President’s Report March 2011 - FEI Canada › enews › file › Vancouver... · Colin...

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Transcript of President’s Report March 2011 - FEI Canada › enews › file › Vancouver... · Colin...

President’s ReportMarch 2011

As I watch what I’m confident will be the final snowfall of theyear, it reminds me to reflect positively that spring is just aroundthe corner! And with spring, always comes our busiestmembership enrollment season, as the National Conference inOttawa draws near. With that in mind, the Vancouver Chapter ispleased to announce:


For the period from March 1st to May 31st, each member whorefers a new member to FEI Vancouver will have their nameentered into a ballot box to win a new iPAD.

Two winners will be selected:

The first iPAD will be awarded to the person who refers the most newmembers to our chapter during the contest period.

The winner of the second iPAD will be randomly drawn from ALL memberswho referred new members to the Vancouver Chapter during the period.Remember, your name is entered into the ballot box EVERY TIME you refersomeone who joins FEI. So the more people you refer, the greater your oddsof winning!

Announcement of the winners will take place during our June Chapter Event (venueand speaker to be announced). Good luck!

And lastly, on an events note, just a friendly reminder to please contact FEI Nationalwithin a minimum of 72 hours of an event, if you have previously registered and areno longer able to attend. This reduces costs for the chapter, and/or will free upspace for another member who may be on a waiting list to attend the event. Weappreciate your cooperation.

Look forward to seeing everyone at our next event!

All the Best,

Brad Cruickshank

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Membership CommitteeReport

FEI Canada presently has 2,002 members compared to 1,933 members from a year ago.We have noticed a bit of a surge in new membership as more potential FEI members arejoining up, which coincides with the economic recovery in the country. In the coming months,we anticipate more members joining up as individuals take advantage of the free FEI CanadaConference that comes along with being a new FEI member.

We have just launched a new membership recruitment contest that Brad Cruickshank hashighlighted in his President’s Report, so I encourage everyone to participate in recruiting newmembers. Who knows, you might be a winner of a new iPad!

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to welcome our newest member, David Miles, who isthe CFO for Esperanza Resources Corp, which is a gold and silver/copper mining companylisted on TSX-V.

Danley Yip

Changes at FEI Canada

Sydney Freeston left FEI Canada on February 25thafter almost 3 ½ years with the or-ganization.

Sydney joined FEI in August 2007 originally as a Membership Coordinator and has be-come well known to FEI members across the country as the cheerful, helpful Member-ship Manager, who provided prompt information and solutions in response to member-ship inquiries.

She will be joining Robert Half Management Resources in Toronto as a RelationshipManager. Karen Danis, Membership and Chapter Coordinator, will be responsible forboth areas during the transition period.

We wish Sydney well in her exciting career move, and thank her for her years of ser-vice to FEI Canada.

Danley Yip

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New Member ProfileMarco Faccone, CA CFP

What is your current role: Vice President - Finance ofACM Advisors Ltd., a private company based out of Van-couver which manages ~ $1 billion in assets held in com-mercial mortgage investment funds.

What attracted you to FEI: I have several friends whowere members and who invited me as guests to pastevents, which introduced me to the quality of speakers,content and connections that FEI offers.

What do you like most about your company: I think ourcompany is such a great story, with 18 years of commer-cial mortgage management without a loan loss, and awealth of experience in both the commercial mortgageand commercial real estate markets in Canada. We alsohappen to be experiencing tremendous growth, as ourinvestment funds offer significant yield premium to otheravailable fixed income solutions. The combination allowsme to employ my skillset to help grow, steer and protectthe company during a very exciting time.

What keeps you up at night: Anticipating future regulatory changes. I have been with ACMfor 2 years, and have had to manage significant security law changes as it relates to the ex-empt market distribution and management of our commercial mortgage funds, the impact ofIFRS transition to our funds and our company, and the impact of the HST regime change-over. The challenge with regulatory changes is that they typically come effective prior to allrules and regulations therein being finalized, which is counter to my preference of pro-activeness, and can tax the available resources of our team.

