Post on 01-Jan-2017

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P R E S T O N W O O D ! C H R I S T I A N ! A C A D E M Y ! ! | ! ! A N N U A L ! R E P O R T

“Conduct yourselves wisely toward outsiders, making

the best use of the time.  Let your speech always be

gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know

how you ought to answer each person.”

C o l o s s i a n s 4 : 5 - 6

P R E S T O N W O O D ! C H R I S T I A N ! A C A D E M Y

I n p u r s u I t o f

e x c e l l e n c e

I n e d u c a t I o n

T H E ! M I S S I O N!of prestonwood chrIstIan

academy Is to assIst chrIstIan

parents by h e l p I n g eq u I p

s t u d e n t s t o e m b r a c e

b I b l I c a l t r u t h , s t r I v e

fo r aca d e m I c excellence,

a n d m o d e l c h r I s t - l I k e

l e a d e r s h I p t o I n f l u e n c e

theIr homes, churches and

c o m m u n I t I e s f o r c h r I s t.“And


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A N N U A L ! R E P O R T

Your involvement helps us secure the best faculty, the best curricular and co-curricular resources, and

the best facilities to ensure educational excellence for our students. I want to personally express my

gratitude for supporting and advancing the vision and mission of our school. Indeed, you have loved

our students and faculty deeply, and helped our students in learning how to live wisely as they mature

spiritually and intellectually.

It is exciting to report that we exceeded our financial goals for both of PCA’s primary annual fund drives,

the PCA Fund and Sponsor-A-Child Fund. These funds are two of the most important measurements for

private schools in respect to our constituent’s faith and loyalty to the organization. Additionally, the PCA

Initiatives Campaign, a multi-year effort to fund our technology enhancements, master plan facilities,

curricular expansion, new campus in Prosper, virtual academy and endowment funds, continued to fulfill

our strategic advancement plan. And, this year we witnessed the tireless efforts of many volunteers who

gave of their time and resources to our parent special interest groups (i.e., PCA’s Parent Teacher Fellowship

(PTF), Lions Den Club, Fine Arts Council and Friends of the Library).

There are many worthy endeavors outside of PCA that you could have supported with your time, talents

and treasures. Thank you for investing into what I consider is the most important battle going on in

the world today—the battle for the minds and hearts of our children. Your generosity is assisting PCA’s

goal of developing Christ-like soldiers for our Commander-in-Chief, Jesus Christ.

To God be the glory for your faithfulness.


Larry Taylor, Ph.D.

Head of School

Thank you! What a blessing it is to communicate the 2014–2015 Annual Report of Gifts to Prestonwood Christian Academy. The incredible generosity displayed by our parent body and friends indicates the high priority of Kingdom education, the philosophical foundation of our school. T

thank you


Understanding the Bible is crucial, but knowing how to apply the truths of God’s Word to the issues of our day is even more vital. The spiritual journey of our students is of paramount importance. Their salvation is central to our mission, but mentoring them to love deeply while living wisely in a secular world is also our mission.

God was glorified and our students transformed as Prestonwood Chris-tian Academy “lived out” to the fullest our theme of “Loving Deeply, Living Wisely” during the 2014–15 school year. The love of Christ was demon-strated through serving, changing lives, fellowship and giving “honor to whom honor is owed,” (Romans 13:7).


“By this everyone will

know that you are my disCiples,

if you love one another.”

—John 13:35

U missionstudents are trained from an

early age the importance

of putting others first.

Serving The Bible tells us in I Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.” Serv-ing others is a cornerstone of Prestonwood Christian Academy and a commitment to glorify God not just with words, but with our actions as well. Students are trained from an early age the impor-tance of putting others first.

This year, more than 800 Middle and Upper School students and faculty mem-bers fanned out across the Metroplex to serve at 26 locations during the 12th an-nual PCA Service Day.

PCA Service Day is one of the highlights of our fall as seventh through twelfth graders and faculty members serve others across the North Texas community. When we serve, we are honoring what our Lord

challenged His disciples to do after He washed

their feet. He told them, “I have

given you

an example, that you should do as I have done to you,” (John 13:12-14). We want our students to understand that the community—the world—is a classroom opportunity to learn, serve and invest in others.

The Christmas season is a perfect time for students to share God’s love with people who may not believe. PCA’s Honor Choir, made up of 115 fourth- through sixth-graders, performed for the residents at Prestonwood Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Additionally, the Lower Schools at Plano and North collected 821 Opera-tion Christmas Child boxes that were sent to children across the world to introduce God into non-Christian cultures and spread Christ-mas cheer! Finally, PCA faculty and staff sponsored a luncheon for the faculty and staff at Mendenhall Elemen-tary School in East Plano. Changing Lives through Salvation“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one

may boast,”

(Ephesians 2:8-9). A central theme of PCA’s

mission statement is equip-ping students to impact com-munities for Christ, which is why the school places such importance on World Impact Day and Minimester. This marked the 15th year that PCA has sent students and staff on Minimester, which has resulted in PCA students visiting 74 countries.  This year, 463 students served in eight countries abroad, seven states in the United States and multiple locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro-plex. Lives were changed through mission work across the globe with dozens of people praying to receive Christ. Minimester wasn’t just for seventh through twelfth grade students, how-ever. The other grade levels at PCA Plano and North were involved starting in the fall when they began praying for the students who would

serve during Minimester and collecting sup-

plies to donate to their

specific mission.There was a movement

amongst PCA this year to share the Gospel with anyone who had not yet heard. Facilities Director Ron Johnson felt compelled to pray every day that God would put people in his path that needed to hear about Him. In his role at the school,

Mr. Johnson meets with many contractors, construction workers and vendors such as Time Warner Cable and FedEx. Without hesitation, Johnson asked if they felt sure that they were going to Heaven, and if they did not say yes, then he shared the Good Word.

Mr. Johnson even organized

breakfasts and lunches for construction

workers and the facilities staffs of Prestonwood Christian Academy and Prestonwood Baptist Church with the goal of introducing people to the love of Christ. Mr. Johnson’s example of sharing the Gospel did not go unnoticed by the student body.

FellowshipChristians are called to do life together while honor-ing God. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,” (Matthew 18:20). PCA’s parents, faculty, staff, students and alumni all enjoy forging deep relation-ships with one another throughout the school year.

God has given parents the responsibility for the educa-tion and upbringing of their children, and teachers desire to work together with par-ents in this endeavor.  The best education can only be achieved when parents and teachers work together to support and encourage stu-dents. For that reason, PCA has multiple parent organi-zations, which support life at our school, such as Lions Den Club, Fine Arts Council, Parent Teacher Fellowship, Prayer Ministry and Friends of the Library.

There are also many events throughout the year that attempt to create memorable experiences for PCA families! PCA Back to School All School Worship and Family Spaghetti Din-ner set a familial theme for the school year followed closely by the Boo-Hoo Yahoo Breakfast hosted on the first day of school. Each grade has many different events for families such as Pre-K’s Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom. The graduation events for our seniors are heart-warming starting with the Junior-Senior Banquet and capped off with Commencement.

In its first year of exis-tence, PCA North created new traditions for their families such as the Family Picnic at the beginning of the year and the Cinco de Mayo celebration, which showcased their fine arts curriculum.

PCA is blessed to have a group of faithful alumni who appreciate the differ-ence the school made in their lives and seek mean-ingful ways to get involved in the present and future life of the school. In addition to an Alumni Hospitality Suite at the Homecoming Game, PCA also hosted the annual Alumni Christmas Party at Babe’s Chicken House in Frisco, and more than 100 alumni attended and en-joyed their time together!

Honoring Legacy of Servanthood and Faith“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also,” (II Timothy 2:2). We love each other deeply by leaving a legacy for those coming up behind us. Prestonwood Christian Academy strives to honor legacy with rich tradi-tion and special ceremonies.

Each fall, a special day is set aside to honor our students’ grandparents. This year, on Grandparents Day, hundreds of grandparents attended All School Worship at both PCA Plano and PCA North, which included a special reading of Billy Crys-tal’s “I Already Know I Love You,” by PCA Grandfather Mr. David Lapthorne. Fol-lowing All School Worship, Lower School grandparents in Plano and Prosper went to their grandchildren’s classrooms to meet their teachers. In Plano, Middle School grandparents were invited to a meet-and-greet social, and the Upper School grandparents attended a pep rally in the Field House.

One of the benefits of having a school with students in Pre-K through twelfth grade is the oppor-tunity for older stu-dents to spend time with young ones.

Homecoming is a special week at our school for all students, from the Home-coming Parade, the football game and the Homecom-ing Court, football players creating tunnels through which Lower School children run into school, and Lower School students praying for the Upper School athletes…everything creates a sense of community for these students.

Legacy is also lived out through the annual Zig Ziglar Servant Leadership Award Banquet, which this year honored Mr. David Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby, for his faith in God and a spirit of generosity that drives him and his company toward excellence. The ban-quet raised a large percent-age of the more than $2.5 million donated to Sponsor-A-Child, which will assist with students’ tuition for the 2015–16 school year.

In living out the theme of “Loving Deeply, Living Wisely,” we are reminded that it is the Lord alone who imparts wisdom. With wisdom comes knowledge, and with knowledge understanding … wisdom to learn from the experiences the Lord gives us, and wisdom to learn from those He has put in our path.

Prestonwood Christian Academy’s goal of “Living Wisely” was lived out in many ways throughout the course of the year. Through prayer, discipleship, preparing for the future and consistently moving forward in our walk with Christ, PCA students, faculty and parents were able to serve Jesus by putting their faith into action.


“for the lord gives wisdom;

from his mouth Come

knowledge and understanding;

he stores up sound wisdom for

the upright; he is a shield to

those who walk in integrity.”

—proverBs 2:6-7

Our students lifted each

audience up tO the lOrd befOre

the curtains Opened.

PrayerWe know that we can “draw near to the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16) at any time. PCA Middle and Upper School students and their

Advisory Group leaders did so weekly as they met to discuss and pray over each week’s Chapel topic. See You at the Pole drew students on both campuses to pray for our school and our country, while the Grandparents Prayer Coffee brought be-loved grandparents together as they prayed over our Minimester trips. The fall play, Our Town, and spring musical, Beauty and the Beast, saw a bold season of prayer as our students lifted each audience up to the Lord before the curtains opened.

DiscipleshipIn looking to the Lord for wisdom, the PCA family was brought together through-out the year through many opportunities to become more like Christ. We started the school year in worship at the Back to School Day

All School Worship event, while the Middle and Upper School students were encour-aged during their retreats to use the theme of “Loving Deeply, Living Wisely” for

their own spiritual growth and focus for the school year. Our Middle School Pride of Brothers and Society of Sisters programs challenged students to be bold warriors for Christ and to measure true beauty according to their value in Him. Red Ribbon Week helped students in the Plano and PCA North Lower Schools learn that their body is a temple of the Lord, and the PCA North campus came together for a time of prayer and thanksgiving at their school-wide Thanksgiving Feast.

Preparing for the FuturePCA strives to prepare our graduates to be Godly leaders in order to influence their homes, churches and com-munities for Christ. This preparation for the future was demonstrated in many ways across both campuses

as families gathered on Back to School Day in preparation for the year to come and again in the fall to soak in the wisdom conveyed during the Biblical Worldview Institute. The Pre-K students were taught reverence during their visits to the Prestonwood Baptist Church Worship Centers while our older students learned leadership skills through our Student Leadership Institute. Our seniors were equipped for their next phase in life dur-ing College Prep sessions, while their Capstone Projects provided a glimpse of the academic rigor that awaits them. PCA’s Stand Up and Be Heard program prepared our younger students to speak effectively while our Mock Trial competition team put those skills to use in a most dynamic fashion.

