Prevention is the Only Cure- An ounce of prevention is Worth a pound of pills

Post on 13-May-2015

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Preventive medicine is the wave of the future for Americans who lead the world in Degenerative disease

Transcript of Prevention is the Only Cure- An ounce of prevention is Worth a pound of pills

An Ounce of Prevention

Is worth a Pound of Pills

Education is the Best Medication

You can avoid old age

Sickness, Suffering

and premature death


Juice Feasting

Food Therapy


MedicalQi Gong

Prevention is the only Cure

Drugs are surgery are useless for Prevention

Change in Behavior to avoid Degenerative disease

21 Days to Wellness

H.E.L.P. in 21 Days





Old message

An Apple

a Day

keeps the Doctor Away

New Message

Qi Gong every day

Keeps the doctor away

Old Message

An ounce of Prevention

is worth

a pound of Pills

Old message

Fiber and enzymes

are enough to

keep you healthy

New message- from sick care to self-care

Self massageCupping

Allergic to wheat, corn or dairy?

50% of Americans suffer from allergies

Back pain? 50% of Americans suffer from back pain

Alternating diarrhea and constipation?

50% of Americans suffer from digestive problems

Diseases of the Digestive System

What can be done to avoid this?

21 Days to Wellness-

Wellness is health of organs

and fitness of body

H.E.L.P. in 21 days –Healing Education Lifestyle Program

21 Days to Wellness

After Initial Consult

3 treatments per week for

3 weeks = 21 Days