President’s Message - Sons of Italy - Trieste Lodge...

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Transcript of President’s Message - Sons of Italy - Trieste Lodge...



Sons of ItalyT R I E S T E L O D G E | H A M I L T O N

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As is our custom,

the upcoming April

meeting is when we initiate new

members to our Lodge. I always

find inspiration in our elegantly

crafted initiation ceremony.

In the prior two newsletters, I

detailed our conception of Liberty

and Equality as presented in

our initiation ceremony. In this

month’s President’s Message, I will detail the third of our core

principals - Fraternity. Please show your support and respect

for our new members by attending our April general meeting!

This is our conception of Fraternity as detailed in our initiation

ceremony: We affectionately offer a hand to the humble, to the

good, and to the suffering without distinction as to race, colour,

or creed. We protect the widows and orphans of our Brothers and

Sisters; to the needy and aged Brothers and Sisters we offer all

the assistance we can. By these works we keep alive the traditions

of our ancestors and give tangible evidence of our sentiments

of true Brotherhood (Sisterhood); through them also, we gain

inspiration, hope and faith to work for a better world in which

human solidarity will become ever stronger. We believe in the

Brotherhood (Sisterhood) of man, and that the state was created

by man to serve man and not vice versa. This is our conception of


Last month’s March general meeting hosted our Annual Wine

Contest. Congratulations to all the winners and participants!

Please see the enclosed article for further details of the event. I

would like to take a moment to thank Brother Livio Di Nello

for yet again Chairing this event. Brother Di Nello has chaired

the wine contest going on 30 plus years now, and continues to

bring energy and innovation to this much anticipated event.

Gratitude must also be expressed to our professional wine

judges, Bob Gibbon and Ron Speranzini for donating their

time and talent to our lodge.

Looking forward, I wish to remind members of our upcoming

Spaghetti Dinner scheduled for Wednesday, May 7th. Please

mark your calendars and plan on attending. Tickets will be

available for purchase at the April general meeting, or by

contacting Br. Joe Mongiardi, Br. Tony Giardino, or any of your


Your executive has also been hard at work exploring the

establishment of a Trieste Lodge charitable foundation through

the Hamilton Community Foundation. Those that attended

the Centennial Discussion Meeting held last May, will recall

the initial presentation we received on the matter. We look to

present the membership with final details at our May general


I look forward to seeing you all at our next general meeting on

Tuesday, April 8th at 6:30 p.m.

On behalf of your executive, I wish you and your families a

Buona Pasqua!

Fraternally Yours,

Guido Di Cesare

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

President’s Message A P R I L 2 0 1 4

NEXT GENERAL MEETING: Tuesday, April 8, 2014

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2014 Sons of Italy Bowling TournamentThe Sons of Italy Grand Lodge will be hosting the annual bowling tournament in Welland on Saturday May the 3rd. Contact Tony Giardino at 289-389-2917 for more information.

Citizen of the Year Nominations are OpenIf you know someone that you believe displays the values of our lodge and goes above and beyond for our community, please submit a nomination for the Sons of Italy Citizen of the Year. All nominations can be submitted to Br. Robert Skaljin.

Sons of Italy Executive ElectionsElections for Trieste Lodge executive committee will be taking place at the June General Meeting. If you are interested in running for a specific position or nominating a fellow member please contact Robert Skaljin at 905-574-9067.

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What’s your Name? Come ti Chiami?

These submissions are responses from our brothers in the Sons of Italy about the significance

of Italian names in their lives. At times they express clear knowledge and preferences about their names and yet at other times there remains an element of uncertainty; they wonder about obscurities in their past, even a touch of mystery. What’s basic about their stories is the depth of feelings that surface when they remember their forefathers. The past is never dead, at times it’s not even past! Here then is Part 2 of “What’s your name?” Every Tom Dick and Harry of us. In Italian we would say, “Tizio, Caio e Sempronio”.

