Presented By: Ioanna Agelothanasis & Seeba Razak Multiculturalism In Canada.

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Transcript of Presented By: Ioanna Agelothanasis & Seeba Razak Multiculturalism In Canada.

Presented By:Ioanna Agelothanasis

& Seeba Razak

Multiculturalism In Canada


Canada is one of a few democratic societies to capitalize on multicultural principals as a foundation for living together.

Since 1971, multiculturalism has served as an official means for defining government policy and programs.

Although multiculturalism originated to harmonize competing ethnicities, official multiculturalism has been used for many political and economic reasons.

Canada faces the paradox of how to make society safe for diversity, yet safe from diversity – too much or too little diversity can destabilize society.

Applying official multiculturalism is one way of solving the problem of diversity within unity.

Main Point: Official multiculturalism is vital to Canada’s society building commitments, in order to construct a constitutional land that is both diverse and inclusive.


Although there has been much support for multiculturalism, there has been little consensus over definition, attributes or applications.

A metaphor which accurately describes mutliculturalism is that of a kaleidoscope – it recombines elementary pieces into grand configurations, with the twist of a turn.

Therefore, multiculturalism can be defined as “a principal and a practice for engaging diversity as different yet equal” (Fleras & Elliott, 287).

With multiculturalism, a framework is established that promotes the equal participation of minority men and women through the removal of discriminatory institutional barriers.

The concept of multiculturalism remains poorly theorized, with the following issues that need to be addressed:

Is multiculturalism about similarities or differences?

Is multiculturalism about diversity or disadvantage?

Is multiculturalism about culture-conscious equality or culture-blind equality?

Is multiculturalism about promoting cultural identity, social equality, or national interest?



As Fact

Multiculturalism makes an empirical statement about what is. It states the obvious.

Most countries are made up of people who are ethnically diverse, of different races, and who speak, think and act differently.

Recent immigration patterns suggest that Canada will continue to be diverse, in terms of ethnic demographics, which enforces multiculturalism as a fact.

As Ideology

Multiculturalism as an ideology refers to what ought to be. It describes a preferred course of thought on how people should behave and how society should be organized.

There are several assumptions:1)Belief that people are more than

individuals, but also social beings who’s well being depends on shared identity.

2)Multiculturalism does not dismiss diversity as contrary to the goals of national unity or soci-economic progress.

3)Multicultural ideals build upon the principals of cultural relativism.

4)Multiculturalism is based on the notion that all people of a cultural background will have tolerance for other cultures.

As Policy

Multiculturalism is an alternative policy option that can provide a blueprint for living together. Multicultural ideas are transformed into programs and practices. From 1971 to today, multiculturalism has evolved to a point where it is a huge part of Canada’s national identity. A civic multiculturalism is focused on building Canada by promoting a commonly shared citizenship – a sense of belonging without forsaking the differences that enrich and empower. Official multiculturalism has evolved over time, but it’s focus has remained the same – to remove discriminatory barriers in order to integrate minority men and women into society.

Only the means to achieve official multiculturalism has change – a focus on ethnicity gave way to an equity focus and now there is a civic focus.

As Practice

Multiculturalism as an ideology is not always implemented in a way that coincides with policy principles.

Multiculturalism as practice:Refers to multiculturalism as practice on two levels: Political Minority

Canada’s governing apparatus relied on multiculturalism to fulfill many legitimating functions concerning: National unity Economic prosperity Electoral survival

The initiation of official multiculturalism hopes to establish the new myth of Canada as being a land of opportunity for all Canadians.Thus, they are promoting unity, which ideally can be viewed as a reflection of national security.

Multiculturalism enhances Canada’s sales image.

For minorities: They see multiculturalism as a practical way of attaining their goals.

As Critical Discourse

Multicultural discourse: Challenge, resist, and transform the distribution of cultural power in society.

Critical multiculturalism challenges the authority and legitimacy of the status quo by testing the existing distribution of power and privilege.


Multiculturalism is known as a modernist project.

Tension evolved instead of the original plan of assisting Canada’s newcomers.

Tension: supporters of multiculturalism vs. those who retreat from the hope of imposing more government on “an unsuspecting public”.

There are many different public opinions on multiculturalism.

Some offer support, some reject it, and some are in between

Those with an ambiguous opinions do not entirely understand what multiculturalism is trying to do, and what exactly its motives are.

Some surveys have been distributed on multiculturalism. Although the majority supports it, surveys still show the ambiguity of the results:

Supporting multiculturalism mirrors some confusion

Multiculturalism is considered as a principle or a demographic fact, but not as a government program or an official policyPeople still confuse the two surveys

Support ≠ Enthusiasm It is agreed that multiculturalism makes Canadian society more interesting Yet, multiculturalism is accepted as a reality to tolerate, not as an ideal to follow “tolerate” is they key word

Support is conditional

Multiculturalism is only accepted by Canadians if costs are low and demands are reasonable.