Strategy and AdvancementJust as the Lord commanded Joshua and the children of Israel to go forward into the land He had promised, PCA is consistently moving forward with a prayerfully designed strategy for advancement. Dr. Larry Taylor, PCA’s Head of School, consistently shares what he believes to be God’s direction for our school each fall during our State of School gathering as our Strategic Task Force diligently plans for the school’s future. Our campus-wide Curriculum Nights offer parents an overview of each student’s academic direction for the

year, while our PCAplus blended learning campus offers a variety of online and on-campus academic disciplines.

our middle sChool pride of Brothers and soCiety of sisters

programs Challenged students to Be Bold warriors for Christ

and to measure true Beauty aCCording to their value in him.



Reverence for God is the beginning point of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). Without reverence and recognition of God then education essentially is secular. Learning to think and discern (Hebrews 5:14) as a mature believer in Christ is undergirded by authentic respect and love for our Lord. 

An Eternal Perspective is interdependent with reverence. This type of perspective gives us purpose in our work and it develops a strong work ethic because we know and understand that we are working to please and honor God (Colossians 3:23). The Latin phrase on our school crest, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (for God’s greater glory) frames our motives. 

Humility is then cultivated when one recognizes that our life is about Him, we are ‘serving-as-His-leader.’ Recognizing that God has bestowed intellect, talents and gifts upon us takes the focus off of us and rightfully places it on our Lord. This compels us to demonstrate the love and attitude of Jesus Christ to all people, characterized by selflessness, servant-hood (Philippians 2:2-11) and a lifestyle of obedience to seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33).

The process of learning, or scholarship, is conditioned by reverence, eternal perspective and humility. The Christian liberal arts environment nurtures the mind to become eager to learn, think and analyze. All knowledge and every academic discipline is appreciated, and not for a ‘grade’ per se, but because the very process of learning—scholastic excellence becomes a commitment to disciple the mind. Using our mind to not only magnify God but to serve as His ambassador in areas of law, business, medicine, engineering, education, ministry and any assignment God calls us to is an act of obedience and reverence. The development of a biblical worldview is the fruit of this process. 

Rigor, high expectations and accountability complement the entire learning environment as students grow accustomed to striving for excellence. Problem-solving, thinking, critical analysis and synthesis strengthen the mind and become natural thought processes. The apostle Paul encouraged the Corinthians to strengthen their mind (II Corinthians 10:5), including all systems of philosophy, opinions, and powers of reason being subject to the Word of God. A culture of rigor serves as a catalyst to pursue excellence in every area of one’s life.

I N C O M E! & ! G I V I N G

Our theme for the 2014-2015 school year was “Loving Deeply, Living Wisely,” and I truly believe

we demonstrate this through giving back to our church, our community, our school and others.

It has been wonderful to see this theme exemplified in our students’ attitudes, our teachers’ and

our administration’s focus and, of course, our parents’ contributions of prayer, involvement and

financial support.

As we move into our next school year, my prayer is that the momentum building over the last

12 months will continue to intensify and each of us will get even more involved, continuing to be

passionate evangelists for Kingdom education and Prestonwood Christian Academy. What we have

at PCA is unique; it is wonderful, and it is a model for Christian schools around the world. We are all

part of something truly excellent, truly unique, and, I believe, truly Kingdom impacting.

I encourage you to continue to show the love of Christ, continue to allow God’s Word to guide you each

step of the path He has set before you. We each have been given an opportunity to impact the world for

Christ. Let’s embrace that calling with all we have and all we are!


Tom Sherman

PCA Board Chair

Dear PCA Family,On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees, I would like to say “THANK YOU” for your tremendous support of our wonderful school, Prestonwood Christian Academy. Your contributions make an undeniable and far-reaching impact on our students, our faculty and other parents! So, please know this THANK YOU is from my heart!

(Eleven Months Ended May 31, 2015)

Including other designated & capital giving (unaudited)

! PCA Fund $558,221 17%

" Initiatives (including Endowment gifts) $854,347 26%

# Sponsor-A-Child (SAC) (restricted for 2015–16 school year) $703,313 22%

$ Other Designated $1,130,846 35%________________________________________________________________

Grand Total $3,246,727 100%

Total Giving








For the year ended June 30, 2015 (unaudited)

! Operating Income, Tuition & Fees $21,463,768 94.3%

" PCA Fund $558,221 2.5%

# Sponsor-A-Child Recognized $548,290 2.4%

$ Other Donations & Fundraising $189,832 0.8%________________________________________________________________

Grand Total $22,760,111 100%

Operating Income

note: PCA operates on a balanced budget. Approximately 70%

of Operating Revenues are used for salaries and personnel related

costs, with 30% being used for operations, student expenses and

debt service.

2. 5% 0. 8%2. 4%

94.3% 01

02 03 04 02



Category Total_____________________________________

% Annual Giving $2,401,930

& Capital Giving $659,053

' Endowment Giving $185,744 _____________________________________

Grand Total $3,246,727

Overall Giving


What a blessing it is to be part of a school that is committed to celebrating the value of “Loving Deeply, Living Wisely.” I’m sure if we were to take the time to reflect upon the past year, we would see countless expressions of this year’s theme lived out in the lives of our students, parents, faculty and staff. W 74%










0201 02


Constituency % of Category__________________________________________________

% Current Families 42%

& Foundations & Corporations 25%

' Alumni Families 8%

( Friends 8%

) Grandparents 9%

* Trustees 4%

+ Faculty 4%__________________________________________________

Grand Total 100%

Giving by Constituency

Category Total_____________________________________

% Margin of Excellence—PCA Fund $558,221

& Tuition Assistance—Sponsor-A-Child $703,313

' Other Annual Giving $1,140,396_____________________________________

Grand Total $2,401,930

Annual Giving










9%4% 4%

One of the blessings of helping produce PCA’s Annual Report is the opportunity to reflect upon

the many individuals and families who have made it possible to celebrate another successful school

year. It’s easy to let the school year pass without giving careful thought to the fact that so many have

invested in PCA’s vision to impact students for eternity; something for which I am sincerely grateful.

The financial commitments listed in this Annual Report represent investments in PCA’s three primary

giving opportunities: Annual Giving, Capital Giving and Endowment Giving. Each of them is vitally

important to the immediate and long-term success of our school.

It is important as well to acknowledge the many, who in addition to their generous gifts, invested

significant time serving on committees, serving as leaders in our Special Interest Groups and generally

supporting the endeavors of the school. Thank you!

This school year was exceptional. The Lord’s blessing was evident in every area of PCA life. Please know

that in responding to His leading to invest generously in PCA, the Lord used you to be part of that

blessing. What must He have in store for us next year?


Angel De Leon

Senior Director of Development


Cary and Traci Paulette 10Bob and Linda Paulk 3Charles and Diana Pendley 9George and Valerie Phillips 2Jeff and Cyndi Poulter 1Dale and Lisa Ray 1John and Shelley Raymond 1David and Heather Reed 2Steve and Trudy Reed 12+Rob and Leigh RenickRob and Sherise Richey 5Joey and Terri Roach 1Art and Joanie Rutherford 3Jeff and Lisa RyanJohn and Patti RyanMonty and Kellee ScottMark and Denise Sees 1Craig and Linda SherwoodBarney and Vicki Shupe 1Alan and Paula Sims 3Jamie Smith 10Scott and Carmen SmithJeanna Soper 2Kevin and Charlotte Spivey 12+Ken and Ami Stephens 8Tony and Paula StephensMelissa StevensonDavid and Kim Stidham 2Tim and Quyen Tate 4Larry and Delinda Taylor 12+Dan and Susan ThomasDonna ThomasMitch and Kathi Wagnon 1Dennis and Debra WalkerJim and Cheryl Wicker 1Jeri Williams 1Paul and Lori WilliamsWalter and Cheryl Williams 1Daniel and Sheree Wolfe 6Jeff and Marcy Woods 1

FriendsAnonymous (13)Phyllis Abrahamson 9Karen AbramsApril AdamsDarrick AdamsRandy and Nancy AddisonLeslie AhrensRuby AkahoshiSarah AlbrachtKaye AlbrightJessica AlguireMatthew and Kristen AllcornJan AllredTerri AllredDeAnna AltpeterJohn and Olga AlvarezDonna AmbrogioMike AndersonRuthie AndrusSteven AnglinJames AnselmoJeffrey and Molly AnsleyVance and Valinda AppleStephanie AramanMichael and Nicole ArenasBrenda ArmendarizMike ArnoldJudy ArvyHank and Toni Ascher 2April Ashton 2Hugh and Gloria AshtonPeniel and Ade AusteAlan and Martha BabcockBenjamin BaileyKeri BairdLauren BaizeBruce and Mary Ann BakerJamaal Baker 2Michelle BakerNanette BakerThomas and Paula BalchBrian BallRyan BallLynn and Ava BallardLynnette BalserShannon BandyGary and Kimberly BannisterDavid Barbour

Ruth BarclayPatricia BarefieldPatty BarlowTerri BarrickRhoena BassTommy and Suzy BastianGreg and Krista BatesClaire BeachBeverly BeckendorffAnthony and Amber Beckles 2Karen BedfordLloyd BedfordDan BeecroftScott and Jana BellJohn and Liz BenderJanis BennettRegina Bergeron 8Alan and Terri Bernard 2Chuck and Elizabeth BirdleboughJim Bishop 1George and Carol BjorkmanPhil and Suzanne BlackstoneCharles BlackwellDavid BlairLinda BlakelyJennifer BlankenshipTamra BlankinshipKevin BloyeWilliam BluemBob BobbittLance BobbittRoy and Kathy BobbittDeborah BoehmSam and Kay BolemanPerry and Patsy BolinLeslie and Barbara BondGreg Booth 1Erin BowersMichael BowlerGlynis BowmanPowell and Joyce BoxPatrick and Tiffany Boyce 2Mark and Millie Boyd 1Milton and Joyce BoydstunDerek and Holly BradleyDouglas and Mary BradleyJames BrandonVicki BranscomeRonald BraseltonLynn BreedloveKelley BrewerTimothy Brewer 1Charleene BriggsDwayne BrinkleyDon BrooksSydney BrooksWendy BrooksCatherine BrotemarkleEdward BrownOwen and Ann BrownPriscilla BrownSheryl BrownTrevor BrownKirk BuchananGary BuckNiva BuniffMary BurchErnest BurfordJacob BurkettVickie BurrCourtney BurrageCheryl BurrisMajor BurseySteven and Deborah BurwellBen and Terry ByersJason and Stephanie ByrdMarco CaballerosJohn and Toni CaithnessRon CalhounScott CallanderRobert and Tasha CalvertPeter and Malia CamerinoRay and Helen CanterburyIan CapewellRichard CappadonaStephanie CarenzaMary CareyJune CarlsonKevin and Virginia CarninoFrank Caro

