtn; the gleam- Ing Jnrs of cnnntd fooils and meats,

. eomparlnK tiie beautiful exhibits of flotver* to blawniJ In their own gardens, nnd msrvellns »l Uie worl: fnvolved In some of Hit exhibits In the Juvenile dc(iartnifnt, •

While,le, midway worker.'; . were-atretchpd bealdr turkeil inirk.s.

waiting for iHc weather lo clear up and the crowdn lo fill the grouiid.n.

And nl the juvrnile bulldlni.-. mothrra, club lenders mid 4-lf. girls attentively wntchPU the cirls’ drmnn- stratlons and waited for Ihe mor-

• nlns's hlRlillRht, the illjtrlci stvlc

. IUn>]< Exninliintlon ot the

»rrnnK<‘‘nenl.lnral cxhitiit

. . s build-. InRa, where nil the'riiilllt nnd riiKs are atrnnKed, showol »n e.nprcinllv hantliome niE, made of braided burlap, pnrl of which «»s naluriil color nnd nllrrnale irlpa of bur­lap dyed brown.

Sn'eral quilt de.'lsnj were repent ed bill the color arransenieni* mndo, each one definitely different. >

Poalel a rt n^rk, water roloring ■nd pencil akeiches lisd their place of exhibit on ibr wa either aide of llie fmllclinc.

. tnnnj- howewlvcj hnd been buay during Uie aumnifr months: and extendlns alonR tlie snme side of t^e wall, cookle.v eikes, breads »nd other pantry entrant* fatrly made ones mouth water *lih nnilci- patlon,

CsTered (Varan Included.among Uie Jiitetiilp i

Iilblta were *ever«l Jtim Innlde which were miniature' objectji built

. ta ncale, Out«iAndlnR r£t tjie liny covered wSROn. bearlnd the alocan. “Idaho or" on Iti cuivm aides.

On another ilirU, a larcer covered wagon. About a foot In helghilt and hair again as long. atlncled_ much

-allenUon for ll.t perlect rlght.bfhlnd It Is id nirplane

. . . . bu l j’ou probably »on’t recog- n lte I t . a t flratl Wlioew designed

nuxlel liaa a '

miinlty exhibit, y'flilclt wn.v .rnnkcil' third.

Flml' Umior^ttr.M hoiiorn In the roiiuiunilty

exhibit M-fiil lo lltr Oaiileif+YlriuU chil) of null!, W hrn Jiulr.iui: wa; complrtrd Tiif?.diiy nnDii, tin nrrnm:rnient« weie l)rnutltiil..SnitiC' onr hnd n clcver Idea, which ex- l)laliird why the bow.h ol IIc:uenly niiir niornliiK K’iory were i.o, pirtty vheii the Judpp.s wi'ie bii.ny “ buds iviTC n i t nnd brnir.;ht i exhibit room the nUlit betiiK blooinixl iipxt niornliiK n.n imt i\.\ It Uirv wri-i? ,•.1111' on the vi f.otnpoue's carden,

Miiron Woninn;. dul) eNhlliU e<l >c<(ind. Twin Pnlls Grai',;;r. won first lioivon last irar , d; pliK-e. - lo lar.t yiMr'.v ll Qunntlty of tlowrj

II rin'.i

the nuxlel li. lor the basic fotlh bi part of animal'a vertabrae atid Its propellor U ftir.flU bone*, probabl; porLs of tlie rib, fastened in a clever manner.

You've heard of U« -Bird of ParadLie" flower, but probably have never »«en It. if you're w e r In Uie produce buUdlnf. It rill be your own fault' If you don't «ee II during Uie fair this week, for 1t'» p a ri of the T i in raU a'airden club’* com-

dahllii;.. fully eliclll IlirUr-, i, besrn ii blur ribbon In t!ip dr live i;ladlol/i iln-.s niul (ji. cnichps the rv r of the [A.-.'ci-ti I'nire of Its sire.. Alter.’, tills vra;- .1 lUioli

vrr>- lltiT, and tlip <■(

fouiid In thp rxhlhlt • "Smnll l)Ul n l t r n ^ i ir ' ud.iIi !<Tll)e the tliiv Ix"''!about -.Ix i>rrfci;tly.fc.nii<-<I n;i Hums in It, .Sl.-.e of this evlillili ilid not hinder ll frnin rjitlni; necond mniiy lamer p\lilblt»,

you looked a l h.nil of tlie pt- hlblls very rlonelv, .voii'ie [irobably JU.M dLscoveml ll'.n tliiip lo vlMt one of the nu inno ir . hol.ilt>i; ••i.niul.-. or booths nnd fred ' tlie liuier unniml. OUier rxhlblt.n will linvp lo w.inuntil Ifttrr. /


