Presents Peter Bullimore Day 2 9.00am – 4.00pm Workshop 3 Making Sense of Voices A Lived...

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Transcript of Presents Peter Bullimore Day 2 9.00am – 4.00pm Workshop 3 Making Sense of Voices A Lived...


Peter BullimoreDay 2

9.00am – 4.00pm

Workshop 3

Making Sense of Voices A Lived Experience PerspectiveMaastricht Interview Training

Using the Maastricht Interview


• Workers- tell us a interesting fact about yourself

• This questionnaire was originally designed as a research tool to elicit information from people who hear voices. It has proved to be extremely useful in getting a much fuller picture of the shared experiences of voice hearers, and the results have subsequently been used to develop a range of coping strategies that can help voice hearers to come to terms with their experience.

• As a result of using this questionnaire, we discovered that as well as its value for research, it also proved to be a good way of beginning the process of exploring the voice hearing experience for individual voice hearers - and - as a means of developing the confidence of mental health workers who want to work with voice hearers.

• It is important to stress that this questionnaire was developed by voice hearers in partnership with mental health professionals, and that voice hearers are regarded as being the experts and full partners in the process of finding solutions to the difficulties that hearing voices can sometimes cause.

Hearing Voices

• Hearing voices is apparent in 10% of the general population; it is not an illness in itself but one can become ill if one does not control them

• You have to accept the voices are real to the person• The voices are very personal and often related to

trauma• The voices have a message and voices often speak in



• Step 1

• The Interview:

• The interview is a semi-structured questionnaire. To be completed in collaboration with a voice hearer


• Step 2

• Writing the Report:

• The material from the interview is carefully selected, distilled and organised. It is then written up as a report of the voice hearer’s experience.


• Step 3

• Developing the construct:

• Developing a construct is the final step in analysing the relationship between hearing voices and a person’s life history. The main purpose is to try and get an answer to two questions:


• Who do the voices represent?

• What problems in the persons life do the voices represent?

During the Interview

• The interview can trigger emotions to which the voices might react. If this happens it is normal.

• If the voice hearer panics or the voices are very negative, check who the voice hearer can contact in the first 24 hours

• React in a calm way if the voice hearer talks about trauma. Don’t be afraid of it. However do not explore the trauma further at this point. After the interview one can discuss what the voice hearer wants to do about it.

Demographic Data

• It makes sense to start of with this data, particularly if you will be discussing the report within a team. In one or two sentences, you should record the gender, age

• Marital status, family structure, housing condition, education and employment situation of the interviewee. This is just a thumb-nail sketch; do not try to give too much information or it will become confusing.

Most important information per item:

• THE NATURE OF THE EXPERIENCE ITSELF• The emphasis here is on whether or not the voices

are heard (in the head, via the ears or elsewhere.)• Is the voice ego-dystonic (not me) or ego- syntonic

(me) i.e. the persons own voice or thoughts.• Do you have other experiences like music or visions?


• Name, sex and age for the 5/6 most important voices.

• Are the voices positive or negative?• How often do they hear them?• Do they resemble someone they know or have

known?• It is important to remember in this section we are

looking at how the voices speak not what they say


• When did the voice hearer begin to hear voices for the first time? What were the circumstances? (for each voice) it is important to separate the experiences out

• Have the voice/s changed for example from positive into negative and what were the circumstances?

• Follow the list but do not put all the information under this heading some might belong under childhood.


• Certain places, time or activities • Emotions: follow the list• Also notice if there are little or no emotions• Only document current triggers.


• Are the voices positive/negative?• Give examples. It is important to quote what

each voice say’s


• Does the explanation make them feel powerless

• Or does it empower them


• Do they influence their emotions?• Do they impact on their behaviour at

home/work or social situations?• Is the experience positive or negative?


• Do the voices react to the voice hearer?• Are they a protective factor?• Has the relationship changed over time? If

yes how?


• Which coping strategies are successful?• Is it passive or active?• Is it systematic?• Document other strategies not on list


• Was the childhood positive or negative?• Has the voice hearer been bullied?• Neglected, emotionally, physically, sexually



• Has the voice hearer been in hospital care? Which type of care concerning the voices?

• Have they had admissions to a general hospital?


• How many people know about their experience of hearing voices and who can they speak to about it?