Arkie Dove CarricoMichael CarrollTerry and Joan CarrollRonald CarverClarence and Joyce CaulfieldJohn and Annette CawyerShelly ChangBrandon ChapmanFlaminia ChapmanRoscoe ChapmanBeatrice CharlesRavi and Pod ChittajalluBob and Susan Chitwood 2Putt and Fifi ChoateClyde and Debra ChristensenJason ClaiborneAdam ClelandWilliam ClineSharon ClingmanJoshua and Jenny CobbsAlfred CoeKatrina CokerLarry ColbertGeorge and Rose ColeLetisa ColeScott and Esther ColeThomas CollierDeborah ColluraCarol CollyerDebra CooneyLamar and Diana CooperTimothy and Gloria CoppageDaniel CorbyCamaron CorrRobert CoshlandMolly Coulter 3David CoveneyCarlene CoxDenise Crabbe 8Larry CragheadJulie CraigKevin CraigPhilip and Jan CraikCarol CravenRicky CreelStephanie CriseMichael CromleyChristopher CrysdaleLarenthia CunninghamAshley CupstidJames and Cathy CushmanMeghan CushmanCaroline DaggsParker DailKenneth DailyRobert and Christy DavidsonAngela DavisJudy DavisKaren DavisCynde Davis-HolmesTimothy and Lynn DawsonDaniel De ArmasDavid de ArmasCindy de Leon 9Jeremiah De MossRichard and Marvel De WittDavid DeanMark and LaDohn DeanMichael DeanVicki DeckerDebbie DelkMichael and Martha DemottMarty DenBraberTim DenkerHarold and Joanne DentJoe Don DentonSarah DewsWilliam DewsPamela DianeRosalind Diaz-MaesoBilly and Frances DickersonDonna DimitriGrant and Karyn DismoreJudy DobbsMelvin DodsonTom and Tina Dodson 12+RR DomerCristen DopsonDavid DoughtieKenneth and Lucy Douglas

Lynn DowMichael and Patricia DrakeKenneth DriscollKent and Angela DriskillEdward DunkleJeremy and Lindsey DurrettSandra DuttonRicki EbnerCarol EckelMatthew and Laura EdgemonThomas EggarMichael ElertRalph and Rose ElliotMargaret ElliottRob and Peggy ElliottJohn and Susan Ellis 4Lawrence and Shelly EmbryParker and Jill EngDavid and Rachel EppersonBrad EwingMarty and Debra EzellMitchell and Kristen FagelmanFolake FamilusiTricia FamilusiYemi FaniranTracy FarhadHolly FarmerA.G. and Becky FaulknerEric FeltonAlbert and Janey FentonRandall and Cynthia FergusonRandy FergusonDavid and Sandra FidaScott and Dana FieldsChristopher and Deborah FigliolaLaura FilarSheila FippsDavid and Adawndria FisherDavid and Sandra FisherLillian FlakesLinda FloresNell FloydTom and Pam FolksHannah FonstadJames ForresterLen and Laura FossierRoss Fraser-SmithEddie and Nancy FrenchGlenn and Jayme Gaines 2Cheri GalvanErma GambleLatanya GambleR. GammenthalerHannah GarciaJason GarciaLeslie GarnerBradley GarrisonDavid and Teresa Garrison 1Joe GarzaAlbert GaydosVictor and Phlecia GearyJohn GeiserRoger and Mary Elizabeth GekiereRobert and Carol GibbonsKristy Glashagel 4Jeff GlassRobert and Shelly GleasonSydney GleseyPerry GloverAllison GockeCraig and Debbie GockeKelsey GockeLance GockeTyler GoldbergJoseph and Stacy GolovachElizabeth GomezNathan and Angela GoodellKaren GoodfellowTom GorePaul and Jsonja GrantKathy GreenPaul and Linda GreenBrad and Virginia GreshamAmy GriffinKen and Tara GriffinJordan GriffisMarci GriffithSuzanne GriffithRay GrimmShanygne Gullickson

Richard GulsonNolan GuyerSteve GuynesRichard HadleyLilian Haeger 3Harold HagaBrett and Candice HageCarla HaggertyCarolyn HallElizabeth HallGlenn and Rebecca Hall 1Lugenia HallAndrew and Amy HalterTeddy HammondJohn and Lynn HamptonCary and Melody HancockDon and Ashley HardinKatherine HardinJennifer HareLindsay HargroveRaymond and Victoria HargroveMark and Christy HarmsKaley HarperKeena HarrisKelvin HarrisLuther HarrisTy HarrisWilliam and Margo HarrisonDavid and Julie HartDarren HartyDavid HartyPaul HarwellCraig and Michelle HauszJeremiah and Elizabeth HayesMarvin and Virginia HayesBen HaynesJan HaynesMelissa HaynesJon HazelipMichael and Meghan Head 5Emmett and Tasha HealyE.F. and Rebecca HeckelPatty HelyPaul HemmeJennifer HenardJoe HendersonMargo HennigBradley and Dorothy HickersonThomas and Diane HickmanJames HicksJeffrey and Laurie HiettLynn HigginbothamKeith and Janet HightKimberly HightowerAngela HillDavid and Barbara HillDerrick and Dena HillLaura HillOwen and Anne HillRobert and Mary HillWilliam HillJim and Pam Hillhouse 1Robert and Evelyn HindsBarry and Gwen Hobbs 10Angie HochheiserTeresa HolifieldShelley HollingsheadEugene and Pricilla HollisRosalie HooverPaige Horras

Names with a numerical designation represent the number of consecutive fiscal years donors have given to the PCA Fund

t h a n k y o u t o o u r

Corporations and Foundations

Action Real EstateAdvoCare International, LLCAll Creatures Veterinary CenterAllerganAmazonSmileAmerican Bank, N.A.Anglin Family Investments, LPAT&TAyco Charitable FoundationBabe's ChickenBacio Fashion AccessoriesBailey's AcademyBank of AmericaBenchmark MortgageBenham Orthodontics, P.A.Bentley UniversityBetty Reiter PropertiesBig Rocks Foundation, Inc.Black Sheep Restaurant GroupBob Bobbitt CompanyBoosterthon Fun RunBread Zeppelin SaladsBridgeman Dental, Inc.Buddy Carter, LLCCafe MilaCardinal SportsCastle Hills Schools

Foundation, Inc.CausecastChamberlain's Steak and

Chop HouseChaplaincy Ministries, Inc.Charity Partners FoundationChildSmile Pediatric DentistryCommercial Insurance SolutionsCommunities Foundation of TexasCook Living TrustCraghead Investments, Inc.Creative Arts AllianceCriswell CollegeCross DevelopmentCura EnvironmentalCurry OrthodonticsDallas Baptist UniversityDan Harker - Harker 5 Star TeamDelicate Moving SystemsDevonshire DentalDH Aerospace, LLCDillas QuesadillasDrew Slater Memorial

Charitable Account

Dungans FloorsEd Jordan Management GroupEministries Consulting, Inc.Enterhealth/The Point GroupFarris Evans Insurance AgencyFidelity Charitable Gift FundFoundation Coaching GroupFreedom Profit RecoveryFusion Academy PlanoGartner-Matching Gift CenterGeorge Q. Adams, DDS, MSDGirl Scouts Of Northeast TXGrace Eye ClinicGraham Associates, Inc.Gray Revocable TrustGregory A. Grave, DDSGrin Central Station, LLPGuardian Freight Partners, LLCGuardsmark, LLCGuidestone Financial ResourcesGupta OrthodonticsHawkins MinistriesHawkstorm AcademyHeritage Keepers Hobby LobbyHubbard Dental, PCIn-N-Out BurgerISS Facility Services, Inc.Jackrabbits Track ClubJCPenney Community FoundationJetpack Ventures, Inc.JPMorgan Chase FoundationKate Brewer PhotographyKeller Williams FriscoKent & Claire Hope Family TrustKJ Dance, Inc.Kraft Foods Group FoundationLe ChateauLennox International, Inc.Letcher Holdings, Inc.Liberty InstituteLivewire FitnessLQ Management, LLCMain Street Assurance

Services, Inc.Manders MaintenanceMassey CadillacMcDougal and Richards DentistryMemoriesMamaMeridian Mortgage Financial, LLCMetten HoldingsMilestone Electric and AirMississippi CollegeMIT DistributorsMooyah Burgers Fries ShakesMorgan StanleyMorochMullis Newby Hurst, LPNan Walvoord Sole ProprietorshipNational Christian FoundationNature Nate's NaturalNetwork For GoodNew York Life Insurance Co.Newks Express CaféNissan Of McKinneyNorth Texas Insurance AgencyNorthwestern Mutual — DallasNorthwestern Mutual — FriscoNorthwestern Mutual

Financial NetworkOffice Furniture TeamOrthoTexas Physicians and

Surgeons, PLLCParent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)Park Cities AestheticsParker School Uniforms, L.P.Parkhaven Dental CarePartners National Real Estate

Group, Inc.Paul A. Griffin, DDS, PAPepsico FoundationPharmaceutical Strategies GroupPhoenix Construction Co.Pie Five Restaurants, Inc.Pizzeria Testa, LLCPowerpoint Ministries

PrattLaw, PLLCPrecision Warehouse Design, LLCPremier Designs, Inc.Prestonwood Baptist ChurchPrestonwood FoundationPrestonwood Sports OrganizationProvidence International

Enterprises, Inc.Raising Canes USA, LLCRaymond E. Payette TrustRedeemer SeminaryRemax DFWRichardson Bike Mart, Inc.Riverbend Sandler PoolsSandy's Dancewear TooSchoolPix, Inc.Shari's Family Pet Spa, LLCShell Oil Company FoundationSimple ThingsSky Ranch, Inc.Smoothie KingSolace SalonSooner National Property

Management, LLCSouthlake General ContractorsSportsCare & RehabilitationState Farm Insurance - John B.

MooreState Farm Insurance - John M.

HammanSurface Works, Inc.Surgical Robotics InstituteTexas 2 StitchTexas Back Institute Physicians, PATexas Instruments FoundationTexas Orthopaedic Association,

LLPTexas Tech UniversityTexplor of Dallas, Inc.The Good Works CompanyThe Kimberly Clark FoundationThe Nancy Sims Family TrustThe Noble GroupThe Norweb FoundationThe Saunders Family TrustThomas Whitaker Allstate AgencyThrailkill All Metals FabricatingTom's Auto Transport, Inc.Toyota of RichardsonTumble Progression, LLCVanguard CharitableVintage Equities, LPWells Fargo FoundationWhitley Family DentalWicker Park HomeWilliams & Sivie, DDSWings By Metten, Ltd.Y&A Inc - Foot Spa

AlumniAnonymous (1)Billy Agee ('09) 1Tyler and Jennifer Jeffcoat ('06)

Amburn 1Jonathan Backof ('05) 1Breuer Bass ('15)Nick and Alex Paulette ('06)

Bellamy 4Katie Blanc ('06) 3Courtney Caldwell ('12) 1Josh Caldwell ('10) 1Josh Carter ('06)Hannah Causey-Hedquist ('15)Whitney Clark ('09)Nicole Clevenger ('09)Ashleigh Conway ('05) 1Destiny Crawford ('15)Nick Daigle ('11)Amber de Armas ('14)Aaron DeLeon ('10) 1Jordan Denniston ('10)Lillian Dove ('13) 1Landen Ellis ('09)Michael ('06) and Caitlin FechnerCarlee Finkelstein ('10)

Garrett Finkelstein ('08)Breanna Herron ('15)Antoinette Iroko ('13)Alex Jones ('15)Paige Massey ('14)Trent McIntyre ('15)Isaiah Meador ('10) 1Billy Popoff ('14)Cesia Rodriguez ('15)Trevor and Ashley Pyle ('08)

RudzinskiMichael ('09) and Leah Lindley

('09) Shell Blake Shrauner ('14)Clint and Anna Brewster ('12)

Staude 1Eric Stevenson ('15)Bryce Taylor ('07) 1Chas Taylor ('13) 1Luke ('09) and Ruth Anne Taylor 1Addyson Webber ('15)