CtlM»l-And Y m t Jun.,1 Oid .j B«dinlh*M«TV«iUHa-|.C*

Tti« ll'>r tNmId pnur : rlnti nf t'Df Juln

o rt. It»UniU<!. You ffct leur. «unk'»JHj iS. »o.

l l U irt IkoM Kxvl. olj C»rt«r-. tiU U»»r Will to e« tl>«e : flBl. of l<l* floi Iw frt»l7 V> m»V. >.00 f~I -up »»1 OB....................«Awilw la toi-UnsT-f : S K ' rui*. i(

rpa.Min for the ivmrnt.i Is not Iruceiiljle 10

rnndltlon or liidu.’,- n Rcnrriil

nrlour. cinploy- .lljllltlcs of the i.tnte per-.

al)|p piiiploympni.'•.siiioe the lifRlnntng of tiiipniploy-

nieiii foiniwnaiitlon p.iynient.' In Idaho Kept. :0, I93B. n tntal 0! H,- i;n.ri:.'i lwl^ bm i dUtrlbuted to tin- rntiiloypd uorkprn from the Idivho

FOR ROAD IRKMalla-Elba Projecl One of.

Three on Which Stale Calls Bids

UOISF:. Sept. 11 (A; - Dld.s on IUi;h«iiy piojecw jii Kriiiiklln, Cn.voii nnd I j tn h counties will l>c niienril Sept. ;o. 11 wns-aniiuiincrd todn>~ by Iiliiho Public Work.1 Coinriil'.- •nlonrr J . O, Newcomb.

Tlir Fraiikhn county )ol> will ron- . l l of RradlnR, drnlnliiR nnd con- .•.tructlnii'n criLnhed gravel nurfncc on I.M:’ miles ot ttie Gritcc-Prc.ton lili:lnvay.

In C.i.v.lii county eoimlrucllon nf u tiirie-liich criinhctl gravel .siirlacc coiir-u nnd bltumlnniu surfnce treal- luenl ot 3 Hlba rond, from to be undertaken.

Tlic third project cnlLn for Rrnil- hiK. dralnlnR nii{l i.urfuclnR with ciunhed rock 3.171 miles of the Ar- rnw-Uenry hiKliwny brlwecn Ken- dfkk and Denry In Latuh county.

£ t * W O « S T I l A T l £ 2


S a v e !® I 'A N K E x


A marrlniic llcen'.e uas Irj.uetl hcie today 10 Harold John Arm.von. 2 !, of Lflvii Hoi SprlnKi. Idaho. ,»iid .Vdln M.ixme Kniktr, : i , ol Twin FalU, Idiilio.

lOJtl C hnio lel Deluxe Town •• Viicuum jxmer vnir shift. nidJo, hrati-r $ 6 7 5 193!) ChevroU'l Coupe — Varu- uum pou'rr i;e:ir ^hlIl $ 6 5 0

‘1033 Fill'd Cdupe — K\cellplil coiulltliin. Healer .$ 5 3 5 11137 Cheviclrt Ompe — Mo- tor. recondltlaiird, iirw Iinl'li. healer - $ 4 5 0iri37: ChrMolet Deluxe Tnun Sediiii — Qoixl cnnilltton. radio .. $ 4 7 519.16 ClieMfilel Toi'<4 Si-d:iii— Motor ir.-or.illtluiiid,'i-r . . 'S 3 7 5in :i I'lyiiuiuth C o u p e - Good cimilutnn. Iljidlo. heat-

S 2 5 01!13« Old'

— Fair cimilltliiNltiMer < Dixir

n ' " $ 2 0 0lti3l Chevrnle: 4 Dw«r ffe- d a n -. $ 1 1 01930 Dixltr i fJonr 8r^ dan $ 1 0 01P30 Ford Coupe . $ 3 51930 Ford Foiilor firclnn $ 7 5 in:9 Chevrolet 4 Door Se-dnn . . ■ $ 7 5tO:i! CllevrnlPt Coach . $ 3 5

TRUCKS .1937 Ford ’! ton -;e body $ 3 2 5

i’lrkiip,$ 3 5 0

lllltloil " & 0 0

1D3S Chciro:cl

1933 Foiu.'.nilv.lon. _ _ _'t Inn PloTiip” -! $ 1 2 5

103(1 Chevrnli'l I ' , t —long W. dii.nin- 1037 Chpvrolel 1’, ’tn —I>3liK \V. n . Dunl.s 1034 Clievrolei l>, tn —Long W, » . .nt.ike body . . .. .