• Concerning:

• Voice hearer

• interviewer

Voice hearer might:

• Give too much information

• Talk about things not relevant

• Digress and by doing so take the interviewer away from their own line of thoughts

• Not concentrate on the questions

Interviewer might

• Forget to mention goal of the interviewto understand the experience; look for the relation with the life history

• Lead themselves away from the subject or question asked

• Start therapy during the interview if voice hearer talks about trauma validate the experience but do not expand in this stage

• Be hindered by her/his own prejudices


• Summarise the information given and repeat it back to the voice hearer

• Ask questions until you understand exactly what is meant/ do not assume


• Make a separate heading and make the relevant notes that do not fit into the questions asked

• E.g. If they talk about paranoia we will interview them about this separately

The Report

• The interview should give you a great deal of information about the experience of voice hearing.

• The headings from the interview form the basis of the structure. Voice hearers are not always used to talking about their experiences and are influenced by their voices and emotions.

• Try not let this affect the report, only set down information that each heading requires


The next step in analyzing the relationship between voices and hearer is composing a well-constructed report.

This is an example that has been set out, based on a real report presented by a student followed by our comments. Finally, there is a summary (in italics) of the information that should have been included.

Mrs. D. is divorced and has two children of 11 and 14 years old. The youngest is a girl and the oldest is a boy. She is now 36 years old. She went to a (domestic science school) and after that she did a course in chiropody and would like to be trained as a hairdresser. She is currently unemployed.

Helen Davis

• Always use first names in a report. This is less distancing for the voice hearer, but retains their identity

• Important Information- that she lives on her own and that her children live with their father-should not have been left out

• It is unhelpful to separate age and gender. ‘She has an 11 year old daughter and 14 year old son’ is also easier to remember

• The facts that she followed a chiropody course and that she wishes to be trained as a hairdresser are not relevant


• Helen Davis is 36 years old, divorced and living on her own. She has an 11-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son. They live with their father and stepmother. Helen went to a (domestic science school). She is currently unemployed.


Mrs. D hears one voice. This voice talks continuously, in a demanding tone, and comments on what she does. It is a male voice and Mrs. D guesses his age to be approximately 45. She says that she does not recognise the voice as belonging to anyone she knows. Mrs. D hears the voice inside her head, in-between her ears. She says she knows that the voice is a part of herself, but she experiences it as coming from someone else. The voice does not come in via her ears, but from between her ears. She is able to communicate with the voice. Mrs. D sees blood-ridden, scary images; for example, of a man jumping of a block of flats. She once saw this happen in real life. She also feels a sharp pain in various parts of her body. These experiences do not invariably accompany the voice. Mrs. D says the voice is always present, but not the other sensations. According to Mrs. D, the voice is caused by the anxiety that built up during her marriage. She says she became vulnerable during her marriage.

Nature of experience response

• The following sentences should be cut and included under different headings:

• This voice talks continuously, in a demanding tone, and comments on what she does. It is a male voice and Mrs D guesses his age to be approximately 45. She says that she does not recognise the voice as belonging to anyone she knows’ (belongs under Characteristics of the voices)

• Avoid repetition within a section (‘The voice does not come via her ears etc .)

Nature of experience/ Response

• Helen Davis hears one voice. She hears the voice in her head. She says she knows the voice is a part of herself, but she perceives it as coming from someone else. She is able to communicate with the voice. Helen sees blood-ridden scary images; for example, of a man jumping off a block of flats. She once saw this happen in real life. She also feels a sharp pain in various parts of her body. These experiences do not invariably accompany the voice

Setting the context

• Within the context of an established relationship where possible

• Ensure enough time, can be conducted over several sessions

• Ensure immediate support if required

• Gender sensitive

• Establish short term coping strategies, prior to the interview

• We offer online supervision

Report example

Denise aged 38

The nature of the experience itself

Denise has been hearing voices which are not heard by others and are not sleep related. She describes them as coming out of her ears as well as in her head. She has more recently been able to talk back to them.

Characteristics of the voices

There are three voices she hears – 2 male and one female. Voice 1 – Female voice, hears her daily – at first she was friendly, comforting and protective. After a few years she became annoying, interfering and overprotected. She believes the voice is that of her mother.

Voice 2- Male voice, 20-25years old- occurs daily and is worse at night. Voice is bullying, derogatory and makes sexual comments. This reminds her of her cousin who subjected her to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Voice 3-Male voice, 30 years old, hears daily. Makes critical, aggressive and sexual comments – this reminds her of her ex-husband who subjected her to domestic violence.

The history of hearing voices

Voice 1 – started at age 17 years and emerged at a period in her life when she had her first significant relationship and her partner asked her to move to Scotland with him. It reminded her of her mother and was supportive, encouraging her to make a decision and move on in her life. As she moved into her late 20’s this voice became intrusive and over-protective and began to interfere with her routine.