Alumni GrandparentsAnonymous (1)Judy AleknaSally Beeson 1Bob and Jo Ann BottsLarry and Nannette BrucheyDorothy ClarkKermit and Shirley ClarkFully and Gloria ClingmanDavid and Darlene Cole 7Doris ColvardRonald and Margaret ConradiElton and Gloria CowardGeorge and Patsy CrosbySteve and Carol DragomireTed and Sally DysartBuddy and Betty FormbyMartha HaunAndy Horner 1Carolyn HunterBarbara Jones 6David and Jane KayHyun and Kyung Kim 1Barbara KunclSue MeadorPatricia MimsFred and Donnie MuensterAnne OwnbyJoy PoulterJoyce QuickBobby and Phyllis RayFarrell and Barbara Ray 2Cal and Millie Reed 10Arthur RobertsG.L. and Treva SandefurGeorge and Jan ShafferAlton and Lois Smith 1James and Barbara ValkJim and Linda Wicker 1Eugene and Carol WilsonGary and Jeanette WoosterJoAnn Wyman 1Jean Ziglar

Alumni ParentsAnonymous (13)Rob and Jane Agee 12+Carl and Beth AndersonJeff and Jean Anthony 1Larry and Denise Armstrong 8Phil and Annette Armstrong 11Alan and Marsha Backof 10Steve and Terri Bass 3Mark and Julie BatesMatt and Laura BaynhamMike and Karen Beeson 5Michael and Amy Biavati 3Guy and Susan BirkenmeierTim and Kathy Boobar 8Lisa BowdonBill and JoAnn Brewer 1Rick and Barbi BriscoeJerry and Elba Brown

Larry and Tina BrubakerKevin and Lora Bryant 2Loretta CalhounScott and Carnie CarpenterBuddy and Lori Carter 3Scott and Sandy Cassady 2Richard and Lisa ChamberlainJay and Marie ChanaaJeff and Sheri ChaponickBrad and Lisa Clark 12+Jay and Debi Clark 8Scot and Cristina ClevengerJay and Lisa ClingmanRic and Celeste Cordon 12+Vanessa Coward 1Byron and Kathy Crabb 8Dan and Kristine CrawfordWesley and Lissa Crawford 1Debbie Cunningham 3John CunninghamCharles and Elizabeth DaigleDanielle Dalton-WebbBryan and Kimberly Davis 2Cindy DavisAngel and Paige DeLeon 2Jeff and Gayla DennistonFielding and Lynn DunlapGary and Sallie Dunlap 1Johnson and Beth EllisJim and Kathy EveridgeLaura FechnerJohn and Carol Ferguson 12+Jeff and Mary Carl Finkelstein 12+Cliff and Gail FischerDavid and Susan Franjac 5Nancy Furney 4Scott and Alicia GardnerGreg and Patty Gobin 8Mike and Kathy GraceTim and Laurie Haese 3Owen and Reesa HaggardMichael and Rachel Hardin 2Tim and Leslie HatfieldPat and Angela Hazelip 4Scott and Sherri HillEric and Darla HollabaughJim and Ann Hopson 1Allen and Kristi Hudson 5Bill and Jessica HuffNina JacksonJim and Jan Jeffcoat 11Lon and Rue Johnson 10Mark and Rebecca JonesKim KeltyDoug and Angie King 12+Ray and Jackie King 12+Paulette KleinChris and Ashlee KleinertJohn and Libby Klingstedt 1Leonard and Angela KyleChris and Terri LaMendola 12+Saundra LanierMark and Shannon Lichty 2Bill and LaTrease Lindley 12+Jim and Laura Lord 2Mike and Leigh Anne MaackTim and Sharon Marcinko 9Sheba MathewChris and Kristi McCampbellMike and Laura McCollumPhil and Cassandra McKee 2Becky McLain 2Ron and Karen Meador 10Glenn and Trissy MillsDavid MissimoGreg and Laura Mitchell 5Ron and Melanie Mittel 10Alan and Diwana MonkMonty and Angela MontgomeryMatthew and Chandra MuensterSteve and Sarah Murray 6Dave and Stacy Nabasny 1Danny and Michele NafeyDennis and Kathryn OliverTodd PaceJerry and Teresa Patton 12+


t h a n k y o u t o o u r

Julie SumnerRonald SylviaCodie and Margaret TaackJeff and Lauralea TannerLaura TaskerReginald TateBrian and Marcia TaylorDavid and Kelley TaylorKenneth and Paige TaylorBill TeemerChris and Cindy TerhuneAnne TerrallArdith TerrellDaniel and Robin Tharpe 3Claire ThibodeauErica ThomasMary ThomasDawn ThompsonJason ThompsonGlenda Thornal 1Matthew ThornberryTonya ThornburghBilly and Kathy ThrailkillJune ThrashPhillip TilgerKaren Timms 2Betty TiptonGlen and Jody TolarKristina TorresSteve TramBill TravisGretchen TrippDanny and Leesa Trout 3David TruettJ C and Lynda TruittKristin TrumbauerMechiell TuckerHeather TylerAdam UmphenourCharles and Martha Underriner 3Steve UptonJon and Yvonne Valasek 9Adam ValdezSherri ValentaDanny ValenzuelaRob and Deb ValloFlorencio VarelaJuan and Stacey VargasChristie VarnerKim VelaDan and Cornelia VellengaMark VenableJoel and Rachelle VinyardPaul and Charla VinyardBeth VrabelEric WadeReid and Julie WadeTerry and Lana WadeCatherine WagnerAshton WaldropKenneth and Ro're WaldropCassandra WalkerCathy WalkerPerrin WalkerWarranetta WalkerGerald and Priya WallAngela WallaceSharon WallaceSandra WaltersIzabella WardMatthew WardKrista WarrenShawn WarrenTim WarrenWangeci WaruruBarbara WashingtonJames WatsonLonnie and Donna WattersonWilliam and Marcia WeaverMark and Sarah WeeksGary and Beth WeingardenBarbara WeiszhaarLynley WernkeJohn WerraJames WestSharon WestRichard and Josefa WestonPeggy WeygandtCallie WhaleyClint Wheeler

David and Karen WheelerTimothy WheelerClifford WhiteEdward and Cheryl WhiteMichael WhithurstHenry WhitingShannon WhittenLisa WiedenfeldJustin and Lindsay WiggainsKelli WilkinsTasha WilkinsonDebbie WillettFrancis and Camilla WilliamsJim WilliamsLes WilliamsRichard WilliamsConnie WilliamsonAndrew WilsonDon WilsonFreida WilsonJohn and Kathleen WinegardSheri WiseHershal and Rebecca Wolfe 1Glenda WoodGlenn and Mary WoodMark and Julie WoodwardWayne WootenLinda WorrellJennifer WorstellHoward YaosJames YeagerMark and Tammye York 8Delmas YoungRuss YoungRyan YoungTodd YoungDenise ZarinsGary and Julie Zarycki 1

GrandparentsAnonymous (4)Larry and Vicki AbbottDwight and Kaye AbramsJames and Glenda AdianDon and Grace AguileraLeslie AkersDewey and Linda Alexander 1Fred and Monica AlexanderJoel and Kathy AllenJeston AlleyDirk and Marcy AllisonTerry and Sandra AndersonWilliam and Lauren Anderson 1Phil and Judy AramanDavid and Barbara Baize 1Debi BakerCheryl Ball 2Sally BallisCharles and Dianna Barnes 1Thomas and Elsie Barnes 1Keith and Margaret BartonDoug and Lucy BatchelorMadeline BateTom and Marianne BealMerlyn BeemanJudy Benedict 1Susan Bennington 1Jack and Carol BerginPershing and Dennise BerthelotDick and Dena BlackwellWanda BoothJoyce Bordelon 4Renato and Juliet BositaGene and Gail BoultonJoyce Bovee 1Elva BowmanBrent and Sandra BoyettNancy Bradley 1Gerald and Truetta BrandtRon and Pam BraseltonJim and Linda BrayKathryn BrentsJerry and Gloria BrewsterAnna Belle BroussardWilliam and Jane Brummett 6Richard and Pat BuchananBill and Kay BurchardGerald and Tina BurksThomas and Margaret Bursey 1Don and Linda Burton

Elaine BusseyJohn and Patricia CallanderStephen and Carol CampbellPeter and Wyvonne Cantrell 5Anselmo and Lucy CantuLinda CarrollMable CaseGerald and Elonda CassadyHoward and Pat ChastainNeil and Linda CheathamRon and Kay CherryCharles and Marsha ChildersJohn and Linda ChildersMae ChisolmBob and Patti ClaarEvelyn ClarkBob and Una CoffmanVirginia CoffmanLee and Pat CookKen and Millie CooperDon CorleyJohn and Susan Corley 6Jerry and Judy CoxBuddy and Margaret CrossBarbara CrutcherDean and Carolyn CunninghamLyndal and Loretta DaleDon and Grace Daniels 2Jack and Liz DaughertyJim and Nancy DavisLeo and Sylva Dennis 2Richard and Suzanne Dettling 2Jim and Susan deVennyBill and Susan DickensBob and Judy DietzeWilliam DillardRobert and Faith DilworthManuel and Theresa DossantosSteve and Susan DouglasJohn and Sheron DrewRick and Judi DunhamJune DunkleBill and JeryAnn DunnLloyd and Jody DurrettTed and Anslie Dysart 1Ken and Bobbi EdwardsRalph and Betty Ehren 1Ann EllisBarry and Mireille EmmettTom and Denise EppesRobert and Barbi ErskinePete Espinosa and Kristine KellyBruce and Donna Essebaggers 6Bob and Marianne EstyBob and Cindy FergusonClarence and Carol Fields 2Dorothy Fleming 1Michael and Sara Fleming 4Daryl and Lois FloodJohn and Nita FordMartha ForresterPaul and Verda FosterBill and Lisa FoustLou Ann FreemanDewey and Margie FullerSteve and Martha GaciriMitzi Gaines 7Sergio and Mairi GalveRobert and Barbara

GammenthalerJoe and Dana GantGil and Judy GarnerLarry and Suzy Gekiere, Sr.Shirley GerversRichard and Patsy GesinIdella GibsonGreg and Angie GielowGreg and Glenice GileRon and Jonnie GilliamDon and MaryBeth GilmerRay and Sharon GlassGerald GleasonDavid and Becca GloverNorman and Sonia GoldbergDiana GoldmanJan GonzalesHarold and Lena GrahamJack and Deb GrahamWilliam and Mary Gray 2Mike and Vicki Green

Jim Greer 1Suzanne Greer 1Les and Debbie GregoryTex and Paula Grubbs 1James and Janie GuessJack and Bonnie GuestJani GurleskiGrant and Leslie GuthrieEdward and Mary Beth Rose