Joe Baiardo, executive member of our lodge states his name as Giuseppe Bairardo and he’s been known as; Joseph, Joe, Pino and Peppe. He was named Giuseppe after his “nonno” (fathers father). He’s happy to share all four of his grandparents’ names: Raimondo and Francescina as well as Giuseppe and Maria. If he could change his name he would choose Turiddu, his father’s name and he knows that there is no name more Sicilian than this version of Salvatore.

Andrew Monachino is the editor of our monthly newsletter whose full name is Andrew Douglas Monachino. His middle name, Douglas, is his grandfathers and was supposed to be his first name but his “nonna” couldn’t pronounce it. His mom just liked that name: Andrew. With pride he lists these Italian names in his family: Colegero, father; his uncle

Salvatore and his “nonna”, Rosaria. He wouldn’t change his name for anything.

Anthony Chiarelli, his colleague as editor of our newsletter, was given the name Anthony Paul and hasn’t had any nicknames. He was named after St. Anthony and offers these traditional names from his family: Antonio, Francesco, Cristoforo and Giuseppe. Given the choice he would change his name to Pietro after St. Peter.

Then there’s the incomparable Joe Grimaldi long-standing executive member. He was named after San Giuseppe to honour his paternal grandfather. He remembers his nicknames: Pino or JoJo. His Sicilian grandfather had the name “Vecchio Pelo”. Old Hair, and he wonders, does that make him “New Hair”? “Nicknames stick to people, and the more ridiculous are the most adhesive”. T.C. Haliburton. In Joe’s family there are names which honour San Michele, Santa Maria, San Gabriele e Sant’Anna. Joe says that he cherishes his name as it represents an important heritage of his family and would not consider changing it at all.

Eugene Catania, out trustee has the baptismal name Eugenio Verniere after his grandfather. Pope Pius XII of Roman ancestry was called Eugenio Pacelli. In the Catania background there are names of note: Eugenio and Girolama; nor would he change his name as Eugenio has a long history in his family from Campagna, Provincia, Salerno.

Here’s another story from Gelindo San Martin from Veneto an executive administrator of the Sons of Italy Choir for 25 years. For 35 years at Ford Motor Co. He was called, “Sam” because San Martin was too long and Gelindo they couldn’t pronounce. He was given the name, Gelindo after the death of his uncle, Gelindo who had been incarcerated by the Fascist regime. His “bisnonno” was Pietro San Martin, his grandfather was: Gugliemo Crocco” and his “nonne” were: Evelina Pasetto and Bieta Segato. He likes Gelindo very much and knows it’s a most uncommon name that he cherishes in and out of his family.

Joe Romano, for decades a supporter of the Sons of Italy choir is Giuseppe from the Conca d’Ora, Palermo, Sicilia. He is called Giuseppe after his “nonno: In his background he honours the names, Domenico and Andrea and Rosa and Maria. His nickname was “Pinuzzo” a diminutive of Giuseppe and he’s quite happy with his name. For a special lift come to choir practice and experience Joe’s warm smile!

Listen to Lucas Renato Costanzo a recent brother to our lodge from McMasters Italo – Canadian Club. For most of his life he’s had two names. “Luca” around his Italian family and “Luke” among friends. He was given this name after a cousin who came to visit from Italy. His parents loved the name and now it holds fast and clings to their family’s story. Lucas’ family salutes the names, Renato and Maria Costanzo as well as Vincenzo

cont’d next page

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and Maria Santini. If he could, he would love to change his name to Renato to honour his grandfather.

Is the name “Reno” from Renato (René), Renata (Renée), “reborn”, or is it a shortened version of “Nazarenzo”? Chissa? I remember asking my grandmother about my uncle Reno’s name and she didn’t remember the reason.

Merolli is a name in the Sons of Italy Lodge well-known for its dedication, commitment and hard work. Frank, a past president is now chair of Sons of Italy Housing Corporation. The dedication of Merollis continues with Lewis Joseph Patrick out secretary. He’s known as Lew or Luigi after his nonno from Abruzzo. With pride he points to grandparents: Luigiand Pia Merolli and Pasquale and Guiseppina (Vincenzina) D’Ambrosia. He would keep his name as Lewis or go by Luigi; by either name he continues to show his commitment to our lodge. How do you spell dedication? – Merolli.