Voice 2- Male voice which she started to hear in her 20’s. This coincided with a period when she was having marital difficulties. Her husband had become very abusive and aggressive subjecting her to domestic violence. The voice also became aggressive and derogatory.

Voice 3- Started in her 30’s and occurred in a period of her life when her marital difficulties worsened to the stage that she was planning to leave her husband. Although she knew she could not tolerate his abuse she was unsure about leaving him.

What triggers the voices?

Voices are triggered by stress, tiredness, feeling insecure about relationships, feeling low in mood and financial difficulties. They are worse at night and at weekends which coincides with the period when she was subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. They occur just as she goes to bed, particularly as she climbs the stairs and she recognises more heightened physical tension at this time.

What do the voices say?

Positive – Voice 1 “Everything will be ok – I’m here to help – be careful”

Negative – Voice 2 “You are...dirty, sinful, slut, whore, worthless”

Command – Voice 3 “Kill yourself, kill them”

How do you explain the origin of the voices? Denise initially viewed her voices as being explained by the presence of aliens and a government conspiracy and some form of surveillance.

She now understands them to be related to her personal trauma and traumatic experiences.

What impact do the voices have on your way of life?

In her 20’s and 30’s they significantly impacted on her routine, activities and daily life. She was very fearful and felt at risk of harm. At times her fear was so overwhelming that she was admitted in hospital. She now feels a lot calmer and is able to deal with her routine and activities.

Relationship with the voices

Initially her voices were supportive and comforting but later became more intrusive and difficult to tolerate She recalled being very burdened by her traumatic experiences and found her voices also becoming angry and aggressive.

Coping strategies


Has been able to tell the voices to go away and come back at another time when she was less busy. She is also able to listen to people talking even though she hears the voices in social situations.


She begins to ring a friend or listens to music


Exercise helps her to relax. In the past she drank to help distract from the voices. This didn’t help so she stopped doing this.


She described her childhood as initially being ‘normal’. Her mother was a housewife and her father worked long hours and she didn’t see much of him. Described parents as initially supportive but noted an absence of emotional or physical closeness leading to a sense of emptiness. Between the ages of 7-12 her parents took her to her cousin’s house where she was emotionally, physically and sexually abused. This occurred every week for five years. Even though she tried to avoid this through illness (forced vomiting) her parents did not spot what was going on. At this time she thought her parents should have known and been there to keep her safe but they did not. At aged 15 years her behaviour changed and became more challenging. Her relationship with her father became more strained in response to her own behaviour which she is now embarrassed

about due to her being disinhibited and promiscuous. Even in the context of her confused and chaotic relationships she managed to complete 10 GCSE’s. She did not experience or witness any other maltreatment in the family home or amongst friends during her childhood. At the age of 15 years old her cousin (her abuser) died suddenly in a car crash and whilst her family mourned his loss she recalls feeling secretly euphoric and relieved by his death. She felt guilty because she had been wishing him dead for a long time.

Medical History

Denise has had 5 admissions to psychiatric hospitals

Social Network

Husband, knows about the voices but not very supportive

Peter B, knows about the voices and helps her with her voices

Mum& Dad, know about voices not very supportive

Denise construct

When writing a construct try not to use too much information, the aim of the construct is to show the facts and not our interpretations it is also to reduce problems and see the relationship between the history and the voices


Voice 1, Self

Voice 2, Abuser

Voice 3, Ex-husband


Voice 1, Female (Aged 17), mothering changing to over cautious, heard 2-3 times a week

Voice 2, Male (No age), derogatory, heard every night, worse at weekends

Voice 3, Male (Aged 33), angry and aggressive, often voices 2 and 3 will come together at the same time

History of the onset

First voice appeared age 17, after going to Scotland to live with partner who was later to become her husband, this voice was supportive

Voice 2 appeared when the husband started to subject her to domestic violence but voice 2 is the abuser.

Voice 3 started aged 33 after starting a new relationship, she was feeling a little insecure after leaving her husband, and the voice came just before leaving her husband.


Evenings and weekends


Self “Don’t go out it’s not safe”, “It will all be okay”

Abuser and ex-husband Swear words about sex “You’re dirty and sinful”


Absence of emotions from parents, emotional, physical and sexual abuse by her cousin between the ages of 7-12, isolated, threatened by abuser, parents missed it, abuser died when she was 15, her relationship with her parents was emotionally empty.

Construct who the voices areVoices represent the abuser and her ex husband

What they represent

They represent abuse, going to bed, sex in the evenings, sex is a problem (discuss if the above has been worked through)