When you were twenty, what did you imagine you would be doing now: I’m a bit of a hockeynut, and so as a 10 year old I imagined I was playing for the Vancouver Canucks, as a 20year old I realized my finance skills well outweighed my hockey skills and so I imagined Iwould be the General Manager of the Vancouver Canucks, and as an almost 40 year oldwith a track record of poor performance in hockey pools, I’m just happy to be a Canuckticket holder.

How do you spend your time when you’re not at the office: I enjoy spending time with myfamily and being active.

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Accountants on Board:A Guide to Becoming

a Director of a Not-for-profitOrganization

We are sad to note the passing of David Gibbs, CGA, MBA (1925-2010).

David was a member of FEI Canada for 44 years, having joined in July1967. He started his career at Price Waterhouse, then moved to Kelly,Douglas & Company where he served for 43 years (1946-89) rising to theposition of Vice President & Controller. David’s career included working asa systems analyst. He and his friend and fellow FEI member, Glynn Spel-liscy, were pioneers in introducing computers to their organizations andhad long discussions on the challenges of what was then a new way of do-ing business.

Thanks to Glynn and to Sydney Freeston of FEI Canada for this informa-tion on David.

In Memoriam

Are you a director of a not-for-profit organization, or considering becoming one?

CICA has developed a guide for accountants that you will find useful.

The document explores the rewards, responsibilities and other considerations related to serv-ing as a director of a not-for-profit organization. Accountants have a great deal to offer not-for-profit organizations, and will find that their expertise is highly valued. By participating in thegovernance of a not-for-profit organization, accountants will have a chance to make a mean-ingful difference in their community. While the document focuses specifically on accountants,it will be useful to anyone considering joining the board of a not-for-profit organization.

Link to full document:

Hugh Lindsay

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Save the Date!

FEI Vancouver Chapter Annual Golf Tournament

Dust off your golf clubs, the FEI Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Wednesday, May18, 2011 at The University Golf Club.

The Tournament this year is being held for the benefit of The KidSafe Project Society, aregistered BC charity. All funds raised by the Tournament after expenses will be donated toThe KidSafe Program.

The KidSafe mission is to help develop safe havens for at-risk inner-city elementary schoolstudents when schools are traditionally closed. The Program keeps schools open during win-ter, spring and summer breaks, providing a nurturing safe haven for nearly 400 inner-city ele-mentary students. For more information, please visit their website at

The Golf Tournament is open to FEI members and their guests as well as Sponsorsand their guests. The format will be a scramble as in previous years. The number of golf-ers is limited, so register early.

FEI Members: Golf & Dinner is $100 plus HST; Dinner only is free

Guests and Sponsors: Golf & Dinner is $150 plus HST; Dinner only is $50 plus HST

Register by March 31, 2011 and have your name entered into an early bird draw for a spe-cial prize. All registrations and payments are due by May 2, 2011.

We will also be holding a reverse draw during dinner. All funds raised by the draw will be do-nated to The KidSafe Project and the winner of the draw will receive a tax receipt for theamount of the donation.

We look forward to you joiningus on May 18 and making thisan enjoyable and successfulday.

Neil HummelChair, FEI Golf Tournament

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Members in the News

Gail Davidson, CA - is Finance Manager, Sales & Marketing for a Johnson & Johnsoncompany, Lifescan which is focused on diabetes care. Gail has worked previously as aSenior Manager, Finance and Strategic Decision Support for BC Hydro and the Director ofAccounting for Sierra Wireless.

Elaine Hirji, CA - is working as a part-time CFO for A2B Fiber Inc., which is a company thatprovides design and construction management for fiber optic networks. Elaine is also doingother consulting engagements after leaving 1-800-Got-Junk.