•I'ruck $ 5 5 0

I •I'nick $ 4 7 5 ,

I Truck

S 2 S 5

IIEI yEiiiis( .

®lni;lr pj

" .’ ™ 'i ', ,V

$ 1 , 4 9

OrddJtif ;,H 'P!' '''■f.'lHar

niiilte 1{ nti ‘•'■''Ira- vail,pi "

W o o l !

^ ^ A N K E t

$ ! l . S 3llnnd in;. nnri;aiu.'-lip fa;.l •

__... • .".'-.I

P a v t L i n e n ! T O W E L IN G5 v„.. 33c

P E N N E Y ’S S C O O P T H E M A R K E T .' 'S p e c ia l M e n ’s : 'W ORK S H O E

$ 1 . 4 4

Dhii'k hor .clmlr u;ij'er,. with a M compo'-iliuii ,o;e (July I 'e ii..., _ glgnnllc buvin;; could rnnke th is v,iluc pi) .'-llile. I’lixif tha l Pen-

S p e c i a l P u r c h a s e


4 9 c r .Nol the u.sunl ho;-c you expect to Iiiid for this prlcc, but n new i.upi-rlor Qunllly nl IhLs budget price. All clci'vr rlni! silk with ••.pedal tor rclnforccrncnl nnd Mtdut: pnner welt coaitructlon for fxtrn Mainlna. KnQUl.nlte fnll i.hades th a t are favorites for w - and bi'ivutyl

W O M E rS OX FO RD S i’Comfy none* nrr ■ : fypet Lealhof ^ | i-tolei. h « « l t l i >

. Block kid. ‘ l a d i e s *g o h ^w s

EPTBKiBm\SPECim \;/sp 'i

\T PAY 5 t o iH O P AT PEN NEY>g. ^ ---------- -

M i g h t y L i t t l e T o P a y F o r ’


M E N ’ S

50cblue chambrny, all rnnfo.-i.-rd to hold . ••N like Uiese nre.the re.ivnn rennry 's Is ed Twlc< n year wr epMirnle "Penney

nu Olese uhuiiiml hnrr.niin. Cfurc In.vnd MVel

In fa n l 'f i D e p t /S p c c i .i lD r e s s e s i R o m p e r s , -

G o w n sew TniR-A-UnR'logs. -niey will be the talk

ihp toun—n hou-'.ehold word where.hat3lr. ■ e coiirenied. Be

Full F cKm! ■M E N ’ S H A T S

for work or We've thou.'-inilr, of nnd know tliey nre l) irp ''t dollnr vnlue In Uic country. You

ftord two nl this prieel

.Super U nrR nins!C U R T A I N S C R I M

Huiiilieil'. Of ynrds to select from. You ll .'uve on piery yard and-Ihe crisp fre.'ti looklne eutitiiiin can tirlRhlen ainiiy a dnrk corner nl pr:irtlrally no cant.

S ta n d a rd Size!S a n i t a r y , 3 6 N a p k i n s

covered for extra comfort. Buy UiiJ pscknce n

P a r t W ool!B O Y S ’ S W E A T E R S

ji over nyle with liall tipper front. Some he iviinilar sleevclerj irtjie. Shop Penney* li.'l for boys' clolhlng. 'We liftve ft tomplele

-the-inlnute slock.

i J'’r;ilurcrf VnJuc!I B O Y S ' U N I O N Sj I.oiiR !,lee\es and leRs In a 10-lb, weight tluil

Is uartn nnd durable- Another of many oui- Mandins values In our complete boj-s' depart-

. l'’c iitu re P r ic ed :M E N ’ S U N I O N S

Ilibbed-kiitt of combed coUon. Here U a real • buy for the man who needs them, 18-Ib,

i.quMlty tiini wm matnlnin Iti welghl Uiroush- <ninh> j,enc.on nnd Rlvt absolute satlsfftCUon, Duy Nowl ■ _

0 0

3 9 C

4 9 0

9 S i

Q u i l t i n gB a t t s

5 4 c

nil., '"ca

S p o r to x f o r d

$ 1 . 7 7

f P e c i a l :

O R E S SP t t O i T S

J 2 c

P E N N E Y c o m p a n y

^ R E A D s

. $ 1 . 0 0

n-ortJK 'I'onej-j

C h lJ t i p g ,

S t E E P f i V i

"•here ,0 know