HaaseLinda HagedornMilton and Lois HalbertJohn and Cari HallLinda HallmanHarvey HamptonCharles and Sandra HarbisonAnabel HardyJoe and Corrine HarnJohn HarrisErnie and Jolene HartmanDebby Hatchett 1O.S. and Susie HawkinsRon and Joy HaynesVince and Vivian HendersonMike and Linda HenrieLinda HenselRebecca HensonWilliam and Ann HerringDave and Candy Hickerson 1Gerald and Patsy HigdonBob and Kathy HillCharles and Jacquelyn HillClaude and Peggy HillJim and Beth HilliardLynette HilliardDan and Karen HoeckerSid and Jean HoferLinda HofstadterMike and Jill HolleyElizabeth HooperMelvin and Martha HoustonMelba HowardBetty HuckabyJames HurstKathy HurstRoger and Carol HuttonDoug and Wanda Hyde 1Don and Cyndi InkpenBruce and Marsha JacksonGaynell JacksonRichard and Veneta JacobsJohn and Florine JayroeDon and Rosalie JensenBill and Sharon JobeBilly Joe and Donna JohnsonBob and Harriet JohnsonDorothy JohnsonRic and Margaret JonesBob and Carol KaufmanDick and Carolyn KernalLauren KlinkerDavid and Lynn Kniffen 1Danny and Wanda KnightMark and Merry KnowlesTom and Roxana KonopinskiKeith and Ronda KoubaRobert and Camilla KvapilLinda LaneJim and Kathy LantripPatricia Lathan-HarklessAl and Debi LeeJack and Phyllis LeinenweberJack and Sarah LenhartHarvey and Shirley Letcher 1Anthony and Carol LewandowskiBob LewisJerry and Barbara LilleyAlice Lissner 1John and Karon LittleSharon LittleCharlie and Carol Loper 1Gary and Melody LoschenKenneth and Linda LottCalvin and Mary Lounds 1Charles and Penny LoweryAlan and Cindy Lukehart 1Tim and Sue MackeyMike and Charlene Madison 1Larry MalloryBonnie Manley

Ed and Jan MarshChuck and June MartinJim Martin 1Mary MasseyDean and Sandy MathewsJohn MatthewsCharlie and Heather MayhewPatsy McCownMary McCoyDavid and Mittie McDonaldBill and Jan McGaugheyClaire McGeeDennis and Jerry McGraw 5Nancy McLeodBarr and Ruth McReynoldsSandi Metten 2Aaron and Marty MeyerCalvin and Jeanette MillerBeverly MooreJim and Judy Moore 1Linda MooreLouis and Carolann MooreJim MorganMark and Holly MorrisJeff and Brenda MurphreeBill and Sherrie MurphyCalvin and Susan MurphyDanny and Elizabeth MuzykaMelvin Myers 4Ken and Jana NaceAlena NealRick and Helga NeedhamHarry and Judy NeillBuddy and Jan Noblett 8Carol NorfleetHarry and Pam NorwebRandy and Lynette O'Neal 4Charles and Grace OnyiSusan OrrPhil and Sue OvertonBetsy OwensPamela PaineBob and Linda Parker 1Elise ParkerBill and Mable Parks 1Jane ParsonsJames PasantBuddy and Cathy PattersonDottie PattersonFred and Kaye Perritt 1Dan and Kathy PershaCharles and Sandra PetersTom and Kiki PetersMike and Nancy PetersiliaJohn and Janice PevetoJohn and Tina PfisterBill and Leona PfohlRichard and Mary PhegleyCharlie and Vicky PhilipsWes and Rita PickettMary PierpontKim and Ruthie Poole 1Judy PostBill and Joanne PrewittCharles and Candace PriestRobert and Diann PyleRon and Donna PyleBeth RaffertyPeggy RagusDeana RaineyPaul and Bettye ReaJanelle RectorHenry ReidWayne and Betty ReiterThomas and Joyce RexChuck and Linda RhodesMike and Judy RichardsGarland and Claudette

Richardson 4Joy RingoMario and Rosie Rodriguez 4Yolanda RomoHoward and Judy RoppTom and Elaine RoseBrad and Candy RosenwaldFred and Patti RossiBobbie RossigionJim and Nona Rutherford 7Faye SaboLee and Celia Salinas

Matthew HowardPenni HowardCharles and JoAnn HowellDonna HowellWilliam and Carolyn HudsonJohn and Jennifer HuffmanMarshall and Shona HuffmanSharon HughesMegan HugheyRegina HulcyAngela HunnicuttDickie and Patti HunterNikki HurstPam Hurt 2Jason and Vicki HusePatricia ImaizumiCatherine IrwinJennifer JacksonJohn JacksonLana JacksonMark and Denise JacksonChacko JacobAnne JacobsThomas and Karen JacobsEJ JanikAli JeihaniCynthia JenkinsBinu JohnAddison JohnsonBarbara JohnsonBilly and Lee Ann JohnsonDebbie Johnson 2Holly JohnsonJames and Susan JohnsonJanice JohnsonJason JohnsonJustin JohnsonMarcus JohnsonMia JohnsonRon and Barbara Johnson 5Zachary JohnsonChristopher and

Kathleen JohnstonJoey JoinesChristina JonesCraig JonesJeanette JonesJohn JonesKim Jones 3Lenore JonesLindy and Kathryn JonesMary Calhoun Jones 1Miesha JonesWendi JonesGene and Joyce JordanMark JordanTodd JostBarbara KadingerPerry and Donna KallamBob and Lisa KargoMarvin and Kelli KarlowReagan KarlowiczJames KaskeTammy KasterkeNicholas and Evelyn KauffmanLela KaufmanTherese KeithJulie KellyTony KellyKim KennedyRicky KenwrightPatricia KeyGarland and Mary KiddRonny and Nancy KiehnBurt KingLoretta KingDavid and Kellie KiolbassaRuss and Janet KipkerWalter KirklandDana KiserDaniel and Brooke KleberJames and Cecilia KleinJohn and Beth KleinJanis KnightCarolynn KnoxTainy KoneBarton KoubaJustin KoubaPeggy KriegerCharles Kruger

Carla KruminsDanelle KrupaRichard KrupkaLauren KusmiezSalvator La MastraAmber LaBandtJohn LabunskiNathan LafonCurtis LampleyPatricia LaramoreLee LawrenceStephanie LawsonKen and Donna Leadford 1Hailey LealHector and Kelly LealBlake LeathTiffany LeclereEric and Lauren Leininger 3Aaron LenhartAdam LenhartCarol LenhartAndrea LeonMaria LeonJames LesterKari LesterAngela LeungDora LeungCraig LewandowskiBeverly LewisCalvin LewisMonica LimbrickJames LindquistJona LittleMichelle LittleTracy LittlejohnFred and Paula LivelyMarcy Lloyd 6Denise LohmanEdward LopezHarvey and Heather LopezJennifer LoveHolley LovedaySusan Lucas 3John and Jeree LukehartKatherine LundgrenSteven LyonsBrenda MaassTony MackRobert and Susan MaeyamaDominic MaggianoJose MaldonadoRobert MaloneWoody and Wanda MaluganiSharon MankinAaron and Jennifer ManleyTim MannschreckMonte and Shannon MarrsMichael and Donna MartinJessica MartinezIan MassonStephen MathewOlivia MaxwellPeggy MayStephen and Patti MayMitzi MayfieldTodd and Shannon MayneAngela McAdamsBarbara McBreenBart McCainCarmen McCullough-PannellRobert McDonoughAnne McGeeTamara McGowenAlicia McGurkDonna McIlroyBert and Karen McJimseyJason and Kelly McraeJed and Lauren MeauxNeal MeissnerStephen and Kristina MelendiDeonza MeltonThomas and Sarah MeltonAlbert and Pauline MengerKathryn MengerMegan MerrillPam Merryman 2Kathleen MetterDavid and Jeanne MeyerEric and Debra MichaudEric and Monica Mikes

Alton and Lee Ann MillerDarla MillerMeigs and Tori MillerMichael MillerNathan MillerStephanie MillerTanya Miller 1Monty and Jill MillinerJohn and Janet Miranda 10Robert MirelesElizabeth MitchellJacqueline MitchellSteven MitchellAdam MoffittRobin MojicaJeremy MonteRachel MontesDan MoodyElizabeth MooreRonnie and Heather MorenoJoe MorganHoracio and Milagros MorosSusanne MorrisonAdrianne MorrowLeslie MorseRon and Deb Moss 1Kevin and Dearborn MowryWilliam and Leanne MoyeJean MuddSharon MullJames MurithiTrent MurphreeEdward and Vicki MusallJennifer NejeraBeverly NelsonChristie NelsonMarilyn NelsonJeffrey NeuenschwanderReese and Allison NeumannCharlie and Nancy NewtonChi NguyenJeffrey NickMary NielsenGabrielle NikolinMichael and Jennifer Noel 1Cathryn NolanBen and Elizabeth Norris 8Cindy OatesJoshua OberheideLeeAnne OeschJames O'GormanKris OliverSarah OliveriMary OlsenErik and Jerica OlsonGeorge O'NealTravis and Jenni O'NealCharles and Jacqueline Onyango 3Bob OpdykeRobert and Evelyn OrrDavid OsborneMichael OswaldKelli OteyKeo OudomvilayA.J. and Pat OvertonSean and Traci OwenTed and Alana OwnbyCaroline OzymyGia OzyurtIstvan and Laura PalagyiAnita PalmerEd and Kelly ParadisoMartha ParkBrad ParkerNate Wilson and Meg

Parker-Wilson 3Toni ParkerSusan ParksWilliam and Teresa ParksChrista ParodiChris and Isabella PattersonDebbie PattersonJonathan PattersonRonald and Elizabeth PattersonPatricia Patterson-WilsonEric PeckB. E. Pena-ReamesBecky PennartzCarissa PennyMelanie Penton

Kimberly PenzCeleste PerezSergio PerezAlex Perry 1Joe and Linda PerryLaurie PertileJana PfaffenrothSuzanne PhillipsGina PickardTeresa PinedoAdam PlunkPaul and Judy PogueJim and Lynn PokornyCarisa PolancoRon PolstonAshton PopaKarrie PortoAmy PoulterAnna PowellDonna PowellDoreatha PowellGloria PowersPam PrewittTimothy PringleDan PritchettDana ProfferMelvin and Tina PughJoseph and Catrina PulejoSarah Pullen 1Craig and Karen PursellEver QuinonezApril RadcliffeKyle RainwaterHeather RallsPatti RamageAdam RamirezCurtis Randle ElGerald and Joyce RandolphAyesha RatliffDale RaymanMatt and Cindy RedingRandall RedmonGary and Leesa ReeceDerrick ReedKenneth and Pam ReedD.L. and Carla ReevesStan and Tami RenfroVictor RetaJay RexDianne RhodesWilliam RiceCarla RichardsonNora RichardsonLarry and Teresa RichterChase RiggsJudy RiveroKatie RobersonBrandon and Joy RobinsonDavid and Valerie RobinsonJulie RobinsonPatricia RobinsonBrenda Robson 2Charlotte RockGwen RodriguezRandy and Marta RoganBraeden and Megan Rogers 2Greg and Amanda RogersJarrod RogersHenry RolfeRosalie RolfeLydia RomanGary RommelRick and Jeanine RoofKeith and Lorraine RosburyJanet RoseTimothy and Stacy RoseAdam RosenwaldLeigh Ann RossRodney RowanMichael RowlandMelinda RudderBeverly RuffinMelanie RuffinLawrence and Kelley RumpsEmma RussellHarry and Darla Ryan 1Jaime and Beatriz SalazarHeidi SalbTheresa SalinasJenny Salmon