Colin MacKinnon, FCA – is the Senior Vice President and CFO of BC Automobile Associa-tion (“BCAA”) and was recently conferred the FCA designation by the Institute of CharteredAccountants of BC. Colin has been held his position with BCAA for the past 15 years andjoined FEI Canada back in 1987.

Danley Yip

Golf Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship funds raised, net of expenses, will be for the benefit of The KidSafe Pro-gram. This year there will be three levels of sponsorship; Gold, Silver and Bronze. A Goldsponsorship will be $500, Silver $250 and Bronze $100. FEI Canada members are en-couraged to become a sponsor and can include their sponsorship payment with their reg-istration.

All sponsors will be recognized at the tournament and non FEI member sponsors willhave the opportunity to have promotional materials available at the dinner.

We encourage you to invite your suppliers and customers to sponsor the event. Shouldnon FEI member sponsors wish to enter golfers (golf and dinner $150 plus HST) in thetournament, the following guidelines will apply:

Gold sponsor – sponsor plus up to three guests (foursome)Silver sponsor – sponsor plus up to one guestBronze sponsor – sponsor only

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Brad Bardua, Phone (604) 602-1099 or Email :

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February Event

Our chapter’s latest event was a Luncheon featuring our Chapter Sponsor, Central 1’s ChiefEconomist, Helmut Pastrick. Held on February 17th at the Sutton Place Hotel, attendancewas again strong with almost 75 registrants.

Helmut started by reviewing the state of the world’s economy, in particular China, Europe andthe United States. He then drilled down to Vancouver and the Lower Mainland, with a gener-ally rosy but cautious outlook.

He devoted a significant part of the presentation to topical current issues, particularly theprice of oil, food and the money supply, and the respective risks for inflation and interestrates. Particularly noteworthy was the observation that the upward price pressure from thecurrent drivers of demand will not abate, given that the world is recovering from a reces-sion. Coupled with the inelasticity of supply, prices are likely to increase significantly forthese important commodities.

In his discussion about money supply, Helmut also provided his perspective on the history ofthe financial market crash and how we arrived at where we are today.

It is hard to envy practitioners of the dismal science as many seem to think (or hope) thatthey have a crystal ball. Helmut artfully dodged this while still managing to give us a feelingfor where we are going. Thank you to Helmut Pastrick from Central 1 for providing such a fas-cinating update.

Jeff Shickele

Paul Hollas, Major AccountsExecutive, Central I CreditUnion,

Helmut Pastrick, ChiefEconomist, Central 1 CreditUnion,

Brad Cruickshank, President,Vancouver Chapter FEI

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Date Event Type Detail Location

March 17th, 2011Luncheon Event

Registration: 11:30 amLuncheon: 12:00 pm

Jim Chu, Chief Constableof the Vancouver Police

Chief Jim Chu will talk about crime in Van-couver and explain what drives propertycrime, and the picture of violent crime in theCity, including gang crime. He will provideinformation on crime trends and will high-light recent policing successes. Jim willshare some personal anecdotes and willtalk about policing the Vancouver 2010Olympics. There will be plenty of time leftover for questions from the audience.

Sutton Place845 Burrard Street

Vancouver, BC

March 22nd, 2011National Event

Live Video Broadcast11:30 a.m.

Infrastructure Symposium 2011Funding and Investing

McCarthy TetraultOffice

Suite 1300777 Dunsmuir StVancouver, BC

April 7th, 2011Luncheon Event

Registration: 11:30 amLuncheon: 12:00 pm

David Cobb, President and CEOBC Hydro

BC Hydro’s Financial Future: Finding thebalance between the need for multi-billiondollar annual investments in its aging infra-structure and the pressure to keep electric-ity rates amongst the lowest in North Amer-ica.