Now how could you ever miss our brother, vice-president, Luigi Filice? What a presence! What a dedicated server of others! He was christened Frank. His common name is Lou or “ Big Lou” as you can tell from the size of this gentle, well-spoken brother. He was named Lou after his mother’s grandfather and his uncle, to maintain the family’s Abruzzese tradition. Four names are prominent in the Filice family: Carmine, Maria, Teresa and Michele. Big Lou is emphatic: he

wouldn’t change his name for anything. Tony Giardino, one of our longest-standing brothers was baptized Antonio after his father and was always known as Antonio, (Tony). He proudly refers to these names in his family: Zia Lucia and elder sister, Elodia; and elder brother Eusebio. When I asked Tony about a name change, he answered in two words: “never, never”. Tony’s father died, December 1935; Tony was 18 months old. Consider what he’s done with his life in our lodge for others. Character like good wine takes time and passion and dedication.

Livio DiNello is our brother treasurer, steady and dependable as an olive tree, He’s also been the inspiration and leader of our Sons of Italy Wine Tasting and Supper Club. Livio is from Sumona, Abruzzo, baptized: Livio Santion, nor does he remember having a nickname. He honours the names Carolina and Vincenzo in his family. He would not change the long heritage of his name: Livio.

No we haven’t forgotten Joe Mongiardi; there will be more about this remarkable talent in a future issue.

And now we come to Loris Pilot, brother orator and there’s only one word for him, indefatigable, “instancabile”! He’s never had a nickname and can’t remember many names in his family history, only Celestina and Antonio. He’s given thought to the origin of his name on many occasions in his youth.

He knows his name is unique and he’s only come across it a few times in his life and he wouldn’t change this given name. But for a comedy, if given the choice, he would change his name to: Antonio Fiore, Tony the Flower. Would that be a sunflower, “girasole”, a field of which captives and inspires? We’ll continue to search for the origin of “Loris”.

In Puccini’s opera, La Bohême, Rodolfo asks Mimi who she is and she replies:

“Mi chiamano Mimi,ma il mio nome è Lucia…Mi chiamano Mimied il perche non so”

They call me Mimi,But my real name is Lucia;They call me Mimi,but I don’t know why.

There are time when names and histories are shadowy and uncertain. The search for meaning in our past is valuable. Vale la pena.

Here then are some stories behind the names of our members, all are uniquely personal, each proud and prestigious, each celebrating a family and our Italian traditions, all expressions of our remarkable culture.

Our names we were given,Our reputations we earn.

Bob Savelli

What’s your Name? Come ti Chiami? cont’d

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What’s your Name? Come ti Chiami? cont’d

This year the number of wines entered in the competition was 36, a slight increase from last year. The quality of the wines is getting better and better every year, making more challenging for the judges to choose the winners. The judges were Bob Gibbon and Ron Speranzini. This year’s winners were:

Red Wine1st. Ludovico Capozza2nd. Anton Sovari3rd. Frank RosatiHonorable mention: John Pilato White Wine1st. Sam Cipolla2nd. Mark Sebastianutti3rd. Mark Sebastianutti

Red Wine - Past 4 years winners’ category1st. Leo Leoni2nd. Peter Catenaro3rd. Sam Cipolla

Thank you to John Pellizzari of United Trophies for donating the trophies that were awarded. Also a special thanks goes out to Livio DiNello for all of his hard work on this event.