John and Kelly SalterAaron SamsulaWarren and Sherry SamuelsMichael and Paula SanbornGary SandersThomas SandersVicky SangsterReagan SantosRonald and Diana SantosSondra SaundersDavid SavageFrances SawyersFran SayesTy SchausterRoy and Kristin SchlinkertTerri SchmidtReed SchnittkerChris ScottDianne ScottGlenn and Jenny ScottLisa SeayRobert SeayTim SeifertTaylor SellersMark and Renay Shackelford 3George and Shirley ShaferStephen ShafferMatt and Robyn ShaheenNathan and Patty SheetsNatalia SheltonRoss and Lauren Shelton 1Linda ShetlerPam ShetlerNorma ShieldsMelissa ShipleyDon and Kay ShumateJim and Mary ShyMatthew SimmonsMichael SimmonsRon and Lisa SimmonsSummer SimmonsJeffry and Kathryn SimpsonStacey SimpsonStewart and Michelle SimsJeffrey SladkyKasie SlaterDaniel and Katherine Smith 1Daniel and Stephanie SmithGeorgie SmithJason SmithPamela SmithPaula SmithRay and Lena SmithRoxanna SmithScott SmithTimothy SmithDavid SmullinDavid SnedecorDwayne and Elizabeth SniderJacob and Valerie SnyderJason and Kaylan Snyder 1Matthew SnyderRobert and Candace SnyderHannah SolemDavid and Barbara SollyRowena SooPat SouterTodd SparksTruman and Jane SpringSteven and Patricia SprongLindsey SteckelStacey StephensJK SterlingBrandon StevenCody StewartPatti StewartStephanie StewartJames and Deborah StineMark StinsonCindy StokleyGlen StoverEric StrafelSandra StringerSusan StrittmatterJim and Julie StrotherLori StruemplerDana StryhalPaul StyrvokyJames and Virginia SukenikCindy Sullivan

Names with a numerical designation represent the number of consecutive fiscal years donors have given to the PCA Fund 2120

DONORSt h a n k y o u t o o u r

Peter and JoAnn SaltarelliGarry and Emma SchierlingKen and Maryann Schreiner 1Eddie and Ruby SchwarzSam and Diana Self 1Peggy SheehanPaul and Patricia ShepardBilly and Brenda SherrillMarion and Miriam Sickman 11Cheryl Simpson 1Steve and Lezlee SimpsonWesley and Martha SimpsonJay and Leigh Ann SimsLaDonna SimsLinda SimsJack and Betty SmithRichard and Linda SmithWilburn and Carol SmithBob and Lyn SmullinSteven SolomonCharles and Sherry SorrellNed and Janice SpiritasDick and Shirley SpoonerJudith SpurgeonTheresa StinsonRon and JoAnn StuddertNorris and Willie Mae SurrattJanice SwearenginPat SykesJoseph and Peggy TallalBill and Rose TaylorJane Taylor 1Gary and Judy TedfordWilbert and Ann TempletonDavid and Karen TharpJoey and Susan ThompsonTommy and Susan ThompsonKim ThomsonGary and Karen ThornGary and Elsie ThornberryRick and Fay TimminsFritz and Candy TorreyTom and Eileen TougheyDuane TrogdonEddie and Jean TroutEppie and Eileen TrujilloRay and Gloria TurnerEzekiel and Patricia TysonAlma VargasCarmen VaughnKim WaageEdward and Momoyo Wada 9Neil and Lela Wade 2Alan and Lynn WagnerRyan and Annell Wagner 1Allen and Jamie WaitesBob and Sandy WalkerGary WalkerTerry and Ann Wallberg 1Hal and Deanna WarnerClarence WeatherspoonRay and Betty WeeksLarry and Charlotte WeissTom and Cheri WestJohn and Sharon WhaleyRalph and Vermel WheatlyJim and Gloria WhiteBeth WhortonLowell and Nancy WiggainsRon and Evelyn WilkinsonCarolyn WilliamsLarry and Nancy Williams 2Wayne and Nancy WilliamsWillard WilliamsMike and Cindy WilliamsonFaris and Mary WilsonJeff and Trisha WilsonRandy and Donna Wilson 1John and Dianne WinchesterKen and Jan WinebrennerDanny and Betty WrightRichard and Jeanine WrightHenry and Linda YawnBill and Mary Todd YoungJim and Jan YoungChuck and Keren Zurbriggen

ParentsAnonymous (34)Matthew and Lauren AbbeneAsh and Miriam AbrahamDarren and Julie Abrams 1

Dan and Miesa AguileraErol and Dara Akdamar 1Labi and Shola Akere 1Jamie and Michelle AlbrachtKevin and Marla AlcornJon and Tammi AlexanderCoby and Sally Allen 1Jeff and Jennifer Anderson 4Jim and DeShawn AndersonChris and Jill AppleDoc and Whitney Applegate 1Kathy Araman 1Scott and Rhonda Arnett 1John and Sue ArnoldsFederico and Lubianka ArredondoLas and Cindy Arredondo 1Darron and Jill Ash 3Elizabeth Ashby 1Reed and Lara Ashmore 1Chad and Angie Atkins 1Brian and Lauren AulenbachElizabeth BackielChristopher Baize 1Andrea BallScott and Karen Ball 1Deron and Caroline BalmaRyan and Katie Bangert 1Xavier and Karen Bannis 2Lydia Barbie 1Steve and Andrea Bardwell 1Reynold and Tambria BarnesTricia Barnes 2Joe and Stephanie BarrettDan and Nickie BartlettMarlènè BatesCraig BeasonJennifer BeasonKathryn Beck 1Blake and Jennifer BeecroftJames and Lupita BeemanDamon and Leslie Belding 1Bill and Julie Bergeron 1Marc and Mary Berthelot 1Thomas and Erin BiesMike and Sue BinnsCory and Gayle BirdJim and Sally BishopJeff and Caroline Blackwell 1Twayne and Pam BlackwellKevin and Wendy Blaine 1Mark and Jodi Blanton 4Pete and Robin BluemGreg and Amy Bohn 1Bob and Erin BolesBecky Booth 3Michael BoothMark and Jennifer Boothby 3Rey and Judy BositaMatt and Michelle Boswell 1Dirk and Patty Bouma 2Karl and Carol Bovee 1Ryan and Jennifer Bovermann 1Mark and Maria Bower 1Gabe and Emilee Boyd 2Norman and Gwen BoyleRamsey and Karen BradberryJohn and Jaime Bradley 1Chuck and Claudia BrewerDrew and Patrice BrewerTom and Rhesa Brewster 6Brett and Lynne BridgemanJohn and Tiffany Brothers 1Darrell and Sara BrownGeorge and Jamie Brown 1Luke and Whitney Brown 1Mike BrownJim and Kristin Brull 2Scott and Cheryl Burns 9Kerry and Blythe Burt 1Steve and Valerie Buttry 2Steve and Donna ByrdKathy Caballeros 1Cassie Caesar 2Josh and Karen CaesarEddie and Paula Caldwell 10Shawn and Christine Callander 1Ricardo and Cynthia Camarena 1Shawn and Jamie Cantrell 2Richard and Julie Carlyle 2Tom Caron and Jan Mahlie 1Miguel and Patricia Carrion 1Allen and Mary Jane Carter 1Chad and Sarah Carter 1

Todd and Donna CashJohn Mark and Diana CassilRuben and Peggy CastanedaAudrey CauthenCraig Cauthen 1Byron and Emily ChambersJimmy ChapinParrish and Lisa ChapmanMark and Tish Charles 1Chris and Dana ChastainJason and April Chastain 2Gary and Gaila ChathamJason and Ginny Cherry 1Hannah ChijiokeChip and Melanie Childers 1Jeff and Mi Eun ChoiChris and Linda Chow 12+Nitin and Rachel ChristopherDean and Jill CioneDavid and Michelle Claassen 4Will and Mary ClarkJames and Susie ClarkeRon and Debbie CobbLee and Julie Colan 1John and Tamara ColbertCarson and Margaret ColemanBarry and Carlana Coles 12+Donna CookKen and Holly Copeland 2Niesha Copeland-CraigJason Corley 6Jay and Sundee CorleyKatherine Corley 6Warren and Mona CorwinJohn and Brenda CothranChris and Sara Cowman 1Alan and Farrah CoxJeremy and Jill Cox 1Ernest and Julie CrawfordJerry and Mary CrawfordLen CritcherPamela CritcherTodd and Krystal Cross 1Tommy and Laura Crouch 1Michael and Colette Crouse 4Tait and Joy Cruse 4Brian and Diane CrutcherChris and Dana CunninghamClint and Alason CurtisLayton and Summer DaleDenise DanielMatt and Elizabeth Darden 3Jeffrey and Kristi DavidsonBrian and Shelly Davis 1Josh and Trisha Davis 1Kevin and Kerry Davis 1Delton and Pam de Armas 1Charlie and Nadajalah Dean 1Jeffrey and Belinda DeArman 1Bobby and Brintha DevadossJay and Betsy deVenny 1Steve and April DeVoreRajiv and Anu DhawaleMario and Debra DianaBill and Julie DickensCharlie and Tracy Dickerson 1Wyatt and Wendy Dickson 1Stephen and Traci Donaldson 1Dan and Patty Donohue 1Tony and Janet DorsettBrooks and Julea Douglass 1Jim and Kimberly DoyleDan and Jennifer Drake 1Michael Dugan 1Trent and Jenna Dunham 1Clayton and Kristin Dysart 1Kelly and Keri EarlsJustin and Courtney EbersoleKeith and Catherine Edmunds 1Nathan and Dana Edwards 1Virdel and LaTrisa EdwardsGreg and Cynthia Ellington 7Wayne and Tammy ElliottJeff and Beth English 1Scott and Dana Epperson 12+Juan Carlos and Yenny EscheikMark and Jenitta EskewTJ and Berkley Estes 1Derek and Elaina Esty 1Brian and Sarah EubanksDemetric and Aungel EvansMercy EverettLee and Erin Ezzell

Greg FaulknerDan and Lisa Feather 1Mike and Virginia Ferer 1Kyle and Christy Ferguson 1Sal and Karla Fira 1Amy Fisher-Smith 1Brian and Christine FlageJason and Brandi FloodShelley FloodKeith and Tasha FluellenMike and Ali Follett 1Michael and Marla FordMark and Debbie FordeJeremy and Sheryl FosterJoe and Kelli FosterRusty and Karen FouseStephen and Amanda Fox 1Kirk and Rhonda France 1Tom and Wendi Frank 1Chauncey and Danika FranksTim and Karen FrasierBrad and Marthanne FreemanJohn and Sarah Fuller 1Mike and Kim FunkMike and Wange Gaciri 1Brian and Tracy Gaffner 2Laurie GainesRick and Sandy Gammenthaler 1Donald and Angela GanttJody and Sheila Garcia 9Luis and Marci GarciaStacy and Michelle Garland 2Greg and Ann-Marie GarnerFred and MariAnn GattelaroBart and Jessica Geiser 1Brian and Shay Geyer 1Tom and Vicki Gilbert 2Darrin and Kristin Gile 6Chaz and Steffanie GilmoreTodd and Becky Gipson 1Ronald and Shannon GlassBill and Marisol Gleason 1Andy GloverHolly Glover 1John and Amy Glover 4Grant and Barbara Gocke 2Larry and Gaylynne Going 2Donna GolovachDavid and Mayra GongoraAnthony and Daniela GoonetillekeJerry and Laura GosserMichael and Katie Gossett 2Jason and Toby GrahamChris and Elizabeth Grammer 7Brian GrantTodd and Melody Gravett 2Gary and Teri Gray 9Robert and Mary Kim Gray 9Terry and Angela Gray 1Steven and Daisy Greek 6Sabrina Greene 1Jim and Liz Greer 1Wayne and Liz Gregg WootenGloria Greig 1Russ and Carole GriffinRene and Kimberly GrossmanTim and Beth Guelker 4James and Pat GuessDavid and Wendy GundersonBart and Becky Gurley 3Kevin and Suzanne Guthrie 1Dan GwynnDarryl and Stephanie HalbertTony and Ginny Hall 1Cole and Gina Halliburton 2Mark and Shana HalliwellZane and Tonya Hamilton 1John and Dana Hamman 1Ronald and Annette Hammond 2Jay and Tiffany Hankla 1Chuck and Christy HarbisonBrenda S. Hardy 1Shelton HardyRichie and Carrie HareBlaine and Dede HarrisonJeni Hartman 1Mark and Debra HartyRick and Sheri HeasleyCharles and Susan Hebert 2James and Angie Heflin 1Aaron and Maria HennigShane and Malissa Henrie 1John and Roni Herring 1