Their support branches out from an ethical standpoint

Willing to: assist newcomers to Canada; help remove discriminatory barriers; promote tolerance

But what about giving up power?

Multiculturalism is also acceptable in terms that everyone has a right to his/her own culture in Canada. Approved when learning about multiculturalism is thought of as a way of learning about other cultures.

However, this support diminishes as tensions evolve

Tensions due to inner contradictions that cause friction among Canadians of different backgrounds.

Multiculturalism is thus rejected if it: erodes Canada’s sense of national identity challenges authority and core values encourages separation and division

or if it is set on criticizing the mainstream

Support or Rejection is Selective Dependent on which side of multiculturalism Canadians agree on: Tolerating diversity / Accepting pluralism Diminishment of support when employment equity and immigration policy come into play Again, it’s the question of giving up power


Official multiculturalism is unevenly supported across Canada

Example: no enthusiasm is seen from Quebecois or First Nations

Multiculturalism is perceived as something that undermines their special status as primarily autonomous communities in exchange for a diminished immigrant status.

Although they share Canada’s sovereignty, Aboriginals and Quebecois still consider themselves to be self-governing communities, sovereign in their own right.

Scholarly views

Gina Mallet: Multiculturalism is a good idea, but went too far. Emphasizes differences rather than on what citizens actually have in common. Argues that this eventually sets Canadians against one another.

Robert Fulford Sees it as a bad idea:

“automatic classification of citizens according to race and ancestry”.

Critics: left, right, middle, conservatives, moderates, new Canadians:

Left: Sees multiculturalism as ineffective except as a “mantra” politicians use, in order to gain the public’s attention.Right: Multiculturalism is seen as a costly drain on resources that runs the risks of eroding national unity. Middle: Multiculturalism is simply an “ideological indoctrination”, but whose “social control functions” are still inseparable from society building.

In addition, it is seen as a great principle, but involves more than sharing economic space

Conservatives: attack multiculturalism for weakening core values

Moderates: Multiculturalism as a good theory, but there is still difficulty in forging unity from diversity

New Canadians: Multiculturalism marginalizes them in the sense that their status in Canada is “otherized”

Fleras sees multiculturalism as “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (300).

Almost argues that multiculturalism can be good or bad depending on the context and criteria.

Can also be good and bad simultaneously Can be both liberating yet marginalizing Unifying et divisive Inclusive yet exclusive

The challenge of the minorities: in order to succeed, and improve access and participation, they must undergo “assimilation consequences”.

The same way ethnicity can empower and divide depending on a particular frame of reference, multiculturalism can enhance yet detract in the same way.

Multiculturalism: Clearing up the Myths

Myth: multiculturalism is ineffective.Truth:

Multiculturalism doesn’t have the resources to make these changes As a policy alone, it cannot eliminate discrimination and racism An environment must be created where people must address minority disadvantages

Myth: Multiculturalism divides/ghettoizes minorities.Truth:

The main goal of multiculturalism is to create a sense of inclusiveness in society by “constructively engaging diversity though sharing, interaction, and participation”.

Fleras’ analogy: it is better to build bridges than to erect walls.

Multicultural policies encourage ethnic groups to achieve greater social cohesion and mutual respect by working together than standing apart.

Myth: Multiculturalism is about cultures.Truth:

Only on the superficial level does multiculturalism celebrate cultures. However, it is more about discrimination and advantages

Promotes equal participation without letting racial and ethnic differences stand in the way. The main goal is to deconstruct prejudice.

Myth: Multiculturalism is for “Ethnics Only”.Truth:

The goal of multiculturalism goes beyond targeting minorities

The real problem? Immigrants are willing to integrate, but The “mainstream move” is not willing to make space

The mainstreams needs to change its attitudes in order for multiculturalism to work In sum, the mainstream needs to be made more inclusive

Myth: Multiculturalism undermines Canadian Society Truth:

Multiculturalism is tightly linked to Canada-building functions Not solely about celebrating differences, but about improving fairness for integration of immigrants

“Multiculturalism has proven a beacon of tolerance in a largely intolerant world” ( Fleras, 303).

“Tolerance’” Why tolerate? Because multiculturalism is a policy of necessity if not for choice in changing society’s barriers Attempts of juggling the competing demands of minority groups with national interests


True multiculturalism would contest the line that defines tolerability by challenging the monoculturality within existing laws, institutions, values, and policies.

Multiculturalism recognizes culture as key in shaping behaviors

Fleras notes that to withhold recognition of a people’s culture is equivalent to robbing them of the symbolic order necessary for survival. Culture can be viewed as a blueprint for behavior, but as a conceptual framework, it is entirely socially constructed.

The End


Fleras, A. & Elliott, J.L. (2003). Multiculturism in Canada. In, Unequal Relations: An Introduction to Race and Ethnic Dynamics in Canada (pp. 283-308) Toronto: Prentice Hall

Thank You to all who listened and participated


© 2005 Naseeba Razak