Photo GalleryWine Tasting Contest – March 11, 2014

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McMaster Italian Association

Ciao a Tutti! Another year has passed, and the McMaster Italian Association has grown to a new

level of success and accomplishment. On Saturday March 29th, the MIA celebrated their annual formal at our very own Sons of Italy Hall. The event sold out within two weeks, marking an unprecedented milestone. As always, Br. Joe Mongiardi and his fantastic staff created an amazing meal for all of the guests, leaving them begging for more. On behalf of the MIA we would like to thank Br. Joe for all of his hard work and dedication. His cooking never disappoints, and we are extremely grateful for his kindness and eagerness in helping our growing club. This evening

would not have been possible without the hard work of Br. Joe and his amazing staff. We would also like to thank our worthy President Guido DiCesare for his attendance at our formal as well as his kind words of wisdom and motivation. Br. Guido has made the MIA a large priority during his time as President, and on behalf of the entire MIA executive, we are very grateful for his determination, encouragement and kindness. We hope that we have made you proud and it is our sincerest intention to continue our promotion of the Italian values, traditions and culture in a way that not only better maintains the image of the MIA, but also the image of the Sons of Italy.

The MIA executive is extremely appreciative of the Sons of Italy members and all of their support. With the help of the Sons of Italy, as well as countless sponsors, our group was able to donate $2,500 to the McMaster Children’s Hospital. This is a tremendous achievement for the MIA and we hope to continue our hard work within the community!

Thank you all for another wonderful year!

Cordiali Saluti,Lucas CostanzoMIA President 2013-2014

Soppressata Night is Coming Soon!

Our first ever Soppressata Night fund raiser will be taking place Thursday June 12th at the Sons of Italy Hall. At this event we will announce the grand prize winner of the elimination draw as well as announcing the curator of the best

soppressata. This event is taking the place of the annual Turkey Roll as part of our fund raising initiatives and we as for your support. The night will be filled with great fraternity and excellent food! Please attend and help make this event a great one!

Spaghetti Dinner is May 7th!

Start preparing your appetite because the Sons of Italy Spaghetti Dinner will be held Wednesday May 7th at the Sons of Italy Hall. Mark your calendars and start

telling your friends. Ticket sales have begun. For tickets or sponsorship opportunities contact Tony Giardino at 289-389-2917. Sponsors and donors are needed.

At the Roma Imperia Lodge…

Roma Imperia Lodge Card NightSons of Italy Hall • Friday April 11th, 2014Dinner 6:30 pm-Tickets: $15

50/50 draw, Door PrizesAll card games and board games welcomeFor ticket information call: Jean Destro 905 389-2904

Roma Imperia Lodge Spring BlingSons of Italy Hall • Thursday May 8th, 2014Free Admission 6:30 pm

Celebrate the love for purses, scarves, spices and all things shiny. Refreshments. For more information contact: Tina Destro 905 741-8732



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Event CalendarFor those wishing to help with the following events, please see your Executive.

President Guido Di Cesare Res. 627-5220 Bus. 523-2360

Past President Robert Skaljin Res. 574-9067 Bus. 416-419-0764

Vice President Luigi filice Res. 643-0594 Bus. 388-5251 x23

Orator Loris Pilot Cell. 905-518-1779

Adm. Secretary Joe Mongiardi Res. 385-7845

Recording Secretary Lewis Merolli Res. 930-8762 Bus. 664-5088

Treasurer Livio Di Nello Res. 389-6930

Trustees Tony Giardino Res. 289-389-2917 Bus. 389-6760

Joseph Grimaldi Res. 388-5064

Lucas Costanzo Cell: 905-517-9043

Joe Baiardo Res. 905-679-8285

Eugene Catania Bus. 905-777-1225 x 107

Anthony Chiarelli Res. 905-388-8957 Cell 905-517-8957

Andrew Monachino Res. 905-383-1903 Cell 905-902-1483

Rent the Sons of Italy Trieste Hall LodgeAvailable for a variety of social events.

For rental Inquiries please contact DMS Property Managementat 905-524-2985.

April General Meeting – New Member Initiations

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Spaghetti Supper Night Wednesday, May 7th, 2014– at our Hall

May General Meeting Tuesday, May 13th, 2014

Sons of Italy Choir - Spring Concert & Dinner Dance

Saturday, June 7th, 2014– at our Hall

June General Meeting– Lodge Elections

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Soppressata Fund Raiser Dinner Thursday, June 12th– at our Hall

Sons of Italy Golf Tournament Thursday June 19th, 2014– Glendale



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