Chadd and Sarah Hessing 1Chris and Christie Hill 1Ryan Hill 1Scinyera HilliardStuart and Amy HilliardBrenen and Stacy Hofstadter 1Justin and Jen HogueLarry and Kristina Holden 12+Jim Holdridge 1Melanie Holdridge 1Allison Hollingsworth 1Rockwell and Yvette HopkinsEric and Sherrie Horstman 1Kevin and Bea Host 1Gary and Deanne Housouer 4Mike and Rachel HudspethAndrew and Amy HughesBrian and Juls HumphriesDon and Denise Hunter 3Benjamin and Juliana IbekweRandy and Cheryl Inman 12+Michael and Sandy IrvinClint and Lauren IvyJeff and Becky Jacobs 5Andy and Holly Jayroe 1Brian and Jill JeffersonPaul and Marylee Jeske 1Greg and Letitia Johnson 2Mark and Jill Johnson 1Ted JohnsonStuart and Lisa Johnston 1Craig and Shawn JonesPhilip and Aimee Jordan 1Horst and Dianne Kannenwischer 2Tony and Stacy Kell 1David and Cathrine Kelley 1Donovan and Kathy Kelly 10Barry and Kimberly Kemball-CookBrad and Michelle KempsonJay and Mercy KendryJames and Shelly KernChad and Shelley Kernal 1Kevin and Elizabeth KimMyung and Sohee Kim 1Greg and Laci King 1Bud and Jennifer KinnearKevin and Lori Kittredge 10Tim and Gina Kluge 7David and Rachel Kniffen 1Bradley and Holly KnightCory and Kendra KnowlesKariann KonopinskiChris and Hillary Kouba 1Moses and Kathy KovalchukDouglas and Kathy KreitlingBen and Alycia Kuehne 1Tom and Stacie Kulik 1David and Grace Njenga 1Rex and Tina KurziusKevin and Richi Kyser 3Mark and Susan Ladd 8Mark and Kristy LammReagan and Lisa LancasterGary and Cheryl Landis 12+Mark and Diane LaningSean and Karen Lathan 1Lance and Keya LawsheWill and Melanie Leach 1Marco and Valerie Leardini 1Curtis and Ashley LeeJames and Iris Lee 1Terry and Alice Lee 12+Josh LemmonLeilani Lemmon 1Tony and Treava Lewandowski 1Mark and Sherri Lewis 2Renardo LewisTravis and Marya Lewis 1Jeff and Robin Lichtenstein 1Michael and Ruby LienDan and Lori Liles 1Jon and Gina Lineberger 1Brent and Elisa LittleMan Chun and Wai Shan LiuGreg and Kim Lively 1Paul and Becky Locklin 2Chip and Nicki LoperDavid and Heather LoschenChris and Amanda Lovell 7Marino and Bibi LoyolaFelix and Belinda LozanoTifini Lozano 9Christopher and Leslie Luce 7

Frank and Tricia Lujan 1Chris and Amy Lumley 12+Steven and Kristin LytlePatrick and Heather MahanDavid and Dolores Maldonado 1Chris and Yvette MalinowskiTerry and Lisa MalinowskiBruce and Sonya MartinIsrael and Dodanin Martin 1Rodolfo and Kerri Martinez 1Mark and Kippie MasepohlPaul and Heather Massey 2Tim and Sharon Mathes 12+Joey and Kristin Mathews 1Andy and Patti MatthewsPatrick and Kelli Matthews 1Todd and Anne-Lindsey MayJustin and Melissa McAdams 1Ryan and Becky McBreen 1Rhonda McCallumMike and Cheryl McCarterRichard and Amy McCarterCharlie and Ann McCook 3Brandon and Debbie McCrary 1Keller and Jamie McCrary 1Steve and Melinda McCrawChris and Katie McDonald 2Cathy McElroy 2Paul and Keianna McFarlaneDalton and Jennifer McGaha 1Mark and Heather McGary 1Brenda McGeeKen and Leslie McGillMatt and Kim McIntyreVerone and Niccole McKinleyBob and Kathy McLaughlin 1Duncan and Diane McLean 2Kelley McLeodPaul McLeodVance and Angela McMurry 1Tim and Denise McNamaraGreg and Karen McNeece 2Tesha McNeelyAndy and Amy McWilliamsAmy Meece 2Todd and Leslie Metten 2Tracy and Denise MettenSteve and Traci Meyers 1Darryl and Bonnie MillerRyan and Alison MillerGreg and Suzanne MitchellJhevasse and Terrica Mitchell 1Chris and Skye MoffittRandy and Cathy Monk 1Keith and Brenda MonteiroBill and Jo Leah Montgomery 1Chris and Lainie Montgomery 8Jim and Kelly MooreJohn and Kelli Moore 1Perry MooreBrian and Dana Morgan 1Shannon and Wendy Morris 6Mark and Beth Mortenson 2Chad and Dana MosleyChris and Paige Mosley 1Mark and Lirio Mulder 1Prentis and Sherry Murphy 4Todd and Robin Murphy 1John and Shana Muzyka 1Scot and Cassy NackNithi and Rekha NadarDeon and Julie Nazworth 4Angela NealDan and Mary NelsonJeff and Kelli NessethJohn and Maria Newby 5Jeff and Amy Newton 2Al and Jeanne Nigro 1Sarah Catherine NorrisSteve Norris 1Damaris NwobuBob and Joan O'BrienPaul and Charlotte O'Brien 2Tony and Sherry Ollison 2Emmanuel and Folake Olowu 1Amy Olsen 1Scott and Erin Olson 1Todd and Becky O'Neal 3Chidi and Sandra Onyinanya 1Holly O'QuinnEduardo and Maria Ortiz 1Michael and Meme Ostrom 3Wes and Lori Otken 3

Scott and Debbie OzanusJosh and Dianna Palmer 1Dan and Tricia Panetti 12+David and Diana Park 1Sung and In ParkJulian and Valerie ParkerKurt and Debby Parker 1Shane and Deanna ParkerMatt and Aubrey PasantRon and Taylor PattersonJason and Laura Pavelka 1Jim and Tania PearceRichard and Lindz PeckClay and Lisa PenningtonBrad and Krysti PennyTim and Christy PetersJeff and Kari Pfeifer 1Tom and Kara Pfister 1Lee and Carolyn Phegley 1Troy and Kristen Philips 1David and Anna Phillips 1Elizabeth Phillips 1Jason and Valerie Phillips 2Richard and Julie Piatas 4Vicky Pierce 1John and Jennifer PittsLance and Stacy Poole 1Brad and Tracy Popoff 8Sean and Amanda Porter 1Warren and Angela Powell 1Darryl and Keena PrattJim and Alma Doll Pratt 1Billy and Lori Prewitt 1Don and Kelly Price 1Gary and Lisa Price 5Daniel and Leslie Pulaski 1Gino and Kathy PulejoBradley and Melissa PyleRandy and Julie Pyle 5Cort and Bobbi QuigleyAndrew and Karen Rabroker 1Shelley Rainey 1Dave and Debbie Ransom 9Brian and Sharon Ratcliff 1Bryan and Brandy Redmond 1Jake and Vinita Reed 2Laura Reese-WilliamsDevlin ReevesToni ReevesTroy ReevesTyler and Shelly Reeves 3Paul and Jennifer ReidMatt and Donella ReinlMillie ReinlEric and Jen Reiter 1Carl and Melanie Reynolds 1Larry and Robbie Reynolds 1Elke Rhoda 1David RhodenRick and Marian RhodesKenneth and Norma Richardson 1Mark and Amy Ridings 1James and Courtney Ries 1Marcellus and LaTasha RiversChris and Dawn Robinson 1Terry and Sally Rodgers 12+Marc and Laura Rose 2Mike and Barbara RossTom and Ashley Rossi 6Jeff and Robin RuckerDaniel and Lori Rudd 2Bradley and Danielle Ruiz 1Carlos and Roberta Ruiz 1Julie RuleySteve and Nikki RumseyWill and Jen Russ 1Dale and Kathy Russell 4Janice RussellJoel and Heather Rutherford 2Randy and Leigh Rutherford 12+Bill and Trisha Ruzynski 4Mike and Laurie Salim 1Peter and Chloe Saltarelli 2Prentice and Carla Sanders 1Bob and Cindy SanfordVik and Amy Saravana 1Aarti SarnaSoowan and Nancy ScheuermannDaniel and Erku SchollDavid and Melody Schottle 1Cindy Schunk 1Eric and Stephanie Scott 9Janet Scott 1

Mike and Patti Scovel 3Stephanie Sculley 1Terry SculleyScott and Julie SealDana and Christie Sedgass 12+Patrick and Kristina Selakovich 2Allan and Cyndi Shaw 1Michael and Holly ShawKevin and Krista Shea 1Malcolm and Christi SheedyMichael and Stacey SheffieldDerrick and Fannie ShelbyTodd ShevlinDoug and Kim Shirley 1David and Holly ShiversSteve and Rochelle ShoreCharles and Nicole Shrauner 6Jon and D'Anna Shuler 1Lucius and LaRochelle Shuler 1Jeff and Kay Sibley 1Steve and Azi SickmanCharlene SimmonsBrian Simpson 1Lisa Simpson 1Oliver and April SimsChris and Kristen Sinkey 1Andy and Summer Sipes 1Rashid and Marilyn Skaf 1Binoi and Ciney SkariahRochelle SladkyEdward and Sherry Slaughter 1Cal SmithDarryl and Denise Smith 1Dave and Amy Smith 2John and Dania Smith 1Kevin and Michelle Smith 6Kevin and Sarah Smith 1Rik and Kim Smith 1Steve and Lauri Smith 1Steve and Suzy SmithPeter and Jodi SnellShawn and Pattie Snodgrass 1Scott and Liz Snyder 1Nabil and Caroline SolimanJae and Erin SonDavid and Donna Souther 1Randy and Julie Sparks 1David and Karen SpikaEric and Tamara SpiritasSteve and Debbie SpoonemoreDavid and Rose Mary Spooner 2Skylar St. JamesJeff and Zora StathatosPat and Anne StayerDavid and Judy Steen 12+Jarrett and Debbie Stephens 1Brandon and Heather Stewart 1Jeana Stewart 12+Brad and Missy StognerOmar and Sheila Stoutmire 1Kevin and Michelle Strawbridge 1Brian and Jennifer StringfellowPat and Jenny SweeneyJon and Debbie Sykes 1Rick and Janel TankersleyBrent and Martha TateJeff and Kathy TaylorScott and Kristi Taylor 1Scott and Veronica TaylorSusan TaylorTim and Angela TaylorJonathan and Michelle Teague 1Fabian ThomasJason and Charla ThompsonMarvin and Carlita Thompson 1Steve and Carol ThompsonTyler and Angie Thompson 1Greg and Pam Thorn 1Michael and Lora ThornberryMichael Tollerson 1Roupen and Carla ToranianDeanna TownsendBrent and Jennalee Trammel 9Tedd TribonBrandon and Lacey Troster 1Scott and Stephanie TroutAlan and Stacy Turner 2Matthew Twyman 1Ezekiel TysonTodd and LeeAnn UtterbackRyan and Melisa Valdez 1Chris and Angela Valentine 1Jason and Marcy Van Dusen 1