Fairmont WaterfrontHotel

900 Canada PlaceWay

Vancouver, BC

April 13th, 2011Breakfast Event

Registration: 7:30 amBreakfast: 8:00 am

KPMGVancouver Chapter Sponsor Presents

Thinking of going public? This event willcommence with a ‘Markets and ExchangeOverview’ presentation by Cindy Gray ofthe TSX, followed by a report from KPMGon the latest developments and a paneldiscussion including a KPMG Audit Partner.

Fairmont WaterfrontHotel

900 Canada PlaceWay

Vancouver, BC

May 18th, 2011 Tee Times starting at 12:00noon

FEI Annual Golf Tournament University Golf Club

FEI VancouverSalutes our Sponsors and


Aon Reed Stenhouse

Chapter Sponsors

Chapter Supporters

Should you be interested in sponsorship or have a recommendation for us tofollow up on, please contact Peter Ballachey by e-mail at:

or by telephone: 604-240-7928

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2011 Chapter Boardof Directors

Brad Cruickshank Chief Financial Officer, Dueck GM400 SE Marine Drive, Vancouver, BCV5X4X2

T: 604-326-7225F: 604-324-4414E:


Peter Ballachey Consultant1254 Bracknell Place, N Vancouver, BCV7R1V5

T: 604-240-7928F:E:

Past President &SponsorshipCommittee Chair

Brad Bardua Chief Financial Officer,Pacific BioEnergy Corporation1509 999 West Hastings StreetVancouver, BC V6C 2W2

T: 604-602-1099F: 604-602-1089E:

Vice President

Danley Yip Division DirectorRobert Half Management Resources724 – 1055 Dunsmuir St, VancouverV7X 1L4

T: 604-688-6393F: 604-687-7533E:

MembershipCommittee Chair

Fabiana Chubbs Treasurer, Eldorado Gold Corporation1188 550 Burrard Street, VancouverV6C 2B5

T: 604-601-6654F:E:

SponsorshipCommittee Director

Issa Nakhleh CFO, Heartforce Medical Inc.Suite 305 - 1818 Cornwall Avenue,Vancouver, V6J 1C7.

T: 604-566-8206F:E:


Alan Wong CFO, Tides Canada2885 W 32nd Ave, Vancouver V6I 2B5

T: 604-647-6611 #235F: 866-780-6611E:


Robert Hibberd PresidentAIS Advanced Inventory Services Ltd.303 1450 Burnaby Street, VancouverV6G 1W7

T: 604-602-9383F: 800-215-6645E:

MembershipCommittee Director

Lynne Fraser2043 Latimer Road, Nanaimo, BCV9S 2W6

T: 250-758-0375F:E:

Newsletter &Communications

Doug Morison2958 Mahon Avenue, N Vancouver, BCV7N 3T1

T: 604-986-8634F:E:

Events CommitteeDirector

Hugh Lindsay President, FMG Financial Mentors GroupInc.2831 W 19th Avenue, Vancouver V6L 1E4

T: 604-732-0366F:E:

FEIsters Chair

Estelle Lo Chief Financial & Administrative Officer,S.U.C.C.E.S.S.28 West Pender Street, VancouverV6H 4G5

T: 604-408-7235F:E:

Events CommitteeDirector

Angela Yap Director, Corporate AccountingAnthem Properties300 – 550 Burrard Street VancouverV6C 2B5

T: 604-488-3604F:E:

Events CommitteeDirector

Jeff Shickele Vice President AccountingAmacon Group300 – 911 Homer St, Vancouver, BCV6B 2W6

T: 604-602-7735F:E:

Events CommitteeChair

Cheryl Yaremko Chief Accounting Officer,British Colombia Hydro & Power Authority

333 Dunsmuir Street, 11th Floor, VancouverV6B 5R3

T: 604-623-4110F:E:

Events CommitteeDirector

Donna Denham Support Services Unlimited102 – 211 Columbia Street,Vancouver, BC V6A 2R5

T: 604-681-0295F: 604-681-4545E:

Chapter Administrator