Mike and Tia VargasAlex and Mary VeguillaDavid and Susan Verheul 12+Tommy and Cathy ViethFred and Amy Villa 11Wesley and Janet Wada 2Chris and Reagan Waddell 1Chad and Gina WadeDayton and Denise Wade 5David and Jennifer Wagner 3Jonathan and Janean WalkerDiShawna WallaceJim and Tammy Walton 4Autry and Stephanie Warren 1Keith and Leigh Ann Warzecha 6Paul and Monica WashingtonKevin and Susan Webber 1Robert and Ginger Weeks 1Rick and Becky WeldayBill and Dee Dee Wendl 4Hank and Caleen Wendorf 1Marco and Kim Weston 1David and Debby Whaley 1Allen and Kendra WhitakerThomas and Kim Whitaker 1Bill and Tamara Whitley 1Bryan and Stephanie WhortonTerry and Michelle Wiest 1Mark and Jennifer Wiggins 4Chris and Hailee Willhite 7Brad and Crystal WilliamsBryan and Elaine Williams 1Marvin and Kelly WilliamsMichael and Shannon WilliamsEric and Allison WilsonEvan and Julie Wilson 2Whitney Wilson 1Jeff and TJ Wohlwend 7Chuck and Michele Wolken 1Eric and Jill WootenOttis and Brette WootenJames and Rebekah Worrell 1Larry and Stacey WrightTim and Dianna WyattJeff and Carol Young 1Jim and Kathryn YoungMichael and Berta Young 1Reginald and Deidre YoungMitch and Allena Yount 2Derek and Allison Zabbia 1Rick and Cheri ZabererSusan ZebeJames and Nina Zollo

PCA Board of Trustees Dave and Tina Borden 12+Mike and Tamara Daugherty 1Larry and Kim Gekiere 7Dan and Allison Harker 8John and Debbie Harper 9Chris and Shara Lott 1Chad and Julie Lunsford 1Haynie and Paige Mayhew 8Alan and Meg Miller 2Ron and Jennifer Patterson 1Bryn and Elizabeth Ann

Sappington Tom and Jen Sherman 2Brian and Christi Sterling 12+Scott and Robin Turner Temple and Jennifer Weiss 2Heath and Kim Wilson 1

Names with a numerical designation represent the number of consecutive fiscal years donors have given to the PCA Fund

In Memory OfTodd and Melody Gravett Jaye ArmstrongHaynie and Paige Mayhew Jaye ArmstrongGary Blake Joe LozanoTifini Lozano Joe LozanoTaylor Van Antwerp Joe LozanoDanny and Fonda Graham Wade McLainMelinda Rudder David Zebe

In Honor OfDavid and Debby Whaley Donna Leadford

mentoring them to

love deeply while

living wisely in a

secular world is

also our mission.



A DiFFEREnCEAs Prestonwood Christian Academy graduates leave the halls of our school and enter the next step of the life that God has planned for them, our desire is that they would have a “big picture perspective of the world and demonstrate the love and attitude of Christ to all.”  By giving back to PCA, our alumni demonstrate their love for Christ and their love for PCA by investing in our students, academic programs, and professional development for faculty members through their financial support.  They make a difference and continue

the legacy by donating to our facilities, technology programs, Kingdom training for parents and mission opportunities.  Through their generous giving, PCA alumni join others in sustaining the Margin of Excellence that makes PCA distinctive.  During their time at PCA, our alumni experienced the impact and value of supporting the next generation, of giving back more than they received, and of helping to further God’s Kingdom through the gifts of others who cared and invested. And for that we are truly grateful.

THE!SHANNON!ALLBRIGHT!LEARNING!LAB!ENDOWMENT!FUND "#$%&'$(%)This endowment provides funding for the ongoing support of the Prestonwood Christian Academy Learning Lab. The fund was established in 2004 in memory of Shannon Allbright (PCA mother of Liz Allbright (’05) and Tyler Allbright (’08).

THE!PCA!SPONSOR-A-CHILD!ENDOWMENT!FUND "(#$%+&PCA established the Sponsor-A-Child Fund in 2010. The Fund was created in order to assist families who want to provide a Kingdom education for their children but need financial assistance to pay tuition costs.

FELIX!JOSEPH!LOZANO$!IV!,’&-.!ENDOWMENT "-&$-'/This endowment provides need-based tuition assistance for current and prospective families to attend Prestonwood Christian Academy. The fund was established in 2013 in memory of Felix Joseph (Joe) Lozano, IV (’09) by his father Felix and stepmother Belinda Lozano.

THE!HOLLABAUGH!FAMILY!ENDOWMENT "000$%0'Eric and Darla Hollabaugh, and their children Stephen Hollabaugh (’08) and Heather Hollabaugh Kuehler (’09) es-tablished this family legacy fund in 2011. The fund benefits the PCA Sponsor-A-Child program which contributes need-based tuition assistance for students attending PCA.

pCa endowments !"#$$%#&%"'as of June 30, 2015 (includes funded agreements only — not unrealized bequests)

THE!PCA!FACULTY!COMPENSATION!ENDOWMENT!FUND "#$%&$%#This fund was established in 2010 with a goal of attracting and retaining faculty members of excellence. The fund will provide for stipends for master teachers, and key department chair positions.

THE!PCA!ENDOWMENT!FUND "'#&%()PCA established this general fund to help with future unexpected needs, and ongoing operating expenses of the school. The PCA Endowment was started in 2011.

THE!PCA!FACULTY!PROFESSIONAL!DEVELOPMENT!ENDOWMENT!FUND "'&*+$PCA established this fund in 2011 to assist with the costs of training faculty in best practices and the tools needed to educate students.

LEWIS!FAMILY!ENDOWMENT "#,&+-%This endowment serves as a fund for Prestonwood Christian Academy staff who have demonstrated teaching excel-lence in a way that is either measured or universally recognized by their peers and who encounter a financial hardship beyond what their salary provides. The fund was established in 2010 by PCA parents Travis and Marya Lewis and their sons Nathan (’22) and Maddox (’25).

THE!PCA!FACULTY!BENEVOLENCE!ENDOWMENT!FUND "$&+('PCA established this fund in 2010 to set aside funding for faculty who encounter crisis situations causing financial hardship beyond their resources.

THE!PCA!BENEVOLENCE!FUND "#&'#)This fund was established in 2015 with the purpose of setting aside funds to assist non-faculty families who encoun-ter unforeseen difficult financial hardships.

THE!PCA!WORLD!IMPACT!ENDOWMENT!FUND "#+)This fund was established in 2011 with a goal of funding future service projects, mission trips and the training of students to fulfill the great commission.

The Following Endowments are held by the Prestonwood Foundation for the full or partial benefit of Prestonwood Christian Academy:

the Boleman family endowmentthe Charles d. & linda C. howard fundthe linda Coughlin howard endowment the JaCoBs family fundthe pCa sponsor-a-Child fundthe evatt family legaCythe James wiltz alexander family legaCy fund



The Learning Lab Partners is comprised of parents and friends of the PCA Learning Lab, which assists students with learning differences. Volunteer opportunities include assisting the staff with parent meetings, fund raising and dis-tributing communication to our families.

Position officers 2015/2016 Staff LiaiSon CheryL BurnS PreSident deBBie Cunningham VoLunteer Coordinator marya LewiS


The Lions Den is the parent booster club for all athletics. Its purpose is to help support and fund PCA athletics through the time and talents of its members and financial resources of the community.

Position officers 2015/2016 Staff LiaiSon ChriS LoVeLL PreSident ChriS and dana ChaStain media guide Chair BeCky weLday


The PCA Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) was created to enhance and support the relationship between PCA families and the faculty of our school. Our PTF supports PCA by providing assistance in fund raising, finances and volunteers for classroom, grade level and school wide events. In the classroom, the PTF coordinates the grade level social events and classroom volunteer needs, from copying, to service, to field trips. [Campuses (PC) — Plano; (NC) — North]

Position officers 2015/2016 Staff LiaiSon (PC) rheSa BrewSter Staff LiaiSon (nC) anSLie dySart PreSident StaCy keLL PreSident emerituS dana ChaStain SeCretary Letitia JohnSon treaSurer Bonnie ConStant ConneCtor dana ChaStain ConneCtor - LS miCheLLe StrawBridge ConneCtor - mS kim wiLSon ConneCtor - uS LeSLie metten faCuLty enriChment LS (PC) Jen ruSS faCuLty enriChment LS (nC) Jen drake faCuLty enriChment mS tammy waLton famiLy enriChment kriStin BruLL fundraiSing gina kLuge grade LeVeL Coordinator - LS roBin murPhy grade LeVeL Coordinator - mS SaLLy BiShoP grade LeVeL Coordinator - uS kriStina SeLakoViCh room mom'S Pk-4th roBin murPhy SerViCe – LS (PC) kriSti Perritt SerViCe – LS (nC) karen BaLL/heather Stewart


The Fine Arts Council is an organization for parents interested in advancing the fine arts programs at PCA. The group's mandate includes educating parents and supporters of PCA about the fine arts, promoting and volunteering at fine arts events at PCA, and financially supporting the Fine Arts department.  

position officers 2015/2016 staff liaison Joel rutherford president elizaBeth ann sappington vp art melanie reynolds/deBBie spoonemore vp Band Cathy geist vp Choir Caroline BlaCkwell vp memBerships Jennifer weiss vp theatre amy meeCe


The mission of Friends of the Library is to promote reading at Prestonwood Christian Academy and, through a strong and supportive base of volunteers, work together to carry out fund raising projects and functions that enrich the library at Prestonwood Christian Academy. [Campuses (PC) — Plano; (NC) — North]

position officers 2015/2016 staff liaison (pC) Julie Carlyle staff liaison (nC) Judy steen president Beth mortenson viCe president lisa simpson Board memBer amy glover Board memBer Christi sheedy Board memBer Juls humphries

pCa speCial interest groups


serviCe - ms Jennifer BoothBy serviCe - us lynne Bridgeman Chaplain luBianka arrendondo


The Prayer Ministry has many aspects surrounding it. We have a Wall of Prayer, which is a program where parents build a prayer wall by privately praying the Word of God for their assigned students. We have Grade Level Prayer Groups where parents gather by grade level once a month to pray specifically for students, teachers, families and concerns specific to their student’s grade. There is also a Grade Level Prayer Chain where you will receive email prayer requests as they arise for that grade and for any school-wide requests. There is also a Mom-in-Touch group and a Grandparent Prayer Warriors group as well.

position officers 2015/2016 staff liaison lainie montgomery admin prayer ministry Coordinator deBBy parker email prayer ministry Coordinator Jamie mCCrary events prayer ministry Coordinator trisha ruzynski prek prayer leader Beth mortenson kindergarten prayer leaders Christine Callander/Brandy redmond 1st grade prayer leader daisy greek 2nd grade prayer leaders trisha ruzynski/veroniCa taylor 3rd grade prayer leader summer sipes 4th grade prayer leader erin olson 5th grade prayer leader Caroline BlaCkwell 6th grade prayer leaders Jamie mCCrary/eden antosh 7th grade prayer leader Joy Cruse 8th grade prayer leaders missy stogner/Jennalee trammel 9th grade prayer leaders gina kluge/angela startz 10th grade prayer leaders Carol young/kimBerly kemBall-Cook 11th grade prayer leaders deBBy parker/tammy walton 12th grade prayer leaders shara lott/Beth anderson moms in prayer Cheryl Burns grandparents group kathy wright and sue overton north Campus elaina esty/kim shirley

PCA sPeCiAl interest grouPs Continued

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

— C o l o s s i a n s 3 : 2 3


A Ministry of Prestonwood Baptist Church P R E S T O N W O O D C H R I S T I A N ! O R G

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